Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 04, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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if C7ost« /> fOUNDip »a_y L ## CHRISTMAS STORE YOUR JT% Z 0 "™*™ if'£7oßES I
Your Last Chance to Give Mother or " n f ants Children SHOES Are a
Perrin's $2 Gloves, 55c 11
° U S 3006 ° A Hair jt?*. Are Timely Suggestions Practical Gift anc l ?5c 1
[7 n f Ar > thp> I lr*a\Annrr ** * Jwml,• Women's gloves in tan. Paris ft
LjIILCI 111 C a Wlllg Infants' and children's sweaters in white And with special price inducements on points* two clasp »•
w_ 1_ <SkrVSS9 an( t colors; sizes 6 months to 5 years, at several lots this department will be a busy r r> Ar,,,-« A
Cnntnt OWltCh £VW to *t.»B corner. . .*«"«'■>« f" rm de M * re I" 3 '" $
V * >Ill( M i', jr Infants' and children's legging drawers. Women's Shoes at 98? values $2.00 '*} that retails ever\\vhert at w*
It's a "practical" gift and yfc- y white and colors, at 50< to $1.25 and s2.so—a collection of short lots and $2.00. Salt spotted. All perfect- X
h\er\ cnild must know that to-mor- she'll appreciate it. It adds SK ( Children's Sweater Sets, consisting of odds and ends of excellent shoes. ly made. »r
row is t.ie last to enter >anta to j icr appearance and is a » B leggings, sweater, cap and gloves, in white, Women's Shoes at $1.98 —values $3.00 Main Floor — BOWMAN'S.
Llatis drawings. 1 nose whose draw- source of much joy and A & tan. red and gray. Priced at s*'.9B to ST.SO and s3.so—patent colt, gun metal and tan I ) *£■
ings are hnished can mailthem or bring pleasure for many, many P ur> eiderdown, knit and crocheted robes Russian calf lace and button shoes, and
them to >anta c laus 1 ost t nice months. for coaches and go-carts i at SI.OO to $7.00 gaiter boots. :Jjt
I asement. 1 hose who have not receiv- We offer .for to-morrow a limited number Infants' silk, angoatf and plush caps, rib- Women's Shoes at s2.9B—values $3.50 : »
ed blanks had better hustle. long natural wavy switches at the very bon and lace trimmed, at ... 25f to $3.50 and s4.oo—button and lace dress shoes, in j£&r : M
i» . go 1 special price of $4.95 Children's plush and velvet bonnets, trim- all leathers and styles, including gray and J '"X J
Voting Starts oaturday Ti,, l-ncrth* ranw from ?6 to 30 inches me(l with ribbon, fur and flowers, at fawn cloth top gaiter boots: smart lasts. L •-$ % *
Ine lengtii ngc - 50f to $.».00 Men's Shoes at $2.90 —values $3.50 and & > ' T ' ft
Everybody over 16 years of age is in- all mounted on three .hort stem., and s Infants'long and short coats and capes in s4.oo—gun metal calf, patent colt, vici kid fc; /f Jsr*T ' % \ .»
vited to visit the 4th floor where a great regularly at fromi ?/ .00. to SIO.OO. white lambs' wool, crepella, serge and cor- and tan Russia calf, button and lace, Good- y'V I Vu / \ K s'■
number of pictures of Santa- Claus are second oor— i . durov. at $2.25 to SIO.OO year welted shoes, all the wanted stvles. | f J \ (!) \\
on exhibition. The pictures have been Children's coats in plush, velvet, cordu- Boys' Shoes at $1.19, $1.39 and $1.49 % /J7A CtfUj % \ :I[.
drawn by the children of Harrisburg * iv« \T/rwilrl Arrpnl a roy, zibeline and broadcloth, trimmed with —according to size; stout, well made gun t J
and vicinity between the ages of and /Ally iVian W OUIQ .rACCcpi a velvet, braid and fur; sizes 2to 7 years. metal button and blucher lace shoes that \ , f Ji
14 years of age. In order to decide the , -ymr D fl, D U Priced at $2.25 to $7.98 will wear well.
