Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 23, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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    Many iGolden Nogget Is Bidden in tie Telegraph Classified ids.
PLEASE REPORT all your stolen
wheels to us and we will render our
service In helping you get your wheels
back. By making Inquiry at the Mayor's
Office, you can see of the many arrests
caused by our services along this line.
Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third
street. United phono 19W.
LOST Pair of glasses, without
case. Saturday afternoon, between la
land Park and Eleventh street, on Wal
nut street bridge. Front or Market
street. Please return to 110 Sylvan
LOST Saturday, envelope contain
ing about SB.OO in currency and $45 in
checks. Reward if returned to Mont
gomery & Co., South Tenth street.
LOST Fox Terrier; answers to
name "Pat;" white, marked with big
black spots; six months old. Reward
for return or Information leading to
his whereabouts. Robert F. Gorman,
1937 Park street.
FOUND At Gordon Bros., 1843
Walnut street. Armour's Silvercliurn
and Swift's Premium Oleomargarine. 6
lbs. for $1.10; Empire Oleomargarine, 5
Tbs. for !»8c;; well known qualities. Bell
phone 1331 J.
FOUND Don't go any further, for
the right place la at Eggert's Steam
Dyeing & French Cleaning Works, 1245
Market street. Wo deliver and call
promptly. Both phones.
ÜbU* «A.V U U—.Male
WANTED Young, married men, be
tween the age of 27 and 40 years, for
wagon tea and coffee salesmen; guar
anteed salary and commission; grocery,
laundry and bakery drivers preferred;
must bo able to furnish best of refer
ence and bond. Jewel Tea Co., 269
Broad street.
WANTED on Middletown bridge. Ap
ply Ferro Concrete Co., Calder Building,
City. (
WANTED—Men, 1,000 positions open.
Learn the Barber Trade. Only seven
weeks required. New system. Diploma.
Costello & Wise, Barber School, 2 Rlv
ington street, New York.
use none but first-class mechanics for
all-winter work. H. A. Bodmer, 813
North Third street
WANTED White chef. Call Satur
day or Monday, llershey Cafe, Hershey,
new Post Office Building. Apply on
work. J. G. Craig.
WANTED • Young man, about 18,
for light work. Apply at Box Office,
Orpheum Theater.
YOUNG MEN—Become Railway Mall
Clerks; Harrisburg mail carriers, $65.00
to $l5O month. Pull unnecessary. Sam
ple examination questions f r eo. Write
Franklin Institute, Dept. 361 T, Ro
chester, N. Y.
WANTED A boy about 15 years of
age, to work in wholesale house; ref
erence required. Call between 7 and 8
at 2A North Fifth street. .
WANTED Young men who wish to
become practical or mechanical chauf
feurs, to call or write us at once. Open
day and night. Auto Transportation
Repair Shop and School, 5 North Cam
eron street Bell phone 1710.
WANTED Railway mall and postal
clerks; examinations soon; over two
thousand appointments yearly; prepare
at home: write for Plan No. 15 of pay
ment after appointment Philadelphia
Business. College. Civil Service Dept.
"i-Lf v\ A.\ li.li—Female
WANTED—GirIs 16 years of [
age and over. Apply Harrisburg
Cigar Company, 500 Race St
WANTED Girl to assist in grocery
store; one experienced; give reference.
Address R., 1864, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Middle-aged woman to
take charge of a home, two In family;
reference exchanged. Address P.. 1860,
care of Telegraph. j
WANTED An assistant cook, by
the Hershey Y. W. C. A. Good referen- i
ces required. Apply in person.
WANTED Extra salesladies. Ap
ply Tuesday morning, between 9 and
11 o'clock. Kaufman's Underselling
WANTED Competent white woman
for cook; city references required. Ap
ply at once, 115 South Front street.
WANTED White girl for general
housework. Apply 3003 Riverside Drive,
next to Academy. Good place for right
WANTED, AT ONCE Mature, edu
cated woman, best character and Influ
ence, inclined toward helping the sick,
for well-paying commercial position.
Box J., 1852, care of Telegraph.
Teaches perfect fitting. You cut all
patterns by measure. You cut fit and
make the entire garment You can not
learn dressmaking right any other way
Make all your Fall and Winter dresses
while learning. Night and Day classes.
Get terms and information. W. A
Work. 22 North Fourth street
WANTED Experienced grocery
clerk wants employment; good refer
ence. Address A.. 1858, care of Tele
WANTED • By colored man, experi
enced, work on farm. 922 South Second
street, Steelton, Pa.
WANTED Young man (26), honest,
reliable, wishes position with good firm,
or delivery wngon driver; understands
horses; good references. Address A.,
1865, care of Telegraph.
