Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 09, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' ' TTTTT^rTT , y^,rV y ¥TTV y TV y ;
: '7»n'f this Bowman's Store?" asked a lady who came CAl T, IQQI - ANY'PHONF <=#=' BOYS' CLOTHING
► m our Store thu week. On being tM a wot, she said tt _ £j\ * \J}jf /jf Bring your boy in Saturday and select his new winter '
► looked so large and different that she thought she was rO U INI E D IQ 7 I A 4 outfit. 4
in another Store. M%J M Boys .' Norfolk Suit ß , tan, gray' and blue striped cassi- <
J lined knickerbockers; sizes 6 to 17 (l? 0 AC?
New arrangement of every department on every floor, and years. Special at (pO«i/0
f new store equipment has given more light and wider aisles— WJg J& Boys' all-wool blue serge Norfolk Suits with taped seam <
J and the new elevators make it a pleasure to shop on any floor. r> —•— knickerbockers. Special at . $.{.95 and $5.00 <
These are the beginning of many new things planned for bet- HAPRISBURCS. POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE • "°- VS .n tan, gray and shepherd checks - <
►. T, » _ _ just the coat for these cool evenings; sizes 2yi to 10 vears.
► ter store serv,ce at Bowman s. Store ODdIS 9AM Clones Q P M at #3.50, S:L9B and $4.95 <
y _ _.- V r V " a "• JL _ * Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 4
;; Mechanical T*ys of Every Description vm;. r i J
Visit our large new Toy Store. Bring the children they TT lIICC vjOOQ-3 atiiCl ■PfrrA j. i
* will be delighted with the wonderful showing. A A | 1/ 4
* Trains, autos, fire engines, delivery wagons, animals, /*t wj 1 fy 1. M P JLIiICIIS j*g
► acrobats, etc.. at 10#, J£s#, 39#. 50# and up to $5.00 . . 7*<•* . . ~ j
j ► Big dolls, small dolls, laughing dolls, crying dolls, flirt- _______—___— ____________________ ar RC wi e ais cs an n w
j ing dolls, sleeping dolls, floating dolls, unbreakable dolls —• MB asm «a cquipmen ma e l ps hmK/r Tllfcv <
[ ' every si« and kind at 10#, 25#, 39#, 50#, 69#, 75#. SI.OO, |j H M 1 ! # Incs?£ for S^rdav P KffMIMK
: Bowman Millinery i
\SJf\mfrTl 'q TTI/1 f* 1 L Hoval Longcloth- 10 yards <
W Olllcll S IV.IU. UIUVCO Ourbuyerwas in New Yprk the early part of the week and owing to the warm weather, to the piece. .Our 75c leader, <
We have ample gloves that came from France, Germany bought certain lots of goods at a big reduction. This is very unusual for the first week of Octo- special at . .... ... Ui'/j# ,s^\Vs^* ) i
. and England before the present war. The values speak for ber and they will be offered to you at this time at corresponding reductions." Kice L lotli inches wide. JI im, h
\ themselves, very line we ever carried and without a doubt T - r . Large Black Velvet Hats sailors 'xtra tine qualitv vMHW. I\,v \a
► the largest including Reynier, Fownes, Bacmo. Christmas II I ill Ij] with flange on edge. Also a few seal f } e special voi the new t nJa\ j i j,il^' . j
►is on its way —why not buy your gifts while the stock is at \ J plush hats 1 /i f\ ''' S " "pi 'Y 7 " 7u 1 1 i i
if its best. U ¥n"Tir I . s>lr4iH * A I 4 * j Homespun Blankets with
The favorite 2-clasp Overseam Gloves with three (\ E? _ omL hatc'a7»>'artnal t2 50 and (X) "own and »uc >order.hea\\ 111 MM Wml!II H\
K , a • Li i Lu a. j -q • Hhf S/Pv JlWd 1 hese hats are actual SJ.i)O and weight and verv serviceable. WW'H H'i / \\
j ► rows embroidery, in black, white, tan and gray. Pair, ~ti >M| values * I>air $1.50 I f||f| \l \ *
! ► Bacmo t-clasp Cape Gloves. P. X. M.. In good tan phases. Pair, $1.15 I j IW I I The very finest quality of Veloui J M Gray Blankets with blue and jll A'\« / \ff \J
j > "™l | Hats in the new mannish shapes; in 4 ( borders, large bed size, l,\f / L» 4