winners for the ten handsome prizes LjOOU W fITIP Oatil IxODe second Floor— BOW MANS. Girls' Shoes at SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.49
offered, we invite the public to vote for j. —according to size: gun metal, patent colt * r i i »c t • WJ' 1 jjr
their favorite drawing. Every visitor Of HoUSe and vici kid button shoes with oak soles. HpaH tnP t lilt I With «
to the Carpet Department—where the I # , 1 ICaU UAC ll 1 A - ,Ai3l vv ILII
drawings are exhibited—will be en- Bath Robes With Slippers to Match—put _rT I Christmas Slippers ATT 1 r-*. W
other worT von Is UP " Mens, women's and children's felt, kid A HandSOme PlCtUre :J
.1. , j" t on ]\: vote with cloth and blankets with convertible c '°th slippers in almost endless assort- . $
eich visit with no obli<Ation m v uir ancl sh awl collars, and cord girdle: various ments at prices varying from 25« to $2.00 Our holiday stock is very complete and ft
"r h!,'v on jour naterns At to s<i.9B Th,rd comprises almost everything m< popular
part - ■ 1 priced pictures, including comic, landscape,
Come and vote, and help the children Smoking Jackets and House Coats —made T _ . marine, religious, fruit, game and fish. Pic- •»
prize. o before * P ,aid , baCk cl ° ,h ' P ,ai " °° lor ° l ', tside : j" 98c Will BuV the LatCSt tureS e " ry r °° m in "" hMBt - fi
Christmas. Now on displav. Main brown, blue, gray and maroon; neatly hmsh- D * L A ' You bc surprised at the fine assort
floor. Ed with cord and frog fastenings; sizes 34 IxlCtl . 1\ *11" CL T I _ ment at 25<! to 50e. And up to the gen- »v
to 46. At $2.98, $4.50 to $8.50 lVilllinCry t3hcipG---lICrG uine oil paintings at $1.69 to $6.00 M
\ J Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S. _ a. tbe Carpet Section, Fourth Moor. w
KAll VJIaSS A large and varied assortment of fine silk « :®
velvet, silk plush and Lyons velvet hats in The Carpet Dept. Also Suggests a-
Always popular and appropriate for medium and the popular large shapes. M
W £ Christmas srifts. The newest and Ordinarily you Avould pay perhaps as Bigelow Electra Axminster Rugs in a jff:
Cm r TrV &», most evnnisitP natrerns of rich Anier- m » ch as s s *oo" beautiful line of floral and Oriental designs, ft
\ • exquisite patterns ot rich Anier- si/e 27x6Q inch r ularl $2 .75. Special, ■s.
