Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 13, 1914, Page 3, Image 3
SATURDAY HOURS CA^ 9 Jr^S!S E -^ ♦♦ JBjOwmanV JSeumanX HARRISBUPOS POPULAR DKPABTrWNT STORF ' rr * HABRHHJHi'S POPULAR WWTmHI STOWt Many Price Economies in Warm, Winter Apparel—To-morrow Warm Underwear For Saturday Brings Unusual ( Displaying "Royal Society A Handsome Fur Set Women and Children Offerings in Embroidered Pieces and A&'Can Be Bought at a Women's heavy cotton fleece lined vests 6 ( I t' > 'fik \ O * and pants, white and peeler colors, at rvHrOO Oil T/C • i it i ] OaVUlg 25?, 39? and 50? I l|-< |-< I And offeTing them at one-halt Tegular 1 I o doubt you have admired a certain set Women's natural and white wool vests xj— prices MMI / of furs in preference to any other. To-mor- Silk Crepe de Chines at yd. value Fortune favored us in securing this a 'lT.''" °' "5 „nrrrNXt'a, We '. gh, .. S '! k SI.SO-in Ly. King's blue, Sevres bine, wholesale sample line.inciuding a, arge va- ffIHH ✓ Women's underwear; vests and Russian and prune; a beautiful silky lustre. riety of pieces worked in dl| the richness and Gray Kit Coney Set at sl3.so—animal SariUuonl'at^!. [. jf* S? Satin Charmeuse, at 99? yd.-value $1.25 ""J * ajori ° yi will be used 1««H J** 1 . , ; m ' )ire .. muff ' lincd with Complete lines of Merode hand silk fin- ~ ,n nav y and ta "J )e only " f ° r holiday gifts, to which they're well I s Genuine Hudson Seal Set at $44.50 ished vests, pants and union suits. Vests Cheney Bros. Shower-proof Foulards a adaptable. Ml be found choker cravat with fur buttons; Empire and pants at 50? up to $1.50. Union suits 59? yd.-value 85c-beautiful styles in all New and popular stitches will be found W a 'K muff with cuffs and fur button; handsome at *I.OO up to $3.50. the wanted shades. a " dthe + lot are beautiful large brown and f // silk , ining . Complete lines of Munsing undWwear Satin Foulards at 09? yd.-value $1.50- drases unionS. Ch,ldrCn - VeßtS ' PantS and S°od rang* of shades in wistaria, rose, taupe b-wn » &1- L/U S JS? Boys' heavy cotton fleece lined shirts and and brown, 40 inches wide. lows towels, nightgowns and dainty things Empire muff, shirred silk ends, finished with drawers at 25?; plain and ribbed union Silk Brocade and Silk Crepe de Chine at foi the baby. beads and tails suits at 50? 99? yd.-value $3.00--t0 inches wide, in It would hardly be possible tomention.all y , , rXT p^ ofc Brown Isabella Coney Set at $17.00- Boys natural wool ribbed union brow „, Mu e, blaek and taupe. - jESS Hundreds Ot NeW U»tS consisting of>Empire ,uu(t and satin lined Children's 25c underwear, heavy cotton "'wt'Tlrckonly " b*"' A si™ J°F,I™BOWMiN-s HaVe AmVed Within Near 'Seal Sets at #82.5©-cravat, silk fleece lined vests, peeler color; seconds, at 36 inches wide, black only. BOWMAN S. . lined with fur button; near seal semi-barrel 15? | Satin Messaline at yd. valuel IIP I C Olinlf* I JrIVS niuff, shirred silk ends; choice quality. C hildren s bleached vests and pants, 36 inches wide; black only. 1 iI6S6 \STYI(ITt, I>I6U) 1 lie V>OUpiC L/dyo Children's Furs at $1.48 to SIO.OO Set fleece lined, all sizes, at 25? Black Peau de Soic at {)9< . yd . _ value Jl /f if °, Ur bUy f V haS i UBt ur " ed fr ° n ? the , N * w -a large line of furs in all the novelty and Children s heavy cotton fleece lined union r , /i/7111 in or /W rir/o/o Yor,< market where lie has gathered to- staple stvles. suits, bleached or peeler color, at 50? * ' yarct-wite. xrxflllffc/ y J.VJ. L/UClu gether hundreds of the latest coats —the Second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Children's white and natural wool union Black Charmeuse at 9.