WANTED By colored man, work
as Janitor or any kind of work; refer
ences. 9-2 South Second street, Steel
6 Miles East of City
Big Bargain For Cash
120 a errs cultivated, 37 acres
I meadow and woodland.
Usual farm buildings.
You can leave the buildings and
nineteen hundred and fifteen wheat
crop out of consideration alto
gether and the price we'll do busi
ness at is a low figure.
If you can raise money to buy a
big bargain then call at our office
or tell us you want one of our
representatives to come to seo you. 1
Miller Bros. & Neefc I
Fire • -• 'toads \
Locust and Court Streets
* ..J
WANTED By married man of 10,
steady position as chauffeur, on pleas
ure or business car or truck; eight
years' experience; thorough repairman,
understanding care of storage batter
ies; best of reference as to mechanical
and driving- ability. Address D., 1888,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young man, college edu
cation, with experience as office man
ager, accountant and sales methods, de
sires position with expert accountant
or in office. Address Accountant, care
of Harrisburg Telegraph.
WANTED By colored man. posi
tion as cook or housework; references.
922 South Second street. Steelton.
WANTED By young white man, 18
years of age, work of any kind. Ad
dress E. M. F., 2543 Agate street, City.
WANTED Experienced steno
grapher would like position; can do
1 office work; young man, 18 years; Is at
present employed; can furnish refer
ences. Address Box No. MS, Dauphin,
WANTED Toung colored man
wants position of any kind. Call, or
address. 110 South Fourth street.
WANTED—First-class barber wants
work for Saturday or steady position.
Call, or address. 927 Grand street.
mo » i M i.o—r«uuu
WANTED Young woman desires
position as housekeeper, or general
housework: can furnish reference. Ad
dress 1842 North Seventh street.
WANTED Day's work or cleaning
| offices. Call 1212 Apple avenue.
WANTED Place to keep house for
widower; no objections to children; can
furnish reference. Phone Bell 1114 J.
WANTED —By an honest colored
woman, place as first-class cook, or
pastry cooking, or housework without
washing. Call, or write, 419 State
WANTED Young widow desires
position as housekeeper. Address K...
1861, care of Telegraph.
! WANTED White, married woman
I would like washing or ironing by the
day. Call 2965J Bell phone, or address
; 1926 North Seventh street.
WANTED By girl, place to do
plain cooking. 1408 Marion street.
WANTED Young white woman de
sires general housework or day's work.
Call, or address, 1007 Capital street.
WANTED Colored girl desires po
sition as cook. Call, or address, Lizzie
Alexander, 409 Fifth street.
WANTED Colored Virginia wo
man wishes cook's place In private fam
ily, or day's work. Address Orra. third
floor. No. 1408 Marlon street.
WANTED Stenographer and typist
wishes position; can furnish best of
reference. Address Box 0., 1562, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED Position by colored wo
man. general housework or day's work.
Apply 116 Liberty street.
Situations Wanted Jllale and Female
WANTED Young colored man and
wife wish place together in private
family; handy at most anything. Ad
dress A. K., care of Telegraph, or call
3346R, Bell phone, City.
FOR SALE Good farm, 125 acres;
land level and fertile; new bank barn;
house good as new; spring water In
the yard; barn and house up and down
stairs; located along public road. 12
miles from Harrisburg. 1% miles from
river and station. Price $32 per acre.
Terms easy. Address W. Etzwller, Box
249, Penbrook. Pa.
REAL BARGAIN 1350 North 3-
j story frame; all improvements; new
I roof; newly painted; 10 rooms; bath.
[Price, $2,050 s4so cash. Irwin M.
I Caasell, 1444 Reglna, Real Estate and
j Insurance.
I FOR SALE —On Market St.. Camp
11111, near Bowman Ave.
frame 6 rooms. Lot. 37x200. Price,
$1,750.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second
and Walnut streets.
FOR SALE Three-story building
at Enhaut along trolley line: cost to
build, $3,000.00. Can be changed into
three dwelling houses at little expense.
Price, $2,200.00, Very easy terms. In
quire at East End Bank.
FOR SALE l4l-Acre Fruit Farm—
frame buildings l2 miles from Har
risburg 3,000 fruit trees some of
which will bear next season railroad
station on property. Brlnton-Packer
Co.. Second and" Walnut streets.
FOR SALE Farm, six acres, three
miles from New Kingston. Cumberland
county. $850.00. Will consider f old
Touring part trade. Immediate pos
session. Good buildings. G. Marti,
Twentieth and Paxton streets, Harris
b irg.
