Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 23, 1914, Page 2, Image 18

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IN TftE '
Special Services of Song and Story
Throughout Day; Char
ity Big Feature
MMMMBMM lIIS birthday will
be observed once
again by the Chris
tian world beginning
with the midnight
.. hour. No day, with
p* •' .JL | tho exception of Eas
mKM ter, perhaps, has so
" • ilfll" much significance to
the Christian and
I certainly none is
hfcjUfna** fraught with so much
" ,al spirit of
"Good Will Toward
Men" which lie came
i. _ to bring to a down
" ' trodden humanity.
In many of the Harrisburg churches
special prayer and song services will
begin at 11 o'clock to-night lasting
until after midnight when the anni
versary of the Birth will be hailed
with special carol singing. In others
early morning services will be held.
In still others services will be held
in the morning or evening with com
munion and sermons as special fea
The children, of course, will take
tho most important part in many a
church, for it is distinctly a dav for
the young folk. Sunday School teach
ers have been busy training the little
folk for weeks, and to-morrow the
boys and girls will make their little
speeches and sing their Utile songs
tolling the wonderful story of the Star,
tho Wise Men and the Manger.
Many a church has made arrange
ments to observe the day in a truly
practical way, distributing baskets of
good things to the poor. Hundreds
of poor families will be unostenta
tiously cared for by the Christian
people of the city without anyone's
being the wiser. The young peoples'
societies will be especially active to
morrow looking after the youngsters
of the poor that these "little ones"
may have a bit of joy.
Otterbein—Children's services at
7:30 to-morrow evening.
Derry Street—The Rev. Dr. J. A.
I-.vter, pastor: Hour Christmas serv
ice at 10.
State Street —The Rev. E. A. G.
Bossier, pastor: Children's Christmas
service at 7 to-morrow evening.
The Rev. Clayton Albert Smucker,
paslor of the Stevens Memorial Meth
odist Church, Thirteenth and Vernon
streets, will receive Stough converts
and other persons into the followshlp
of the church at the Sunday morn
ing and evening services. The church
choir and male chorus will sing spe
cial Christmas music at the 10.30 ser
vice. The Stough song book, "Make
Christ King," will be used. The sub
ject of the Rev. Mr. Smucker's ser
mon lor the morning is "Loyalty."
.1. H. Sliecsley, leader, announces a
class meeting to be held in the Sunday
school room. Sunday school will meet
at 2 o'clock, with Al. K. Thomas in
charge. Ross K. Bergstresser will have
charge of the senior service and War
ren W. VanDyke the junior service of
the Ep worth League at 6.30 o'clock.
At present the Stevens Church roll
contains more than 1,150 names, not
including the large number who have
expressed their desire to join on Sun
day. «
Recent Deaths in
Central Pennsylvania
Mhldleburg—Mrs. Annie C. Bower
sox, wife of Amos Bowersox, died at
the Danville hospital on Sunday after
noon. She was 62 years old and is
survived by her husband, two sisters
and two brothers. The funeral serv
ices were held from her late home in
Middleburg Wednesday afternoon, the
Rev. S. A. Snyder officiating.
Morgantown—Airs. Sarah D. Cox, 76
years old, died yesterday from a
stroke. She was one of the most lib
oral givers in eastern Lancaster coun
ty. Three children survive.
Lancaster—Nicholas A. Bastendorff,
7 3 years old, died yesterday. He was
for many years a brewer and a well
known trombone player. His widow
and several children survive.
AnnviUe —John E. Killian, 73 years
old, died on Tuesday at his home in
ileilmandale. He is survived by his
v/idow and six daughters. He was a
member of the Hill Lutheran Church.
Annville —Mrs. Harvey Watz, wife
of the superintendent of the Annville
water works, died on Tuesday with
pleuro-pneumonla, after a sickness
of five days. She is survived by her
husband and two sons.
Selinsgrovc—Mrs. Maria Helfrich,
wife of William Helfrich, died Mon
day. .Mrs. Helfrich had been ill for
three weeks and it was thought would
recover, but paralysis set in and death
came suddenly. She is survived by
six children.
Dr. >lllr», tlx* (irrat Specialist, Srniln u
.Nfn VX7K Treatment Free aa a Trial
Jinny Have Hrrn Cured After Doctor*
At first no dlsuaso is apparently more
harmless than dropsy; a little swelling
of the eyelids, hands, feet, ankles or ab
domen. Finally there is great shortness
of breath, cough, faint spells, some
times nausea and vomiting, even burst
ing of the limbs and a lingering and
wretched death if tho dropsy is not re
I >r. Miles has been known as a lead
ing specialist in these diseases for 35
years. His liberal offer of a $3.7S
Treatment free to all sufferers, Is cer
tainly worthy of serious consideration
I'ou may never have such an oppor
tunity again.
