Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 09, 1914, Page 3, Image 19

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    ► "Isn't this Bowman's Store?" asked a lady who came PAT T IQQI"ANY 'PHONF c::^^:, BOYS' CLOTHING
► in Oar store this week. On being told it was, she said it * Bring your boy in Saturday and select his new winter
[nanoth°rZY nd ***** * A#U *' *"" b" *"' *7,.o'T" jg 1
; ► and the new elevators make it a pleasure to shop on any floor. hi A PDICRI IPfg'G OADI II AD hITDADTMEMT CTADP Boys' Fall Reefers, in tan, gray and shepherd checks
J These are the beginning of many new things planned for bet- ■# Mff V nBFI 3 91 VnSi just the coat for these cool evenings; sizes to 10 year 9,
;; ter store service at Bowman's. ________ _ Store OpeilS 9A. M., CIOSCS 9P. M. __ at y hl ; d ' V^-bowS* 0 ' a " d <
Mechanical T«ys of Every Description I White and £T' - <
Visit our large new Toy Store. Bring the children they
: y will be delighted with the wonderful showing. /t VA I M fli M I I. lonc c 4
► Trains, autos, fire engines, delivery wagons, animals, JIJL M I J V/JL LiltiCllo <
i ► acrobats, etc., at 2.>f, 39f, 50f and up to #o.oo Large wide aisles and new i
! ► Big dolls, small dolls, laughing dolls, crying dolls, flirt- " equipment make it a pleasure a
J ing dolls, sleeping dolls, floating dolls, unbreakable doll s—• 8M A! V § to shop in this department. J
everv size and kind at 10f, ~«>£, 39f, 50f, 69f, <of. II §f» #jg 9 H Specials for SaHirday. nmljllj iffisxA
! " #1.50 and up to sls-00 K/YIATTYt OK% BWll 111 F1 <K)-m*h Linen Sheeting - a <
| y Velocipedes, tricycles, Irish mail, doll coaches, wagons, etc. ■ ■■ ■Uy 111 ■§> SsHliilll ® Bf W soft, heavv qualitv, extra good Wmltt <
► TMm Floor BOWMAN'S. I/V fl AMAMJI& W grade . Yard....' #I.OO
► ■■ » ®_ Royal Loitgcloth lO yards
i W 0111611 S JVia VjIOVCS Our buyer was in New York the early part of the week aud owing to the warm weather, l " l '. u . I , ' cct '* (>UI (}•>*?/]*
' We have ample gloves that came from France, Germany bought certain lots of goods at a big reduction. This is very unusual for the first week.of Octo- S P£« » y W/11l \C/ '
and England before the present war. The values speak for ber and they will be offered to you at this time at corresponding reductions. Fxtra finp l|U;ilitv _ used \/llf!\(f\ <
k themselves, very line we ever carried and without a doubt , Large Black \ elvet Hats sailors . especially for the new collar ll'j/i I 4
► the largest including Revnier, Fownes, Bacmo. Christmas I I I I with flange on edge. Also a few seal f anf | cu ff s , Yard 29? I iff// v|L <
►is on its way—why not buy your gifts while the stock is at |\ 1 plush hats | /[A ! n JL i j Homespun Blankets ' with I 4
► its best. "mT s |j \"| at V c brown and blue border; heavy | 1 I\\
The favorite 2-clasp Overs earn Gimmes with three QECf* fTTxw These hats are actual $2.50 and $3.00 jm weight and very serviceable. | wlj \ 11 |\\
rows embroidery, in black, white, tan and gray. Pair, vv v »4| values. »S» 4= * Fair #1.50 I I I /I \ll 1
► I Bacmo l-ciasp cl pa doves, P. x. M„ m good tan ,h>d M . Pair. st .l s I VjF I The' very finest quality of Vclour ' I Gray Blankets with blue and |j f \fl /\ \J ,<
' 1 -Hr""l\d " I'"' Hats in the new mannish shapes; in (LA WLj&'&M 4 . p,nk borders, large bed size. ,Vf / * L <
* J \«J '* | black, brown, green and.navy. This is * \ H good quality. 1 air ... #1..50 |r| | •
► I Fownes l-elasp Plquo lambskin Gloves, Paris Point, embroidery; beau- |- Utt I ' _illla iflTp '' P Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. | 1 l^~ r .
