Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 05, 1915, Page 15, Image 16

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Where Do You Live?
Right in the heart of town where you'll be near
to your work? Good thing sometimes, and again
there are times when the rest of the family ought
to be out where the houses arc further apart and
the air is heavier with ozone.
There's where Telegraph Classified Ads are going
to be a help to you. Mr. Man. They'll tell you
where the best buys out in the open are, and will
save you time in actual location hunting.
Read Telegraph Classified Ads for profit; use
them for results.
LOST Strayed, two large. dark i
gruv and white, mule rats: one almost
whit, in face, other gray top of lace;
anil head. Reward i>ux Bottlins
Works. 820 Market street. J
laiST Silver wrist watch, mono- J
gram G. K. N . between Schlelsner's
Store and Market Square. Reward " J
returned to llarrisburg Hospital. j
IXJBT Black fur neckpiece. New:
Year's Day. on Market street. Kinder
please return to this office. !
FOUNT —A place to give your clothes I
a new lease of life at Eggert's Steam j
Dveing and French Cleaning Works, ;
1245 jl.irket stieet. We call and de- i
liver. Both phones. |
HEI.l' WANTED —.Male
MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at !
once for Electric' Hallway Motormen j
and Conductors; S6O to SIOO monthly;
no experience necessary; tine opportu- |
nity; no strike; write immediately for j
application blank. Address \\ ~ 1981,
. are of Telegraph.
V."ANTED Hallway mail and postal I
clerks; examinations soon; over two
■liousand appointments yearly: prepare i
at home; write for Plan No. 13 of pay- |
mcnt alter appomtment. Philadelphia
liuslnets College, Civil Service Dept.,
Philadelphia, Fa.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for j
housework; one not afraid o( work and
who will give proper care to children; j
prefer country woman, or one who i
a-i:its to make a home. Apply Sl4
jp>rth Third street. :
WANTED Competent white girl
for general housework; must be good
.ook: small family. 228 Maclay stieet.
WANTED Experienced operators '
on power machines at the Steelton :
Glove Co.—good wages—Nos. 709-711-
713 Eolith Second street, Steelton. Pa. |
WANTED Thoroughly experienc- I
ed operators on power sewing ma
chines. to make laelies' aprons, chil- j
■ iron's play suits and rompers, at .Jen
nings' Mfg. Co.. 414-416 State street ;
WANTED Woman for general
housework— family of two—ln country |
■ -one- looking for good home and fair
wages. Address J. E. Snavely, R. F. D. 1
No. Sliddleto'.vn, Pa.
WANTED Position in office, store, j
or anv honorable work with a chance
of advancing; can give good reference j
and salary no object at start. Address
"K.." P. u. Box 175. Hummelstown, Pa.
WANTED An experienced book- '
keeper, employed, desires extra work, |
as auditing, or keeping a set of books
during evenings and Saturday after- ;
noons; good references. Address N.,
1986. care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young boy wants work ■
in store, or as errand boy. Call, or ad
dress. 1208 Hunter street.
WANTED By a young colored
man. position as mechanic in a dental ]
laboratory: has had six years' experi
ence. and can show the best of refer- j
< nces. Address 1512 Hunter street.
City. Bell phone 1505R1.
WANTED Good, all-around baker !
wants position; English, continental '
goods, cakes, fancy wedding and birth
day ' akes: good references. Apply A. i
I*. 231 Harris street.
WANTED Position as janitor, or
night watchman, by middle-aged white
man: can furnish references. Address
Robert A. Smith, 329 Clinton.
WANTED Young, married man
would like position as driver; well ae- 1
quainted with city; plenty of refer- .
► nces. Address. i>r call, A. L. Y'., No. ;
1325 James street.
WANTED Y'oung man. 20 years of ,
age. desires work Of anv kind. Ad- !
dress Box R„ 1991, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Boy. 16 years of ag. ;
desire* position of any kind. Call, or ;
address. 558 Woodbine street.
WANTED By young white man.
work of any kind: all night or spare
time:, references. Address (Jt>s South 1
Third street. Steelton.
WANTED Man wants work of any !
•kind. Apply 259 Delaware street.
WANTED A colored woman wants [
washing or day's work. Call SoS State ■
WANTED By young girl, position I
In doctor's office. Address 8., 19S1. care
of Telegraph.
WANTED Washing done at home.
Apply 311 Briggs street.
WANTED Very capable woman, i
experienced in nursing, cooking, sew- 1
ing and housekeeping, desires work
during the day; hours. 8 A. M. to 6:30 i
P. M. Address K., 1987, care of Tele- |
House at Summerdale
Two-atory frame house six
rooms bath and furnace front,
side and rear porches. Lot 60x144
ft. to a 18 ft. rear alley.
Three squares from Marysville
trolley line.
If Interested make v* a proposi
Miller Pros. & Neefe
Fire limurauer Surety Honda
l.nruat anil Court Simla
i WANTED —By colored woman.
