Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 04, 1914, Image 10

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    /P& /iV ot/f? BASEMENT I store will be open J . £ 'ft B<® | « F^l
£4 A Whole CirciK, F<^ he , S=L ngsbefore III
ra - V " "" J * VIICUS Little Folks Monday, Tue.d.y, Wed- - ,» jn
X| Bring the Children A D Aa j | J wfl SANTA 22,2?«dS
fe# TO SEE " ileal LilVc CLAUS - S~~ - >
lT\r from 8 A. M. to » P. M. ——« __
p*\ GO-CARTS n n Il„ Are Here by the Thousands 4 i°£ r .!f. t f. r , JL 110
nirnt at Indrrarlllni; Price*
I JL/Ullb a t Lower Prices Than Before jr™ «, u . , 0 ~ , T -m.j
cA^Sfto .. s2.9B ».T.'. , ',i",..T a -i'."»~s.7„v No Hi(jjh Holiday Tatiff al Kaufman s
QiV peer) QO d»1 o ftA Oar Leader for SfOC s£.oo #
|\ CARTS *l*Btos 12.98 f^r e sioo^rr^ We Are Prepared as Never Before With Li
W English Perambulators o|pfr Determined to Break All Previous Selling R<
Km $2.45 UP Mno Jointed Dolls-SI.OO value *QQQ #5.00 4/VWVimiUVW T - „ . ®
@9 * 9 - 98 fig||||| Railroad Trains a Short Irresistible Economy Pnce on Evej
sgr? PPf#> 75^~; Kr o»°, l '™,T fl "' he * d "'. 48c Bigger varfe'y BThan 8 Than You Can Give to More Friends, You Can Give Better and M
fcryy >fl O ■ <f» r" f\Ci <>£•> %/) Cliaraeter Dolls— largo Size, moving c
a4Bc up to $5.98 ®jssmK»£--£_.... «. ,~~r =~.
ll *3 HOI I UfIITQITC 1 .. 200 Wlndln* Train* on
FOR MARABOU FURS Reduced |j 071 S J* HIT
J loC up to M.Do bL m 24cto s l - 48 s J«svk? THEY MAKE SENSIBLE GIFTS V
RY- ! slog IRON TOYS Marabou Sets At After Season Prices
Vi ilß l^l^ 0S WRITING DESKS Imported Mechanical T.ys Jfe !£?£? They Fine Presen
■ " a ** 1/14U1W ni 3 [:I am±im tffol** Af\ Pretty Imitation Ermine Ql
J\ \3 FOn BOYS AND Glias FROM nianent ami Kramlriit axtortnirnt Jl\] E&r<ry, - %i" I—. C Ifl ft Ml V9«Pa9AI Srm- worth SI SO
& 98c up to $10.98 =: 7* ipO.UU Sl .
>r "F V OAs* CC QJG> BY THB THOUSANDS Splendid -hap. »«« «.d worth $2.00 1 —
iVi si " .-■• •■ >'■' l • _ T r -, V£'%*, 8. Lf ldl/ t C7Q A • fft> 1 Aft scarf. Colors black and
BLOCKS COMB see tiibm working Z4C lO tpl.Ho r ' atUral - itet. H Wo«r»2 mbtaatlo, \t^n
8 « 24c np to $1.98 PAINT SETS FOR Mb
fej4Bi up to $3.98 BLACK BOARDS jUSk 24c "'' iot '' tß MtasCS MM /£ "»S=f
V/« GIRLS' TEA SETS „ For SLEDS «"S'". , . c °"'!:.*°r! h $2.!
