Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 20, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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gw; . Q (UK * New Books on Germany
ARC IC CMemoirs of the kaiser's court, by Anne Topliain, a former teacher of Print-ess Louise of Prussia, lias Just
01/VVVG#. VvllVVl V)U 1 C£#Vv\\7VJ|A V been published at $3.00
Prof. K. G. Usher's Pan-Germanism will appeal to every stuclf nt of history $1.75
At the Book Section—Street Floor.
Comfortable Shoes for Men Of Interest to the Woman Who Wants
Whose Work Requires to p ay p rom $[2.50 to $25.00
Them to Stand P „ Wj ntpr o o u t
We never knew there were so many men dissatisfied with * V-fA A AV-'J. T T lillv/1 W/L4.XI
the kind of shoes they were buying until we began to sell Edu- _
cator shoes. And then oar Men's Shoe Business be K a,, to grow. ght So many <hst.nct.ve styles are represented
Educator shoes are made to prevent distemper in the hu- in the Dives, Pomerov & Stewart showing of
man male, and «o-day there are score of Harrisbarg men wear- 4U ' » Misses' and Women's Suits at $12.50 to $25.00
ing* Educator shoes.
One pair will convince you that there is solid comfort in / v m\ that it would he difficult to adequately de
good looking shoes. . / iilifMl . scribe them here. We do not believe that you
one of the most comfortable shoes made, oak leather hand welted / f __ J
US Troad t iL™ OSt < " nrf ° PtAb ' e n ' a,le shoes _ m u(V can find garments of equal value in any store
Men's black caif shoes, biucheri Men's black kid ami bo* cair
style, broad toe last, two full soles. I sJloes plalll toe> ha j f double Good- jrJV |
,^ a w'Sto l » S ye ®r so'es $3.00 \ | grades of yarns, and include the best Gabar
deal $5.00 Men's black and tan Russian calf r-i / ~ ~
Men's patent colt button siloes, shoes, button and lace styles, oak / ' dllieS, poplins and bl'OadclotllS, and the Styles
black cloUi tops, custom toe last leather Goodyear welted soles and / \ \ 1—! J
without tips, soft boxes in toes, low flange heels . .$4.00 J \\ .. f Himliratinnc r»f mr>rr» ovnonciro
hand welted oak leather soles, $4.00 Mens tan Russian calf, pin J • oXc fill CXclCt CllipilCclt lOHS OT more C\pCllSl\C
Men's black kid shoes, straight metal calf and patent colt button, J ~ . ' '
lace style, heavy single oak leather blucher and lace styles, oak leather models.
Goodyear welted soles $4.00 Goodyear welted soles $3.00
Dives, Poincroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Rear. le su ' ts ' n s ran f?e are made with loug, lliedi-
___ M um or s ' lort coats, and the skirts vary from the full
' ff -»as— s* widths to the tunic idea.
A Snecial ReOrCSGnt&tivC of Among the suits of rare value are these:
Wide wale diagonal suits in wide belted model; long Poplin suits in Nubian brown, green and blue, 38
coat with velvet collar and cuffs; skirt with yoke inch coat, plain tailored models, finished with seir
,i IJ* J * 1 I_J ' f A _ front and back $10..">0 color velvet, skirt with long tunic $25.00
fhp r-'l I It fiVIFiVV V yf). French Serse suits in dark blue; broad belt of self Suits in redinpote style in broadcloth, navy, green,
I AAV-' A IV/lv/lltii XWtiv v v material finished tvith velvet bands and buttons; coat black and Nubian shades, shawl collar of velvet,
in the long redingote style; skirt with yoke *nd $27.50
■« * r*ll T> T T 1~7 *_l pleats $10.50 Poplin suits in short models, belted with stole sash
\l\l -||| rSp f—| pfp Of! rfln f\\T Misses' suits in green, navy, black and brown, me- and finished in back with self-colored buttons, col
» ▼ JJLI l—ZVyr A AviL' v/AA A A XVACA V dlum length coats, belted model, velvet collar and lar and cuffs of crushed plush, skirt With fancy
cuffs; skirt with yoke $20.00 panels on either side $25.00
TV rjee A lire Rpllamv will makp a return en?a?emcnt to our Fine B ! lits ln navy and black poplin, showing the Misses' suits in Nubian brown, black, navy, green
JNIISS Alice £>eiiatm will maKe a return t blouse effect! velvet collar in military style; belted and plum, coats are 30 inches long, pleated back
Pattern Denartment on Fridav of this week, and for three days J ,aok in green, brown, coats In redingote style, pleated finished with a silk braid belt and stole, collar and
F J . back and narrow belt of same material $22.50 cuffs of velvet; skirt with the long plain tunic, $25.00
Miss Bellamy will be here to anord an opportunity to learn Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor.
