Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 09, 1914, Page 8, Image 8
8 — ~ The Challenge Millinery Sale Brings ' 9f^^ Falls Latest Styles at Prices That The Man Whoßeally Knows Quality in Shoes Are Incomparably L/OW Can Step Right Into a Splendid Bargain f■* Upward of two hundred and fifty pair of fine grade shoes for men go into our an \o'm /"/f#rir/rPfAi Clf Trim 171 f*r] f~tnfQ nnrf nual October sale to-morrow at substantial savings. Many of the styles in gun metal r# ' irimm ea liais ana and tan Russia calf represent Manufacturers' Samples of $4.00 shoes—these together M Thousands of New Velvet Shapes rt ith A 3 " s . and - bb lack . ack . s . fro . m .° u " ?3 . 5< ? H ." es . w . n '.T. v . e ' $2. 65 - r Hnitriht Snoninlltl fnr 77>fQ Fllpnt Men's $3.50 tan and black storm calf shoes, in Boys' $2.50 tan calfskin button shoes; on full ~ UOUgfll \DpeCiaiiy for IRIS Invent M her style with bellows tongues; made on high toe lasts, with heavy stitched soles: sizes t , . . r n r* i W1 to OV2. Special jtfl.O.J n nfn qrwide toe lasts, with two full Goodyear welted Boys'sl.7s gun metal calf button shoes; mafle 1 rimmea ± roc OI soles; all sizes. Special on w j(j e toe j asts w j t ] l ] ieaV y solid leather stitch- O Men's $4.00 sample shoes in Fall styles. Made ed soles, sizes 2]/i to SJ/j. Special $1.49 This is the greatest millinery sale we have ever held. It up i" gun metal calf, tan Russian calf and patent Boys $1.50 gun metal calf button shoes, made , ,11 r4.Uj.11 1 x J 11 » ,1 / mlt skin • button lace and blucher styles with oak on wide toe lasts with heavy stitched soles; sizes is noteworthy because of the thousands of dollars worth of ieaiher hi "d-S cite," "iw, 6y, and 7. on B 9«013v4. Special $1.13 new trimmed hats, pattern hats untrimmed hats and trimmings and c widths.' Special s£.<>.> Dlves - pomer °y * Stewart, street Moor. that enter the sale at Challenge Prices. The values are match- —~—~ ~ ; ~ 1 less at every price and[ demonstrate in a most convincing man- V Q Ur Need For a Light DalmaCaan ner that you can buy fashionable millinery here for less. Here x y - yK *- x x $12.50, $13.50, sls, $lB Deautirul 1 New 1 rimmecl liatS When days are cool and evenings cold, a light top coat is es- W* L Sj •#: { 4 n sential to comfort and good appearance. > I in the Challenge Sale at $4.95 9 ,„ r i!S«!»r oato '"' iskinda " d he an ,mm " ,se ffrnmh More than a hundred new models of a quality and smart designing e l ia y e some fine examples of light weight mm oat th.it R&M that proves them to be excellent styles for the money. The collection we would like to show you. embraces all the newest shapes in finest black velvet beautifully trim- t f f K XT T3l med to interpret Fashion's latest dictates. yOH /\l"0 ll£irCl lO 1 leaSe raHV : / ! H [Charming SIO.OO and $12.00 Pattern Hats—All] • + T _ F TT C Vnn New Models in the Challenge Sale at $8.95 111 3- Let US OOFV6 YOU |T^/7j r Great preparations have been made for this Challenge Sale of Milli- l^AatlU StvleS Between $lO and $35 * v Ulj / nery and to assure satisfactory service to everybody, our regular selling «/ /■ force will be augmented by experienced millinery salesgirls from our We have such a large assemblage of handsomely tailored suts that we are confident Reading store. we can outfit you with the very style you want to express your individuality. The [ Special Showing of New Hats in the Sale at $1.95 J ~* artan p l a £%^,„- Suits That Are Well Chosen 69c and 98c j l Adaptations of Exclusive Styles $16.50 to $75 All the latest turban and sailor shapes in the Challenge Sale