Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 10, 1914, Page 2, Image 2
2 P^MfißAt2ggeei&ba FUN FOR CHILDREN ' 111 COUNTRY PLACE Nancy Campbell's Guests Have a Fine Time Out of Doors Mrs. John Campbell, of Walnut street, gave a little party this after noon at her country place, Seven Maples, New Cumberland, for her sprightly small daughter, Nancy Campbell. All sorts of outdoor games were played on the lawn and supper was served on the wide porches amid gay decorations of autumn foliage and ASTRICH'S Y This Monday Special Sale of / "GAGE'S" Choicest Untrimmed Hats I at One Quarter Their \ f// Usual Prices \ ./ \l !/ ISlif/ As Always, We Get in on the ) 1/ Ground Floor Noti«. £ a « e A"R "E Goin S xu Move ARE 2 os L ng v out rl heir Bros. XjL JLV JIJ and They XaAl>» IJ Stock Very Cheap Their representative called on us last Monday morning early—and we saw his samples before anybody else—and WE TOOK THE BEST CHOICE We Bought the Three Choice Lots We had the goods here on Tuesday morning—but held them for our regular Monday Sale customers — and here is what we are going to sell on Monday. Sale to begin 9 o'clock. Lot No. 130 „f »|j e y er y Highest Grade QO of Imported Hatters 9 Plush Hats $ I _ Extra large broad brim London Sailors in hlack, midnight blue, dark brown and ff j ' T"n ,n These Hats Retailed at $lO apiece ® ss »® We will sell these hats on Monday for - Lot No. 2. Sixty Three Highest Quality no BLACK Hatters 9 Plush Turbans $| Three of the swellest shapes—never shown here before —these have velour plush has Gage Bros.' ticket. The retail price of these turbans was $ 7.50 ® ™ We will sell them on Monday for Lot No. 3 four Dozen Large Velour d»« ™no DE NOIR HATS $1 30 Velour de Noir is an extra heavy grade of Velour Velvet with close-cut heavv nan H Hats made of this quality never sell for less than SB.OO. We bought only the two verv SI best shapes. Each hat has Gage Bros.' ticket on. We will sell these hats on Monday for ML Mk These hats are displayed in our window for this sale. Come and make your com- w— —— parison. In Connection With the Above and to Make This Sale More Interesting n WE WILL SELL THIS MONDAY • Best Hatters' Plush With Zibeline Plush Brim il¥ Hats; Also Best Silk Velvet Hats •nd and $3.00. On this Monday, beginning at 9 qVlock . I? . .. . . ™.? . h s2 ' so WE WILL ALSO SELL THIS MONDAY an 20 dozen German Velvetta Hats-best black. Ten new sailor shapes-plenty of saTe a S t 9 o'clock? (or"" * ' Sh ' f ° r ' HiS Sa ' e ' TheSe hats wi " bc P"« °" VOL 0. Account of the Low Price of the 66c & 98c Hat, We Will Make a Small Char,, For Trimming WE WILL PUT ON SALE MONDAY; $3,00 Worth of New Millinery Trimmings not odd lots, but our best regular styles at lower prices than you have ever seen befo^ HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM We Mention Only a Few of the Items Here, But They Tell the Whole Story Ostrich Fancies A A Ostrich Feather dji /./. Large Combination A A a * Bands For .....Wings For 44C Which other stores sell for $3.00. Which other stores sell for $1 00 Black Aigrettes, A A Gold and Silver OA Velvet Poppies OA Special For 4r4C Roses For JvC For jDc Which other stores sell for SI.OO. „„Vo- Ch othcr stores sell for 76c White and black, which other nntl Wac - ' stores sell for 76c. Combination Ostrich OO Large, Handsome on N e w Velvet j-q Bands For CJOI. Ostrich Plume Fanciei OOC ' ,owers For JCL With stick-up, which other stores . Dahlias and roses; all the new Mil for $2.00. which other stores sell for $2.60. colors and shadings; which other storeß sell for SI.OO and $1.25. Our assortment of millinery trimmings is wonderful. No other store shows as many NEW STYLES at such low prices. SATURDAY EVENING, lowers. Mrs. E. Z. Gross and sev eral of the mothers of the children at tending assisted Mrs. Campbell In en tertaining. In attendance were Bailey and Anne Brandt, Elaine Hibler, Henry and Florence Hamilton, Christine Brandt, Henry, Conway and Jane Olmstsd, Elizabeth Shearer, Elizabeth, Helen and Grazla Mar Donald, Susan, John Anderson and Boas Magulre, Bettlna Stine, Mary and Elizabeth Fager, Catherine and Dickey Meredith, Avis Anne, Louise and Hastings Hlckok, Bailey Thornton, Julia Smith, Bea trice Walker, Cecilia and Paul Kun kel, George W. Reily. 