Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 23, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Gifts For 600 Children
Will Be Distributed at
Xmas Eve Celebration
Lcmoyne residents have completed
plans for one of the most realistic
Christmas eve celebrations possible.
Six real Santa Clauses will be present
Thursday evening 1 to distribute gifts to
more than 600 children of the West
Shore town. About two weeks ago
these Santas issued a rail for volun
teers to help them get the presents
ready and assorted for the youngsters.
Hundreds of people helped, among
thein the girls of the Lemoyne High
School, who were flrßl aides, going over
the town and getting the names of all
the children so that Santa could not
miss one. Above are some of the faith
ful workers who will have a merry
Christmas because they brought joy to
Top row, left to right—Ruth Deck
man, Nellie Bowman, Mildred Rudy,
Hazel Alumina, Ruth Sutton. Verna
Bean, Klmlra Sweigert. Sarah Hoover.
Second row, left to right—Olive Crow,
Margaret Kunkel, Nancy Hentz, Hazel
Kuhn. Iva McClaln, Hilda Kimmel.
Special tn The Telegraph
Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 23.-—For th<
■ tLianosH HH ■
Gel Your Christmas
" m § Wm!L «5
■F n»n F
8 J ")> k 8
11 | Choice of a fern O
BR m s3 °° A "f ilk RS
ra JL\ \ Petticoat g 4 J|% Ibj
i * \ or r r )j
v.;\ ) $3.00 Silk or Voile ( M „
H E "C. r H
gfcfM FREE MfcSj
\ With every purchase J B
I of $5 and upwards (3
H -j-i 1 w* La
I vK g
® Coats (jjf Suits Dresses |J
$25.00 $35.00 Velvet and other g
PLUSH COATS, Fur Trimmed Suits, Q
□ Rich and Stylish, $16.95 H
D to o<; Q
525.00 Belted lined Broadcloth and
$10.50 $5.95
SIB.OO Zibeline, Mixture, "" CORDUROY and p,
UJ Sport and Chinchilla SERGE SUITS
lj «n S A $5.50 □
D Short and Long Coats D
tD $25.00 Ermine and __ c 1 ul
Fitch Collaf | 25 -°,° f C i ge c a v
ZIBELINE COATS Broadcloth Suits
0 $10.50 $7.95 ra
| Pretty and Chic Allsizes : ®
□ Ural and Arabian $15.00 Silk Serge and jg
Lamb Coats, p °P lin Dresses g
D $10.95 $6.95 O
Size to 50. All colors.
[I Furs-Go sy, Foxes, Etc., Set $4,95 u j|
n , «. A All Wool Handmade
Crepe de Ch.ne . . 5Q pUin wd y Neck
2 Roman Stripe * *51.95 Shawl Collars. . . CJQ ||
| Embroidery and Fancy Ribbed & Extra HeavT<£9 QC 5
S Crepe de Chine . . <C 1 QC ■
•p1.93 Children s Heavy and Pi
■ Vnile and Lawn . . $1.29 AU Wo ° l * • - • $1.29 S
HOUSE DRESSES I Children's Coats ..O 50 ■
3 | Childreo', Dreiset $1. 2 5 S
■■ 0 □Haom caHQiaao bhhqqs kbi
' *
last two years the molders of the
Mountvillo Manufacturing Company
have worked only five days a week,
but full time has been ordered and ex
tra hands are wanted.
Special to The Telegraph
Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 23.—A barn
on Walter Houck's farm at Greenbank
was destroyed Monday night by an in
cendiary fire. Twelve head of cattle
and a number of hogs perished, and
among the contents burned were five
acres of 1913 and 1914 leaf tobacco.
The loss is fully $6,000.
New Movie Will Be One of Best
Equipped in Central
The contractor and subcontractors 1
are rushing work on the now motion
picture theater, to be known as the
Regent, at 410 Market street, with the j
expectation of having it completed i
and opon for high-class screen pro- •
duetlons early in January.
The new house, which is being
erected for Peter Magaro, who has
had wide' experience as a motion pic
ture exhibitor in this and other cities,
will be as comfortable as modern
methods in theater building can make
It and will be most attractive both
from an artistic and decorative point
of view.
The Regent, in the heart of the
downtown business and shopping dis
trict, is designed not only JUS a place
of amusement and recreation for Har
risburg's rapidly growing hordes of
motion picture patrons, but will pro
vide a retreat for tired shoppers. Ba
ng almost directly opposite to the en
trance to the Pennsylvania Railroad
station. It affords an ideal spot for the
traveling' public to stop while waiting
for trains.