as- Now on view in the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart outergarment section are scores of ditfeient semblage of 69c un trimmed hats—and a wonderful assortment of models, every one of which is a faithful reproduction of an expensive suit. ie\ t ( \"* J"" 1 fine dress shapes in plush velvet, velvet and hatter's plush and felt * "-kers who are famed equally for the cxylleuce of their the B > m P ath > w,th ift at 98c —all the wanted shapes in turbans, sailors and new large, which t,lcy intcrprct a , nd adap A t " of Auiencan uomen. ( small and medium styles. The Styles Are Pascinating and Rich in Quality I of New Fanrie«; in the jK At each price will he found a^fascinating display of styles and fabrics. Some are Redingotes with rurcnases OI [New rancies in rne W\lN' wide collars of crushed plush or velvet and yoke skirts which are so much favored. Ornamental but- Challenge Sale--25c, 49c, 69c and 98c V I tons 0 of° jet f and rows of small buttons are prominent. The materials are broadcloth, gal ardine, poplin * . ' I and cheviot, in black, navy, Russian green and tete-de-negre. Thousands of new fancies in hackle, ostrich, pheasant and other • ! At each price the variety of styles is greater and the quality better than you will see at equal styles in four great Challenge Sale groups. /\ I prices elsewhere in Ilarrisburg. In each garment you will at once recognize remar a e\n ue. Because o fthe large quantities involved in the sale the 49c and 0 mk Combination Dresses ot Serge and Charmeuse 69c fancies will be displayed for sale together with the 69c and 98c / f V Jik s J The most winsonlf stvles that we have ever seen developed from cloth and silk for street wear. untrimmed hats on tables on the Fourth street aisle. 0 N v ,.j|) Therc .s Ttouch of skill'in the designing that is not to be found in garments shown elsewhere in Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Millinery. Serod Floor. =-.= 1 Harrisburg. And the prices are interestingly low starting for the combination. Footwear of the Better Kind A Delicious Confection, 35c JUST OUT ! Shirts for Work Lying Out Discerning Women Will button shoes, long vamp pattern, plain toes, Ooodyear Being Our Regular 50c Maria Popular Edition i Doors! $1.50 Flannels,sl.39 Enjoy Fhis Showing of welted soles; With leather l/ouise. heels $4.00 nu ((11 75c percale shirts of an excellent quality, in a . Women's dull kid 15-button shoes: plain toe; hand UermanV and the full-cut coat stvle with launder cuffs. The ftjd OIOVeS welted soles with leather French heels $5.00 ° . I t f \l4to 17 and as a Spe- Women's black kldsldn arch support shoes; laee style; Tbe Coating is delicately delicious and the fill- TVT WT " siies ate comp e e rum „_ ef rn mnr»lipntivp <;hnwincr nf kid cloves broad shank lasts with lon K inside lea.hor counters and . • rf nine^nDle fruh c L rries nr nuts You'll 1 >eXt War cial attraction to-morrow the price will CQ The most comprehensue shovimg ot kid gime arch prop heels $«.oo " g ,s P ,nea PP le truit - cherries or nuts. You 1! that we have ever assembled awaits the critical Women's pun metal cair and patent colt button shoes; a devotee of these Maria Chocolates after By Gen. F. von Bernhardi ' inspection of discerning women at our kid glove black cloth tops: medium narrow toe lasts with hand you've tried one box ' ' For men who are forced to open-air work we Lovely stvles from direct importation " Queen Quality shoes for women in d'uli caif, paten" to-morrow instead of ?oc. have procured regular $1.50 niilitar\ kluki aiid s ] imvn along with fine grades from such re colt, dull kid an<l black vid kid; CJoodyear welted soles; ' Dives pomcrov & Stewart Ra«ement tv.