The Grand Dropsy Treatment consists
of four dropsy remedies in one ,alsf
Tonic Tablets and Pura-Laxa for re
moving the water. This treatment If
•specially prepared for each patient ant
is ten times as successful as that o!
most physicians. It usually relieves th<
rirst day, and removes swelling in sh
days in most cases. Delay is danger
Send for Kemarknble Cures lu Tom
All afdittcd readers may have Book
Examination Chart, Opinion. Advice
and a Two-Pound Trial Treatmen
free. Write at once. Describe youi
ruse. Address, Dr. Franklin Miles
Dept. DA.. 525 to 635 Main Street
KlUJiart. In I.—Advertisement.,
r Dispensation Permits People to 1
Eat Meat When Holiday
Falls on Friday
1 Christmas will be observed as a day
sj of festivity as well as solemnity by
- the Roman Catholics of the United
; I States. Turkey, chicken or any meat
J | may be eaten to-morrow, though it is
j Friday. About fifteen years ago Pope
jlLeo XIII gave a general dispensation
> to the Catholic people allowing them
to eat meat when Christmas came on
, Friday, the day of lasting. This decree
f will remain in force whenever Clirist
• mas falls on Friday. Fish dealers
_j throughout the city are not ordering
" i in large quantities this week as a re
| suit.
! A Pontifical high mass at 5:30
1 o'clock will mark the beginning of the
\' day's services in St. Patrick's Cathed
, ral. The will be celebrated by
the lit. Rev. J. W. Shanahan, bishop
' of Harrisburg, assisted by Mgr. M. M.
[ Hassett, the Rev. T. B. Johnson, the
Rev. D. P. Reardon, and a number of
seminarians from the seminary at
Overbrook. The sermon will be
, preached by the Rev. John Butler, of
L the Order of St. Francis. Gounod's
r mass will be sung by the choir.
At 7 and 10 o'clock low masses will
, be said.
j A feature of Christmas Day will be
2 the .singing of more than fifty children
at the high mass at 9 o'clock, The
children, who make up the St. Ce
' celia choir, have been rehearsing for
. the past several months under the di
. rection of Sister Evangelist and their
work is said to be especially good."
High mass at St. Francis' Church
will be at 5.30 o'clock, followed by
children's mass at 8 and low mass at
10 o'clock.
I Christmas Service at Stevens
i M. E. Church Tomorrow;
! Trailhitters Received Sunday
•! Services commemorating the birth
of Jesus will be held in the Stevens
j Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church
at Thirteenth and Vernon streets, Fri
day morning at 6 o'clock. The Ep
wortli League and the young folk of
- the church will have charge of the
l service. Ross Iv. Bergstresser will
9 lead the service of song. The service
> will be open to the public.
On Sunday at 1:30 and 7:30, Dr.
l Clayton Albert Smucker will welcome '
- into the membership of the Stevens
- Memorial Episcopal Church all who
; have a desire to lead a Christian life.
- Stough converts and all others have
- been requested to come to the church
' and be regularly received into the
i fellowship of the church. The sacra
> ment of baptism will be administered
t at both services.
f Musical programs will be features
. of services to-morrow and Sunday at
1 Messiah Lutheran Church, commemo
t rating the birth of the Saviour. The
a program of the Christmas morning
- services is as follows:
Prelude, "Noel," Christmas hymn
(Guilmant): anthem, "Festival Te
Deum" in E flat (Buck): offertory,
"Christmas Pastorale" (Ashford); so-1
I prano solo, "Bethlehem" (Coombs);
anthem, "Gloria" from 12th Mass
(Mozart); (congregation standing;
- postlude, "Tollite Hostias" (Glgout);
t soprano, Mrs. W. K. Bumbaugh; alto,
- Miss Martha Conner; tenor, W. E.
• Rowe; basso, A. W. Hartman.
s The Sunday program:
Morning—Prelude, "Minuet" (Mo-
I zart); offertory, "Lullaby" (Kircli
e ner); anthem, "There Were Shep
herds" (Birch); postlude, "Postlude
® in D" (Durand).