* *i*m kj£f 113 n i J. on IIOIS AND <«IUI,S Marabou Sot.s. Worth sl3, I »■
FOR y j *2oands J!L . ,
FliVlV'a;n<l^Kiin l£o< ' ' <>X ' | Pretty Sets of Squirrel and
K3 24c to $1.98 '' $4.95, $5.95 and $6.95 s:„".-"r':.. $3
Si run nDru'c ru a idc fl%sJyii i\* 24c A ~,u AS,(mTMraT »•<>« 7Qr fn $? dQ 11 ~
CHILDREN S CHAIRS Upto S2JB U p to $12,90 | Women's & Misses' COATS | Women's and Misses'
up to $1.98 $1.98 o pm£L£?" il ml Astrakhan, Plash, Persian,
Vjl GAMES AND BOOKS WHEELBARROWS mm fe| JfflM |l jl4 $450 || &»
i\ w££m W — .- F ~» JgEm j; $ 7. 50 !j Their Labels Sewed in Every C.a
fc 2 / wSFi By 'he 24c fo | tSvo-tone effects. Newes: and favorite styles
SSca flrlr <ti a o l\ 7\/J ■ B"W mi?r.T { Wonhnptosis.oo Worth up to $22
OWU Thousands 24c to 98c SL48 24r tn $2.98 :• Wd. IW ■ ■ $950 i. j.ir.nvK; jsuir
raw - IV 'i |F Newest winter styles in every wanted ma- S i«-r styles In llln.-k, 1 '""J* n "? r
>VSvI 1 i CTFAM RHATQ A 810 VARIETY S terlal and color. In all sizes. S Navy and Hrawn., m- M"I"B ta buck Ai
from BOYS-QUINS lngo rted su, H .,.e. |: • $12.50;!
_ ' 9/fp (t* *? QC and Wagons ;I novelties and' plainer materials. All aizes.
\ COATS at $14.75 COATS at $241
>y 10c up to $2.98 48c to 98c gj.yo ?4 C r p $17.50 j; Wi COA $14.501: W«a*«.s2».oo w«.h«i.s3s.
(I ————»—■—. t T TT~>T X 7 tO i Elegant styles in the best materials of the <f Made of flne "SaKV <l4 .' , VJJ' , .\ u"'!.##' n ll
TOY TABLES Boys' Tool Chests F 9„ TEDDY BEARS ;! «F COATS AT *" sl7 U) i; Ef S"':LrH3 iajSirjuSr
jfe" *«•««•» "»«"> FOR FOR P,. B ,TV OK T„R„ Jt •: StSjC "*«£.»>."■« ■•""•
ff* 24c to H. 98 24c to $2.98 49c up to $2.98 48c up to $4.98 * -
j/Cs§t =ini iar=g=in. ..q, ,gr==na, ,□■ .q, -in. iy] r""™ - ~~~™~™
(M j Womeil ' s & Children ' s Hosief y tlTst i Women's Waists 1 } Girls' Warm Winter Coats r3?L
| Women's and Children's Fast! Women's Pure Thread Silk iSlfc ' 1 g>> !> _ ___ 1
SCC I k , St-qv'l* color9; 4 £: I and Blouses i| Very Low in Price—A Sensible Gift and One That || A AU
)) 5 mas Price vyoC. Ilke g , |! !' Men's Shaving
Women's Hlack and While all in the Amas Sale <! Will Qnvofti ff/i ;| from 49<- up d»*
(C V Women's and Children's Fast Pnre Thread Silk Hose, double V.M*.f W.K a .nJ rr 111 tjureiy ut rippieciQlCQ I| to *P^
&W Black and Colored Cotton Hose, heel and toe: SI.OO value. CQ. A®3? f a „ , 5 ' , &rSgS3SS l ! t F „ IPT T
I 15c value. Cliristmas 1 1 1/_ - ! i GIRLS' COATS AT jfcl 7C GIRLS' COATS AT «4 75 ii ViullrelJas. '
( & ' 2 .Tullils Kavser Silk ' llosler" l» WM.\ V A SOHie Gifts. J j[ WORTH l : I* TO $4*..%0 ***• • jXcWmtß 'Mtifc- 1 <fc'
