Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 14, 1914, Page 11, Image 11
A Telegraph Wait M Will G® lit® Over 23,§00 Boies Every lie It Is Ron * \ There Are Boys Who Are Am bitious to Succeed I heard an office man say the'other day, "The office boy of to-day doesn't give a flucker for the future, his mind is on baseball and motorcycles." I don't believe him! I know better. I know many, many boys who are anxious to find work in offices where they stand a show of advancement. If I were an office manager, I'd use a Telegraph WANT AD and put in a few hours interviewing boys—because I know I could pick the right boy and thereby build for the future—his and mine. The Telegraph Want Ad Man. DIED WINTERS On October 13, 1914, Sarah 8., wife of Joseph B. Winters, aged 64 years. Funeral on Friday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 1623 North Third street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial Harrisburg I.UST LOST Friday morning, October 9, on train between Harrisburg and Al toona, or in Pennsylvania Railroad Station, Harrisburg, cornet and case. Reward If returned to Telegraph Ofttce. JfcOUND FOUND One pair of gold-rimmed spectacles. Owner may have same by Identifying at Telegraph Office and pay ing for this ad. FOUND The home of reliable work for particular people, at Eggert's Steam Dyeing & French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street. Call either phone, wo'll do the rest. lltLi- WANTED —Male At'TO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL THE oldest, best and most reliable Automobile School- in the country. A full course of practical instructions for $35, including long driving and re pairing lessons. Hundreds of good paving positions are open for compe tent men. Make application now. Easy payments. Open day and evenings. 5 North Cameron street. A strong boy, about 16 years of age, to help with the making of high grade candy. Apply even ings, Messimer's, Third street, at Briggs. 2,349 EXTRA Railway Mail Clerks to be appointed. Conmence $75.00 month, pull unnecessary. Examinations com ing everywhere. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 362-S, Rochester, N. V. WANTED - Honest temperance man, with S6OO, to help promote and manufacture newly invented artie'e. Every day necessity. Patent applied for. Call at Office, 429 Broad street, S. R. Horst. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION, Day and Evening, in Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Speed Dictation, etc. Assistance given iu securing positions. Special inducement is offered you to be gin now. Call or address Merle E. Keller, Room 30!\ Patriot lildg., 11 N. Second street. WE WANT a flrst-clasa salesman, experienced in selling Wholesale Trade, capable of handling crew of canvassers. A idress Bromo Drug Co., Room 210, Trustee Building, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED A good paperhanger, at once. Apply H. R. Boose. Third avenue and Second street, Worm ley sburg. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet Y-372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins. Washington, D. C. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED FOR BEST SEED ING BOOK published. One Agent hold 36 the lirst day; another, 138 the llrst five days. Earn SIO.OO to $25.00 weekly during spare time. Write for best terms and free outlit. H. O. Eandis' Sons, Reading. Pa. 11IEP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED An experienced white cook. Apply 201 North Front. WANTED A white girl as cook; reference required. Apply 2025 North Front street. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Middle-aged white lady ! to go to country to take care of an aged ! couple; best references. Address Box | X, 1690, care of Telegraph. I WANTED Woman for laundry i work Mondays; must take work home. ; Address S., 1697, care of Telegraph. I LEARN DRESSMAKING Perfect Fitting is taught by int-asure ment. Cut own patterns. It's the r r.ly way to learn dressmaking right. ake own dresses while learning. Night and day classes. Write, or call, Work's Dressmaking School. 22 North Fourth street. / "\ FOR SALES Elizabethtown Houses Market nnd Hnnovor St*. 2M story frame house—7 rooms—elec tric light—front and back porches, *;t2"o S. Market St. Double house— -2%-story frame—each side, 6 rooms —bath and furnace—electric lights —bay windows—front porches. Plot 60x180 ft. Price, both ijil-.'O Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Itonds Locust and Court Streets *■ k WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER f*, !914. ( HELP WANTED—FemaIe GIRL WANTED for child's nurse. Ap ' | ply at once, 1632 Green street. 