HAVE you S4OO that you will pay for
a brick house on Jefferson street S
rooms all Improvements drive
alley on rear balance monthly as
rent? Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build
WHAT la your offer for property at
No. 1139 Derry street? All Improve
ments near business section lot,
20x120. Price right. Estate must be
settled. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build
Front street 8 rooms bath fur
nace porches lot. 18x80. A well
built property—lnterior in good condi
tion. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build
No. 1628 Reglna St $25.00
No. 1821 Market St 35.00
No. 536 S. Seventeenth St 20.00
1418 Borryhlll St 20.00
18 Honey St 12.00
Apartment 27.00
2170 Brookwood 14.00
1637 Apricot St 15.00
1251 Market Street.
FOR RENT To small family, 1323
Wallace street, $12.00; water In kitchen;
paved street; good locality. Inquire
Office. 429 Broad street, or Room No.
«. Phone 3613J1.
FOR RENT 1521 Vernon street;
2H-Story brick; 6 rooms; rent, $14.00
per month. E. A. Heffelflnger, East
End Bank.
FOR RENT 2217 Atlaa avenue,
$16.00; 2014 Green street, $24.00; 650
Emerald street, S2O; 1633 Third street,
$18.00; house In Penbrook, $12.00; Haln
ton, $9.00. D. E. Brlghtblll, 2 North
Court street
FOR RENT No. 112 North Eigh
teenth street, combination lighting, all
improvements. $20.00; No. 1632 Derry,
$25.00; 2807 Camby, Penbrook. all Im
provements, $15.00; No. 1805 Borryhlll,
$15.00. A. W. Swengel. 219 South Thir
teenth street
FOR RENT Eight-room brick
house, with improvements, 1729 Park
street, city. Rental, S2O per month.
Apply James Brlcker, New Cumberland,
Pa., R. F. D.
FOR RENT 72 North Seventeenth
street; corner property; 8 rooms and
bath; gas and electric lights; furnace;
rental, $28.00. 11. G. Pedlow, 110 South
Thirteenth atreet.
FOR RENT 1443 Berryhlll; 9
rooms and bath; reception hall; all
up-to-date Improvements; front lawn
and terrace; front and rear porches;
newly papered. $22.50 per month.
John H. Maloney, Real Estate and Gen
erul Insurance, No. 1619 Green street.
FOR RENT Large dwelling, suit
able for boardinghouse. No. 3XI South
Fourteenth street; twenty rooms, in
cluding steam heat, bath, electric and
gas. Rent. S3O per month. Keys at
Weaver's Grocery. Fourteenth and
Reese streets.
FOR RENT New two-story brick
house, with all Improvements, electric
and gas lighting, also side entrance.
Address M., 1866. care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Now brick houses, with
steam heat, all modern conveniences,
SIB.OO per month. Nos. 2015 anil 201?
Swatara street. Inquire of I. P. Bow
| man, 36 North Thira street.
FOR RENT Store room, dwelling
and stable, fitted with steam heat.
Ltndemtfth's Grocery stand tor years, at
235 Crescent street. Apply J. M. llat
ton, 320 Crescent street.
FOR RENT A large stable In good
condition; In the rear of No. 1013 South
Twenty-first street. Inquire of I. P.
Bowman, 36 North Third street.
street; all conveniences; rent, szu u
month; possession at once. Inquire
1301 North Second street
FOR RENT — 1708 State street. Three
story brick house, K rooms, bath and
pantry; cemented cellar; steam heal;
front and back yards, inquire J. W.
Roshon, 8 North Market Square.
Ikoujw tun ivti.M
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room,
In strictly private lamuy, on Hams
street. Hear aeeouu sweet, tor Ktiiue
man. .Address io2, cart) of X'eiet>rapn.
FOR RENT Two nicely furiugueu
second noor rooms tor ngni uouse-
Keeping; ail conveniences; pieasum lo
cation. Address liox F., 1»63, care of
Meieg raph.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms on
second lloor front and DUCK; single or
ensuite, with boaru; private laliilly;
home comiorts; two minutes' waiK troni
Capitol. Pnone 818 L, Hell.
FOR RENT Two large room?, fur
nished or uiuurnlsiied, with batn, elec
tric light, hot water neat, use oi phone;
oesiraoie location on nut; roitsrences
exchanged. Call Bell phone 784 R.
FOR KENT Three rooms, complete
ly turnislien for light houseKeeping;
all conveniences; rent reasonuoie; rei
eiences exchanged. 34U South six
teenth street
FOR RENT Three newly furnish
ed rooms in new house, with heat,
light, bath and use of phone. Apply 348
North Front street, Steelton, Pa.
FOR RENT Two furnished and
two unfurnished rooms, with board; all
conveniences, Including steam heat
Address 13U4 North Third street.
| FOR RENT Furnished room, with
1 large bay window; ail conveniences;
! also transient roomers. Apply seconu
apartment of Hortmau Apartments,
i nth and Market streets.