more about Pictorial patterns.
Miss Bellamy will explain how you can save time, labor -' Ol C T~"\ 1 * *
and material by using the cutting and construction guides fur- /Vll 111110(11X011011 OSIO Ol VjUf UOIIOIOUS
nished with Pictorial Review Patterns, and she will give valu
able suggestions to women who make their own clothes. "TJ . f*\ £T T~) • i O * 1
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Street
A Special Sale of Double Combination Offer To-morrow
O • t T "FX A very gratifying increase in sales has followed the introduction, some few months ago, of
oervice lIOtJISO L/rOSSGS our Banquet blend of coffee. We do not believe there is as good a coffee to be found in Harris
burg for 30c—and now that we might further introduce this delicious coffee we offer this combin
npi * \\T t ation for to-morrow:
1 lllS VV GOK. 2 lbs. granulated Sugar . 10c
1 lb. Banquet Coffee 30c
_ , ,• I*l i *,i i 1 can Dutch Cleanser 10c
Every woman who oversees the work in her home will be
glad of the opportunity that is presented in this week's sale of The three items, for ••" j" ROc
Baldwin double service house dresses. All Telephone Orders for Groceries Will Receive Immediate Attention
Double service dresses ln black and white checks and stripe percales; New asparagus in tall tins, 2 for j Ocean Whiting fish; 10-lb. pails, California naval oranges; large
sizes 31 to 46: regularly $2.00. Special at $1.50 25c «5c size, dozen 34c
Double service dresses of percale or gingham: sizes 31 to 46; regu- Hand-packed tomatoes in glass j ITKMS I.\ Tilr Dl'llcm'SSExl f \
larly $1.50. Special at $1.25 'porkand beans' B^re£S ■ ' SECT!ON ' ' COFFEE AND TEA
Dresses tn the regular $1.25 grades; sizes 34 to 46. Special at SI.OO lar 10c cans 25c Country cured dried beef li "Purity" coffee In one-pound
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Libby Sauer Kraut in large can.s, ' lb 1«i steel cut and not ground
3 for 25c Minced ham, lb 20c "n.CAoi»i«V»
Fancy head rice, 3 lb. 25c | Lebanon bologna, lb 2Sc Lxtelsior, a delicious blend,
Now Pearl tapioca, 3 lb 25c ; Ring bologna, lb 18c ~p'••••'.;.
T j—, • _ _ Mother's Oats. 3 packages ... 25c , Luncheon loaf, lb 2He co i., kUnnlnr,,
New Fall Cottons inWcavcs shKwK^ka^':::«« «ag, e i! c i°b ua . ." iiu ! e . c . ount, ; y '.'.^e c ib incst ,o b ° ,md ' at '
A A V-y l IWAXO 111 ▼ ▼ V>C4- V Ky\D California seeded raisins, Little picnic hams, average r» n i 'ih ' -'ftoi 'r 'ih ''' imT
package 13c lbs each lb LIW t% < oiiee # ID., IWJ O ID. . . WE
f j j "Purity" Persian dates, package, Choice ' sugar cured skinned ib "Senate sweet drawing te^u
for House Oowns&bbacques pa ? k —
New Caiifornia fig's, package. 12c Boiled 'ham, sliced, lb. !. . . 3»c 15e| b^°lb tely pure c °coa.
