Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 30, 1914, Page 2, Image 2
2 £fetffl^PctmayLVAnift'Bew>si STEEL CO. REDUCES ITS CAPITAL STOCK Big Corporation Cuts Amount From $20,000,000 to $5,125,800 Special to The Telegraph I«ebanon, Pa., Dec. 30.—Stockhold ers of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company, at a special meeting at the general office in this city, on Tuesday afternoon voted to authorize the re duction of the capital stock of the company front $20,000,000 to $5,125,- 800, all of which is issued and still outstanding. No reason for the reduc tion was given by the directors. The proposition went through with a unan imous vote. HIGHWAYMAN'S VICTIM BURIED Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 30.-—Hundreds of people in all walks of life, yester day afternoon attended the funeral of John E. Mills, the Seinet-Solvay coke plant foreman who was shot through the body on Monday evening of last week by a highwayman, who tried to rob him In the street while Mills was on his way to work. ELECTED BAXK TELLER , Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa.. Dec. 30.—Charles W. i Stine, who for a number of years filled ! the position of cashier at the freight j offices of the Cornwall and Lebanon , Railroad Company, was to-day elected as a teller at the Valley National Bank, j M ARRIAGE AXXOUXCED Special to The Telegraph Lancaster. Pa., Dec. 30.—Arinounce- ; mcnt was made last night of the mar riage of Miss E. Flo}» Senft, of this city, and George T. Titzel, of near | the ceremony being per- I formed at the Scotch Presbyterian parsonage, New York city, by the Rev. David Wylin several weeks ago. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Horn* Care That Anyone Can lie Without niHOomfort or L«m of Time We have a New Method that cures | Asthma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your case Is of longstanding or recent de- I velopment, whether it is present as oc- j casional or chronic Asthma, you should Bend for a free trial of our method. No matter In what climate you live, no ! matter what your age or occupation. If ;.ou are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send It to those j apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," ; etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our own expense, that this new'method is designed to end all dif ficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and ! for all time. This free offer is too Important to neglect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon oeiow. Do It To-day. FREE ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room I S73J, Niagara and Hudson Sta., Buf i ♦alo, N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: ! j j| i Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect May 24, 1914. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburg at I 6:03, *7:50 a. m., *3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Car lisle, Mechanicsburg and intermediate stations at 5:03. *7:50, *11:53 a. m.. •3:40, 6:32, *7:40, *11:00 p. in. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. m.. 2:18, 3:27. «:30. 9:30 a. m. For Dillsburg at 6:03, *7:50 and •11:53 a. m., 2:18, *3:40. 