Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 21, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Nothing Is so essential to health
In advancing age as keeping the
bowels open. It makes one feel
younger and fresher and forestalls
colds, plies, fevers, and other de
pendent ills.
Cathartics and purgatives are
violent and drastic in acUon and
should be avoided. A mild, effect
tfve> laxative-tonic, recommended
by physicians and thousands who
have used It. Is the combination of
simple herbs with pepsin sold by
druggists everywhere under the
name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
sin. The price is fifty cents and
one dollar a bottle. For a free
trial bottle write to Dr. W. B.
Caldwell. 451 Washington St.,
Montlcello, 111.
Take a glass of salts if your Back
hurts or Bladder
troubles you
No man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by
flushing the kidneys occasionally, says
a well-known authority. Meat forms
uric acid which excites the kidneys,
they become overworked from the
strain, get sluggish and fail to filter
the waste and poison from the blood,
then we get sick. Nearly all rheuma
tism, headaches, liver trouble, ner
vousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and
urinary disorders come irom sluggish
The moment you feel a dull ache in
the kidneys or your back hurts or if<
the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of
pediment, irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, stop
eating meat and get about four ounces
of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take
a tablespoonful in a glass of water he
fore breakfast and in a few days your
kidneys will act fine. This famous
salts is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia.
and has been used for generations to
flush and stimulate the kidneys, also
to neutralize the acids in urine so it
no longer causes irritation, thus end
ing bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makes a delightful efferver
cent lithia-water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep the
kidneys clean and active and the blood
pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney
complications.—Advertisement .
Elk Lodge of Sorrow
on Sunday, Dec. 6
Preparations arc under way .for the
annual session of the Lodge of Sorrow,
of Harrisburg No. 12, Benevo
lent Protective Order of Elks. It will
be held in the Orpheum Theater, Sun
day, December 6. An Interesting pro
gram is In preparation. The committee
in charge Includes:
Abner W. Hartman, chairman; Ed
win J. Decevee. Horace A. Segelbaum,
Harry W. Cooper and Robert Schmidt.
Chicago. 111., Oct. 21. Two men
were killed and four other persons,
including a woman, were injured here
to-day when the automobile in which
they were riding skidded into a tele
phone pole. The dead are Thomas
Rafter and Frank Leonard, both of
Corns Go ! You Bet !
Calloused Foot Lumps Too
Blistering sore feet from corn
pinched toes, tired, aching, lumpy feet
are things of the past. A true, suc
cessful. painless and dependable rem
edy can now be had for the modest
price of a quarter.
Who would suffer a minute after
hearing that Putnam's Corn Extractor
does the trick so neatly, so quickly?
Out comes the corn, no scar left, no
pain to bear—it's a magical, wonder
ful remedy, and is as represented. Sold
everywhere in 25c bottles. Get it to
day—tp-morrow you're well. At C.
M. Forney's.—Advertisement.
You Should
Ease Your Cough
For Two Reasons
First to get rid of It, and second
to prevent that stxainlng and nerv
ous racking that is injurious to your
Take Our
Tar, Tolu «nd White Pine
It relieves your cough and rids
your throat of mucus and phlegm.
A pure, efficient cough remedv that
is safe and sure.
Forney's Drug Store
426 Market Street
Enroll Next Monday
Positions for all Graduates
Harrisburg Business College
329 Market St.
•Fall term, September first. Day
and night. 29th year.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Merchants St. Miners Trans. Co.
JACKSONVILLE and return 933.N0
SAVANNAH and return $25.00
BOSTON and return 930.00
Including meals and stateroom ac
tommodatlons. Through tickets to all
bolnts. Fine steamers. Best service
Ftaterooms de luxe. Baths. Wireless
telegraph. Automobiles carried. Send
{or booklet. a
XV. P. TURNER, G. P. A.. Baltimore. Md.
Non-greasy Toilet Creain keeps
the skin soft and velvety. An ex
quisite toilet preparation, 25c.