111, Eleanor Bailey, Blake and Jack Bent, Charles and Kachel Fox, John, William and Edward Pearson. Cameron Cox, Wini fred Myers, Sara Ingram, Harriet Witman, Nancy, John, Jr., and Ned Campbell. Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, of 904 North Second street, is home after spend ing several weeks with her son, Sam uel Miller, in New York, and her daughter, Mrs. Alexander Snyder, at Ardmore. Mrs. Graeff's Guests Meet Columbia Visitors Guests last evening of Mrs. Wayne Graeff at her home, 808 North Six teenth street, had the pleasure of meeting Miss Edna Graeff and Miss Jane Saylor, of Columbia, who are spending the week here. Autumn flowers and foliage decorated the rooms and cards, music and a buffet supper were among the enjoyments of the evening. The guests included Miss Edna Graeff, Miss Ethel Baldwin. Miss Mel lie Reigle, Miss Maude Miller, Miss Caroline Patschke, Miss Anna Oubbi son. Miss Saylor, Norman Grace, of Philadelphia; Raymond Baker, Ho ber Moyer, Dr. R. J. Reigle, Raymond Eldredge, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Graeff, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boltz and Mrs. F. A. Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs. John Fackler, of New York city, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pugh, 250 North street. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH RAINBOW CAMPAIGN WILL SOOII BEGIN List of Captains Is Completed For Plan to Increase Y. W. C. A. Membership The complete list of captains for the Rainbow membership campaign of the Young Women's Christian Asso ciation has been announced by Miss Mary Jennings, general chairman. The seven local captains will Include Miss Anna Orth, Mrs. Frank Seitz, Miss Vera Randall, Miss Norma Bar ker, Mrs. Leo P. Harris, Mrs. A. E. Shirey and Mrs. J. F. Balsley. The seven suburban captains are Mrs. Ed word Cooper, Camp Hill; Mrs. Solo mon Hlney, Jr., Steelton; Mrs. Charles M. Forney, Paxtang; Mrs. Frank R. Oyster, Riverside; Mrs. Carl W. Davis, Lurknow and Dauphin; Miss Emma C. Nissley, Penbrook and Progress; Mrs. Smith, Linglestown. Public inspection day for the new building will be October 22. The first "tea" for the working Rainbow teams will be on Friday, October 23, and the actual hard work will commence on Saturday, October 24, the final tea be ing at the Y. W. C. A on Saturday, October 31. Eacn captain will have seven lieutenants and each lieuten ant will have seven workers. The complete list of lieutenants will be an nounced next week. As each team will strive to outdo all the other teams, the Rainbow .compaign promises to be as energetic and lively as the politi cal campaign now in progress. Make Generous Gifts to New Y.W.C.A.Building The building committee of the Young Women's Christian Association an nounces that Mrs. John Y. Boyd and daughters are making a most generous gift to (he new assembly, all as a mem orial to Mr. Boyd, who was greatly In terested in the preliminary construc tion of the building. It will be called the "John Y. Boyd Memorial Hall." Sixty dollars will pay for the furnish ings of a roojn and an appropriate table will be placed on the door, bear ing the donor's name or that of the person in whose memory the gift is made. The furniture placed in the rooms is of a silver gray tone, in har mony with the woodwork of the build ing. The list of donors to date includes: Mrs. Frank H. Leib, Mrs. Martina Moes lein. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Miss Caroline Pearson, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kunkel, in memory of her mother Mrs. Rutherford; Mrs. Clute and the Misses Clute, the Kev. William S. Harris, Mrs. Edward F. Dunlap, in memory of her mother, Mrs. Grice; Major Lane S. Hart, in memory of his wife, Mrs. Mar tha H. Hart; W. M. Ogelsby, in mem ory of his wife, Mrs, Eva Denney Ogelsby; Mrs. Mary J. Coder, of Me chanicsburg, Pa., will furnish a mem orial clock for the lobby; the Hickok family will furnish the home depart ment sitting room, in memory of Mrs. William O. Hickok, Sr.; J. H. Troup will furnish a J350 piano; Mrs. Charles Baker, Miss Carrie Fetterhoff and Mrs. J. K. Smith have contributed one hun dred hymn boks. Additional donations will be published later. William Clark Will Wed Phila Magistrate and Mrs. Byron E. Wrig ley, of 1447 Sayuga street, Philadel phia, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss C. Mildred Wrtg ley, to William Bell Clark, of 286 West Apsley street, Germantown, for merly of liarrisburg. Mr. Clark is a son of Dr. and Mrs. William P. Clark and was formerly connected with the Telegraph editorial rooms. GUESTS OF MISS CI'MMINGS Miss Lillian Cummlngs, of 528 Ma clay street, entertained the following guests a few days this week: Miss Maud-? Forr.v and Ethel Lerue, of Dillsburg; Miss Sarah Cromleigh and Kathryn Kline, of Duncannon; Mr. and Mrs. Hurst and Mr. and Mrs. Dretse, of this city. CONVENTION GUESTS Mrs. M. B. Isenherg and son, Wilbur Isenberg, of Huntingdon; Mrs. Mary Weaver and daughter. Miss Carrie "eaver, of Duncannon, and George Mooreheaed, of Philadelphia, were en tertained during the Firemen's Conven tion here by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moore head, at 2012 North Seventh street. CALL FROM OLD EMPLOYE John Newman, of Wormleysburg, called at the Telegraph offices today to look over the plant. Mr. Newman, who is 80 years old, worked for the Telegraph more than sixty years ago under Theophilus Fenn. MOTOR TO THE SEASHORE J. C. Mehring, A. Mehring and Miss Bertha Mehring, of 2439 North Sixth street, have gone to Atlantic City and adjacent resorts by automobile. MARRIED AT HAGEItSTOWN Miss Reba May Yost and Joseph W. Spangler, both of Wornilevsburg, Pa were married Thursday afternoon at the parsonage of the First Baptist Church, Hagerstown, Md., bv the Rev E. K. Thomas. RETURNS TO NEW YORK Mrs. Ida C. Murray, of New York city, has returned to her home, after spending three months visiting rela tives in Watkins Glen, Elmira and Harrisburg. INVITATIONS TO TEA Mrs. William J. Torrington. of River road, has issued cards for a tea, Wed nesday, October 14, from 4 to 8 to meet Mrs. W. J. Torrington, Jr.. of Philadelphia. Mrs. Samuel Stetter, of Strinestown, Pa., spent the past few days in this city as the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. F. Sterick, North Third street. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Oonistock have closed their home In Mechanics burg and leased one of the Colonial apartments for the winter. The Misses Fox and Mrs. Nissley of Hummelstown, spent Thursday with Mrs. John 11. Weiss, of 325 North Front street. FINE PLAYER PIANOS Last week Mr. E. W. Yohn. of Yohn Bros., had the pleasure of selling Mr. H. K. Winey, of Mlddleburg, Pa., a fine Price <fc Toeple Player Piano. Mr. Winey's oldest son was so well pleas ed with his father's purchase that he told Mr. Yohn to duplicate the order. His check received this morning was accompanied with a high testimonial to the Price & Teele Player. The Player sells for sfiso. Come to Yohn Bros., 8 North Market Square and examine It.—Advertisement. YUAN SHIM KAI DECORATES METHO DI ST MISSION AR Y New York, October 10.