The Regent will be one of the larg
est motion picture theaters in tho city
and will have a seating capacity of
1,000 persons. The building is being
erected in strict conformity with the
new regulations of the Pennsylvania
Department of Labor and Industry
and this Insures the greatest amount !
of protection from fires and lirst-class I
sanitary conditions in every respect.
Modern methods of ventilation are
being introduced and an emple num
ber of emergency exhits constructed;
tho aisles are wide and the spacing
of the seats sufficiently large to pre
vent any discomfort and overcrowding.
Special efforts are being made to
make the exterior and the interior of
the theater pleasing to the eye. The
Interior especially, said Mr. Magaro
to-day, will be decorated in a most
elaborate way. Oil painting by artists
of ability will form a conspicuous fea
ture of the mural decorations.
Mr. Magaro Is now negotiating with
the leading film concerns of the coun
try with a view of obtaining only the
best attractions for his house. He
proposes to provide his patrons with
picture plays enacted by the leading
actors and actresses now posing before
the camera and promises that many of
the most successful stars of the the
atrical world will be introduced on the
screen for the entertainment of the
patrons of the Regent.
The management is at present work
ing out plans for the placing of an
elaborate illuminated electric sign on
the roof of the theater, which will
make the Regent one of the brightest
spots on tills brilliantly lighted Mar
ket street. This sign will be thirty-two
feet high, illustrating a woman diver,
who will climb to the top of a ladder
and plunge into water, all depicted in
different colored electric lights. The
whole design will be most realistic.
Mr. Magaro said this morning that
the contractors have promised him the
new theater will be complete and
ready for business between the Ist and
10th of January.
Special Christmas exercises will be
held to-night in the First Baptist
Church, Second and Pine streets. The
pastor, the Rev. W. S. Booth, will
welcome new members who were con
verted at the tabernacle. The choir
has prepared many carols and Christ
mas songs which will be sung at the
entertainment and services.
Mrs. Sarah Cohen. 926 North Sixth
street, broke her left arm when she
fell last night after an attack of ver
tigo. She was taken to the Harris
burg Hospital, where the fracture was
Discusses Request For Warships to
Preserve Neutrality of
United States
By Associated Press
New York, Dec. 23. The request
made by Colonel George W. Goethels,
i Governor of the Canal Zone, for the
dispatch of American warships to the
canal to preserve the neutrality of the
: United States, was made at tlio request
: of naval officers in charge of wireless
plants and naval affairs in the zone; It
: was forwarded to Washington as a
matter of form by Colonel Ooetlials,
acting: in his capacity as Governor of
j the Canal Zone, and the incident is
■ ended so far as Colonel Ooetlials is con
cerned—so announced the Colonel him
l self upon his arrival hero to-day from
: Cristobal on the steamship Panama.
Colonel Goethuls expects to go to
Washington after the Christmas holi
days to urge Congress to appropriate
SaO.uOO.OOu for the construction of dry
(locks, barracks, machine shops anil
, wharves in the Canal Zone.
! "I also want to ask for an additional
: dredge when I go to Washington." he
said. " Ifear that we will have to keep
a dredge working on the canal steadily
for a year or more. The lillls at Culebra
seem to be settling and this is the
cause of the frequent slides. We have
been able, however, to get shirrs
through the canal In much better time
1 than we though we could; for Instance,
we calculated on a half hour to each
l of the three locks, but we find thta a
i ship can be passed through nil three
'locks in flfty-flve minutes."
I Colonel Ooetlials said that there are
at the present time 2T..000 men on the
Government's payrolls in tho Canal
I Zone.
Business Details of Religious Cam
paign Rapidly Being Cleared
Up by Managers
<>ne of the burdens
left by the Stough
campaign • that is
causing some of the
members of the
executive commit
•"j . tee to lie awake at
' nights, is tho assort
* BIS ment of personal arti
■ •k /Vll' °' es ' ost ' n the. taber
"acie and gathered
L. ■*Jl S||. into the junkroom at
These relics include
several pairs of eye
li.C glasses, fifteen hats
' rr-Y" FIT* 7 ? and caps, a man's
overcoat, a woman's wrap, hundreds
of pairs of gloves, five dozen hatpins,
a number of keys, and buttons of all
colors and sizes, some as big as a dol
lar. They will be taken to the drug
store of E. Z. Gross, 119 Market street,
and kept for inspection. Articles can
bo claimed on sight or by writing to
Mr. Gross a dlscrlption of the thing
A member of the executive commit
tee said this morning that some in
quiries have been made by committees
of evangelist campaigns In other towns
regarding the purchase of the material
of the Harrisburg tabernacle. Business
details of the campaign are being
cleared up by the committee, and all
bills are expected to he paid within
two weeks. The office at 26 South
j Third street will be closed at Ihc
end of the month.
