Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 01, 1915, Page 14, Image 14
14 The Annual Mid-Winter Clearance of Suits and l|ipi^f| The new business year opens to-morrow with the most sweeping outergarment clearance that we have announced in many months, and if the reductions are to be taken as a criterion the entire day will be marked by enthusiastic buying. , J WAVI 1 \Xi\ 11 RIICTQ fit T PITI tl ft rfo There are several hundred coats and more than a hundred suits in this notable clearance, and each garment is marked at a saving T ▼ llillCill I*'Uh 1 *' U h A Hlk-'l Ally* Wd V that you will not care to miss. \ r I*. $ - Suits for Small and Large Women \ CH itTsk $55.00 Mark broadcloth suits: velvet bolt. <ol- black; full lcnjctlt coats witli simulated holt of _ . __ 4 _ _ la r and cuffs; yoke skirt $15.00 velvet $20.00 g* ' J T , 7 J J ' •/ _T f • f"1 • WZ~ J (VSS i 525.00 chiffon broadcloth suits In navy. $37.50 gabardine suits In green and brown; I TII7P \J S L/XC AT 1^11)1/CO& OT I jOU)PT"IYI ft 0 C X uSk \JKSSi green and black; coat with wide velvet belt full length plain tailored coats; yoke skirt with " / j /wCO Arjm JBHSk Jnpspa>L finished with braid and buttons: yoke skirt pleats $20.00 %T,th l>'™t« $16.30 $82.R0 velvet suits in plum, green, black and OAT IT O A TT TT~> T"~\ A \7~ Hir/^TIIkTTXT/^ £ LJI ~ ggffjtttjpX $25.00 chiffon brond<-loth suits in «roi»n, navy, navy; collar and cuffs linislied with broadtail: j*S /\ I P ( J P. ILJIV IJ A I |VI CJ r\ NTMtV m IMP' iK black and plum: three-quarter length «*>at tin- wide satin stole sash, plain tailored skirt. $22.50 N ~'- t w w - t ■*■ w x XX X XV/I\I^IUNW m /f&ifiS&JjFJ Jk y Ur ished with velvet buttons: skirt of full pleats, $05.00 duvetyno stilts; lone coat with the ffilitfflr Jp M£ m A I ■ ankf-aWK Mfc Bak Jvffl r\r\ O rn thc result of the mills discontinuance of certain patterns, which we are permitted to sell for /51il wl *2U.UU Coats in btaple Colors - ID.OU less than regular for a limited time. MM |®i $25.00 Coats in Beautiful Styles - - $20.00 * 6( >- 00 Per3lon - Speui s a ; 7-2S ci«? 0 : 00 . Ch . Hdema . B ™r ,s . r ugß '. 8 : 5 * I# \«. ■RS&SHI 1; I $20.00 navy and brown line quality fancy 525.00 navy and black heavy weipht eponne $36.75 Anglo-Persian rugs, 6x9 feet. Special,s2o.2s 40.nn T Urussols TUKS, 9x15 feet! 3 «««' oo 111 iM weave coats with broad belt and lln'ishetl with °7 a , t velvet inlaid and military collar: $50.00 Anglo-Indian ru«s. 9x12 feet. Special. $30.50 $28.00 Peerless {'.russets rugs 9x12 feet Sneclal W-,Sl™l\\ - $46 . 00 Royal Worcester Wilton rugs. 9x12 feet $25.00 • llEn- sleeves. After Christmas Clearance . . $t0.50 SIB.KO Imiadciotii coats with iarge veivet col- WP Royal Wllton rugs, 10.fixlh.ti ciaT.'. p er ess Brussels rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet Spe ■MfepaS ,\ W515.00 diagonal doth coat« with larg;c plush lar; fancy back and button trimmed. After foPt ." SpocUil $55.50 343.00 Peerless Brussels'riigsi,' io.Vxl'a 6'feet Spe fw g JBr A T^ifiWf=F collars: fasKmctl dose to throat. After Christ- "ff!!!," L V J C ?, ra i >e ' l ? L . " l : .nni 1' $37.50 Teprae Wilton rugs, 9x12 feet. Special. cial $36.00 \ ifl nA «?«<5,00 import< cl < iiinc liilln \iitli innrtcii SHI.OO SI 750 Peerless Rnmspls fivQ fp 0 f csnonioi i mas Clearance SIO.OO fm-colUr; in plain tailored model. After $32 75 Chlldema Brussels ttBVSI SOWIPT I mm*F@9B3SX«Mwr iHuHMKI $25.00 coats in an imporlexl oxford mixture Christinas Clearance $20.00 * S2O 25 I Dives Pompr.w A- Thi .j T ,. ~' mmJ mSSam, velvet «>uar and mannish pockets. After $20.00 black kerney cloth coats; in plain loose ' ' Pomeroy & s «ewtu-t—Thtrd Floor. WaiLllji'T Christmas Clearance $18.50 ! hack style: «'ollars and cuffs linislied with wide ' .v'V/ $22.50 fancy plaid