Eden Cloth is a cotton flannel weave in solid shades and Cholcf Santa P Clam prunes,' - ia?ge -Eureka" soups, Including ton.a- lb W'llbur's cocoa Vhelii; li,:; Bci^3
attractive stripes for waists, house dresses, petticoats, children's "'"ancy'californla peaches," 3' ib. 25c t0 ' ox tall, mock ' urtle - dozen cans. Peanut" butter;' absolutely the
wear and night gowns, soft finish, yard l ">c taria^ tr c a herr h iei? e ib. CaUf ° rn ! a .. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC 1 Jeliy;' lb..' 13c" 8 "
Dress Flannelette in grey, navy, garnet, brown and black, ' ven"elit Z 3-iT W cro P c P ks butter ' in pimento cheV"V from cream v '>
„„,J iA , "Swift's" "Silver lieaf" lard, pall. cheese and sweep peppers, lb .. 27c ...
yard Cream cheese, lb 2Re Tuna fish, delicious white meat
rr • -p« i ~ • r f • , "Star" Dickies * sweet or sour * Longhorn cheese, lb. ...••••■ 25c for salads, can ................ 2Kc
Kimono Flannelette in fancy weaves for kimonos and Mason top jars\. . ... . 120 English dairy cheese, very snappy, Skipper sardines in tomato
. • j "Sandwich" olives' larire jara *** to lb* ............ .. ••••• 27c sauce, can .......... ISci 2 for *!ftc
dressing sacques, yard 150 Pimento stuffed oiivesfjar .. 23c Domestic Swiss cheese, lb. ... 28c "Columbia River" salmon steak.
Beacon Flannel Robes .double faced, solid shades and fancy 4 bottle's e .. . c . a . t .". u . 1 !. *Sm& po?ted" e ib. rt . , ch<>eso .'. , the . fln . eßt . New pack shrimp, can —use
fitriires snft as the finest wool vnrH ."E ur !i y !! mustard;'2olik''jars', Toe GRAPE FHCIT AND ORANGES 6 ''P° SB ' llrn sardines in oil; can, Bci
Tlglires, SOU db tnc nnest wool, \ara Purity syrup; 20-oz. jars . : 10c New fancy Florida grape fruit;
Irish Poplin in many shades, yard 250 "Eagle" flour, 12>4-lb. ba*s..3oc very juicy, 3 for 2 3c D.. P. &&. Basement.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. I
T rni 1 Rich Weaves of Velour and Velvets
Iwo Oood Grades of Black A •tt i t
Silks Offered at Uncommon Savings A.Wait LuOXVy Inspection
89c black messaline, 36 in- $1.39 black satin Majestic; Among the most desirable suit and coat fabrics for the Winter months are the
ches wide, and of extra weight. 40 inches wide. Reduced to, rich weaves of velour, plush and velvet. These fabrics are now being shown in rich
Reduced to, yard 79£ yard SI.IO profusion at the silk section.
Remnants of silks will be placed on sale to-morrow at Important in the showing are these:
half price. Velour du nord. a German velvet of chiffon qual- Moire velvets for combination styles and for street
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. lty; 40 and -12 Inches wide, yard. $3.25, to $5.00 coats; 36 inches wide In prevailing colors. Yard, 83.00
Velvet of a heavier grade than the cliiffon weave, 24-inch velveteens la excellent colors and black.
1 extensively used for suits and coats; 42 inches wide. Yard $1.25
_ Yard $3.00 and $3.50 German plush for children's caps and coats, in 27-
v f f\ German lmuitle plush in black received on direct inch width. Yard $2.00
ll (irrf Y-, lmport order l>cfore the outbreak of the war; the ChilTon velvet in tete de ncgre. Russian, old gold,
<*N W\J^mll f*M . VVj 1 IV/tTl r VI l\ \ ft |\\%C% width is 42 inches, muking the material very suitable navy, grey atul plum; 42 Inches wide. Yard . . .$4.00
»»W V 1 y/ % % for coats and overskirts. Yard $1.50 and $7.00 Hatter's plush in a lovely lustrous finish; 24-lnch
■ ■ Germany velvet of extra weight; 30 inches wide. width. Yard $2.00
Yard $3.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor.