Christmas Services To-night.—The
annual Christmas exercises at the
Camp Hill Church of God will be held
j this evening. The committee in
charge has prepared a program of
I dialogues, recitations and special
music. The church is decorated with
red and green festoons with a central
figure a large Christmas tree loaded
with gifts for faithful scholars.
Home-Coming Service. A home
coming service will be held in Harris
Street United Evangelical Church this
evening at 7.45 o'clock. The service
will be an informal one of prayer and
confession, with a talk from the pas
tor, the Rev. George F. Schaum. Trail
hitters who signed for Harris Street
Church will attend.
Old Year Service al Y. M. c. A. —The
men's gospel meeting to be held under
the direction of the Young Men's
Men's Christian Association. Second
and Locust streets, Sunday afternoon
at 3.30 o'clock will he appropriate for
the last Sunday of the old year. There
will he praise, prayer and testimony.
It will be an open meeting. All of the
men in attendant will be given an
opportunity to take part. The singing
will be under the direction of the
j association chorister, W. H. Kautz.
Old-fashioned hymns will be sung, and
everything done to make this meet
ling attractive. Thhe management is
extending a most cordial invitation for
all men to be present, especially those
who have just commenced the Cliris
| tlan life as a result of the recent cam
paign just closed In this city. The
I general secretary, Homer Black, will
| be in charge.
Bible Conference.—The Rev. Wil
jl lam 11. Pike, dean of the practical
j training school, Bible School Park, N'.
. j Y., will be the instructor at the Ninth
i j Monthly Interdenominational Bible
. j Conference, which will be held in the
11 First Baptist Church, Second and Pine
..streets, next Monday and Tuesday.
•(Sessions will begin at 3.30 in the af
. I ternoon and 7.45 o'clock in the even
ting. The Rev. Air. Pike was a sehool
| mate of Dr. Henry W. Stough and the
] conference committee has extended an
invitation to all the trailhitters of the
tabernacle 1o attend these meetings.
|iThc following subjects will be stud
'lied: "The Book of Ruth," "Christ
Testing the Will of God," and "Man
; Proving the Will of God."
> Canal Zone Police Say Code Mes-j
sages Were Being Sent in
Violation of Rules
By Associated Press
11 Washington, D. C., Dec. 23. L,ieu
. tenant Crenshaw, naval radio officer at
5 ; the Panama Canal Zone, cabled the
• 1 Navy Department to-day that the wlre
, i less of the Uritish .steamer Protesilaus,
| in Balboa harhor, wag dismantled by
1 | Canal Zone police December 10. after it
< | was found she had been sending code
I i messages.
! The cruiser Taooma is at Cristobal
1 jto enforce neutrality and the Navy Dc
, ' partment still has under consideration
f the possibility of dispatching another
vessel to the Canal Zone.
i Milwaukee Detective Detained in llar
rishurn on Delayed Business
, Valentino Corosky, a Milwaukee de
• tective who came here for requisition
' papers for r man arrested at Dii
j tjucane, may not get homo for Christ
1 i The detective will be detained in
; | Harrlsburg this afternoon. If the pa
> i pers are granted he will leave for Du
• ] qtiesne this evening, but will be un
-1 able to get a train for Milwaukee be
; fore to-morrow night.
s 11, inqsof-keSouth TAt dor dar daroa
, j MAII,
J :11 y Associated I'rrss
Norristown, Pa., Dec. 23. For the
s first time In the existence of the poßt I
f> | office here, n Christmas tree came I
1 | through the malls to-day by parcel post I
4 from WerneravllU. J
Ivy L. Lee Points Out Values of
Recent Decisions at Wash
ington, D. C.
11l an address before the Williams
port Board of Trade last night, Ivy L.
Lee, executive assistant to Samuel Rea j
president of the Pennsylvania railroad,
predicted a prosperous future for rail
roads of the United States. George D.