1 CHAMBERMAID WANTED Ex-. | perienced white woman. Bolton House. WANTED Experienced operators ' for Loysvllle Shirt Factory. Apply at once to Loysvllle, Pa. SITUATION WANTED—MALE WANTED Colored man would like a position driving; handy at most any thing; can also make self useful around private family. Address No. 414 Spring i avenue. WANTED —■ Male nurse, two years' | hospital training, two private practice; references. Lock Box 2. Maclay Station, City. SITUATION WANTED —MALE 1 WANTED Boy of 18 years desir-s work of any kind; willing to do hard work. Call, or address 1812 North Sixth street. WANTED A colored man desires a position of any kind. Call, or address, No. 520 Brown avenue. WANTED Colored man desires general housework or waiter in private family, or hotel janitor. Call, or ad dress, 405 Bailey street, Steelton. WANTED By competent colored cook, position ir hotel or restaurant; best of reference. Address Robert H. ' Jones, 501 State street. WANTED Young, strong man, 21 years of age, desires position of any kind. 605 South Third street, Steelton, ' Pa. WANTED Sober, industrious, mid dle-aged man would like position as night watchman or elevatorman. Ap ply James Zones, 1825 North Seventh street. WANTED A colored boy, 17 years of <tge, would like a place in private family, or work of any kind; can give reference. Address 667 Briggs street. SITUATIONS \\ ANTED —Female WANTED By colored girl, position as child's nurse. 323 Ridge street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED White woman wants washing and ironing to do at home. Call 130 Cranberry avenue. WANTED By middle-aged white woman, position as housekeeper; com petent to take full charge. Address 2021 North Sixth street. WANTED Woman wants day's work, or general housework. Call, or address, 1410 North Seventh street. WANTED By neat colore! girl, day's work or small washings and iron ings to do at home. 1521 Fulton street. WANTED—Dressmaking by the day or at home. Call, or write, Dressmaker, 40 Balm street, City. WANTED White woman desires day's work of any kind. Call, or ad dress. 1202 North Cameron street. I WANTED By young girl, with ; knowledge of bookkeeping, position at general office work. Address 0., 1694, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young lady wants posi tion jti doctor'* or dentist's office, or jewelry store; can furnish reference. Address M., 912 North Third street, City. WANTED Colored woman desires 1 general housework or day's work of j any kind. Call, or address, Mrs. Davis. j 1943 Rudy street. WANTED Young white girl de sires position as waitress. Apply 502 Strawberry avenue, or call United phone 4IIY. WANTED Situation as house keeper in respectable, middle-agd widower's small family, by settled, mid dle-aged woman; tidy, reliable, eco nomical manager; references exchang ed. Call, or address, Mrs. Ray, 929 North Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED A respectable white wo- I man wishes position as housekeeper, or : good place to cook, in or out of the | city. Addresss B. A., 1508 New Fourth I street. I i WANTED Middle-aged lady de- j sires position as housekeeper; can fur- 1 nisli best of reference. Address Box 49, Shirc-manstown, Pa. WANTED Woman of experience desires position as housekeeper for widower; can furnish best of references. , Address G. F., 43 North Sixteenth j street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | FOR SALE Three-story building jat Enhaut along trolley line; cost to I build, $3,000.00. Can be changed Into I three dwelling houses at little expense. Price, $2,200.00. Very easy terms. lu | quire at East End Bank. | FOR SALE —At Edgemont, one-half ; mile north of Penbrook on Twenty - ' third street, one six-room house, $1,200. | Some others at SIOO, six rooms; lots, 30 Ixl2o. Address G. S. Hartman, 38 North | Twelfth street. Harrisburg. i FOR SALE No. 1333 Susquehanna street three-story frame house 9 rooms and bath. Price, SI,BOO. Look at the brick house No. 239 North Four i teenth street. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner | Building. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Two 2 V4-story frame houses, new. Nos, 3320 and 2322 North Sixth street; all Improvements steam heat; granolithic walks. Inquire Shrelner's Store, on premises. FOR SALE Two houses belonging to the estate of Dickinson MacAlllster, deceased. One property la the stone bungalow on the river side of Front street above the Fishing Creek M. E. Church, 350 feet, more or less, of river front; and the other, a two-story frame house on a lot about 50 ft. by 300 ft. on Front street below the Fort Hunter Hotel, with the trolley stopping at the rear of the lot. Dauphin Deposit Trust Company 213 Market street. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE AT ♦1,300 8 rooms; gas light; porch front; lot. 18V4xll0. Frame house at a I bargain price. No. 2032 Berry hill street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bu'ld | 'ng. FOR SALE FINE building plot, sewerage and I paving, one hundred feet frontage on j Derry and Brookwood streets. Apply 2200 Deny street. THOSE PENN STREET HOUSES. Nos. 2031 and 2033, can be bought almost at your own price if within reason. Brick houses—all improvements. What is your offer? Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE 403 Boas St. 2H story frame 9 rooms, bath and steam heat first-class condition immedi ate possession. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE ln Progress Frame Bungalow 7 rooms furnace nearly new lot, 120x135 Ave min utes' walk from trolley line near public school. Brinton-Packer Co., Sec ond and Walnut streets. FOR SALE No. 223 Union avenue; three-story frame house. Further information, as!: Schmidt, Florist. 313 Market street. REAL ISBTATK FOR fUERT FOR KENT I No. 1843 Whitehall St $35.00 No. 1850 Market St 35.00 No. 1628 Regina St. 25.00 No. 1821 Market St 25.00 No. 1835 Spencer 17.00 No. 1120 N. Cameron St 10.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, No. 242!) Reel street. Apply 2123 North Sixth street. All improvements. FOR RENT 437 Hummel, 171 South | Eighteenth, 112 North Eighteenth, 1633 Iteglna street; all improvements; im meuiate possession. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT 225 Boas street; 3- story brick; I rooms, bath, hall, rear entrance; good location; near trolley and markets. Itent reasonable. Apply 815 Green street. FOR RENT Nos. 461 and 465 Cres cent street; new eight-room houses; all conveniences; large front porch; central , location; rent, S2O each. Apply at 459 Crescent street. FOR RENT 320 Broad street;! 3- story brick; 11 large rooms; all im provements; suitable for boarding or lodging house. Call 9 to 11 A M., 429 Broad street. Phone 3613 J. FOR RENT 1613 Carnation street; two-story brick; six rooms and bath; side entrance and porches. Good condi tion. Rent, $16.00. Inquire 1612 State street. FOR RENT Brick house, with all improvements; in good condition; paved street; tive minutes' walk from Market street. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE; all conveniences; steam heat; immedi ate possession; good location. Address H., 1302, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT 516 North Sixteenth street, Harrisburg; three-stofy brick house; 8 rooms; front and rear porches; all improvements. Inquire 514 North Sixteenth street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FISHMAN APARTMENTS FOR RENT —Very desirable; new building; all con veniences. Apply Fishman Furniture Store. 1101-1103 North Sixth street. APARTMENT FOR RENT in Dun cannon, opposite post office; all im provements and steam heat; immediate possession. Inquire at Garner's, 1209 Third street, Harrisburg, or Duncannon. FOR RENT Entire second floor apartment; bath, balcony, cellar privi lege, desirable location on Hill; rental, sl6. Address J., 1695, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT at 20 North Fourth street. Farm for rent. Atyply 430 Walnut street. FOR RENT Apartment; 4 rooms, bath, improvements; desirable location; use of both phones. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. APA RTMEN TS \V A NTED WANTED Furnished apartment of three rooms, for light housekeeping; central location. Aduress 8., 1698, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT One or two third story furnished rooms; steam heat and privilege of bath. Apply 301 Briggs street, or 717 North Tnird street. FQR RENT Four rooms, second floor, with use of bath, for light house keeping, In retlned, private family. Rent reasonable. Address 494, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Furnished rooms on second floor front and back; sihgle or en-suite, with board; private family; ] home comforts; two minutes' waik from Capitol. Phone 818 L, Bell. 1 FOR RENT Furnished rooms on ■second floor; all conveniences. Inquire 609 Forsster street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT on second floor, suitable for light housekeeping, with bath. Inquire S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, with board, on second floor; all conveniences; use of Bell phone. 814 Capital street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, Ros lyn Apartments, 209 Walnut street; man , and wife or ladles preferred. Inquire 5 South Market Square. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms | in one of the best locations In the city; I i use of bath and telephone. Apply 203 j State street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en-suite; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, sec ond and third floor fr6nt rooms; bath and phone; private family. 316 Chest nut street. FOR RENT One newly furnished room, fronting on Capitol Park; elec tric lights; hot and coM running water in room; use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. FOR RENT Two large unfurnished rooms, on the Hill; middle-aged couplo preferred; uae of phone. 128 Balm street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Second-story front room ami third story front room; uiso small hall room; city steam; desirable location. Call Bell phone 613 W. FOR RENT Large front and back rooms on third floor, unfurnished, suit- I able for light housekeeping; heat and I light furnished; use of phone aud bath. 1 606 Forster street. J FOR RENT—One or two furnished or unfurnished rooms. No. 1509 Green street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms on second floor, for light house keeping;. Apply 1945 North Sixth street. City. SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR ROOMS TO RENT, with or without board, small private family and rates reasonable. 45 North Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Two communicating rooms, furnished, for light housekeep ing; nil conveniences; use of phone; gas to cook with. 925 North Sixth street. Call Bell phone 610 W. FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms on third tloor; use of bath, light and heat. Call 2333 Jefferson street. ItOOAI FOR RENT All conveni ences and use of phone; strictly pri- I Vilte far&ily. Address A. E. 8., care of Telegraph, or Dhone 2188 W. ROOMS W ANTED WANTED A furnished room, cen trally located; state rent, etc. Address Rooms, No. 1691, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; young couple; no children; must be in good neighborhood and not more than seven minutes' walk from the Square. Ad dress K., 1696, care of Telegraph. —_—— WANTED Three rooms, furnished, for light housekeeping; state location, | rent and conveniences. Address R., 1689, care of Telegraph ROOMS AND HOARD FOR RENT Furnished rooms and boarding by meal, day or week.- Ap ply 1001 North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED WANTED Room and board In pri vate family, by young ludy; unfurnish ed room preferred; must be between North to Broad, Capital to Front; ref erence furnished If required. Address W., 1699, care of Telegraph. WANTED GRADUATE MASSEUR solicits trial by doctors. Address Masseur, Lock Box 2, Ma. lay Station, City. WANTED Private garage for small car. State terms anu location. Address X., 1692, care of Telegraph. WANTED To buy, hot-air furnace; must be In good condition; give price. Address Box 0., 1301, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE PUBLIC SALE Saturday, October 17, at 1:30 P. M., on Market street, near Myers avenue, Camp Hill, at the Mrs. Sloan property, the entire housefull of furniture only in use a few months. C. Fry, Auctioneer. PUBLIC SALE Friday, October 16, at the residence of Thomas Dougherty, , at Paxtang P. 0., at 1 o'clock P. M., en tire lot ot household furniture, all In good condition. C. Fry, Auctioneer. FOR SALE A new No. 5 Under wood Typewriter. Apply C. L. Long, Green and Woodbine streets. FOR SALE Automobile insurance. John C. Orr, 222 Market street. FOR SALE One up-to-date bay horse; splendid driver; will work wherever hitched, also single-foot un der saddle; Jenny Lind and harness. 14. A. Ross, New Cumberland. FOR SALE A one-seated Columbus electric car. Inquire of C. E. Lyter, .City Auto corner Strawberry and River streets. FOR SALE - Entire household fur niture. in good condition; sideboard, dlsl*s, beds, bedding and chairs. East end of Mulberry Street Bridge. Call 1168 Mulberry street. FOR SALE One second-hand cast iron sectional steam boiler (Furman), 1,700 sq. ft. capacity. A bargain, in quire of H. F. Qulckel, No. 123 Pine street, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE An accumulation of Odd Pieces of furniture and carpet and linoleum remnants. 