Reo Distributor For Central Pennsylvania The largest distributors of Reo automobiles be tween New York and De troit is the distinction en joyed by the Harrisburg Automobile Company of this city. George G. Mc- Farland, president and general manager is an optimist of the cheeriest kind, which, no doubt con tributes materially to the success of the local con cern. In spuaking of Reo business in this 80^" "Nothing but prosperity and success. We have nothing else to report. No doubt but what a good car contributes to this condi tion of affairs. Since the llrst of August we have I § delivered sixty-seven Reo pleasure cars and eleven Reo trucks. Just closed a contract with one llrm for SIOO,OOO worth of Reos. Ten carloads of this order is for immediate shipment. We have con tracted for four hundred Reo pleasure cars and two hundred Reo trucks for the coming season. These figures speak for themselves regarding busi ness conditions at the GEORGE G. MeFARIiAND Harrisburg Automobile . Company and the endorse- President and General Manager of the ment of the Reos through- Harrlsburg Automobile Co. out this section." ' The Cigar That's Been on Gift Lists For 23 Years Pretty safe to give a smoker a cigar with such a reputation! Some persons who select gift cigars "fall" for fancy bands and fussy packages. A smoker can't enjoy these things—he wants qual ity tobacco—and lie gets it when you give him a box of King Oscar 5 c Cigars 1 hev don t have any frills, but each one is stuffed as full of quality as Santa's pack is full of good things. * You surely can profit by what others have been doing for 23 years. Box of 25, $1.15 Box of 50, $2.25 Box of 100, $4.50 IIW!l!lffll!lliSllg iMHBIM MR. HUSTLER! Do YOU Want to Make More Money? Europe is now crying for American foodstuffs and America s'an hardly supply her own demand*. Everybody knows that a big boom has Just started in the 'attle and Hog Raising Business In this Country. Thinking people all over the United States see in present conditions that livestock raisers have the GREATEBT MONEY-MAKING OPPORTUNITY IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATION, and meat prices keep on soaring. A group of business men, including Western bankers and Eastern brokers, have recently formed a large Company and have purchased over 37,000 acres of fine land in the famous cat tle and hog raising State of Missouri, within sixty miles of the great St Louis livestock market This new $2,000,000 corporation plans to RAISE CATTLE) AND HOGS ON A LARGE SCALE, and additional money is now being raised by disposing of some of the Company's shares to private investors. If you are a man who can place some of these shares in your locality, we can give you a straight com mission on all sales of 5% and an opportunity to become DIS TRICT MANAGER for your section in placing other stocks an 5.60; do., patents, $5.65@6.50: western, $4.25@4.40; patents. $4.Su& 4.76; Kansas straight. Jute sacks; $4.11 @4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00@4.:0; straights. $4.2004.30; patents. $4.350 4 60. Hay The market la weak; tim othy, No. 1. large bales, slß.oo® 18.50; No. 1, medium bales, $17.50@18.00; No. 2, do., $15.50@16.50; No. 3, do., $14.00® 15.00; sample, $13.00® 1 4.0u; no grade. $11.00@13.00. Clover mixed hay. Light mixed. $17.00@ 17.50; No. 1, do., $16.00@16.50; No. 2, do.. $14.50® 15.50. Potatoes Market weak; Penn sylvania, per bushel, New York, per bushel, 45@52c; Jersey, per basket, 35 @ 40c. Open. Cios. Alaska Gold Mines .25% 26 Amal. Copper 50 % 52% Am. .Beet Sugar .... 29 30% American Can 25% 27% American Can pfd. . 91 % 91% Am. C. & F... i ... . 42% 42% American Cotton Oil 35% 36 Am. Ice Securities 22 22% American Smelting . 54% 50 American Sugar ... 104% 104% Am. T. & T 116% 117% Atchison 91% 94 Bethlehem Steel ... 42 42 Brooklyn It. T 85% 86% California Petroleum 19% 19% Central Leather ... 35% 35% C. M. & St. P 86 91 Consolidated Gas .. 116 115% Corn Products .... 8% 8% Erie 20% 22% Erie, Ist pfd 35% 36 Goodrich, B. F. ... 25% 26 Interboro-Met 12% 12% Interboro-Met. pfd. . 51 52% Lehigh Valley 132% 134 Louisville & Nash. . 125 125 Missouri Pacific .... 10% 10% Nev. Con. Copper.. 10% 12 N. Y„ N. H. &H. .. 51% 53% Northern Pacific ... 98 101% Pacific Mall 20% 20% P. R. R. . . . , v 106 108 Peo Gas & Coke ... 117 117 Pittsburgh Coal ... 