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md.. Oct. 20. Emanuel
Hoffman, a prominent farmer of this
county, committed suicide at his home
fcy shooting himself In the head with a
photgun while in a fit of despondency.
The deed was witnessed hy Mr. Hoff
man's young son from a window of
the house. He was 53 years old, and Is
eurvl\-ed by a widow and eight children.
P««bodr A Co.. lac. M«h«r.
' . • *■*
Special to The Telegraph
Enola, Pa., Oct. 20.—Recently the
new Bummerdale school building was
completed by the school directors of
Enola and East Pennsboro township
to accommodate the large number of
scholars at this place. The building
was erected by Contractor Bushey, of
Lemoyne, on the site of the old one
story building known a 8 "Chewy
Grove." Professor Parker Bwelgert Is
in charge of the new building.
I Three Pennsylvania Couples
Married at Hagerstown
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., Oct. 20. Miss
Nellie Thrlmmer and Raymond S. Mus
ser, both of York, Pa., were married
yesterday at the parsonage of St. John's
Lutheran Church, in this city, by the
Rev. Dr. S. W. Owen.
Miss Florence L>. Vincent and Charles
U. Trace, both ■of Waynesboro, were
united in marriage here on Saturday by
the Rev. A. B. Statton, pastor of St.
Paul's United Brethren Church.
Miss Mabel Stehman, ef Hlghsplre,
Pa., and Harry E. Dayhoff. of this city,
were married here on October 16 at the
parsonage of St. Paul's United Brethren
Church by the Rev. Dr. A. B. Statton.
900 Workmen at Sharon
Will Soon Be Laid Off
Special to The Telegraph
Sharon, Pa., Oct. 20.—Official an
nouncement was made here yesterday
that the American Steel Foundries
Company, which employes 600 men,
will close within thirty days.
President L. P. Lanient, of Chicago,
while here a few days ago, said the
attitude of the Interstate Commerce
Commission mtdo railroad retrench-
ment necessary, and it had seriously
affected the business of the company.
The Valley Mold and Iron Company
yesterday closed Its big Ingot mold
works in Sharpsville, throwing 300
men out of employment, because of a
lack of orders.
Second Fire at Hagerstown
Fair Grounds on Saturday
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., Oct. 30. On Sat
urday night the Hagerstown Fair As
sociation escaped another heavy dam
age by tire Just before the exhibition
closed, when a blaze was discovered In
a vacant room under the grandstand,
which seats 12,000 pesons. A guard I
discovered the tire in a nile of waste'
paper and boxes, and an alarm was
sounded. The (Ire was checked before
any serious damage was done. The
blaze caused considerable anxiety, ow
ing to the destruction of sixty-two
stables on the grounds about 1 o'clock
Saturday morning, when two valuable
horses, worth $2,500, were burned to
H«i;ry Olyds, of Philadelphia, de
livered a lecture to more than 400 per
sons at the Technical High School Au
ditorium, last night, on the subject of
"Birds and Bird Protection." Mr. Olydn
lectured under the auspices of the Har
rlsburg Natural History society.
For the Woman Who
Demands the Better
Kind of Gloves
From the best known European makers of gloves comes
this complete showing of fine quality, kid gloves.
On the very eve of the opening of the war, both France and
GermanV contributed their best grades of street and evening
gloves to our stock, so it is with pardonable pride that we point
to the excellent qualities to be found in these items:
Women's kid grloves with two large pearl clasps; made In black
wllli wide Paris point embroidery ami in white with wide Paris point
black embroidery with black sewing. The skins in these gloves are the
linest procurable. Pair $2.25
Women's two-clasp kid gloves of best quality suede, in grey. Pair,
Women's two-clasp kid gloves in black, white and tmlors with Paris
point and wide embroideries. Pair $1.50 to $2.00
f>ives, Pomeroy At Stewart, Strfet Floor.
Remnants of Allover Laces
GoTo-morrow at Half Price
Rare savings arc presented in the sale accurring to-mor
row in remnants of allover laces, including edges, insertions
and flouncings. The lengths are all very, very desirable.