FOR RENT Furnished front suite
!ot large Uvingroom, bedroom, private
bath. Also bay-window room, station
ary washstand, near bath, suitable for
Kent lonian. City steam; electric lights;
naraWood floors; reference required,
j 218 Pine street.
i ROOM FOR RENT Second floor
[ front room, adjoining bath; largo and
well furnished with all conveniences;
| very desirable; in private family; rent
, reasonable. Apply, or address Kounia,
| 215 Briggs street.
ROOM FOR RENT Nicely furnish
ed; private family; all conveniences;
use of bath and phone. Call phone
| 2188 W..
FOR RENT Two or three rooms;
rent, $5.00 monthly, payable in advance.
, Call evenings. No children. Only raan
1 and wife or lady need apply. 311
Briggs street.
! FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
! rooms, with all conveniences, including
I use of bath and phone, electric and gas
i lights; desirable location. Apply 258
I North street.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms, for light housekeeping; all con
veniences; rent reasonable. Call at 621
North Second before 6 P. M., and after
6 P. M. 518 North Second. Bell phone.
ROOMS FOR RENT Comfortably
furnished; city steam; electric light and
use of bath. Inquire 202 Locust street.
! FOR RENT Three unfurnished
■ rooms, with bath, on third floor. 27
North Thirteenth street.
FOR RENT Large front room, all
\ conveniences, for two. 1217 Bailey
1 FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
i single or ensuite; all conveniences, In
cluding phone; reference required. Ap
ply 1016 North Front street.
WANTED At 25 South Second
Btreet—roomers and boarders—home
like meals and nicely furnished rooms.
Apply 25 South Second Btreet
WANTED Three furnished rooms,
with conveniences, for light housekeep
ing. for a small family, centrally lo
cated. Address Box A, 1867, care of
| Telegraph.
FOR RENT - Furnished, or unfur
nished apartment, or rooms In small,
private family; reference required. 212
Kelker street.
FOR RENT First floor apartment
1941 North Sixth street; also house 627
Schuylkill street. Inquire J. C. Mehring,
2439 North Sixth street, or at Drug
Store, Fourth and Peffcr.
FOUR desirable apartments at Nos.
2510, 2514 and 2518 North Sixth street,
for rent, on first floors. $35.00 per
month. These apartments art: entirely
new and most complete. Apply to
Harry M. Bretz, 222 Market street.
FOR RENT One housekeeping
apartment, furnished complete, linen,
cooking utensils, large livingroom, com
bination dlnlngroom, coal range, gas,
private meter, bells, letter boxes, sta
tionary tuba, heated, bath. 1417 Mar
ket street.
WANTED—OId furniture. china,
glassware, old books, stamps, etc. We
are buyerß for Boston, New York and
Western collectors and will positively
pay better prices than ever offered by
any local collectors or dealers. Call
or address Antique Shop, 1419 Sixth
Btreet, Harrisburg.
WANTED Second-hand safe, shelv
ing, roll-top desk and office chairs, j
Give full particulars and prico wanted, j
Write X., 1854, care of Telegraph. I
and 117 South Second street. 6,000 gal
lons New Era ready-mixed paint Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
FOR SALE—The greatest Bargains
In the city In Men's Hats. Sweaters and
Trousers and all men a furnishings.
Also tine lino of ladles' hosiery. Capin
& Capin, 430 Market street near sub
quick buyer; electric lights; all new
tires. Apply after 6 P. M. to 28 South
Third street.
trola, with $26.00 worth of records. A
bargain to quick buyer. For Informa
tion call evenings, after 7:30, Bell
3221 J.
FOR SALE —• Two-horse dray
wagon. Apply Baughman, 310 Black
berry avenue.
' Bags. Suit Cases, Trunks to make room
for Holiday goods. Wholesale and Re
tall Leather Merchants, Specialty
orders aud repairing. Harrlaburg Har
ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest
parlor set. $7; "Neponset," better than
llnoleoutn. 36c; locust-chestnut fence
posts, 15c; Imported body brussels. 65c;
best, $1; 9x12 rugs, J3; heaters, ranges,
guns, etc. Yingst, Front-Cumberland.
1 secured at the Telegraph Business
! office.
FOR SALE 2,500 lb. truck, In good
condition. Cheap to quick buyer. Ap
ply J. 1). Kprry's Garage, 125 South
Cameron street.
South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash
Bxlo 12 L., primed and glazed, at 91.1C
per set. Also other sizes.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
AUTO ROBES. Steamer Ruga, Car
riage Kobes. Horse Blankets and Stable
Blankets. Harrlaburg Harness & Sup
ply Company. Second and Chestnut
flics, baseball players; 30 flags of all
nations and 20 butterflies for 50 cents
and 5 cents postage. Large Amerioan
Hag, 12x18, 15 cents and postage 3 cents.