K Fownos t-rlasp IMou. lambskin Olov*,. Pari, Point, embroidery; beau- TO " black, brOWn,_ green and navy. This is j "* " H ' i Hl| *
ful, soft, pliable skins; In black, white and tan. Pair .... $1.35 —•*— \ s 3n actual value. 4T\ rj[J jC I 1 loor Ji(m aTAN s IW; 111-—' . f
I I " ' Hi I Special IpjcJ/D , \ Jpi * j j I |||
1 The Odette 2-clasp Overseam Gloves, Paris Point embroidery. In black, !]>, fl jl 111 I . Black Lyons \el vet Mats, hand- | • V I S ATJ l l !j|l j
white, tan ami gray. Pair $1.15 Lc\. w blocked, and we truthfully say —as i 4 X I! I||
h J~~/ fine ft velvet hat as can be bought, j itllw. T TTV! I^TQ Cf I
* Fownes 12-button French Kid Gloves, soft and pliable, in black and Should sell at $6.00. d* O Af\ • /r\ * Xviil l!/ll U US' ;J 4
white. Exceptional values. Pair #2.75 L ~* V , pv at S>,i.49c T / } j .
—- r* .. .. r i . J • • i , Linen crash Cushions, ob- ,
► vJur assortment of hats and trimming* has never been larger. Big purchases at this time—tak- i nnLr with frineed ends • stamu '
► Reynier 3-ciasp French K id Giovea. Paris Point #mb^' ing of all price concessions and at the same time receiving all the new goods will c d for embroidery Special <
► 1 ' '"ake this department the logical place to purchase vour new millinery. " T7TQTT nTT"D A
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Pll • <1" A t " lull UU K.
; - r." T .r". .rrritiw I moire.'«» , mp<!li , A , 14 ,
k 1 .. , - ---_ == pink, blue and black. Special, I\6UL) ISrIGTX. S *
_ $25.00 Broadcloth and (L CA u°*n b*™ **<<,, * l™. Q* nr * '
: Cottons Have Dropped Considerable Poolin Suits at MO.DU Z
; ► Ouoted Here Are a Decided Saving OUlto at . . . . Prices Ts# to SI.OO On Third Floor
► 1 yuuicu lICIC nic a uctiacu uatiiij; And tJie mater j a i s so scarcc t hat manufacturers are buying from each other at advanced 59c lace and insertion trim- 4
► Mil* fin <1 Eta prices. The suits were made for a large retail store that met with financial reverses just when Bureau Scarfs :*7# Those who have not been
J»ccia. iriuouiio, t he suits were to be delivered. Our buyer happened to be 011 the spot when the news arrived second FIoor— BOWMAN'S here since the store has been <
- ================= remodeled will be pleasantly •<
a square sheet. \ ard 2'-2« k turer wanted them shipped at once, and more important vet, he needed the 'immediate cash, lie /PL *ll * 117 surprised with the large, new i
► 27-inch Unbleached Sheeting; yard !i# accepted and the suits are here. V/lliilurSn S W Cftl* quarters and convenience of i
* ,2"i nC u ieet j n S> fi ne texture; yard Sixty Chiffon Broadcloth Suits in the best coloi —navy, Copenhagen, dark -s.a^L r * I' n*m • n ♦ i a ° Ur n ° W en s tore * J
, 39-inch Sheeting, very fine quality; yard .9# brown and RlJssian Rree n-thev would he unusual values at $25.00, Children s Bonnets, white
m r 5
12j/>c to 15c white Shaker Flannel; yard .. 10# and i /V 1 velvet, trimmed with ribbon, cj •l gi » r i
18c 45-inch best quality Pillow Casing; yard 10# m 1 WaUv/ fur and ribbon flowers. Prices Special onowing ot 4
SHEETS ABOUT OFF USUAL PRICES Fifty-five Poplin Suits black, dark brown, dark green, plum, navy and are >o# to $1.50 <
" 75c Arcadia Sheets, size 76x 90c Mohawk Sheets, size 81* dregs of wine-splendid $25.00 suits, A\ \ ChiWren's Dresses in white Men's afld YoUH? '
" 90-seamless bleached 58» 90: seamless: marked E.S.. «9« A f (Cl A ~ O / V 4 poplm, p,que and lmen, high "ICII » ailU 1 OUllg
( 90, seamless, bleached... 20c and 22c Mohawk Pillow At SIO.OU / Vj «*• ' 0l ?f . U«>. Cn». <
► $1.09 Utica Sheets, size 81x90 Cases, marked E.S., good size. Twenty-seven Imported Gabardine Suits—black, dark brown, green and " S C second lC Fioor— BOWMAN'S." IflWl S OllllS <
