Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 26, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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Going and Coming
Ever,v day there are new situations open to those
who seek work in Harrisburg. Every day someone
is leaving a position to take another. Evefy day
someone steps into the other man's shoes.
Going or coming in or out, whatever you have
made up your mind to do, Telegraph Classified Ads
will help you if you give them the opportunity.
A systematic reading of the HELP WANTED
ads every night will find the man or woman out
uf a job a good position and has helped many a man
and woman in Harrisburg to a better position.
CLESS—Died on November 25. 1914, at
Harrlsburg Hospital, Mary Pearl,
wife of Charles H. Clean. agod .11
years. Her late residence was 104 |
llrlek Church Roarl, Enola.
Relatives and friends are invited to
Utend funeral Saturday afternoon, at 1
D'clock, from Lutheran Church, Enola.
Kurial Paxtang Cemetery.
I>OST On Mulberry street bridge,
ring with diamond setting. Valuable as
heirloom. Liberal reward if returned
to 23 South Fourth street. i
IA)ST One 17-jewel Waltham
watch and chain. Initials P. M. T. on
case. Valued, belonging to my deceased
lather. Reward if returned to 164S
North Fourth street.
IXIST Female Scotch Collie dog, 7-
8 months, color red and white; collar
fastened with padlock. Reward If re
turned to 440 South Tenth street, or.
call Bell phone 2059 L.
FOUND At Gordon Bros., 1543
Walnut street. Armour's Stlverchurn
and Swift's Premium Oleomargarine, 5 J
lbs. for 11.10; Empire Oleomargarine, 5 j
lbs. for 98c;; well known qualities. Bell
phone 13&1 J.
FOUND Don't go any further, for
th«> right place is at Eggert's Steuin
Dyeing & French Cleaning Works, 1245
Market street. We deliver ana call
promptly. Both phones.
JlLi.I" Vt ANI'KU —Male
WANTED Young, married men. be
tween the age of 2< and 40 years, lor
■wagon tea and coffee salesmen; guar
anteed salary and commission; grocery,
laundry and bakery drivers preferred;
must be able to furnish best of refer
ence and bond. Jewel Tea Co., 269
Wanted By young man, work
of any kind on farm; can furnish good
reference. Call, or address, William
Jushman, 44 Linden street. City.
* <
WANTED An experienced sales- ,
man to work in Dauphin, York, l.eba- j
non and Lancaster counties; permanent
josition; exclusive territory. See H. F.
Ssterbrook, 205 Briggs street. City, 5
to S evenings.
WANTED Reliable man to work in
llarrishurg. One with selling and col
lecting experience preferred. Apply in
jwn handwriting. References required.
Mldress C., 1877, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Man about 30 years, for
Holidav Article every business house
buys. 100 per cent, profit. One having
previous experience preferred. Must
lave about Fifteen Dollars. Address
Box 1879, care of Telegraph.
WANTED A tailor who Is able to
:ontract for a Job. For full particulars
see C. H. Uhler, 1317 Derry, between
> and 8 P. M.
YOUNG MEN—Become Railway Mall
Klerks; Harrlsburg mail carriers. $65.00
;o $l5O month. Pull unnecessary. Sam
>le examination questions free. Write
franklin Institute, Dept. 3CI T, Ro
:hester, N. Y.
WANTED Young men who wish to
>ecome practical or mechanical chauf
'eurs, to call or write us at once. Open
lay and night. Auto Transportation
Repair Shop and School, 5 North Cam
iron street. Bell phone 1710.
WANTED Railway mail and postal
examinations soon; over two
housand appointments yearly; prepare
it home; write for Plan No. 15 of pay
nent after appointment Philadelphia
business College, Civil Service Dept.
'hlladelphia, Pa. ■
AGENTS WANTED for article which
10 housewife can resist. Sells at al
nost every home. The We-No Supply
:o„ 6106 Market street, Philadelphia,
WANTED—GirIs 16 years of
ige and over. Apply Harrisburg
-igar Company, 500 Race St.
WANTED White woman for gen
ral housework; good wages. Apply i
139 Green street.
WANTED Salesladies hav
ng experience in cloaks and suits.
Vpply at Klein's Old Store, 9 N.
larket Square.
Building Lots For Sale],
Berryhlll St.— No. 1007. Lot 20x96 !
ft $450
Kcnulneton St.—l 7 lots, each 20x i
-100 ft., price, per ft. front. •» to »13 j
Twenty - second St. Between !