>? yd. value $1.75 \Y/:]| \I . I .1 L <t"2 AfV real chic styles—many of them copies of suits at SI.OO inches wide. Will INOI LiclSl L-jOllg at yJ.vU coats that have sold for twice that much Main Floor BOWMAN'S. Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. 0 and more. WVergaiter JDOOtS tOY _ .. , . , , , . . Plush and velvet are prominent in the _ V7 . ° . _ _ Overcoats Suits Ralmacaans 'n w o rx WomemnVanousStyies VWI to* - smart mixtures, there arc too many to de- Woman s hue overgaiter boots with black, D L J t t .>1 V f 1 .!_• t A ,ar st y le had been introduced. scribe—we invite vou to see them. K ra y and fawn cloth tops; Dame Fashion's Purchased from four prominent New York clothing manufacturers. But why do this when the very latest 'Pl ie pi us j, coats have touches of fur and newest creations, at $3.50 tThe splendid suits and overcoats were mode J can ' JC secur . ed f ° r lh t e s f me P"ce you , ook Hke fu] . a , 1 , oyer The fur fabrics are Women's patent vamp button boots with 1 . , , . , would pay for an almost out-of-season style. • . • anni »aranr«» atirl verv serviceable black brocade cloth tops, welted soles and secured at prices way below normal. At and we are offering large !£«" pure mohair^Jnd rata or snow do leather Louis Cuban heels; an exceedingly Cancellations from the Southern mer- black velvet hats in the identical shapes that not aff cct them Some have weasel collars, good $3.50 value, at $2.49 chants have left the manufacturers with Fifth Avenue now displays. Smartly trim- pr fitcll Q t i lC r S i, avc Marten or imitation Women's patent vamp colonial shoes thousands of overcoats and suits on their med with ostrich feathers and bands, Nu- ].; rniine ' ' with black and fawn cloth backs and Louis hands. We were very fortunate, indeed n ]! di ai^re " e f' fur and grojgrain ribbon. A The rol h cloths for motor ing or busi- l ' a » heels; $3.00 and $3.50 values, at in securin- these new up-to-the-minute RhmpSC at lh ° Wl,ld ° W d,Splay W1 " COn " ness wear are smart as can be and reason- *l-49 in securing these new up to the minute e you ~f ably priced. Zibelines in all the colors are Women s black overgaiters, 50c value, overcoats, suits and balmacaans, and they Every hat in the lot is desirable and if y ' 1 d> too And bi plaids as wcll as pair ....... 25? go on sale to-morrow at these two excep- you do not care for the large shapes, smaller checks in black white and colors will find Women s Dollar overgaiters in black, tional prices ones can be I,ad - favor ' brown and Rray ' at cJm 7 WCre made l ° Se i ! f ° r s7,o ° l ° And the P"ces—you will find good coats nurd Moor BOWMAN'S. -| /~\f\ $12.00. /» hcre as low at $5.98 — a nd in excellent New Neckwear Creations Sn 111 B II I I/O models, or you will find coats at $50.00. Dainty Vcstees of lace and organdie at vP-LVy*v/V/ n > Uf The full range between $7.50, $8.98, 25? to s2.<K> r^r| jT\ SIO.OO, $12.50, $15.00, $16.50, Collar and Cuff Sets, in a large assort - , Ok. I \ $20.00, $25.00 and $35.00. ment, made of organdie, hemstitched and < $12.50 and $13.50 Balmacaans, \ second l-ioor— HOWMAN'S. embroidered, set 25? to $2.00 •$}2.50 1 artan check Suits, / \ \ n n J _ T Inmn TTcn The new Queen Elizabeth collars at 25? $15.00 double breasted Overcoats, / ' , Dry GOOUS For 001116 US6 and 50?. (Ask to see them.) striiefeffeefs VV ° rS,ed S " te W '" ! Wffl * 10c Outing Flannels, remnant lengths; 12 Ribbons For the Made-Up Gilt \ /T* r*/~\ \ n\li mu I \\\/ . C ) 5, j acllcd - Sl 'eets size 7-.\90 inches, side and satin on the other; 7 inches wide, in VL | J k|| I 'nil fj\ } / I marked Superior, at -7/ a? (4 to a custo- brown, green, American beauty, white and *IJ I /i.» II I mer). . wistaria, yard 50? . ,_ . 