►or 90x90; marked O TO# Each 10# —a better grade than is usually found in $25.00 suits, T V in tartan check Roman strine a
► M *in Floor Rear New Elevators BOWMAN'S. A - ET *ffl ! '\ « "TV'- . .. gray serge, ' blue ' worsted! J
► t ~ %!|5 u V-/ Special Of brown cassimere, black and i
► A | f*ir| ffl Our N(k\y Dranprv Dpnt F. &H. Broadcloth Suits—Redingote models, with big velvet belts to match, ' ! // Pn , vr , white striped unfinished wor
! ► F Jr J H * materials in black, navy, brown and green— genuine $25.00 suits, :// I JilflpKmilclmC listed; also the new Oxford- j
will be of interest to you. This is the time of the year to dress ' VIIUvI HlUoilllS bound edge; English and semi- <
* up the home with new draperies. So many materials and styles A Ir\ , English models, at so.{)o. i
> to select from—and experts who will be pleased to suggest Sx /n\, Jc Of ScLtUruSV $13.50, $13.50, $15.00, A
y and help you select. In the above suits there is a very satisfying assortment of the later models, \Xy j [ , , t SIB.OO and up to $35.00.
Roman striped and oriental designs in couch covers. the tailoring is excellent. All sizes are among them but notwithstanding \ > y ' L u ' c '." w , ns , u !•' c New Top Coats and Balma
. 69# to $3.49 the quantity an early visit is advisable. \\\ and colored, striped and fig- caans at $lO 50 jfjig.so, <
Sunfast Materials in plaui and cut designs, 31 to 50 inches Ninety-five Handsome Coats arrived here yesterday from Wile—and Wile's \ \ "• , c y^ es ana $15.00 and SIB.OO. <
wide; colors are rose, blue, brown and green. Yard, models have a reputation from Maine to California. Beautiful broadcloths, zibe- \\ \ 'Ti'",-•••••• '*' Showing new cloth stitched
k 39# to $1.35 lines, lustrous Meritex and Pomoires and all the fashionable plaids. > Vv \ .>ii oinimiations corset Hats high crown, open curl <
$15,517.53,520,525,527.50,<32.50,535, ES£!B P ii;
► JC\' • .• -1 - s ' OI ? g whlte and All sizes for misses and children. suit section-second Floor- BOWMAN'S second FIOO,-BOWMANS new shades, at sl.oO and $3.
; y • L' - ' • J r ecru. Pair, * Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
' •'*.'•l Facts About Furniture and Mattresses Bulbs For '
K - a' -1.7- /t •i • ."1 lon S- white and beize. UUIUd 101 ,
► t'l ' 4 K' yu\ •'.*/- [ Cretonn
Sophia Quality Hair Goods spi cial pr ces satuiday, to go! JI ~t| Autumn Planting ]
: (Sas»a»»= aaevxs-is{ "• t? .a-.s;«. a;
► Fourth Floor BOWMAN'S. Yard .... 30# to $3.50 ' 11
Psvche Switches at $1 50 { niture made only a few sec I l|| white, pink, yellow, red and A
: Saturday Last Day to See the ST I K :
v m..-- In all shades, including gray, that are essen- « tresses .... $5.95 Li— r '• ••••••••.• >■»"#
► tial to the latest French Twist effect. Worth $12.00 White Felt Mat- Plf blue and str'incd W Do%J lIS i
► $3.00. Experts in attendance. tresses.. $7 95 ° I)ozen - 10^
°T ® p-- v
FALL FOOTWEAR chiffonier and Princess dress- |yJ|p' j [More New Figures
► l ! Visit Our Remodeled Shoe Store—Near New E ectric Elevators ' jS_ J by Pop Geers' Horse
► Men S Vici ki<l patent CO,t ' gU " metal and tan Russia Ca,f matCh $13.75 J Special ,o~The Telegraph
► 'r' 1 shoes for 1-all wear. Handsome new styles. d»0 AA Fifth Floor-Bo LexinKton, Ky„ Oct. »._The twentv-
Paif 3>O.UU fifth renewal of thp Transylvania stake
► / •»»., ~~~\i "aiV, \ \l& , A Boys' patent colt and gun metal ,calf button shoes with TTIIT» J- * C*l X "as yesterday won by Et&wah, driven
t ■i- , serviceable soles of oak leather— Fall ReHOVatlOll Sale Of < i , "T" T °
A III • v J /X-Z</ \ ,VI . i | The record foi- the stake of 2.04 Vi,
► M •#> \!& X )sm,sizes to IZ'pr r .::::::::::: Tjr at t da p-pp -I™.