JSerryhlll and Brookwood streets, 24
frts, 20 and 25x115 ft., price per ft.
front sl4 |
Twenty-Brst St.— 6 lots, each 20x
100 ft., price per ft. front. #l.l to f2O j
Twenty-tliird St. Northeast Cor.
Woodland, plot about 140x115 ft.,
price per ft. front «8 I
About <1 1-5 Acrea
Located on the south side of
Maclay St., from the abandoned
Penna. Canal to Paston Creek and
about 882 ft. in depth. Price upon
Miller Bros, k Neefe
Pin Insurance Surety Ilonds
Locust and Court Streets
WANTED—Young lady, com
petent stenographer; also able to
| take care of cash; first-class ref
erences required; strictly confi
dential. Address S. 1878, care of
A REFINED, well educated woman
wanted to learn a new high-class pro
fession and to act as my personal rep
resentative In this city. One having
social connections and large circle of
friends preferred. A splendid income
assured. State age, personal particu
lars, references. Address, for full in
formation, Dr. Margaret Ruppert, 1112
Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Pa.
Teaches perfect fitting. You cut all
patterns by measure. You cut, fit end
make the entire garment. You can not
learn dressmaking right any other way.
i Make all your Fall and Winter dresses
while learning. Night and Day classes.
Get terms and information. W. A.
Work, 22 North Fourth street.
WANTED Girl over 21, to assist
in grocery store; must have experience
| and give reference. Address G., 1880,
j care of Telegraph.
I HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female
WANTED Philadelphia Dry Goods
House requires Harrisburg representa
tive. Forty dollars a week; chance of
advancement to right party, man or
woman. Mercury Company, 329 South
Thirteenth street, Philadelphia.
WANTED Competent salespeople
who desire employment over the holi
days. Those having had experience in
selling preferred. Apply at once to Su
perintendent. Bowman & Co.
WANTED Solicitors, men or wo
men. Can make good money selling
Cadora Cigars. See John Herman, llrst |
floor, 14 North Third street, or write
Cadora Cigar Co., York, Pa.
i WANTED Young man, experienced
I chauffeur, wishes position; references.
K„ 140, care of Telegraph.
WANTED By colored man. work
as porter, waiter or any kind of work;
references. Address 123 Liberty street.
WANTED Experienced grocery
clerk wants employment; good refer
ence. Address A., 1858, care of Tele
WANTED Boy, 16 years, desires
work around store or as errand boy.
Call, or address, C. G., 1117 Grape ave
nue, City.
WANTED Young man, 18 years,
desires work of any kind; Is not afraid
to work. Call, or address, Paul F. Ross,
1117 Grape avenue, City.
WANTED By elderly colored wo
man, cooking or general housework.
Address 1412 North Seventh street.
WANTED Middle-aged woman de
sires dishwashing or scrubbing at hotel
or boardinghoute. Call, or address, 819
| Myrtle avenue.
WANTED Colored woman desires '
work of any kind. Call, or address, j
1103 North Seventh street.
WANTED—MiddIe-aged German wo- |
man would like general housework by |
the day or week. Address 544 Good !
street, Steelton, Pa. j
WANTED By first-class laundress, |
work at home or out: reference given, i
Address 162& Adams stteet, Steelton. I
WANTED Young woman, with I
I baby eighteen months old, desires posl- j
I tion as housekeeper for widower or ,
I nged couple. Address P. O. Box 349, |
I ( ' ity - I
WANTED By refined lady, position j
in doctor's office or as companion to I
I elderly or invalid lady; physician's ref-
I erence. Address P., 1873, care of Teie-
I graph.
WANTED Permanent position as
saleslady by refined, settled lady; ref
erence. Address 8., 1874, care of Tele
WANTED White girl, 16 years
old. would like place to assist with
general housework. Address E. F., Post
I Office, General Delivery, City.
WANTED * — Colored woman desires'
general housework; no washing. Call, i
or address, 1108 North Seventh street, j
WANTED Colored girl desires
place to assist with housework or dish- i
washing. Call, or address, 1329 North |
Fourth street.
WANTED Colored woman desires
day's work or rough dry wash. Call,
or address, 1329 North tourth street.
j WANTED Young womsn desires
I work by the day. Call, or address, 723
I Showers avenue.
j WANTED Seamstress, colored, ex
! perlenced in cutting, fitting and design
i ing, desires sewing. Phone 1228 J. Miss
i FOR SALE Three-story building
at Enhaut along trolley line; cost to
build, $3,000.00. Can be changed Into
j three dwelling houses at little expense.
Price, $2,200.00. Very easy terms. In
! quire at East End Bank.