10 N. Third »».. and P. R. H. Station
[Continued (Yum First Page]
in South Fourteenth street, was a big
success. After the meeting the use
of the parlor was tendered the Stough
committee at anytime, and it is prob
able that meetings will be held there
each week. The big attraction Inst
night was W. W. Shannon, the Stough
party's advance representative, him
self an ex-fireman, gave a stralgut
trom-the-shoulder talk for about
twenty minutes. An orchestra of
eight pieces led the music, and a so
prano solo «r>as sung by Master Wil
liam Webster.
Wilmer Crow Resigns
At the meeting of the executive com
mittee last night considerable routine
business was transacted. The meet
ing adjourned at midnight. The resig
nation of Wilmer Crow, chairman of
the press committee, was accepted and
H. F. Webster, chairman of the pub
licity committee, was given oharge of
newspaper and advertising work un
til further notice.
The decorations of the tabernacle
was tentatively arranged for. This will
be done by the young men's and young
women's committees next week. A
meeting of the young men's commit
tee will be held to-morrow evening at
headquarters at 8 o'clock. The new
press and publicity committee meets
Friday evening. The census subcom
mittee will meet Thursday evening.
Another big tabernacle day Is being
planned for Saturday of this week,
when the ladies' committee will pro
vide dinner for all men at work on the
Personal Work
Under the direction of Miss Jose
phine Colt, Stough party mvmoeis,
members of the personal work com
mittee will visit various Steelton
church prayer meetings this evening.
The workers from this city will meet
at the Stough headquarters, 26 South
Third street.
To-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in
the Fourth Street Church of God, Miss
Colt will teach a class of personal
workers and after the lesson, members
of the class will visit "shutins"
throughout the city. In the evening
Miss Colt will talk on "Some Dos and
Don'ts" In personal work at a meet
ting in the Ridge Avenue Methadist
Episcopal Church.
Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock Miss
Colt will talk in the Derry Street
United Brethren Church on "The Per
sonal Touch."
2,000 Odd Fellows in
Parade at Pottstown
Special to The Telegraph
Pottstown, Pa.. Oct. 21.—Headed by
Major-General J. Blair Andrews, of
Altoona, department commander,near
ly 2,000 officers and chevaliers of the
Patriarchs Militant, Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows, paraded here yes
terday afternoon with a dozen bands
and drum corps. Ideal weather helped
to make the parade a success and it
was the finest ever witnessed here.
Cantons were In line from Darby,
Pittsburgh. Greensburg, Mount Pleas
ant, Oil City, York, Erie. Williamsport.
Harrisburg. Allentown, Lancaster, Sha
mokin. Pottstown and other places.
Phoenixvllle Encampment marched 05
strong and mad© a big hit. Local Odd
Fellows turned out over 400 men and
won $75 offered by three enthusiastic
local members of the' order if they
would parade 300.
Attired in purple caps and sashes,
white waists and leggings and red
skirts, the Girls' Drill Corps, of Allen
town, 50 strong, won much applause.
At the end of the route the bands
massed and with the cantons executing
fancy drill movements marched to the
music of "Onward, Christian Soldiers."
The Patriarchs Militant closed their
sessions yesterday and elected and in
stalled (hese officers:
Major-General J. B. Andrews. Al
toona, commander; vice-president,
Brigadier-General William L. Huston,
Pittsburgh; secretary. Lieutenant-
Colonel H. W. Hinds. Altoona; treas
urer, Lieutenant-Colonel J. S. Batroff,
By .-J ssociated Press
Chicago, 111., Oct. 21. Board of
Trade closing:
Wheat—December, 1.16%: May, 1.22.
Corn—December, 69; May,
Oats—December, 50 s 4 ; May, 53'».
Pork—January, 15.75.
Lard—November, 10.22: January, 9.87.
Ribs—October, 10.75: January, 9.77.
Of the forty tests of milk samples
made during the month of September
by Dr. George R. Moflltt. city chemist
and bacteriologist, only thirteen show
ed the presence of more than 500,000
bacteria per centimeter, seven showed
above 1.000.000. one showed 5,000.000
and one showed 8,700.000. The lowest
record was 25,000 bacteria per cubic
At the semimonthly meeting this
evening of the Board of Health the
plans for the annual Fall clean-up
campaign will be discussed.
, By Associated Press
London. Oct. 21. 2:33 A. M. —: A
Times dispatch from the French coast
says it Is reported that on Mondav
morning while two British gunboats
were engaging the German land batter
ies they were attacked by German sub
marine destroyers when another war
ship came to the assistance of the gun
boats and the submarines were driven
off with loss.
