2 <3feßffifepcttnayLVAmfl]^e>ias] CHURCH ATTITUDE ON MORAL QUESTIONS Bishop Weeklejr Addresses United Brethren Conference; Im portant Subjects Special to The Telegraph "Mechanicsburg, Pa., Oct. 9.—Bishop W. M. Weekly addressed the United Brethren conference here yesterday afternoon on the "Banners of Our Church." and said that the banner of our church represented its attitude to religious principles and doctrines, and moral questions. He declared that the United Brethren Church in f _ -% Best Laxative For Children When your baby is cross and fretful instead of the happy, laugh ing little dear you are accustomed to, in all probability the digestion has become deranged and the bowels need attention. Give it a mild laxative, dispel the irritability and bring back the happy content of babyhood. The very best laxative for chil ' dren is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin, because it contains no opiate or narcotic drug, is pleasant tast ing and acts gently, but surely, without grlpipg or other distress. Druggists sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup | Pepsin at fifty cents and one dol- j lar a bottle. For a free trial bottle | write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 451 j Washington St., Montlcello, 111. ' Q & EASY WEEKLY PAYMENTS Q J Tartan j 5 □□ □□ g X □□ □□ X Q —Smart little plaids (called "Tartan Q Q Plaids") are quite the proper thing Q X for "Father and the Boys" this sea- S Q son. The variety of colors is very Q Q large, so that you can find almost 0 X any effect that you may have in X Q mind. All sizes for both men and Q 0 youths, from sl2 to S3O. Open a V X charge account. „ X X Suits 5 Q —We're showing the tyw 42 and 45 inch Q Q coats in the Redingote and other fashionable X ft models, with pleated and tunic skirts. Up- X X to-date styles at sl2, sls, $16.50, $lB, S2O, X <5 $22.50, $25 and S3O. X * Just Arrived—A new lot of men's Balma- X X caans. Also, some very smart Coats for X Q women and misses in both long and short Q O effects. Q X No Charge For Alterations X Q Terms To Suit The Pay-Days r) I I IASKIN & MARINES 8 CO. I X 36 N. Second Street X X CORNER OF WALNUT X FRIDAY EVENING, | 1821 took a decided stand on the tem perance question, and even before I that, a hundred years ago. they legis lated aaginst the use of liquor as a I beverage, and the hosility to the liquor traffic assumed that tlmo has never ! been changed. On the slavery ques- I tion the denomination took a more I decided stand, and had many bravo I men in the Civil War for the freedom |of the colored race. The church's at • titude has been uncompromising against the theater, the ballroom and the card table. The Rev. George L. Fulton ad dressed the conference on the part of the City Ministerial Association, and extended a hearty welcome to the con ference in the common work of ex tending the kingdom of God. The Revs. J. S. Adam. Shipe, Raach, Sharp and Dice, of the various churches of Mechanicsburg, were introduced to the conference. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Richter, re turned missionaries from Africa; L. O. Miller, the general church treasurer, and Miss Hannah Deutscher, a dea coness under direction of the Woman's Missionary Society in Baltimore, Md., weer given advised receipts. The re port on home missions was read by the Rev. E. W. Leech, of Baltimore, Md. The report on church erection was read by the Rev. J. B. Rice, of York. The Rev. W. E. Daugherty, of Reading, gave the report on Chris tian stewardship, and the Rev. J. p. Nathony, of Keedysville, Md., on the Christian home. j At the evening session greetings from the conference branch of the Woman's Missionary Association were given by Mrs. J. C. Lambert, Mechan icsburg, and L. O. Miller, the general church treasurer, Dayton, Ohio, gave an address on the "Home Missionary and Denomination of the Church." ENGINE WHEEL. PHES OFF Shippensburg, Pa., Oct. 9. —While sawing wood at the property of Lin coln Miller, a wheel blew from the engine, and knocking a gate oft its hingles, hounded to the porch at the home of C. B. Powell, across tho street, where it broke a pillar. A little child standing close by narrowlv es caped death. WEST SHORE NEWS FUNERAL OF MRS. ANNIE LEASE New Cumberland. Pa.. Oct. 9.—The Rev. S. N. Good, pastor of tiie Church of God. assisted by the Re, - . J. R. Hutchinson and the Rev. J. V. Ad ams. conducted the funeral st -vices of Mrs. Annie Yinger Lease. So.os were rendered by Mrs. W. O. Ketster. Among the flowers presented was a spray of cream roses from the Sunday school class of the Church of God of which Mrs. Lease was a member. The pallhearers were sons-in-law, J. W. Mathias. H. M. Pair ajid O. V. Danner, and nephew, S. N. Prowell. Relatives from York, York Haven. Yocumtown, Newberr.vtown, Steelton and Harris burg attended the funeral. STANDARD BEARERS TO MEET New Cumberland, PH., Oct. 9.—Op Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock the Standard Bearers of the Methodist Church will hold a meeting at the hom» of Miss Miriam Lenliart. All officers and members are requested to be present. SPECIAL FEATURES AT Y. M. C. A. Enola, Pa.. Oct. 9.—Enola Pennsyl vania Railroad Young- Men's Christian Association will hold its Friday even ing meeting at 7.30 this evening. It will be of special interest to men In terested in Bible study. D. H. Ames, of Carlisle, will conduct the service. Mr. Ames will also give some special music on the Swiss hand biles. TO FORM CLASS Enola. Pa.. Oct. 9.—The educational class that was to be formed in the Enola Pennsylvania Railroad Young Men's Christian Association on Tues day has been postponed until Tuesday, October 3, at 7.30 o'clock. George R. Landis, education dircetor of the State Young Men's Christian Associa tion, will organize the. class and give a talk to the members on "Safety First." which will be Illustrated by a number of lantern slices. David Paul Blos'er has been selected as an In structor. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Enola, Pa., Oct. 9. Real estate transfers have been made at Enola during the past few days. John P. Kessler property in Columbia road to Mrs. Amelia Krnler for $1,950; \V. P. Harris and wife, three lots to W. B. Thomas at private sale. BRAKEMAN INJURED Enola. Pa.. Oct. 9.—John G. Erb, Brick Church road. Enola. employed as brakeman in the local yards, had his leg badly bruised when he fell 'rom a car on which he was. riding. CHOLERA KILLS HOGS Special to The Telegraph Mnrietta. Pa., Oct. 9.—Hog cholera has again made its appearance In the northern end of the county. Many large and valuable hogs have died 'rom the disease and all efforts to stamp It out are in progress. At Ephrata the loss has been the heaviest. SATURDAY ONLY The greatest value ever offered. A ■hina tea pot and one pound of Angle 3lend coffee for 35c. Limited supply )f tea pots. Grand Union Tea Co., !08 N. 2nd St—Advertisement. CAVALRYMEN AT REUNION Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 9.—Sixty vet ■rans of the Twenty-first Pennsylvania Cavalry, including a number of hon rary members, journeyed to Vaynesboro yesterday for their twen :y-sixth annual reunion. They met n the Star Theater, where Watson R, Javlson delivered the address of wel ome. Chaplain John A. Howard re iponded. 500 INVITATIONS TO RALLY Special to The Telegraph New Cumberland. Pa., Oct. 9. Over ive hundred invitations were sent out or the Sunday school rally in Baugh nan Memorial Church on Sunday morn ng, at 9:30. A line program has been irranged. There will be solos, duets, ixercises by the primary and adult de mrtments and ar. address by the pas or. WASHING OX MINISTER TO SPEAK Special to The Telegraph New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 9.—There vlll he no preaching at Trinity United Jrethren Church on Sunday. The Rev. Tharles Fultz, of Washington, D. C., .vlll address a men's meeting at 2:30. lis subject will be his trip through the Holy Land. The meeting will he ie!d under the auspices of the Men's Bible classes, who also Invite the ladles to attend. CONCERT BY I.OYSVILLE BAND Special to The Telegraph New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 9. Last svenlng the Loysville Orphan Band gave an excellent concert here. las Fine Action in the Blood Does Real Work in Cleaning Body of Impurities. It Is to the skin that blood Impurities ire driven by Nature. And it Is In the ikln that 8. 8. S., the famous blood pur fler, has Its most pronounced Influence. ?or It Is here that yon see the results. i. S. S. Ii none the less effective in the oints, glands and mucous surfaces In Irivlng out rheumatism, overcoming boils md ridding the system of catarrh. The purely vegetable Ingredients In *. 8. 8. are naturally assimilated but bey enter the blood as an active medi cine and are not destroyed or converted vlille at work. It Is this peculiar feat ire of S. 8. 8. that makes It so effective. It ttlra Into action all the forces of the Jody, arouses digestive secretions, stlmu ateg the blood circulation to destroy dis use breeding germs. I'pon entering the blood B. 8. -8. Is parried throughout your body In about three minutes. And la a brief time It has any blood trouble so under control that It no longer ran multiply. Gradu illy new flesb is formed In all broken down tissues and the skin takes on the ruddy glow oi health. Be sure and get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. today of any drug gist, but avoid all substitutes. Around the bottle Is an Illustrated clr cnlnr that tells you how to obtain < Style of f r Volume. Binding L K< How to get them Almost Free L a Simply clip a Coupon and present together with our WJ W apeclal price of 11.98 at the ofClce of the I Harrisburg Telegraph i V A Coupon (IQQ S«cur« th«s TOI. Ain Ca. " J V 1 and ipltt/O UIMI *f this great ijCl 4 U Beautifully bound in de luae stylo; fold Uttering;; flour-de-Us )J design; rich half-calf effect Marbled sides in gold and colors. A W Full size of volumea SJ" z B*. History of tbs World for 70 can- W turias. ISO wonderful illustrations in colors and half-tones. L Wmight of Sot. 9 poondr. Add for Porta ft * J W k?®* 1 RM * J'T " p»WZane > »pJ»3oo»ll«e,2te* M W First am! Second Zoaoa, Fourth Zona, 600 39 eta « U up to ISO miles, .13 Fifth Zona, " 1000 " Meta f 1 For grootor dirty too moo P. P. Trrttf Jt f| Until further notice a big $1.50 'wa War Map FREE with each set A ments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neg lected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair. Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purities and invig orates the scalp, forevei* stopping itch ing and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair — fine and downy at first—yes—but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots of it, surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and just try It.—Advertisement. Evangelist Rebukes Church People For Entertainments Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Oct. 9. —The Nich olson-Hemminger evangelistic services in the big tabernacle here opened with an average atendance of about 1,200 at each night meeting. There is a choir of 300 voices under the leader ship of J. Raymond Hemmlnger. Shop meetings are being held daily under the direction of the Rev. R. M. Honey mon. Evangelist Nicholson has created quite a stir since the opening of the tabernacle and in his discourse at ono of the biggest gatherings adminis tered a rebuke to church people who hold suppers, bazars and other money making entertainments. His sermon had the effect of arousing member! of co-operating churches and cottagf prayer meetings are being held «verj day.