I „
ft. store room and dwelling l5 ft.
side alley—good business location—sac
rifice price. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Fed
eral Square.
FOR SALE 51,000.00 will buv a
Third St, property in Enhaut SW
story frame lot, 25x150. Small cash
payment—balance on monthly instal
ments. Brinton-Packer Co., Second
and Walnut streets.
I VACANT HOUSE; brick construction;
7 rooms, bath, gas, electric light; porch;
cemented cellar; furnace. Price, $1,900.
on easy payments; SIOO cash and S2O
monthly. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner
FOR SALE 1545-47-49-51 Vernon
street, new brick houses; 6 rooms and
bath; improvements; side entrance:
| Look at them. H. G. PecTlow, 110 South
Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE 2309 Derry street, cor
ner property; 7 rooms and bath; attic
and pantry; gas and electric lights;
steam heat. Lot, 23x100. Price. $2,930.
! H. G. Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth
| side; now vacant; large porches; slate
i roofs; electric lights; steam heat;
i granolithic walks. Price, S2.JiOO. Terms
; easy. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build-
I ing.
i FOR SALE Three lots at a bar
gain located on Bosler Ave.,
j —each 35x150. Price, $200.00 each.
; Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut
I No. 1628 Regina St. $25.00
I No. 1821 Market St 25.00
I No. 636 S. Seventeenth St. 20.00
! 18 Honey St 12.00
I Apartment 27.00
2170 Broolcwood 14.00
I 680 Oxford St 15.00
1937 Swatara St 15 00
1251 Market Street.
| FOR RENT 1323 North Second
! street, a six-room house, with furnace
land gas, and water in kitchen; rent,
! $14.00. Inquire 1221 North Second street.
I FOR RENT 1521 Vernon street;
|2%-story brick; 6 rooms; rent, $14.00
per month. E. A. Heflelflnger, East
■ End Bank.
FOR RENT 2217 Atlas avenue.
$16.00; 2014 Green street, $24.00; 650
Emerald street, S2O; 1633 Third street,
$18.00; house in Penbrook, $12.00; Hain
ton, $9.00. D. E. Brightblll, 2 North
Court street.
FOR RENT 512.00 monthly, cen
trally located dwelling on wide street;
five rooms and finished attic; side en
trance; water in kitchen; colored fam
ily eligible. Address 3207 Riverside
Drive. Bell phone 3619 R.
FOR RENT 1637 Apricot, 6 rooms
and bath, $15.00; 1813 Briggs, 7 rooms
and bath. $16.00; 72 North Seventeenth,
8 rooms and bath, $28.00. 11. G. I'edlow,
110 South Thirteenth street.
FOR RENT 1443 Berryhill; 9
rooms and bath; reception hall; all
up-to-date improvements; front lawn
and terrace; front and rear porches;
newly papered. $22.50 per month.
John H. Maloney, Real Estate and Gen
eral Insurance. No. 1619 Green street.
| FOR RENT Large dwelling, suit
able for boardlnghouse. No. 331 South
Fourteenth street; twenty rooms, in
cluding steam heat, bath, electric and
gas. Rent, S3O per month. Keys at
I Weaver's Grocery, Fourteenth and
Reese streets.
| FOR RENT—6IB Geary street; SIB.OO
per month: 8 rooms and bath; cemented
| cellar, with hot and cold water; wide
front and back porches and balcony;
granolithic steps andp avements. vesti
bule, open stairway. Fine new
home. Apply 660 Briggs street, or 020
Geary atreet.
i FOR RENT—I7OB State street. Three
story brick house, 8 rooms, bath and
pantry: cemented cellar; steam heat;
front and back yards. Inquire J. W.
Roelion, 8 North Market Square.
FOR RENT Furnished front suite
of large livingroom, bedroom, private
bath. Also bay-window room, station
ary washstand, near bath, suitable for
gentleman. City steam; electric lights;
hardwood floors; reference required.
218 Pine street.
ROOM FOR RENT Nicely furnish
ed; private family; all conveniences;
use of bath and phone. Call plione
2188 W.
FOR RENT Two or three rooms;
rent, $5.00 monthly, payable in advance.
Call evenings. No children. Only man
and wife or lady need apply. 311
Briggs street.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, ■with
bath, for rent; single or ensuite; well
heated with steam heat; electric and
gas lights. Apply 7 North Thirteenth
street. Bell phone 1149.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished bed
rooms; central location; all conveni
ences; use of phone. 209 State street.
with all conveniences. Apply 1317
Marion street, near Broad.