Surely Cease When You Use
Parisian Sage—Makes the
Hair Soft and Fluffy.
Now that Parisian Sage—a scientific
preparation that supplies every hair
and scalp need—c»n be had at anv
drug or toilet counter, at a small ex
pense, it is certainly needless to have
thin, brittle, matted, stringy or faded
hair. No matter how unsightly the
hair, how badly It is falling, or how
much dandruff, Parisian Sage rubbed
into the scalp and through the hair, is
all that is needed. Every trace of dan
druff is removed with one application,
the hair roots are nourished and stim
ulated to grow new hair, itching scalp
and falling hair cease—the hair be
comes soft, fluffy, abundant and radi
ant with life and beauty.
Parisian Sage is sureiy one of the
most pleasant, invigorating and re
freshing hair tonics, a delicately per
fumed liquid that proves its goodness
the first time it is used.
Start now to improve and beautify
the hair by using Parisian Sage.
H. C. Kennedy can suppjy you. It Is
easily used at home, and is as benefi
cial as it is inexpensive.
Business Locals
Those who have nothing to do with
the buying of the food for the home
but who are dependent on the restau
rants for their meals, should be
equally interested in knowing that the
food they eat Is pure. The best the
market affords Is selected for Men
ger's Restaurant by Mr. Menger per
sonally, and prepared under the su
pervision of Mrs. Menger. Try the
best 35-cent dinner in the city at 110
North Second street.
rm S?i . /
'■#* ■ 5
; -,.... .«•
(' ■T '4
flp '
-$* , fl
. 0^0)
King Albert of Belgium, who has b<
and the big German siege guns, to est
unUl the time that he sent word to h
against the Germans, few people had h
Maria Meinrad, King of the little coun
battle ground of Europe for centuries,
eomplished king cannot do, or lias not
know, he swimns, flies aeroplanes and 1
ability. As a newspaper corresponden
Antwerp. He is an extensivve travel®
States In 1898.
Crew Tells of Sinking
of British Steamer
By Associated Press
London, Oct. 21, 8.50 A. M.—Cap
tain Johnston and sixteen men of the
crew of the British steamer Glitra
which was sunk by a German subma
rine have arrived in Stavanger, Nor
way, from Skudesnes. In telling of his
experience Captain Johnston said:
"At halfpast twelve Tuesday after
noon the German submarine N 17
popped out of the water to the star
board and stopped us. The place was
about nine miles southwest of Skudes
nes. No other craft was in sight. 1 "
"The submarine sent a boat aboard
with five men. With revolvers in hand
they ordered the English Hag taken
down, threatening to shoot me if 1
did not obey. Furthermore they noti
fied me to make haste and they al
lowed me not more than ten minutes
to let down the lifeboats and take off
the crew.
"I took down the flag whereupon
the German officer tore it out of my
hands and trampled it under foot. I
was forced the ship's papers
back when I attempted to take them
off and none of the crew was allowed
to take any of their belongings.
"The crew went into lifeboats which
the submarine quickly towed Ave hun
dred yards from the Glitra. Three
Germans remained aboard for a few
minutes, searched the ship thoroughly
and rapidly and one of them evidently
opened the bottom valves because the
ship began to sink. Then in a short
time the Glitra disappeared quietly
beneath the waves.
"We in the life boats were ordered
to row to the shore. When we reach
ed Norwegian sea territory we met a
small pilot boat which towed up until
a Norwegian torpedo boat took up
aboard. We were landed at Skudes
nes. The Glitra was not insured."
Germans Compelled
to Change Their Plan
London, Oct. 21, 4.55 A. M.—The
correspondent of the Times in North
ern France, in showing how the Ger
man plans have been deranged by the
strong pressure of the allies of the
left, says:
"The occupation of Ostend had lit
tle strategic advantage. Dunkirk is
strongly fortified and an attempt to
move it would be dangerous to the
Germans while Callais is well able to
look after itself. The fighting line
daily has undergone variations which
were totally undesigned.