' place as first-class cook in private fam
ily, or pastry baking: tlrst-class. Call
: No. 119 State street.
WANTED By white woman, posi
! tion as cook in private family, or gen
; cral housework; can furnish references.
| Address S., 1993, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young, respectable wo-
I man i colored! desires general house
' work or laundry; fully competent. Jane
! Allen, 508 State street.
WANTED Girl wants position as
j child's nurse. Call, or address, 120S
j Hunter street.
j WANTED A young colored girl
, wants light housework. Call at 508
1 State street.
i WANTED Lad<- pianist would like
' a position in store or moving picture
; theater; can furnish best of reference.
! Address W., 1992, care of Telegraph.
WANT ED AYliite woman desires
I washing to do at home. Call, or ad
j dress. 1327 North Sixth street.
I WANTED Position as housekeeper
j or chambermaid by white lady: can give
good reference. Address Box 42. Marys
vllle. Pa.
I WANTED Middle-aged widow de-
I sires position as first-class house
keeper and cook in hotel. In or out of
city. Call, or address, 424 Harrisburg
street. Steelton. Pa.
WANTED Y'oung lady, experienc
ed. desires position as stenographer and
general office work; can furnish ref
( erence. Address 0.. 1993, care of Tele
j graph.
WANTED Stenographer, experi
enced in shorthand, typewriting and
: general office work, desires position;
! can furnish reference. Address J.. 1996,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED ■ —• Young colored girl de
sires a position at general housework;
[ can furnish reference. Write; or call.
| 1415 Currant avenue.
1 WANTED —By colored woman, gen
| oral housework In private family. Call,
' or address, 141 Linden street.
Sitiiution Wanted—Male and Female
WANTED Reliable colored couple
desire place In good family as cook and
! houseman: have both city and country
experience. Call or address, 1314 Cur
-1 rant avenue.
334 S. Sixteenth St.. reduced $150.00.
1235 & 1237 Bailey St.. reduced $250.00.
1549 Spencer St.. reduced $250.00.
Second and Walnut Streets.
. 45 ACRES: s'i miles from New Cum
| beriand: frame buildings; fair condi
tion; can buy stock and implements.
; Price reduced to $2,300.00. Brinton-
Packer Co.. Second and Walnut Streets.
FOR SALE To manufactur
ers and builders I have a plot
ui ground 176x165 ft. Can be
i bought reasonable. John H. Ma
lonev, Xo. 1619 Green street.
FOR SALE—I3I2 North Third street;
three-story brick: 10 rooms and bath;
i 20x150 ft, with two-story frame facing
on Susquehanna street; newlv painted;
i excellent condition. Phone TS2J.
i No. 620 Cumberland street large
house suitable business location,
.special price to quick buyer. Key at
our office. Bell Realty Co.. Bergtier
FOR SALE Suburban Bungalow
i with over one-half acre of ground,
within 5-cent carfare of citv. Price,
$2,850. 11. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir
teenth street.
Or will exchange for improved
city property, an imposing 14-
room 40x40 ft. Colonial suburban
j residence. All Improvements;
porch, 10 ft. wide. TO ft. long. Lot,
116x200 ft. Shrubbery; f> kinds of
fruit in bearing. Trolley near; 12
minutes and one fare from Market
Square. Call Bell phone No. 3048 L.
FOR SALE Good opportunity. Cor
i ner Grocery Store on Hill for sale
Doing good business. 11. o. Pedlow,
110 south Thirteenth street.
! 2 ',4-story brick house, with improve
iments; steam heat: large porch; large
lot. Inquire D. M. Ricker. lu2 Paxtang
I avenue, l'axtang. Pa.
STORE ROOM or entire building 11
i North Fourth street, opposite Dives
j Pomeroy and Stewart, for rent. Upper
i doors suitable for apartments, or will
I be changed to suit business of tenant
|lf desired. Possession April 1. possibly
I earlier. Apply M. Schondorf, 10-12
! South Fourth street. •
! FOR RENT Detached frame houses
| on Schuylkill street, all Improvements
large and comfortable, at $17.50. Ap
ply Wittenmyer Lumber Co.
i FOR RENT —An eight-room frame
house: all improvements: front and
! back porches and balcony ; fine loca
tion: three minutes' walk from trollev
I Rent. $12.50. Inquire of J. A. Felil
j Bella Vista. New Cumberland.
; 2131 Derry St., steam heat I*3 00
12133 Derry St.. steam heat 28*00
! 2135 Derry St., stcain heat 28 00
Inquire P. VANDKRIjOO,
2119 Derry St.
jOr Masonic Temple. Third and State
, 8 rooms, bath and range. $12.00. John
11. Maloney, 1619 Green street.
| FOR RENT 2412 North Second
i street: 3-story, very desirable new
I tirlck house. Inquire C. G. Gilmer, eor
j ner Twenty-seventh and Den y streets
Bell phone 3525 R.
