Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 03, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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President of Pennsylvania Railroad
Pleads For Increase
of Rates
By /Issociated Press
Philadelphia, Dec. 3. In an address
to-day before the New York Chamber
of Commerce. Samuel Rea, president
of the Pennsylvania Railroad, speak
ing on- the railroad situation, asserted
that the Eastern railroads carried less
than 4 per cent, during the past year
upon the money invested in them.
"This serious condition is not new.
but It is now acute," he said. "We
have been living on hope at least
since 1910, when the downward trend
was clearly indicated: how much
longer we can exist on that precarious
asset I will not venture to say, except
to suggest that It takes more than
hope, ndvlce. or enthusiasm, or all
combined, to pay wages and taxes,
provide satisfactory service, pay divi
dends. and retain a proper credit basis
to obtain capital for improvements
and extensions.
•Increased traffic will not cure the
railroad malady, for remember that
up to the present the economies and
efficiency of the railroads have been
offset by increased costs in wages and
taxes. These companies, therefore.need
not merely the very moderate increase
in rates for which they petitioned
the Interstate Commerce Commission,
but also all the revenue that can be
secured by working out in practice
the various other means suggested by
the commission for increasing rev
Ministers Take No
Action on Stough's
Proposed Stay Here
At the meeting of the co-operating
ministerium of the Stougrh Campaign,
this mornlnjr. in the Market Square
Vresbyterlan Church, no action was
taken In ropanl to cxtendlne* an invita
tion to Dr. Stough to remain here an
other week.
So announced the Rev. K. K. Curtis,
secretary of the ministerium. " hen
asked ahout the results obtained by
the campaign and the good it is doing,
he said: "The Stough Campaign is a
success in every way. Never before in
the history of this city have so many
people been touched and aroused to
their duty as are now."
The meeting this morning was a
short one. and the Rev. Mr. Curtis said
that no business was discussed.
One of City's Wealthiest Citizens;
Made Many Trips Through
John Crain Kunkel, aged 55 years,
one of Harrisburg's wealthiest citi
zens. son of the late Congressman
John Christian Kunkel, died at his
home, No. 11 South Front street, at
f>:3o this' mornlne. Mr. Kunkel had
been ill for four years. Death was
due to heart failure, resulting from a
complication of diseases.
The survivors are his wife, Mrs.
Fouisa Sergeant Kunkel: one son.
John C. Kunkel, Jr., who is attending
Phillips-Andover Academy, at And
over, Mass.: and Mr. Kunkel's moth
er Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kunkel. of 17
South Front street. The funeral will
take place Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Services will be conducted
by the Rev. William B. Cooke, min
ister in charge at Market Square Pres
byterian Church. Burial will lie made
in Harrisburg Cemetery.
John C. Kunkel was a native of
Harrisburg. His father, John chris
tian Kunkel, was up to the time of
his death, one of the ablest lawyers
who practiced in the several courts
of Central Pennsylvania. John, Jr.,
was educated at the Harrisburg Acad
emy. Following his graduation he
made a tour of Europe, being fond of
traveling. Subsequently, he made
many trips' through European coun
tries and one trip around the world.
Mr. Kunkel also visited extensively
throughout the United States.
The Kunkel farms at Highspire and
In Cumberland county, near Shire
manstown. are well known. At High
spire for a number of years Mr. Kun
kel conducted a stock farm on which
many thoroughbred horses were
raised. His Cumberland county farm
was noted for its grain crops. Mr.
Kunkel was a holder of many real
estate and other securities.
Labarees Not at Beirut
Where Turks Cause Alarm
Special to The Telegraph
Fondon. Dei 1 . 3.—According to ad
vices from Reirut, Syria, the Turks
have demanded $20,000 from Doctor
Bliss, president of the American Col
lege at Beirut. This is learned from
n dispatch to the Times from Cairo.
The Turks declined Doctor Bliss' of
fer of $5,000 in full settlement of the
claims they made.
Philadelphia. Dec. 3.—"The United
States should take measures to protect
the rights, and property of the Amer
ican citizens in Syria, of whom there
are more than 100," said the Rev. Dr.