50 Carpet samples from 50c to $1.00; 7 Solid Oak Beds at $:1.00; 50 Odd Bedroom and Dining Chairs, 50c to $1.25; 25 Parlor Tables at $2.75 each. Every odd piece at actual cost and less than cost. C. F. Hoover Furniture Co., 1413-19 North Second street. FOR SALE Six Beagles, 2 years old. thoroughly broken and reliable hunters. At the prices we are asking they will not last very long. Evans and Smith, Dillsburg, Pa. FOR SALE 1914 Vulcan touring car; run less than 3,500 miles. Price, S6OO, regular price, S9OO. Apply Pen brook Garage. Bell phone 1156 L. FINE: AND COMPLETE LINE AUTO ROBES. Steamer Rugs, Car riage Robes, Horse Blankets and Stable Blankets. Harrlsburg Harness & Sup ply Company, Second and Chestnut streets. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 26c each. One of these signs will be given with each sixt-time order for a classified ad. if paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE Eclipse gas oven. In good condition, suitable for hotel or bakery; five shelves; 38x38 inside measurement; cost $85.00; will sell for 1 $20.00. Inquire Bowman & Co. FOR SALE Wall case, floor cases and shelvings, also rolltop desk and safe. Apply at 430 A Market street. FOR SALE One 1912 Ford run about, with linen upholstery, booster, speedometer, electric lights, painted gray and striped In fine shape, with good tires. Price, $350. Address Box 1836, Belleville, Pa. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR KENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. j FOR RENT ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located offices Inquire for Superintendent In Business I Office of Telegraph. | FOR EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE $2,600 new brick house, steam heat, bath, electric and ' gas, large lot, for au automobile as I part payment; must be in good condi tion. Address 1328 Vernon street. BUSINESS OPPORTUN tTLtS A SPLENDID opportunity to make some mighty good money and establish permanent business. Write Health and Accident Insurance and be independent and out of doors—immediate cash re turns and future, too. All or part time. Address National Casualty Company, Detroit. Mich. CASH GROCERY STORE FOR SALE —Fixtures only S2OO stock at Inven tory. Also two other propositions that might Interest you. Get particulars from Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. HARDWARE STORE FOR SALE ONE of the best locations in the city, at present doing good business. A I hustler can increase to any extent de ( sired. Clean up to date. Only $5,000 cash required. Addrew Box 1628, care i of Telegraph. H BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A WONDERFUL chance for party looking for good business. We'll sell to quick buyer a good-paying store, consisting of up-to-date groceries and general merchandise, doing gpod cash business. Stand ready to show good results. Business located In Wavnes boro. Pa., town of 10,000 population. Reason for selling, on account of health must leave for West. Only those who I mean business and want to make money need apply. Address D., 1693, care of Telegraph. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $&. Send for free booklet. Toils how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798. Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furni ture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phone 2143 J. Atlas Furniture Co., 430 Straw berry stree*. S. SMELTZ Second-hand furniture, clothing, Jewelry, etc., bought at high est cash prices and sold at lowest prices in city. Drop postal and I will call. 945 North Seventh street. UUNS FOR HIRE OR FOR SALE. Also all loads in U. M. C. Ammunition. Window Glass at low est prices. Stove Pipe at 15c per Joint. Capitol Hardware & Supply Co., 1218 and 1220 North Third street. WE are now Renovating Feathers, making Pillows and Folding Feather Mattresses at the corner of Tenth and Paxton streets. B. J. Campbell. Harrisburg Paste Works UO N. Cnmeron Street PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with test material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best I efforts insure your satisfaction, a N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, perpared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. PROF. FRANCISCO DE ECHEMEN DIA Pianist and instructor; music for dances and special occasions. Pianist at Park Auditorium, Mt. Gretna, Pa., season 1914. 223 Maclay street. Bell phone. » HAULING H. W. LATHE, Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co, Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone Nu 2603 R. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, tor household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cents ger month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Iroad street. Both phones. STORAGE IN 3-story brick building, rear 408 llnrkct street. Household goods In clean private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. (i. Dlener, Jeweler. 