FOR HUNT Nine-room house, 1539
Park street: all improvements; pos
session at once. Inquire 1539 Parle
FOR RENT Houses with all Improve.
1 monts at moderate rentals. J. E. Glpple.
j T.'sl Market street.
! on«l lloor housekeeping apartments
li ~e rooms with kitchenettes anil
baths modern improvements —elec-
tric lights K»s city steam ja.ii
tor service. Apply at above address.
FOR RENT Flat, six rooms and
bath; second tloor; steam heat; front
and back stairs. 1515 North Sixth
FOR RENT An apartment, three
rooms and bath, coal and gas range,
gas and electric lights, $15.0u montluy.
Applv Mehrlng's i»ii|Uor Store, fix til
and Muench. TJell phone 2671, Xjnited
703 Y.
keeping furnished complete one
large alcove room ■ — bay window —•
small kitchen, gas range, stationary
wash tub private meter, bell, mail
box. UK Market street. l J hone 897 J.
FOR RENT Furnished. second
floor apartments, for light housekeep
ing, two or four rooms; rent reason
able; all conveniences. Apply before 6
P. M.. 621 North Second, aftor C P. M..
51S North Second street. Bell phone.
WANTED A small apartment or
several unfurnished rooms, for light
housekeeping, on the Hill. Address S..
191'7, care ot Telegraph.
UIM.MS i Ult Hr.Nf
FOR RENT Furnished rooms; all
conveniences, including phune. Cull lui
Chestnut street, liell phone UtM,
FOR RENT Suite of rooms, or an
apartment of 4 or ti rooms, tor light
houseluepint;; steam heat; gas ranse,
water heater. Kent reasunaole. Apply
ii'U .North Second street.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished, pleas
ant corner room, southern exposure;
use of phone; improvements. Apply
501 North Front street.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
roomts. with bath; all Improvements; j
city steam. Call, or audtess, 70X North
Sixth street. j
FOR RENT—SO 3 Cumberland, three i
desirable unturnished rooms on Hrst I
tloor, with privilege in cellar and sum- i
mer kitchen.
FOR RENT Two communicating. I
unfurnished front rooms, SS.OO per
month. Ajjptj. alt North Third street, j
FOR RENT Several newly furnish- j
ed rooms; well heated; nice location;
use of phone and only two minutes' I
walk from Capitol. Prices reasonable. I
Apply 612 North Second street.
FOR RENT Handsomely furnished
rooms, single or ensulte; two blocks
from Capitol; reference. 359 \V, care
of Telegraph.
ROOM FOR RENT—-Third iloor front
—furnished or unfurnished—ail im
provements use of phone. Bell.
218SW, or address A. E. B„ care of Tele
FOR RENT Two comfortably fur
nished third story rooms, within ten
minutes' walk of Pennsylvania Station;
would prefer gentleman: tine, quiet lo
cation. Address 323 Crescent street.
FOR RENT Three or four unfur
nished rooms, suitable for light house
keeping. in pleasant location; price
reasonable. Apply 1404 Vernon street.
FOR RENT Desirable furnished
rooms, with or without board; colored.
665 Briggs street.
LARGE, well-lighted, furnished
rooms, single or ensuitc; city steam; use
of phone. Call 719 North Sixth street,
or Bell phone 613 R.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
single or ensulte; all convenlencves. In
cluding phone; reference required. Ap
ply ICIS North Front street.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms
In very good location; use of bath and
telephone. Call at 203 State street.
family: all home comforts; price rea
sonable. 20 North Sixteenth street.
WANTED Unfurnished room, with
bath, by young, married couple with
child: state terms. Address E., 1994,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Three or four rooms and
bath, furnished, for light housekeep
ing; young couple; outlying section.
Might consider exclusive portion mod
ern house. Address R. M., care of Tele
furnished room on third iloor front, for
gentleman or man and wife, with
boarding home comforts price
reasonable. Apply 1420 Reglna street,
near Thirteenth and Market streets.
FOR SALE A parlor Novelty
Double Heater; only used four months;
moving to heated house the reason for
selling. Apply corner Twenty-ninth
and Elm streets, Penbrook, Pa.
GLASS window signs, Furnlsned
Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 26c each. On#
of tlicse signs will be given with each
six-time order for a classified ad. if
paid In advance. Inqulro at Ofdca or
FOR SALE A few good '-r.rgains
in job lots. Orders proi""tly filled. Bell
phone 1577 R. Meyers Mfg. Co., Third
and Cumberland streets, above Miller's
Shoe Store.
FOR SALE Send 25c for Package
of Silk Quilt Patches. Valley Supply
Co.. Shircmanstown, Pa.
FOR SALE Player Piano at a rea
sonable price, is in good condition; also
!lat-top desk and chair, household goods
and stoves. Leaving city, reason for
selling. Apply 1932 East State street.
FOR SALE No. 7 Remmington
standard typewriter. machine No.
217.1H6. Lately overhauled. In perfect
condition. W ill sell cheap to quick
buyer. Call 34, Union Trust Building.