fill, soft, pliable skins; in black, white and tan. Pair #1.35 Ml If-— 1 an actual $7.50 value. jP*) AC , X * I ti I - jj | W
y - J[ f\ \t> ' • jl j ' <
I The Odetto 2-clasp Overscani Gloves, Paris Point embroidery. In black, IVj ff| j I 11- Black Lyons \ civet llats, hand I \ ' ~ ll' 11 4
► I white, tan and Bray. Pair #1.1.» )f j[/ blocked, atld WC triltllfully Say —as if i'/flV' ' ll Iff
► - J fine a velvet hat as can be bought. , T IWTT WQ If , a
► Pnn'rirs 12-button French Kid Gloves, soft and pliable, in blark and Should sell at $6.00. O A A / l/i\ j Jjlll XI/Xl V j
► """" ' ,lUr Very special at T/ I WWWWlllll s 1 Linen crash Cushions, ob- ,
- long, with fringed ends; stamp-
Keynier s-ciasp French Kid Gloves, Paris point ing ad\-antage of all price concessions and at the same time receiving all the new goods will c d for embroidery. Special,
Fair make this department the logical place to purchase your new millinery. 25<* VTSTT OTTT?
—— second FIoor— BOWMAN s. Pullman Slippers made of
' moire, stamped for embroidery, nm y <
* pink, blue and black. Special, £ yfCU/ IVIGTT S <
: $25.00 Broadcloth and d*-l £L CA u„ c „b,,^c fnrp • ;
Cottons Have Dropped Considerable
PoT)lin Suits clt | tion; stamped for embroidery. I , . j
n iiu a n -j k • ru r Alu at .. . . Pr i ces a 75# to 91.00 On Third Floor
1 riCCS vlllOtCu Here Are ft L'eciueu OftVinj And the materials so scarce that manufacturers are buying from each other at advanced 59c lace and insertion trim-
t . c L Hf«»/ine Ft-** prices. The suits were made for a large retail store that met with financial reverses just when me " Bureau Scarfs ose wo ave not teen
► Sheets, muslins, HfC. [ he suits were to be delivere d. Our buyer happened to be on the spot when the news arrived second Fioor-BOWMANs here smce the store has been
- remo e e w | c P easan y
I► a square sheet. Yard 22f turer wanted them shipped at once, and more important vet, he needed the immediate cash, lie "11 * 117 surprise wile arge, new <
► q 27-inch Unbleached Shewing; yard »C accepted and the snits are here. Children S Wear 2"f"ew Me"n's S°ore '
► 3 < 5-inch Sheeting, fine texture; vard Sixty Chiffon Broadcloth Suits in the best colors—navy, Copenhagen, dark Children's Bonnets white i
► a^! nch Sl ? ee^ n £' £ nc ?B lity in yard 'V brown and Russian preen—they would be unusual values at $25.00, and colored, in plush,"silk and "
. 400 pounds Omit Patches, 4xß inches; pack *s"r . , i t • j - t i -ui 4
L'l'.c In 15c white Shaker Flannel: yard .. 10<i and At #|6 SO P&&' c -l Cl, ow ;_. „t
18c 45-inch best qualitv Pillow Casing; yard tOf _ _ . ~, 7i , , , , J > b,r and nbbon flowery Pnccs k-pCCia. MOW.ng 01 «
75c Arcadia Sheets, size 76x 90c. Mohawk Sheets, size Six . / \ A poplin, pique and linen, high I'ldl o all'U 1
' 90; seamless, bleached ... - sleeves, belted. mij « r. .
► . • 20c and 22c Mohawk Pillow T ' , , (»> I? stvles. Prices, #I.OO to #2.98 jYlen S (J-llltS
► $1.09 Utica Sheets, size 81x90 Cases, marked E.S., good size. Twenty-seven Imported Gabardine Suits—black, dark brown, green and navy^fyfl ' second FIoor— BOWMAN-S. <
> or 90x90; marked O 790 Each 100 —a better grade than is usually found in $25.00 suits, V in tartan check, Roman stripe, 4
Main Floor—Rear New Elevators—BOWMAN'S. A a gt% rl p— , - gray Serge, blue worsted. A
I - | /\t vpiO.OO Special Sale of brown cassimerc, black and
► A Trin to Our New Dranery Dent F. & H. Broadcloth Suits—Rcdingote models, velvet belts to match, :'// IT J 1* lted- C new Oxford-
A inp 10 uur new _ uraperj uepi. materials in black , navy, brown and green-genuine $25.00 suits, •// UnderHlUSlmS bound edge; English and semi- .
