CAM.WHWfTHOWE., ' "i JJ ■ 1 ■■ ___!'" . * 1 CALL 1991-ANYTBONE.^H|H^ rouNDTO IBTI #/ ' *£p "When the Frost Is ©j eSs and the Corn Is in the Shock"— • i« lflfjf (L .-|HEN all nature is changing her garb of green to the brilliant vesture of Autumn—and Jack Frost takes a few flings at his old game of pinching, then is the time our minds turn Cs3jf ]Si : IW I to £ ood warm clothing and new furnishings to dress up the home and family for Autumn and Winter. The Autumn Harvest Sale brings from our storehouse ample supplies for Jjj?/ [fißL every need. Every department is brimful of merchandise, gathered from the great markets. We want you to come and share the special priced items and save the money our JW .J extra efforts have provided for you. Make this store your headquarters while in Harrisburg. ' Piu pi We Direct Attention to the Readiness of Women's Ka TjfM f\ 1 rs a* • « - In these the assortment has never been so good—so attractive as now. Compliments liarment WOCTIOU JC or Y our wOcLSOII S XvCCCi have been showered—"the prettiest coats in town" is heard every hour of the day. \ The utmost care has been taken in selecting correct, styles, flayy and Walfle Kersey Cloth Coats, $5.98 jW we can assure our Patrons that notwithstanding the scarcity j n an up-to-date model, three-quarter length, in misses' and j mfi / of many of the most desirable fabrics that the same high standard women's sizes oilw, 'I 4s S&W ,hiS sem5 em 7 t#ined - .. .. . ,"• /&»□s! ffi# BROADCLOTH SUITS-and we show none but good graZD.UU values, Pomoireis a fur imitation—se perfect an imitation that it-requires very 'I ll £s&( • il w J 1\ An unusual value that women will appreciate. close inspection to distinguish between it and the richest fur. It is mohair— jjjJl IJj s-i . X Bif y fl\ The coats are made of genuine Salts' Arabian Lamb —and each pure mohair that is not affected by dampness nothing impairs its luster. jjj' L( (0® 1 i<£ 1 coat has the "Salts' Label." They are lined with yarn-dyed guaran- The label ' Saltex , 8 a of qual.ty _ \HU4T ' W J Mr\ sat ' n - They-'are all full length and cut very full and wide. IWO Deautlt'dl New mOdCiS, Just Arrived, «|'2. # )U \ \II jj®r^ > J I? Vr Tvl They have deep shawl collar, self lined, cuffs are satin lined. Closed White Coats—Balmacaan Models—sß.9B \ Inl umft v|»->. U \v« 11\1 with big frog. The last lot went out in a day—only a dozen in this lot. Misses' and I \ 1 \\\ illilM \\l 11 We believe this to be the best coat bargain ever offered in Har- women's sizes. Corded wool velour. J (I \\ uV Qmjj/ fflxi fit!'/ Ita risburg. It is unusual because of the quality—and very desirable Silk Poplin Dresses, $9.98 I yP-11\\\\ ijfm from a style standpoint. The sizes are from misses' size 14 to wo- , Black, navy, green. One of the prettiest models we've seen this sea- V fj»a ¥!'m\\\ \\\ \®T 1 men's size 46. We have just fifty of these coats. wn. Deep tunic shirred on yokes. ) ikiS I rnnt, cc nn i n ! «^> frftts Every wanted material and every fashionable style is here. 14 to women's 46. t - fQfep ® Autumn Harvest Sale of Petticoats &L°VEIS SELECT m Zf The kind of petticoats that women want—and at startling prices for °' ? , ~, ® mi stp* the beginning of the season. We are justlv proud <4 our Glove Stock - JC 1 U JTLO JViiJIL I | \ >M iRP .raf Pure Silk Messaline Petticoats at $1.98 Make your selection here for Fall and Winter fj Have the advantage j V " " -\* ot "sale" petticoats, but petticoats made of unusually heavy silk Wear. Iff choosing while messaline in the most desirable colors—black, navy and dark brown, Ladies' 2-clasp silk and fleece *II assortments are I r ' Kings bl uc , CopeHhagen a "d plum-—and dozens of combinations in cashmere gloves; pair, p om P letc s " ( u|| Wlr VAfcljA ) 1 ii nn cillr Torcav PAt+irn?l +Q at OR llkxllwk Ladies' winter weight with double or Nothing more acceptable for TOT M J OllK jersey IrcXXlCOatS double Silk gloves; pair, J straight animal neck a gift than a pretty piece of /|j You've probably seen the same grade at more than $3.00. these are ValAMp§|jl?y and SI.OO / \ pieces; pillow, barrel Jewelry. Our collection in i - special—and it's not likely you'll ever have another chance to own one at Children's all-wool school j / \or rug style muffs. eludes everything that fashion i —51.98. The colors that are wanted—black', dark brown, dark green, pJtijLJ gloves, pair .... 250 and 1 navy, Copenhagen, King's blue and the brighter shades. vy JIKk. JL. * 2-clasp French Kid Gloves, J\ iffijk \ in full length and Rings, Pins, combination So l X' v\ • TCI ft it Petticoats™ in ail shades and sizes. Pair, I - cutaway effects; ?et- Necklaces of jet and silver; 7 1 VJI . , V? - V)sf *-r Silk and Jersey lops ...» fti'flO tn «2*»B T'wß Long gloves in French Kid, \ /with new high collar, thyst, Sapphire, and other 4gW' fi¥? Cottons W.w 10 . o j-MomsaL j n 'black 'white and tan. Pair. I \ VtSSESSSS® / See the showing in semi-precious stones in combi- off And this is headquarters for Klosh s-better style and color assort- ,n LUc!c ' XUi % im to - ML . rr> ments than elsewhere. And all the popular matenals taffeta, ™ssalme & W KIoor _ BO WMA^ S Floor tive prices. ™v\ i crs ey silk, heatherbloom, percaline, satine, Italian cloth. They fit without Main Floor bc a c . n , jewelry section - Mam Floor. (#T *3 alteration. The cost of living may be greatly reduced by making yoar Store —Bowman s BOWMAN vs. P New Waists and Blouses Autumn Harvest Sale of Millinerv ll HWL Waists that are of remarkable value and at ridiculously low prices. . Hundreds of new JTUlllllllA * *«.! fVUI VI illlllUAWl J g|f styles have arrived here this week. • # . _ m 0 . y j - ifinNjjy $3.00 Crepe De Chine Waists, $1.98 I ; The snappiest models we have ever shown. Heavy, pure silk crepe de chine in every shade -— # JfTroh >' ou can think of—black, navy, dark plum, helio, dark brown, Nile green, Russian green, pink, & y fcrCk A QCAff TllAflfc A"f TTll "f fITTTITI f*f\ /jIWR mlv hght blue, corn, flesh, rosi, salmon, tan, Copenhagen. All sizes up to *6. u ,p*" y jtXoosJX LIIIUXXvO U1 UIIH llilllltU julj jib LiHg€ si 9sTnd s2 s 9B sl5 ° A Hats and Trimmings lla Jj I Such an tl ass j 3 a r r tn^ t nt cl a t s i stores° rrl 'rhe These go to make the selection of variet,y is im ° end,es - _and da ' nty easy ® ■ 7S e s f Velvet Hals at 95c ' ?1 ' 49, w at .. P ,,«i.00 ) Black Hatter's Plush Hats, large * eSr m New N,t wKw. i *C±" I picture shape at $2.98. ' "WfeS^T^. 1 Crepe de 'and w.oo jt7 'Trimmings of all kinds at49candup L Sutt Section —-Second Floor BOWMAN'S. /f/