5:32 and 8:30 p. m. •Daily. All other trains dally except Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE. I J. H. TONGE. O. P. A. PEPTONOI I ro» ALL ACES DOTH SEXES. BNHB RESTORATIVE-RECUPERATIVE VITALIZER-TONIC - CORRECTIVE NtCOLDINCVtRYMOME ( CONTAINS MO NARCOTICS J AT DRUG STORES = Si ooPW BOTTLE THE PEPTONOL CO. i ATLANTIC CITY N.J. ~ —^ Have You a Good Hot i Water Bottle? Tou need one. Every home does. The season for cold feet, i Neuralgia, Backache, Rheumatism i and Lumbago is here. A hot water bottle is useful in 40 ways and a good one will give you long severe service In the 40 ways. Come here for a water bottle and select from our large assort- 1 tnent of best quality goods at prices ranging from 65c to $2.00 according to size. We have them s from 4 ounces to 3 quarts. Forney's Drug Store 42(> Market Street ' V Lots of Lumber You will always find in our yard a good as sortment of strictly high grade, well sea soned lumber, both winter and summer. Having lots of teams we can make prompt deliveries. United Ice & Coal Co. MAIX OFFICE: Forater and Conden St.. «■ WEDNESDAY EVENING, News Items of Interest in Central Pennsylvania Tuninqua.— Burgess R. H. Harris notified the constables to-day that they must pet the names of all clubs a id others selling liquor illegally in the wards: that they must reveal the names of the owners and others inter ested, together with the names of the wholesalers who supply the liquor. EaMon. —Charged with setting Are to Jacob Andrews - mill at Bangor on November 1, Floyd Lockhart, aged 34. of that place, was arrested and com mitted to the county jail here. Kinaus. —ln an explosion at the Pennyhacker Iron Foundry here Dan iel Pennebacker and Harvey Nester were severely burned when a quantity of hot cinders fell on a snow bank. Ailentowii. —While eating breakfast with a neighbor Mrs. Bubenhaas, of Newport, near Allentown, strangled on a piece of ham that stuck in her throat. Reading;.—A herd of cattle, infected i with the foot and mouth disease, was I killed yesterday by State Veterinarian | Dr. Otto G. Noack, of t|iis city, and i his squad on the farm of Samuel Ma ■ derness. in Maidencreek township. Malianoy <"lty.—Charged with run ning down an officer on the street through reckless driving, George liav rilla, a wealthy bottler of this city, was arraigned before Chief Burgess Edwards to-day. He paid a fine, but declared that while en route to the mayor's office his pockets were picked of $275 by someone in the crowd which followed him. Eastou. Thomas John Mclntyre, j aged 24. a brakeman on the Lehigh Valley railroad, was ground to death ! beneath his engine in the Glendon [ yards late Monday night. He was rid ing on the pilot of the locomotive. Shamokin.—John Bamford, 42 years old. a miner at the Burnside colliery, was killed when caught under a fall of coal. He was married and is sur vived by five children. Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph White Horse.—J. Franklin Seldom ridge. 67 years old. a retired merchant and liotelkeeper, died last night from a complication of diseases. He was a member of the Masons and Mystic Shrine, of Harrisburg. He is survived by his widow and a several children and a number of brothers and sisters. Christiana. Barton McElwee. 50 years old. died yesterday. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. His father. 90 years old, his widow and four children survive. Columbia. —James H. Findley, 42 years old, an ironworker, died at his home here. Word has reached here announcing the death of August Carlson, at Cleve land. Ohio. He was 35 years old, and ' is survived by his mother, Mrs. Re becca Carlson, of this place, and a , daughter. Violet, living in Baltimore. ' Mrs. Mary Melzger, 84 years old. i died at the home of her son-in-law, John Westerman. Two children sur- j vlve. HOTEL MAX DIES Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 30.—Harry Wolfersberger. owner and proprietor; of the Central Hotel, died Monday 1 night after a lingering illness of four 1 years of paralysis. He iwas 37 years old and was the only son of Mrs. i Annie L. Wolfersburger. Funeral serv- j ices will be held to-morrow afternoon, i conducted by the Rev. Joseph E. Guy. ] YULETIDE DANCE «; Special to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., Dec. 30.