Famine and Anarchy
Supreme in Avlona
Rome, Oct. 21.—Anarchy reigns at
Avlona, Albania, according to the
newspaper Giornale D'ltalia owing to
the struggle between the Christians
and the Mussulmans. A famine also
adds to the difficulties of the situa
The Giornale D'ltalia says that so
called ICpirote battalions which it de
clares are Greek troops disguised as
irregulars, are gradually hibbling at
the territory Avlona totally ignoring
the decisions of the conference of
London concerning the Albanian fron
tier. Italy, it is stated, considers the
inviolability of Avlona as the leading
point in her national policy and will
protect Avlona against both Austria
and Greece.
The Italian government says the
Gionale O'ltalia has notified Vienna.
Berlin, London, Paris and Petrograd
that it cannot further tolerate a sys
tematic violation of the independence
and integrity of Albania. None of
these governments has made any ob
jection to this protest.
Torpedo Boats and
Submarines Engaged
in Fight in Baltic
By .Associated Press
London. Oct. 21. 10:05 A. M. An
engagement between German torpedo
boats and hostile submarines In the
Baltic near Rugen Island, off the Prus
sian coast, is reported from Stockholm,
acording to a Central News dispatch
from Copenhagen. No details of lh«
tight or its result are given.
leen forced, at the point of the bayonet
tablish his capital in French soil. l T p
lis brave soldiers at Ijiege to hold out
icard much of Albert Leopold Clement
itry, whose fertile fields have been the
i. There»are few things that this ac
done. He fights, as well the Germans
Is an engineer and author of no mean
it he made his mark in Brussels and
>r and spent some time In the United
Fearing Punishment,
Boys Commit Suicide
Freeland, Mich., Oct. 21. Albert
Woodruff and Lloyd Pierce, aged 10
and 12 years, respectively, are dead
as the result of a double attempt at
suicide last night caused, it is be
lieved, by fear of punishment for hav
ing played hookey during the after
The boys failed to appear at their
homes for supper and when inquiries
| revealed that they had not been at
school during the afternoon searching
j parties weer organized and for three
j h/)urs men with lantern* patrolled
the nearby woods and river banks.
In the meantime the boys had been
seen hurrying back toward their
homes and a bystander informed them
of the commotion their disappearance
had caused. Ten minutes later two
shots were heard. The lads were
found lying side by side in front of
the Pierce home. Each had a bullet
wound in his forehead and a small
revolver clutched in his hand.
They were hurriedly taken to a hos
pital in Saginaw, but efforts to save
their lives failed.
Commerce Commission
Hears English Expert
> By Assdciatcd Press
Washington. D. C., Oct. 21.—State
ments of Sir George Paish, the Eng
lish financial expert here to discuss
with Treasury officials questions of
foreign exchange arising from the
European war, were laid bgfore the
Interstate Commerce Commission to
day in support of the plea of eastern
railroads for a general increase in
freight rates.
Frederick W. Strauss, a New York
banker, testified Sir George had told
him to-day he was anxious that Ameri
< an railroad securities held in England
should not be thrown upon the market.
Mr. Strauss urged that railroad se
! curities must be protected by greater
earnings for the roads if they were to
be made so desirable to European in
vestors that they would not be un
loaded when the stock exchanges were
! reopened.
Revolutionary Outbreak
Is Promptly Put Down
By Associated Press
Lisbon, Portugal, via London, Oct.
21, 12.37 P. M.—A revolutionary out
break in the cities of Braganza and
Mafra under the leadership of Adriano
Beca, a former colonel, has been
promptly put down, according to offi
cial announcement made to-day. Beca
has been arrested and a band of the
revolutionaries who went out from
Mafra are being pursued by the troops.
Beyond the cutting of the telegraph
wires and the stopping of trains, noth
jlng seems to have been accomplished.
Catarrh a Danger Sign. Hyomci
is the Guaranteed Remedy.
There Is no more common yet dan
gerous and distressing disease than
catarrh, which Is generally indicated
by dull headaches, snuffling, raising of
mucus, and frequent colds. If it is not
cured it will surely weaken the deli
cate tissues lining the air passages and
frequently destroys the hearing.