16% 16% Ray Con. Copper ... Ir. 15 % Reading 145% 148 j Rep. Iron % Steel . 18% 18 I Thej "Sterling" Mark on a Tire Repair Btanast Long. The cog-wheel tread on the Miller Non-skid gears your car to the road. t DECEMBER 12, 1914. Southern Ry 16 16 Southern Ry. pfd . . 64 64 Tonn. Copper 30% 31 Texas Company ... 131 132% |U. S. Rubber 51 51% Utah Copper 47 48 % Western ynion Tel. Westlnghouso Mfg.. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, Dec. 12. .Stocks clos ed steady. Cambria Steel 42 v General Asphalt 33 1 General Asphalt, Pfd 67*4 1 Lake Superior Corporation 12 " ' Lehigh Navigation 75H ' Lehigh Valley 66 i P. R R 63H ! Philadelphia Electric 23 ' Philadelphia Company 34 Vi , Philadelphia Rapid Transit 12"!, I Reading 73 ")4 ■ Storage Battery 48 \ Union Traction 3914! |U. G. I 82% ! NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT ' By Associated Press 1 New York. Dec. 12. The statement ] lof the actual condition of Clearing 1 House Banks and Trust Companies for J the week shows that they hold sll6,- j , 992,400 reserve in excess of legal re ; qulrements. This Is a decrease of $2,- i I 473,230 from last week. The sttaement ' follows: Artunl Condition I jOans, etc., $2,182,768,000; Increase, i $2,559,000. i Reserve In own vaults (B), $333,-559,- 000; decrease, $2,557,000. Reserve in Federal Reserve Bank, $93,842,000; decrease, $337,000. Reserve in other depositories, S3O,- I 069,000; increase, $1,474,000. Net demand deposits, $1,975,336,000; increase, $6,289,000. Net time deposits, $91,509,000; In crease, $1,166,000. Circulation, $60,067,000; decrease, $5,149,000. (H) Of which $261,901,000 Is specie. Aggregate reserve, $457,470,000. Excess reserve, $116,982,400; decrease, $2,473,230. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, til., Dec. 12. Hogs Re- I ceipts, 22,000;; slow. Bulk of sales. $6.85 @7.10; llf?ht, $6.50@7.10;; mixed, $6.65® 7.15; heavy, $6.60(fi>7.15; rough, s6.6nfo 6.70; pigs. $5.00@7.00. Cattle Receipts. 200; steady. Na tive steers, $5.70(f) 11.00; western, $5.L'5 @8.40; cows and heifers, $3.25@8.. R io; calves. $6.50®9.25. Sheep—Receipts, 10,000; weak. Sheep, ss.3o(ff 6.40; yearlings, $6.50@7.70; lambs, $6.50@8.60. MKAT PRICKS TO SOAR SOON Europenn Armies Fating l Beef FaMcr Than It Is Reins l*roduced Chicago, 111., Dec. 12.—Shortage in the world's meat supply and still higher prices in the near future for consumers in the United States are seen by Chicago livestock experts. The shortage Is due to the immense quan tities of meat consumed by the armies of Europe, beef being used faster than it is being produced. There are only two fields from which to draw—Ar gentina and Australia. | FRFXCH OCCUPY WEST BANK By Associated Press Paris, Deo. 12, 2.46 P. M. The) French official bulletin given out in! Paris this afternoon says that French I troops now occupy the west bank of' the Yser canal. Artillery engagements,' all of them resulting more or less ad- I vantageously to the French, are re ported in the region of Arras, near Nampcel, In the Aisne, in the region of Perthes, near the forest of La Gru rlc, on the heights of the Meuse, and In the Vosges. POPE'S PLAN FOR TRUCE IX EUROPEAN WAR FAILS By Associated Press Rome. Dec. 12. —The Vatican au thorities to-day made public a docu ment setting forth the efforts made by the Pope to obtain a t/uce in the Euro pean war during the Christmas season. The efforts of the pontiff, unfortu nately, failed, according to the Vatican announcement, "owing to the oppo sition of a certain power." DEADLOCK BROKEN IN OHIO By Associated Press Bellalre, Ohio, Dec. 12.—The dead lock between miners and operators in the eastern Ohio coal field which has existed since last April, when the min. ers struck for increased wages, was broken to-day with the announcement that 2,000 men at the Falrpoint mine i would return to work Monday under the Pittsburgh scale. KAISER'S CIGAR BRINGS $72 London, Dec. 12. —A cigar, which the Kaiser one time presented to Lord Lonsdale, was sold at auction to-dav for the benefit of the Red Cross. It brought £l4 10s ($72.50.) NO CHRISTMAS TRUCE FOR CZAR Rotterdam. Dec. 12.