Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 05, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.-tJr -SJ=--*Jr f ~ \ CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE, "ft* "&"& JB7I pjt I Watch our announcements every day for further news of the January White Sale gP% | many of/ier important events that will follow. | HAM&IUMI POPUUUI MMIITMT «TOW V - SMNHMUM* *o»i*Jut BOMRMNRR STOM To-morrow—Begins the Great January White Goods Sale AS we emphasized in our announcement yesterday, quali ties and varieties have been given first consideration, although unusual values in almost every department are clamoring for attention. Almost every garment or piece of material has been purchased especially for this event, and all are fresh and clean—moderately priced. I Embroidered Voile A Splendid Brassiere Flouncings and Crepes j at 50c . j „ I Embroidery trimmed front and back; A Sale Without a rrecedent double reinforcement under arm; hook front and fold-over back styles. Can you imagine a tine quality voile or S L( JO to s l-2 5 Brassieres at 39?—hook crepe, 45 inches wide, with new and front and fold over back styles; all over dainty embroidered designs of very fine • embroidery, lace, embroidery and medal workmanship and priced less than half. |j on trimmed; all sizes in this lot. 'Tis a fact, and moreover there are 230 second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Yards to select from. at ?1 . 50 . Embroidered Strips All -over Embroidery &nd Flouncing—" 22 inches wide; mostly neat patterns; (^l7*s*f"lv I JnrL&rrvviV^rl fine for waists and dresses; not more than VJlCdlljr V_/llV_ldjJli^CVJ 150 yards in tbc lot. Special at New shipments from large importers, yard. \ allies :>oc and 59c. ant j designs that have never been shown New 1915 Embroidery Edges— 2 to 4 before in Harrisburg. Many sample inches wide. ard 5? strips, and prices average about half. Embroidered Swiss Flouncing— 27 in- 18-inch Swiss Embroidery Flouncings dies wide, 39? yard. \ alue /sc. —include fine dainty designs for corset Main FIoor —BOWMAN'S. covers. Special at 29? yard. Value s -v 39c to 75 c. . I W7I * Convent Edges, special at 8? yd. Showmp the Vx/hlte value ver J' desirable, and the em- UiC VV line broidery resembles hand work. F" 1 1 * \T 1- * Convent Edges, special at tsJ!<j? yd.— 1 aDrIC 1 NOVeltieS excellent for underwear; made on long , \ cloth: value 15c and 20c. For Spring I 'ashion depicts n tendency toward White Sale Specials iabrics of unusual sheerness m I smart costumes for Spring wear, and among the new arrivals, arc 40- * tOlIl lllC inch pique, fane}' shadow effects, \Y/L.*i. J fancy voile, crepes and rice cloths; W tllte VjOOCIS L^Cpt, shadow voiles. Also diagonal suit- T . . , ~ ings and Oxford cloth. ' Priced at , Ln,en Sheeting 90 inches wide; extra 25? to 85? yard ' heavy quality; value sl./9. Special at, Satin Quilt at $1.39 —large size; * a Vi. : hemmed ready for use; value $1.75. _ . ' ,nen embroidered pillow cases, o6x Main FIoor. —BOWMAN'S. to inches; regularly $2.00, at. pair. $1 .39 J Table Damask, in \ x /j to 4-yard lengths; regularly 25c. Yard 17? T r-pi» . \Y7L * C 1 T Fancy stripe buck toweling—if in full In 1 his White »bale Is pieccs would bc worth LSc y ard - Yard > ArUaranr<» r*f Pajama Checks—small and large plaid, vJl Ullcclo 36 inches wide; regularly 12 l /ic. Yard, I licsc sheets arc perfect with the ex- j Fancy plaid, sheer lawns, 27 inches ccption of a few oil spots, which will come I wide . fine quality ; regularly 15c. Yd.. 9? ol, « a^ er i Va «[! in ?' 1 i «r- c- » Nainsook, 36 inches wide; fine quality; Mohawk Sheets marked short lengths, regularly 15c. Yard, 10? 81x90 inches, regularly 90c, at (>.>?: 90x90 Dimity Remnants—several patterns to inches, regularly SI.OO, at (>9?; 81x108 select from; regularly and 15c. inches, regularly $1.15, at 75? Yard . 8? Utica Sheets-marked "O"; size 90x90 Mercerized Voile 36 inches'wide';'reg inches, regularly $1.19. Special at .. ?9? ularly 15c. Yard 10? Superior Sheets size 72x90 inches, " Main FIoor. —BOWMAN'S. seamed, 3-inch hems, laundered ready ~ for use, regularly 50c. Special at .. 