Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 10, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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*ke Urral KngllMh IJUcovery Crystoll*
"UruiVK Hair In 30 Day»."
*1,000.00 Reward K We Fall On Our
I'oMltlvr <.iinriiiil.e. Try It At
Our Kink Mall Coupon
THIk imu l> <■ run • llnlil— r> Ktiilln"
la JuHt the Tlilnic for Such luxrn
In Europe "Crystolis," the New
Knglisli Hair Grower, has been called
the most wonderful discovery of the
The judges of the Brussels and Paris
Expositions enthusiastically awarded
gold medals to this marvelous hair
Already since We secured the Ameri
can rights hundreds of men and wo
men have written telling of the phe
nomenal results obtained by its use.
People who have been bald for years
tell how they now glory in beautiful
liair. Many report new hair growth in
oO days or less. Others who have had
dandruff all their lives say they have
got a clean healthy scalp after a few
applications of this wonderful treat
We do not care whether you aro
bothered with falling hair, prematurely
gray hair, matted hair, brittle hair or
Ktring.v hair; dandruff, itching scalp, or
any or all forms of hair trouble, we
want you to try "CRYSTOLIS" at our
We give you a binding guarantee
without any "strings" or red tape, that
it won't cost you a cent if we do not
prove to you that "Crystolis" will do
all we claim for it. and. whafs im
portant we have plenty of money to
back our guarantee. SI,OOO nas neen
deposited in our local bank as a Spe
cial Fund lo be forfeited If we fail to
comply with tills contract. Cut out the
coupon below and mall it to-day to
Creslo Laboratories, 241-L Street, Bing
hamton, N. V.
The Preslo Laboratories.
244-L Street, Bingliainton, N. Y.
I am a reader of Harrisburg Tel
egraph. Prove to me without cost
how Orystolls stops falling hair,
grows new hair, banishes dandruff
and Itching scalps and restores pre
mature gray and faded hair to nat
ural color Write your name and
address plainly and PIN THIS COU
To Cure Catarrhal
Deafness and
Head Noises
Persons suffering from catarrhal
deafness and head noises will be glad to
know that this distressing affliction can
he treated at home by an internal medi
cine that has been said in manv in
stances to have effected a complete cure
after all else had failed. Sufferers who
could scarcely hear a watch tick tell
liow they have had their hearing re
stored to such an extent that the tick
of a watch was plainly audible seven
or eight inches away from either ear.
Therefore, if you know someone who
is troubled with head noises or
► catarrh, or catarrhal deafness, cut out
this formula and hand to them and you
will perhaps have been the means of
saving some poor sufferer from total
deafness. The prescription can be pre
pared at home and is made as follows:
Secure from W. 11. Kennedy or any
other good druggist in Harrisburg, 1
ox. Farming (Double Strength), about
75c worth. Take this home, and add to
it Vt pint of hot water and 4 or., of
granulated sugar; stir until dissolved.
Take one tablespoonful four times a
The first dose should begin to relieve
the distressing head noises, headache,
dullness, cloudy thinking, etc.. while
the hearing rapidly returns as the sys
tem is invigorated by the tonic action
of the treatment. Boss of smell and
mucus dropping in the back of the
throat are other symptoms that show
the presence ol' catarrhal poison, and
which are of catarrhal poison, and
which are quickly overcome by this ef
ficacious treatment. Nearly ninety per
cent, of all ear troubles are said to be
directly caused by catarrh, therefore,
there must be many people whose hear
ing" can be restored by this simple home
treatment. Every person who is
troubled with head noises, catarrhal
deafness, or catarrh in any form,
should give this prescription a trial.—
Why suffer? Take Gordon's "BROMO
SODUS". Quickest and surest relief
for dull, splitting Headache. New Ef
fervescing Headache Remedy, guaran
teed absolutely pure. Much more pleasant
to take than powders or tablets. Gives
instant relief without depressing after
effects. Ask your dealer for it and in
sist-upon getting Gordon's "BROMO
SODUS" on sale at all first class drug
gists, soda fountains and department
stores. Buy a bottle to-day, your dealer
will refund purchase price to any dis
satisfied customer. If unable to obtain
quickly, send 25c for large bottle to
BROMO DRUG CO., Harrisburg, Pa.
/ \
Lard and Hams
10 lb. can, 91.45 —full weight.
60 lb. can, 13!4e per lb.
Cured and smoked the old way.
W T eight 10 to 16 lbs. at 22c per lb.
These are Bancaster county goods
and must be satisfactory, or money
Order by post card from
or Rell Phone 050 R.
to all parts of city.