< i. »v. k i u< u . j ■< grev flannel shirts, with two flap pockets i ill 1 lie , . jt> • with many different styles of heels. • ' ... This is the book which startled all • to -morrow for Jj?l .559 nowned makers as 1 refausse and F errill. $3 50 SIOO S4 50 and $5 00 Europe a few years ago and which Is cnest ID sen to inuiiuw iui i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—street Floor, Rear " to-day the cause of much comment. There are many other flannels to choose trom, Representative of true quality are these: _ HAf I irfntinrf ,n a frank, uncompromisins lißht and al Real kid 2-clasp gloves with wide embroidery and A 51.50 German Broadcloth ror Deirer ugnring Y^R^SESST* W<»l BIOMM. P ,«. P.,N, $1.75 inverted gas lamps complete with inner plobe; From this book are taken many of Sturdily made for sturdy boys at school are kid gloves witn h'aris point em iaer>, fpwf OC green or pink fringed shade and Welshach mantle, 080 J he startling phrases which appear t j iese „ rcy an( J blue wool blouse waists with ' Tor M panel aRI dl l room domes , 22 inches the cfvilWnK Influents® the" Military collars 50* And broadcloth as you know is Winter's one best In diameter with flve-lnch fringe; complete with burner, of the- world." "Germany is the com- p n ,, s ' nP " urn-lio-ee shirts with separate col- Two-Clasp Kia gloves in toiora, u.ic ui ~a fabric for skirts and suits as well as for coats. $7.98 ing world power," "Germany's rise is r / m-i-» » I ' 1? anrl 11 . • 5>i.70 to ?-.-o This weave has Just come to us from Germany, Fleht nanel art d iss dininc room domes- '4 Inches In civilization's greatest asset." If might lai"S 111 the Military Style, Sizes 1- and !•+ \ eai >, A complete color range also is shown at through the Netherlands and out of the port of Am- panel art glass dining room domes. .4 inches In js not rl?ht , t „ so ft „ ke as to " be 5()<! to SI.OO $1.25 and $1.50 sterdam. In eleven shades at $1.25 instead of $1.50. diameter, of overlaid metal scroll work sß.i>() hardly distinguishable from it. o ... , , , Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewarti —Basement. Book Section, Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy . owai , . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street 1- loor. Men's Fall Union Suits, SI.OO PureFoodGroceries are Very Reasonably Priced eac^ ew spedai S 3 C for amackerel '\ wweight 2,- . ght 2,-> b < ; A garment of medium weight that can be worn right up Jjj the D., P. S. GrOCerV for To-mOrrOW NS« SS SISSTSSS, uiSSUii. to bitter weather. Of fine quality ribbed cotton. ' % t7 Eureka soups, oxtail, mock turtle, etc., regular 10c Men's medium and heavy weight Egyptian cotton ribbed The basement grocery carries a stock of daily food stuffs that for quality and price attractive- ca, >few doca" a' ibs" 25c union suits SI.OO ness cannot be equaled in Harrisburg. Connected with the department is a telephone order service Fancy °head"rice, 3 lbs. 25c Heavy weight natural wool union suits $2.00 that is at your disposal every second in the day. If you are unable to come to the store for your Shredded lie Extra heavy wool union suits $3.50 grocery needs we'll give you the benefit of an efficient telephone service. :t packaKes .25c Fast black cotton seamless half hose, in lierht and heavy 25 pounds granulated su»?ar $1.70 t ■ Post Toasties, 3 packages 25c ..rffifrhtc 10 pounds granulated sugar 74c T"W>liV>'>foecon Postum Cereal, large package -le \\ eigniS 1 & /2<( Eagle flour made from Pennsylvania wheat in Choice Messina lemons, each lc l-'ast black cotton hose; extra weight lb. bags .