Ogden, general freight agent, who
spoke, • called attentton to opportuni
ties for American industries in foreign
trade. Mr. Lee said in part:
"The chief value of the recent, de
cision of the Interstate Commerce
Commission permitting advances in
freight rates is its moral effect. It is
estimated that this decision will mean
an increase of about $30,000,000 per
annum in the revenues of the railroads
affected. These thirty-live systems
during the four years ended June ."0,
1914, had added *900,000,000 to their
property investment and yet in 1914
their net earnings were less by $90,-
000.000 than they were in 1910, before
litis huge investment had been made.
"Yet during the past four months
there have occurred four events of
great, moral importance to the rail
1 "1. The letter President Wilson sent
to a committee of railroad executives,
pointing out that as "the one common
interest of our whole Industrial life,'
' the railroad situation deserved sympa
thetic treatment. *
"2. Finding by a committee of Con
gress that th' 1 railroads are underpaid
for carrying the mails.
"3. The overwhelming defeat by
popular vote in Missouri of the so
called 'extra crew' law.
"4. The decision just rendered in
the freight rate case. In conclusion he
! said:
"In recent years the American peo
ple have been steadily adding to the
costs of operation of their railroads.
They had the finest railroad system in
the world, and Instead of conserving
it, they had started, all unconsciously,
hut nevertheless effectively, to under
mine it. They plied on costs of op
eration; they refused to allow rates
to be charged to pay the bill. Our
railroad system was threatened with
the experience of our merchant ma
| rine.
"But as a nation we have now Icarn
ed the necessity of conservation of our
' natural resources; the European war
has shown that something must be
done to revive the American merchant
marine; and the public Is now Just be
ginning to appreciate that our great
transportation machine must be in
cluded in this scheme of industrial
Standing of the Crews
iiann isiii'Hu sidk
l*>illn<lelphtn Dlvlnlon-—10." crew first
to go after 1:20 p. m.: 131. 12«, 106, 103,
116. 10-1, 112, IX3, 101. 108. 127. 102. *
Engineers for 104, 1111, 121.
firemen for 101, 102, 101, 10ft, 10S, 109,
112. 113, 12«.
Conductor for 127.
Flagmen for 101. 106.
Brakemen for 113. 103. 116, 108, 10$. '
Engineers up: Brubaker, Voiing, 1
Foster. Welsh, Geesey, Statler, Ilen
necke, Crisswell. Bisslnger.
Firemen up: Copeland, Kreider, Her
man, \V. B. Myers, Everhart, Collier,
Bushey, Rhoads. Whichello, Libhart,
Kochenour, Shaffer, Barton, Huston,
Conductors up: Ropp, Fesier.
Flagmen up: First. Banks.
Brakemen up: McNaushton. Brown,
Hippie, Hivner, Desch, Mclntyre.
Middle Division—22 crew first to go
after 1:40 p. m.: 1 14, 23, 108. 18, 247.
232. 230.
Engineers for 1114, 10S.
Conductors for 114, 18.
Brakemen for 108, 18.
Engineers up: Free, Webster, Hertz- i
ler. Smith, ICugler.
Fireman up: Drewett.
Flagmen up: Cain, Smith.
Brakemen up: Roller. ICieffer Plack,
Strauser, Bell, Heck, Frank.
Ynrd Crnvn—To go after 4 p. m.:
Knglneers for 1451. 707, 14, 1820, 2383.
Firemen for 1454, 707. 1831 1850. !
Engineers up: Rudy, Houser, Stahl,
Swab, Crist, Saltsman, Kulin. Pel ton, 1
i Shaver, Hoyler, Beck, Harter, Biever. ,
Blosser, Brenneman.
Firemen up: Essig. Myers, Boyle, j
Shipley, Crow, Rovie, Bostdorf, Sohief
er. Ranch, weigle. Lackey, Maeyer.
Sholter, Snoll. Getty, llart. liarkoy.
Sheets, Bair, Eyde.
Philadelphia DlvMon crew first
| to go after 3:45 p. m.: 21 f. 242, 227. 245,
212, 238, 208, 209, 202, 232, 239. 222.
Engineers for 208, 211, 219, 223, 289.
Firemen for 208. 218, 222, 223, 240,
212. 245.
Conductors for 208. 219, 227, 245.
Flagmen for 205, 208, 21 1. 239, 212.
Brakemen for 205, 20S. 227. 245
Conductors up: Keller. Logan, Stauf- i
fer. Llngle.
Flagman up: Ford.
Brakemen up: Felker, Malseed.
Hoopes, Twigg. Long, Bair, Albright,
Arment. Goudy.
Middle Division—ll9 crew first to go
after 3:20 p. m.: 103. 110.
Fireman for 103.
Conductor for 110.