Business Locals
The prudent buyer of gifts for tho
coming holiday season may now be
Been making selections carefully from
the choicest. Likewise, people of fore
thought will arrange for settings at
our studio in order to have the photo
graphs in time for Christmas giving.
Nothing more appropriate and pleas
ing for an intimate friend or relative.
The newest ideas always at Kellberg's,
Market street.
Telegraph Want Ads.
Funny Man of "Douse-Warner's"
Best Part of an AU-Head
liner Week
You've got to hand it to Mr. Hop
kins—he's got the best show of the
year at the Orpheum this week.
Here are a few of the fun makers as
entertainers worthy of most high hon
orable mention—as the World's Japa
nese reporter would put It:
Billy Dooley in "The Lawn Party."
Ruth Roye, the ragtime girl.
Moore and Hagar. ,
Abau Hamad troupe of acrobats.
Really. Miss Roye, I'm awfully sorry
I couldn't put your name above that of
Billy Dooley. You were heralded as
the headliner, and you really are as
fascinating a bit of femininty as has
charmed an Orpheum audience in a
long while—but you didn't please the
crowds as did Billy Dooley, and so
there you are!
Out-Dooley's Dooley
Billy Dooley is a brother of Johnny
Dcoley, who always scores such a hit
when he comes to town with his pretty
partner, Yvette Rugel. But Billy out-
Dooley's Johnny. He's the least
scream in laughter. And. by the way.
Johnny, are there any more like you
at home? The girls aro just dying to
The "The Lawn Party" is a musical
comedy revue with character imita
tions of such well-known stage favor
ites as Laurette Taylor, Lillian Russel,
Chauncey Olcott, Robert Mantell,
George Cohan, David Warfield and
so on. And on my word. Miss Flor
ence Hughes is more of a "Peg" than
is Miss Taylor herself. Harry Angel
as David Warfield imitates the "Music
Master" admirably.
Why the Irish Jtosc is Wild
Raymond Loftus, who impersonates
Chaimcey Olcott, sings "The Wild Irish
Rose," and after Raymond is through
it's not a bit hard to see why the Irish
roses are wild. It's that kind of sing
ing that does it.
But it's William J. Dooley who is
the life of the revue. He's country
Sheriff and his antics kept the first
nighters Convulsed. He slips übout
just like Johnny, his brother—only
more so.
Ruth Roye has a most fascinating
manner and a beautiful face. Her
gowns are creations of loveliness and
when she sings it is easy to understand
why New York raves about her. Moore
and Hagar give a little tlirtation act
tilled with modern dancing, honey
liold-me-closer songs and several new
"darky" stories. The pair both have
voices of a rich quality.
Abau Hamad—anyway that's what
the program calls him—is here with
a troupe of acrobats, that show what
can be done with the arms and legs,
when you're restless. Abau himself
holds eight men at one time.
"Day and Nigl*"' is a travesty skit
on the divorce and gambling evils thav
makes everybody laugh. Bell and
Wilson, the openers, sing, dance, talk
and tumble.
To-night—John Drew in "The Prodigal
Thursday night—Fannie Ward in
"Madame President."
Frldi»". afternoon and evening Bur
Saturday, afternoon and evening
"September Morn."
Every afternoon and evening High-
Class Vaudeville.
Every afternoon and evening Vaude
ville and Pictures.
As the comedy's title suggests, Mr.
Drew appears as a husband slightly
given over to the.life known as "sport
ing," and the story deals with his
I career during a period in which his
young wife has become estranged from
lilm. in an extremely interesting and
sympathetic manner his shortcomings
are brought home to him by a slip of
a girl, Simone, in whom lie has evinced
a protecting interest, the daughter of
his housekeeper. Aside from its
laughter-arousing elements the story
contains much unexpected tenderness,
notably in a delightful scene with the
little girl in the first act in which real
pathos occasionally interrupts the
charming humor. Through a series of
very amusing scenes, replete with
startling dialogue and mirth-provoking
situations, his. adventures make their
way to a climax at once unexpected and
unusual. The prodigal, needless to
say, is received by the young wife with
tender sympathy and the girl who has
been the cause of his awakening also
finds her happiness. In the newest of
Drew roles the actor is credited with
having added another to his long list
of artistic and splendid character por
She is coming—dear little Miss "Sep
tember Morn"—but. she's clothed in the
form of a three-act musical comedy—
this time with jokes, scenery, songs
and girls—lots of them. Nat Phillips is
the star of the play, which is presented
by Rowland and Clifford's specially se
lected musical comedy company of "fifty.
