TIIK prattling baby on the mother's knee, ill. ffl" the children playing on the lloor, these are the scenes that go to make the hap- IrYl py American home. Hut along with it f J / II all there is a basic requirement, that these lit- LJ o tie humans be healthy. First and foremost of y \\ v < Vs^ their little ills are those pertaining to derange- KV 1 /-*'*. Vy,' ments of the stomach and bowels. r7"*lTf When trouble comes you call the doctor, or /J / \ I ✓V'''A you try dieting, special foods, stewed fruits, I I etc. But have you ever tried Dr. Caldwell's l§rrlf| Li 1 > Syrup Pepsin? It is a mild laxative-tonic that lias been on the market for two generations, having proven itself the one dependable rem- V edy, and thousands of mothers now give it to y> ,/J _ '/ their children. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is gentle in aftion, and especially intended for babies, women and old folk, who should not use strong cathartics or purgatives such as pills, powders, salts and mineral waters. Coupon For Mrs. C. 1,. Hanson, of Itolmes Cal.. has used o a -C it herself and gives it to her children, and she rßaßi bAMrLb says she will never be without it as long as a Dr. Caldwell is glad bottle is obtainable. Mr. T. H. Pratt, of Mari- to send anyone who has anna, Ark., uses it himself and has the whole never tried his remedy, family using it. and he also says he would not ilk. to be without it. It is the family remedy !4f™ulv clipthis coupon in thousands of homes because it is a safe and and inclose in an enve sanc remedy for constipation, dyspepsia, bil- lope with your name and iousness, belching, gas on the stomach, head- address, or write your aches, bloating, etc. Old users always keep the name and address plain dollar bottle in the house, but there is also a ,y ,? n .. a . postcard and and either oan be obtained of ("aidwell, ST .w/ui aruggisi. ton st Monticello, 111. Turks Attacking Russians on Second Line of Defense By Associated Fress Berlin, Nov. 13 (by wireless). —In eluded In the information given to the press to-day from official quarters is the- following: "Reports received here from Con- , stantinople set forth that the Turkish army of the Caucasus is attacking the ' Russians on their second line of de fense. An artillery engagement near Koepryory on November 9 lasted all dav long. "The Persian, Afghan. Egyptian. In- ■ . 2 directly by the blood. When these i secretions are insufficient the only way ■ to restore their healthful condition is by building up the blood. This can ibe done by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, the non-alcoholic tonic that assists na ture in keeping the body in health. [Proper attention to diet and the use of I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be i tried in cases of disordered digestion ! because it is the simple and natural .way to correct the trouble. I Send to-day for a copy of our free diet book, "What to Eat and How to Eat." Address the Dr. Williams Medi cine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Your own druggist sells Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.—Advertisement. American Bridge Company, and 400 tons each from the Fort Pitt Bridge Company and the McClintic-Marshall | Construction Company. This steel is to be used in the grade crossing elimi nation in Wilkinsburg. HARKIBMJRG SIDE I'lillndelpliia Division—l 22 crew first to go after 3:30 p. m.: lOfi. 103, 116, 121, 104, 112, 102, 128. 118, 115. Engineer for 122. Firemen for 116. 102. Conductors for 122, 116, 112, 102, 128. Flagmen for 103. 104. 101'. Brakemen for 106, 102. 