Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 23, 1914, Page 7, Image 7
Art Goods CALL COLLAR and CUFF SETS, Scarfs in and linene. hemstitched hem. lace and sertion trimmed. Prices are 17* to #2.50 WjF MMM W& ####/| I*resh from the New York market comes a large shipment DO vot'H CHHISTMAS sHo.-.Mvo KARI.Y. ■ M JK M M M of the popular laundered collar and cuff sets—twelve dozen in On Sale on the Second F.oor - A " *° °" **Gift" time is but a short time away—select your gifts oriyHARRISB U R G'S POPULAR QEPARTMENT STORE. *""" toy " M.m p,.„_bowV,,n S ' ** % -Women's & Children's Women's Gowns ■« .« p, ••. j' a, ?? uiiitu o uuvriid Arranged For the Pleasure of Visitors to Our Knitted Underwear Comfortable Garments NEW FURNITURE DEPARTMENT jj merit* for'autumn and winter wear—espe.iaiiy nQ|» Winf*r Wpaf* The displav includes a well selected stock—designs from the most prominent manufacturers in this country ■etectfcm of wool., silk and wool, cotton and wool m v * !»■»HVI f? VttK - or and all ccitton *arments that are made to fit. «* *f 117*11 ¥"•• 1 T"' r 111 XT• f-l \T w * -t'iz.rLT*™ youc,n "" , . ~ Here You Will rind rurniture or All Kinds ror Your Home 1 1, . Flannelette Gowns in stripes of pink eSch . . . 250.39 c and soc ~, , , «« • , • Whether you are furnishing your house throughout or need only a new chair, table or any odd piece, it will natural and white woo. mi.ed veat, and and blue, yoke and collar trimmed in be to your advantage to see the display these opening Fall days. 1 P *wom"en> white siik a'ltd wool vests finishing braid. Special 50c ! The furniture is attractively displayed in suites toshow you how they will look in your own home. each «.oo ■*>«! *i-&o i ~ . Experienced salesmen will be pleased to show and help select vour needs. Women's heavy cotton fleece lined union suits. Mailfielette liOWnS With double jj 1 1 _ yokes, with and without collars, stripes Iff | | || | • BraSS BtJi DreSttft MM. «!.«" .".1 mm „f pjnk. blue and gray. Special. f 1 • UICSSCIS i. M Women's white silk and wool union suits. . £i rkTk This S2O continuous post . tfrnn „ . |i _/ i| S2.NO. ss.oo and 53.50 <OO and SI.OO lirass Bed exactlv 1 Tins $2>.00 Quartered Oak J p- Women s all-wool scarlet vests and pants, each. .. L_ ' n. .* Colonial Dresser #lB *I.OO Extra Size Flannelette Gowns—Dou- i JL—ll —TlrPiii turc # 14.9 a colon,al jpio.au»i i * |T h .' aV> . COn .° n . fle^e ~ lned- .% . e " t S. ble yokes, with and without collars. ! 1 A j m\fP* P ""ll f sl2 Brass Bed .. #7.95 $25.00 Chiffonier to match, II 'll 16 " neat stripes and plain white, extra wide f~l Ibls al B "S ht d " u fi " ish ' #18.30 | s. 'll „r"'. h ": y . 00 "" , .°""." , " d ."" r '*.r. a riS athips. Special ....SI.OO and Mnii«as i IHIW 11 ' aC<l " Cr g " aran,ec<l (or 5 $25.00 Princess Dresser J l ' " 11 BOYS' heavy cotton fleece lined union suits, each. gJUw "W ! IP!? 'VI I/tJllllßllr ifl II ' ll lllt'f IhU y cars * Jfl ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ SIK ' Flannelette Skirts—neat stripes, seal- || WAf'H Vll IW ((lUBMV sl6 c °" U " 8 post match »lß..waa ChlMr.n's h..w ».«. loped edge at hottom. Prices are, I /1 MOP*** Bed ....... WI.W $1 0. 9 5 quartered oak Colonial Tl , II i .11 ww2se,4»eand.«>« mu m.uh «vu» J 1 f Children's knit underwalsts IBe and 25c Gn ga , e on (he Second rioor—BOWMAX'S F 0 9 On Sale on the Main FIoor—BOWMA>TS. TTTT 1 This $8.50 Layer Cotton | $15.00 Imperial Edge Felt ===== mr I , I 7*' £ y - r\ ry ■ Felt Mattress #.).9.> Mattresses $11.95 S, p {] Jfj iVO XJL) MS TT\C m ITTLB Of A GCITT L O aJTTCSS UP CLTXQ. This mattress is made with a j $12.00 Roll Edge White belt fine grade satin finish art tick- Mattresses #8.50 4^^ Make Attractive the Home o r %^ ton tults ~*' iU not mat . I^ dg !.. Fe . l . t S The Drapery Department Dining Tabled Dining chairs This $12.50 Golden Oak Pedestal Ex- ' $3-00 Slip Seat Dining < is showing a large line of materials suitable for door window and other tension Tabic #9.75 $2.555 jj W ft ffT; '» ft draperies. Competent salespeople will help you design and carry our any This table extends to 6 feet, has 3 gdid finished golden, with chase Km 9 -J. .» Ul j.rJ style or color scheme you wish filler boards with a 42-inch top, beau- . j| EjJ 9 j Silkolines, Sateens, Cretonnes. Reps and Tafi'etas for curtains, over- tiful Colonial design. leather seat, full box frame. I || | j drapery, cushions and furniture covering. Yard, Jp3jj£Bl $16.50 Quartered Oak Pedestal Table. $2.50 Box Seat Dining Chair .. $1.98 M jj— 12/4*, j' Sunfast Materials for door, window and archway draperies. Colors $18.50 Quartered Oak Pedestal Table. * " . 