4 Evening—Prelude, "Sonata in D
" Minor" (Beethoven); anthem, "Holy
" .Night. Silent Night" (Hawley); bass
, solo, "When Front the East the Wise
• Men Came" (Bullard); offertory,
s "Serenade" (Jensen); cantata, "The
" Birth of Christ" (Berwald); postlude,
v "March Triumphal" (Thalberg); so
prano, Mrs. W. Iv. Bumbaugh; alto,
8 Miss Martha Conner; tenor. Dr. Byron
II S. Behney; basso, A. W. Hartman; or
s ganist, Mrs. Emma Hoffman; director,
a A. W. Hartman.
'* Stale Street United Brethren
s Church, Eighteenth and State streets,
r one of the churches which had been
fully co-operating in the Stough cam
'• paign. will now resume its usual local
" I activities.
The one service to-morrow will be
? the Christmas service by the Sunday
School in the evening at 7 o'clock.
y Next Sunday will be "Ingathering
Day" in the church and Sunday
b School. The Sunday School ingath-
Eering will take place in the morning
at 9:30. It will consist of rally day
features, and the ingathering of funds
to be applied on the parsonage debt.
" The church ingathering will take
place in the evening at 7:30, at which
;» time a large number of Stough cam
paign trailhitters and others will be.
received Into the church and baptized.
i- Derry Street United Brethren
Church, Fifteenth and Derry streets,
will hold an "hour Christmas service"
to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Spe
l_ cial music by the choir and a short.
15 talk by the Rev. Dr. J. A. Lyter, the
5 pastor, will be features of the service.
Next Sunday Derry Street Church
"}■ will welcome several score of trail
hitters into church membership at
t s special "Homecoming" services.
>f The following music will be sung at
le the service at 11 a. m., next Sunday by
x the choir:
r- Anthems—"Joy to the World," IIol
ton: Us Go to Bethlehem," Kirk
ir patrlck; "God Sent His Son at Christ
mas." Crlstoell.
k. Ladles quartet—"At Midnight." Rice,
e, Solon—"Christmas Star," Neldinger,"
it Miss Holmes; "Star of Bethlehem,"
»r Adams, Mr. Nelson; "The Christ Child,"
s, ( Van Dewater, Mr. Delhi
t, Choir leader, Ralph I. Delhi,
i Organist, Miss Eva lvunkel.
Sleep, my little Christ Child hi your mother's arm Rest, my raithful Jesus, from your toil to-(la.v -fik
Like a white clove folded in its mother's Ming. In your father's workshop till the set or suu •»
Purest gift of Heaven, nothing you can harm. Too soon you will leave me. words or prophets sav a-
While you nestle to me. and I pray and sing. No rest you will lind then till your task is done! A
Dream on, gentle Jesus, or the lilted fields Light or the world's darkness, over laud and sea : 2f.
Where we walked together in the morning hours; You will bear the message of Good Will and
Where for me you gathered llowers that summer Peace*— A
yields Worn and grieved 1 see you. woe, O. woe to me 5*
Yet you were far fairer than the fairest flowers. You must die, that hatred in the world may
O. Thou Prince of Heaven, what dreams I am shown!
fThon. in shining raiment rend a guarded grave! • W
Thou, the radiant Saviour, rise to heights unknown ' ft
Where for praying nations thy prayers, only, save. >9
—By Lois Kameiiin Booker, Harrisburg. Pa.
Bethlehem Lutheran to
Hold Midnight Service
Bethlehem Lutheran Church this
evening will hold a midnight Christ
mas service. Special Christmas carol
singing, responsive reading and an ad
dress by the pastor, the Rev. J. Brad
ley Markward, will be features of this
To-morrow evening a children's
service will be held under the direc
tion of Mrs. Edward and
assistants. The midnight service is as
"Silent Night, Holy Night"; pre
lude. "Pastoral Symphony" (Handel);
chorus, "Adeste Fidelis" arranged by
Novello; soprano solo, bass and tenor
duet, trio; responsive reading; Gloria
Patrl; invocation; hymn. No. 215, "It
Came Upon the Midnight Clear"; re
sponsive reading: chorus, carol, "All
My Heart This Night Rejoices" (Mar
tin), with solo by Mrs. Fager; respon
sive reading; hymn, No. 225, "While
Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by
Night"; address, • "Madelon's Christ
mas Qlft," the pastor; "Gloria in Ex
j celsis Deo," Old French Noel, arranged
by Gaul; hymn. No. 220, "O Little
Town of Bethlehem"; the Nunc Di
mittis (all sing); postlude" Ilosan
nah" (Wachs).
