Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 04, 1915, Page 4, Image 4
4 F extra special." jg, ? " J- r~# Here When "the|( I NECKWEAR 23c SEMI Doors Open Tomorrow «rsr«- s#soean Smeeo SaleSlw - -• •: ' d W^Thkdt 1 and &' i_ I WU>V VJJ ReadCleilSweepltem! ; jgSJ?» STARTS TO-MORROW MORNING AT 8.30 O'CLOCK l ono PP°' ite| Vag-|f The Most Startling Price Cutting Event in the History of Our Business W? | Broom Coupon For Tuesday I PP"" "£S? ! : ® MEN'S PERCALE DRESS SHIRTS ,laundered ■ M 1/ j 1 39r cuffs, neat patterns; 50c value. Clean Sweep Sale ■ IT (Bring This With You) ■ Women's Waists, sold up to 50c. Clean OC n I value t<> 75c price, ' 29C B AN OLD-TIME BROOM SALE ■ jrice uSSVS . I Honeycomb coat «-■»» » _ , H| . wliite hemstitch- ■ 1 MEN'S PERCALE DRESS SHIRTS, coat styles, ■ Not Necessary to Make Any Purchase ■ Women s Waists, sold up to $1.50. Clean fiQ J newest pattern, laundered cuffs; SI.OO value; all sizes. | ■ Sweeg w,.,„ AI, 1 , CleanSweepSalepr.ce, 59c| 40c Four-String BrOOBIS g Women's Waists, sold up to $3.00. QO Ex.,. Speci.l! I I Extra Special! ME N'S PERCALE DRESS SHIRTS, coat models ■ r- r 1 ll Cle * n Sweep Sate price £/OC Men » s Work! .. 1 #< oc r«i o„ A1> I | 1/1 L qnU ■ Made of 811k Messnlinc and Nets and Ibices In black and colors. . k 1 Men's in all new patterns; value to $1.25. Clean Sweep ra fOF iIS f ISICu gg AII size*. Shirts J 1 far»pr« Sale price, RQn I H Women's Waists, sold up to $3.95. f orj OA \ Ua , T , B Read This Carefully i Clean Sweep Sale price ZiJC C 1 71/ MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, plain and pleated ■ , choice or Net, i«ccs nmi silk CMITOH m white aud colors. As- value soc a ■ /2C bosom, made of finest percale and madras, all new I The First 200 Ladies and 100 Men |1 vir > \ir • m , I I Made or black I 1 . Value 15c 00 value Clean o*l O U IS Women s Waists, $3.50 value. Clean Qi QC x with coi- t Men's nud Bora' patterns, S£.UU value. «f # J « fjfcjafc-1 cnterlns; our More to-morrow mornliiK at S.SO o'clock H Sween Sale nrici» lars; all atae». S n c WPP n Sale Drice t/7 x • H mW, A wlien opcn> win lM - g ivt ll „ entitling them ■ oweep oaie price V A * f I Pn oweep oaie P H JfMI I; 1 |li\A nurclin.se one or these <lO cent brooms for 10c. M .Made of Crepe do Cliiue Silk In every new simile; all the newest J in nit colors. ——— f/fflj || || |SM* ■■ models. AH sizes. M Extra Special! C/63H Sweep of « jvilfclaJMSw None sold to Children—one U» a < nstomer. || I Women's Kid Men's and Boys' Underwear 1"' Worm's Waists, soMup to 75c. Clean 00 k S s ) Gloves men'S FiiEECED i.iNED boys' IM'ECED OR liiß- , t?irrF AND a /~<i ri /» Sweep Sale price f ' INni-KSIdHTS \NI» DRAW- BED UNION SI ITS: «.»c value. MEN S rLhiiL-r< AINu 1 ( | Ann W £ .. ..... / | _ Kits: 50c value. Clean Sweep Clean Sweep Sale price, RIBBED UNION SUITS, A VieHD uWCCp 0l Made of \olles and Organdies; white and colors. All sizes. I/2C C ! 33c 43c I dark gray and ecru, all sizes, 11 W ¥ • I "" I values to 15c 11 to SI.OO $1.25 value Clean Sweep Sale Some embroid- r I S<»ft lincst kid LIEN'S EMSECED AND 818- MEN'S RIBBED WOOTj • 181 111™ | V fJI JllH.ll Ji.t K* 1 \\T , , ~ J , ered nnd liem- | l lv *>lack and col- BED UNDERSHIRTS AND vnion SUITS* $" 50 value Price, IIVWIVI J Men S Women S and Children 8 stitched Hand- J ors. most all sizes. DRAWERS: 75e value. Clean clean Wcp Sale price, ' " W.mpr f* ■ C ■ Chean»r Now kerchiefs; slightly \ f 1 «. eo OAc Coat Sweaters, c teve° C HOC Clean Sweep Sale price, 1 I Extra Snecial' v —————————— —————————nl/ Boys'and Girls' Wool Mixed Coat Sweaters in all r ~ •i» y [Men's Hose ' MEN'S HOSIER YAT REDUCED PRICES | ™ C lUm values to . C^n ....89c wZ' f MEN'S