118. _ Engineers up: Sellers, Goodwin, Young. Reisinger, Brooke, Kissinger, Gallagher, Newcomer, Albright, Manley, C. Albright, Earhart, MoGowan. First, Statler, Long, Streeper, Seltz, Snow, Pleam, Kelly, Martin, Powell. Firemen up: Gelsinger, Carr, Gilberg, Wagner, Dunlevy. Davidson, Shlve, Harts:, Hlcich, Kreider, Robinson, Cope land. Libhart, Moulder, Wilson, Bals baugh, Myers, Weaver. Moffa'.t, Cover, Reno. Barton. Chronistcr, Lantz. llous er, Miller, E. Sheaffer, Herman, Horgan, Martin, E. M. Myers. Conductors up: Ford. Houdeshel. Flagmen up: Kochenour, Witmyer. Brakemen up: Dearilf, Brown, Wi land, Desch, Swelkert, i'erron, Busser, Mumma. .Middle Division—22 crew first to go after 1:30 p. in.: 108, 17, 18, 25, 19, 23, 24. Engineer for 108. Fireman for 23. Brakeman foi* 17. Engineers up: Webster, Free. Smith, Bennett. Mumma, Wissier. Magill, Kug ler, Moore. Firemen up: Bornman, Seagrist, Look. Potteiger, Siieesley, Gross, Fletcher, Buyer. Libau, Arnold, Reeder, Wright, Davis. Conductors up: Fraliclc, Paul, Keys, Patrick. I tuber. Flagmen up: Frank, Miller, Miles Jacobs, .Mumma. Brakemen up: Reese, Stahl, Fritz, Plack, Blekert, Rolan,. Pipp, Peters, Spahr, Myers, Sclioffstall, Troy, Roller, Bell, Ivieffer. Henderson, Heck, Me- Henry. Yard Crew*—To go after I p. m.: Engineers for 707. 1270, 1820. Firemen for 707. 1758, 2393. Engineers up: Brenneman, Thomas, Rudy, Houser, Meals. Stahl. Silks, Crist, Harvey. Saltsman. Kulin, Snader, Pel ton. Shaver. Landls, Hoyler, llolien shelt. Firemen up: Key. Myers. Boyle, Ship ley, Crow, Revie, I'lsh. Bosfdorf, Schief er, Ranch, Welgle, Cookerley, Maeyer. Snell, Bartolet, Getty, Hart. Barkey, Sheets, Balr. Eyde, Lackey, Essig. ENOf.A SIDE I'll Muriel pliln Division—23l crew first to go after 3:45 p. m.: 243, 202, 205, 222, Engineers for 202, 205, 231, Conductor for 5. 1. . Flagman for 44. Brakemen for 2, 5. Conductors up: Stauffer, Logan, Wal ton. Lingle, Keller, Forney. Flagman up: Reitzel. Brakemen up: Keller, Fair, Lutz, Avoid the Dealer Who Tries to Sell You "Something Just as Good" WHEN you ask for any DATRONIZE dealers article in a store, *■ who give you what you whether it is for soap, per- ask for . Articles advertised fume, household medicine, • «.»,• ' -iii in tins paper are always oaint, Yarnish, hardware, . J ;ood products, chewing gum, meritorious, corsets or automobile tires, T . r , . T „_ T , TI etc.. and the dealer says: JJEREAFTER say : T 'Yes, we have it, hut here want s » ch and such an is something better," be on article, and insist on getting your guard; his special iiH it. Do not say: "Have you terest in the socalied "bet- such and such an article? » ter article is MO R E .... . PROFIT more you emphasize I TMIIS dealer is trying to want " this or that y° u are 1 change your' mind. hcl P" 1 * to undermine the WHY? Because lie loves woriit fraud 111 merchandis you? No! Emphatically no! ing ever foisted upon the But because he is going to consumer, try to dispose of an inferior article. This dealer is trying AY/HEN you ask for a to get rid of some unknown, W certajn articl mak pense ' 5,, re ? ou * et i( ' Kemember BE careful to insist that only ""dtaKous articles arc i . , imitated, which is a double you get what you ask UUUUIC for; a good plan would be to reason why you should in avoid substituting dealers. sist on the original. Get What You Ask For National Anti-Substitution League, Philadelphia 13 I Wiest, Shuler. Mlihllc Division— lo9 crew first to gr» I after 2:30 p. m.: 118, 101, 104, f'-'O, 107, 112, 111, 116, 105. ' Engineer for 107. Fireman for 116. Conductors for 120, 111. Brakemen for 101, 120. THE KKADING llnrrlnlmru Division— l 7 crew 11 rat t