The children's service:
Processional, "Silent Night, Holy
Night"; prayer, by the pastor; open
ing song, "This Is Happy Christmas
Day"; song, page 8, in On Christmas
Day; address of welcome, Henry
Swartz; "Empty Stockings," Fern
Bowers; song, "Swinging and Ring
ing," Junior jjtrls; "My Presents,"
Elizabeth Wilbar; "To Bethlehem
Town," Junior boys; "Angels' Lul
laby," Primary girls' chorus; soloist,
Evelyn Long; "Do You Know?" Pri
mary boys' chorus; .soloists. Joseph
Hersliey, Kossic Pond, Stewart Lytle;
cantata, "Holy Night"; shepherds,
Komaine Best, Fay Bowers, Margaret
Goodman, Elizabeth Halbert, Antonio
1 Helf, Helen Keet. Florence Koch,
Florence Marltward, Florence Match
ett, Pauline McKlssick, Madeline Mes
simer, Dorothy Boeder, Naome Sear
fauss, Mildred Yingling, Evelyn Ying
ltng; angels, Helen Best, Helen Car
; son, Esther Conrad, Grace Hacken
bergor, Hannah Matchett, Catherine
Otstott, Esther Pond, Grace Kobln
son, J< sephlne Boeder, Louise Ying
-1 ling; song, page 10, in On Christmas
' ! Day; offering for Loysvtlle and Ta
' I bitha Orphans' Homes; announce
ments; recessional; soloist for Panto
mime. Miss Mary Belle Corbett; pian
ist, Miss Margaret Vance.
A Christmas song service will be
held Sunday evening at 7:no. The
choir under the leadership of Mrs. H.
M. Shope will sing. Carols (a) "What
] i Sounds Are Sweetly Stealing" (Whelp
i ley); (b) "Stars All Bright Are Beam
. ing" (BufHngton); anthem. "Sing, O
' Heavens (Caleb Simper); carol. "Jesus
, Is Born, the Heralds Cry" (BufHng
ton); anthem, "There Were Shep
herds" (A. M. Stu'ls); Mrs. Shope will
sing "Silent Night, Holy Night."
jTo Tell Christmas Story
With Movies at Fifth St.
i The annual Sunday school Christ
inas entertainment of the Fifth Street
Methodist Sunday school will be held
to-morrow night. The exercises will
be of an entirely different nature from
i that of other years. Owing to the
Stough campaign, no time could bej
i given to the proper preparing of the
. children for this annual event.
I As a substitute for the regular en
i tertainment. a beautiful inotion pic
ture entertainment, entitled "The Star
. of Bethlehem,'-will be given. In addi
; tion thereto there will be special music
' by the Sunday school orchestra and
• several exercises by the members of
l the junior and primary departments,
t The entertainment will begin proinpt
. ly at 7.30 o'clock.
. The annuul Bible Conference to be
, held under the auspices of the Young
.Men's Christian Association. Second
i aien s < nnsiian Association, second
I and Locust st reets, conducted by that
eminent teacher, the Kev. C. I. Sco
fleld, D. D., will open in Fahnestock
hall Sunday afternoon, January 3, at
3:30 o'clock; Sessions will be held
every evening in the same place at 8
o'clock, up to and including: Satur
day. The last meeting will be Sun
day afternoon, January 10, at 3:30
o'clock, in Fahnestock hall.
The general theme for the confer
ence will be "From Genesis to Reve
lations." a panoramic view of the
Bible, illustrated by charts and maps.
This is said to be not alone Interest
ing and instructive, but one of Dr.
Scolield's best efforts along Biblical
lines. The association is extending a
cordial invitation to all ministers. Sun
day School superintendents and teach
ers, and Christian workers of what
ever name or denomination, to work
heartily in this conference. The Sun
day afternoon meetings conducted by
Dr. Scofield will be a continuation of
the general theme for the conference,
and will be open to both men and
Christmas observance at SI. Ste
phen's Protestant Kpiscopal Church
will begin at midnight when there
will be a special communion service.
(At 11 o'clock to-morrow morning!
morning there will bo a service con
sisting of prayer, sermon and com
munion. '''he offerings at both Christ
mas services will be given to the Gen
eral Clergy Relief Fund.
ti The Rev. W. S. Harris will preach
.ja Christmas sermon on Thursday
■ j evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Evan
) gelicil Church at Paxtonia. Special
t music will be rendered and the Christ
mas missionary offering will be re
ceived at this service. The Sunday
I School pupils will receive their Christ
mas gifts after the service.