Many new Tango and Hesitation dances
have been staged and the latest foreign
| a
What She Gives to a Nation
Shall we say that women contribute
only the bandages, the nursing, cheer
ing and comforting the wounded? No!
They contribute tho fighters! What
sort of help and Inspiration can a wo
man be who is enfeebled and broken
down by diseases and weaknesses pe
culiar to her sex? Can she hope-to
be a capable mother or an efficient
The mighty restorative power of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
speedily causes all womanly troubles
to disappear—compels the organs to
properly perform their natural func
tions, corrects displacements, over
comes irregularities, removes pain
and misery at certain times and brings
back health and strength to nervous,
irritable and exhausted women.
It is a wonderful prescription pre
pared only from nature's roots and
herbs with no alcohol to falsely stim
ulate and no narcotics to wreck the
nerves. It banishes pain, headache,
backache, low spirts, hot flashes,
dragging-down sensation, worry and
sleeplessness surely and without loss
of time.
Why should any woman continue to)
worry, to lead a miserable existence,
when certain help is at hand?
What Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription has done for thousands It
will do for you. It's not a secret rem
edy for its ingredients are printed on
wrapper. Get it this very day at any
medicine dealers in either liquid or
tablet form. In the meantime address
Doctor Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buf
falo, N. Y., and simply write "Dear
Doctor: Please send me without
charge further information," and you
will receive the advice of a Physician
Specialist absolutely free; 136 page
book on women's diseases sent free.—
This Large, Illustrated *2.50 Volume
The general desire for a book laying bare the causes of the present titanic struggle of the European nations is
so great that an unusual effort has been made to place a comprehensive and reliable volume in the hands of the
public, through the medium of public-spirited newspapers. We are enabled to offer this remarkable book to our
readers, by special arrangements with the publishers, in such a way that they may secure it NOW practically
FREE, as explained below.
A Book That Every Intelligent I
Man and Woman Should Read j
The dogs of war are loosened in all Europe. A new map of a continent
is in making. Nations will be obliterated and new nations will be established. fjj|||
Europe is running red with blood, while field-gun and cannon belch forth Q
influences which have precipitated the great powers of Europe the
stupendous war of all time. It takes you across the battlefields of a hundred
years, and into the star-chambers of diplomacy, and makes plain the effect
One the many valuable "THE STORY OF EUROPE and, HMnEI
the NATIONS AT WAR," comprised in the magnificent collection of his
torical pictures of current and permanent interest which it contains. In this
collection are photographs of the rulers, great statesmen and great military feOggßl I
and naval le/iders of all Europe, scenes of great battles of history described in •
the book, and graphic illustrations of the wonderful developments of modern
instruments of warfare. No similar collection of vivid photographs has ever v , ....MSaliftftKL'-
aj before been brought together in a single volume. The illustrations also in-
How to Obtain This Great Book
With a view to making it as easy as possible for our readers to obtain jjgi
this unprecedented book we have arranged that you can procure it almost
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book will be delivered to you absolutely without further expense.
Out-of-Town Readers I.
This is a photograph of the complete book, GREATLY REDUCED IN SIZE. ]
may take advantage of our offer by mailing their coupons and 69 cents, plus gives but a faint idea of the beautiful cloth binding and colored inlay. Nearly 50
10 cents extra for postage, and the book will be delivered to them by pages. 64 full-page half-tone illustrations. Map m colors.
Clip today's coupon, which will be found on another pagd. Examine it at Our Office
creation, called "Shark Swish Dip"—
very popular in London, England, goes
with a rush.
Besides Mr. Phillips the company
contains "The American Gaby Deslys"
—Haz' ihannon—who Is a wonderful
dance «nd clever otherwise—and that
splenjid actress and singer, Adelyn
Estee, who is also seen in a prominent
role, and the company contains many
entertainers out of the ordinary, be
sides a big chorus of pretty girls.
This company recently furnished a
highly successful engagement at the
l.aSalle Opera House, Chicago, and
conies to the Majestic next Saturday,
matinee and night.—Advertisement.
Harmony is the charm of the new
vaudeville bill that came to the Colonial
yesterday. It Is served up by the Ox
ford Four, of male harmonists, whose
splendid voices harmonize in some of
the late songs and some of the old
favorites. The boys sang harmonious
ly and melodiously and everybody was
delighted. ICach song seemed to please
more than the preceding one and If
the audiences would have had their
way, they might still be singing. J. C.