AT less than cost. One $12.50, 12-
gauge. double-barrel. $7.5u: slngle-har
rel. $3.00: twenty-two caliber rifle,
$2.25: 12-gauge smokeless shell, 45c a
box. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North
Third street.
ONE sanitary roll-top desk: also
practically new Remmington, No. 10,
typewriter and table, at a real bargain,
i Address Box 198#, care of Telegraph.
ONE fifty dollar "iris bicycle new
tires new paint— at a sacrifice
$12.50. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North
1 Third street.
skwim; at achi:*k—ha Again
BRAND-NEW Will sacrifice for
$22.00 —cost *40.00. If interested see it
to-day. 814 North Third street.
FOR SALE At Gable's. 111-117 S.
Second street. Red Tip. Ring Point.
Blizzard. Rowe Junior. Can't Slip, Giant
Grip and Always Sharp Calks.
FOR SALE—Three Thompson Barred
Rock Cockerels, bred from prize-win
ning stock. Now booking orders for
Hatching :ggs. Apply Robert C. Mil
ler. New Cumberland, P..
FOR SALIC White and Brown Leg
, horns and Barred Plymouth Rocks, pul
lets. These birds have started to lay.
1 Bargain if sold at once. Call Bell phone.
| A. B. Davis. Penbrook, Pa.
\ secured at lb* Telegraph Business
; Office.
AUTO ROBE 3. Steamer Rugs. Car-
Cage Uobes. Horse Blankets and Stable
! Blankets. Harrl.iburg llnrne:u A Sup-
I ply Company. Second and Chestnut
ktrceta '
FOR SALE At Gables. 111-117 S.
Second St., 5,000 Sets New Sash, SxlOx
12 L., primed and giaxed, at 11.15 per
set. Also all regular sizes.
I W'AN'TKD —25 second-hand bicycles,
01 parts of bicycles, for cash. \Ye also
have rebuilt bicycles for sale at bar
gain prices. Keystone Cycle Co., 814
North Third street.
FOR SALE At Gable's. :13, 115 and
! 117 South Second street. 5,000 gullons
New Era, ready mixed paint. Acme
quality. Also the full line of the Acme
FOR SALE CARDS on Sals at the
Telegraph business Office.
FOR RENT Office in Commercial
Bank Building:, first floor front. Rent.
$25.09 per morth. Car 9o used .s an
office or small rtore rocm.
266 llerr s.reet.
WANTED SS ">tid-nnnd typewriter
desk; one with ilc..w,';- b»ace preferred.
Call eltli. r on -die. 36'.>0.
1 MADE 150.U0U in five years In the
mail order business, begun with so.
Send for free booklet, Tells now. ilea
cock. 355 i-uckport. N. Y.
WANTED Partner who can invest
SSOO and take an active lialf-ipterest
witli me In a clean, permanent, self
supporting business. Can clear easily
$3,000 eacli year. This business will
stand fullest investigation. For per
sonal interview address 11. M„ rai* of
FOR RENT l'our-chalr Barber
Shop, modernly equipped, in heart of
Harrisburg business .district. Address
C„ 1990, care of Telegraph.
ANY intelligent terson can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 7SS. Lock
port. N. Y.
with best material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N.
Cluck. 320 Woodbine street.
FOR falling hair try Gross vjulntne
llalr Tome, prepared by Uross, the
Druggist ard Apothecary, 11\> Market
street. Harrisburg, fn. -telephone
orders giveu prompt attention. Bell
WEATHER STRIPS ln order to
introduce our Grooved Side Strips for
doors and windows, v.*lll sell vou 104 1
l'eet for $2.00, regular price sß*32, and 1
our automatic .Bottom Strips at 60 i
cents each. Call at S. W. Worst's, Wash- ;
ington avenue. Lemovne, Pa.
Diamonds and jewelry bought for lusti
est cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, No. 1
North Third street. Bell phone C3IJ.
11. \V, I.ATltUunrtilni; Mali), anil
\ailoual 'l'rauater Co. Movers of
pianos, safes. Loiters and general haul
ing. H. W. loathe. Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Liell phone No
LUANS---J5 to fit)o for uoiiesi work
ing people wltcAiiv bauK credit at less
uiuti legal rato.v payable In instalment*
to kUK uorruwt.-n convenience.
Loan and investment Co.
204 Chestnut Street.
SXOKAGIS 4l* Broad street, lor
houseiioiu goods jjiU merchandise. pn
vate rooms, >1 to Ii Wagons, ti ceais
per moritn. Apply u. Cooper Co.. <ll
rtroad street. Both shone*.
uew eight-story brick warehouses, one
absolutely tireprobf divided Into lire
proof private rooms of various sizes for
the storage of household goods; the
other warehouse of the most approved
type of lire retardent construction for
nieueral mercnmidlsc. They ure equip
ped with two large electric freight ele
vators and spiral chute tor tile quiet
and safe handling of household goods
and uli kinds of merchandise. Bow
Morale rates. South Second street near
Paxton. on the tracks of Penna. R. It.