"William 11. Roberts, of Philadelphia,
stuted clerk of the General Assembly
of the Presbyterian Church, when it
was reported to him yesterday that
the Turks had demanded $20,000 from
Doctor Bliss, of the American College
at Beirut.
According to recent information
Harrisburg missionaries are at the
Presbyterian mission at Beirut. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert M. Fabaree were last
beard from at Tabriz. In a letter,
Mrs. I.abaree, who is a daughter of
Assistant Postmaster Samuel W. Flem
ing. tells of a warning to keep away
from the mission at Reirut.
Cleveland, 'Dec. 3.—The sub
committee of the miners and operators
of the eastern Ohio coal field, where
15,000 miners have been on strike
since April 1, last, adjourned at noon
to-day after falling to reach an agree
ment and will report this disagree
ment to the Joint conference at 2
Wernersville, Pn.. Dec. 3.—Plans for
a congress of men to be held next
year are being formulated at a two
day convention of the laymen's mis
sionary committee of the Reformed
Church in the United States, in session
here. The committee consists of sev
enty-live members, there being two ■>r
more representations from each classls.
They come from Pennsylvania, Mary
land, New York and Ohio.
Women of Parish Will Offer Dainty
Gifts to the Public on
Women of St. An
drew's Protestant
Episcopal Church
will hold the annual
Christmas sale next
Saturday at the par
*"l house at Nine
' teenth and Market
• MEM streets. It will be
•A 'Baft open to the public
'"lri«r from 2 o'clock in the
Ck "t. afternoon until 10 at
(BBJTi night. with lunch
served throughout
the sale. A musical
k<? n program has been
*' V.prl arranged for the en
tertainment of the guests. The as
sembly room of the parish house will
be decorated with booths, at which
different goods will be sold, Spe
cialties will be homemade candies and
cakes and fancy articles suitable for
Christmas gifts.
The chairman of the general com
mittee is Mrs. H. M. Filling, with Mrs.
J. I. Matcliett as assistant chuirman
and Mrs. Edgar V. Feeds as secre
tary. Other woork will be handled
by the following committees:
Cake—Mrs. William H. Halfpenny,
chairman; Mrs. C. J. Hoffman, Mrs.
W. H. Roth and Mrs. Willis Geist
Funcheon —Mrs. K. W. Watts, chair
man: Mrs. Gilbert W. Mattson, Miss
Baltzell, Mrs. Edward F. Doehne, Mrs.
• 'scar 11. Evans, the Misses Hicks. Mrs.
William H. Baltzell and Mrs. Robert
Pattison CQX.
Fancy table—Mrs. John F. Miller,
chairman: Xlrs. J. R. Hoar. Mrs. W.
H. Smyser, Miss Valentine, Mrs. 1. B.
Dickinson and Mrs. Harry F. Hope.
Candy table—Mrs. Robert Patteison
Cox. cvhairman; Miss Eleanor Fel
lows, Miss Elizabeth Byers, Miss
Grace B. Seighman, Miss Anna R.
Krotzer and Miss Fockie A. Collins.
This table is particularly in charge of
'members of the senior branch of the
Junior Auxiliary of the parish.
Ice cream—Mrs. George \\ . Seigh
man. chairman: Mrs. N. A. Walker.
V' ' - ■•'•I Pellowi.
To Hold Bazar. —The Ladies' Aid
So" .;.t> of the lmmanel Presbyterian
Church fill give their annual bazar
this evening, to-morrow afternoon and
evening, in the church at Sixteenth
and Juniper streets.
Hoffer's Two Wives
Meet in Court Room
• . • ,
| The story of how a man fooled two
women, making each believe she was
his wife, was told in the Dauphin
county courts yesterday afternoon.
The two women, Mrs. Enos 1.. Hot
ter. No. 1, and Mrs. Enos F. Hoffer,
No. 2, met in the court room and both
produced marriage certiticates show
ing that they were lawfully married.
The lirst Mrs. Hoffer had caused the
arrest of the second on statutory
grounds and it was while No. 2 was
defending herself that the story came
Hoffer had married the first woman
in Reading.2" years ago: he married
tile second in Washington 16 years
ago. He had children to both.
Neither knew of the other's existence.