SEAMLESS OOTTONI MEN'S WOOI, MlXll> IIOSE. MEN'S I.TSI.E THREAD lIOSE, Black STOCKINOS; double heel , TT « _ - Jl I r HOSE In black and colors, 124 c gray and tan; 25c value. Clean double heels and toes black and and to*-. \alue. t lenn Sweep Men S and Women S Heavy Cotton Coat Sweaters, Ikn i t Sr value Clean Sween Sale price, Sweep Sale price, colors; 85c value. Clean Sweep sale price, J Ui, ' | . Ji- ,n,u ) v -_ sale price, m all colors; values to $1.50. Clean r Value 10c 7y?C 17c 22c y/2C Sale price O.VC value «tc r I Full seamless in , XIVVW I VIW TURF \ D black and colors, MEN'S SEAMLESS MERCER- MEN'S FIXE THREAD SILK ■ • ALL rl. E - Woiiien's aiul Silk Hose; anH Wnmpn's TCnit Coat SwpafprQ work sh ! rl \ for J nil sizes. I ZED HOSK in lilnck and colors; HOSE, black and colors: all sizes; SILK HOSE, double lutls, toes double heel nnd toe: values to 39c. ivien S and WOmenS onaKer ivnit l-/Oat sweaters, nien and boys; J L_ 20c \aluc Clean Sweep Sale price, 25c value. Clean Sweep Snlc price, valued* ci'eair'sww'p "n e'priw, '' 11 C,cnn Swce »» Salc I I roll collars; $2.50 value. Clean. Sweep d* f iJQ I | not nU Blzes- | Uc 16c 35c 19 c Sale price &I.OZJ p I Extra Special! women's EI U C Thread SILK Women's and Men's Shaker Knit and All-Wool Extra Special! } I * Men's f LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S RIBBED UNDERWEAR AT LOW PRICES K : U^r^ : 10 Coat Sweaters; values to $4.00. dean £9 45 Boys' 1 I C ncn(l _J 0 „ Chlhtreu's Eleecc-llned Ribbel I Women's Fleeee-llned lUlilnd i Women's Swiss Ribbed VESTS; bweep bale price T • C„ crlo _ J orc a # ouspenders CNDERWEAR: values to 35c. UNION SCITS; all sizes; 75c value. 25c value. Clean Sweep Sale price, JjC D , j r>' 1 ' \it ir< «. O a. 1111 OUSpendefS jr f ciean sweep sale price, clean sweep sale price, wvv Boys and uirls Wool Coat Sweaters; roll collar; a \ 15c 21c 39c 15c $2-00 value. Clean Sweep Sale $1.29 C I T Value 25c Women's Fleeee-llned Ribl>e«l Children's I'leece-liiieil Hililietl Women's Swiss Ribbed VESTS; price,' " ° * tan Swtip Sale price * Value 15ot » i Men's i' ( ,ii,-e VESTS and I'ANTS: values to 75c. UNION SUITS; "5c valtic; all so. 5( , 0 va j„ C- clean Sweep Sale price, - . . , „ , . w Made good and g 1 anil Eireinen Sus- Clean Sweep Sale price, , Clean Sweep sale price, 1 Infants Cotton Coat Sweaters, red and _ strong full & ( g«.mi c and "'rtM,i r 39c 43C 29C white; 75c value. Clean Sweep Sale price... frOC assoHod I I Extraordinary Clean Sweep Sale of Men's ani Beys' Winter Suits, Overcoats, Balmacaans.i I Mackinaw Coats, &T rousers--the Greatest Value Ever Offered. Get Them Less Than % Tomorrow j SALi /l^boyy*Tu^^ MEN'S SIO.OO, $12.00, and $13.50 SUITS. I f iN f 1 |f OVERCOATS AND PANTS ] WINTER OVERCOATS & BALMACAANSI T || I i Boys' $4.00 a Long Over-! Boys' s6_so Balmacaans, i p epu , ar BainacaanS $12.50 $13.50 ' * sl '°° " tooy Pams.^l'inedH | I $1.95 i with Storm&Convertible Suits Will Be Sold at 1 so c $1.90 || j P Boys' $3.00 Norfolk Suits, oaa r* ■ — I \ I C-. UQ f Collar,2ooCoats . JIOO Pair of Men's $1.50 50 Me S', s s4 °° C° rduro y} I i 1 Boys' 39c Bloomer Pants, JI.T" i . , . . OA I Corduroy Pants, < If 17c Boys' $3.00 Oliver TwistT lin this lot at AT Mrnsm «bs .= 11 79c L 95 1! >1 Suits ' < Apri AA IB jrk 1 \ Men's Odd Coats, Out of« ► i (f Tv/r 1 - Qf)r I Mr t 111 111 «Tk M \ W 1200 Pair of Men's $2.50 SIO.OO Suits, ',l, {;;«• -Z,,"'"-"": >~L 1 M.ZI \\n, Newest 1 $2.50 ~ i" $3.89 | T"' IJI % f 99c Young MmTLong Over-' \ I / i ? # ,„ AA ,14 m I C o? S ,jso re S3OO Pair of Men's $3.50 coa ' s On ly ; 1| ? JBoys'7sc Corduroy Pants,: Boys's6.oo Norfolk Suits,) $12.00 and \% flfc St g SUITS. | J Fine Worsted Pants, at ' ' ( ii 39c «•»» i $13.50 / S'l™;; 1 sl-49 SI.OO |j fv l~), njl,) <ti I II inj/|/i» I li'Vt ■ ■ ■-"A I" »!