\>3 I Women's Silk and Lisle Hos- black and aU colors, at, pair, i? Jf»MU B Women . B New Jg L |Mn|pM ij
lor .v In black and colors; 39c rf> i rvn J tfi en W\l?t \\4 m Waists. made of .-f3BF- mES ]! year*. sum 2to 14 year*. sfisr / S Ji Men's Traveling
>s\ value. Christmas nn «pI.UU d.nCl «pi.OU <ft J lauti and voiles: all '! ___________ i "/K'ASi/? h J'! l««Sts: 55.00 value. d»»
mll I>ric,e VH Silk Hose put in Holly Boxes. * | SSLSS^'VfII 'I GIRLS' COATS AT *1 7C GIRLS' COATS AT <CC ii ohrtst
Au f Women's Silk Washable or Kid GLOVES women-, \e» i| 'i" V^T 1 "« i| ohrlHtmasPrice -
UlHcn a OIIK, Tt dSUdulr or IVIQ VlLiO V£o Waists, in white ami \\ J !! yr " "j K T «' Men's Suit Cases:
rr® MAKE SUITABLE AND PLEASING GIFTS ' I GIRLS' COATS AT $3 75 GIRLS' COATS AT $7 7C JtWi&7y-<\ ll < . 1 . ,ri . 5 ! n, ""..5;
rJrSvA \\ /X. jfx children's Wool CJolf Gloves, 25c value. in sizes: values' to S worth IT TO »r,.r,0 «?«*•««* woktii UP TO $12.00. V' "C~ I\\ <| Men's Umbrellas,
\v\ V \ C,^! S iVV a * • I ( ?,' i, $1.25. Christmas J/ Y\\ \^\ ! \\ I N>we«t nil-wool materials and Stunnlns eoats In extra Hni- /JP L/ *" 1!! •l«n<Ues, _ to
JRcwJ] J J 1 \ \n« lilldren s Julius Kaysers Washuhlo t. loves, Prlco / | \\\ \ \ i> styles. Sl*rs 1! to 14 yearn. mnterlat. Slaen (I to 14 years. Br $1.25. t lirlstnias
/J \ //wjf all slaes. Christmas Price OUC nn / \\\ \ \ I ! Price ».
<y I V yw Women's Hi-button l.enuih Pure Silk <;ioves, d %JC ' \ \ \ mt%amt»H*wwvmvmvmvvwwvMW\ v
ynj>{ Pril'e'. ! ln t .:: pß -. !" " 5 . Chri r as ...B9c
Women's Handsome Waists and Blouse, made I
I ocH>{»oaa<HXKjo<H>ocK><H>DwaoacKXH><Hx>t>oo mnti:»:»»mi»»»min»mim2rmuwi»»»»»t;>i»nt:?mnnn:mmt»tmJ
(( fSoi ~~j*±<B£?~ s R,t ' < "' oves * black and of nu-s salines and crepe de chine, silk net and O jtftf** P' 5 > 13 " vH
§*§3 - g UIHS KaiRCapCS 2 ; flini C> nPP^^P (
'"X Women's 2-button Clasp Kid Gloves all new QC to-date motlels; values to 95.50. Christ- 4*l QC p 1 RpTnjf JD * L D:■ A—J* »—M
CV-1/'/ fall shades; $1.50 value. Christmas Price I/OC mas l»rlce «pl»3'o & x yAjßy SDQ l\aillCoatS X ::: THAT A MIPP fIPT ANH
AVer Ii tßrr }J}. f"U and complete line or Julius Women's handsome net and lace Chiffon and n At splendid savlnns- makeO It ' U
lyWr Ik a na^ ll «blc Gloves, for, pair, Crepe de Chine Silk Blouses in any new wanted 'g Jf?|% very useful presents. 8 I THE LITTLE ONE HAPPY f
\3& ALL RTOVP4 ITT iv nort v Rovra Christmas Price »pA.017 a Jpl.Wl 5 ♦ sizes (1 to M. Chrlstmns l»ricc
~— * Women's very handsome g Made of fine qijallty