coat with velvet collar and bands of broadtail. After Christmas Clearance. . _ . T —, A f~\ f~\ T~> 1 r x~H • i Genuine saus pins,. c„„, s i„ f„i. PS With Every Purchase of Groceries 0* * collar and silk button trimming. After Christ- j hack style: lieltcd models. After Christmas m< -■ 11las Clearance $18.50 i Clearan<-e $20.00 _ s-~y - , . _ — ~ Saturday, 10 lbs. Granulated Su 6 ar at 49c Oloves 1 hat Meet the Last or Uur rinest 1 rimmed. This combination grocer)- and sugar sale Saturday brings economies that cannot be enjoyed j f i t. j j- C* A f\ P elsewhere. Fill the market basket to-morrow with food stuffs that arc fresh and pure. Demands or Critical Women Hats at $4.y5 FLAG CANNED GOODS I Pimento eheese. lb 27c ■FI-p. -\iaino corn can 15c, dozen $1.70 Full cream cheese, lb 23c Women's two-clasp kid gloves, best quality of kid, black and About 50 of our best dress hats remain from the season's stock Kiag kidney beans, can loV, dozen ...._. sl.lO ' ior,l,ofo .^ t cheese, lb i»c colors self-contrasting embroidery $2.00 and and have been reduced' to $4.95. _ Another choice lot of hats has Fla K whole solid pack tomatoes, can toe, Kafser' um'burper 'cheese, lb. ,28c Women's two-clasp kid gloves : black, white and colors . .#1.75 been reduced to $2.1)5. " 1)Pl Mont p asparagus tips, can 22c, dozen $2.50 i.onghorn cheese, ib. ...'. '2sc Women's two-clasp kid gloves; white, black and colors . .#t.oOj T T T 7" 1 T T Santa Clara prunes, 2 u»s. for 23c peanut butter 1 e ?b° cach I?*' Women's unc-clasp cape gloves; Prix scams; tan Aul Let US 1 011 l YOUO. rUT Hat ST. "X "■ ■■ ■ ■'S Se and St.T5 Best oleanod currants, park »»r Maaon jaro 12, WnmnnV xvashahle loatlirrettr o-loves lti-liiitton leno-tli • ,a hite We aro » howln ß « varied stock of fur skins, ornaments and fancies for WII l t<iS Maenronl 1 m nV, r„r \\ omen s\\ asiiaDie icatlicrcttc «,10\ ts, JO uutton ,\\ IlltC, i ial adornment and dress trimmlnK.. Prices are moderate, too, for up-to-date HATI.S AM) 1 It.s Macaroni, .. pne ks lor 2,»c grey, tan and sand SI.OO to $1.50 fur good of such tine quality. Arabian dates, lb. J-je * ° ! i ,aclvS for '-3 c Wiimfti's washable leatherette oloves • twn-rlmn • »-liitc „~v ljet us triln >' ou to ordpl ' a »*w I'at for Winter. We have all tbe Fancy layer tiffs, lb !»<• COFFICK AND TKA vv omens \v as na me leatnerette gioxcs, two clasp. lute_grey. latest sh ai)d framcs _ lnC | UdinP the new and populav Tipperary. which HUAXCES WD GKIPK FBVIT Purity ( . o fro. u, cans ton tan, sand and biscuit to SI.OO has its touch of f«r. , .. 2 9c Hantluei o^^.''! b"'plcu.s • :;;:;:;;;;;;;;:; Z- Women s washable leatherette gloves biarritz witu strap; white. rt'H imported mink skin $2.50 fruit v'b for .! 2.->c Record coffee. n> 25c S?1 01> Seal antl I""'" wing's .v. -51.75 J!r°^' n f en ®t skin •••• $2.25 „ n „ t atoes neck 15c "Our Favorite" tea, lb 15c ... . , .. . - . | ill 11 Mole ornament with gold sword Black skunk skin $2.50 wilHorf oork :l nd beans 3 cans for 25c Senate tea, lb #3e \\ omen s cashmcrette gloves, two-clasps, black and colors. cuiil 09c Russian ntch skin si.oo eP e K corn 3 canVlor .... 25c CAWFD ITSH and SO< S«»ak op' Sam Skin V.V.V.".".'.« 500 KSJITSKw? 3USX«.' 'i' to', 'iii'.'.'.'. w? JSTJAfSiX iaU iil" « Here's a 10c Flannelette at7 'Ac * iffs! l ?£• «««.««*«» sS,^Si,s£r^. 1 lt?lt7 OCX LVJKs 1 ldllllClCllC dl I tvhite fur oomoona ®Bc J, mltat ' on Prmlne. yard s:{.»s Raspberry beverase, makes delicious drink, laige Hismark hc-rrinpr In erlass jars 3Sc 10c flannelette, dark Krounds, neat and fancy fiKures. Yard 7' / t;e white fur bow-knot faiiev' with French coney— bottle Norway mackerel, each 5c 20c suiting; solid shades; crepe finish. Yard 7*c whip quills . »8c 1- neh, yard S»c DEMCATESSEN GOODS • I.AITNDRV nrwi.w ? 