*Wc Country cured dried beef, % lb ~loc ' last black lisle hose J7J/40 and Swift's silver l O. C . a ..inc Sugal-'cureT'bacon,' sliced' any thickness, ib.'.'Z'Sc WotTlenS Underwear and HOSI6rV Cashmere hose, in oxford and black New Vermont maple syrup, in full pint bottles ...20c Lebanon bologna, lb 28c * WlllC'll o V 11UU1 VV aAlu * Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Imported hngllsh chow, full quarts 28c Boiled ham, sliced, lb 39c Women's white cotton ribbed union suits: fleece lined 75c ?. U - r L ri ! e __ ca _ U ! , . p : Ring bologna, lb 18c Women's white wool and cotton union suite $1.50 ' ,® w asparagus in tall tins, . for -oc Little picnic hams, averaging B lbs., lb 20e Women's white silk and wool union suits; high neck and long sleeved j „ 7 A , i _ - Mixed vegetables for soup, No. 2 cans ......... Hie Luncheon loaf, lb 28c or Dutch neck and elbow sleeves $2.00 * VVC Announce for oflturofiv Onlv Majnower baked bean«. large cans, regularly 18c can, Cream cheese, lb 25c Women's white wool and cotton vests and tights; vests long sleeves, •' ; l-e English dairy cheese, lb. . . 27c ca< .h 75c A *-» 1 ,-.„f Q_l_ Sanlla I Clara Prunes, - lbs. .. . . ..... .Joe Longhorn cheese, lh " 25c IIOSIKRY IX F.\1,l AM) WIXTKR WKItiHT XlXl |3ori C4.1l l 03.1© OX Purity "dates' lb "package 1 -- very cholce ' Clear Brook very finest creamery butter, lb. . ,;lflc Black Fall weight Lisle hose: fashioned feet: high spliced heels and TV T 4 -i—v r-** . * 7"! ~, , : nri J Black heavy cotton hose; high spliced heels and double soles, pair. |\T Q . „ J |\ c Tuna flsh, a delicious substitute for chicken in L/OtlCe anCl lea 37><,c, :l pair SI.OO 1 1 dIdCJ. I / l"oo OllldClS salads, sandwiches, etc., large can 28c Purity steel cut coffee in lb. cans 40c Fast black cotton outline hose! ribbed or hemmed tops 25e Pickerts soused mackerel in larpie cans 15e Excelsior, a delicious blend, lb. ... ... ...... ... -;!Sc Fast black lisle outsiic hose; faslilonetl feet, pair, 87 V4e. 3 pah",51.00 Xalad dre«« shields and brassieres are worn by practically every Norway kippered herrin*. can 10c n a ? q nff l ; p t^hV^Oe"^e ,B " eld^t,Mltth,,B6WOPt,,y !tenWarC ° ftpred hC,mV PrC " Gull sardines in mustard, large cans .....12c C^ic l^o^ blend, lb." !! i I!! i!! 50c A FY>r to.morrow only we will sell Hunter sardines in bouillon 8e Senate blend, a delicious sweet drawing tea, lb.. . .6»e /"V i C* W J. ClllW IV.JI 00 sl^TiSw (^ r fo;':::;:::::::::::::: i»e Columbia River salmon steaks I«c w!n l ur\'. 0 00, e oa a 'r'.-Ti //////.'.ioo Just arrived is a decidedly attractive corset from the makers 36c shields, size 4 for 19c or 3 for . ... .V.'. 55c 1 in "" s a ' m °n cutlets, large oval cans ,15c P„ re cocoa, absolutely the best, lb. 15c: 3 lbs. . . ,28c Q f Nemo. It is in a low bust model and of excellent qual 28c shields, size 3 for 17c or * for \n,. New *ove oysters, tall tins 12c Peanut butter, the very best, lb. 15c; 2 Ibe 28c . . g.,. c , , • r tl ,„ 25c lace trimmed for 19c or 3 for -,-,e Ncw pack s h r l m P' wet and dry pack, can ... . 150 Fresh home-made currant Jelly, Ih 13c lty COUtll. Ihe price IS JpSS.OO. Shown this week for the first 50c sanitary aprons for ' on. Possum sardines In oil 5 P New home-made mince meat for pies, lb., 13c; 2 lbs.. time Divas, Pomeroy &' Stewart—Notions. Sliced ox tongue In jars aoc J Pomeroy & Stewart-Basement. D,VM ' Pom ' r ° y & BUwart ' B * C ° nd Fl °° r J) FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 9,19!4.