—German news papers assert that Russia has abso lutely rejected the Popes suggestion for a truce during the Christmas holi- I days. Elizabeth, N. J., Woman Is Refused License to Wed Day After Husband Died Special to The Telegraph Elizabeth. N. J., Dec. 12. Arthur Irwin, 27 years old, a painter died 1 hursday night, and his widow yester • day was angry because the city clerk j refused her a marriage license on tho j grounds that a death certificate for her ; husband had not been furnished. 1 th^ r £.,L rwl , n admitted she Is to become I the wife of John Gerlack. Gerlack is also a painter and was formerly Irwin's MrH " Irwln sa >'« she never 'nil HI hi Ww »f tf ;nt ion from Gerlack , dolences lsited her to offer his c°n | Austria Has Sued Servia For Peace, Rome Hears Special to The Telegraph Rome, Dec. 12.—The Austrian gov ernment made unofficial overtures to Servia for peace a few days before tho last crushing Austrian defeat and be fore the Servians had received fresh supplies of ammunition. The Aus trian offer, which was resolutely re jected, Is interpreted here as evidence that Austria realizes the enormous idiffculties of an advance into Servia and wishes to have her troops free for the defense of Hungary. RUSSIA SAYS GERMAN LINE IS PIERCED AT TWO POINTS By Associated Press Petrograd, Dec. 12.. via London, 3.05 P. M.—Russian military observers •contend that the Germans in wlth j drawing before the partial successes j of the Russians along the battle front jto tho nprth of Warsaw are follow ing tactics of delaying the advance of |their opponents as long as possible by j holding each successive trench until lit becomes untenable. Reports reach ing Petrograd Indicate that the Ger j man front has been pierced at least lon two points between Ciechanow and Przasnyss, which has resulted in severing communication between tho German columns. NEW PKRSO WEL IIIHSIIRE WILL END PLUCKING BOARD Special to The Telegraph Washington, D. C., Dec. 12. The new personnel law soon to be trans mitted to Congress by Secretary Dan iels, of the Navy Department," provides for the elimination of the so-called naval plucking board, for the creation of an active reserve list of officers composed of those who do not meet the highest requirements for promotion, and the promotion of naval officers by the Joint process of selection out and selection up. WANT HANDS MOVED FORWARD By Associated Press I Chicago, Dec. 12. The executive committee of the Chicago Association of Commerce, composed of twenty {four members, voted unanimously In j l'avor of moving the hands of the clock • forward one hour, for the purpose of gaining an hour more of daylight at the end of day. WARSHIPS NEAR PANAMA By Associated Press Panama, Dec. 12.—1t is persistently reported here to-day that a squadron of six British warships met four Brit ish colliers yesterday at a point on the high seas fifty miles south of Pannma and coaled them. It is believed locally that these warships came from Aus tralian waters. SOLD SOAP ILLEGALLY John A. Forney, a soapmaker at 10 Argyle street, was arrested by Patrol man Grear this morning for selling soap without a license and running an automobile with ah Ohio license. He was allowed to go on the promise that lie, would take out tho proper li censes. The automobile was the prop erty of a relative. *M»H3.»23 FOR DISABILITIES By Associated Press Washington, 11. C„ Dec. 12. A total of $1,083,923 haj been paid out by the Federal Government during the past five years to more than 14,000 of Its employes who met with accidents in the course of their employment, under the Federal compensation act of 1908. IMPORT DUTY IS SUSPENDED Melbourne. Australia, Dec. 12, via London, 11:07 A. M. Owing to the shortage of the Australian wheat har vest. the Government of the Common wealth has suspended the import duty on wheat. GERMAN STEAMER SEIZED London. Dec. 12, 8.25 A. M.—A German steamer with a cargo of 7,000 tons of oil, proceeding to Italy from tin.' United States has been seized at Gibraltar by a British warship. $lO FOR BELGIANS Trinity Lutheran Sunday school at ! Lemoyne to-day contributed $lO to the Belgian relief funds through the Harrlsburg Telegraph. The payment was made by L. F. Baker, the treas urer. LODGER'S MONEY STOLEN James Leonard, a machinist, a lodger at 107 Chestnut street, last night reported that SIOO was stolen from his room. REAR ADMIRAL WATSON DIES Washington, Dec. 12. Rear Ad -1 miral Eugene W. Watson, U. S. N., re tired, died at his home here last night, aged 71. 7