Mitchell. 441 Broad street, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE One set (five) McCue
wire wheels, 4',4x36, slightly used,
$50.00. Regular price, $l5O. For further
information address P. O. Box 44«, Har
risburg, Pa.
MAXWELL two-cylinder roadster
for sale with delivery body; good run
ning condition. Price, $125. Will dem
onstrate. Call at Messner's Garage,
1118 James street. City.
FOR SALE Retail Cigar and To
bacco Store, doing a profitable business;
well located and low rental. J. E. Glp
ple, 1251 Market street.
FOR SALE One Powers No. 5 and
one Powers 6 motion picture machine;
In fine condition. Write to Box 323,
Newport, Pa.
FOR SALE Two heavy work
horses. Inquire S. W. Shoemaker &
Son, Seventh and Harris streets.
GLASS window algna. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 25c each. One
of these signs will be given with oach
six-time order for a classified ad, U
paid In
, Telegraph
street, over Philadelphia Quick Lunch.
D. A. Teats, s*s South Third.
FOR RENT Office in Commercial
Bank Building, first lloor front Rent,
$25.00 per month. Can be used ..s an
office or small store room.
SALE on account of ill health lirst
class equipment stock In good condi
tion desirable business location. Get
particulars at once. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
I MADE $60,000 in five years In the
mall order business, began with $5.
Send for free booklet. Telia how. Hen.
cock. 355 Luckport. N. Y.
ANY Intelligent rerson can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers'.
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Look
port. N. Y.
litMAlVbis l'Lllsi).\Al.S
ABDOMINAL BELTS to order; any
kind you need. Comhbination Belts,
with truss, for naval rupture and float
ing kidney. S. S. Appendicitis Belts for
after operation. Lady attendants.
Shanaman's, 408 Market, Second Floor.
with beat material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
! efforts lusuro your satisfaction. S. N.
Cluck. 320 Woodbine street
us your old furniture—we use best of
material—drapery work—carpet-laying.
Estimates given. H. Vollnier's auc
cessor. Jos. Coplinky, 1208 Vi X.orth
Third. Bell phone.
Accordian side and knife plait
ing done while you wait. Full
length skirts a specialty. All work
done on premises. Simms, clean
ers and dyers, 33 North Second
street, 802 North Third street.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
atreet. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
STAIRS COVERED with hardwood.
Renovating old floors a specialty. J.
M. Smith. 2219 Brookwood stroet Bell
1391 L.
H. W. LATHE. Boarding Stabl. nnd
National Trauafer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
new eiglit-story brick wa.-chousea, one
absolutely fireproof divided into fire
proof private rooms of various sizes for
the storage of household goods; the
other warehouse of tho most approved
type of tire retardent construction for
general merchandise. They are equip
ped with two large electric freight ele
vators and spiral chute for the quick
and safe handling of household goods
and all kinds of merchandise. Low
storage rates. South Second street near
Paxton, on the tracks of Penna. R. R.
IN 3-atory brick building, rear MS
Market atreet.
Household gooda In clean, private
rooms. Renaonnble ratea. Apply to
P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 4AB Market St.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411
Broad street. Both phones.
ANY person needing money In
amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal
aried position, would be benefited by
calling on us. Employees Discount Co„
36 North Third street.
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security In any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Address P. O.
Box 174, Harrisburg. Pa.
LOANS—S6 to S2OO for nonest work
ing people without bank credit at lest
than legal rates, payable In Inatalmenta
to auit borrowers' convenience.
Loan and Investment Co*
204 Chestnut Street
NOTICE Letters Testamentary on
the Estate of Mary E. Winters, late of
City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County;
I'a., deceased, having beon granted to
tho undersigned residing In City of
Harrisburg, all persons Indebted to said
Estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those, having claims will
present them for settlement.
222 Market Street,
Harrisburg, Pa„
No Matter What Happen* on De
cember 1, Low Fares Will
Special to The Telegraph
Atlantic City, N. J., Nov. 23.
V. hether the proposed general advance
of railroad fares becomes effective or
not. shore commuter will have the
privilege of riding to and from Phila
delphia for the modest price of 67
cents for the round trip of 120 miles.
This welcome information was con
tained In an authorir.ed statement to
Chamber of Commerce officials, that
the monthly ticket sold for S2O and
good for thirty round trips in the cal
endar month for which they are issued
will not be affected by the contemplat
ed general rise of rates which has pro
voked burning protests elsewhere. The
monthly ticket was provided for the
convenience chiefly of Philadelphia
businessmen who take cottages at the
shore, and for shore residents who
have business which takes them daily
for several times a week to the City
of Penn.
Brakeman Injured. — Brakeman S.
W. Barrick, of the Middle division of
the Pennsylvania Railroad who resides
at 538 Woodbine street, received bad
cuts on the face and neck on Satur
day. The Harrlsburger was knocked
through a cabin window when his
train was sideswlped by a shaft of cars
in the Altoona yards.