Central Storage Co.
STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone
—New Four-story Building Private
rooms—Furniture and china packing a
specialty—Heated rooms for pianos and
perishable goods.
NOTICE Letters of Administration
ill the Estate of Jane L Robinson, late
of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Penn
sylvania, deceased, having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons In
debted to said estate are requested to
make Immediate payment, aj>.d those
having claims will present them for
settlement to
Administrator e. t. a.,
Harrisburg, p a .
The Millers Mutual Fire Insurance
Company, of Harrisburg. Pa., Room
404. Kunkel Building, Harrisburg, Pa.,
December -'2. 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the members of this
company will be held at its office on
Thursday. January 21. J!>ls. A Board
of Directors for the ensuing year will
I>e elected between the hours of 2 and
3 o'clock P. M., on said day.
NOTICE The annual meeting of the
East Harrisburg Cemetery Company,
for the election of Sl* Directors, will
be held at the office of the companv, at
the cemetery, on Tuesday, the 19th' dav
of January. 1915, between the hours of
I and 2 P. M.
and others upon their own names.
Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden
Admtia A Co.. It. .104, H N. Market Sq.
|)||BBErf STAMlfft
THK Harrisburg polyclinic Dispen
sary will be open dally, except Sunday,
at S P. M„ at Its new location. 1701
North Second street, for the free treat
m*';r or' • h* 1 vi" * v poor
at IrMB tluin irial ratea. In aa>
amouiita. Payable In iuelaluiral* in
milt borrower. Positively lowest
ratea In the city.
Pennsylvania Investment Co.
Copper Group Reflected Moderate
Local Pressure; Recoveries
General After Half Hour
j By Associated Prtss
i ■ • v, ' w _ ork, Jan. 5. So far as it
I showed any tendency, to-day's early
I stock market was inclined to follow
(the lead of London where American se
i curlties were off from substantial frac
j tions to m points, Canadian Pacific
being weakest. The Copper group also
| reflected moderate local pressure and
I anions specialties Rumley, l'fd., de
clined live points and Mexican Rall
-1 JY a> ; s ,' ' Pfd., eight points. I'nlon
; Pacific. which opened at a slight Kain,
soon fell back, anil New York Central,
one of yesterday's strongest features,
also reacted. Dealings were of a light
and professional character, with rch
eral recoveries at the end of (lie ttrst
1 naif hour.
, Furnished l>y 11. M. Suavely
Xow York, Jtiti. r«.
t Opesi. High. Low. Cios.
I Alaska GII 26% jn 20 26%
1 Amal Cop . &:t % 33% 32% 33%
Am Rot Sug 34 % 34 t a 1
| Ani Can .. 26 2Y % 26 23%
Am Can pd 91% 92 91 % <!_■
|AmC &F. 4 3 4 5 43 45
lAm Cot Oil |l» 42% 40 42
jAm Smelt . 39 39 59 . 39 '
Am Sugar . 103% 103% in:: 103 -.,
lAm T T. 116% 117 liss, 117
I Anaconda 4 26 26% 23% 25%
I Atchison .. 94% 94 % 94 i t 94
IB & O .... 69% 69% fill 69
Beth Steel. 48% 49% 48'. 49%
I Bklyn 11 T 85» a 85"* 85M, 85V*
| Cal Pet ... 16% iu> 4 ir, 16%
I Can Pacific 136% 157% 156':. 137%
Cent Leath 88 39 37% 38%
C, M it- St 1' 87% 88% 87% 88%
C Con Cop. 33% 33% 33% 33%
Col F& I. . 21% 21% 21% 21%
ton Gas . 114% 114% 114% 114 -
Corn Prod. 8 % S % 8 % S %
Erie ..... 22% 22% 22% 22'«
Krie, Ist pf 34% 33% 34% 33%
O Flee Co. 140% 140% 140'., 140%
Goodr'h RF 25% 23% 23% 23A.
Gt N pfd.. Il l 114 % 114 114 %
Gt. X Ore s 26% 27V'. 26% 271;.
In-Met pfd 30% 52% 30% 52%!
Lehigh Val 132%. 133 132% 132% I
I- Nash.. 112 " 113 112 113
Mo Pac ... 8% s% S% 8% I
X Y Ceil .. 80 % S7 % 86% 87%
XY.NH &H 86% 56%. 33% 35%
X & W .. 100 100 100 100
X Pac .... loot's 101% 100% 101%!
P R R ... IOC 106<<. lot; 1 f»6 I '■ !
Press S C. 34% 34% 34% 34% I
R C Copper 16% lt;% 1616% !