! Christ Lutheran Aids
in Hill Charity Work
Christ Lutheran Sunday School has
been to the fore this week in the was
of relieving distress and need among
the .poor of Allison Hill. A large
number of poor families are being as
sisted to a happy Christmas from th<
| many gifts brought by the school lasi
Sunday afternoon.
A tine program will be rendered ai
the church to-morrow evening at :
o'clock, entitled, "Realms of Light."
On Sunday evening, the Rev
Thomas Reisch will preach a sermoi
on_"tne Nativity," with the aid of the
stereopticon. Beautiful pictures wil
be thrown on the canvass.
Mount Calvary, Camp Hill—Th(
Rev. O. H. Bridgman. pastor: Morn
ing service and holy communion
10:30; Sunday School entertainment
—• i
Greet The King In His House
To-night and to-morrow the world unites in celebrating the birthday of
Christ —King of Man. «
In our festivities let us not forget that it is His birthday we celebrate —
that we owe Him homage —for He was born into the world that we might
have life.
(io to Chufch to-night or to-morrow and greet the King in His coming.
On this page are announcements of many Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day services which will be held in the va
rious churches of the city. Read over the list and select one
of the services and be in attendance. The Church will
welcome you to its service, and you will be glad that you
The best kind of a start for Christmas Day is that you begin the day in
Special Services Last Night, Next (
Sunday and on January 3 to
Admit Trailhitters
As a result of the Stough campaign
more than 5.000 people who were for-
merly unchurched will spend this
Christmas within the fold of one or I
other of tho fifty-three co-operating c
church which took part in the big re-
vlval. c
Nearly all these fifty-three churches f
will hold special services during the j.
next two weeks to admit the trail- ,
hitters to membership. Fully a score 1
have planned to hold "ingathering 1
and communion" services thW coming *
Sunday. More than half a dozen ad- ,
mltted members at special prayer <
services last night. The others will !
take in the converts on Sunday, Jan- 1
uar.v 3. i ■
With the lights out on the sawdust):
trail and the tabernacle now in process 1
of demolition, all the co-operating con- !
gregations will swing back into the
i regular routine of church life again,
i holding morning and evening preach
| ing-services, Sunday school, either in
j the afternoon or morning; Christian
Endeavor in the evening at G. 30 or
; thereabouts and midweek prayer serv-
I ices at 7.30 Wednesday evening. Many
] of the Sunday schools have announced
j special rally day services for Sunday
| afternoon to bring the old scholars
| back into active membership. ,
According to stewards of various
[churches, many of the exchequers will
]be low because so many members
failed to drop their regular envelopes
at the tabernacle services. As a re- j
suit the stewards and their assistants i
f will be kept busy for several weeks I
£ getting In the money from those who
F: are In arrears.
"The Nativity of Jesus, the Ales-1
!siah," will be given in tableaux this j
evening at the Salem Lutheran I
'! Church, Oberlin. The cast of char- ;
Sacters is as follows:
Mary, Miss Florence Janson; Jo- i
sepli, John B. Rupley; guardian angel. I
SMiss Rena Brehm; shepherds, Paul
Dickey, William Janson; Earl Brehm,
Ralph Bishop; King Herod, Prof.
Garver: Wise Men, Samuel Wilson,
I Edward Brehm; John Shaffer, Jr.;
I soldiers, Joseph Janson, Jr., George
'• Shaffer; priests. Wm. Eshenaur. Hil
| ton Bennett: Heavenly Host, Misses
| Helen Bennett, Mildred Eshenaur,
I; Helen Beck, Helen Brehm, Mary Alice
l Chambers, Harriet Garver and Grace
I Rupley; lecturer, Prof. George Dun-
E kleberger; mixed quartet, Mrs. Luther
If, Reigart. Miss Eifie Rupley, Robert
I Batdorff. Webster Kohlaas; pianist,
- Miss Eva Lingle.
To-morrow morning at 6:30 this
'church w iohll dealplscc. .Re'Mihl",
j church will hold special Christmas
|£ I services under the direction of the
j Christian Endeavor Society.
gi Harris Street United Evangelical
.„ | Church will observe the day in a very
I practical way. A good friend of the
church has made it possible to supply
e j a number of poor families with Christ
it mas baskets. This distribution will be
made to-morrow morning.