Hoffer, who had charge of the restau
rant in the Pennsylvania railroad sta
tion, left town when he learned the
lirst wife had found him out. No one
knows where he is. The second Mrs.
Hoffer was acquitted by the jury with
out leaving the court room.
Health Bureau Needs
$51,538 For the Year
Included in the annual budget of the
department of public safety for 1915
will be the request of the bureau of
health and sanitation for $51,538 to
conduct the department for the year.
The amount is practically the same as
last year.
The bureau also recommended the
reduction of retail and wholesale
license fees of amounts varying from
$1 to $5. Council will also lie asked
to provide a municipal hospital for
contagious diseases.
I,on don, Monday, Nov. 30, P. M.
(delayed in transmission) Floyds
agency declared to-da.v that the Nor
wegian steamer Ran, which reached
Fiverpool yesterday (Sunday) from
New York, has been taken into cus
tody by the British authorities and is
being held as a prize.
The steamer Ran. Captain Borve,
left New York November 13 for Fiver
pool. She is a vessel of 1,946 tons
Among women who will occupy a
prominent position in the Panama-
Pacific Exposition is Miss Evelyn Bea
trice Longman, of New York, who has
the Fountain of Ceres for the expo
sition grounds. Miss Fongman por
trays the Greek goddess standing up
on a pedestal surrounded with symbols
of the fruits and flowers of the earth.
The monument is thirty-two feet high
and la placed In Henry Bacon's Court
of the Four Seasons. Miss Longman is
a sculptor of note and has works on
view In the Metropolitan Museum of
Art in New York city and is a mem
ber of a number of national art so
tertalnment of tt
Board Announces Report Wiil Be
Presented to Commissioners
For Approval
All that has to he done is the tran
scribing of the figures to the blank
forms anil Auditors Reigle and Fred
Houston began work on that to-day.
As soon as tile report Is approved by
the commissioners, the county solici
tor, Colonel Fred M. Ott, will tile it
with the court.
To Fill Wheel I lee. 10.- —The new
jury wheel will likely be tilled on De
cember 10, according to Jury Com
missioner Ed Dupp this morning. The
old Wheel will be exhibited for a week
by a local department store after
which it will be turned over to the
Dauphin County Historical Society.
Realty Transfers. Three realty
transfers were recorded as follows: P.
11. I-an* to \V. M. Jeff cries. 1991 North
Seventh street, 1.500; W. K. Blough
to Burton I*'. Blough, half interest in
property, Logan near Seneca. $1; A.
W. Burtnett to G. W. UpdSgrove, 2017
Penn. sl.
Try Kohcrt iiiftl.—Courtroom No. 2
wits cleared of all spectators but nec
essary witnesses, court attaches, mem
bers of the bar and the newspaper re
porters this morning by Judge Alberl
V. Johnson when Robert Reed was
placed on trial upon charges grow
ing out of his actions against two
small boys and a little girl. The
youngsters were hardly able to talk
plainly. They told stories of how
Reed had enticed them with pennies'
and promises of more, to the island
playgrounds and of his criminal ac
tions there. The only other case that
occupied Judge Johnson's attention
was a case of a common scold in
which Mrs. Carrie Imler, Middletown.
appeared as prosecutrix against Mrs.
Blanche Miller, Middletown. The lat
ter was convicted but Judge Johnson
released her with admonitions as to
her future conduct. She was directed
to appear in January sessions.
Donaldson, Masonic
Home Committeeman
3pjp;' raHgj
William M. Donaldson, 2005 North
Third street, was elected one of the
committeemen on Masonic homes at
the session *>f the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania, Masons, in Philadelphia
Twelve thousand dollars was appro
priated for destitute Masons in Bel
gium and their families. The money
will be forwarded through the grand
lodge in England.
Officers of the Masonic Grand Lodge
are as follows: Right worshipful
grand master. J. Henry Williams,
Lodge Xo. 59, Philadelphia; right wor
shipful deputy grand master, Louis A.
Watres, Lodge Xo. 325, Scranton;
grand senior warden, James B. Krause,
of Williamsport; grand junior warden,
John S. Sell, Lodge No. 578; grand
treasurer, William B. Hackenburg,
Philadelphia: grand secretary, John A.