Reading; ... 1437* 146% 143% 143%'
So Pacific. 82% 81% 82% 83% i
So Railway 14 15% 14 14%
So Rwy pfd 38 38 58 58
Tenn Cop'r 32% 32% 32% 32>4
Texas Co . 133 " 133 133 13 3
Fit r'aciflc 117% 118% 116% 117%
U S Rubber. 54 34 54 54
IT S Steel.. 50% 31 30% 30%
CSS pfd. 103% 103% 105% 103%
Utah Cop'r 49% 49% 49% 49%
West Md..' 9% 9% 9% 9
AY IT Tel.. 38% 59 . 58% 59 I
West Mfg. 69 69 69 69 !
By Associated Press
Philadelphia. Jan. 5. Stocks el<.sr.l
Cambria Steel 44
General Asphalt
General Asphalt. Pfd ('.7 1 ,<.'.
Lake Superior Corporation in
l.ehlgh Navigation 701 r.
I.ehlgh Valley 06 ~T
Pennsylvania RaUrcat'. r>:i
Philadelphia Electric 2:1 s .i
Philadelphia Rapid Transit 11 'j
Readim? 72 ;i i
Storag6 Battery 47« 4
Union Traction "!'li
United Gas Improvement 81
V. S. Steel uO'i
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Jan. 5. Wheat —-
Higher; No. 2, red. spot, export, $1.32
©1.35; No. 1, Northern. Duluth, export,
Corn Higher; No. 2, yelow, local,
• 7 M ®> 78c.
__Oats Higher; No. 2, white, 56><.©
57c. #
Bran Higher; winter, per ton.
527.50@28.00; spring, per ton, s26.so<ii
Refined Sugars Market firm;
powdered, 5.05 c; fine granulated. 4.i>bu,
confectioners' A, 4.85 c.
Butter The market Is firm;
western, creamery, extras. 35c; nearby
prints, fancy, 39c.
hay The market Is firm; tim
othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.50(019.00:
No. 1, medium bales, SIS.SO® 19.00; No.
2. do., J17.00@18.00: No. 3, do., $14.50®
15.50; samples, $13.00®'14.00; no grade,
Clover mixed hay. L.l«rht -nlx»"!
$17.50® 18.00; No. 1, do., $16.50® 17.00;
No. 2, do., SIS.OO(fJ 16.00.
Hy Associated Press
Chicago, 111.,' Jan. 5. Hogs Re
ceipts, 45,000; weak. Bulk of sales, $7.10
tfj'7.2o; light. s6.Sofa 7.22',2 ; mixed, $6.90
(<i 7.H0; heavy, st!.9(»Gi 7.25; rough, $0.90
© 7.00; pigs, $5.25@7.10.
Cattle Receipts, 7,000; weak. Na
tive steers, $5.50©9.75; western. $4.90©
7.65; cows and heifers, $2.90®'8.00;
calves, $7.25f&9.75.
Sheep Reecipts, 15,000; strong.
Sheep, |5.T5@6.65; yearlings, $6.80©
7.75; lambs, $6.75© 8.65.
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Jan. 5. 2 P. M.
Stocks steady.
Cambria Steel 4 4
Beliigh Navigation 77
Valley 66
Pennsylvania Railroad 53 U
Philadelphia Electric 23?*
Phlladelpllia Rapid Transit 1 1
Philadelphia Traction 79%
Storage Battery 48
Union Traction .'l'J'.i
United Gas Improvement 81
U. S. Steel 61
Special to The Telegraph
Hogestown, Pa., Jan. s.—Big crowds
attended the first sessions o£ the farm
ers' institute yesterday. The meeting
was presided over by the Rev. T. J.
Ferguson, and the music was fur
nished by the Hogestown schools. J. C.
Campbell took poultry for the subject
of his lecture; R. S. Stees, the "Value
of Fertility and How to Get It," and
John D. Herr "The Common Pest of
Orchard and Farm." A* the session
last night Aliss Emma Eshelman sang
a solo, and at another timo during
the program Miss Bessie Rshelman
and Miss Pauline Armstrong sang a
By Associated Press
1-as Palinas. Canary Islands, via
Paris, Jan. 5, 3 a. m. —The steamship
Otivi lias landed here a hundred suil
ors transferred to her by the German
auxiliary cruiser Kronprinz Wllhelm,
representing the crews of four French
and British vessels captured ami sunk
1 by the warship.
[Continued From First Pufce]
an absence ol one term. Chief Clerk
| KephaVt, W. Harry Baker and Herman
: P. Miller were much in demand and
; with Al. S. Cooper, new assistant Sen
; ate librarian, were busy as bees.
President Judge George Kunkel, of
the Dauphin County Court, adminis
tered the oath of ottlce to the nineteen
i new members, a new Bible having
I been provided for each senator to be
; sworn in. This formality having been
| observed, Senator Sproul moved that
the election of a President pro tem.
IJC taken up. The motion was sec
! onded by Senator Crow.