40.S .Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer candlse. low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. MONEY TO LOAN MOST MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, guns, revolvers, musi cal instruments, etc. Bargains in un redeemed pledges. City Loan Office, 411 Market street, next to United Cigar Store. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. 4 Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. LOANS —S6 to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable In lnstai-.ents to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co, 204 Chestr' t street. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE to property owners along the lines of Mulberry street, from Sev enteenth Street to Eighteenth Street; Prospect Street, from Market Street to Whitehall Street; Naudaln Street, from Fifteenth Street to Seventeenth Street; Derry Street, from 180 feet east of Eighteenth Street to the west side of Twenty-second street; Derry Street, from the west side of Twenty-second street to the west side of Twenty third Street; Logan Street from Maclay Street to Emerald Street; Orange Alley, from Maclay Street to Woodbine Street. You are hereby notified that the as sessment to pay the cost and expense of paving and curbing the above named highways under Ordinance No. 26, File of Common Council, Session of 1910; Ordinance No. 29, File of Select Coun cil, Session of 1910; Ordinance No. 74, File of Select Council, Session of 1912- 1913; Ordinance No. 51, File of City Council, Session of 1914-1915; Ordi nance No. 116, File of Common Council, Session of 1912-1913; Ordinance No. 115, File of Common Council, Session of 1912-1913, will be made by me, at my office, In the Commonwealth Trust Company Building, No. 222 Market Street, Harrlsburg, Pa., on Thursday, the 22d day of October, 1914, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 12 o'clock noon, when and where all par ties interested shall be heard. M. B. COWDEN, City Engineer. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Carrie J. Earley, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned residing in Shlppensburg. al persons Indebted to said Estate are rr ■ quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. JNO. G. EARLY, Executor. NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Citizens' Bank will be held in the Banking House, Thirteenth and Derry streets. Harris burg, Pa., on Thursday, October 15, 1914, at 2 o'clock P. M„ for the election of Directors, and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. C. G. MILLER, Cashier. October 14, 1914. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo receiv ed at the office of the Superintendent I of Streets and Public Improvements up I to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, October 24. 1914, for about 31,000 sq. yds. SHEET ASPHALT PAVING and 17,500 lin. ft. 6-Inch GRANITE CURBING put down in the following highways: EM ERALD. APRICOT, WENGERT, WHIS LER. PRIMROSE, GRUBER, SWAB, NINETEENTH, WHARTON. HOWARD. HOWARD. HOWARD, ETHEL, MAR KET. NINETEENTH, DERRY and WENGERT. Blank bids and specifications may be had on application. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. W. H. LYNCH Superintendent. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Bureau of Water and Light PUBLIC SALE of Scrap Irion will be held Mondav, October 26, 1914. at 2 o'clock P. M„ at the Pipe Line Shop of the Water Department, Twelfth and Forster Streets. HARRY F. BOWMAN, Superintendent Public Safety. Try Telegraph Want Ads ; THE MAR d PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE li „Philadelphia, Oct. 14. Wheat a Higher; No. 2, red. spot, export, $1.07® - ji.Northern, Duluth, export, li Higher; No. 2, yellow, local, 0 81V4®82c. Y s ,° ats Higher; No. 2, white, 51 »o?nn!L winter, per ton, - *3 50 * SP ' 8, per ton ' *23.00® • « Refined Sugars—Market unchanged; i, powdered, 6.35 c; fine granulated, 6.2Du; . confectioners' A. 6.15 c. Butter The market is steady; . western, creamery, extras, 31c; nearby 1 prints, fancy, 34c. ; The market Is firm; . Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, . free cases. >8.40 per case: do current receipts, free cases. $7.80 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $8.40 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $7.80 per • case. " ,ci jlve Poultry— Unchanged; fowls, 14® " ' young chickens, ll®20u; 1 ? prin ®,S,ii, c Ji enß, 13®16c; broiling chick is ens, 17®27c; old roosters. 11® 12c; ducks, old, 13®14c; ducks, young, 14® i6c; geesa. 