10c Pillow Cases, size 45x36 inches, to c Q m bre ribbons, 6 inches wide, yard, Exceptional Sale of match above sheets, at 8?. (4 to a customer) 25? $15.00 and SIB.OO double breasted /~\ . • i r>j Bleached Sheeting, 36 inches wide, in $1.50 wide taffeta ribbons, 9 inches wide Overcoats, illimes one and two-yard lengths; this is Mason- yard $15.00 single breasted Overcoats Valno 00 fr. 17 HO v ' llc muslin—one of the highest grades that Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. $15.00 and $16.50 Balmacaans ' .. , , »«"■« «• »I.DU is manufactured in America; yard... $15.00 Men's and Youths' Sui'ts Seldom have you seen a plume of the same 10c Fearless Muslin, cut from full pieces, ol Üb ' quality and size offered for less than twice yard . 714? ** Thlrd Floor-BOWMAN'S. the price of these. '' ' Stratford' Cretonnes —36 inches rr i\/i \v; ii w/ 7, i , Ther f arc endless ways that plumes can w j de ' 29 patterns to select from; yard. 7>4? ELiVery IVlan Will Want a Olio- fy• I p. I be used on the new models and very desir- Rear of Elevator— "jMain FIoor— BOWMAN'S. plv of These Silk Front Shirts 1 imely Purchases Whiu Fm. Nrt Result in Boy,-Smts, Overcoat Wtllte and CU popular French cuffs and come in smart pat- macaans and MackinaWS being offered Mustard, Brown, Lavender, CUrtaillS, INOW Celling at N ° s!,iS:'";r^ e and at V uite unusual prices. s2 75 and $4.50 Dr. 'LJj .. percale, very attractive patterns; coat style _Boys Mackinaw Coats at s4.9s—value DrL T~" , .. with attached cuffs, at SI.OO s7.so—in gray, blue, red and tan plaids; DcttnrOOm 1 IXIUXCS The regular price is $4.25 to $5.49; 2j/ 2 /© / / New Neckwear, four-in-hands in knitted sizes Bto 18 years. Made of brass hitrhlv nickel-nlated and y ards with a 2 and 4 " in , cll liem : braid Wf / *aL ™ and cut silk. «l -Hit and «Or- Boys' Balmacaans a. »«.»«, #3.50, p iS. \ ! !« '«=« *»*».»»* ** MomU) Half Hose silk lisle m medium $3.98 and up to s<.i»o —of chinchilla, 18 and 24-inch Towel Bars; white enamel ed g es : , 7 lAyr • ff r . . • C and light weight; black and colors; double tweed, cass.mere and kersey; sizes 2/ 2 to 10 and oak Bath Seats with rubber covered Scrmi Voile and Marquisette Curtains, soles and high-spliced heels. Silk lisle at y cars - brackets heavilv nickel-olated—fits anv sbe white and ecru; 2J4 yards long, with fine _ . n . . . f 25? pr.; thread silk, at pair 50? Boys' Overcoats at $1.98, $2.98, $3.50 bathtub' Toilet Paper Holder- Bathtub linen lace insertions and edges, also hem and PriZe Babl€S 111 the Men's Garters; Brighton, Paris and Bos- and up to $G.95-chinchilla, meltons and Soap Holder; Wall Soap Holde^; Tumbler "iscrt.ons; pair RnhvWeiahinaCnntrxt ton parters at ....... 25? and 50? kerseys with military and shawl collars; and Tooth Brush Holder; Combination » T . *2-39, »2.«) to $3.0() BODy VV eig fling IsOnteSt Mens Flanne Shirts, in gray and tan, sizes 2/, to 8 yearv Glass and Soap Holder; Three-prong Fold- Nottingham Lace: Curtains 2y 2 and 3 The following babies will receive with plain and nulitarv collars; regular Boys Suits at $2.98—0f all wool cassi- Towel Rick - chnirp yards long ,in all the newest patterns, in awards in accordance with our offer dur- SlJOvata.,.. :.. sl.lO lucres, in the newest Norfolk models; sizes |,.98 combination aluminum''doublet white and ecru ; pair . 