Senator Sproul then said he was
I directed by the Republican caucus to
!Jiresent the name of Senator Charles
11. Kline, of Allegheny for President
pro tem. Senator Washers, of York,
presented the name, of Senator Charles
W. Sones, of Lycoming, as the Demo
| cratic choice. Tlio roll call resulted
In a vote of :t8 votes for Senator Kline
and 12 for Senator Sones. Senator
Smith, Washington party malt voted
for Sones. Senator Kline was declared
elected and Senators Sones and Sproul
were appointed a committee to present
Senator ICIIne to Judge Kunkel, before
I whom he took the oath of ofllce.
i/leutenant-Governor Reynolds In
troduced Senator Kline, who was
greeted with applause. Senator Kline
made a brief speech of thanks.
"1 hope to so conduct myself as
your presiding officer that you will
have as much confidence In me at the
close of the session as you have this
day displayed," said the senator, lie
promised to preside impartially over
the sessions and entered a plea for
the passage of such legislation as
shall be for tl.e benefit of all the peo
Special Committee of Five
About the only action of real im
portance taken by the Senate to-day
outside of (he formalities of the or
ganization was the passage of a reso
lution for the appointment by the
president pro tem of a special com
mittee of five to consider executive
appointments. Heretofore these ap
pointments have been in the hands
l of the committee on Judiciary general,
of which Senator Snyder, of Schuyl
kill, was chairman last session, which
is one of the busiest committees in the
Legislature. The new committee will
thus relieve the judiciary general of
a large share of its work. The ap
pointments made by Governor Tener
during the recess of the Legislature
will be acted on by this committee.
They were received in the Senate to
day and laid on the table.
The Senate re-elected Harmon M.
Kephart, Fayette, chief clerk; W. Har
ry Hakcr, Dauphin, secretary: Herman
P. Miller, Dauphin, librarian, and J. It.
Bagsh&w, sergeant-at-arms, and pass
ed a resolution presented by Senator
Sproul that the president pro tem
name all committees for the session
and that he bo a member of each
ex-ofllclo. Senators Snlus and DeWitt
were appointed a committee to wait
upon the House and inform that body
that tho Senate is ready for business
and a resolution was adopted pro
viding that no bills or resolutions of
a general nature be presented in the
Senate-until after tho appointment o£
the standing committees.
Senator Beidleman presented a
resolution providing for authority to
make the necessary arrangements for
the inauguration of Governor-elect
Brumbaugh, which was adopted, and
this was followed by the passage of
another, presented by Senator Horn
slier, of Lancaster, fixing the time for
the inauguration on January 19, at
noon, on the west front of the Capl-j
tol, if the weather be fair, and in
doors if it be unfavorable.
Senator Vare's resolution providing
that when the Senate adjourn to-day
it be to meet on the evening of Janu
ary 18 at 8 o'clock, was passed and
then the Senate took a recess until
3.30 this afternoon, to meet at that
time with the House to compute elec
tion returns and hear the Governor's
message. The opening session was
one of the most uneventful in years.
House Elects Ambler
by Vote of 164 to 41;
Socialist Doesn't Vote
The hall of the House of Represen
tatives resembled a flower garden an
hour before the session. The speak
er's desk contained a suberb bouquet
and roses and palnis adorned the
"clerks' row." The Philadelphia seats
were covered with roses and some of
them were given handsome and valu
able gifts. Fred Willard got a whole
set of silverware and James V. Laffer
ty, who succeeded D. J. Shern, was
presented \yith various silver articles.
Several members received traveling
Augustus Wildman and J. W. Swartz
were remembered with huge bunches
of roses.
Many former members appeared for
the organization, among them E. L.
Humes, of Crawford, now United
States district attorney; Lieutenant-
Governor-elect F. B. McCialn, Frank
Gray, Philadelphia; S. Taylor North,
now a congressman: W. H. Brooks,
Philadelphia, prominent twenty-live
years ago; George W. Allen, Pitts
burgh, active last session; M. F. Shan
non, Luzerne, and others in the last
half dozen sessions.
It was just 12.02 when Chief Clerk
Thomas 11. Garvin banged the gavel
anil ordered the floor cleared. The
members quickly took their seats and
chaplain J. Elliott Wright offered
prayer for Divine guidance during
the session and for blessing on the
retiring and incoming Governor. He
asked that the war end and that peace
prevail on earth.
Deputy Secretary of the Common
wealth William Hertzler presented the
returns of the election and Mr. Curry,
Philadelphia, offered the first reso
lution. which provides for reading of
returns. This procedure occupied
considerable time.
The second resolution was present
ed by Mr. Wildman, inviting Judge
McCarrell to administer the oath of
office to the members.
David J. Da vies, the reading clerk,
then repeated his exploit of two years
ago, calling the roll without looking
at the sheet.
New Members Sworn In
Members of the House were sworn
in by Judge S. J. M. McCarrell, of the
Dauphin county court as soon as the
official returns had been read and the
roll call. Everyone of the 207 was
announced as present.
A. B. Hess, Lancaster, nominated
Charles A. Ambler for speaker In a
speech in which he told of Mr. Am
bler's services and gratifications. M.