—One of the pleasant events of the holiday season was the Yuletide dance given in Franklin Hall Inst evening by a num-' ber of young people. The guests in cluded many persons who are home to . spend the holiday vacation. Supper i was served at the Bobb Cafe. SOCIETY OFFICERS CHOSEN Special to The Telegraph Blain, Pa., Dec. 30.—The Literary ' Society of the high school has elected the following officers: President, Clark Anderson: secretary. Miss Edith Bist line: chaplain, Benjamin Bower; or ganist, Miss Christina Kern. TWO COLUMBIA WEDDINGS Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa.. Dec. 30. Charles E. ! Barringer and Miss Bessie Ivuhns, both ! of this borough, were married at the parsonage of Salome United Brethren Church by tiie pastor, the Rev. Joseph Daugherty. Miss Laura A. Smith, daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Frank I. Smith, of this place, and James Yontz, of Mountvllle. were married at the home of the bride's pa- j rents. The ceremony was performed ] by the Rev. John C. Bieri, of the First I Methodist Church. They will reside in Mountvllle. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Dec. 30. Mr. and Mrs. August C. Nolte, of this place. ' have announced the engagement of j their daughter. Miss Eda Margaret Nolte, to Robert N. Baltes, of New York, i DIG VP FROZEN SNAKES Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa.. Dec. 30. While I F. S. Gilbert, superintendent of the i Green Hill Cemetery, was removing a body from the Mennonite graveyard at Ringgold, Md.. with the temperature about zero, lie came across several snakes just a foot under the surface of the ground. They were stiff with cold, but he gathered them up and put them in a warm place to find out whether or not they will come to life j and activity. FUNERAL OP FIRE VICTIMS Hagerstown. Md.. Dec. 30.—T0-day' the charred bodies of Harry C. Alvey, 1 a son of ex-Judge Richard H. Alvey, i of this city, his wife, Mrs. Bertha Al- ' vey, and their three children, who were burned to death when the Alvey ; home was destroyed by fire at Winter ! Haven, Fla., early Monday morning, were brought to Hagerstown for j burial. The bodies were accompanied I by J. A. G. Allen, a brother-in-law of' Mrs. Alvey, who is spending the winter ' in Florida and lives two miles from 1 Winter Haven. The remains were in two caskets and were taken to the resi dene of J. Vincent Jamison, Jr.. a brother-in-law of Mr. Alvey. The funeral took place this afternoon from St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, the services being conducted by the Rev. S. Hilton Orrl'ck, rector. iCorns Go! You Bet. Just Use "Putnam's." Nothing simple in the way Putnam's Extractor clears away corns it's magical. No more of the old-fashioned fuss ing with pads, plasters and flesh-eat- I ing salves. Away with such relics of the past. ! The best, newest, surest and most I dependable remover of corns, callous es and foot lumps Is Putnam's Corn Extractor. You'll be satisfied, you'll have happy feet, you'll dance with joy after using Putnam's Extractor, 25c at dealers everywhere, and at C. M. Forney's. Advertisemer | WEST SHORE N£WS ( FIREMEN ELECT OFFICERS New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 30.—At a meeting of the Citizens' Hose Com pany on .Monday evening the follow ing officers were elected: President, Bailey Osier: vice-president, Grover C. Negley; treasurer, E. H. Fisher; re cording secretary, George Hale: assist ant recording secretary, Kobert lioh elr: financial secretary, Harry Baker: trustee, George Spahr; chief, William Weaver: assistant chief, Herman Goodyear: foreman, Harry Baker; as sistant foreman, George Zellars; sec ond assistant foreman, Clarence Brin ton; directors, Harry Baker, George Beckley. Robert Kohler, Lester Rig ling, John Watts. William McCreary; financial committee. Jl. A. Iloff, Ches ter Baker. Harry Zimmerman; janitor, George Spahr; delegate to state con vention, George Spahr; alternate, Michael Nelson. AY ICRS FAMILY REUNION New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 30.