| |\ , KAUFMAN'S- ! I I ! I } - ■, I SURPLUS STOCKS I - 7"' f\ 1 Will A • f* rtl Closes pgglßßßy Crowds £fx Store To-morrow | Read the Details rl Startling Price Inducements Offered on This Page! : 1 Wmjf T s fej New and Seasonable | - KXTKA SPKCIAI, KXTKA NI'KCIAI, N i:.\TK.\ SI'IX IAL KXTKA SI'IXIVI; i:\TKA Sl'Kt IAI, I ri»T«' r'n ATS CLOTH COATS Women i and Miuei' SUITS aora DRESSES Women's Bath Robes Women's Silk Petticoats Women's SILK HOSE , 95c 53.5 0 $7.50 $2.75 51.95 $1.89 5 9c J i Made to Sell up to $2.50 Made to Sell up to SIO.OO Made Made to Sell up to $5.00 Made to Sell up to $3.00 Made to Sell up to $3.00 Made to Sell up to SI.OO 1 -skss JZ&XXI \rsss jsgfsarsnsfi ws -«*»<—.« JXTJ pusrjsi ss 1 v sizes _ to« years. colors and styles. All sizes. women, misses and juniors.. serge in aU sizes. new patterns: all sizes. STRING Petticoat: all colors. (an: all si-z.es ' I M ' , ■' V v * *■ ' v i IA Collection of Thousands of Handsome Suits, Co | 1 SUITS N I } KaJf-JS-SO J",?uVS?sll.7s 3S3M.K "t S3. $4.95 "J- $8.50 Kw""..H.75 j K Pretty all-wool materials in Short and long Coat styles, in Elegant styles in Broadcloth, A collection ol' pretty coats in Hair price for prctt> " nc " Neatly trimmed styles, in very f § the newest stylos and colors In this season's wanted materials Poplin, Crepes, etc., in aU colors tlie newest styles, colors and ma- Stylish all-wool materials and piece Seise ai\ v —/ *- y U v m | *1 SUITS SUITS ' SUITS COATS COATS N DRESSES DRESSES I } "tuVr"sl6.7s :t',=.""518.75 :tsr"s2l.7s «'•••« $6.50 5M1....510 Stsß-75 "t £.""512.75 & Styles of one or two of a kind Beautiful styles and colors, 111 Magnificent styles, copies of OJp .... Three-quarter and full length Handsome combination effects g f In handsome materials and col- Broadcloths, l'oplins, (ialiar- clot!i'' 1 *opl'ln'' mdtTveteen^n'ia" Favorite styles and materials ' styles, In very desirable materials of " ro OA Skirts made to «C OQ WOMEN'S WAISTS—Over 100 pat- jm* I ■ COATS MAl»is TO SF.i.i. COATS m .inn TO SKI.I. COATS MADE TO SEI.i. AM S el| UD to 'ift wu»Oi/ terns to make your choice from in white and m \ U' TO *4.r.0 vp TO 97.5« ch TO 9it.RO ViJjj j Ir l vi, ]J sell UD to $5. *r ' colors. Made of lawn, voile and madras; ■ J A j- A n ma // / /I V-V';:' r' ; ' Alnde of htKb urntle materlnlN, all , , . . , ~ J "» f W ¥ CHi Mil C/< QaJ Hi f iZll ' f\ ZSi Pretty niateriaiK tn the new yoke band-tailored. Pretty yoke and every new wanted Style; Sizes 34 tO 46. \tv ~t & |j/ .O JJ ||"# if*/ 11 I .07 H ■■ and tunie Ntyles. All reicular and tunte st.vte* In reKular nail extra „ , _ _ , N if J9 Jf 4* &. •K* S 4/ I • , "f 1 Ji extra xlxe walat bnndx. alxe waist bands. Value tO $1.50. Our Sale QQ J J • I % Very pretty eoatn in the Favorite atyles and mn- Imported ail-wool mate- H~ taT" HHi v 1 Price &7s3C {<- 1 A B I newe*t nil-wool liintcrialH terlals, neatly trimmed In rlnl» In Ntiianlns styles, Sf £ .. I . K and eolorn) nixes 2 to )•! eoatriiMtlns color*; sixes 2 newest colors; sixes «to 14 O® !' ' —' ■ 1 ■ ■" »■'——« ■■ ~- "i / yc " r "' "* IZZ. liL' «. j n WOMEN'S BLOUSES—Made of crepe, £s& , if KM AD N ami 7 '' FXTRA sPFriA. > G,rls Wash and Serge _ Dresses || « | ivi f\ tl Pi 000 /| A ortCIAL At Extra Special Low Prices colors. Value to $3.00. Our QC W 1 < Rich marabou of silk fluffy V s 1 WOOl6ll SCOfSetS „ ? ,Rl f' f RE SSES_Mad e of gingham and p e rcal e s;/ Sale Pric. n . ."IfWIWW | fibers, highest grade and fib., a \#/l aWUITOW Dutch styles; (as, cotors: s. Z es 2to 6 years. Made <0 OC - Women's BIOUSeS < I guaranteed not to tall out. New- f&r\ Made to Sell for SI.OO. rimV All "", "," t 'V M" < h Every one a new Fall model. Made of crepe de chine, , % . r> A nil a I -V -v o l n . * GIRLS DRESSES—AII newest styles. Made of gingham silk, net and chiffon silk; for evening or street wear; all M est shape Capes and Mutts. j -y j Our bale Price and galatea cloth; sizes 6to 14; fast colors. Made to QQ colors. Value up to $5.00. (t OO C 1 I r it lltf/inn S • « .A. sell up'to $1.50. Our Sale Price t/jC Our Sale Price I / Capes made to sell at $4.00, F{% G!RLS' DRESSES-Made of wool serges: nicely made and • I $5.00 and $6.00 f&m ) ■ . trimmed; sizes 6to 14. Made to sell for $3.00. d»-1 / 3 I ) I Wjffjk / J Our Sale Price tPlti/u Htlfldvcds of NciV \ $2.85, $3.85, $4.85 iaL\\WS£ | hose supporters; lace trimmed; ma de to sell for $4.00. Our Sale Price . !