Record Railroading in
Saturday Football Rush
Special to The Telegraph
New York, Nov. 23.—A prodigious
feat of railroading was performed by
the New Haven road Saturday, the
day of the football game, when 33,-
378 persons were transported over its
lines to New Haven within four hours.
Including the travel to New Haven
the night before the big game, between
37,000 and 37,500 persons were carried
[to New Haven from all points of the
New Haven system. This is believed
to establish a record for a mass move
ment of passengers by any railroad.
Standing of the Crews
Pbllndelpbla Division— l2l crew first
to go after 3:10 p. m.: 104, 116, 128, 108,
118. 101, 116, 123, 111, 127.
Engineers for 101, 108, 115. 16, 21.
Fireman for 108.
Conductors for 101, 118.
Flagmen for 104, 116.
Brakemen for 10S, 116.
Engineers up: First, lvautz, Downs,
Balr, Layman, Minnich. Smith. Ken
nedy, Streeper, Hubler, Martin, Kelley,
Smeltzer, Foster.
Firemen up: Duval 1, Brenner, Nlssley,
Naylor, Rhoads, Whlchelio, Pen well.
Packer, Kegelman, Manning, Arnsberg
er. Brunner.
Conductor up: Hoar.
Flagman up: Sullivan.
Brakemen up: Coleman, McGinnis,
Middle Division —224 crew first to go
after 1:45 p. m.: 10, 239, 244, 234, 231,
2211. 222. 243, 241.
Four Altoona crews to come In.
Engineer for 10.
Brakeman for 10.
Engineers up: Simon ton, Mumma,
Firemen up: Arnold, Reeder, Pot
tiger, Davis, Gross, Karstetter. J»ok,
Zeiders, Wright, Sheesley, Fletcher,
Brakemen up: Roller, Bell. Hender
son, Plack, Reese, Schoffstall. Kohli,
Nearhood, Myers, Peters, Stalil, Troy.
Spahr, Pipp. Mathias, Frank. Fleck.
Yard Crew*— I To go after 4 p. m.!
Engineers for 213, 707.
Firemen for 1869. 707, 1856.
Engineers up: Shaver, Landis, Hoyler,
Hohenshelt, Brenneman, Thomas, Rudy,
Houser, Meals, Stahl, Swab, Crist, Har
vey. Saltsman. Kulin, Snyder. Pelton.
Firemen up: Shipley. Revle, Ulsh,
Bostdorf. Schiefer, Rauch. Lackey.
Cookerley. Maeyer, Sholter. Weigle,
Snell, Bartolet, Getty, Hart. Barkey,
Sheets, Balr, Eyde, Essig. Ney, Myers.
Philadelphia Division —223 crew first
to go after 3:45 p. m.: 235, 287, 225, 212,
211, 203, 218. 212.
Engineer for 207, 210. 240. 242.
Firemen for 203, 218, 240. 242.
Conductor for 40.
Flagmen for 26. 35, 42.
Brakemen for 15. 19. 23. 23, 2j.
Conductors up: Gundle. Steinour,
Stauffer, Pennell. Keller.
Flagmen up: Smith, Kroli, Reitzel.
Brakemen up: Fentsernarcher, Vand-
Estate of Washington I. Denney, late of
Penbrook. Pa., deceased.
NOTICE la hereby given that Letters
of Administration upon the estate of
said decedent have been granted to the
undersigned. All persons indebted to
' the said estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims or
demands against the name will make
them known without delay.
108 Curtln Street.
Penbrook. Pa.
TTIE Board of Revision of Taxes and
Appeals will sit between the hours of 9
A. M. and 4 P. M„ Friday. November
27, 1911, Room 8. Second Floor Court
Rouse, for the purpose of hearing ap
peals from the assessments made by
the Aaaessor, for all wards, for the
year 1915, for City and School purposes,
notices of which have been served upon
the property owners.
By order of the Board.
MY WIFE. Mrs. E. A. Richter, 338
Hamilton street, having left my bed
and board without just cause, I hereby
notify all persons not to harbor nor
trust her on my account, as T will not |
pay any debts contracted by her.
and others upon their own namea i
Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden- i
Adams A Co., R. 304. 8 N. Market i«.
1 J
Headquarters for
Bell Phone -4TOJ
jffl B. C. Murray
zxh 5 North 10th Street
NOVEMBER 23,1914.
ling, Jacobs, Knight, Wolfe, Kelater, i
Goudy, Heiin, Fair, Mumma.
Middle Division —2lß crew flrat to go
after 1 p. m.: 215, 227, 236, 238. 214, 221,
223. 250. 226.
Six crews laid off at Altoona.