—0n Monday a family reunion was held at Trinity United Brethren parsonage, to which the children and grandchildren of the Rev. anil Airs. A. R. Ayers were invited, with a few other guests. They were Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ayers and family. Professor and Mrs. F. B. Green and children, of York; Mr. and Mrs. C. Raymond Stouffer. of Hazleton; Mr. and Mrs. John Plough, of Carlisle; Dr. John Ayers, of Philadelphia; Mrs Wilmot Ayers. of Bedford. Pa.; the Itev. and Mrs. Stamets, of Harrisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mathias, of New Cumberland. HIGII SCHOOL ALUMNI MEETS Lemoyne, Pa., Dec. 30..—Last even ing the Lemoyne High School Alumni Association held its annual meeting at the high school. A short talk on the "Benefits of an Alumni Association to the Town" was given by Professor W. C. Bowman. Several important busi ness matters were transacted, includ ing a lengthy discussion and finally a decision on the banquet question. Re ports of the treasurer and several com mittees were given. CLl'B OX SLEIGHRIDE Lemoyne, Pa., Dec. 30. —TheW. W.T. Club of the Church of Christ, chap eroned by their teacher, Mrs. L. M. May. took a sleigliride last night to the home of J. W. Miliary. at Lisburn. Upon their arrival the evening was spent in games, music and various contests, after which refreshments were served. Those in attendance were Pearl Fowler, Catherine Ham burg. Anna Kiester. Mabel Musselman Hazel Muinma, Marv Nebinger, Mil dred Rudy, Mary Rudy, Zada Ren ecker. Mildred Whitman, Miriam Weiser and Mrs. L. M. May. NEW SECRETARV AT ENOLA Enola, Pa.. Dec. ,'!0. R. H. Barnes, general secretary of the Enola P. R. R. .. ■ , ■ ' ■ A. will leave on Thursday for \ un, ' ur >', where he will have charge of , T, ' • c - A - and Samuel W. Hepford, or Harrisburg. who was elected at the hoard meeting, several days ago, will be his successor. THOUGHT DOG WII.I> ANIMAL Waynesboro Man Sliot Valuable Rus sian Hound and Was Arrested Waynesboro. Pa., Dec. 30. John Calimer, of Philadelphia avenue, was arrested charged with cruelty to ani mals and had to pay $8.92. Several weeks ago the valuable Russian hound belonsinff to O. M. Peters, superintend ent of the Emerson-Brantingham Im plement Company, strayed awav from home and several days later the ani may was found near the W r elty bridge in a weak condition as the result of having been shot. Calimer admitted he, shot the dog. thinking at the time 'that it was a rare specie of wild animal, and, when the dog came toward him, he thought he was about to be attacked by a queer animal and shot it in self defense. The dog was shot December 10 and has now about recovered. It is valued at Jl5O. COMPILIXG U. S. HISTORY Ijcbanou County Man Has Many Val uable Papers to Work From Annville, Pa., Dec. 30.—John B. Copenliaver, who lives east of this town, is compiling a history of the United States. His father, Thomas Copenhaver, was a captain in the Revolutionary War and he has handed to his son many important papers on the war for independence. Of the Civil War he gives much personal data, having been a captain in the Ninety third Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers. At the opening of this war he wjas a resident of Bordner's Store, in Union township, and was one of the first men to enlist. DIES IX HAWAII Special to The Telegraph . Marietta, Pa., Dec. 30.