15®17c; turkeys, ly&i/iiOe. " . ess Poultry Steady; fowls. . western, fancy, heavy, 20®21c; do., - lair to good, heavy. 17®lsc. t average receipts, 17@19c; small, 15® !£?•„ Oldrroo ters, 13®13Hc; roasting chickens, fancy, lti@lßc; broiling liH-i? 113, nearby, 16®22c; do., western, lJ® 17c; capons, large, 23®25c; do.. - smulJ,5 mul J, 18@2Uc; turkeys, fancy. zfWiiuc • ? r * 21, @ :!3c : ducks, 11® ISc, geese, 11 0)1 be. ' S ~F l? u r. .—T,M arket steady; winter, Clear, 4. lu: struiK'Ufe. r " «??n a A $ 4 - 90 @ 5.i5; spring straights i, $5.10®5.40; do., patents, $5.50®6.50; i i M,26G8>4.40; patents, »4.ou«> 1 li"/in Kans ? s "ralght. Jute sacks, $4.15 "prlng, firsts, clear, $4.u0®4.20; • $4.20®4.30; patents. 14.35« „.?? ay TT The market is firm; tim othy. No. 1, large bales, $l».ou; » „medium bales. $18.50®19.00; No. | 2, $17.00@18.00; No. 3, $14.50® 15.56; no I grade, $11.00@13.00. clover mixed. IJght mixed. : {18.00@19.00; No. 1. do.. $16.50® 17.60; J No. 2, do.. $14.60015.50. ■ Potatoes—Unchanged; Pennsylvanat ' Per bushel. 60@63c; New York, per ' o"@6sc; Jersey, per basket, 35 <tf) 45c. I , CHICAGO CATTLE > Chicago, HI,, Oct. 14. Hogs Re- I 21,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $7.20 I fVx 85 j I'ebt, $7.65@8.05; mixed, *7.2o(ff) 1 8.1o; heavy, $6.90®8.00; rough. $6.80® 7.10; pigs, $4.50(®7.70. _ Cattle Reecipts, 13,000; steadv. ; Beeves, $6.50®10.85; steers, $6.10@9.10; stockers and feeders. $5.30@5.15; cows heifers, $3.40@9.00; calves, $7.50@ • 11.25. Sheep Receipts, 42,000; steady. „ Sbeep, $4.75@6.00; yearlings, $5.60® 6.45; lambs, $6.00(87.85. CHICAGO HO A III) OP TRADE By Associated Press i Chicago, 111., Oct. 14. Board of 1 Trade closing. ' j December, 1.12%; May, 1 Corn—December, 67%; May, 70. Oats—December, 4S 3 s ; May, 51%. Porlt—January, 19.02. r jq'jq" 1 November, 17.17; January, , Ribs—October, 11.05; January, 9.90. I One Killed and 2 Wounded » in Shenandoah Street Fight > Special to The Telegraph Shenandoah, Pa., Oct. 14.—Alex ' Zucfsky, 22 years old, was stabbed to . death and Anthony Churneski and i John Swatskie, about the same age, . received serious gashes In a li{?ht here • yesterday. Policeman Clayton Temp ' est was attracted to the scene and as he approached Kucfsky staggered 1 ' away. Tempest called on him to halt, 1 but the man turned and fired his re • volver twice at Tempest. The latter 1 . returned the fire, but missed. Chief of Police Cantlln and Captain Manley followed a trail of blood to • West Shenandoah colliery culm bank, when they found the body of Zucf ■ sky. [ The police made seven arrests. An thony Slavinsky was taken from the ' mines at Suffolk colliery and Joe Val - usky from bed in his home. When • the latter viewed the body of the vlc ' tlm he collapsed and had to be car -1 rled to the lockup. Churneski and Swatskie were taken to the State Hospital at Fountain : Springs. They are in a serious condi tion from loss of blood. ARREST WILSON ANNOYER [ Washington, Oct. 14.—William Bel ; vln, a former New York stock broker, > was arrested at the White House yes ( terday and turned over to the po lice. Belvin repeatedly tried to see ! President Roosevelt when the latter was in the White House, and yesterday when he got obstreperous on being refused an audience with President Wilson he was arrested. EXPLOSION VICTIM DISCHARGED William Fry, aged 15 years, 3X6 South Sixteenth street, who was burned in the explosion of a gasoline tank at the Mt. Pleasant garage on September 16, was discharged from the Harrisburg Hospital this morning. Harry B. Noel, of Rutherford Heights, and Daniel Frazer, 1363 Howard street, who were in the same accident, left the hospital some time ago, have returned for treatment. VISITS "MET" SANATORIUM John Heathcote, superintendent of the Metropoliton Life Insurance Com pany, returned to-day after a. visit to McGregor, N. Y., where the Metropoli tan Life has built a sanatorium for the | use of its ttnployes who are suffering from tuberculosis. At the present time | there are in the sanatorium about one hundred of the company's employes, both from the home office, and the , field. Deaths and Funerals I BITRV JAMES F. KIRBY ' Funeral services of James F. Kirby, ! aged 56 years, who died Sunday night , at his home, 225 Cumberland street, i were held this morning in St. Patrick's ; Cathedral at 9 o'clock. Burial was 1 made In Mt. Calvary Cemetery. FUNERAL OF MUSS SINGER The body of Miss Jennie Singer, aged 28 years, who died at her home, [ 324 Kelker street, Saturday night, was , | taken to Newport for burial this morn -1 lng. Funeral services were held last . I night at the home at 7.30 o'clock. t BURY MIX/TON S. SHANK Funeral services of Milton S. Shank, who died at his home, 425 Harris ' street Monday morning, were held this afternoon. Burial was made In 1 the Harrisburg Cemetery. He is sur vived by his wife, mother and sister. 