FOR RENT Two large, well-fur
nished rooms for light housekeeping;
second floor front and private kitchen
on llrst floor. Apply 104 South Thir
teenth street.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
second floor rooms for light house
keeping; all conveniences; pleasant lo
cation. Address Box F., 1863, care of
FOR RENT Second floor rooms,
nicely furnished, with or without hoard
or suitable for light housekeeping:
small, private family. Apply 45 North
Sixteenth street. City.
FOR RENT Beautifully furnished
two-room suite, second floor front, fac
ing Capitol Park; city steam heat; use
of bath and phone; rent reasonable. 406
North street.
ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished or
unfurnished; steam heated; all Improve
ments. Apply at B. Handler's, 1212
North Third street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec
ond floor front room; all conveniences;
gentleman preferred, but will take lady
employed during the day. Apply 1101
Penn street.
FOR RENT One or two gentle
men can have nicely furnished third
floor front room, with or without board;
home comforts and references. 1235
Boas street.
FOR RENT Three unfurnished
rooms, with bath, on third floor. 27
North Thirteenth street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
single or ensuite; all conveniences. In
cluding phone; reference required. Ap
ply 1015 North Front street.
WANTED At 26 South Second
street—roomers and boarders—home
like meals and nicely furnished rooms.
Apply 25 South Second street
WOMAN WANTS one nicely furnish
ed room, with refined, private family.
Hill preferred: state terms; refernce ex
changed. Address 8., 1876, care of
FOR RENT One furnished room,
with boarding, for gentleman with good
habits; light and heat: terms reason
able. Apply 1420 Regina street, near
Thirteenth and Market.
HOUSEKEEPING. furnished com
plete, one large livingroom, bay win
dow. cheerful, heated; small kitchen;
gas range; stationary tubs; large porch;
private meter, bells, letter boxes; $16.00.
1417 Market.
FOR RENT An apartment, four
rooms and bath: all conveniences; lo
cated at Sixth and Harris streets. Ap
ply L. Silbert, 1642 North Sixth street.
FOR RENT —• First floor apartment
1941 North Sixth street; also house 627
Schuylkill street. Inquire J. C. Mehrlng,
2439 North Sixth street, or at Drug
—We pay $50.00 each. Devote your
spare time and make money. Constant
demand. Send your play at once. Ad
dress Motion Picture Syndicate, Box
123, City.
WANTED —Old furniture. china,
glassware, old books, stamps, etc. We
are buyers for Boston. New York and
Western collectors and will positively
pay better prices than ever offered by
any local collectors or dealers. Call
or address Antique Shop, 1419 Sixth
street. Harrisburg.
WANTED Second-hand safe, shelv
ing. roll-top desk and office chairs.
Give full particulars and price wanted.
Write X.. 1854, care of Telegraph.
and 117 South Second street. 6,000 gal
lons Ne>7 Era ready-mixed paint. Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
FOR SALE—The greatest Bargains
In the city In Men's Hats, Sweaters and
Trousers and all mens furnishings.
Also fine line of ladles' hosiery. Capln
&. Capln, 430 Market street, near sub
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks to make room
for Holiday goods. Wholesale and Re
tail Leather Merchants, Specialty
1 orders and repairing. Harrisburg Har
j ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest
{ nut.
j parlor set, $7; "Neponset." butter than
llnoleoum, 35c; locust-chestnut fence
I posts, 15c; imported body brui,sels, 55c;
| best, $1; 9x12 rugs, $3; heaters, ranges,
j guns. etc. Yingst, Front-Cumberland.
secured at the Telegraph Business
South Second street, 6,000 sets new sash
SxlO 3 2 L.. primed and glazed, at $1.16
per set. Also other sizes.
j FOR SALE One Vulcan Touring
I ear, price SSOO, used 1,500 miles; one
I Columbia Touring car, used very little,
i price very reasonable. Penbrook Gar
' FOR SALE Closed front wagons,
i s2u and up; light market wagons, nicely
I painted, $:!5.00 and up; top buggies,
I $35.00 and up. Howry & Son, Shiremans-
I town. Pa.
i FOR SALE Seven-passen-
Iger touring car with electric
| lights, 40 horse power, in excel
lent condition. Must be sold on
I account of party leaving city, rea
sonable price. For further infor
mation address Box 106, care of
FOR SALE, AT COST, $15.00 double
barrel gun, $10.00; $3.75 rifle. $2.50; 65c
smokeless shells, 50c per box. Keystone
Cycle Co., 814 North Third street.