' Brakemen for 103. 110.
HarrUhnrit Division—6 crew first to I
go after 11:30 a. m.: 2, 20. 1, 23, o. 18,1
15. 14. 16, 24.
East-bound —59 crew first to go after ,
11:30 a. m.: 65, sft, 62, 53, 51, 69, 61.
Engineers for 65, 6, B. R. P.. 256.
Firemen for 61. 2, 16, 24.
Brakemen for 59, 1. 2, 1", 20, 24, 23.
Engineers up: Fleta, Martin, Tiptton.
Firemen up: Klx" Fulton, Corl,
Bowers, Sullivan, Kelly, Lex. Boyer.
Conductors up: Gingher, German.
Flagman up: llartz.
Brakemen up: Holbert, Toder, Mc-
Henry, Troy, Hartz, Shader, Taylor,
Strain. Cook, Painter, Gardner, Macha
iner, Maurer. Epley, Mumma, Miller,
Dunkle, Hoover.
Mrs. Catherine Egenrieder, aged 70
years, died yesterday afternoon at her
home. 324 Relly street. Funeral ser
\fices will l>e held Saturday afternoon, j
at 2 o'clock, in the St. Lawrence Ro- ;
man Catholic. Church, the Rev. Father,
P. S. Huegel officiating. Burial will he j
made In the Mt. Calvary Cemetery. I
Employes at the coal and wood yards
of G. Frank MiUelsen caught a runaway
horse yesterday afternoon. The horse
was the property of J. F. 'Zollinger, the
blacksmith, In North street. The horse
walked out of the blacksmith shop, lie
was captured near Seventh and Briggs
Swartz. 35 years old, of Shlppens- :
burg, is in the lfarrlgburg Hospital in
a serious condition, suffering from in- ]
tesiinal perforation. He was operated
on yesterday In a final attempt to nave
hIH life. Swartz Is employed by the
j Peerless Laundry, of Shippensburg, and
; while at work Friday was struck by a
| board. !
j Brooches, from $3.50 up; Laval
lleres, from 13.00 up. Scarf Pine.
I from 75c up: Rings, frojn $4.00 up.
I Diamond Merchant Mil Jetfclar
No. 1 North Third St
N V.
Notice i.i hereby given to the holders of the following Improvement Bon<l».
Issued by the City of Ilarrlsburg. that the sajn® will be redeemed at the office
of the City Treasurer on January 2, IB 15, at which time Interest on all said
bonda will cease:
street I'll* in* Hondo I
No. Amt. Street.
C 109 SIOO Hazel Street.
•C 1.16 10U Basin Street
O 140 100 Primrose Street.
•C 181 100 Thompson Street.
•C 152 100 Thompson Street.
•C 162 100 Oliver Street.
C 169 100 Carafron Street.
C 170 100 Cameron Street.
C Itl 100 Cameron Street.
C 172 100 Cameron Street.
C 195 100 State Street.
C 196 100 State Street.
C 197 100 State Street.
C 198 100 State Street.
C 199 100 State Street. !
C 200 100 State Street.
C 201 100 State Street.
C 262 100 State Street.
C 203 100 State Street.
C 204 100 state Street.
C 205 100 State Street.
C 206 100 State Street.
C 207 100 State Street.
C 21S 100 Crescent Street.
C 214 100 Crescent Street.
C 332 100 Green Street.
C 283 100 Green Street.
C 2X4 100 Green Street.
C 235 100 Green Street.
C 236 100 Green .Street.
C 237 100 Green Street.
C 256 100 Iteese Street.
C 257 100 Reese Street.
C 558 100 Ileese Street.
•C 262 100 Kim Street.
•C 268 100 Elm .Street.
C 266 100 131 m Street.
C 267 100 Elm Street.'
C 268 100 Elm Street.
C 269 100 Elht 'Street.
•C 288 100 Seventeenth Street.
C 289 100 Seventeenth Street.
C 290 100 Seventeenth Street.
C 281 100 Seventeenth Street.
•C 296 100 Brlggs Street.
C 335 100 Krppt Street.'
C 336 100 Front Street.
C 367 100 S-wa-tara Street.
C 368 100 Swatara Street.
C 309 100 SWattfra' Street.
C 400 100 Klpbrow Street.
O 401 100 l,awton Street.
C 422 100 Harris Street.
C 432 100 Front Street.
•C 489 100 Fifth Street.
C 442 100 Fifth Street.
C 433 100 Fifth Street.
C 444 100 Fifth Street.
