Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 08, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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May Find Help in Thi»
Swan Creek, Mich.—"l cannot speak
too highly of your medicine. When
|mjjß3)iiiMßHKl||M through neglect or
HMiiiiii overwork I get run
down and my appe
g? * a P°° r an( i I
I'PPv have that weak, lan-
Kf _j Pilil £ u 'd, always tired
pjili';' feeling, I get a bot-
tie of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and it
builds me up, gives
roe strength, and re
' ' " stores me to perfect
health again. It is truly a great bless
ing to women, and I cannot speak too
highly of it. I take pleasure in recom
mending it to others."—Mrs. ANNIE
CAMERON, R.F.D., No. 1, Swan Creek,
Another Sufferer Relieved.
Hebron, Me.—"Before taking your
remedies I was all run down, discour
aged and had female weakness. I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and used the Sanative Wash, and
find today that I am an entirely new
woman, ready and willing to do my
housework now, where before taking
your medicine it was a dread. I try to
impress upon the minds of all ailing
women I meet the benefits they can
derive from your medicines." Mrs.
Hebron, Maino.
Tf you want special advice
"write to Lydia E. Pink ham Med
icine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Tour letter wil be opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
Sore Teeth
Foul Breath
Discolored, Sore Teeth, Cum Disease
and Foul Breath Yield Quickly
to This Home Treatment.
Yon can sav« the t*»eth nature Rave you. make
your mouth healthy and escape the tortures of the
/ A d en tal chair by following a treat-
I mcnt. at home. It is simple, easy,
/j® pleasant and inexpensive. Besides
/ it is painless and cannot possibly
| jr» harm you in any way.
Thousands of
like this arc seen every day. The trouble Is
known as Pyorrhea or RiggsDisease. These
•oft, discolored, bleeding, foul-smelling and
receding gums, loosened and sensitive teeth
can be made firm,strong and healthy by this
simple Home Remedy.
Stop Despairing! Don't Give Up
Hope of Saving Your Teeth.
A i'mple home treatment which we are placing
before the public will bring you the relief and
comfort you desire. Stop spending money with
dentists who do not help you. Don't waste your
money on drug store remedies that are invariably,
as you know, disappointing.
Write to ua today and learn more abont this
painless, speedy inexpensive remedy that you can
use at home, so there will be no further need for
you to undergo the long, painful or expensive
dental treatment. Bridges. Crowns and False
Teeth are unsightly and rarely satisfactory, and
through this treatment of the causes of bad and
sensitive teeth, gum disease and foul breath they
should be unnecessary.
If you are suffering with Pyorrhea or Rlggs Dis
ease. gingivitis, receding gums, elongated or loose
teeth: soft, discolored or spongy gums; if your
breatn is foul; if your teeth pain while eating; if
you are subject to bad tastes—then, for your own
sake, send for Dr. WiUard's book and learn how
easy his method is—how painless and speedy—how
this simple remedy quickly and permanently gives
eound, healthy teeth.
Just sit down NOW and write us for this free
book. A few minutes will convince you that Dr.
Willard's common-sense, simple Home Remedy is
what you are looking for. Don't wait. There is no
pain connected with it. We have received scores
of letters from people saying they would have
given hundreds of dollars had they known of Dr.
Wllhrd's Wn-n* Tr»"»nient in time. Dr.
F. W. WILLARD, AI2S, Powers Bldfir.,
What Thin Folks Should Do
to Gain Weight
rhyalctan** Advice For Thin, Unde
veloped Men and Women
Thousands of people sutler Irom ex
cessive thinness, weak nerves and
feeble stomachs who, having tried ad
vertised flesh-makers, food-fads, physi
cal culture stunts and rub-on creams,
resign themselves to life-It np skinni
ness and think nothing will make them
fat. Yet their case Is not hopeless. A
recently discovered regenerative force
makes fat grow after years of thin
ness, and Is also unequalled for repair
ing the waste of 6ickness or faulty di
gestion and for strengthening the
nerves. This remarkable discovery is
called Sargol. Six strength-giving, fat
producing elements of acknowledged
merit have been combined in this peer
less preparation, which Is endorsed by
eminent physicians and used by promi
nent people everywhere. It Is absolute
ly harmless, inexpensive and efficient.
