KAUFMAN'S I KAUFMAN'S 1 KAUFMAN'S I KAUFMAN'S I KAUFMANTS Important Notice to Every Woman & Miss I sw« % —y. - TTTTVI a TIT>Q rn 4// f / tinction and value at a saving of over half'. KAU T °-morrow 275 Women's and Misses' Store Opens at 8 A. M. Closes at 9 P. M. HitfVi Prnrlo The BASEMENT STORE Has Been Transformed WL .. c 8 , tL? * , A , Into a Veritable FAIRYLAND and We Are Now Whlch Former, y Sold at $25, S3O and $35 Ready With a Display of TOYS and DOLLS—The For Saturday 1 Materials For Saturday ' Like of Which Has Never Been Seen in Harrisburg 1 llns. Gabardines. ""seizes. I I O \\Ud' S Wcar CreP® Poplins and ■ V Come and bring the children. The display is of such magnitude and attractiveness as to be of interest to young and- old 4.|7 M J '° u,,,k>t- J alike. Toys and dolls by the thousands—some that walk—some that talk and some that do the funniest stunts you have ever * 1. seen. Big toys, little toys, big dolls, little dolls—oh, ever so many and ever so dear to the hearts of the little ones. /fci_ # .... _ _ ___ _ §*B££lttFX l ong, short an«l medium coat (•) **'**"*"—n— —— .. ■ anß I«igllis;stiinnlnj; fur-trimmed models; AI "m TP" 0 velvet trimmed models, military effects (ww $ - _ I I m. * J M I and plain tailored styles. Skirt styles I^%, Keal Live bsints. _ Mfak wn d u • f r> >r /1\ VHh laken rrom Our Regular Stock ; ffgjjg Will Be Here in the Basement Tomorrow, Saturday, During the Following Hours lJ \Bm of $25, S3O and $35 Suits i ('wBB 9 toll in the Morning 2t05 in the Afternoon wjjw' l • For Saturday \ jg| He Will Distribute Free Presents to All Children Accompanied by Adults. yfew every ' 1 every MMfc | MB Two Extra Big Bargains in Women's Waists For Saturday MTI I 1 'lsSi vAtiiE I feVST 5 . WAISTS - 98c teTO WAISTS 'SI.9S W)) ™ f KB Made of Voiles. Seeo Silks and White China Silk with Crepe de Chine ... . r , . _ . , , tJ ... /// // eollar and eniTs in white and assorted colors; nil sizes up to 11, by our own Made of Cro,,c dc t1,1,1e Sllk - aLso new embroidered \ olles; all the new- '/} \ est models: wlilte and colors: all sizes. ( SEE SUI i O ON DISPLAY '— ' 7a IN OUR WINDOW hf EXTRAORDINARY SALE L""""™'"". , t . qc /X C lhat S2O Balmacaan Over- /|) 4 p M , " —— ha i -i • IvlOn I coat or Suit You Want, I / *%| | , n . s Men'sFurnishingS ITlCll. Y.uWillFindHereat ~: Department (A REMARKABLE SALE OF COATS FOR TO-MORROW v . « (SATURDAY) You men who are used to spending \x Floor Coats Worth SJ. 69 Coats Worth SQ. 69 ED UNDERWEAR; 45 c J2O for a Suit or Overcoat, Come here /N/ \V\ fUp to $lO T= 11 Up to $lB 0= Men's $1.25 Wool H cHICI JOOK 3.t Ol*r you Will CftSlly / .1 Splendid winter styles in all-wool flgflSnk A group of elegant winter styles TTNTOW Hiir __ _ __ ___ ____ _____ / I mixtures, maimish weaves, zlbelincs, hi liaudsome all-wool mixtures, SCC WllCrC yOU CSn Sdve money« / yH I I 'I in desirable colors; many lined novelties and ziliellnen. Very new- Men s 89c DRESS _ II 5" I Hi , throughout with satin. All sizes for /f est styles In every ••olor and size. SHIRTS Ui/C mm m BL t im— L J K ' irA • ' Women and Misses. } f Men's sl.2s dress a q Mpn'« BaiiTiacaans Men s and Young Men's Cj ii MiU-nw 4 %'flnl r na t c acn h— vtc and^rir «sg fti&ssi «l Hp Jsn. w $s $ 7= ft P*. $ 12= Mens 50c SILK Q CJ f m I ' collection of over 250 newest HOSE OUC - J m. M m I ■ ■ I Newest winter styles of pretty w ' nter ooaf-i V- i ett^Nighfgowns 10 ' 1 " 49 c 3500 Pair of Men's Pants Nearly Y 2 S3OO ( JPk c' Pnatc*' w ° rlh Whilt s ' v ' nBS Handkerchiefs .. .. 