Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 15, 1915, Page 15, Image 15
HEME'S WHERE YOU'LL FIND TIE PEOPLES' MARKET PLACE Don't Gef on Your Just because you lost it is no sign that you'll never see it again. On the contrary, the chances are 96 per cent, in your favor! Nearly every finder in Harrisburg reads Telegraph LOST £nd FOUND ADS. Most finders are honest. Leave it to Telegraph LOST and FOUND to make you happy again. Phone Bell 2040 Cumberland 203. DIED | MONN Josiali Monn died at his home, j 1601 North Third street, January 16, 11115, aged 71 years and 20 days. The funeral services will be held | < from his late home on Monday after- j noon. January 18, 1915, at 2 o'clock, |- which will he private. Burial in the j Harrisburg Cemetery. Please omit flowers. I , IN MEMORIVM IN sad but loving memory of our 1 dear husband and father, Charles B. I ■ Carman, who departed this life so sud denly, January 15, 1913. MRS. MAHY CARMAN AND CHIL.- i ; DREN. ! ' FOUND FOUND —A place without trying. Careful cleaning—best of dyeing —• | Where? At Eggert's Steam Dyeing \ and French Cleaning Works 1245 Mar- j ket street. Call either phone. We de liver and call. j HELP WANTED —Male * MEN WANTED to become practical j chauffeurs and mechanics. As opportu nity affords students will be given | chance while learning to earn 300 an j hour on overhauling work. Make ap- j plication at once. Special course for ladies. Day and night schools. Auto | Transportation School and Machine j Shop. 5-7 North Cameron street. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN j WANTED. Ablebodied, unmarried men 1 between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of ' I'nitcd States, of good character and temperate habit?, who can speak, read and write the English language. Fur information apply to Recruiting Officer. Bergner Building. 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg; 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster; 1 ."53 Pine S'., Wiiiiamsport; 37 W. Mar- ' kot St.. York, or 113 Independence St., ShamokSn. Pa WANTED—Barber. Apply at once. ' Ix>chiel Hotel Barber Shop. WANTED Railway Mall Clerks; Harrisburg Mail Carriers. $G5.00 to $l5O month, llarrisburg examinations i coming. Sample questions and full de scription free. Franklin Institute, ' Dept. 361-A, Rochester, N. Y. Civil* SERVICE EX A MI.VAT IONS held soon. Railway Mail Clerks; P. O. Clerks and Cavriers; Stenographers. ' Private and individual tutorlpg at rea sonable rates. Address Tutor, P. O. Box 431. Harrisburg. WANTED Three neat-appearing young men, to travel, between the ages of 18 and 22 years. Apply be tween B and 8 this evening. See Mr. Battersby, Columbus Hotel. WANTED—An energetic, ambitious, active man to establish permanent business. Health and Accident Insur ance. Immediate cash returns and fu- . ture. Address National Casualty Com pany, Detroit, Mich. WANTED Man to take charge of an established tea and coffee route, at once; salary and commission proposi tion; must be able to furnish bond and good reference. Only married men considered. A live wire can earn $25 or S3O per week. Apply Jewel Tea Co., 269 Broad street. AGENTS WANTED WANTED Agents, men or women, to sell to the consumer. Experienced canvassers preferred. Good salary guaranteed. Address R., 1437, care of Telegraph. lIEI,I* WASTED—I omale HARRISBURG SHORTHAND SCHOOL. Stands for lndividual Instruction. Best known methods in teaching. Real touch typewriting. A personal interest in each student. My guarantee—To prepare students for good positions. To aid them in securing employment. Tuition will be charged for 7 months only. Free after that time. Free trial. 31 North Second street. WANTED Reliable, middle-aged woman for general housework; best ref erence required. Apply to Mr. Myers, care of Myers Mfg. Co., Third and Cum berland street, above Miller's Shoe Store. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Middle-aged man de sires position In office, or any light work inside: small wages. Address R., 1426. care of Telegraph. » ■ WANTED Colored man desires po sition around store or house; can give reference. Call, or address, 520 Brown avenue. Beautiful Country Home Grand River View Klevatlon of one hundred «nd fifty feet. Five minute*' wnlk from Northern Central Railway Station at Golds boro. For sale at reasonable price. FULL PARTICULARS UPON APPLICATION Miller Bros. & Neefe f, Bl^ ) t * FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 15, 1915. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Middle-aged woman de sires position as managing or working housekeeper, or companion to invalid or elderly lady. Mrs. K. D. Wagner, llummelstown, Pa. WANTED White woman desires (lay's work of any kind. Call, or ad dress, 907 Sarah avenue. WANTED Colored woman desires position as cook or dishwashing In the city. Call, or address, 616 State street. WANTED A sober, intelligent and confident, married, young man, 24 years of age, wishes position of any .tind. Call, or address, 1717 Hunter street. WANTED Young woman desires general housework. Call, or address, i»4O Schuylkill street. WANTED Position driving tour ing car, preferrably a Ford. Address Box 86, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED By colored woman, gen eral housework. Address S., 1432, care of Telegraph. WANTED A practical nurse, with hospital experience, wants nursing of any kind, or caring for an invalid. Ad dress Box L, 1433, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young lady, with type writer, wants work of any kind, letter writing and envelope addressing. Ad dress .lean, care of Telegraph. WANTED - Married woman desires position at general housework, or work of any kind—work by the day or week. Address Box 1439, care of Telegraph. WANTED - By young lady, posi tion as stenographer, or general office work; has had four years' experience; can furnish best of references. Ad dress M., 14 12, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored girl wants work doing general housework. Ad dress 1426 Marwn street. WANTED Ydung widow, with baby two years old, wishes position as housekeeper for widower or aged couple. Address 107 Washington street, care of Mrs. Whiteman. WANTED Young lady desirei po sition as stenographer; experienced in general office work; reference. Ad dress J., 1434, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young colored woman wants place as cook In private family. Address 1229 Apple avenue. WANTED Neat, young, white wo man desires position at general house work, or day's work; can furnish ref erence. Address 8., 1435, care of Tele graph. WANTED—Young woman (colored), first-class laundress, desires a position. Cull, or address, 606 Filbert street. WANTED Young lady, with ex perience, wants position to do general office work. Address H. K., 174". South Twenty-first and One-Half street. STENOGRAPHER Young woman, experienced, capable, good address, spelling and composition strong points, knowledge of life insurance accounting and banking desires nositlon as typist and general office clerk; unquestionable references. Address 8., 1427, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young girl desires gen eral housework, or to keep house for widower. Call, or address, 814 North Third street. WANTED By w.,ite woman, day's work for Tuesdays, Wednesday and Fridays. Mrs. A. Ross, 429 Broad street. Phone 28R. Situation Wanted—Male and Female WANTED Man and wife want work, woman for general housework, and man to work around house. Apply 141 Linden street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Beautiful new brick houses on Second and Third streets, Rlvorslde. Steam heat and all other modern Improvements. Prices, $2,800 to $4,700. Easy terms. E. Moesleln, 424 State street; Lewis M. Neiffer, 222 Mar ket street. OUR JANUARY BARGAIN SALE 18 ACRES: frame buildings; one fourth mile from Brandtsville Station; 225 Fruit Trees; some in bearing: pos session April 1. 1915. Price. $1,200.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO., i Second and Walnut Streets. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE No. 214 Crescent Street —three-story brick house 8 rooms— bath gas furnace porch ce mented cellars lot. 18x160. Particu lars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing- FOR SALE—I3I2 North Third street; three-story brlvk; nine rooms and bath; 20x150 ft., with two-story frame facing on Susquehanna street; newly painted; excellent condition. Phone 7 62J. FOR SALE Farrn of 02 acres, situ ated in Wheatfield Township, Perry County, Pa., 3% miles north of Dun cannon, Pa.; 150 fruit trees, peach and apple, on the farm, and spring water in the house. Price, $1,600. Call on, or address, H. V. Lukens, Duncannon, Pa. R. D„ 4. 