Hyomei is a most effective, safe and
reliable remedy for all catarrh ills. No
dangerous drugs are taken Into the
stomach. You simply breathe it, using
a small inhaler that comes with every
complete outfit. The balsamic medi
cation of Hyomei being taken in with
the air you breathe sirpp'.y has to
reach all the sore, raw and Inflamed
surfaces of the air passages—its anti
septic healing begins at onfce. You
feel better after the first Hyomei treat
ment—even almost hopeless cases re
spond quickly.
Hyomei can be had at any drug
store—ls inexpensive, pleasant and
easy to use, and surely gives quick and
permanent benefit. Ask for the com
plete outfit. H. C. Kennedy sells Hyo
mei with agreement to return the pur
chase price to anyone who is not satis
fied. You certainly cannot afford to
neglect your catarrhal trouble, head
colds, or bronchitis when yon can get
this harmless remedy without risking
a penny.—Advertisement.
Lebanon Manufacturers
Are Out For Penrose
Special to The Telegraph
Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 21. B. Dawson
Coleman, of the Pennsylvania
Company, preside! at a meetlnK of the
l>ebunoii County Branch of tlie Penn
sylvania Protective I'nlon, held here
yesterday afternoon. I
The meeting marked the reopening |i
of the cumpalgn for protective tariff |
policies and the election of protective
tariff candidates to both branches of
Congress In connection with which this
organisation of manufacturers was so
active prior to the primaries.
Mr. Coleman's speech and the declara
tion of principles signed by the various
men and lirms affiliated with the Leba
non County Branch were conceded to
have been responsible In a very large
measure for the Penrose majority
given by the Republican voters In tills
countv on May 18. The union renewed
its appeal for the re-election of Senator
St. Johns, N. P., Oct. 21.—The fisher
folk of Labrador, facing a hard win
ter as a result of the short catch of
cod during the present season, will be
aided by the New Kotmdiand govern
ment. Efforts also will be made to
prevent a further spread of beri-berl,
several cases of which have occurred
along the coast.
A touring party homeward hound
from the Odd Fellows" convention at
Allentown. arrived in Harrlsburg
shnrtlv before noon to-day. Eleven au
tomobiles are carrying tfie lodgemen to
their homes at Mt. Pleasant. 280 miles
from here. In the party are: Charles
M. Evans, T. O. Anderson, C. B: Engle,
Kirk Spence, R. L, Krosby, .1. L*.
Stromb, H. F. Stark and B. Weaver.
On Face. As Big as Peas, Remedies
Didn't Seem to Help. Suffered
Terribly. Used Cuticura Soap and
Ointment. Trouble Gone.
315 Wayne Ave., Ell wood City, Pa.—
" At first my face became rough alt at once
ud before many days It was a ipass of
t pimples and blackheads
so I didn't know what to
do. The} pimples looked
as hig as peas. They
would stay on my face a few
days and then I would
squeeze them out with my
fingers. By doing so mat tet
and a blackhead would
come out and after that it
would heal up, then It was tho same tiling
over again.
"Remedies didn't seem to help me any
so I gave up trying and all that time I was
■ufferluß terribly. I was ashamed to go out
my face looked so. After about three
months of suffering I read an advertisement
about Cuticura Soap and Ointment and
sent for a sample of each which proved
great. I bought some and in four weeks
my trouble was gone. It took three cakes
of Outlcura and three boxes of Cuti
cura Ointment to cure me." (Bigned) Miss
E. Smith, Jan. 29, 1914.
Samples Free by Mail
In purity, delicate medication, refreshing
fragrance, convenience and economy. Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment meet with the ap
proval of the most discriminating. Often
successful when all else fails. Cuticura
Soap (26c.) and Cuticura Ointment (50c.) are
sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each
mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Outlcura, Dept. T, Boston."
Druggist Says Ladies are Using
Recipe of Sage Tea and
Hair that loses Its color and luster,
or when it fades, turns gray, dull and
lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur
in the hair. Our grandmother made
up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur
to keep her locks dark and beautiful,
and thousands of women and men who
value that even color, that beautiful
dark shade of hair which Is so at
tractive, use only this old-time recipe.
Nowadays we get this famous mix
ture by asking at any drug store for a
50 cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound," which darkens
the hair so naturally, so evenly, that
nobody can possibly tell It has been
applied. Hesides, It takes off dandruff,
stops scalp Itching 1 and falling hair.