—Miss Mag dalena Mosser, *ll* years old, daughter of the Rev. and Airs. Henry Musser, died at the Walukin Hospital, Hawaiian Islands, December 9 from stomach trouble, where, she had gone for her health. Her father was formerly pas tor of the Reformed Church at Lan caster. She was a graduate of two colleges and taught school for many years. Her sister, Clarissa, who is a missionary in the islands, was at her bedside when she died. DEATH OF MRS. TRESSLER Special to The Telegraph New Bloomfield, Pa., Dec. 30. Mrs. Catherine Ensminger Tressler died Monday evening at her late residence here. Mrs. Tressler was confined to her bed for over a year previous to her death. She was married to David Tressler. of Center township, in 1856, and resided at the homestead till his death. She was the mother of twelve children, of whom the following sur vive: Charles Tressler, of Con.vng liain, Luzerne county, Pa.: Mrs. Charles Fritz, of Harrisburg; Mrs. j! A. McKee, New Washington, Ohio; John VV. Tressler, of New Bloomfield, Pa.; Mrs. James Brindle, of Carlisle Springs: Miss Lilla, at home; Mrs. W. H. Kell, of Steelton; David A. Tressler. of Center township, and Elmer H. Tressler. of .this place. Funeral Thursday morning at 10.30 o'clock, services at her late residence, the Rev. John W. Weeler officiating. DANCE OF DER ZWANZIG BAND [ Waynesboro, Pa.. Dec. 30. Last evening the first of the formal dances of Der Zwanzig Band was held. Twelve couples participated in the dance. The ballroom was artistically decorated for the occasion and the gowns worn by the young ladies were handsome. There were twenty-four dances. A seven-piece orchestra furnished music and a supper followed later in the evening. DUNCANNON ACCIDENTS Duncannon. Pa.. Dec. 30.—Mary Ford was walking down the iced-cov ered steps leading from the porch to the yard at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Bertram Mayall, last evening, when she fell, fracturing her right arm. While coasting. Robert Duncan was run Into by another boy and received a compound fracture of his leg. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH CTTV AIJVERTISIXG CITY ADVERTISING / * ' TREASURY DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OK HARRISBURG. PA NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS Notice is hereby given to the holders of the following Improvement Bonds, Issued by the City of llarrisburg. that the same will'l>e redeemed at the office of the City Treasurer on January 2, 19 15, at which time Interest on all said bonds will cease: Street Paving; Honda Street Paving Honda No. Amt. Street. No. Arnt. Street. C 109 SIOO Hazel Street. CC 405 200 Swatara Street. •C 136 100 Basin Street CC 406 200 Swatara Street C 140 100 Primrose Street. CC 410 200 Regina Street. *C 151 100 Thompson Street. CC 412 200 Second Street. *C 162 100 Thompson Street. CC 413 200 Second Street. •C 162 100 Oliver Street. CC 417 200 Klttatinny Street. C 169 100 Cameron Street. CC 418 200 Kittatinny Street. C 170 lOO*'Cameron Street. CC 419 200 Kittatinny Street. C 171 100 Cameron Street. CC 425 200 Front Street. C 172 100 Cameron Street. CC 432 200 Hamilton Street, c 195 100 State Street. CC 433 200 Hamilton Street. C 196 100 Stnte Street. CC 446 200 Muench Street. C 197 100 State Street. CC 447 200 Muench Street. » C 198 100 State Street. CC 448 200 Muench Street. C 199 100 State Street. CC 449 200 Cameron Street. C 200 100 State Street. CC 450_ 200 Cameron Street. C 201 100 State Street. CC 451 200 Cameron Street. C 202 100 State Street. CC 452 200 Cameron Street, c 203 100 State Street. CC 453 200 Cameron Street. C 204 100 State Street. CC 454 200 Cameron Street. C 205 100 State Street. CC 455 200 Cameron Street. C 206 100 State Street. CC 456 200 Cameron Street. C 201 100 State Street. CC 457 200 Cameron Street. C 213 100 Crescent Street. ™ "®® Cameron Street. C 214 100 Crescent Street. /, , 200 Penn Street. C 232 100 Green Street. Kh I,' 9 2°° Eighteenth Street. C 233 100 Green Street. IS® 200 Eighteenth Street. C 234 100 Green Street. S,;: 200 Eighteenth Street. C 235 100 Green Street. ,„C 482 200 Eighteenth Street. C 236 100 Green Street. 