1 12,700 WILL. BUY a 3-story brick house on Allison l.'.U; S rooms; bath; gas; electric light; porch; furnace. Only 9300 needed. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. OUR JANUARY HAIUiAIN SALE 1940 Green St. reduced $200.00. 153 Paxton St. reduced SIOO.OO. 155 Paxton St. reduced SIOO.OO. N. E. Cor. Bowman Ave. and Chestnut St., Camp Hill, reduced $250.00. BRINTON-PACICER CO., Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE Property and garage, Fifteenth and Market. One of the best propositions on Hill, with chance to sell for high price in a short time. Lo cated in the business center. Address Box 30, Harrisburg. NO. 1345 NORTH STREET 3-story frame house; 8 rooms; bath; gas; fur nace; porch; lot, 21x90 to wide drive alley. Inspect it. Price right. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN! Or will exchange for improved city property, an imposing 14- room 40x40 ft. Colonial suburban residence. All improvements; porch, 10 ft. wide, 70 ft. long. Lot, 118x200 ft. Shrubbery; 6 kinds of fruit, in bearing. Trolley near; 12 minutes and one fare from Market Square. Call Bell phone No. 3048 L. HEAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT—Storeroom, 1200 North Third street; from April Ist; special price. 33x100, 9x14 show windows. Apply J. S. Siblc, 250 Herr street. FOR RENT—IS4O North Fifth street; three-story brick dwelling; all conveni ences; iroiit and bacK porcnes. inquire at 109 Boas. FOR RENT 1956 Swatara street; 8 rooms and bath; front anu back porcnes; all nuWiy painted ana paper ed; rent, sls. Immediate possession, inquire I' 9 North Sixteenth sireel. FOR RENT 585 Showers street; two-story mansard root house; 8 rooms unit hall; water inside; pave wash out side; desirable location; sll per month. UeVVitt Fry, 313 South Front street. FOR RENT—One brick house; three stories; all improvements; possession at once. Inquire 320 Srescent street. FOR RENT Two-story frame house, 321 South Fifteenth street; rent, $12.0u monthly; .> rooms. Inquire uau pnin Deposit Trust Co. FOR RENT lBll Swatara street- Eight rooms; all Improvements; large yard; coal and gas ranges; side porcn. inquire H. K Aistrtz, 30* market. FOR RENT April 1, three-story brick house, 411 North Second street; nine rooms and bath; javatory on third lioor; city steam; electric light; rear and side entrance. Apply 3uk North second street. FOR HEVI' Apartment $27.00 No. 1821 Market St 25.00 No. 53b S. Seventeenth St 20.00 No. 119 Royal Terrace 18.00 No. f>36 S. sixteenth St IV.OO No. 101'J S. 21 Ms St, 12.0U No. 2005 N. seventh St 10.00 No. 124 Naglc St 10.00 No. 1241 N. Cameron St 7.00 No. ill 2 N. Third street, store room 20.00 J. E. UIPPLE, 1251 Market St. FOR RENT lBl2 Zarker street; new three-story brlcK; gas and elec tricity; all improvements; tront and back porches. Apply at above address. FOR RENT Two-story brick house; 8 rooms and bath; all improve ments; nice front porch; In line condi tion; hot air furnace. Rent, SIB.OO. 528 South Sixteenth street. FOR RENT 124 State street. Ap ply at same address. FOR RENT New ten-room brick houses; all conveniences; laundry; vapor heat; porches and yards. Appiy to MacWlUlams Construction Co., 2150 North Fifth street. i FOR RENT Houses with all improve ment* at moderate rentals. J. E. lilppte, 1251 Market street. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO RENT A small Truck Farm of about fifteen acres, close to train or trolley, within about rive miles of Hershey or Palmyra. Address H., care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET Sec ond floor housekeeping apartments l: 'e rooms with kitchenettes and baths modern improvements—elec tric lights gas city steam jani tor service. Apply at above address. FOR RENT Furnished apartments, two or lour rooms; rent reasonable; all conveniences. Apply before t> o'clock, 621 North Second street, after 6 o'clock, 518 North Second street. Bell phone. MacDANIELS APARTMENTS—House keeping turnished complete one large alcove room bay window small kitchen, gas range, stationary wash tub private meter, bell, mall box. Reference exchanged. 