30? /3 Pillow Cases —made of Salem muslin, Jftk 50x36 or 54x36 inches, regularly 22c and ft 25c. Special, each 15? Bleached Muslin —36 inches wide; some nainsook finished; regularly 8c and Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. (■ Special Prices On 1 Certain Grade Corsets 1 Corsets at 50? —made of coutil, me- j (( ] /I [| V dium bust, long hips; heavy hose sup- * ' ' Corsets, special at 79? medium bust, j long hips, embroidery trimmed at top, i with draw string; rubber insert at back; ! 1.1 "\V7I * 0 1 made of coutil; $1.50 model. ! In the White Odle Broken lots of Corsets—fingermarked; | u j jo j • e., - low, medium and high bust; laced front j Un f reC ! epe d ® Chinq Waists and back: every corset in the lot is high at Spl.G.)-—the latest models; white ana grade to the last degree; sizes 18 to 30. colors; \aluc s_..io. Special at $1.85. $3.50 to $5.00 models. j NOTE: Watch for announcement of a Second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. j vei T special offering of Lingerie waists. Second FIoor. —BOWMAN'S. ( >1 In Connection With the White Sale, We Launch a Sewing Event I J In which dressmakers and home sewers may partake of special prices on accessories that will be needed particularly at this time. J. & P. Coat's best six-cord 200-yard 10c washable dress shields, 3 pair, 25? spool cotton, 1? spool. Limit, 6 spools 5c white finishing braid, 3 pieces,' 10? to a customer. 500-yard spool white basting cotton, 3 % 24-yard rolls white tape 10? spools 10? 12-yard piece white bias seam tape, 5? 75c white crochet buttons, dozen, x 3c, 4c, 6c and 8c white wash braid, 50? vard 1? 50c white wash crochet buttons, dozen, 6-yard piece white seam binding, 19? 35? 6-yard white embroidery edging, White square hand crochet wash but -1."»? to 50? tons, dozen 39? to 75? Main FIoor. —BOWMAN'S I TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPIf JANUARY 5, 1915. '*"' M Of Greatest Importance Are the Piles and Piles of Snowy White Undermuslins ;< A special trip to the metropolis was necessary to bring these garments here for this event, as \vc desired a com- pletely new and unusually large stock in order that only tiie newest and cleanest should be offered. The assortments are large, and of quality much can be said, for that was the keynote of our purchases. Many special prices are featured, and in each instance, quality has had first consideration, rather than price lowness. 1 Following are some of the garments that were selected as extraordinary values: ' Combinations Gowns bon-run beading. Price is ...25* * .Made ot nainsook, insertion and Made of nainsook, trimmed with lace Gowns with low neck , and kimono elaborately trimmed models with medal- * and embroidery on botli corset cover and sleeves, lace and embroidery edge at lions, lace and embroidery. Price is 50ft drawers. J lice is neck and sleeves. Price is 33* Made of fine nainsook and batiste with 4 Made of sheer nainsook, daintily trim- Muslin and cambric gowns, high neck, trimmings of fine laces and embroideries; < med with tine laces and embroideries, or long sleeves, yoke of tucks and cmbroid- many have inset medallions. Price is 75* < sample styles with neat edges of em- crv insertion. Price is 50# !< broidery and beading. Price is .. #1.25 Cambric, muslin and nainsook gowns, Drawers Made of fine nainsook, corset cover and and low necks; some are elaborately \\\ the newest models including U drawers trimmed with line lace and em- trimmed while others have neat trim*- Knickerbocker envelope flat trimmed ? broideries: Knickerbocker and bloomer mints Price is *1 OO nv . p 11 , I tr , inimea < combinations arc included in this lot. Sl p *\ na \ f - kirt ITT 5 S,mple a " d elaboratc " < p r j cc j s Sheet nainsook gowns, low neck, short ly trimmed styles. * sleeves, trimmed with lace, embroidery, Made of muslin, with tucked and hem- * P §.§.