A month's systematic use of Sargol
should produce fiesli and strength by
correcting faults of digestion and by
supplying highly concentrated fats to
the blood. Increased nourishment is ob
tained from the food eaton, and the
additional fata that thin people need
are provided. Oeorge A. Gorgas and
other leadin» druggists supply Sargol
an^-^? y there ls a large demand for it
While this new preparation has given
splendid results as a nerve-tonic and
vltalizer. It should not be used by
nervous people unless they wish to gain
at least ten pounds of flesh.—Advertise
We want all people who have
chronic stomach trouble or constipa
tion, no matter of how long standing,
to try one dose of Mnyr's Wonderful
Stomach Remedy—one dose will con
vince you. This is the medicine so
many of our local people have been
taking with surprising results. The
most thorough system cleanser we
ever sold. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach
Remedy is now sold here by Gorgas'
Drug Store. —Advertisement.
Funeral Director and Embalmer
31S Walnut St. Hell Plioce
| The Last | j
I Shot I
I I 1
I t
f f
f f
f - 2
5 I 1
S By
(Oovrrlabt. 1914. by Charlea rlcriOner'a Honal
r - *!* ta «ttl« that I Icnow, but such
[u it to JOB ttaall have It," ahe began,
■proprtJitfcd for fortifioationa to be ap
plied to balldtag planes and dlriglblea.
finally, Partow consented, aud I re
call his met words: 'They're shock
ingly archaically defended, especially
Engadlr,' ha said, but they can wait
until we get further appropriations in
the fall!'" She wan so far under the
spell of her own Invention that ehe
believed the reality of her words, re
flected In ber wide-Men eyes which
seemed to have nothing to hide.
"That is all," she exclaimed with a
ishudder —"all my eavesdropping, all
ijny breach of confidence! If—if It"—
and her voice trembled with the In
tensity, of the one purpoae that was
shining with the light of truth through
the murk of her deception—"it will
only help to end the slaughter!" She
held out her hand convulsively in
parting aa if she would leave the reet
|with him.
"I think it will," he said soberly,
think it will prove that you have
Idone a great eervice," he repeated aa
he caught both her hands, which were
cold from her ordeal. His own were
warm with the strong beating of his
heart stirred by the promise of what
he had Just heard. But he did not
prolong the grasp. He was as eager
to be away to his work a» she to be
Iconseione of his guarded scrutiny.
When she told him of Bordir, the
weak point in the first line of the
Browns' defense, she noted no change
in his steady look; but with the men
tion of Engadlr In the main line she
detected a gleam in his eyes that had
the merciless delight of a cutting
edge of steel. "I have made my sac
rifice to some purpose? The infor
mation is worth something to youT**
she asked wistfully.
"Yes, yes! Yes, It promises that
way," he replied thoughtfully.
Quietly he began a considerate cate
chism. Soon she was suj&tly under
standing that her answers lacked the
convincing details that he eought.
She longed to avert her eyes from his
for an Instant, but she knew that thla
would be fatal. She felt the force of
him directed in professional channels,
free of all personal relations, beat
ing as a strong light on her bare state
ments. How could a woman ever
have learned two such vital secrets?
How could it happen that two such
critical points as Bordir and Engadlr
should go undefended? No tactician,
no engineer but would have realized
their strategio importance. Did she
know what Bhe was saying? How did
Bhe get her knowledge? These, she
understood, were the real questions
that underlay Westerllng'g polite In
"But I have not told you the sources
of my information! Isn't that like a
woman!" she eiclalmed. "You see,
it did not concern me at all at the
time I heard it. I didn't even realize
its Importance and I didn't, hear
much," she proceeded, her introduc
tion giving tims for improvisation.
"You see, Partow was inspecting the
premises with Colonel Lanstron. My
mother had known Partow in her
younger days when my grandfather
was premier. We had them both to
"Yes?" put in Westerling, betraying
his eagerness. Partow and Lanstron!