Harrlaburg Division— l 4 crew first to
go after 2 p. m.: 10, 16, 11, 15, 4, 6. 9, 22,
21. 17, 18, 6.
East-bound: 59, 61, 63, 62.
Engineers up: Morriaon. Lope, Glass,
Fetrow. Woland. Wyre. Kettner.
Firemen up: Nye, Boyer, Brown, Sel
lers, Rumbaugh.
Brakemen up: Kapp, Grimes, Speace,
Stephens. Fleagle, Maurer, Troy, Ayres,
Page. Miller.
Conductor up: Phllabaum.
In the Price and Tceple Biano Fac
tory the highest class of skMed labor
is employed. These are thw reasons
why Price and Teeple Pianos and
Player-Pianos are so desirablo and so
sought after. It is with pardonable
pride that we state that tliero are
thousands of these pianos in daily
use. Cash or easy terms. Demon
strated every day. Come in and hear
8 N. Market Square,
Harrisburg, Pa.
[Continued From First Page]
nouncement to-day from the German
general staff is to the effect that a
decision is at hand and that condi
tions everywhere are favorable from
Its point of view.
In Berlin it is said the outcome of
the main battle with the Russians
maye desire not only that phase ot
the many sided war. but with the
whole European struggle. A decisive
triumph in the east, it is pointed out,
would free part of the German army
engaged there to assist the forces
which are facing the British, French
and Belgians in the west.
Upon what information the confi
dent Berlin predictions wore based was
not fully apparent. An official Ger
man statement to-day said merely that
the fighting in Poland continued. Rus
sia admits that the Germans have
won partial successes, but there is
nothing to show that the continued
German advance toward Warsaw is In
fluencing the Russian campaign to
the north, in Eastern Prussia, or to
the south near Cracow, Galicta.
Russians Arc Advancing
Unofficial reports from Petrogrud
state that the Russians are continu
ing their advance in East Prussia and
have captured Gumbinnen, a fortified
city sixty-six miles from Koenigsberg.
According to all accounts the main
battle, between the Vistula and Warta
rivers, is still In progress, and al
though the Germans arc pressing for
word steadily, the Russian army is
still offering determined resistance.
In the west the fighting in Bel
gium, which has been slow for several
days on account of the weather, has
broken out with renewed ferocity at
Ypres, with the artillery playing tho
main part. London suggests that this
may be.the prelude to,another German
attempt to pierce the line, as In the
past onslaughts by German infantry
have been preceded by heavy artillery
From the othei* fields of battle re
ports were meager. The Turks were
said to have reached the Suez Canal
after defeating British forces.
The British steamer Lo Canrentina,
missing for several weeks after she
sailed from Buenos Aires for Liver
pool, is now said to have been sunk bv
the German converted cruiser Kron
prlnz Wllheim, her crew having been
taken by a German steamer to Monte
video. The French bark Unuion, it is
said, also was sunk by the Kronprinz
Charles E. Anderson Stepped Into Win
dow Thinking It Was Open Door
Not until he had poked his way
through the great plate glass window
of the store room at Aberdeen and
Strawberry streets, owned by William
Jennings, did Charles E. Anderson real
ly appreciate the fact that he was not
stepping through an open doorway, he
declares, but It Is likely that a Dau
phin county Common Pleas Jury will
have to settle the question. The dam
age will total about s9l.
To Strengthen Weakened ltnlllng Posts
On Mulberry Street Bridge
Steel re-enforcing rods will be ex
tended from the coping of the Mulberrv
street viaduct Into the new concrete
railing posts that will be erected near
the Cameron street approach to replace
those cracked by the contracting action
of tho frost.
The recent cold snap has loosened
about eight of the posts and the point
In question has been carefully roped
off and guarded with red lanterns.
Dona Skoniff. 478 Franklin street,
Steelton, had several toes crushed
when a rail fell on his right foot.
Shoniff is an employe of tho Harris
burg Railways Company. He was
treated at the Harrisburg Hospital.
Harry Reynolds, of Bressler. sus
tained a suspected fracture in a foot
ball scrimmage at Nineteenth and
Greenwood streets Saturday afternoon.
Can You Save a
Quarter a Week? i
Only a little a day, but it means a dollar a mouth—this
sum invested monthly in the Harris Building and Loan As
sociation shares, will earn 6 per cent, interest compounded
monthly if you make payments regularly for the full term.
You can draw the money any time, with 5 per cent, interest
added after the first year.
If you are paying for a home it is the cheapest and
simplest way for you to get the money—you pay a definite
sum each month (based on the amount you borrow) for 142
months, then the home is yours —it has been paid for with
little daily savings.
The twentieth series, just matured, paid S2OO for each
$142 paid in.
The Forty-fourth Series closes Monday, November 30.