* l. medallions and b ea ding;*s6 inches long. stitched ruffles. Prices are 17# and 19ft * I CIUCOaiS Price is $1.50 Mir- i j . • . , ' r .Made of nainsook and cambric, with Made of muslin and cambric, with ruffle , blind and op?n\york. embroidery ruffles, '< of embroidery; length 38 to 42 inches. V-iOfSCI Price is 25ft '< Pr |? i s •• 49ft Made of cambric and nainsook, ef- Extra size drawers, made of fine cam- < Made of serviceable materials, and fectively trimmed Even in the least ex- c ' w,th tucket l a "d hemstitched ruffles. ■* trimmed with deep flounces of embroidery pensive models they arc very daintily fin- Pr |" is V• \ 25ft and lace, with ribbon run beading. Price ished. no raw edges or thick seams to mar Nainsook drawers, with cluster tucks < ls 98ft t| lc or fj- a y ol jt in laundering. and/fine embroidery ruffles. Price is 39# * Made of cambric, nainsook and pique; Made of nainsook and trimmed with .", lc cain ' 3ric ai,cl sheer nainsook | some double panel effects; deep flounces embroidery edges. Price is 19<: Knickerbocker, envelope and flat trimmed A of embroidery, wide beading, ribbon-run, Made of soft nainsook, with yokes of drawers ,with lace and embroidery trim- < and lace trimmed Price is $1.50 embroidery and lace, finished with rib- mings - ,™ c n e d FIoor— BOWMAN'S' ''' * Timely "White" Sug- The Daintiest of White Wear For Baby ,< gestlons From the Although this is the time of year when mothers arc tliinking mostly of '< good warm things for baby, we wish to call your attention to the splencUd stocks of clever little dresses, slips, nighties and the like. Voile and Marquisette, at 20ft to 39# * yd. —3B inches wide, plain and open work borders; for sash, sill and full Made of nainsook, with round and square yokes of cluster tucks and embroiderv length curtains. insertion; hemstitched -ruffle at neck and sleeves'; sizes 6 months to 2 vcars Sne.-id White Laces at 50ft and 55ft yd. at * 50ft H tains SMSL 1 " "* ° r Si " C " r " U wid any pretty "stjde/ to^'select' from! , . M, ?- d , C "/ fi " C s | leer » ain sook; embroidered lace trimmed and fagotted yokes; some < Corona Cloth at 29ft vd 36 inches have wide hems, others are tucked and embroidery trimmed at bottom; sizes 6 months U wide for bed sets and S P ecial a < "• V 75# Lace Curtains at 19ft to $5.00 pr.— SLIPS i 3 j'ards long; fine quality lace and up-to- ' w , - e . , . . , date patterns; plain and covered centers. , ~ la , V r . soft n a»'sook, m Bishop and yoke styles, embroidery yokes finished with Fourth FIoor.— BOWMAN'S. leather braid; some tucked and embroidery trimmed at bottom. Special at s})ft 4 / , Made of sheer nainsook, embroidered and lace trimmed yokes, with tucks. Price t Unusual Values in Made of fine sheer nainsook. Bishop styles, with fine tucks, fagotting or French 4 YV7I V CVII knots: or fine tucked, hand embroidered yokes; some trimmed with tucks and ruffle of \ White Ollks embroidery, or lace trimmed ruffle at bottom. Sold regularly at $1.25 and $1.50. Price U Every Wanted Weave GOWNS 1 40-inch white Crepc dc Clinics. at Made of nainsook yokes of fine cluster tucks; trimmed at neck and sleeves with fine ) aru ana Jfti.ou embroidery; voke finished with feather braid; open front Price is ■»»«* I 40-inch white Satin Charmcuse at, secon.i Fioor-BOWMANs ' yard $1.59 and $2.00 ' 1 r ', '\ 36-inch white Chiffon Dress Taf- " white Bcngaiine,' $1 0() 23-incii white Moha, at , Spreads, Now $2.19 Children Holds An 23-inch white Satin Messaline, at, -N,„ .V C?NO TI . . • , yar d 1 lie regular price IS $2.98. They are W 36-iiich white Satin Messaline, at, full sizt ; § ood hcav y quality, and ImpOftailt I iaCC yard' SI.OO 'f we did not tell you there were 40-inch white Silk Crepe Meteor, slight oil spots on them, they could not Children's Drawers at 10# —with clus at, yard .. ..... $1.69 be detected. ter tucks and hemstitching. J7-inch white Brocade Habutai, , at, yard $1 00 11 FLOOR —BOWMAN'S. Children s Drawers at 12luster 27-inch white Habutai, at, yard, tucks and ruft,e of embroidery. - -made of 1 27-inch white Jap Silk, at, yard, W nite WOOi rlanneiS so £j. na j nsoo i {) w ith lace and embroidery yard in .tr: h^ Ve, "\ CO : dU . roy iii Specially Priced " children's Co™ at 39»-.,igh neek. 40-inch wlrite Silk and Cotton At 35# yard; value 45c; 34 inches wide. l° n & sleeves; yoke of cluster tucks and Poplins, at, yard 79# At 37y 3 * yard; value 50c; 36 inches embroidery insertion; embroidery trim- Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. wide. m ed at-neck and sleeves. Mair > FIoor.— BOWMAN'S. Second FIoor.— BOWMAN'S. 3