B. Kitts, Erie, presented John M.
I'lynn, Elk, as the Democratic cho.ice
for speaker. S. A. Whltaker, Chester,
seconded the nomination of Mr. Am
Mr. Ambler was elected, receiving
votes'to H54 for, Mr. F'lynn 41. Mr.
Ambler and Mr. Fl.vna voted for each
other. Mr. Morrow, Socialist, did not
Mr. Ambler's Speech
On assuming the chair Mr. Ambler
t "Gentlemen of the llonse of Rep
resentatives: 1 feel I cannot say in
words how 1 appreciate the honor you
| have conferred upon me for It is a
honor for any man to ho chosen
I speaker of this house which repre
sents this great State and I sincerely
l thank you. I shall endeavor to pre
iside over you in nil fairness and do
| what I can to prove to the people of
IPennsylvania that they made no mis
i take in sending *s here to represent
| them. Hut 1 realize 1 am helpless
j unless you give mo your undivided
help and support, and in this I earn
jestly request you to do. Our govcrnor
jelect, the Hon. Martin G. Brumbaugh,
| has promised tlio people that he stood
I for laws that would benefit and help
| them all and li is our duty to work
!In harmony with him and prove that
when we present a candidate for their
[suffrage, we are honest and mean
what we say, and legislate for the good
|to the greatest number and in do.nn
this, we must remember that our work
will have much influence for good or
I bad at the coining presidential elec
tion. Before closing, I want to say to
luy colleagues who were also candi
dates for this honorable position that
I appreciate the unselfish spirit thev
have shown, and thank them for the
kind words that they have said in niv
behalf. With a grateful feeling to •
Him who rules all our destinies olid
asking liis help In our work, 1 thank
you all again."
Messrs. Hess, Baldwin and Ilabgood
were named to notify the Senate of
Hie organization of the House and
Messrs. Williams. Wilson and Flvnn
to wait upon the Governor.
Thomas 11. Garvin. Delaware, was
elected chief clerk; W. S. 1-eib, Schuvl-
K'll. resident clerk, and Frank Mor
rison, Philadelphia, assistant chief
clerk, a Democratic substitute list be
ing voted down. The elections were
then made by acclamation.
Ira Dale Meals, Ilarrlsburg. was ap
pointed assistant resident clerk.
Rules of the last session were adopt
ed except that the Speaker shall ap
point the committees and that a bill
negatively recommended may be p ,C
on the calendar by vote of a. majority
of the members present, instead of
sixty. Sessions ot the House, unless
otherwise ordered, will be held at
10 a. m.
The effect of tho change of rules is
to abolish the selection of committees
by a committee on committees and to
give tho Speaker power to name them
as in sessions prior to that of 1913.
Governor Tener's message was read
and the following named as members
of the inaugural committee on tin.
part of the House: Messrs. Jones,
Susquehanna; Cox, Philadelphia:
Steedle. Allegheny; Wildman. Dau
phin: Hess, Lancaster; Whitaker,
Chester; Flynn, Elk: Shaffer. Colum
bia. and Body, Berks.
The House took a recess until 3.13.
S. G. Backenstoss Opens
Real Estate Office
• **»
Mp> "■ ""s'f "iiuHf
.jßhll. c- T§l
\WHJIi fl^H^H
ibtanley G. Backenstoss, a well
-1;.1 own young man of this city, has
started In the Insurance and real es
tate business with offices located at
n% South Third street. He Is known
in both business and social circles and
has many friends who are interested
in his venture.
By Associated Press
Berlin, Jan. 5, via The Hague and
London. 10.30 a. m.—Emperor Wil
liam, replying to a congratulatory
message from Archduke Frederick of
Austria, telegraphed as follows:
"My best wishes to your imperial
highness and your brave Austro-Hun
garian troops, who in the past year
have shown an unchanging spirit of
comradeship toward their German al
lies. With our combined forces we
continue the tight, and with our eyes
toward God we will win a decisive
success, for our just cause will not be
(Signed) "WILLIAM."
Nine-pound Daughter Is
Born to Bessie McCoy
New York. Jan. s.—Mrs. Richard
Harding Davis, who was Bessie Mc-
Coy. yesterday gave birth to a 9hi -
pound daughter.
Mr. Davis made the announcement
from his home, 720 Riverside drive.
"I certainly am a proud and happy
father," he said. "Mrs. Davis has al
ready picked out a name. Hope.
There will not be any middle name—
just Hope Davis."
The present Mrs. Davis is the war
correspondent's second wife. This is
his first child. His lirst wife was Miss
Cecil Clark, of Chicago. They were
married in 1899, and Mrs. Davis aston
ished her friends by announcing their
married life was to be "purely Pla
tonic." She obtained a divorce in
1912, and Mr. Davis married Miss Mc-
Coy, who achieved fame as the
"Yama, Yama Girl" in "Three Twins,"
shortly afterward.
/ \
For Rent
Desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building.
Union Trust Cmpany