C 475 100 Cameron Street.
C 476 100 Cameron Street.
C 477 100 Cameron Street.
C 478 100 Cameron Street.
C 479 100 Cameron Street.
O 480 100 Cameron Streei.
C 481 100 Cameron Street.
C 482 100 Cajnerph Street. 1
C 483 100 Cameron Street.
C 484 100 Cameron Street,
j C 485 100 Cameron Street.
1 C 486 100 Cameron Street.
O 488 100 Penn Street.
C 489 100 Penn Street.
, C 508 100 Clinton Street.
C 501 100 Clinton Street,
i C 505 100 Clinton Street.
C 534 100 Fourteenth Street.
C 540 100 Chestnut Street.
C 541 100 Chestnut Street
C 533 100 Walter Street.
C 557 100 I,ogan Street.
C! r>66 100 Thompson Street.
C 567 100 Thompson Street.
C 577 100 Buckthorn Street.
I C 382 100 Apricot Street. .
C 631 100 Juniper Street.
C 634 100 Shoop Street.
I C 685 100 Shoop Street.
I C 655 100 Mayflower Street.
I C 656 100 Mayflower Street.
! C 657 100 Mayflower Street.
C 658 100 Mayflower Street.
C 672 100 Howard Street.
C HJo 100 Fifteenth Street,
c 676 100 Fifteenth Street.
C 677 100 Fifteenth Streei.
C 678 100 Fifteenth Street.
C 682 100 Summit Street.
C 690 100 Linden Street.
C 692 100 Wallace Street.
C 698 100 Summit Street.
C 699 100 Summit Street.
1 C 700 100 Summit Street. " 1
<' 702 100 Ilorr Streei.
| C 703 100 Her) - Street.
C 704 100 Herr Street.
| C 731 100 Boyd Street.
1' 765 100 Wallaco Street.
| C 797 100 Seventeenth Street. i
C 798 100 Seventeenth Street. ;
C 799 100 Seventeenth Street. I
C SOO 100 Seventeenth Street.
C 801 100 Seventeenth Streei.
C 802 100 Seventeenth Street.
C 803 100 Seventeenth Street.
| C 804 100 •Seventeenth Street.
C Sis 100 Dauphin Street.
I <: 819 100 Dauphin Street.
C 820 10(1 Dauphin Street.
C 821 100 Dauphin Street.
1 C 822 100 Dauphin Street.
C 826 100 Fourteenth Street.
1 (' 827 100 Fourteenth Street,
j C 850 100 Mifflin Street.
•C 854 100 Hunter Street.
C 870 100 Jefferson Street.
C 885 100 Hell Street,
c 887 100 Currant Street.
C 888 100 Currant Streei.
C SB9 100 Currant Street.
•C 893 100 Ithoads Street.
C 596 100 Brady Street.
C 900 100 Drummond street.
C 901 100 DrunVmond Street.
C 908 100 Hunter Streei.
C 909 100 Hunter Streei.
C 910 100 Hunter Street.
C 911 100 Hunter Street.
C 912 100 Hunter Street.
C 913 100 Hunter Street.
C 918 100 Nectarine Street.
C 929 100 Forrest Street,
i! 956 100 Burnbaugh Streei.
C 957 190 Bumbaugh Street.
C 96." 100 Helen Street.
C 992 100 Compass Street.
1' 993 100 North Street.
C 1021 100 Briggs Streei.
C 1022 100 Brlggs Street.
| C 103 1 100 Ethel Street,
i C 1035 100 Ethel Street.
C lOP 6 100 Front Street.
I *C 1110 joo Myers Street.
C 1120 100 Honey Street.
C 1127 100 Prune Street.
C 1138 100 Berryliijl street,
i C 1144 100 Summit Street.
C 1145 100 Summit Streei.
C 1 146 100 Summit Street.
C 1148 100 Jonestown Road.
C 1188 100 Minnie Street.
C 1194 100 Thirteenth Street.
C 1214 100 Howard Street.
C 1218 100 Penn Street.
C 1221 300 Catherine Street,
i O 1222 100 Catherine Street.
! *CC 55 200 Haehnlen Street.
CC 128 200 Dubbs Street.
CC 135 200 Grand Streei.
CC 198 200 Calder Street.
CC 211 200 Hummel Street.
CC 212 200 Hummel Street.
CC 290 200 Cameron Street.
CC 291 200 Cameron Street.
CC 292 200 Cameron Street.
CC 293 200 Cameron Street,
i CC 294 200 Cameron Street.
| CC 295 2QO Cameron Streei.