Lewis and company, comprising about
the cleverest youngsters we have seen,
are offering a comedy called "Billy's
Santa Claus' that Is of a high order
also. Each turn is clever and interest
ing, but lovers of good quartets will not
want to overlook the three-day en
gagement of the Oxford Four. "The
Painted Lady," a beautiful picture fea
ture with popular Blanche Sweet in the
leading role, is an extra added attrac
tion for the first three days of the
Elsa Delgarth. a retired actress, re
turns to the stage at a series of charity
shows. The glamour of the footlights
causes her to leave her husband and
child to return to the stage. Paul
Grevllle. an actor with whom Elsa
runs away, loses his memory whilst ap
pearing in an important production,
and as a result the couple find them
selves /ace to face with ruin. Grevllle
sinks lower and lower in the social
scale until meeting a criminal named
Gaston Str Croix, he agrees to join the
latter's gang. The commissioner of
police Is Informed of a number of mys
terious thefts and Immediately stations
his squad of officers on the river bank
to track the mysterious gang. That
night the gang is tracked, and a battle
ensues on the water, but they make
their escape under the water. _
Delgarth has received a Government
appointment and the St. Croix gang
plot to gain possession of valuable
documents he holds. Grevllle and an
accomplice break into IJelgarth's home,
but they cannot accomplish their pur
pose. However, tfiey carry off Del
garth's little daughter. They next en
gage rooms at a hotel in the town and
write Delgarth telling him he will re
ceive news of his daughter if he visits
them alone. When Delgarth keeps the
appointment he is overpowered by
means of a stupefying incense and car
ried away from the hotel hidden In a
large trunk. Delgarth's groom, who
followed his master, becomes suspicious
and succeeds in tracking down the
criminals. When Delgarth is obdurate
they threaten to place Ills child In the
path of the advancing express. Their
purpose is frustrated by Blsa, whir has
learned of Greville's villainy. She
rushes to the track In time to snatch
her child, but .she herself is knocked
down and fatally hurt. Greville is kill
ed, and the other members of the gang
are captured by the police.—Advertise
The Photoplay Theater now present
to their patrons six first-run Associa
tion Pictures daily, each taken from
the world's greatest combine of film
manufacturers, Jtnown as the General
Film Company. Our new program in
sures patrons of seeing six pictures
daily never before shown in this city.
To-day we present "The Menace of
Fate," a two-reel Kalem; "Thei Moun
You men and women who get a
cold easily who have headache,
coated tongue, foul taste and foul
breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are
nervous and upset, bothered with a
sick, gassy stomach.
Are you keeping your bowels clean
with Oasearets—or merely dosing
yourself every few days with salts,
pills, castor oil and other 'harsh Irri
tants? Cascarets immediately cleanse
tain Law," a two-reel Lubin drama;
"Mme. Henry Jones," Vitagraph com
edy, featuring Sidney Drew, and last,
but not least, a famous George Ade
fable of "The People's Choice Who
Answered the Call of Duty and Took
In business it may mean a fortune.
Repetition makes reputation. There
fore it is essential that the name of
your establishment stand 3 out promi
nent with the merchandise you nave
for sale. An attractive name plate not
only serves to embellish your adver
tisement but It makes the name stand
out in decided contrast from the same
ness of type in the group of advertise
ments around yours. Sketches sub
mitted on request, or engravings made
from your own drawings. Telegraph
Printing Company.
Special to The Telegraph
Annville, Pa., Nov. 10.—The Rev. J.
H. Willauer, pastor of St. Paul's Evan
. and sweeten the stomach, remove the
sour, undigested and fermenting food
and fou! gases; take the excess bile
i from the liver and carry off the con
stipated waste matter and poison from
the bowels.
A Cascaret to-night straightens you
out by morning—a 10-cent box keeps
your head clear, stomach sweet, liver
and bowels regular and you feel bully
for months. Don't forget the children.
NOVEMBER 10,1914;
gelical Church of this town, is spend
ing several days in Harrisburg, where
he is attending the evangelistic meet
ings held there under the direction of
Dr. Herry W. Stough.
Special to The Telegraph
Halifax, Pa., Nov. 10. Mothers'
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. Bertha Rohrbach on Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Arrangements
will be made to attend the dedication
Just a Good Cigar:
Not a Mummy
King Oscar 5c Cigars never stay in the boxes long
enough to get dry—they don't require any special pro
tection which costs something and must cheapen the
quality just that much.
King Oscarsc
are simply good cigars without any fuss or frills with
a reputation of quality regularity covering a period of
23 years. They are always in prime condition and in
stantly ready for the light of the match.
of the new schoolhouse on Thanks
giving Day.
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 10. —Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Wiles arrived in Waynes
boro on Sunday evening and will go to
I housekeeping. They were married in
Meehanicsburg on Saturday evening by
the Rev. E. C. B. Castle, pastor of tht»
United Brethren Church.