Perry, Philadelphia.
The following were elected commit
tee on Masonic homes: Judge George
R. Orladv, of Huntingdon: John D.
Goff. Chester: Edward W. Patton,
Philadelphia; George W. McCandless,
Pittsburgh: Mr. Donaldson; Andrew
It. Hershey, Lancaster, and Henry C.
Shock, Mount Joy.
Lucknow Poor Will Be
Looked After by League
Yuletide charity work was discussed
by members of the Lucknow League
of Good Citizenship last night at a
meeting called at the home of Miss
Nancy Shunk, Lucknow.
Since the league's organization in
May. 1013, members have been doing
splendid work in aiding the poor. Last
year Christmas gifts were supplied to
several poor families in the adjoining
Nomination of officers will be made
next Wednesday evening. The follow
ing were present las tevenlng: Merle
Ryers. Glenn Lynn, Russe! Sturtevant,
George Strohm. Charles Bowman,
Harry Miller. John Greenawalt, John
Mehareue, Anson Miller and Miss
Nancy Shunk. -
Henry Good, aged 75 years, arrest
ed yesterday afternoon on a charge of
forgery by Detective Joseph I bach,
was to-day turned over to Detective
I>. 11. Riegel. of 1 lummelstown. Good
yesterday had a stranger (ill out a
check for ten dollars to which he af
fixed his mark. Harvey Trickier was
the name on one check. To-day it
was learned that flood Is a slick fellow
at his business and is wanted in Lan
caster on a similar charge.
By A ssacintcii Press
London, Dec. 3. 6.55 A. M.—A dis
patch from Melbourne to Reuter's
Telegram Company says: "The royal
commission's report discounts the
alarmist statements regarding the al
lrged operations of the American beef
trust In Australia.''
I I * 4W « WHlitS
i HMjg' \^y
To further one of her pet charities. Miss Anne Morgan, daughter of the
late J. Pierpont Morgan, has turned over practically her whole house. No. 219
Madison avenue, to the one hundred society girls and young matrons who
make up the cast of "Pandora's Box," the Greek idyl, to bo given under the
auspices of the Vacation Committee In the Seventh Regiment Armory on Fri
day and Saturday, December 4 and 5. The huge drawing room has been
given over to the ballet and it is there that the members of the cast are spend
ing most of their nights and days perfecting themselves in the roles alloted
them. "The object of the fete," said Miss Morgan, "is to raise funds to main
tain the Vacation Headquarters and the Lodging Mouse which was organized
for the purpose of helping self-suporting girls and women to a comfortable
home and a healthful and proper vacation."
Expert Manning Explains Why Pro
posed Treatment Is Neces
sary For Park
Warren 11. Manning, the city's land
scape architect, believes that there is
no river front in the world superior to
the beautiful frontage of ilarrisburg.
He is deeply interested in (his develop
ment along practical and esthetic lines
and owing to the comparatively nar
row stretches at certain points has
been compelled to provide different
treatment in different sections.
For instance, north of "Hardscrab
ble" it has been found advisable to
construct a sunken path near the west
ern curbline so as to create what will
be equivalent to a double terrace.
Dropping from the level of the street
three or four feet with an easy grade
the first slope will be covered with
matrimony vine and the edge of the
vurbing with barberry hedge. The
depressed walk will have an average
width of nine feet and the second
terrace will be carried down by a
proper grade to the level of ihe con
crete wall and steps. Some tilling will
jhe necessary under this plan, but nut
nearly so much as would have been
required had the original scheme of a
I park strip on the level of the street
been carried out.
"till'' From Station Site
With the enormous quantities of
material that will be available from
the South Second street excavations, it
should be an easy matter for the De
partment of Parks to complete the
rough grading during the winter, it
will then be possible, it is hoped, to do
the planting early in the Spring and
put the whole front of the city in line
shape for the river carnival and his
toric pageant next summer.