50ji to W.OO ing Baby Week . Men s Mamie Shirts, with plain and inili- 6to 12 years. I)oj]cr roaster am , steamer consistin of one Cretonnes, Reps, Satines and Taffetas First Pnze-$ 5 .00 Coat, for the heavi tary collars, in blue, gray and tan, at Boys Suits at $2.98, s3.;>o, $3.98 and 6-cit Berlin kettle one r.i for cushions, curtains, furniture coverings, est baby up to 6 months of age—won by SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 $4.95-Qliver Twist, Vestee Suits, French 2 at ' y ard \ 10? to 55? May Adeline Blumenstein, Camp Hill. Men's and Boys' Coat Sweaters, in all the blouse and Russian sailors—made of serges, 4S r ' I m mned tin fnn* tub white - Second Prize —54.00 Dress, for the wanted styles, at $1 ..00, $1.50. $1.98, corduroys and velvets. ~, .. ' ■ . <p ering, plain and figured,, yard, 50? to $3 heaviest baby 6 months to one year—won $2.50, $2.98 and up to $7.00. Third Floor — BOWMAN'S. Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. by Robert H. Madenford, 1532 Green Mens Working Gloves, lined and un- ;,||§ X i —< * j I*l street. line at pn, .. .50? SI.OO and.sl.so We Shall PIaCG On Mens Outing Flannel Pajamas and Night uuuu A '-'ll ualc, .-'. 4 / ~ - prizes will be given in each, as the win- Shirts; night shirts at 50?, 75? and Wall Pa DPI* Amniintintf at 4Q C cn vrl nin K contestants were of practically the $1.00; pajamas at SI.OO and $1.50. V or t OpeCiai ttl 17C Sq. yO. same weight. Men's Cashmere Half Hose, medium and to $3. 35, at the Special m/'/m W ill be on sale to-morrow at this special Third Prize —$4.00 Bonnet, for the I heavy weight, black and oxford, at, pr., 25? C' 1 F> • wlnHHffiHßHflrallHHlm price. All perfect goods and will be cut heaviest baby girl Ito 2 years—won by Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. oale IliCe from full rolls. Elizabeth Fannace, 1314 Third street, and « - , p. .. _. ~ ~ ~ WmmMmmW Splendid line of hardwood, tile and floral Eleanor Lowder, 320 South Cameron Men S Dollar Union Suits, /+* \ f~\ nlmnrfilffWlOT patterns to choose from. street. C . J (~\ 1 nr\ I \J / Tapestry Brussels Rugs at $11.98 —size Fourth Prize 54.00 Sweater Set oaturaay wnly at /yC - I E Made of heavy cotton; ribbed; fleece lin- and Oriental patterns. years—won by Frank E. Tailor (address ed. Peeler or silver finish. 0 r 11- - 1 Cedar Ull Mop at b"c Velvet Rugs at 98? —size 27x54 inches; unknown), and Richard Cramer, Mifflin, I i Men's heavy cotton fleece lined shirts and . s . an tw cnty yards or cut Always ready for use on all floors—a plenty of new patterns to select from. Pa. drawers, plain and ribbed, at ,10? OU * D or< ' er to match, sufficient to great labor saver; including pint of Ce'dar BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor. Men's 50c heavy cotton fleece lined shirts cover the average room. 30-inch °il. The regular price is SI.OO. Rrmrr kTirJrlii-c lOU 11 Welcome These * and drawers, seconds, at ... ..... .42? plain pulp oatmeal paper, in fast Soap Specials Dring me iviuuies 10 Mens heavy natural wool mixed shirts color, brown, tan and old rose. 10 cakes Swift's Pride Soap 29? the Toy Department r , ? L- 1 . 1 "® V^° atS , , , Da ,.y weiehVonS Y:r% T T mW ~ WO ? M '!S cats pTcXbtbaSoap i „ }»£ to wear, at SI.OO, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 L°j rr ,? nly ' at 0 cakes Felt Snan 38# attract^ eness ,° f p department, and his , •„ somethinß Uke twenty smart Munsing union suits for men; cotton sl-97. Ask for free booklet as ad- 2 cans Old D,, tSj youngsters will enjoy roaming about s P tylcs designed this winter for little fleece lined at $1.00; natural wool mixed vertised. 2 cans Old Dutch Cleanser 15? and viewing the many things new to them g 4,2 to 6 years. Priced at at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50 Fourth FIoor—BOWWMAN'S. above nrices ' in the way of mechanical toys, dolls, games $2.00 to SIO.OO Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. aoove prices. and the various other kinds. Second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. BOWMAN'S Basement. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 13,191?. 3