485 200 Sixteenth Street. C 237 100 Green Street. CC ' ISG 200 Sixteenth Street. C 256 100 Reese Street. J~C f? 9 200 Fourteentli Street. C 257 100 Reese Street. kV; V 1 ® 200 Fifteenth Street. C 258 100 Reese Street. k}; 200 Fifteenth Street. •C 262 100 Elm Street. ,Ai 512 200 Fifteenth Street. •C 263 100 Elm Street. i >,C 516 200 Logan Street. C 266 100 Elm Street. 200 Fulton Street. C 267 100 Elm Street. SlB 200 Fulton Street. C 268 100 Elm Street. CU 029 200 Calder Street. C 269 100 Kim Street. 5 32 200 Wallace Street. •C 288 100 Seventeenth Street. CC 535 200 Summit Street. C 289 100 Seventeenth Street. °§® 200 Boyd Street. C 290 100 Seventeenth Street. ~C .m. 200 Kelker Street. C 291 100 Seventeenth Street. °' 9 200 Forster Street. •C 295 100 Briggs Street. 9 80 20 ® Forster Street. C 335 100 Front Street. V,}; 5? 81 200 Forster Street. C 336 100 Front Street. CC 585 200 Sayford Street. C 367 100 Swatara Street. £9O 200 Wallace Strel't. C 368 100 Swatara Street. ~ , 596 200 Harris Street. C 369 100 Swatara Street. ®® 2 200 Fifth Street. C 400 100 Disbrow Street. * C 603 200 Fifth StKeet. C 401 100 Lawton Street. CC 604 200 Fifth Street. C 422 100 Harris Street. S,C 621 200 Seventeenth Street. C 432 100 Front Street. CC. 633 200 Dauphin Street. •C 439 100 Fifth Street. CC 638 200 Fourteenth Street. C 442 100 Fifth Street. CC 639 200 Fourteenth Street. C 433 100 Fifth Street. CC 640 200 Granite Street. C 444 100 Fifth Street. CC 641 200 Granite Street. C 475 100 Cameron Street. ' C 642 200 Granite Street. C 476 100 Cameron Street. CC 654 200 Curtin Street. C 477 100 Cameron Street. CC 655 200 Curtin Street. C 478 100 Cameron Street. CC 656 200 Curtin Street. C 479 100 Cameron Street. Ct. 659 200 Mifflin Street. C 480 100 Cameron Street. CC 662 200 Hunter Street. C 481 100 Cameron Street. CC 663 200 Hunter Street. C 482 100 Cameron Street. CC 665 200 Camp Street. C 483 100 Cameron Street. CC 669 200 Cowden Street. C 484 100 Cameron Street. CC 682 ,200 Peffer Street. C 485 100 Cameron Street. CC 701 200 Wallace Street. C 486 100 Cameron Street. CC 702 200 Wallace Street. C 488 100 Penn Street. CC 706 200 Wood Street, c 459 100 Penn Street. CC 724 200 North Street. C 503 100 Clinton Street. CC 725 200 North Street. C 504 100 Clinton Street. CC 726 200 North Street. C 505 100 Clinton Street. ' CC 730 200 Briggs Street. C 534 100 Fourteenth Street. CC 731 200 Briggs Street. C 540 100 Chestnut Street. CC 734 200 Daisy Street. C 541 100 Chestnut Street CC 736 200 Juniper Street. C 553 100 Walter Street. CC 763 200 Gelger Street. C 557 100 Logan Street. CC 764 200 Geiger Street. C 566 100 Thompson Street. CC 765 200 Geiger Street. C 567 100 Thompson Street. CC 774 200 Front Street. C 577 100 Buckthorn Street. CC 775 200 Front Street. C 582 100 Apricot Street. ' CC 776 200 Front Street. C 631 100 Juniper Street. CC 777 200 Front Street. C 634 100 Shoop Street. CC 7.78 200 Front Street. C 635 100 Shoop Street. CC 779 200 Front Street. C 655 100 Mayflower Street. CC 7SO 200 Front Street. C 656 100 Mayflower Street. CC 785 200 Briggs Street. C 657 100 Mayflower Street. CC 786 200 Haehnlen Street. C 658 100 Mayflower Street. CC 790 200 Prune Street. C 672 100 Howard Street. CC 791 200 Prune Street. C 675 100 Fifteenth Street. CC 796 200 Shrub Street. C 676 100 Fifteenth Street. CC 808 200 Boas Street. C 677 100 Fifteenth Street. CC 811 200 Park Street. C 