To-morrow's price will be just one-half.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Fall and Winter Underwear
Reminders for Men
Men's cotton ribbed shirts and drawers, lleece lined: in Egyptian,
zrey, brown and black. Each . ••••••••• ■ • •
Heavy Jaeger color cotton lleece lined shirts and drawers. Each,
Heavy natural wool shirts and drawers ..7Sc
Heavy cotton ribbed union suits, with fleece lining SI.OO
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Members Raise Necessary Cash at
an Enthusiastic Meeting; Im
portant Improvements
Upon the heels of the most suc
cessful golf tournament over held upon
the golf links of the Colonial Country
Club, on the Llnglestown road, an en
thusiastic meeting of the active mem
bers of the club was held last night
and immediate steps were taken for
important improvements on the club
Interest in golf has increased amaz
ingly during the present summer and
it is certain that every necessary re
quirement will now be provided before
the opening of next Spring. At the
meeting last night almost SO,OOO was
raised by the membership within an
hour to provide a new locker house,
an artificial lake, the piping of the
greens and some changes in the links
which will make it a still more supe
rior course. Twenty-five life member
ships were subscribed In a jiffy and
the greatest enthusiasm prevailed
throughout the meeting.
Two plans for making the golf
course an almost perfect ona were
submitted by George F. Watt, presi
dent of the Elliott-Fisher Typewriter
Company ,and C. H. Hunter, advertis
ing manager of the same company.
These gentlemen are both enthusiastic
golfers and their plans were thor
oughly discussed by all present and
unanimously adopted.
Work to Start Soon
Immediately following the meeting
a special session of the board of gov
ernors was held and committees were
appointed to carry out the details of
the plans submitted. It is expected
that work will be started in a few
The presen tlocker room in the main
building will be turned over to the
ladles of the club and the new locker
house, which will be connected with
the main building, will provide at least
180 lockers, with showers and other
After the business session silver cup
prizes were awarded to men in the
golf tournament which ended last Sat
urday. M. A. Seely defeated Dr.
Holmes by a slight margin in a match
which went 38 holes and C. H. Kinter
won from Morgan in a 37-hole match.
The winners of the cups follow:
First eight of first sixteen, S. B.
Nissley; runner-up, C. 8. Prisen; sec
ond eight, first sixteen, M. A- Seely;
first eight of second sixteen. C. H. Kin
ter; second eight of second sixteen,
A. M. Brown. .
The cups were presented to the win-
Hairs Will Vanish
After This Treatment
(Toilet Helps)
You an keep your skin free from
hair or fuzz by the occasional use of
plain dclatone and In using it you need
have no fear of marring or injuring
the skin. A thick paste is made by
mixing some of the powdered dela
tone with water. Then spread on the
hairs and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off.
wash the skla and all traces of hair
have vanished. Be careful, however,'
Ito get real delatone. —Advertisement.
First dose of "Pape's Cold Com'
pound" relieves all
grippe misery
Don't stay stuffed-up!
Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose
of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken
every two hours until three doses are
taken will end grippe misery and
break up a severe cold either In the
head, chest, body or limbs.
It promptly opens clogged-up nos
trils and air passages; stops nasty
discharge or nose running; relieves
sick headache, dullness, feverishness,
sore throat, sn,eezing, soreness and
"Pape's Cold Compound" is the
quickest, surest relief known and
costs only 25 cents at drug stores.
It acts without assistance, tastes nice,
and causes no inconvenience. Don't
accept a substitute.—Advertisement.
ners by Dr. E. D. Denniston.
Refreshments were served and the
smoker was thoroughly enjoyed by all
the men present. It was one of the
largest meetings in the history of the
club and the result will be one of the
most attractive golf courses in the
eastern part of the United States.
Sample treatment of Pyramid Pile
Remedy mailed free for trial gives
quick relief, stops itching, bleeding or
protruding piles, hemorrhoids and all
rectal troubles, in the privacy of your
own home. Pyramid Pile Remedy is
for sale at all druggists, 60c a box. 1
Mail this Coupon
616 Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall, Mich.,
with your full name and address on
a slip of paper, and sample treat
ment of the great Pyramid Pile
Remedy, will then bo sent you at once
by mal', FREE, in plain
Fine Prhrtng