141 V Mar ket street. Phone 897 J. FOR RENT An apartment, three rooms and bath, coal and gas range, gas and eleptric lights, $15.0u montluy. Applv Mehrlng's Liquor Store, f,ixth and Muench. Bell phono 2671, United 703 Y. FOR RENT Apartment, steam heat, all conveniences, corner Third and Herr streets. Apply 284 Herr street. APARTMENTS WANTED APARTMENT WANTED Of two or three rooms, for housekeeping, fur nished or unfurnished. In desirable lo cation, with private family state terms. Address D., 1440, care of Telegraph. FURNISHED, housekeeping apart ment wanted for man, wife and two children. Address A., 1431, care of Telegraph Office. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT One furnished room in good location; steam heat; all conveni ences. Inquire 1102 Green street. LARGE, well-lighted, furnished rooms, single or ensulte; city steam; use lof phone. Call 71!) North Sixth street, or Bell phone CIUR. I WANTED Man and wife for nicely i furnished front room; private family; residence district; references. Phone \ 'J63W. _ I FOR RENT One furnished room, i also two unfurnished rooms for rent; tine of bath; private family; gentlemen preferred. Call, or address, Mrs. G. Grlsslngcr, 518 South Fifteenth street. ROOMS FOR BENT FOR RENT—Large, front room; cen tral location; all conveniences; use of phone. Apply 209 State street. ' FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with private baths, for gentlemen; electric light and hot water heat; central loca tion, near Capitol; private family. Bell phone 2088. ROOM FOR RENT—Third floor front furnished or unfurnished—all Im provements use of phone. Bell, 2188 W. or address A. E. B„ care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. TWO, three or four unfurnished rooms for rent, with hot and cold water, range and bathroom, on second floor. Use of phone. Meltzer, 613 Wal nut street. FOR RENI V Nicely furnished rooms, with use or phone and bath. Call at No. 266 Herr street. FOR REXT Two communi cating second floor rooms May be rented singly or ensuite. Fine location. Use of bath and tele phone. Apply 203 State street. FOR RENT Well-furnished rooms, with board, about one square from main entrance to Capitol; electric lights a»id city steam heat. 513 North Second street. NICELY FURNISHED second-story front room, wit hboard; all conveni ences; use of phone. Apply 411 Wal nut street. FOR RENT Three furnished i rooms and private bath. Private family. City steam heat and use of phone. Cen trally located, near Capitol. Call Bell phone 2017 W. FOR RENT Two communicating rooms —second iloor—use of bath and telephone. Will be rented singly or ensuite. Mrs. W. J. George, 203 Kelker street, City. | FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite; all conveniences, in cluding phone. Apply 236 North Sec ond street. K( >OM S WANTED WANTED Young lady wants fur nished room, near downtown district, with privilege of preparing breakfaHt in room; references, if desired. Ad dress, giving location, terms, etc., Box 1429. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE FOR SALE At a Reduction, a lot | good Auto Robes, Rugs, Blankets and Stable Blankets. Fine line Trunks, Suitcases, Bags and leather Goods. Special attention to all kinds of re pairing. 1-larrisburfc Harness and Sup ply Co., Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE At Gable's, 111-117 S. i Second St., 5,000 Sets New Sash, Sxlox 12 L, primed and glazed, at sl.l!> pet set. Also all regular sizes. FOR SALE At Gable' 3, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 6,000 gallons New Era, ready mixed paint. Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE Brooder house, 4x6; fireless brooder; Prairie State lncuba- i tor, 100-egg machine, gas or oil; feed ! box, fountain sprays and can. and 27 t White Wyandotts, line stock. Com- I plete, $60.00. I. W. Tillman, Lemoyne I Bridge, Lemoyne, Pa. FOR SALE —An old-established {'rug! business for sale. Location in central I part oi business section. Terms rea- | sonable. Address F., 1428, care of Tele- j graph. FOR SALE Ford Model T touring car, in good shape; also touring and [ roadsters of other makes at bargain ' prices. E. W. Shank, Central Garage, 334 Chestnut street. FOR 43ALE Fish box, in fine con dition; reasonable price. Apply 512 Market street. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE —Rebuilt, in tine condition; sloo.oo value; for quick sale, $50.00. Apply 814 North Third street. FOR SALE Fine collection of Vle trola Records, in good condition; sold singly or any number one-third off list ed price; 200 Red Seal and others. 230 West State street. Bell phone 686 R. DOG FANCIERS I HAVE several pedigreed English Bulldog puppies for sale. Investigate. Bell phone 3227 R. Chas. Blair, 31a Hamilton street. FOR SALE One Studebaker De livery Cur—s2so. Hentz-Landis Auto Co., 1808 Logan street.,' NEW LICENSE has been gotten to sell Butterine. Special sale for two weeks—One lb.. 19c; live lbs., Usc. Baturine & Co., Broad Street Market, Stand No. 189. FOR SALE Cigar store and pool room, centrally located. Address No. 1445, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Twenty pairs pigeons, Maltese and Homer cross for squab breeding. All working. R. C. Bair, 2317 Sixth street. PUBLIC SAI.E JANUARY 19, 1916, at Fort Hunter Hotel S head «>f dairy cows, some with calves; others close being fresh; all No. 1 cows. Also 4 pairs of shoats | and 1 head of mules, sound and light; j will suit for all kinds of work, heavy or light. Sale at 2 o'clock, when terms j will be made known by J, O. BAKER. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS unserviceable ar ticles of police equipment will be ex posed for sale on February 2, 1915, at the store room of the Department of State Police, Capitol Building. Harris bur" Pa. Lists of articles may be had on application to Department of State Police. Bids should he submitted in writing on the entire lot. Address Superintendent State Police, P. O. Box 677. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Up-to-date retail store. Will bear close investigation. Can show a $2,000.00 profit clear per vear. Owner leaving city. A bargain 'if sold at once. $2,500.00 cash re quired. Address R., 1441, care of Tele graphy ; AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE Second hand touring Mitchell automobile; fully equipped; in first-class condition; fore door body; new tires; 1910 model. In quire Harry J. Shoeley. Mechanicsburg Auto Shop. 629 West Main street. Me chanicsburg, Pa. , FOR SALE CARUti on sale at til* Telegraph Business office. FOR SALE A 1914 Ford Touring car—as good as new —with extra equip ments. Inquire of 116 West Main street. Palmyra, Pa. CALKS FOR SALE At Gable's, 111-117 S. Second street, Red Tip. Ring Point, Blizzard, Rowe Junior. Can't Slip, Giant Grip and Always Sharp Calks. FOR SALE Must raise money quick. Will sell my upright mahogany piano for $90.00 cash. Elegant tone. High-grade make. Call United phone 633Zj. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be aecured at the Telegraph Buaineaa Office. FOR SALE l2 metal hog troughs, 8 ft. long; 75 five-hole locust posts, suit able for board or rail fence. Bell phone 3449R, or P. O. Box 97, New Cumber land, Pa. GLASS window signs, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE One Packard touring car, in good condition—price. $500.00. One Columbia, $500.00. Apply Pen brook Oarage. Penbrook. Pa. FOB BENT FOR RENT l>arge store room, with cellar, .at 1423 Derry street. Inquire at 1423 or 1425 Derry street. FOR RENT Office in Commercial Bank Building, first floor front. Rent. $25.00 per mouth. Can be used «a an office or small store room REAIi ESTATE For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE On a small farm, two-story frame house, five rooms and bath, finished attic, hot water heat, electric lights, front and back porches, lot. OOxloo ft. deep to a 20ft. alley, with carpenter shop, auto garage, ehickenhouse, ten bearing peach trees, eight grapevines, fine con dition, located one mile above city lim its along Koekvllle car line. Price on Inquiry. C. W. Gelbapgh, R. F. D., No. 2, Harrisburg, Pa. BEAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Porch house, on Green or Second street, rent, $25.00 to $30.00. Responsible party will take three-year lease. Address P. O. Box 704, Harris ———————— WANTED WANTED Experienced Trucker, on shares, two miles from city. Will give one, two or three acres, furnish all manure wanted, plow the ground for same. Will also give garden 76x100 ft. to same party, if wanted. Bell phone 3449 R. r. O. Box 97, New Cumberland. WANTED I have a good barber shop, modernly equipped, in good loca- I tion. Will rent or take a good barber to run It. Apply Cave Pool Room, 221 Market street. WANTED TO BUY A second hand Ford Touring Car. 1914 or 1915 model. State lowest, cash price and condition of car. Address Box 1446, care of Telegraph. GLASS WINDOWS will be placed in auto curtains while you wait. C. A. Fair Carriage and Auto Works. BOARDERS WANTED BOARDERS WANTED Private . family; good table; all home privileges; 'warm, comfortable rooms; phone. Call 20 North Sixteenth street. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED WANTED Rooms and board or housekeeping apartments, furnished preferred, in Harrisburg or suburbs; family of four, two adults and two 1 children. Send full particulars to Box I. 1144, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORI UNITIES 1 MADE $60,000 in Ave years In the i tnall order business, began with sa. I Send for free booklet. Telia how. Ilea cock. 355 Luckport, N. Y. CASH GROCERY STORE FOR. SALE —Good will, stock and fixtures —doing fair business—reason for selling, leav ing city. Price reasonable. Apply 610 Maclay street. Restaurant for Sale. Cheap to quick buyer. On main street j doing fair business. Apply Hap j pic & Schwartz, Real Estate |.\gents, Mechanicsburg, I'a. FOR SALE Well equipped Sea [' Food Store. Only one of its kind in a thriving Pennsylvania town. Price reasonable. Chas. E. Hoke, 401 Trust Building. Chambersburg, Pa. FOR SALE Manufacturing plant, established many years ago, doing a strictly cash business. Only one of Its kind in city. Will be sold reasonably, as quick sale Is desired. Close investi gation invited. K., 1988, care of Tele graph. ANY intelligent rerson can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Prcsa Syndicate. 798. Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PEIiSONALS P.EPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with beat material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. A N. Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling nair iry Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market •treet, Harrisburg, Pa. Telcphoue orders given prompt attention. BeU 1860. WEATHER STRIPS ln order to Introduce our Grooved. Side Strips for doors and windows, vill sell you 104 feet for $2.00, regular price $8.32, and our automatic Bottom Strips at 60 cents each. Call at S. W. Hoist's, Wash- I ington avenue, Lemoyne, Pa. OLD GOtiD AND SILVER, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry bougiit for high est cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone 631 J. HA 11LINO 11, w. LATHE. Ilourdlnic Stabl' aad National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul- I ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Beii phone No. ! 2503IL_ >>> _ > _ CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS i I DESIRE to thank the friends and neighbors, l'eaco and Plenty Eouge, No. 69, 1. O. U. I'"., Jr. O. U. A. M., No. 3, for their kindness extended to me during the Illness and death of my departeu husband, James H. Johnson. MRS, M. A. JOHNSON. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit oorrower. Address P. u. Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. LOAN 9--$6 to ??00 for noneat work ing people wlthnuv bank credit at leas than legal rate*, yayable ill instalment* to suit borrowers convenience. Cooperative Loan and Inveatment Co. 204 Chestnut Street. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise, pii vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cents per month. Apply t>. Couper A Co., ell liroad street. Both chouea. STORAGE IX 3-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply lu P. v. Dlener, Jeweler, Ins Market Ist. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely fireproof divided into fire proof private rooms of various sizes for the storage of household goods; the other warehouse of the most approved type of fire retardent construction for | general merchandise. They are equip ped with two large electrlo freight ele vators and spiral chute for the quick and safe handling of household goods and all kinds of merchandise. Low storage rales. South Second street near Paxton. on the tracks of Penna. R. R CHICAGO CATTLE By /issociatcd Press Chicago. 