678 100 Fifteenth Street. CC 815 200 Sixteenth Street. C 682 100 Summit Street. CC 817 200 Balm Street. C 690 100 Linden Street. CC 819 200 Linden Street. C 692 100 Wallace Street. CC 822 200 Miller Street. C 698 100 Summit Street. CC 827 200 Forster Street. C 699 100 Summit Street. CC 829 200 Green Street. C 700 100 Summit Street. CC 843 200 Catherine Street. C 702 100 Herr Street. CC 844 200 Catherine Street. C 703 100 Herr Street. i CC 845 200 Catherine Street. C 704 100 Herr Street. D 191 500 State Street. C 731 100 Boyd Street. *D 335 500 Maclay Street, c 765 100 Wallace Street. D 376 600 Briggs Street. C 797 100 Seventeenth Street. D 393 500 Boas Street. C 798 100 Seventeenth Street. *D 416 500 Sixteenth Street. C 799 100 Seventeenth Street. D 468 600 Fourteenth Street C 800 100 Seventeenth Street. D 479 500 Reily Street. C 801 100 Seventeenth Street. *D 501 600 Calder Street. C 802 100 Seventeenth Street. D 509 500 Berryhill Street. <• 803 100 Seventeenth Street. D 560 500 Cameron Street. C 804 100 Seventeenth Street. D 586 600 Hamilton Street. C 818 100 Dauphin Street. D 591 600 Cameron Street. C 819 100 Dauphin Street. D 592 500 Cameron Street. C 820 100 Dauphin Street. D 593 500 Cameron Street. C 821 100 Dauphin Street. D 594 500 Cameron Street, v C 822 100 Dauphin Street. D 602 500 Fifth Street. C 826 100 Fourteenth Street. D 606 600 Emerald Street. C 827 100 Fourteenth Street. D 609 500 JefTerson Street. C 850 100 Mifflin Street. D 614 500 PefTer Street. •C 854 100 Hunter Street. D 615 600 Peffer Street. C 870 100 Jefferson Street. D 620 500 Berryhill Street. C sss 100 Bell Street D 629 600 Woodbine Street. C 887 100 Currant Street. D 645 500 Seneca Street. C 888 100 Currant Street. D 646 500 Seneca Street. C 889 100 Currant Street. D 651 500 Front Street. •C 893 100 Rhoads Street. D 652 600 Front Street. C 896 100 Brady Street. D 653 500 Front Street. C 900 100 Drummond Street. D 654 600 Front Street. C 901 100 Drummond Street. D 655 500 front Street. C 908 100 Hunter Street. D 656 500 Front Street. C 909 100 Hunter Street. D 657 600 Front Street. C 910 100 Hunter Street. D 658 500 Front Street. C 911 100 Hunter Street. D 660 500 Second Street. C 912 100 Hunter Street. D 663 500 Boas Street. . c 913 100 Hunter Street. D 667. 500 Fifteenth Street. C 9IS 100 Nectarine Street. D 673 500 Forster Street. C 929 100 Forrest Street. *D 675 500 Green Street. <• 956 100 Bumbaugh Street. *D 676 500 Green street. C 957 100 Bumbaugh Street. 68- 000 Front Street. C 965 100 Helen Street. D 683 600 Front Street. C 992 101) Compass Street. D 684 600 Front Street. C 995 100 North Street. D 58» 500 I'ront Street. C 1021 100 Bilkks Street. D 686 500 front |treet. C 10"° 100 BriKtrs Street D 687 500 I* ront Street. C 034 104. EtheT Street. D CBB 500 Front Street C 1035 100 Ethel Street. 1 {> « 89 £®® J,™" 1 Street. C 1096 100 Front Street. <>9o 000 Tront Stieet. •C 1110 100 Myers Street. £ 691 500 Front C 11of) 100 ITonev Street D 60w f»00 I* ront Street. C 1127 100 Prune Street D 693 600 Front Street, c 1138 100 Berryhill Street. [> « 9 * s®® c 114-1 100 Summit > ««« S^le!.' C 1146 100 Summit StJeet' » 6" s®® Front Street. C 1148 100 Jonestown Road. Front Street' c 1188 100 Minnie Street. £> <!® 9 "'®® c 1191 100 Thirteenth Street. 522 E™"! st£ee ' C 1214 100 Howard Street. J' Z2£ i-22 L Street C 1218 100 Penn Street. R i®S 5®2 °I J SjlSf, c 1221 100 Catherine Street. 522 *[ r r %[ C 1222 100 Catherine Street. }> i®* 5®2 * ™ l ' •CC 55 200 Haehnlen Street. £ 522 {.