1 SERVICES FOR MRS. NEBINGER Funeral services of Mrs. Mary H. Nebinger, aged 5 4 years, who died ' Sunday night at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rachel Black, 1109 Penn street, were held this afternoon. : Burial was made in the Harrisburg , Cemetery. ' ALDERMAN'S COUSIN DIES Alderman 8. B. Caveny, of 338 South . Seventeenth street, was called out of the city yesterday to attend the fu neral services of his cousin, Mrs. T. T. , Davis, of McAlllstervllle. I NONE LODGE OBSERVES BI3THDAY Hummelstown Masonic Body Holds Largest Banquet in Its His- , tory in Celebration OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS SPEAK Judge McCarrell, District Attor ney and Dr. Becht Speak; Earnest Toastmaster Special to The Telegraph Hummelstown. Pa., Oct. 14.—Brown stone Lodge, No. 666, Free and Ac cepted Masons, of Hummelstown, last evening celebrated its fourth anniver sary with one of the most largely attended banquets in the history of the order. Nearly a hundred guests, including Masons from Hershey, Hum melstown. Middletown, Harrisburg and Lebanon, were present. The dinner was held in the Masonio Hall and Attorney William H. Earnest, of Hummelstown, a well-known mem ber of the Dauphin county bar, was toastmaster. Mr. Earnest was chair man of the committee on arrange ments, which included William C. Baker, I. Clarence Erb, George E. Copenhaver and Clinton M. Hershey. Among the out-of-town geusts were Additional Law Judge S. J. M. McCar rell, of the Dauphin County Courts, Robert Burns Lodge, Harrisburg; John E. Snyder, Lamberton Lodge, Lan caster; Assistant District Attorney Frank B. Wickersham. Steelton, Rob ert Burns Lodge, and Dr. J. George Becht, State Board of Education, Muncy Lodge, Muncy. They responded respectively to the toasts "The Heart of Freemasonry," "Masonic Princi ples," "Masonic Lights" and "The Phi losophy of Freemasonry." The stand ing toasts of the lojjge were proposed by Martin L. Hershey, worshipful master; Charles V. Glynn, senior war den, and Norman S. Helff, junior warden. The officers of Brownstone Lodge are: Martin L. Hershey. worshipful master; senior warden, Charles V. Glynn; junior warden. Norman S. Helff: treasurer, Clinton M. Hershey; secretary, Earl R. Mays; chaplain, Paul J. Dundore; senior deacon, Henry M. Horst; junior deacon, Robert W. Strunk: senior master of ceremonies, Nile W. Crist: junior master of cere- F-an'' C. Witmcr; pursuivant, George H. Breckenmaker; trustees, . iii ii. Earnest, William C. Baker and Edwin M. Hershey; representa tives in grand lodge. Titus W. Fegley," and tyler, David McHolland. To Lay Plans For New Year's Celebration Tonight Plans for the mummers' celebra tion on New Year's will be discussed at a meeting in the Mayor's office to night. Every organization in Harris burg has been invited to send dele gates to this meeting. The Mummers' Association plans to raise SI,OOO for prizes. AMERICAN CONSUL TO LEAVE Special to The Telegraph Peking, Oct. 14. —According to ad- I vices received here from Tsing-Tau, I arrangements have been made for the removal from that city of W. R. Peck, the American Consul, and noncom batants. The transfer of these people to the Japanese will be made to-mor row under a white flag. It is under stood that the bombardment of Tsing- Tau by the Japanese will begin Oc tober 17. ' ■ ■ MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLH und others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial Adams * Co. R. 304. I !». Market (" Everything You Could Ask For in a Suburban Home 8 rooms, bath and pantry. Fine location; Be fare; 10 minute service. Hardwood floors; steam heat; elec tric light; cemented cellar; coal bins under 8-foot front porch. Lot 25x125. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to C. E. BEAM, Shell street, Progress, Pa. PUBLIC SALE 4 October 24, 1914 of a valuable farm situated in the heart of the rich Lebanon valley adjoining the town of Annvllle, Lebanon county. Pa., containing 105 acres, mote or less. Late the estate of Rudolph Hen, deceased. For description and full particulars, call on or write to JOHN E. HEN and ALBERT HEN, Executors, Annvllle, Pa. THE ==) EQUITABLE Will Lend Yoh Money To nnaaekeeprrn, Work ing-men and Salorled Eo< ploy ea. No red tape, bother or worry. Yon may have it to day if yon wish. LEGAL RATES * EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 8 N. MARKET SQVARB Room 21 4th Floor 11