_■ A I % sizes 18 to 30. I —l /V I % m^ e Ready For Saturday 's Sellin News Items of Interest in Central Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph Marietta. Thieves forced an en trance Wednesday night into the Rein hold station, along the Columbia and Heading railroad, and carried off a box ■which contained a little money for Hell telephone service. At the home of H. Joseph Keith, a short distance away, they stole canned fruit, vege i FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 13, 1914. tables and three jugs of wine. Marietta.—ln the will of the late Priscilla Stoner, admitted to probate, there is a bequest of SIOO to the Men nonite Church at Valley and SSO to the Lutheran Church at Neffs ville. 'Hazlcton.—Believing that if imme diate steps are not taken to protect l pheasants, the species will be extinct In less than half a decade, Hazleton and Freeland sportsmen have started a movement to extend -through the State a demand that the Ijeglslaturt cnact a bill closing the season for these birds for at least two years. Ilazleton.—Miners at Upper Tx'high threaten to tie up the operations of M. S. Kemmerer & Co. if two dis charged steam shovelmen are not rein- 1 stated. Mahanoy City.—A mule falling on him, Thomas Killlan, aged 19 years, was perhaps fatally crushed in the St. Nicholas mine yesterday. Mahanoy City. Nelson Turkett, a Philadelphia and Reading Railwa> fireman, was seriously scalded when a steam pipe burst In the cab of the locomotive at Gordon. rottsvlUe.—Patrick Rigney was killed on the new Philadelphia bridge of the Eastern Pennsylvania Railway by a trolley car. Spectators yelled to the endangered man, but ho did not hear them. WUkes-Barre. Safes were blown open in six places here Wednesday night. Bioomsburg.—Early yesterday morn, ing theiVi's relieved Jasper Poust, an Orange township farmer, of the neces sity of going to market with twenty- 1 six ducks he had already crated. They 1 drove up to the barn in a wagon and took crute and all. HcuUijig.—Fire destroyed tlie large : barn on the farm of William Hallman, ait Barto, Berks county, yesterday. The loss is about $3,500. SelinsKrove.—Citizens of Middleburg, Snyder county, have subscribed S4OO for public playgrounds. MnS. EDMUND S. SMITH Mrs. Edmund S. Smith, aged 56 years, died Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at her home. 187 Nfcrth Fifteenth street, after a two-month illness. Funeral services will be held to-morrow morn lng, al 9 o'clock. The body will be taken to Shtppensburg for burial. The Kev. C. A. Sciucker will officiate. "\VHK.\ ROMK RUI.ED" VICTORIA TOMORROW "When Romo Ruled' is a five-reel drama of early Roman days at the In ception of the Christian faith. Nydia, a s;Irl who has embraced the Christian faith, is desired by the High Priest of .Jupiter as one of the Vestal Virgins. He is prevented from seizin)? her by the CANTOR I A f The Kind YouH&ve Always Bought of appearance of Cains, son of the Roman Governor. The Priest lias no intentlou of allowing her to escape and has her tracked to her home. She esrapes itnd. lives In the desert, but Is later captur ed through the inlluence of the tflrl who Is to marry Caius. Hhe is thrown to the lions, but is rescued by Cains, who adopts her and who later embraces the Christian faith, and then marries Nydia.—Advertisement. 5