111., Jan. 15. Hogs Re ceipts, 28,000; Steady. Bulk of sales, $6.6506.85; light, $6.5606.90; mixed, $6.5506.90; heavy, $6.50®#.90; rough, $6,501# 6.60; pign, $5.25 ft/'6.80. Cattle Receipts, 2,000; steay. Na tive steers, $5.6609.40; westers. s4.' 7.50; cos and heifers, $3.2508.10; calves, $7.50©10.50. Sheep —Receipts, 12.000; slow. Sheep, $5.6506.30; yearlings, $6.6007.45; lambs, $6.650 8.35. THE MARKETS NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by H. M. Snavely New York, Jan. 15. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 28% 28% 28 28% Amal Cop . 55% 55% 54% 55 Am Bt Bug :i4 % 34% 34% 34 % Am Can .. 29% 30% 29»/4 30% AmC&F. 4KU 46% 46% 46% Am Cot Oil 43% 44% 43 % 44 % Am Ice Sec 23% 2 4 23% 23% Aitt Loco .. 27% 27% 27 27 % Am Smelt. 59% 60 59% 60 Am T & T. 118% 118% 118% 118% Anaconda . 26'/. 26% 26% 26% Atchison .. 94% 94% 94% 94% B&• O 72 72 71 % 71% Beth Steel. 51% 52% 51% 52% Bklyn RT. 85% 85% 85% 85% Can Pacific 159 161 158% 160% Cent l/eath 3 5 35% 35 35% C & O 43 43 43 43 C. M&StP 88 88% 87% 88% C Con Cop. 34 34% 33% 34% Col F & I 23% 25 23% 25 Con Gin . 118% 120% 118% 120% Corn Prod. 9 % . 9 % Dis Sec . 10% 10% 19% 10% Erie 21% 22% 21% 22% Erie, Ist pf. 34 34% 33% 34% G Elec Co 144% 144% Goodrh BF 29% 32 29% 32 Gt Nor pfd. 114% 114% 114% 114% In-Met ... 10% 10% 10% 10% In-Met pfd. 50% 50% 50 50 Lehigh Val 133% 134 133% 134 Mex Petro. 51 54 51 54 M, K&Tpf 6% 10% 6 % 9 % Nev C C.. 12% 12% N Y Cen .. 88% 88% 88% 88% NY.NH4 H 53% 53% Nor & West 104% 104% Nor Pas .. 101% 101% 101% 101% Pac Mail . 20% 20% 20 20 PR R ... 105% 105% 104% 105 Peo G & G 120% 120% Pgh Coal . 18% 18% Pgh C pfd. Ex dlv 1% per cent. Press S Car 35% 36% 35% 35% R C Copper 16% 16% 16% 16% Reading .. 147 147% 146% 147% R I &S . . 20% 20% RI & S pfd 76% 76% So Pacific. 85 85% 84% 85% So Rwy .. 15.% 15% Tenn Cop'r 31% 30% 31% 31% Texas Co . . 133% 134 133% 134 Un Pacific. 118% 119% 118% 119% TJ S Rubber Ex div 1 % per cent. U S Steel.. 51% 51% 50% 51% IT S S pfd. . 107% 108 107% 108 Utah Cop'r 51% 52 50% 51% Va C C .. . 18 18 West Md... 15% 16% 15% 16% West TJ T.. «0% 61 V 4 Co',B 60 % West Mfs . 72 % 72 % PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE: Hy Associated Press Philadelphia, .lan. 15. Wheat Higher; No. 2, red, spot, export, $ 1.-4H 1.16: No. 1, Northern, Uuluth, export, $1.51® 1.51. Corn Higher; No. 2, spot, export, 77c. ' Oats Higher; No. 2, white, 58%© 59c. Bran Easier: winter, per ton, $28.50@29.50; spring, per ton, $27.004j/ : 27.50. i Refined Sugars Market firm; i powdered, 5.05 c; line granulated, 4.95 c; | confectioners' A, 4.85 c. [ Butter The market is steady; western, creamery, extras, 340; nearby i prints, fancy. 37c. i Eggs The market is lower; i Pennsylvania and other nearby lir-n. I free cases. $12.00 per case: do., current receipts, free cases, $11.40 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, ■ $12.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases, J $11.40 per case. ! Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 13 @ | 15c; old roosters, 10@40%«; chickens, I 12@)14c; turkeys, 15@17c; ducks, 15© I 16c; geese. 13(fi)15c. Hay The market Is steady; tim othy, No. 1, large bales. slß.so<fi>l9.oo; 1 No. 1, medium bales, $18.50@19.00: No 2. do., No. 3, do., $14.50® 15.50; samples, $13.00@>1'1.00; no grade, *11.00®J2.00. LEO All NOTICES PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County, the undersigned will expose to public sale and outcry on the premises in Derry Church, Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, January 23, 1915, at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, viz; 1. A certain messuage and two lots of ground fronting on Main Street. Derry Church, fifty (50) feet and ex tending in depth same width one hun dred and fifty (150) feet to Centrai Al ley, containing seventy-five hundred (7,500) square feet, being lots Nos. 13 iind 14 in the Plan of the Town of Derry Church. Having thereon erected a two and-one-half-story brick dwelling house, frame stable and other outbuild ings. 2. Two lots of vacant ground front ing on Main Street, Derry Church, fifty (50) feet and extending in depth same width one hundred and fifty (150) feet to Central Alley, being lots Nos. 11 and 12 In the Plan of the Town of Derry Church. 