On Saturday evening at 8:30 o'clock
the quarterly conference will be held
7 in the prayer meeting room with the
Rev. F. E. Erdman, the presiding
elder, in charge.
l- ' The service next Sunday morning at
n 10 o'clock will be in charge of the
e pastor, the Rev. George F. Scharnm.
II New members will be received and
the "Lord's Supper" will be adminis
tered. A large attendance of the
members and friends of the church
! Is expected.
I Sunday School will be held at 2
ieiand Christian Endeavor at 0:40. The
i-1 evening service will also be a busy
I one as new members will be received
and communion administered. The
Rev. F. E. Erdman will preach the
' sermon.
Old Favorites Will Be Heard
Throughout Length and Breadth
of Slumbering City
Carol singing before the break of
dawn will be one of the features of
Christmas Day in this city.
On Allison Hill the carol singers of
l>erry Street United Brethren Church,
church choirs, and various quartets,
will go about the streets chorusing
those old favorites, "Crown Him Lord
of All," "Hark. Hark, the Angels
Sing," "Joy to the World" and so 011.
Some of the singers will walk the
streets in the old-fashioned way of
years "gone by; others will ride in auto
mobiles and the whirr of the new "six"
will mingle with the songs of cheer
and god will.
Throughout the western and south
ern ends of the city, many church
choirs have made arrangements to
sing carols in the early morning or at
The sick folk of the city will be
visited especially by the caroj organi
zations, that their Yuletide may be
made the cheerier.
For several of the organizations big
"feeds" have been planned as the
wind-up feature of the evening—or
j better morning.
Special musical programs com
memorating the birth of the Christ
will be sung both to-morrow and Sun
day. The program to-morrow will be
gin at 6 o'clock in the morning. The
program: Carols, "The First Noel"
(Traditional melody); "Three Kings
of Orient"; chants, Magnificat, "Bene
ditTus," "Gloria In 'Excelsis"; an
them. "The Birthday of a King" .
(Neidlinger); Mr. R. K. Fortna, solo
ist; "Gloria" from Mozart's 12tli Mass.
The Smuluy Program
"The First Christmas Morn" (New
. ton); "We Have Seen His Star in th4u
I East" (Caleb Senifer); "While Shep
herds Watched Their Flocks" (llog
! ers); "Adeste Fidelis," arranged bv
Novello; quartet. "Shepherds Watch
Thy liest at Night" (Parkhurst); solo
| (selected), • Hussel Small; "Gloria"
(Mozart's 12th Muss); soloists, Mrs.
C. W. Myers, soprano; Miss C. Wynne.
iCassol, contralto; Mr. White, tenor;
j 11. M. Troup, baritone; Mrs. Edwin C.
j Thompson, organist and director.
Services will be held by the Fourth
Reformed Church, Sixteenth and Mar
ket streets, to-morrow morning at t>
o'clock. The service will be preceded
by an organ recital at 5:4 5 by Miss
Helen Sawyer, organist of the church.
The program is as follows: Silent
prayer; anthem. "Messiah's Birth"
(Geibel); invocation, hymn 79: Scrip
ture lesson; "Gloria in Ejccelsis," of
fertory; solo (violin), Mr. Shepley;
Christmas Canticle, 7G6; Gloria Patri
and prayer; hymn 65: anthem, "H
Came Upon the Midnight Clear" (Jud
son); second lesson creed; "Gloria"
(Mozart's 12th mass); Magnificat 771;
hymn 70: address; Lord's Prayer;
quartet, "Holy Night": "Te Deum
Laudamus"; benediction processional.
The funeral of Dallas T. Peters,
i aged 76 years, who died Sunday at
Sparrows Point. Md., was held yes
terday afternoon from the Neely un
dertaking parlors. 908 North Second
street, the Rev. W. N. Yates officiat
ing. Burial was made in the Pen
brook Cemetery. Post 58, G. A. R., of
which Mr. Peters was a member, at
tended in a body. Air. Peters was a
resident of Harriesburg until Ave
years ago. when he moved to Spar
rows Point. He is survived by 011 c
daughter, seven grandchildren and
fouj - great-grandchildren.
The Christmas service at the Re
deemer Lutheran Church, Nineteenth
and Kensington streets, will be given
to-morrow night, beginning at 7
o'clock. The service prepared by the
board of education, entitled. "On
Christmas Day," supplemented by
other numbers will be rendered by
the Sunday School. The offering will
be for the cause of education.