14 The Store's Mail Order and Telephone Service The Mail Order and Telephone Departments are branches of the store's equipment that are alwavs on the alert to give instant service. The Mail Order Division is under the supervision of careful, eflicient ashoppers and the telephone exchanges are operated by courteous young women. Hundreds of Suit Arrivals for Misses and Women: $16.50 to $27.50 The most important assemblage of moderate i? '■ a. 1 Priced suits that we < 1 l have ever gathered to * . |||. >• ] \ gether for misses and wo " / , - Iru men * s read y f° r inspec /jjj)/ 1 tion this week. This /•'/ isigliPw y 7\ showing - will be a revela // / I I IJJ. J tion in the matter of /I I \ I / r* style attraetivenesstoth e Hj • ( \ I—(I /! I woman who does not feel nv II inclined to. pay more U \\ than $27.50 for her Win ter suit. New styles in cheviot and serge with trimming of broad bands of velvet and velvet covered buttons or with a broad girdle of self ma terial. One of the styles has a wide rever with a high standing velvet collar. The colors are tete de negre, navy blue, green and black $10.50 Two attractive styles are of gabardine with trimming of silk braid or velvet covered buttons. The coats are half lined with Skin ner's satin and the collars of velvet and cloth copy those shown in high-priced garments $18.50 Another style at $18.50 is made with a cross-over belt of same ma terial and is stitched on the collar and sleeves with contrasting shades of broadcloth. Another style in the redingote follows strictly tai lored lines with only a touch of trimming of bone buttons. The Jauntiest styles to be found anywhere for misses and small women are shown at $20.00. The coats are short or long and the materials are rich qualities of gabardine, poplin or serge. The coat of one style has a unique trim ming of self material at the waist line and the skirt is embellished with rows of self covered buttons. American &_,FrenchSilks in a Special Showing for Winter A few of the items arc lowered in price in order that great er interest might center about the new weaves. 89c black satin mescaline; 30 French cape and suiting satin: Inches wide. Special, yard 79c 54 Inches wide. Yard $3.00 $1..»0 extra heavy black mes- French rliarmeuse; Yitl'(l .... HI Oft Black satin Duchesse; 36 inches .„i *4"'i,!Ti',!J! .oV,!' * I,,Btrous 'ln wide. Yard $1.50 tell: inches wide. Yard...53.00 French satin Florence; 36 inches Faille suiting; 30 Inches wide. wide. Yard $1.69 Y » r e present luring the v sit o pany and recognized as one '^/r r on,t aGuccd Cor\!?et& points of difference existing be tween the Frolaset and other Here's a Group of Furniture Reduced to Half Price Closing out odd pieces at just half former prices. $59.00 3-piece leather library suite 829.50 $59.00 leather davenport .*. $29.50 $19.50 golden oak hall table * !!.'!*"!. *$!»!'".» slti.so bird's-eye maple chiffonier $8.25 $18.50 bird's-eye maple chiffonier so]2s $12.50 mission hall clock $(1.25 $290.00 10-piece mahogany dining room suite $200.00 J RRASSBKDS $19.50 Brass Beds q-. $17.50 Brass Beds Si I i» > sls.ooßrass Beds .'.....!!!!!!!!! $11.95 FELT MATTRESSES 60 lb. '-oil edge felt mattresses $8.50 50 lb. roll edge felt mattresses \ sij»s $9.50 roll edge felt mattresses $7.95 Box Springs, thick layer felt and quality ticking $12.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. Untrimmed Colored Cloth Hats to Match Shade of "Spats" This is the latest fad in millinery. There are two styles— one is a sailor with soft crown and the other a medium size shape with one side slightly rolled. They have an underbrim of velvet with cloth tops in blue, cocoa, sand, old rose and tan. Price $2.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. Two Good Values in Petticoats Charmcuse silk warp petticoats in King's blue, *tJl Efk white, brown and green 1 »Ov/ Silk habutai petticoats with pleated or tailored tfj "I QE flounce in navy, white and black 1 .J/O Corset Covers and Brassieres Embroidery trimmed corset covers , 25# Lace and embroidery trimmed brassieres 25<■■?"' ■ y % I % ' rttentlon Ts' 'thin n^MrP a "t half dozen years have attracted so much attention as that or Mrs. Florence C. Carman, or Freeport. L, cliarjred with the ofriee°of 0 l»r ' B *. Ba |" ey ' June 30. Mrs. Bniiey was shot to death in a window rnm tE r,: ? ' anntatnlng the pistol being pushed throOgh hull Snrt nr iw 1 i, f ' t . This photograph shows William Huiley, the IMVM ™tMrw»^, k r daughter, Madeline Bailey, and her mother, Mrs. Durjta, on their way to the courthouse at Mlneola, L. 1., where the trial is held. LABOR'S OWN PAPER RAKES M'CORMICK Broadside Delivered Against the Wealthy Harrisburg Politician by Labor Editor CALLS HIM HARSH NAMES Apparently There Is Not Much Love For McCormick Among the Laboring Men TTnder the head of "Insidious Assas sin of Honest Pennsylvania Working men Denounced and Exposed by Or ganized Labor," the Trades Union News, the organ of the labor organi zations of Philadelphia and vicinity, publishes the following statement of attitude of labor organizations toward the candidacy of Vance C. McCormick: "Organized labor throughout Penn sylvania, is emphatically resenting, as an insult to the cause of trades union- Ism, the mercenary candidacy of Vance C. McCormick, the union hater of the Keystone State, for the most, powerful position within the gift of the voters of the greatest industrial Common wealth of America. "Insolently conducted and impudently flaunted, in contemptuous defiance to workingmen