!i.'j > A / /1 Glass Department. , . ~ Bissels Carpet Sweepers—always a wel- M
Y/&s< '• . rnSL *y A \alues up to $6.00. Large and full—come t. t m
?V>v KLS&I % and cream aets - at Sl - 98 ' * 2 - 90 ' #4 ' 3o anrt in black, white and desired shades. g ' 9i . i) 8, #3.50, $2.75 and $3.25 ft
/7 \ -'M M . IB ***** M cruetui, at s».«®. $1.73, si.»B, $2.50 «nd Ostrich Bands at 98<—large, full white Velvet Rugs—a good assortment of pat
( ' y}' \(\ Fruit bowls, at $2.50. $2.00. $3.90. $4.50 ajid bands in the new lobster shape; heavy terns and colors; size 27x54 inches; regu- «
FK lif \ V\ \J J W 1 '*' Flower vases, at 9Kr. 51.69. $1.98. $2.90. $».90, flues. A good $2.00 value. ' ri 4*l M
Ii f \ MHWPg "7 \\
J \ \t I' mKZKtS 1 iU) " / U a\V/ \ Footed comports, at $1.98, $2.98 and $4.98. sweeper combined; requires no electricitv to :a[
PI 1 CN 'lntMUlr \ i / ■ 1 j JimV TV \ i Celery trays, at $2.50. 52.90. $3.50. $3.90. $1.50 T . , 1 t,- . jff
.vN xmmgf -A ■ y '/j eBsS iJ-\ and $5.00. „ . _ run it—just push like a Bissel sweeper; it *
Vl' (' \ V - "MW\, JH*j> J j \ Spoon Trays, at $t.25 and $1.98. Many Will belect fl Gflf S OT gets the dirt —does not scatter it like a M
— S i -plnt water juiw. at $2.00, ss.oo. $4.50 to $7.50. ' "* " hrn,.n, riirkel nlated finish Price SI OO 'it
' _J TWtmL-d /. )\/J Fern diahes, at $3.50, $3.90, $4.50 and $5.00. ri , _ ~ _ broom, nickel piatea nnisn. trice, jth.uii )g.
jTlSftt 3s "" Table tumblers, at 25c, 50«.. 75c nnd 08c. Llectric rortable Lamp Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
rj jij | \ j I j Made for gas or electric; complete; newest fln
:1 11 IV . | \ n • j A i A 3Hs b ' r£:i, »-" ,s,, - ,5M ' ,, - 50 " d Special Prices Are I
/ \ i MI / •.. V'M I ft Hosiery Is Always An ».««••
hi # f it Hmhm / s ' : aiul up to $22.50. A W 7 1 3P
™ V Acceptable Gift For Wash
ors '' P air 9150 Yard!°. '.. . Plai ." . 't J
T ,1 \Y/ 'Pi 1 \V7 Women's plain black hose, thread silk W 18c Serpentine Crepe floral designs and 5
In the Women S Keadv-to- Wear boots, black and colors at.pa,r.. T .< set figures; all shades; beautiful kimono de- §
J ww Women s plain black hose, fibre silk signs; yard
boots; 4 pairs in fancy box ..SI.OO . ■ J - if ■ 25c 33-inch Silk Pongees —in stripes; ft
O i" A O 'j. * * Women's 50c fibre silk hose double soles, • V beautiful for waists and shirtings. \ard. »
section r\re OUItS at hi^h spliced heels, wide garter tops, black italic A V »
O only; 2 pairs in box 89£ W Penang yard-wide Percale Dress Pat-
Women's cotton hose, medium and heavy - terns, put up in a beautiful Christmas box. Jh
weight, at, pair -
A A sis° r Tt" psr less hose ' regaUr a " d 85* " 'r-YaM rly forty . f ±»; |
J I II I ' ~' "* m T7O 28-inch Kimono Flannelettes all shades, W
.HA. j 1 II I Tnyv including grays, brown „d reds. Yard I
Y"" '•V/ V/ v >■»'» floor BOWMAN'S. ' 2000 yards 12/jC Bates Dress Ginghams, 3
_ On the Third Floor in checks, stripes, bars and plaids, all the
Reductions Are Unusual—Nearing Half Everything For the Boy p i«e. rgeinproportionantln,ostcom " " c " |
Space does not permit a detailed description of these splendid J Q HT #■ Never before has Toytown pre- QfriL-inr* R irhnnc
suits. Suffice it to say, they are the season's favored models in velvet, fur fab- cHICI OOlTie at 1 eiTipt- sented such an attractive appearance, OulKlng IXeUUCUOIIS
ric and broadcloth; also combinations. . ie s are classified, and each O'll