It has been suggested by a practical
citizen that the rejected granite blocks
[from the Federal building, some of
which have been thrown over the
river bank north of Maclay street,
would make fine material for rip
rapping the nhrupt projection of the
bank at the pumping station. It would
also save serious damage by the high
water and ice during the winter at this
The Various Suggestions
"if we should treat the river em
bnnkment," said a park official to
day, "in the way that individual citi
zens suggest from time to time, we
would have a different kind of treat
ment about every other square. We
must regard the opinion, the technical
knowledge and the large experience of
the distinguished landscape architect
who has made a reputation through
out the country and who has done so
admirably for Ilarrisburg. It is un
pleasant to meet objections at every
public improvement, but we must do
our duty as WO see it without regard
to protests —honest or otherwise."
fly Associated Press
London. Dec. 3, 4.12 p. m.—Mrs.
Dorothy Slingshv, wife of Lieutenant
Charles It. Slingsby, of San Francisco,
denied in the probate court to-day the
allegations that her son, heir to the
Slingsby estate In Yorkshire, had died
and that she had substituted for him
another Infant.
Coroner Investigating to Find the
Cause of Death; Playing
at the Colonial
Carter Hotclikiss. an actor, playing
with the James Morrison Company at
the Colonial Theater this week, was
found dying at 2.30 o'clock this after
noon at Fourth and Chestnut streets.
The Ilarrisburg Hospital ambulance
was called, but the actor died on the
way. The cause of the death is not
known and Coroner Eckinger will in
vestigate this afternoon.
It is suspected that Hotchlciss com
mitted suicide by taking some power
ful poison.
The coroner notified a daughter.
Miss Virginia Hotclikiss, 129 West
One Hundred and Seventeenth street,
New York, of the death this after
The Morrison company was to plav
at Lancaster the latter part of this
Katherine May Frick
Is Now 15 Years Old
Katherine May Frick, the Helen
Keller of Ilarrisburg, yesterday cele
brated her fifteenth birthday at the
Pennsylvania institution for the Deaf
and Dumb, at Mount Airy.
Katherine May is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William 1,. Frick, 94
North Seventeenth street. She Is al
most entirly bereft of speech, sight
and hearing but aided by her inter
preter she proved an entertaining hos
tess for her fifteen guests.
"Everybody is so good to me," she
exclaimed. 'I am so happy. I don't
know wli they arc so good." She al
most could tell the color of several silk
handkerchiefs she received, among a
score of presents. And when the games
were played she was as quick as any
of her guests at finding the button, or
at guessing who her friends were by
the feel of their hands.
Little Miss Frick, according to her
instructors, has Improved wonder
fully during the last year. Her speech
has become as clear and almost as
normal as any deaf person's. And she
has acquired remarable quickness in
apprehending the signs of the inter
preter. Her eyes, too, can now detect
objects passing between her and the
light. She always speaks of "seeing"
objects described to her.
Among her guests was little Grace
Pearl, one year her senior, likewise
without sight, speech and hearing,
who had a birthday party only last
fly Associated Press
New York, Dec. 3.:—The New York
Stock Exchange, through its clear
inghouse committee, decided to-day
to issue at 2 o'clock each afternoon a
list of stocks in which there had been
trading, under Ihe committee's super
vision. (luring (he day. at prices at or
above those of July 30. Another list,
It was decided. Is to be Issued at 3
o'clock each day, giving closing prices.
These lists will give the bid and
asked prices and the last actual sales..
DECEMBER 3, 1914.
Scientists Also Hear That 176
New Worlds Have Been
By Associated Press
New York. Dec. 3.—Organization of
a national service for the detection of
criminals and for the prevention of
crime, similar to the federal secret
service for preventing counterfeiting
and detecting counterfeiters, was pro
posed to-day by Henry Bruere, city
chamberlain of New York, in an ad
dress before the American Society for
Mechanical Egineers.
"A very considerable part of the
present criminality can be eliminated
by Intelligent preventive action," said
Mr. Bruere. "This action should be
taken by the police."
Morris IA. Cooke, director of public
works of Philadelphia, proposed that
the secretaries of the four national
engineering societies should be author
ized to associate as a civil service
board to advise federal. State and
city civil service commissions In the
selection of engineers for the public
Andrew Carnegie, as an astronomer,
told the engineers many things they
did not know about space and light
rays. One hundred and seventy-six
new World have recently been discov
ered by astronomers," he said, "and
the count hasn't stopped yet.