FOR SALE Two bicycles. SB.OO and
SIO.OO each; new paint; rebuilt; good
condition and appearance. If you want
! one of these bargains come in to-day.
' Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third
| street.
AUTO ROBES. Steamer Rugs. Car
riage Robes. Horse Blankets and Stabl*
Blankets. Harrisburg Harness & Sup
ply Company, SecoDd and Chestnut
FOR SALE Full bred Burpee's
Scotch Collie 6 months old. Apply 214
South Twenty-ninth street, Penbrook,
FOR SALE, CHEAP Addressograph
foot-power machine, with cabinet. Har
risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Harrisburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Milk wagon, set brass
mounted harness, both good as new;
also bay horse. Must be sold at once.
No reasonable offer refused. Apply to
Dr. Oyler's Stables, 331 Blackberry ave
FOR SALE Fine three-cornered
china cupboard, dandy hand-made
sewing table, odd music box with bells
and harp, mission library table, hand
crocheted bedroom slippers. Call 2637
North Sixth street.
flies, baseball players; 30 flags of all
nations and 20 butterflies for 60 cents
and & cents postage. Large American
I Hag, 12x18, 15 cents and postage 3 cents.
Mitchell, 441 Broad street, Harrisburg,
FOR SALE One set (five) McCue
wire wheels, 4 1 /4x36, slightly used,
$50.00. Regular p*-ice, $l5O. For further
information address P. O. Box 445, Har
risburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Ford car, 1910 model;
good condition; live-passenger. Reason
for soiling, no use for it and no room to
store it. Can be seen and demonstrat
ed at Zimmerman's, Linden and Wal
nut streets.
FOR SALE Retail Cigar and To
bacco Store, doing a profitable business;
well located and low rental. J. E. Glp
ple, 1251 Market street.
FOR SALE Superb private collec
tion of Vlctrola Records at one-third oil
! from November 27-December 24, 230
I West State street. Hours, 9 A. M. to 6
P. M. 250 Red Seal Itecordß and 100
others. All cash sales. Stock In first
class condition.
FOR SAljrj For few days only,
Tom Barron Leghorn ar.d Barred Rock
Pullets at SI.OO each. Will soon lay.
Call George Border, Camp Hill, Pa.
FOR SALE Two heavy work
horses. inquire S. W. Shoemaker &
' Son, Seventh and Harris streets.
GLASS window slgna. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 26c each. On*
of these signs will be given with each
j six-time order for a classified ad. if
I paid in advance. Inqutro at Office of
j 'telegraph.
FOR RENT Automobile garage,
near Eighteenth and Regina streets;
electric lights and water; possession at
once. Inquire Mrs. Clara Elley, 1821
Whitehall street.
DANCE HALL on the second floor of
the new Eagles' Building, corner Cum
berland and Sixth streets. Maple floor
and new piano. For terms, apply to
1 Geo. E. Yousllng, Secretary, No. 404
Verbeke street.
FOR RENT Office >n Commercial I
Bank Building, flrst lloor front Rent. ;
$25.00 per month. Can be used ~s an
office or small store room.
I MADE $50,000 in five years tn the
mall order business, blgan with $6.
Send for free booklet Tells how. Hea
cock. 356 Luckport, N. T.
ANY Intelligent rerson can earn good
income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock
port. N. Y.
ABDOMINAL BELTS to order; any
kind you need. Comhbtnatlon Belts,
with truss, for naval rupture and float
ing kidney. S. S. Appendicitis Belts (or
after operation. Lady attendants,
bhanaman's, 408 Market, Second Floor,
By Associated I'rrss
j Philadelphia, Nov. 27. Wheat
v'Jo Br ' * > ' o - -/ re< l, spot, export, $1.13®
2; si. *• Northern, Duluth, export,
No. 2, yellow, local,
Oata—Steady; No. 2, white, 54',&@55c.
• Firm; winter. per ton,
i Refined Sugars Market steady;
powdered. 5.20 c; tine granulated, 5.10 c;
confectioners' A, 5.00 c.
Butter The market is Arm;
western, creamery, extra. 35c; nearby
prints, fancy, SBc.
Esrgrs The market Is firm;
Pennsylvania end other nearby first*,
free cases, (10.80 per case; do., current
I receipts, free cases. $9 ®0®10.20 per
case; western, extras, mats, free cases,
110.80 per case; firsts, free cases, 19.90
\ @10.20.