>■■«« . Ivllalt lltßllU H »" V|y«» *1 | | , WWWtWWWMVWVWVWV^^WVWW^ SOlllelv IIlE(lc ; C ———i—— —————M—■ RETIRED FKOM BUSINESS Special to The Telegraph Selinsgrove, Pa , Jan. 4.—After fifty years of business activity George R. Hendricks retired from the hardware business on Thursday night. Mr. Hen dricks was only 16 years old when he started his business career. Charles J. 'Hendricks will succeed his father in the business. BULLETIN BUYS NEW PRESS Special to The Telegraph Dlllsburp, Pa., Jan. 4.—The Bulle tin Publishing Company, publishers MONDAY EVENING, of the Dlllsburg Weekly Bulletin, the leading weekly newspaper of tho up per end of York county, has pur chased a large new and up-to-date cylinder newspaper press, which will be installed this week. LYCEUM ENTERTAINMENT Dillsburg, Pa.. Jan. 4. To-night the third entertainment of the course of lyceum entertainments in Dills burg will be held. The entertainers will be The Gales, of the Antrim Ly ceum Bureau of Philadelphia, who will portray the life of the American Indian, WIN CROSS AND CROWN PINS Special to The Telegraph Lewisberry, Pa., Jan. 4.—At the be ginning of last year the Little's Cross and Crown system was adopted by the Methodist Kpiscopal Sunday School and the following persons attended every Sunday during the year: John C. Harlaellcr. Oscar D. Byors, H. M. Sutton, G. J. Strayer, Kdith Cline, Blanche Miller, Ann Cline, Mrs. Eliz abeth U. Laird, Mrs. J. C.-Harlacher, Mrs. William G. Fetrow, Dean Hudson, John Fetrow, Paul Schubauer. Rena Fetrow, Evelyn Harlacher, Marjorle Ensmlngrer, James Spanßelr, W r ill By- ftARRISBURG TELEGRAPH erß. Mary Fetrow, Esther Schubauer, Louise SJangier, Stuart Wise and Mrs. Lewis C. Wise. These twenty-three persons have received the gold pin as a reward for their attendance. DOGS ni NXIXti DEER SHOT Special to The Telegraph New Gerrr.antown, Pa., Jan. 4. John W. Fcnton, overseer of the game preserve on the Pennypacker reserve in Toboyne township, shot two dofis which were running down a. doc. The dogs belonged to Martin M. Hopple and Abraham M. Trostle. PRESENT FOR TEACHER Special to The Telegraph New Germantown. Pa.. Jan. 4. Mrs. Wilson N. Adams, teacher of a class of nine young men in the Lu theran Sunday School In this place, was presented with a handsome four piece ebony toilet sot by her class on Christmas. PARTY AT MATAMORAS Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa., Jan. 4.—A beautiful home party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bowman at their home JANUARY 4, 191?. at Matamoras on Saturday evening. The evening was spent In various games and music and refreshments were served to the following: Elsie and Florence Grim, Sue Wagner, Kdna Zeigler, Florence Sheesley, Lulu and Gertrude Etxweller, Mrs. Martha I. Hoffman, Iva Hoffman, Mrs. Caro line Chubb, Ida and Grace Bowman. Emma Bowman, of Altoona; Charles H&uck, Charles Baker, Lewis Eisen hower, Raymond Corsnilz, Lester Lebo, Martin Sewijak, Merrill and Mark Nace, Joseph Leo, Milton Straw, Cletus Sweigard, Mariln Bowman. George Hoffman, of Wllkcß-Barre; Tarl Murtorf, of Harrisburg; Alfred and Claude Bowman, of Lancaster, and Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bowman. ADDRESS BY I>K. WOODRUFF Special to The Telegraph Blain, Pa., Jan. 4.—Dr. J. I. Wood ruff, Instructor in the English depart ment at Susquehanna University, Sellnsgrove, Pa., will give an address on the occasion of the teachers' local 1 institute, to be held January 16-16. 1 The subject of his address will be ' "The Coming America," which he will 1 deliver on the evening of UM 44th.