>ont Street CC 128 200 Dubbs Street. | £ .06 500 ton Stree CC 135 200 Grand Street. » i®J s"® . \Z° I re V{ CC 198 200 Calder Street. J? i®° irlSSt «t?let CC 211 200 Hummel Street. !! K' Street' CC 212 200 Hummel SHreet }] |J® Uivlll. CC .00 Cameron Street. rnn Front Street CC 291 200 Cameron Street. \> ; 522 Street! CC 292 200 Cameron Street. r. Front Street CC 293 200 Cameron Street. " iU ?2„ Strel AC 294 200 Cameron Street. I' i\l goo Front Street f-C 295 200 Cameron Street. \] VroSt Street. So' onn C an,eron ~J ree '- D 718 500 Front Street. CC 29 7 200 Cameron Street. " r()0 Front street CC 298 200 Cameron Street. £ boo Front Street! £22 Cameron Street. 600 Front Street. C,C .100 -00 < ameron Street. T) ~., 2 500 Front Street. CC 30) I'Oii Cameron Street J, r , 0(1 Front Street Cameron Street Street. CC 303 200 Cameron Street. f, 7 | 5 ROO Front Street. CC 304 200 Cameron Kreet. 726 50 0 Front Street. CC 200 (Cameron Street. ('(! 30G 200 Cameron Street. Strert Grading Bomln •CC 350 200 Green Street. •CC 351 200 Green Street. V,, Amt.. |ICC 353 200 Sixteenth Street. .102 100 Calder Street, tee 354 200 Sixteenth Street. tlO6 100 Monroe Street. •CC 356 200 Reese Street. t lO6 100 Monroe Street. •CC 357 200 Reese Street. 41 200 Front Street. CC 358 200 Reese Street. 42 200 Front Street. ||CC 359 200 Elm Street. • j;'4 100 Front Street CC 360 200 Elm Street. 125 100 Front Street. tCC ?61 200 Elm Street. .«,.t 200 Emerald Street. •Ct; 362 200 Elm Street. 107 100 Emerald Street. •CC 363 200 Elm Street. 109 100 Emerald Street. •CC 264 200 Elm Street. 110 100 Emerald Street. CC 370 200 Seventeenth Street. . 111 100 Emerald Street. •CC 371 200 Seventeenth Street. 112 100 Emerald .-Hreet •CC 372 200 Seventeenth Street. • 113 UK) Emerald Street. •CC 380 200 Sixteenth Street. 768 600 Green Street •CC 3*l 200 Sixteenth Street. 769 600 Green Street. •CC 382 200 Sixteenth 144 100 Green Street. jlCailed January 1. 1913, at which time Interest ceased. tCalled July 1, 1913. at which time Interest ceased. •Called July 1, 1914, at which time interest ceased. OWEN M. COPEUN, City Treasurer. liarrisburg. Pa., December 19, 1914. DECEMBER 30, 1914 ■ 1 . II MITCHELL LIGHT SIX $1585 MITCHELL FOUR $1250 F. O. B. FACTORY The new Mitchell Light Six and Light Four will be handled exclusively in Dauphin and Lebanon counties by Ream & Son, who have opened offices at No. 108 Market street, Harrisburg, and Palmyra, ■ p a. m The 1915 Mitchell Light Six stands second to H none selling under S2OOO. SEE IT—DRIVE IT Satisfy yourself and make your deductions from your own personal touch with the car. Let us take you over any hill and prove to you that you cannot beat this. "The most luxurious and powerful Light Six ever built." The Light Four at $1250 compares favorably with any SISOO car on the market to-day. Send for catalog—write us to-day. REAM & SON Bell Phone 615 108 Market Street Harrisburg, i J a. © Keeps Winter On the Outside Warmth and cheer on the inside. A copper Re flector Gas Heating Stove can used in the bed room, bathroom, nursery or wherever you want to drive out the shivers in the airs. Copper Reflector Heaters, $15.50 to $7.25. Other types of Heaters, $1.95 to $.'{7.50. (Connections Extra.) Sold on the deferred payment plan. At the gas office or from representatives. HARRISBURG GAS COMPANY mmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmm I "THE I | BIBLE GIVING PLAN Jg | | SELF-PRONOUNCING TEXT LARGE CLEAR TYPE Wt "aHH BOUND IN GENUINE FRENCH ||| W, / j MOROCCO, ABSOLUTELY teg| " WITH NEW SERIES OF HELPS, ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS |||j BRING THIS COUPON to our office with 98 cent» (which coreri • coat of packing, transportation from factory, checking, clerk hire and other expenae items), and this Bible will be delivered to you. If the Bible ia to '■<££%• jgpQ be mailed, send IS centa extra for poatage. THE HARRISBUKG TELEGRAPH p 1 H I L —LJL-1 I—JL The Telegraph Bindery Will Rebind Y«ur Bible Satisfactorily