Live Poultry Lower; fowls, 12®
14c; old roosters. 10® lie; chickens, 12
® 14c; turkeys, lS®l<Tc; ducks. 13®t4c;
geese, 13® 14c.
Dressed Potiltrv Weaker; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy, 19®20c; do.,
fair to good. heavy, 17®l8c.
average receipts. 15® 18c; small. 13®
14c; old roosters. roasting
chickens, western, 15®19c; broiling
chickens, nearby, i«<®23.-; ilo.. western.
13® 17c; capons. larjje. 23®25c; do.,
small. 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, spring,
21# 22c; average receipts. 18®20c;
small, 13®14c; ducks, ll#18c; geese,
11 ® 16c.
Flour—The market is steady; winter,
clear, $3.85®4.10; straights. Pennsyl
vania. new, $5.00®5.20; sprinjr straight*
$5.30®5.60; do., patents, $5.70®0.50;
western, $4.26 <3> 4.40; patents, s4.su®
4.75; Kansas straight, lute sacks, $4.18
04.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.20;
straights, *4.20®4.30; patents. s4.3i®
Hay The market is weak; tim
othy. No. 1, large bales, $18.50® lit 00;
No. 1, medium hales, $18.50® 19.00; No.
2, do., $16.50® 17.50; No. 3, do., $14.50®
15.50; sample, $13.00® 15.00.
Clover mixed hay. Light mixed,
slß.oo® 18.50; No. 1. do.. $17.00@ 17.50;
I No. 2, do.. $14.50® 16.00.
Potatoes Market steady; Penn
sylvania, per bushel, sS@ti2c; New
York, per bushel, 43®50c; Jersey, per
basket, 25®40c.
By Associated fress
Chicago, 111., Nov. 27. Hogs Re
ceipts. 20,000; strong. Bulk of sales,
$7.40®7.6".; light, $7.05®7.60; mixed,
$7.25©7.75; heavy. $7.20«■".»«; rough.
$7.20®7.35; pigs. $3,00®6.«0.
Cattle Receipts, 1,000; firm. Na
tive steers. $5.85® 10.50; western. $5.40
®9.00; cown and lieifers, $3.60®9.20;
calves, sß.oo® 11.25.
Sheep Receipts, 5,000; steady.
Sheep. $5.50®6.40; yearlings, $6.60®
8.00; lambs, $6.75®9.60.
with beat material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N.
i Cluck, 320 Woodbine street.
us your old furniture—we us* best of
material—drapery work—carpet-laying.
Estimates given. H. Vollmer'a suc
cessor, Jos. Copllnky, 1208',4 l.ortta
Third. Bell phone.
STAIRS COVERED with hardwood.
Renovating old floors a specialty. J
M. Smith, 2219 Bruokwood street. Bell
| 13911*
Accordian side and knife plait
ling done while you wait. Full
length skirts a specialty. All work
done on premises. Slmrus, clean
ers and dyers, 33 North Second
street, 802 North Third street.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street. Harrlaburg, Pa. Telephone
ordera given prompt attention. Bell
H. w. LATHE, Hoarding Stsbl- aad
National Transfer Co. Mover* of
F llanos, safes, boilers and general haul
ng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents
Ser month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411
road street. Both phone*.
IN S-atory brick building, rear 408
Market street.
Household goods In clean, private
rooms. Reaaonable rates. Apply -to
P. G. Dlener, Jeweler. 4<*M Market St.
new eight-story brick wa.'cliouscs, one
absolutely fireproof divided into fire
proof private rooms of various sizes for
the storage of household goods; the
other warehouse of the most approved
type of fire roturdent construction for
general merchandise. They are equip
ped with two large electric freight ele
vators and spiral chute for the quick
and sate handling of household goods
and all kinds of merchandise. Low
storage rate*. South Second street near
Paxton, on the tracks of Penna. R. R.
ANY person needing money in
amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal
aried position, would be benefited by
calling on us. Employees Discount Co.,
36 North Third street.
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
i security In auy amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Address P. o.
Box 174. Harrlsburg, Pa.
LOANS—4S to S2OO for nonest work
ing people without bank credit at Us*
than legal rate*, payable In Instalment*
to suit borrowers convenience.
Loan and investment Co..
204 Chestnut Street.
the Estate of Frances Johnston, late
of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Penn
sylvania, deceased, having been granted
to the undersigned, residing in the (Jlty
of Harrlsburg, ail persons indebted to
said Estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having any
bill* to present them for collection.
118 Liberty Street,
Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania.
estate of Peter B. Myera, late of Har
rlsburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased,
having been granted to the undersign
ed, residing In said City, all persons
Indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them for
settlement, to
Or Executor.