3. Two certain adjoining lots of ground situate at the northwest corner of Miller Street and North Alley, Derry Church, bounded by lands of Lebanon Valley Railroad, lands formerly of Abraham Weltmer, North Alley, Central Alley, lands formerly of Jonas Miller, etc. Said two adjoining lots contain ing In the aggregate ten thousand seven hundred and twenty-five (10,725) i square feet. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale by MILTON H. WELTMER. Administrator of the Estate of Lydia A. Weltmer. deceased. ' Or C. 11. BACKENSTOE, ESQ., Attorney. I HAVING acquired the interest in the firm of Henry Gilbert & Ron. 219 Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa., owned by the late Lyman D. Gilbert, deceased, the business will be conducted at the same place and under the same name as formerly by the surviving partners. SPENCER C. GILBERT. HENDERSON GILBERT. FOR SALE OR RENT Large brick house with side yard and paved alley in rear—22l Forster Street—in strictly residential district. No need of auto or trolley cars to central part of city. Building is modern, having second and third story bath rooms. Of thirteen other rooms, four have wash stands, besides a first floor lavatory. Open fireplaces for occasional cool days and water heating system throughout. Suitable for social club. Will not rent for less than one year. Inquire of W. S. YOUNG or H. McCORMICK, Jr., CAMERON BUILDING, HAHRISBUKG, PA. I Public Sale of Water Company Bonds At 2 o'clock p. m., Saturday, January 16, 1915, in front of the Dauphin County Court House, in the city of Harrisburg, Pa., there will be sold $16,000 GENERAL AND REFUNDING BONDS OF THE LEBANON VALLEY CON SOLIDATED WATER SUPPLY COMPANY. JOHN T. ENSMINGER, Auctioneer. For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply - Union Trust Company Public Sale of Stocks Will sell 20 shares of Union Trust Company stock at Courthouse Sat urday. January 16, at 2 o'clock p. m. John T. Ensminger Auctioneer. V. ./ For Sale Corner (N. W.) Cameron and Paxton streets, seven-room frame dwelling, water, gas and sewer connections, private al ley on Paxton street. Opposite only flower and grass plot in Cameron street, widest here in its three-mile length. Thous ands of persons walk or ride daily past corner. Possession given-before April Ist. M. A. Fought 272 NORTH STREET Harrisburg, Pa. * Twelfth & Herr St. FACTORY FOR RENT Splendid Koom, 50x75 fret. 50 windows; up-to-date steam heat ing included. Rent very reason able. Will be wired to suit tenant. Apply POST OFFICE BOX 31. V, .J $ MONEY . To Housekeepers, Work ingmen and Salaried Eni- ployes. LEGAL RATES . . EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY tf N. MARKET SQUARE Room 21. -Ith Floor Spooner Building —am—iw i ihit— ■ MMJP In 4lie Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County No. -5, Common wealth Docket, 1913 Common wealth of Pennsylvania, Ex Rel. John ('. Bell, Attorney General, vs. The American Union Fire Insurance Com pany. ACCOUNT of Charles Johnson, In surance Commissioner of Pennsylvania, liquidating the aairs of The American Union Fire Insurance Company, and the scheme of distribution and the excep tions thereto of the funds of said com pany in his hands, was filed in this Court on January 6. 1915. for the infor mation and inspection of all parties in terested therein. HENRY F. HOLLER, Prothonotary. ESTATE NOTICE LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Leah Donner, late of No. 922 North Sixth Street, Harrisburg. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement MICHAEL, E. STROUP, (15 N. Second St., Harrisburg). Executor. NOTICE Letters Testamentai/ on the Estate of Mary A. Koons, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa, de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned residing In Harrisburg. Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. M. J. RECKLEY. SAMUEL HEIST LINE, Executors. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated /'less Chicago. 111., Jan. 15. Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May, 1.45; July. 1.27 V 4. Corn—May, 7S: July. 79. , Oats—May, 56?4; July, 54*4. x Pork—lanuary, 18.35; May, 18.97. l.ard—January, 10.42: May, 10.70. ' Ribs—January, 9.0; May, 10.22. 15