I CC 296 200 Cameron Street,
j CC 297 200 Cameron Street.
CC 298 200 Cameron Street.
1 CC 299 200 Cameron Streei.
CC 300 200 Cameron Streei.
CC 301 200 Cameron Street
CC 302 200 Cameron Street.
CC 303 200 Cameron Street.
CC 304 200 Cameron Street.
CC 305 200 Cameron Street.
CC 306 200 Cameron Street.
•CC 350 200 Green Street.
•CC 351 200 Green Street.
|ICC 353 200 Sixteenth Street.
! tCC 354 200 Sixteenth Street.
) *CC 860 200 Reese Street.
I *CC 387 200 Keese Street.
' CC KJB 200 Reese Street.
[ICC 38* 200 Elm Street.
'!CC SCO 200 Kim Streei.
ICC 361 200 Kim Street.
•CC 362 200 Kim Street.
•CC 863 200 Kim Streei.
•CC 364 200 Elm Street,
liCC 370 200 Seventeenth Street.
| »cc 371 200 Seventeenth Street.
' *CC 372 200 Seventeenth Street.
! *CC 380 200 Sixteenth Street.
! *CC 3SI 200 Sixteenth Street.
I *CC 352 100 Sixteenth Street.
liCalled January 1. 1813. at which tirq* Interest ceased.
July t. 1913. st which time interest ceased.
•Called July 1, ISH, at which time interest ceased.
<?lty Treasurer.
Uarrisbuig, i'a., December I#, I#l4.
Street Paving; Roads
No. Amt. Street
CC 405 200 Swatara Street.
CC 406 200 Swatara Street.
CC 410 200 Reglna Street.
CC 412 200 Second Street.
CC 413 200 Second Street.
CC 417 200 Kittatinny Street.
CC 418 200 Kittatinny Street.
CC 4J9 200 Kittatinny Street.
CC 425 200 Front Street.
CC 432 200 Hamilton Street.
CC 433 200 Hamilton Street.
CC 446 20') Muench Street.
CC 447 200 Muench Streei.
CC 448 300 Muench Street.
, CC 449 200 Cameron Street.
I CC 450 200 Cameron Street.
J CC 451 200 Cameron Street.
CC 462 200 Cameron Street.
CC 453 200 Cameron Street.
CC 454 200 Cameron Street.
CC 465 200 Cameron Street.
CC 456 200 Cameron Street.
CC 457 200 Cameron Street.
CC 458 200 Cameron Street.
CC 465 200. Penn Sgreet.
CC 479 200 Eighteenth Street.
CC 480 200 Eighteenth Street.
CC 481 200 Eighteenth Stroet.
CC 482 200 Eighteenth Street.
! CC 485 200 Sixteenth Street.
CC 486 200 Sixteenth Street.
CC 459 200 Fourteenth Street.
CC 510 200 Fifteenth Street.
CC 511 200 Fifteenth Street.
CC 512 200 Fifteenth Street. •'
CC 516 200 Logan Street.
CC 517 200 Fulton Street.
CC 518 200 Fulton Street.
CC! 529 200 Calder Streei.
CC 532 200 Wallace Street.
CC 535 200 Summit Street.
CC 560 200 Boyd Street.
CC 872 200 Kelker Street.
CC 579 200 Forster Street.
CC 580 200 Forster Street.
CC 581 200 Forster Street.
CC 685 200 Sayford Streei.
CC 590 200 Wallace Strict.
CC 696 200 Harris Street.
CC 602 200 Fifth Street.
CC 603 200 Fifth Stceet.
CC 604 200 Fifth Street.
CC 621 200 Seventeenth Street.
CC 633 200 Dauphin Street.
CC 638 200 Fourteenth Street.
CC 639 200 Fourteenth Street.
CC 640 200 Granite Street.
; CC 641 200 Granite Street.
CC 642 200 Granite Street.
I CC 684 200 Curtin Street.
CC 655 200 Curtin Street.
| CC 656 200 Curtin Street.
I CC 659 200 Mifflin Streei.
I CC 662 200 Hunter Street.
I CC 663 200 Hunter Street.
1 CC 665 200 Camp Street.
1 CC 669 200 Cowden Street.
CC 682 200 PefTer Street.
CC 701 200 Wallace Street.
CC 702 200 Wallace Street.
CC 706 200 Wood Stroet.
CC 724 200 North Streei.
CC 725 200 North Street.
CC 726 200 North Streei.