Estate of Anna L Studebaker, late of
Harrlsburg, Pa., deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters
Testamentary upon the estate of said
decedent have been granted to the un
dersigned. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment
and tliose having claims or demands
against the same will make them
known without delay, to
Harrisburg, Pa.,
and otbera upon their own name*
Cheap rata* ea*y payment*, confiden
Una * Co- ML «M, ■ H. Market ■«
Capt. Louis Sorcho, the expert deep
sea diver, who was employed by the
United States Government in 1898 to
recover the dead bodies from the
sunken Maine, will appear at the Or
pheum theater next week in an act
that is unique in vaudeville. The
celebrated diver carries a large tank,
with glass front in which he demon
strates the hazaiyls and possibilities of
submarine work.
An entire carload of paraphernalia
[Continued From First I'age]
I ing of city wires in conduits now at
the disposal of the municipality.
Under an agreement with the Bell
I Telephone Company, that company is
required by the city wherever it lays
a conduit for its own underground
] wires to provide a separate duct
j through which the city may string its
police and fire alarm wires free of
'charge. The Bell Company has been
| one of the most progressive In the city
iin this respect, and the entire business
district and many of the outlying sec
tions of town are now provided with
underground systems carrying Bell
wires and the additional duct for city
i wires.
The city has not taken advantage
of this agreement and the additional
conduits laid by the Bell Company for
municipal wires are empty and wait
ing while the Are and police wires
remain strung overhead.
Hell Company'* Progress
I The Bell Telephone Company has
done a vast amount of work in the
past two or three years and has its
plans laid for the removal of hun
dreds more of its poles us rapidly as its
business warrants. The Bell and the
Harrisburg Heat and Power Company
have entered into a co-operative agree
ment that has brought down many
poles all over town.
The Bell Company now has all of its
wires under ground In the territory
bounded by Mulberry and State streets
and the Susquehanna river and the
Pennsylvania Railroad. Its conduit
system also covers that district lying
I between Third and Seventh streets
j and Forster and North. Between Em
j era hi and Maclay and Fourth and
I Fiftli streets the wires are also under
ground, and there is an additional tri
angular section at Thirteenth and
Derry streets where the poles have
been removed.
It is the purpose of the Bell Com
pany to put all of the wires in the
Capitol Park extension district under
ground as rapidly as the ground there
is cleared, and .i conduit will be run
out Walnut street to Filbert, in Filbert
to State and in State to Sixteenth, to
join the system covering that district.
Preliminary lines have been run for
contemplated extensions in other di
rections, and while in time the Bell
hopes to have all its city wires under
ground, those outlined will be attended
to first.
Removing Many Poles
Co-operating with the Harrisburg
[Heat and Light Company, the Bell has
[removed many of its poles in various
I parts of town. These two corpora
tions, wherever possible, are using the
same pole lines. Where the Bell has
' had first right of way the Light Com
i pany has placed its wires on Bell poles,
and the Bell has used Light poles In
other sections.
The Light Company has fulfilled to
the letter its agreement with the city
to remove its wires from the heart of
town and substitute therefore the or
namental lighting system that has at
tracted so much attention and has
proved so superior to the old suspend
ed arc light system.
It is expected that City Council will
from time to time appropriate money
for an extension of the ornamental
standards until the whole city has been
covered. Experts who havo studied
the situation say that the central sys
tem should be. used as a nucleus
around which to build, and that much
.better results will be attained in this
way than if the city is covered with
litlle patchworks here and there of
standard lighting interspersed with
pole lights.
Postal Poles All Down
The Postal Telegraph Company, un
der the supervision of Clark E. Diehl,
.has shown a most commendable spirit
In the improvement of its wire system
in Harrisburg. Mr. Diehl said to-day:
"The Postal does not have a single
pole left standing in the central por
' tion of the city. We have but one
pole between the Pennsylvania Rail-1
road and the Susquehanna river, and
that is the cable pole at the eastern
end of our underground in Paxton
(Jus Catherman. manager of the
Western Union Telegraph Company,
[reports that that corporation has re-
I moved fourteen poles and sixty miles
lof wires from the central portion of
[ town. "In addition," he says, "we
have at this time a plan submitted to
| our N»iw York officials for their ap
| proval, whereby we would place our
trunk line underground between Cam
eron street and the Market street
I bridge, removing all poles and wires
on this line. We also have under con-!
sideration a plan by which Ave would
I remove all poles between our main
'office and the Capitol, as well as the
[ poles and wires in Dewberry and Mul
berry streets. This would free us from
all poles in the central district."