Write or telephone us now for full information—wc have
money to loan and can help you to buy the home you have
long wanted.
Harris Building aid Loan Association
Commercial Bank Building
Third and Harris Streets, Harrisburg, Penna.
PHI l. A 1)101,1*111 A FHODI'CB I
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Nov. 33. Wheat —«
Steady; No. 2, red. spot, export, $1.14®
1. Li No - 1 - Northern, Duluth, export,
...Corn Lower; No. 2. yellow, local,
Oats—Higher; No. 2, white, 54%®55c.
._nran Firmer: winter, per ton,
Sg gjj"® 27.00; spring:, per ton, $25.50®
Refined Sugars Market firm;
powdered. 6.20 c; rtne granulated. 6.10 c;
confectioners' A. S.OOc.
Butter The market Is steady;
western, creamery, extra, 35c; nearby
prints, fancy, 38c.
Eggs The market Is firm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
rree cases, SIO.BO per cane; do., current
receipts, free cases. $9.90(T»i0.20 per
s*» e „v western, extras, firsts, fro© cases,
110.80 per case; firsts, free cases, $9.90,
® 10.20.
• Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 14<9>
16c;.10d roosters, ll®12c; chickens, IS;
®l6c; turkeys. ]B@2oe; ducks, 14®15o;.
geese, 14® 16c,
Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy, 19®20c; do.,
fair to good, heavy, 11® Uo;
average receipts, 16®18e; small. I?.<t#>
14c; old roosters, J 4c; rousting
chickens, western, 15®20c; broiling;
chickens, nearoy, 16tji2:»«. do.. Western.
12®17c; capons, large, 23®25c: do.,
small, 18@20c; turkeys, fancy, spring,
24@25C; average reeclpts, 22@23c;
ducks, 11 © 18c; geese, 11® 16c.
Flour—The market Is steady: winter,,
clear, $3.85®4.10; straights, Pennsyl
vania, new, $5.00®6.26; spring stralKhtn
$5.3505.60; do., patents, $5.7006.50;
western, $4.2604.40, patents, s4.»u®
4.76; Kansas straight, Jute sacks, $4.15
JJ4.80; spring, firsts, clear. $4.00©4.20;
straights. $4.20®4.50; patents. $4.36®
Hay The market Is lower; tim
othy, No. 1. largo bales, $18.50010.00;
No. 1, medium bales, slß.soft/< 19.00; No.
2, do., $16.50®17.50; No. 3, do.. $14.50®
16.60; no grades, $ll.OO @ $13.00.
Clover mixed hay. Light mixed,
slß.oo® 18.60; No. 1, do, $17.00017.50;
No. 2, do., $14.50 @16.00.
Potatoes Market easier;
sylvania, per bushel, 58®t(2e; New
York, per bushel, 40®50c; Jersey, per
basket. 35® 40c.
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., Nov. 23. llogs Re»
celpts, 18,000: strong. Bulk of sales,
$7.35® 7.60; light, f7.oofc 7.60; mixed,
$7.2507.75; heavy, $7.10®7.70; rough,
$7.10®7.25; pigs. $4.50®6.9n.
Cattle—Receipts, 10,000; steady.
Beeves, $5.85® 10.60; steers. $5.4009.00?'
cows and heifers, tt.OO9.SQI calves,
$8.50® 11.50.
Sheep Receipts, 17,000; slow.
Sheep, $5.4006.10; yearlings, $K.35(a)
7.60; lambs, $6.5009.10.
The undersigned Administrator of
the estate of SILAS LAIRP. Levris
berry, York Co., Pa., deceased, will
offer at public sale, oil the premises
In Falrvlew township, about ana
mile south of Lewisberry, Pa., oil
the road leading from Lewisbe.rry
to Plnetown. on Saturday November
28. 1914; sale, 1 o'clock p. m., the
following real estate to wit:
Tract No. I—Farm containing 117
acres and 142 perches of good iron
stone land, well adapted to the rais
ing of all kinds of fruits or any
otner kind of agricultural work;
havtng erected thereon a good frame
house, frame bank barn and other
outbuildings. A spring of never
falling water near the house. Apple
orchard and other fruit trees on the
] premises. About 17 acres of thii
| tract Is good tlmberland
! Tract No. 2—Choice timberland,
| containing 16 acres and 146 perches;
j mostly oak, some chestnut and hick
ory, the oak measuring 10 to 18 In
ches In diameter.
Hell phone 1418, slechanle*burg, pa,
1 Parties Interested address
No. 78 West Mnln St..
Meehanleshurg, Pa.
Frank R. Leib
& Son
Real Estate and Insurance
Office, No. 18 N. Third St.
Offers the following property
579 S. Front St.
Three-story brick,
nine rooms and bath,
steam heat, stable on
rear. Bargain to quick