CC 730 200 Briggs Street.
CC 731 200 Briggs Street.
CC 734 200 Daisy Street.
CC 736 200 Juniper Street.
CC 763 200 Geiger Street.
CC 764 200 Geiger Street.
CC 765 200 Geiger Street.
CC 774 200 Front Street.
CC 775 200 Front Street.
CC 776 200 Front Street.
CC 777 200 Front Street.
CC 778 200 Front Street.
CC 779 200 Front Street.
CC 780 200 Front Street.
CC 785 200 Briggf Street.
CC 786 200 Haehnlen Street.
CC 790 200 Prune Street.
I CC 791 200 Prune Street.
} CC 796 200 Shrub Street.
I CC 808 200 lioas Street.
I CC 81 I 200 Park Street,
i CC 815 200 Sixteenth Street
I CC 817 200 Balm Street.
CC 819 200 liinderi Street.
CC 822 200 Miller Street.
CC §27 200 Forster Street.
' CC 829 200 Green Street.
I CC 843 200 Catherine Street.
] CC SI I 200 Catherine Street.
1 CC 545 200 Catherine Street.
D 191 500 State Street.
1 *D 835 500 Mac-lay Street.
D 376 500 Brigs* Street.
; D 393 500 Boas Street.
•D 416 f>oo Sixteentli Street.
D 468 500 Fourteenth Street.
D 479 500 Reily Street.
I *l> 501 500 Calder Street.
D 509 500 Berryhill Street.
1"> 560 500 Cameron Street.
D 580 500 Hamilton Street,
i l> 591 500 Cameron Street.
I) 592 500 Cameron Street.
D 593 500 Cameron Streei.
D 594 500 Cameron Street.
I) 602 500 Fifth Street.
D 606 500 Emerald Street.
I) 609 500 Jefferson Street.
D 614 500 PelYer Street.
D 615 500 Pcffcr Street.
D 620 500 Berryhill Street.
I> 629 500 Woodbine Streot.
I) 645 500 Seneca Street.
I) 640 500 Seneca Streei.
11 651 300 Front Street.
I) 652 500 Front Street.
D 653 500 l'"ront Street,
i D 654 500 Front Street.
IJ 653 500 Front Streei.
D 656 500 Front Street.
D 657 500 Front Street.
D 658 500 Front Street.
1) 660 500 Second Street.
D 663 500 Boas Street.
D 667 500 Fifteenth Street.
D 673 500 Forster Street.
•D 675 500 Green Street.
•D 670 500 Green Street.
D 682 500 Front Street.
D 683 500 Front Street.
I D 681 500 Front Street.
I 1> 585 500 Front Street.
1 D 686 500 Front Street,
i I) 687 500 Front Street,
j D 688 500 Front Street,
i D 689 500 Front Street.
D 690 500 Front Street,
j D 691 500 Front Street.
I D 692 500 Front Street.
D 693 500 Front Street.
D 694 500 Front Street.
! I) 695 500 Front Street.
1) 696 500 Front Street.
1) 697 500 Front Stroet.
D 698 500 Front Streei.
I) 099 500 Front Street.
D 7UO 500 Front Street.
D 701 500 Front Street.
D 702 500 Front Streei.
D 708 500 Front Street.
D 704 500 Front Street.
D 705 600 Front Street.
D 706 500 Front Street.
D 707 500 Front Street.
D 708 500 Front Street.
D 709 600 Front Streei.
D 710 500 Front Street.
D 711 500 Front Street.
D 712 500 Front Streei.
D 713 500 Front Street.
D 714 800 Front Street.
D 715 600 Front Streei.
D 716 500 Front Street.
D 717 500 Front Street.
D 718 600 Front Street.
D 719 500 Front Street.
D 720 500 Front Street.
O 721 500 Front Street.
1> 722 500 Front Street.
D 723 r.oo Front Street.
D 724 500 Front Street.
D 725 500 Front Street.
D 726 600 Front Street.
Street Gradlag Boada
No. Amt..
•102 100 Calder Street.
<lO5 100 Monroe Street.
HO6 100 MPnroe Street.
41 200 Front Street.
4 2 200 Front Streei.
124 100 Front Streot. .
125 100 Front Street.
33 200 Emerald Street.
107 100 Kmerahl Street.
109 100 Emerald Street.
110 100 Emerald Street.
111 100 Emerald Street.
112 100 Emerald Street.
113 100 Emerald Btreet.
768 500 Green Street.
760 600 Green Street.
144 100 Green Street.