Organization of Pennsylvania Third
Class Cities to Meet Here
December 17
Thirty-five amendments to the Clark
Commission form of government act
will be considered by the League of
Third Class Cities of Pennsylvania at
a meeting iin this city. Thursday, De
cember 17. City Clerk Charles A. Miller
received word yesterday of the date of
the session.
The proposed changes, most of which
are of a more or less radical charac
ter, were decided upon at a meeting of
a special committee of the mayors, city
solicitors and other representatives of
the various municipalities held here on
October 21.
If the league adopts these sugges
tions, the amendments will be put up
to the legislature for enactment this
While the aim of much of the pro
posed revamping is to present a" clearer
idea of the working of the act, there
are some changes proposed which will
vitally effect Harrisburg as well as
other third class municipalities of the
Keystone State.
For instance, one amendment per
mits a city to erect, maintain and op
erate municipal boat and bath houses;
another would extend the terms of the
city solicitor and the city engineer to
four instead of two years; still another
fixes ninety instead of thirty days in
jail as the extreme penalty for viola
tions of city ordinances.
Some Hntlleul Change*
The most radical changes, however,
suggest a readjustment of the initiative
and referendum clause; the establish
ment of civil service for police and tire
departments; tixing the terms of coun
i-ilmen at four years instead of two,
providing that at the 1915 election the
two councilinanic nominees receiving
the highest number of votes be chosen
for four years, the other two for two,
and that thereafter two shall be elect
ed biennially for four years; amend
ment of llie city tax rsgulatlons. where
by the collections be made in April in-/
stead of August.
Other changes of a minor character
provide for the letting of contracts for
supplies In sums of SIOO or less with
out advertising for bids; charging law
yers, phvsicians and other professional
men a license tax, and provisions for
tilling a vacancy in the city controler
Found Guilty of Impersonating A.
Mitchell Palmer to Defraud
J. P. Morgan
By Associated Press
New York, Dec. 3. —David Lamar
was to-day found guilty of imperson
ating Representative A. Mitchell Pal
mer, of Pennsylvania, for the purpose
of defrauding J. P. Morgan and Com
pany and the U. S. Steel Corporation.
He was immediately sentenced to
serve two years in the Federal Peni
tentiary at Atlanta, Ga. Pending ap
plication for a writ of error Lamar
was admitted to SIO,OOO bail.
The crime of which Lamar—nick
named by brokers "the wolf of Wall
street"—was convicted is one seldom
entered on the records of the Federal
Court here.
The government charged that La
mar and his friend, Edward Lauter
bach, a lawyer, entered into a con
spiracy to obtain money from the
United States Steel Corporation and
the Morgan firm by representing
themselves as the agents of Speaker
Clark and other men high in Con
gress. To further this conspiracy, it
was charged, Lamar telephoned Lewis
Cass Ledyard and others represented
himself over the telephone to be Rep
resentative Palmer, of Pennsylvania,
and said tha he was acting with the
knowledge and sanction of Speaker
Clark and sought to have Mr. Led
yard obtain employment for Lauter
bach with the Morgan lirm or the
steel corporation.
The telephone conversations, it was
testified, lasted for several days be
fore Mr. Ledyard telephoned to the
real Representative Palmer and found
that he had been talking theretofore
with an imposter. In the meantime
Mr. Ledyard had seen Lauterbach
and Lauterbach, Mr. Ledyard said,
had demanded money for Ills serv
The jury deliberated on the evi
dence for 45 minutes. Lamar was
I convicted on two counts of the second
of the three indictments against him.
His counsel announced that an appeal
would be taken to the United States
Supreme Court on writs of error.
Rulletins issued this morning by the
weather man forecast a 40 degree tem
perature here to-night and to-morrow,
with partly cloudy skies. A furious
blizzard is raging In Southern Alaska.