—According to information just received by the Methodist Board of Foreign Missions in this city, Dr. Robert C. Beebe, head of the Philander Smith Memorial Hos pital at Nanking, China, has been hon ored by Pre&ldent Yuan Sbih Kit with the decoration of the "Golden Har vest." This was conferred for valuable ser vices rendered by Dr. Beebe during the Chinese revolution. LEARNING THE ART OF STORY TELLING Tales of Adventure, Pathos, Love and Humor on Tuesday Evening's Program Tales of Adventure, Pathos, Love and Hunior will comprise the program for a meeting of the Story Tellers' League to be held Tuesday evening, October 13, In the hall of the Public Library. Miss Florence Carroll, who has the meeting in charge. will begin promptly at 7.30 o'clock by narrating "The Land of the Blue Flower." Miss Ethel Fair will tell "Partners" and Miss Helen Brenneman will give Henry VanDyke's "A Lover of Music.'' Miss Lois Booker has chosen "The Mirror," by Catulle Mendes, as her contribution to the program. An in formal ' discussion will follow each tale. These meetings are achieving a wide popularity, as the attendance of over fifty people at the last meeting shows. The league has decided to study the traits of different nations through the medium of the story this season. On Tuesday evening Miss Booker will talk briefly on "How We Should Feel the Story," prefaced with quotations from William Cullen Bry ant, and Mrs. Ross Hull will read a letter from James A. Barr, the league director of congresses, urging a series of story-telling demonstrations during the Panama-Pacific International Ex position, where thirty foreign coun tries and forty States will be repre sented. A program of a Story Tellers' League of Philadelphia, of which Dr. Frederick A. Child, of the University of Pennsylvania, is president, will be shown. The next meeting to he held on Oc tober 27, will Include "Hallowe'en Stories," with Miss Mary Snyder lead ing. Mrs. George Hiestand and son, An drew Hlestand, of Marietta, with Miss Thompson, of Montclair, Pa., were re cent of Mrs. John P. Melick, 509 North Second street. Servants of the King Hold Missionary Meeting Servants of the King, the younger girls of the Market Square Presby terian Church, who are banded for missionary work, held a meeting last evening following a picnic supper in the basement rooms. Miss Lillian Miller, the president, presided, and phases of the life of Bishop Henry Benjamin Whipple were given by Miss Pauline Hauck, Miss Dorothy Taylor, Miss Lyle Fisher, Miss Frances Manley, Miss Alarjorie Hause and Miss Katharine Fahne stock. A Bible talk by Miss Mabel Wright and Dickens' "Child's Dream of a Star," told by Miss Dolores Segel baum, made up- the program. David Ahn Celebrates Eighty-first Birthday The eighty-first birthday of David F. Ahn was celebrated yesterday in an informal way at his home, 425 Muench street, many old friends call ing to offer congratulations and bring him gifts and flowers. An oyster sup per was attended by Mr. Ahn's three children, Mrs. Cora Maugans and Mrs. William Wiestling, of this city, and George B. Ahn, of W'illiamsport. Among Mr. Ahn's visitors yesterday were Miss Ella Mickey, Master Har old Mickey, of Carlisle; Mrs. George B. Ahn, of Williamsport; William Wiestling, Master John Wiestling, Miss Jane Wiestling, Miss Margaret Shoop, Miss Lyla Garberich, Master Elihu Wiestling, Miss Annabel Burkhart, Miss Sara Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. War ren Garberich, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Erp and son and daughter, of Fair view. New Morton Apparatus Excites Much Admiration Much favorable comment has been heard about the city since the fire men's parade of Thursday with re spect to the appareance of the new motor apparatus purchased for use by the local fire department. This ap paratus was manufactured by the Morton Company, of this city, and, according to the judges, compares very favorably with any self-propelled fireflghting machinery constructed in the United States. It is of graceful design, with powerful motors and has everything of the latest design in the way of attachments. FLOWERS FOR FIREMEN Lemoyne citizens expressed their thanks and appreciation for the help of the Washington and Hope Hre com panies of this city, In the $. r )0,000 fire in the 'cross river town, Wednesday, by sending a wagon load of flowers to the two companies yesterday. Brumbaugh Ever Hear Them? McCotTTlick Hear All Three Tomorrow at the sth Street Methodist Church The Church on Four Streets Brumbaugh at 10.30 A. M.; McCormick at 2 P. M.; Pinchot at 7.30 P. M. Take car marked "4," "3" or "RV," and get off at Granite Avenue. Comfortable seats for 2,000 hearers. Small army of ushers to see to your every want. OCTOBER 10,1914. ir- mi ii -ir "\TO use sayin', "May the best d team win the World's != Series." The best team will win. VELVET , didn't win out because • F o* the good wishes of its frens, but it's eot 'tJRMJr =! ' fren'stowishitwellbe- r cause it's worthy of 'em. VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking : V MiirHwlil Tobacco, is getting lots of "word of mouth" advertising—the best kind _ wft a tobacco can get. Men don't risk their reputations as "judges of good tobacco" ■_ without knowing whereof they speak W w^en P rais ' n K VELVTE.T. 10c tins and Children's Aid Society to Hold a Food Sale Tho Children's Aid Society an nounces a food and flower sale Satur day, October 17 in the store room formerly occupied by the Klein In Market Square. Mrs. Mercer B. Tate, as general chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Tener, Mrs. Olmsted, Mrs. William E. Wright, Mrs. J. Harvey Patton, MISH Mary Emily Reily and Mrs. Llllie Walton, of Hummelstown. The party table will be in the charge of Mrs. Morris E. Jacobson. Her com mittee numbers Mrs. Orvllle Hickok, 3rd, Mrs. Walter P. Maguire. Miss Anne McCormick, Mrs. Frederick L. Morganthaler and Mrs. Joseph Nach man. Mrs. Ross Anderson Hickok is chairman of the cake committee and helping her will be Mrs. J. D. Hawk ins, Mrs. Francis Jordan Hall, Mrs. E. Z. Gross, Mrs. Henderson Gilbert and Mrs. Martin W. Fager. The cake table will be presided over by Mrs. Homer Black with Miss Margaret Bowman, of Millersburg; Mrs. Charles E. Cov ert, Miss Fanny M. Eby, Mrs. Charles B. Fager. Mrs. Carl Brandes Ely and M»s. David P. Deatrick, of Middle town, assisting. The flower booths will probably be in charge of Miss Eliza beth Bailey and Miss Margaret Stack pole, while Mrs. .faul A. Kunkel will pour tea. Mrs. Mary M. Erb to Wed Chas. Wehn, of Huntingdon The marriage of Mrs. Mary Marks Erb, of this city and Charles E. Wehn, of Huntingdon, will take place this evening at 8 o'clock at the parsonage of the First United Brethren Church, with the Rev. Dr. Spangler officiating. The bride will wear a traveling cos tume of navy blue cloth with a hat to harmonize, and a corsage bouquet of tiny rosebuds. There will be no attendants. Mrs. Erb has been a successful dressmaker of this city for the past ten years. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Wehn will leave for Huntingdon, where he is engaged in business and where they will be "at home" to their friends after November 1, at 1106 Washington street. >• •» FURS Buy Your Set of Furs Now. Cheap for the quality offeree, i FURS REMODELED R. Gerstncr ! PRACTICAL FURRIER | 218 Locust Street \——— —————. V | The J. Edmund Skiff Vocal Studios J. EDMUND SKIFF, Director. In Harrisburg Tuesdays and Wed nesdays, beginning Sept. 29th. MISS R. FLORA WEIL, As slstant. Studio 23 North Third Street Miss Shaver Entertains For Girl From Persia Miss Syra Pakradooni, of Over brook, niece of the Syrian vice consul was guest of honor last evening at an informal party given by Miss Helen Shaver, of 1238 Walnut street. Miss Pakradooni v.\"l be maid of honor at the wedding of Miss Shaver and G. Douglass Andrews. October 20. In the party were Miss Pakradooni, Miss Elsie Spayd, Miss Sara Vance, Miss Frances Corbett, Miss Emma Graupner, Miss Anna Falk, Miss Mar guerite Wildnian, Miss Mabel Wilson, Miss Bess Wilson, Mrs. C. H. Shaver, Mrs. Fred D. Andrews and Mrs. Jack Witmer. STYLE XIV. $150.00 Victrola entertainment is the surest, best and in every way the most satisfactory. Everything of the world's music that is best you will find in Victor records, and with a Victrola in your home, entertainment is a simple matter. The illustrated style at I $l5O may be had in Ma- | hogany, fumed, flemisß and | golden oak. I CAY vSl&lei \ 30 2nd St ( SPECIAL This Week Butter Scotch Walker & Messimer 411 North Second Street KamlHrn nnil I'nrllrt Supplied on Short Notice.