who believe in Union principles the Gubernatorial campaign of a predatory millionaire, who when once invested with municipal author ity, vetoed an increase in the small and insufficient wages of workingmen of the capital of this State and who ordered the union labels off a newspa per as soon as he bought it, is regard ed by Labor as a slap in the face call ing for rebuke at the polls. "Election of such a man would be considered by honest and aspiring workingmen as the perpetration of an outrage. "McCormick has thrust his knife into Organized Labor and no labor assassin can be Pennsylvania's Governor! "That is what the union men are saying and they have started out to prove that they are saying the truth. "Workingmen who unite for protec tion have been relentlessly fought by McCormick ever since he has been able to wield the influence of money in public and private enterprise and in politics. "His hatred of the organization of labor has been venomous and impla cable. "His attacks have been like the wicked dartings of a rattlesnake in furiated, to be encountered with an antidote for the preservation of public health. "His ill-considered hostility to hon est labor, trades unionism maintains, is permeated with blatant apprehen sion. "His record is produced to show his mendacity, his unfitness and his impracticability it is the declared ourpose of organized labor to place the facts before every voter." Deaths and Funerals FUNERAL OF CHAKIody, not subject to the control of the general city adminis tration. "That action was in marked con trast to action that has been taken in other cities In connection with the transfer to the commission form of government. In Pennsylvania, for in stance, under a blanket law applying to cities of a certain class, by the adoption of the commission form of government park boards were abol ished. "An instance of where a distinct loss to park administration was suffered by this action is afforded by the city of Harrisburg, which had and now does not have aji unusually competent hoard of park commissioners who. dur ing a period of ten years, had built up for Harrisburg .">ne of the notable park systems of this country both In extent of area and in completeness of Its development. Spokane has also shown Its good sense in retaining .-is its ad visors in the development of its parks such competent men as the Olmsted Brothers, of Rrookline, who are land scape architects of national reputa tion." AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS SPLENDID VAUDEVILLE BILLS AT COLONIAL; MATINEES A DIME Wilmer & Vincent hit the nail on the head last week when they changed the Colonial Theater into a Keith vaudeville house, running four Keith <:>£■-* ,i acts and moving pictures at low prices. The bill to be offered for the first three days this week includes four -V^3 excellent acts. Bernard and Scott have ' been featured in all of the big vaude- - I vllel houses of the country. Florence , Scarth is one of the prettiest girls on the stage. This team does an excel- i H| | knt flirtation act. | Shop" the title of a A™ miniature musical comedy in which *' some sprightly hoys and girls do BBf * songs, dances and comedy. Dorothy , Brenner and company present "The /' *"W"- Candy Shop" and Joe Kennedy is a real comedian on roller skates. The above acts are un the bill at the " . - , Colonial for the first Hire., days ■ this week. Beginning to-day tl matinees at the Colonial will be 10 ' < cents, children 5 cents. After this f : week there will be no more morning IL* 'wA % y > and supper hour picture shows at the IMI • M*, w ■ Colonial. The regular vaudeville will fa 1 begin at 2.30 and the first evening per- f " fonnancc will begin at 7 o'clock. The doors will open a half hour earlier. — Advertisement. FLORENCE SCARTH THEATER e P Camp MATINEE To-night & l>7|]|jjjj 25c -^ 50c The Spectacular of 75—PEOPLE—75 the 15—HOUSES—15 Thursday, Octeber 29—Matinee aad Night BfXXSe ADULTS, 25 H. (i. DEI,ANATER ANNOUNCES THE NEW SONG PI,AY FRECKLES DRAMATIZED BY NEIL TWOMEY FROM THE FAMOUS NOVEI, BY GENE STRATTON-PORTER NIGHT I'RICES, 10c, 25c, 35c AND 50c. SEAT SALE TO-MORROW. -———a TANEGGRR'; THE BEST PICTURES KIIIS'I Palace Theater 333 Market Street TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27. (icorne I.nrklu nnd Cleo Mft All Headline Week KEITH VODE MRS. GENE HUGHES A CO.. IN "T ACTS "LADY GOSSIP." m I,OU ANGER. INCLUDING SOI'HIE HARVARD. ininumu SIX MILITARY DANCERS. |— gym jo AYEßY hk>show a ca,,i,,e Ihe run ohop S*W AI A^J''TRHK* BIGGEST SHOW ON EARTH FOR TICKETS OF SALE NOW FOR MIDNIGHT MATINEE. ELECTION MATINEE 5c and 10c NIGIIT—ALL RETURNS. EVENING 1.1 c; Children, lOc A WOMAN DOCTOR Says. "Eugenics is a necessary factor In the future of the race. The average American girl is unfit for motherhood." This may he true, but if weak and ail ing girls passing from girlhood to womanhood would only rely, as thou sands do, upon Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound that simple remedy made from roots and herbs— to restore the system to a normal, healty condition, it would cause many ills from which they suffer to dis appear. so that motherhood might be come the joy of their lives.—Adver tisement. AMUSEMENTS I* H O T O P I. A Y T « - II A Y THE HOUSE NEXT HOOK. I.nhln Drama, ti acta. Special Tuenda> and Wrrincmlay FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN in THE PLUM TREE. Thin (brer-net ilrnuin Is the ft 100 I'rlw ('outfit of the I,oat I'arnKrnph Series now running In The Ladlcn' Worlil Magazine.