These plans contemplate the re
moval of fifty-eight poles and many
miles of wires now obscuring the sky-,
line in the heart, of the city.
The American Telegraph and Tele
phone Company, with headquarters in
New York, has a number of unsightly
pole lines in the city which could be
removed at no very great expense, and
a movement will be made to lay con
ditions here before the officials of that !
company, with the idea of conveying!
to them Just what Harrisburg is trying
to do in this respect, and asking their
The Cumberland Valley Telephone
Company has one of the most exten
sive underground systems 1n the city.
When It procured its franchise it was
with the understanding that a certain
number of conduits would be laid, and
this has been done. The entire block
between Mulberry and North streets
and the river and .Sixth streets is pro
vided with conduits. In addition.
Market street, from Fourth to Cam
eron, Is underground and the terri-1
top- between the river and Sixth street
and North and Boyd streets is pro-1
vided with underground systems in
which the wires of the company are
K is understood, howivsr, that this;
company has quite * (aw dsad poles
is carried to put this act on in realistic
fashion. An interesting i»art of the
captain's demonstration is the show
ing- of the submarine telephone, which
is his own invention.
Capt. Sorcho carries with him a
devil fish that he encountered and
bested in a tight beneath the surface
of the ocean. The fish measures 18
feet from tip to tip ot' its tentacles.
A big show of high class vaudeville
is grouped about this novel feature for
next week's bill.—Advertisement.
scattered over the city, several hun
dred. in fact, carrying wires many of
which are no longer In use and which
are a constant menace in times of
storm, for the reason that it is not
possible to know at headquarters
when ojne of these wires falls.
I Captain Sorcho Will Exhibit One at
tNie Orplieiim Next AVefk
| Have you ever seen a devil fish?
Captain Sorcho, the deep sea diver,
■ has one and it will be placed on ex
| hibition next week when the Captain
land his crew of deep sea divers will
I headline the bill at the Orpheun*
| theater.
j The Fish is one of the terrors of the
| deep that confront divers and has
j claimed many victims. its tentacles
j measure from tip to tip eighteen feet
i and is a most weird looking creature,
j Captain Sorcho, the most famous
deep sea diver in the world, brings
to this city for the first time in
vaudeville the only diving act of its
kind on the stage. It is a tremen
dous production, the action is swift,
entertaining, educational, amusing
and thrilling.
When You Motor
Good roads all the way from Har
[ rlsburg—a distance of 22 miles.
1 Medicinal Springs. One of the pret
tiest spots in Cumberland Valley.
Chicken and Waffle Dinner*
Only two hours' notice required.
Prices 7He and SI.OO. Phone when
leaving here and your dinner will
be ready upon arrival.
All the year 'round.
10 North Market Square
We do the best dental work that
can possibly be done and we do it
at charges that aPQri»o®t moderate.
Painless extraction tree When
plates are ordered. Largest and
most complete offices in the city;
sanitary throughout. Lady attend
Hours: 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays,
10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
r i
Headquarters for
«Bell Phone 2470J
B. C. Murray
5 North 10th Street
The undersigned Administrator of
the estate of SILAS LAIRD, Lewis
berry, York Co., Pa., deceased, will
offer at public sale, on the premises
in Falrview township, about one
mile south of Lewlsberry, Pa., ort
the road leading from Lewisberry
to Pinetown, on Saturday November
2S. 1914; sale, 1 o'clock p. m., the
following real estate to wit:
Tract No. I—Farm containing: 117
acres and 142 perches of good iron
stone land, well adapted to the rais
ing of all kinds of fruits or any
other kind of agricultural work;
having erected thereon a good frame
bouse, frame bank barn and other
outbuildings. A spring of never
failing water near the house. Apple
orchard and other fruit trees on the
premises. About 17 acres of this
tract is good tlmberland.
Tract No. 2—Choice timberlandj
containing 16 acres and 146 perches;
mostly oak. some chestnut and hick
ory, the oak measuring 10 to 18 in
ches in diameter.
Bell phone 1(8, Meehanlenburg, Pa.
Parties Interested address
No. 78 West Main St.,
lUcclianlcshurff, Pa.
>i i ————^
2014 Green Street—B-story brick
house; all improvements. Now va
cant —key at our office. Owner
moved to Florida. Special price to
quick buyer.
To Housekeepers, Work-
Jj Ingmeii and Salaried Em-
Room 21. 4th Floor
Spouncr liutiding