1.00 silk and cotton poplin; S6 inches wide; half silk, self-colored fll- P 1 „ 2-inch yard ol>c I vn, 14c _ u r ,r, GOODS ures. Yard S9c FUR SKIXS Marabou in pink, blue, white and 5 f'L 5 h i' ii, •«»<• Laundry starch, 5 lbs. for Sic 59c silk and cotton poplin, neat figures, half silk. Yard ' ,39c Tiger coney skin $1 49 b,ack - J' artl 25c Boiletl nam, sitcett, ID 20c Household ammonia, bottle »c Beacon robe flannel for bath robes in fancy flgures. Yard 39c Brown marmot skinsl!!! Div es. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second runS'tason 'sliced.'^lb.^2Bc Boss soap ' 10 bars 2 »' ,v Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Barge piece of nearseal $1.98 Floor, Front. ' J Majtstlc hams, lb.' 20c I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. January Clearance of Our Entire H||p vercoal " Stock. at Big Reductions v-/ x)/ This Important Sale Opens Saturday Morning \5|L \'&M SSO Overcoats nc $45.00 Overcoats <tOf\ $35.00 and $40.00 CO C \ \ \ R e duced to - - hJV-Jv-J Reduced to - - - vOU Overcoats Reduced to I H rOJ' I S3O Overcoats COfl $25.00 and $28.00 fITIQ s3o.ooChinchilla Cl 775 [ I M I Reduced to - - Overcoats Reduced to lO Overcoats Cut to • J| i Jt; jANJfe: ; Here is the biggest kind of an inducement to outfit yourself with a good warm overcoat at a substantial saving /11 f p V\ And judging from the cold weather records that have been broken during the past two weeks, you'll need the y i\>/M^\ (j/ / A VV warmest garments you can buy--and need them for months ahead, for Winter is only a fortnight old. / / if i</ j\ i, Why not take advantage of the January Clearance savings and buy that overcoat from the best, worthiest F 'I \ oj i an^most up-to-date stock in Harrisburg. \ \ jr\ IMm o Overcoats of Imported | Kersey overcoats. S2O Overcoats SIA *7 C jsl 8 Overcoats C 1 Q Cfi yM i > / k/A \\ [V, Camers°hair doth nwr r Boude overcoats. Reduced to Oj Reduced to Jplo.oU \\ 'm>k^r jtfo/ \i\ Aa(l Camels hair cloth overcoats. Fine chinchilla overcoats. 1 r I /Bf/ 1 MSB Vicuna overcoats. Oxford worsted and cheviot sls Overcoats 1 f\ f\ /* F* I /I 'M* I' Montagnac overcoats. ; overcoats. Reduced to /&J I J 1 i Ifeiil Blue Black Grev These three groups of reduced overcoats include oxford cas- I I fl I P™ I *y simcres and worsteds, grey diagonal worsteds, brown storm if [ " i J. T> rj • cloths, blue vicunas, grey Irish friezes and black kerseys with self '/I \L i If w Drown rancies or velvet collars, single or double-breasted, form-fitting or box, / j VV-J v ." ffl j,,,, /A . „ . , regular or patch pockets. i I ~A Wj»i *5.0.00 Overcoats Reduced to $35.00 toftnn , COC rvrt o ** * W\A /A YlVm $35 aad S4O Overcoats Reduced to $25.00 January Clearance at $14.75 f /k^ i 1 \ t 530.00 Overcoats Reduced t0520.00 'l'hcrc are two-button English sack suits with soft roll lapels 3( Uli\J . \r% H $25 and S2B Overcoats Reduced to SIB.OO and three-button sack suits in sizes for regulars ,slim builds and / / Jj \x\ y stouts —these are our finest grades of clothing and represent thc .'-TT / V * "* best of hand-tailoring. The patterns include: 4 , <r~j 0 0 Kit f $30.00 Chinchilla Overcoats ' i f l\W W-rlrlW Reduced to $17.75 suits" C Unfirashed worsted Plain grey worsted and cassi- / ¥ /t\l '1 \ f) Fancy Scotch mixture suits. mere suits. | til ml ik \ ' rey ' Brown and Fancy Weaves, shawl Finest grade blue serge suits. Fancy grey and white striped J 7 |\ \ l;\ collar, single and double breasted styles quarter or full Bjue storm cloth suits. cassimere suits . j ? ||\ j I \ \ it „ i i- Black unfinished worsted Black and white silk mixture s n\ \ 1 I I \ \ A lined-sizes 34 to 40. suits. suits. & 1 ,-M \ I ViiWiii' I itflyd Dives, Pomeroy & Siowart Mean's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear. .■ | j | HAHRISBURC TELEGRAPH