- (l k % 'y'mjnI «'jM»cn-» «ne paten, colt. gt.n metal nn.l kM Fall W ALL X XXiTJI/lV ]
► hi l}h\\& * ,lu. iVtir boots, kid and Cloth tops; very newest shapes, <fcO AA . ] j bus. Omar and Star Winter were the
► llfl 3r "/l / perfect fitters. lair Vi/»vv/ will occur on Saturday and it will be your opportunity to secure j contenders.
► W?W/ 'vL<'> Women's fine patent colt, glaze kid. gun metal and tan wall paper at these unheard of prices. <J' Murphy was the iondtn K drtver of
l&s-. * ffl 'JSJ v€ai , VW' % ' button and lace Fall and Winter shoes, cloth and kid toi>s, 20c Domestic Oat Meal Papers, in brown and green. l' 1 ". <las, winni "f f tlie Kc ''' ,U(, ky pacing
► ln< s Jl \I J : / 1- 111 -1-1 til 1 _ II «« , a fut,,r »y with Anna Bradford and the
I fsJ-'L §'{{( ™SW\\\ f 7 I close grained oak soles. Ihe best shoes in the d»q |-A roll 11# <,, 2n pa ,. e with 3 . year . old Baro J
I~!r fr"\ vu' n \ I wil V / world for «|soc Leatherette, metallic effects and figured wall papers for < jMarque. Th<- unfinished 2.17 trot was
' fw 1 l\\\ V flUi 14 ( parlors, living rooms and halls, at, roll 555# 4 I won by Hazel Lalns, driven by An
* 'ilk\ Wfdhx \ CPTTPT AT TlflT T AT? TAUT TTQ 12c and 15c plain Satin Stripe and allover print papers, 4 ! rtroWß - Ff,,er Ppar ' was th" co ß tender
► ©rJLV/lAJL
| FOR SATURDAY ONLY n/1 J tt • i' J J 2.04 pace WM a mi>re jog trot for R.
C figured stripe wall papers, in brown, red and green i H. Breat. Harry stoker who mo».d
Women'* >line*t «v»n.rn'n »n<ln NllpnrrKi nomrn'N Colonlnlxi wo- ■ < 10 • i . . • , . . / 1 Clones, nno raced
CZAR men*, felt aiipprrni «T«iuen'n wooi-iineti nhiieM. solid with lfs-incli cut-out oorcters to match, roliage papers I King Couchmnn last year, drove him,
► as UK POSES FOH MOTION PirTfRF SHOWS \ A I.IKS, fi.ili) to #3.0«. f or ( j ell nn( J lj\ ing room. I t>ut R. H. Breat was much the best.
► Only he is behind iron bars here. BRING THE CHILDREN. S/l 111 ffl P Tlflll SKT ' Extra Special—excellent quality of wall papers at 2 J4# to ' woWd'sTecoM Vf° ?lV
„ They will be fed at 2P. M. and 7P. M. COME IN AND SEE Od tUI U<t y V/Ue JJOliai 5# roll. Sold only with 9-inch borders to match. ' irodeyhian etghthof amDeundS
t THEM. Third Fiooi -BOWMANS. Bring your measurements. Paper hangers furnished. , saddle in isvi seconds.
, . Thlr <l FIoor—BOWMAN'S. - 1 ' " —'
4k a a /w an, a rfK Try Telegraph Want Ads
OCTOBER 9, 1914.