will be of interest to you. This is the time of the year to dress . iCT"* 4 ; i?n li li mndpk at *R«» <)l)
► S wUlTe" VeasVd 9l^ 3 " sugge" At $16.50 [V. M For Saturday W.M, #i:i.so," 4
► and hcln vou select In the above suits there is a very satisfying assortment of the later models, \ V N / •]. 7t;c Crcue Gowns white 8.00 and up to #25.00. 4
, Roman striped and oriental designs in couch lovers. and the tailoring is excellent. All sizes are among them - but notwithstanding V \ co , orcd stH , anfi fi New Top Coats and Balma-
I • 090 to #3.49 the quantity an early visit is advisable • W\ ured, scalloped edges and lace ll'ft OO
Sunfast Materials in plain and cut designs, 31 to 50 inches Ninety-five Handsome Coats arrivedherevesterdayfrom Wiles \ trimi ned. Special 59? sl^. a " d n f^ 8 ; i^ > - .... . ,
; brown and green. Yard, V\
: $15,517.59,520,525, $27.50, 532.50, $35, $45 s
► •T• T ' '■] ' lc\' •1• "ll yards Innß whlte and All sizes for misses and children. Suit Section—B#cond FIoor—BOWMAN'S JJK. second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Third Floor BOWMAN'S "
.'L ' ' ;"/• -r • *ir ecru. Pair, . « - ■ " i
V-'Tty 'L ' f • ' \{ #1.25 "to #5.75 • ~ =========
' Facts About Furniture and Mattresses Bulbs For ;
t Sophia Quality Hair Goods special pri :es Saturday, to get J| r - , X H| Autumn Planting 1j
{ Si'-' 'I- ■/•'•' ! " e " *" d J"!'""* 'Z "Jf 11 ' The name Sophia on our hair goods means - commodious' o^ Furnit'ur 0 e" r quar «ff i I Ift rid"'?' 0 rHi <
L I.' • '1 fly* UW V 'V • - lons ' curta,ns - anfl box finest qualitv best workmanship, and most ters cmths, white, red, rose, light A
L lis. • r'-hA-SlMl 1 '• - J and furn't'ire coverings. important of all—moderate price. Shnwina n f f„r 1 l\ blue and dark blue. Each, 5f <
f Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. \ ard .... to #2.50 To-morrow we feature Showing finest grades of fut |\ . i Mil Single Tulip Bulbs red,
V - morrow we feature .mre made - only a few sec I UJ white, pink, yellow, red and
[ r . ■ I ir\ ± r ±I T 11 t Ps y che S w«tches at #1.50 i onds on the new Elevators t< IU ff ■ yellow mixed. Dozen...
I Saflirnay Day tn Sep fhi> In >1 shades, including gray, that are indis- Fifth Floor. Iff Double Tulin R„lbs miv J ,
y T *-****** uu 7 ' w 'II*- j pensable to the newest arrangements of the \ $6.00 Felt Fibre Mattresses, Dozen in*
Iff) NQ r7AR ANH NFDH 1 hair - Worth ' s 2 -50 Narcissus Bulbs", mixed ,
► LIU 11 D LZ./i A r\ Iw U ll LllU Wavy Transformations at #1 ..>0 $7.00 Roll Edge belt Mat 0 0„ I Dozen 10f^
► In all shades, including gray, that are essen- K tresses #s.})o IL. 1 Up Crocus Bulbs; white] yellow 4
U tial to the latest French Twist effect. Worth Ybr $12.00 White Felt Mat- I 0 blue and striped. Dozen, *
$3.00. Experts in attendance. tresses #7.95 BOWMAN'S— Basement.' *■
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. $15.00 Imperial Edge Felt " ~ 1 <5
!► Mattress #11.95 0 _
► JFALL FOOTWEAR chiffonier and Princess dress 'k ' "—] More New Figures
: > (yW- T '„ „ „ .. . ers, Colonial design #18.50 MI >•). i in r t n
fi Visit Our Remodeled Shoe Store—Near New E ectric Elevators slß.oo' dressing table to i by lop (jeers Horse
1 Wi rA Men's vici kid patent colt, gun metal and tan Russia calf match #12.75 special to The Telegraph
' i!'ii •'.( 1 ! shoes for Fall wear. Handsome new stvles. tf[ QAA Fifth Floor b0».«.~w s. Lexlnston, Ky„ Oct. 9.—Th#> twenty
i I, 1 iw WMi Pair * (PJ.UU ========================= = fifth renewal of the Transylvania stake
!► WIH ( IHA r, . ' 1 J t »• I 1 -.u nag yesterday won hy Etawah, driven
► 4 ' M ' \\ , #,,?! Boys patent colt and gun metal calt button shoes with p., "RATIOVfItiOTI Sale Of jby Oeers ami ownci by F. o. j 0 ne«.