infy Mnpfac have their own individual section. Iri L/fPSS <i
Before this sale, you would have paid 535.00 or $37.50 and sometimes as lu o l."vca This also makes selection less diffi- : jg :
much as 5+5.00 or $50.00. Boys' Winter Overcoats in all-wool fancy cult. 50c 32-inch Striped Wash Silks—stripes A
Hundreds of Coats to Select 200 Coats at $lO, $12.50, well as good toT7 m yc h ar a s S "Count the stars in tlie skv" was the Wash Habutais—ali shades «'
From at $ 10.00 $ 13.98, $1 5, and $ 1 7.50 RegU,ar ?3 ' 50 ,0d s3 ' 9B ValUeS ' described 'the number of peopk «»* |
Mixed cloth coats in fox trot, mili- They're here from E. J. Wile, New York's Boys' Norfolk Suits in all the newest he saw there, to his comrades. 30-inch Kimono Silks beautiful floral A
tary, raglan. ulster college, redingote a 'p"^o^dcl o°pl hes" l ^ V and h fuH S VleTerLck ol and This might apply to the amount of toys 1 Cascade Silk'-'cr'epe wcaw silk;
basque flared, belted, cossack and all f nx kerseys ' velKire and 'fu? sewed-on belts; sizes 6to 18 years.. At to be found in Toytown for counting the shades are Russian, Copenhagen navy, :g
the Other new models—that were fabrics. Reproduction of 515.00 to $35.00 $2.50, #2.98, $3.50, 93.98 and $4.95 numberless toys would be like counting black, wistaria, brown and sevres. W
made to sell at . .912.50 to «^l4 .o0 coats. For the Little Lad—tine all-wool brown stars. | ,
or blue serge suits, made in Oliver Twist, Bring the children to-morrow and let Yard-wide Satin Messahnes
Russian or Middy Blouse style; nicely trim- them see this wonderful display. hundred perfect shades. Yard SI.OO jfr
Daintv Neckfixines In-mrlnn* Mhhnnm Fnr med and extremely handsome suits for ' Santa is here, also a great big bear to 85c Cheney Bros. Showerproof 1-oulards, 'M
y g Luxurious Kibbons tor $2.98 and $3.50 » amuse the kiddies. in navy, Copenhagen, Russian, brown, tan, j
Make Dtnntx Gift* Tho MnAoUn rih Children's Balmacaans in grays, browns Third Floor— bowmajms. black, taupe and wistaria; set figures with q ;
amyuins Ihe made-Up Ultt and blue mixtures; skes to 8 years. all the beautiful color combinations. Yard, j
Organdy and lace collars, at 25c to #I.OO A large assortment of satin ribbons in almost At $2.98 _• • • , J .
Organdy collar and cuff sets 25c to #I.OO every shade, ranging In widths from the narrow HatldSOme DlanketS $1.25 yard-Wide Silk Crepe de Chines 111 j| ■
Queen Elizabeth collars 25c and 50c baby ribbons to the wide ribbons—Just the rib- A. i-i# D.,'... A__ Dmoclo.,' n.ictnrn tnvv (Wnliatrpn anrl 4
Veatees 25c to 52.00 bons you will want for your fancy work. Prices A-t <Dp€ClCll AfC r*_ B /r *l % — n l taa Russian. Wistaria, na\y, C pen agen J ;
r,r> A nr>o range from 2c to 50c yard. "Or DainTOOeS Royal Yard tj >
SLARtb Wlde Persian and fancy ribbons for bags. About twenty-five boys' long overcoats . ._ ~. , | iiL . 40-inch Silk Creoe de Chine—fineaualitv 5.
c,.p. a, chine «,«. *StVSSiI&. '"£ with belted baeks and eonvertilde eollars; Come in delightful patterns and Rnssian. ta2„e and I =
eia" a 'r' , to . 7 . yca . re '.. . Values , to s3 : so '. »8* nnss; . m e . W1 s2?so bro,v "- Yard » , - 3o j!
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. aFd Main 1-Moor—BOWMAN'S. ' Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main Floor —BOWMAN'S. Maln '' loor BOWMAN'S, j