You just dampen a sponge or soft
brush with it and draw this through
your hair, taking one small strand at
a time. By morning the gray hair dis
appears; but what delights the ladies
with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur is
that, besides beautifully darkening the
hair after a few applications, it also
brings.back the gloss and luster and
gives it an appearance of abundance.
Don't Neglect
especially, at this time of
Replace all rotten
pieces. When rain and
I snow pet in a decayed
place the lumber wastes
A small sum of money
I spent now may save you
many dollars next ' j
| Spring.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forstfr anil Covrdrn Sts.
Sixth and Kelker Strttti
Largest establishment. Best facilities. Near to
you at your phone. Will go anywhere at your call.
Motor eervice. No funeral too small. None too
expensive. Chapels, rooms, vault, etc.. used with*
aut charia.
Best liver and bowel regulator for
mamma, daddy and
I *• children
If you're headachy, constipated, bili
ous or stomach Is disordered and you
want to enjoy the nicest liver and
bowel cleansing you ever experienced,
take a tabiespoonful of "California
Syrup of Figs" to-night and in the
morning all the constipation poison,
bile and clogged-up waste will gently
move o«it of the system without grip
ing and you will feel splendid.
Every member of the family should
use this fruit laxative as occasion de
mands. It Is just as effective for
$H| for
BflGas Heating
JSjL Stove
So little for comfort and safety—instant heat for
mornings and evenings or when the days blow up
chilly, before furnace time.
An Hour's Heat 2 % Cents
Can be used in the bedroom, and moved to the bath
room, dining room or elsewhere. Nickel finish—easy
to keep clean.
Deferred payments help, too —750 down;
75$ first month; 450 final payment —
$1.95 n all (connections extra).
Backed by our full guarantee.
At the gas office or from representatives.
14 S. Market Square. BoU 2028 - ctunbcriand vaiiey 752
THERE is plenty of good tobacco grow
ing in Cuba and the United States.
But you can't go and pick it up like you
would a ripe apple or pear.
It's all Greek to a novice. It takes an '
expert to select good leaf, and expert care ,
to put it in prime condition for filler,
A half century of experience* andt 23 y
years specializing in one particular brand 1% \
thereason. /
are known far and wide
quality. '
HISTORY (l |_|_| _ _
ft > OF THE < fi
< = vo ~«., ! WORLD ' I L e, T ux ®
> Beautiful > Style of A
i Volumes Binding 1
\ How to get them Almost Free !
a Simply clip a Coupon and present together with our i
W special price of JI.SB at the office of the
t Harrisburg Telegraph ;
L'' A Coupon (JJI QQ Secure the 8 wl- tfjl QQ ■
ft 1 and ipiat/O nmei ef this greet yIZ uGI {
U Beautifully bound in de luxe style; gold lettering; fleur-de-lis ►
design; rich half-calf effect. Marbled aides in gold and colors. ™
M Pull sise of volumes si" x 8". History of the World for 70 cen- i
V turiea. ISO wonderful illustrations in colors and half-tones.
L Weight of Set. 9 pound*. Add for Postage t
|p Local . • . • 9 cants Third Zons.up to 300 milss, 22cts i
W First and Second Zoom, Fourth Zone, " 600 39cts
M up to 150 miles, -IS 4 Fifth Zone, M 1000 M McU f
For grestmr distance P. P. Tariff A
Until further notice a. big $1.50 1
k War Map FREE with each set A
Try Telegraph Want Ads
Krandpa as it is for baby. It simply
cnn not Injure. Even cross, sick, fe
verish children just love Its pleasant
t:iste and mothers can rest easy after
k'ivinK It, because it never fails to ef
fect a pood "inside cleansing."
For thirty years "California Syrup
of FiKs" has beon recommended by
physicians ns the ideal stomach, liver
and bowel cleanser. Millions of fami
lies who are well informed use noth
ing else, but recently there has
a Hood of spurious 11K syrups, so
warn the public to ask plainly at drug
storeH for a 50 cent bottle of "Califor
nia Syrup of Fiq;s." and see that it is
prepared by "<"alifornla Fig Syrup
Company." We make no cheaper size,
hand back any "counterfeit" with con