//' . \ V serviceable soles of oak leather— rail Xvcl-UVdL UII Odic UJ. . Thp re{ . or(l for (hp s(ake of 2 04%f
fix- 'lk i'lv A\ \\\ ' V Sizes 9to pair #1.09 WWW A «W m «._■■■■_ 4 jmade by Pcnlsa .Maid In 1900, was
!; m w Sizes 1,0 5/i ' pair ** m W A T.T. PAPER - 1 »*"■"•>»»^
j In U Women's fine parent colt, gun metal and vici kid Fall It il I JL Al AV. hcat race marJo , ast WGek at Colum _
1 . H m\ 3* ' A\: ll i \\w> I boots, kid and cloth tops; very newest shapes, AA J ]bus. Omar and Star winter were the
I 111 v ' Jy' '( '!■ perfect fitters. Pair will occur on Saturday and it will be your opportunity to secure contenders.
*' w J / / Women's fine natent colt 'daze kid imn metal and tan wall paper a t these unheard of prices. i Murphy was the i.adin K driver of
L vLA W- M 5/ lyklb. - women s nne ])aieiu con, giaze win. gun mexai aim tan r r r .the day, winning the Kentucky pacing
nßr ■ li'Wl ' VV T '■ button and lace Fall and Winter shoes, cloth and kid tops, -Oc Domestic Oat Meal Papers, 111 brown and green, j futurity with Anna Bradford and the
W-f'l \' W "{ close grained oak soles. The best shoes in the Elf"l ro " * !-- 20 pa< e wlth 3 -year-oid Baron
► r/' *Ci i i'ii\ v V/ world for 50c Leatherette, metallic effects and figured wall papers for < ;Marque. Tho unfinished 2.17 trot was
► \/ x V.\ \r\ Jffll Vt/ parlors, living rooms and halls, at, roll 535? < won by Hazel Laing, driven by An
' - Sgyf•: v RPir.r.TAT. •dqt.t.at? tart.v.s „ •J" in , Strip ! ,*° d a i lovcr l " int pa| T; ' liT
HSfit ONIT v roll, Cut-out borders to match, yard »* < l!.o< p«„ a m.r. J.« trot for R.
y fUK SAiUKUAY 25c figured stripe wall papers, in brown, red and green < |h. Brest. Harry stokes, who raced
y , ' m^n^fMr"i%p , errr'«voV.r.'n^"vo"M"n^V l X." ! . solid with 18-inch cut-out borders to match. Foliage papers i King Touch man last year, drove him,
► AS HE POSES FOR MOTION pirT,'HE SHOWS vamtm. »•««» «» W.oo. for den and living room. < j hU wmiam Called 7o a LTr h u7-vear Bt old
► Only he is behind iron bars here. BRING THE CHILDREN. S*LtllT(l/IV---OUG DoIIAT To & ° w °rld's record of 2.00. Mr. Biiitn Ka
► They will be fed at 2P. M. and 7P. M. COME IN AND SEE W«<vlllU.a»y V/lIC X/UllO.! of roll. Sold onlv with J-inch borders to match. < ,rode Uhlanl an eighth_of a mile under
THEM. Third Floor— BOW MAN t-. Bring your measurements. Paper hangers furnished. i s ■j c
j Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. \( —————————————— • Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. i T T 1 k W ft 4 J
OCTOBER 9,1914.