9 J /ZC I Men's $2.50 Pants,l Vlen's $3.50 Corduroy Pants, ) l[ i For Saturday «™„ s d c . Suspend : 10c J <£l Af| <3il Ofl $1.49 I Coats Worth s9*B9 Coats Worth sJ.B9 Gamers 5150 Brighton 10c 1 32 t042 li| \jf /jj\ Up to $4.50 U — Up to $6.50 JL _____' (X/ j| K?) Noallj trimmed styles, all-wool Assortments better ————— (| ft l Wpv materials, wen tailored and nicely in stnnnina irirlisli stvlcs in snlen. \j! teg f R lined. Newest winter colors. Sizes did all-wool materials. Sizes 2to Come For These Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Greater Bargains For Saturday ii P I' r.w ,u „« r Tw7i*»«K I 11 I dye. New shape scarf and large and natural and white 111 — i is • SJ \J combinations. in Central Pennsylvania Sfetial to The Telegraph Kuubnry.—Caught under !i fall of f Lancaster, gave au organ recital yesterday in the Zion Reformed rhureh, when the new pipe organ was used for this occasslon the first time. Waynesboro. —To-day waa one of much happines among the poor fami lies of Waynesboro when they were tendered their annual Thanksgiving dinner by the Waynesboro Relief As sociation in the markethouse. Allentown. —Alax Roneberger, aged . 66, veteran locomotive engineer, drop- , ped dead last night while eating his , Thanksgiving dinner. l'ottsvlllo. —The Historical Society of Schuylkill county elected Captain liaird Halberstadt. of this city, presi dent, and Joseph F. Patterson, of this city; J. H. Filbert, of Schlylklll Haven, and Harry h. Daddow, of St. Clair, vice-presidents; H. E. Greyer, secre tary; Jacob N. Fox, treasurer; Claude W. linger, librarian, and Dr. H. J. Herbeip, assistant librarian. Itazloton.—White silk hats, white gniters and white gloves will be worn by the 200 Hazletonians who have joined the Brumbaugh Club which will go in a special train to HarrlsburK In January to attend the inauguration ol' Governor-elect Brumbaugh. Mnhanoy City.—Peter Moran. aged 60, was crushed to death under fall ing timber in the Gilberton mine. GUN NEKS II\I) DEAD MAN Special to The Teletraph Huntingdon, Pa., N0v..27. —Yeeter- day tht body of a well-groomed man, about 26 years old, was found in the woods near Mapleton by a party of gunners. The man had evidently been killed by a 3 8 caliber bullet which pierced his brain at close range. His identity is unknown here. A pocket knife found on his person bore the inscription "P. B„ Mt. Union, Pa." SERGEANT BLAINE DIES Special to The Telegraph Milton, PH., Nov. 27. —' Sergeant Samuel M. Blaine, 75 years old, died at his home here of c implication of diseases. lie served four years during tho Civil War and was in command of a squad of Company D, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, which captur ed Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, in Florida. Sergeant Blaine secured a new set of harness off Davis' horse and used it during' the war, after which he brought it to Mil ton, where It was for many years a curiosity. XK'.V np.K HOUSE Special to The Ttlegraph Hagerstown. Md„ Nov. 27. —A two story brick building to cost $5,000 and 0. n'oted exclusively for Are purposes, will be erected on the site of the old Oak Spring property in Franklin street by the city and the Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company, one of the oldest flre-flghtlng organizations in, Hagerstown. The city council has or dered the purchase of two thousand feet of additional hose for the city fir® department. AX EVENING THOUGHT For verily the Son of Man cam# not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give ills life a ransom for many.—Mark 10:15. 5