1 "TW^l ™(]" jj' are brown, green and rose. Yard H9C to $1.25 $15.75 Chair ■ I • 1 —!' ■_fff Sunfast Curtains for door and archway draperies. Colors are blue, $22.00 Quartered Oak Pedestal Table, on Sale on the Fifth Floor, • I ■ Tv rose and green. Pair $4.50 to $7.75 • IP $18.50 BOWMAN'S. 8 x Plain and fancy open work bordered Scrims, Voiles and Marqui- = SCttCS ' l ° ' nC ' leS w '^ e ' Colors are white, ecru and Yard. On Sale on the Fourth Floor Matting covered and Cedar Boxes shirt waist and skirt lengths. |j Rugs and "Linoleums O . WEAR-EVER \"isit the newly arranged Rug Section. You will appreciate the splendid values | Aluminum Cooking Utensils we are offering—rugs, carpets and floor coverings of every description on displav. 1 - - . - a«« • xi. tt vour attention is directed .o these extra values. Are Gradually Replacing All Others in tne Home XT _ jj Stamped from thick hard sheet aluminum —are New Process Linoleum—ex- p Too earlv to start fire in made without seam or solder. Light in weight—bright tra heavy quality for the price; fl — heater and just a little too as silver —do not rust. „ rr tile, hardwood and matting de- {B jj p" chilly mornings and evenings Lipped saucepans at Extra Heavy Quality |i Pll Perfection & Nesco Pou « ,V.\V. nl .ytnfcfej ,| I 1 |HHH f\*t It ■ Preserve Kettles at 7UO, ipl.lHJ, Jpl.Jll, Jpl.4:U, .sq. yd . 49c■ !yiB»" 1, Ksaggffi Oil Heaters .$1.70and52.05. • n - 1 | . ... Double Boilers at .$1.30, $1.70 and $2.05 Regular Quality rf. c* I e . i° U CO - m d [ ta A complete line of Royal Granite Steel Ware and Vpe.tr>' Brussels Rugs- jHwK ment and see them. Perfection and Nesc« Smokeless Oil Heaters size 9x12 ft.—in one piece, no J 1 fjrabgnu &kJr\ ,, C C ° • 1 Cl ' S ,' T ' ' ' You can pick it up and carry to the room you want seams —the best value we have | \ icction 1 caters, U) j leat an( j * t j g ava ji a bl e for any room in the house, ever offered, floral and oriental \iw and up. Blue flame; >^ G smoke —no smell—no trouble. Prices are $1.98, patterns. Special ... $11.98 ' II smokeless; odorless., $2.08, $3.50, $3.98, $4.50, $4.98, $5.48, Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. . BOWMAN'S—Basement. I jjjg ' 'j 1 BOWMAN'S Basement. I WALL PAPER ~ The China Department The Easiest Way For Every Style of Decoration which has been greatly enlarged and improved brings to your attention one of the U ..7 I An excellent quality of wall paper that you can lar K est stocks of imported and domestic ware ever assembled here. Lovers of good fj[Q]||o clSnCr paper any room with for little money. ware will find here an ample field from which to select holiday gifts. " r The Easiest-way is a and 10c Wall Paper, Open Stock Dinnerware to an ope a ra!e r 1? h a high Saiuble papers tor bedroom, kitchen and back lain, P ° rCC ' ai "' EnS,i,h speed, simple serviceable staiis. ity y\ You can purchase any quantity of pieces—up to full din machine that insures ab- 101/z* o-n/1 1 •?/» Wall D, 171/ ner set. solutelv clean washine - No ciliu. IOC W <lll i a.per. #yoC 100-piece Dinner Sets from open stock patterns at $8.90, wefA\ nmiertirm, ,R, t|I«CP .• ,• , „ a $9.50, $13.90, $14.50, $15.00, $16.90, $17.50, $20.00 meta! projections to tear 1 hese papers are satin stripes and all-over effects and up to $69.50. i lntlies. Price . . ,$10..)8 f or bedrooms and parlors; fruit tapestry for dining ~SPECIAL lOO-piece Dinner Sets—not open stock; gold M -m and stencil designs for hall. Send measure- d 'd^"" VrtlSS Basement-—BOWMAN'S. On Sale on the Fourth Floor-BOWMAN S. bet On'sale i'n the V^ 8 ' 90 FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 23. 1014. 7