Six Inches of rainfall were recorded in
Houston, Texas, causing one fatality
L and much property loss. i
Work on Pretty Improvement For
Colonial Country Club Pro
gressing Rapidly
Favorable weather conditions dur
ing the last few weeks has enabled tho
special committee in charge of tho
work to make wonderful progress in
the general improvement of the golf
links of the Coionlal Country Club, on
the binglestown road. It is expected
that the excavations for the lake along
the Crooked Road will he finished this
week. During this excavation several
additional springs have been discov
ered which will provide a steady flow
of water throughout the year. This
artificial lake will be of considerable
size and at its deepest point about six
feet. It will constitute one of the star
hazards of an unusual course.
Among the improvements of the
course will be the elimination of the
marshy land along the small stream
running through me course and the
changing of two or three of the greens.
Excavations for the new locker house
will also be started this week and the
material from this excavation will be
used in filling up some of the low land.
! s e , x P e °ted that the golf course
will be in first-class shape for play
next season, especially in view of tho
fact that there has been considerable
draining* and extension of a general
water supply system all over the
course. It Is also proposed to use a
force pump at the lake for not only
supplying water for the greens but
also as a fire protection for the club,
Even Unneutral Ships Carrying
Food For Belgium Will
Have Right of Way
By Associated Press
Xew York, Dev. 3.—The committee
of mercy to-day made public tlie fol
lowing cablegram from James W.
Gerard, the American Ambassador at
Berlin, which was forwarded here by
the State Department at Washington:
"The German government is en
tirely in sympathy with the work of
the American commission for Belgian
"The naval forces cannot lawfully
seize food on neutral ships bound for
neutral ports. Germany will not in
terfere with unneutral ships bound
for Holland with food from fhe Unit
ed States, even if food is destined for
Belgium. Subject to revocation, the
German government agrees to permit
unneutral ships to carry food for Bel
gium, via Dutch ports, and will guar
antee that the food is utilized for the
purpose intended.
"The German government recom
mends, however, that as ;i precaution,
such unneutral ships shall be fur
nished with a certificate from compe
tent American authorities, testifying
that such food carried by unneutral
ships via Dutch ports is intended for
tthe relief of the Belgians, and fur
ther, that the unneutral ships shall
be also provided with a pass issued
by the German Embassy in Washing
ton, authenticating the certificate is
sued by the American government."
This official assurance, it was said
by the committee of mercy, set at rest
numerous rumors to the effect that
American foodstuffs shipped into Bel
gium, to be used in feeding the starv
ing refugees, might be seized by the
German military authorities for the
commissary department of their
Big Rush of Parties, Committees
and Candidates to Com
ply With Law
This is the last day for filing ex
pense accounts for the recent cam
paign and it is expected that the state
ments of the Republican and Demo
cratic state committees and the lead
ing Democrats for Governor will ba
filed by niKht. Over a score of state
ments were filed before noon and
among them was that of William T.
Creasy, Democratic candidate tor Lieu
tenant-Governor, who, however, failed
to file vouchers and was asked to send
Mr. Creasy stated that he had re
ceived $5 and had spent $184.13, most
of which was for traveling and for
the Columbia county Democratic com
mittee. Judge Robert P. Frazer,
elected Supreme Court justice, spent
$1,591.20, most of which went to his
campaign committee.
The statement of the Washington
party committee of Allegheny county
shows that it received $11,853.78, of
which William Kllnn gave $9,159.78,
A. P. Moore SI,OOO, P. S. Ache SSOO,
L. P. Schneider S3OO, R. E. Fllnn S2OO
and IT. D. W. English, Hale Hill, M. 11.
Kennedy, W. L. McCullough, °ach
SIOO. It was all spent.
The Independent Republican Com
mittee statement, filed by R. E. Little,
of Swarthmore, accounts for $1,038,
of which $875 came from Warren
Van Dyke, secretary of the Democratic
state committee. It maintained a
headquarters here, manned chiefly by
John D. Strain. All money was spent
except one dollar, which was returned
to Van Dyke.
Charged with threatening to kill
Frank Capon, keeper of a boarding
house In South Ninth street near Hem
lock, Toni Endekoblc this afternoon
was arrested after a merry chase
through South Harrlsburg by Patrol
man Pat Hyland. The accused, It Id
charged, used a revolver carelessly
around the hoarding house, taking pop
shots at the proprietor.
Fine Boxed Stationery
16 N. Third St. and Penna. Station