Then her source was one of authority,
not the gossip of subalterns!
"And it occurs to me now that, even
while he was our guest." she inter
jected in sudden indignation—"that
even while he was our guest Partow
was planning to make our grounds a
"After luncheon I remember Partow
saying, *We are going to have a look
®t the crops," and they went for a
walk out to the knoll where the fight
ing began."
, "Yes! When was this?" Westerling
jasked keenly.
"Only about six weeks ago," aa
»wered Marta.
"Later, I came npon them unexpect
edly after they had returned," she '
went on. "They were sitting there on
that seat concealed by the shrubbery, j
1 was on the terrace steps unobserved
and I couldn't help overhearing them.
Their voices grew louder with the In
terest of their discussion. I caught
something about appropriations and j
aeroplanes and Bordir and Engadlr, j
and saw that Lanstron was pleading
with his chief. He wanted a sum ap
alone. "I think It will. You will know
In the morning," he added.
His steps wers sturdier than ever
in the power of five against three as
he started back to the house. When
he reached the veranda, Bouchard, the
saturnine chief of intelligence,
peared in the doorway of the dining--
room; or, rather, reappeared, for he
had been standing there throughout
the Interview of Westerling and Marta,
whose heads were just visible, above
the terrace wall, to his hawk eyes.
"A little promenade In the open and
my mind made up," said Westerling.
flapping Bouchard on the shoulder.
"Something about an attack to
night?" asked Bouchard.
fTo Be Continued]
fry Telegraph Want Ads
Silk Remnants $1.50 Mercerized
Remnant and sample pieces. f\ xidWff «t' l| i'li i|'' '''-I a yIIMTOv 1 _ . .
Friday Bargain price, yard. 15<( UDCIICS 1' \ ill M OtOFC LIOSCS Table Cloths
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S r JW*M!U [|■ |B'll "
20c 8 A. M 5.30 P. M.
Ilowest foJsSssFtStTV LOOK | 4c
Men', $1.98 OF THE FOR THE Face Cloths
Shirts WEEK GREEN SIGNS w«h fringe. Friday Bargain
Silk front, coat style, attached L POPULAR PE |£^lSEf rr STORE prtce ' 30? rtozen - or ' pach ' 2^o
Main Floor BOWMAN'S2Sc Curtain tjMIM 1 ijiiltrV^yV ■' d IllilliiPlSt Krinkbd
M ' D aCe
® reSS , 9 tnches w | dei flnighcd edge. 1 lllliftl li SlflliliraK e 1 , used especial- (Tnilar Mucline
Shirts For or sill length curtains. Hfliiiilij'ifl m HNMIIIKIII 'l l'*" underwear - Spe- UIIUCI iTIUMIIia
Fine quality of percale, coat I flu3uß I : JR
style. French cuffs, separate soft fourth Floor BOWMAN 8 ||3lljii|H Main Moor BOWMAN S cover and drawers. Friday, sne
coilar. Friday special .... _________ «» c,al 590
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S I Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S
A Convention Special For Friday Meil'S ClotMllff
f\ 1 • 117 ? Q ,• Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S
umy in yy omens aectien Men's double texture strapped seam raincoats; regular
Sixty-five pure wool dresses of serge and "epe-in 15c Cushion ff°.!"!"?!'.. $2.25
good colors and black. I hey are late Spring models and _ , 1 " ' *, ' * •*•
were $6.00, $7.50, SIO.OO and $12.50. (f» O fk O Cords $1.25 Karatol Traveling Bags-muslin lined, Qr|
Fridav special price i&OeZJO Mixed colors. Friday Bargain rou " d handle, leather corners. Friday special .... i/Ut
Thirty-six pretty Silk Dresses in taffeta, messaline, prl "* y " A m „ ow "" N . a ' . Men s S9.W Fall weight Suits in dark materials
foulard, poplin and c'harmeuse - colors and black. Former iw-BOWMAN 8 about twenty-five in the lot-not all sizes.
prices were SIO.OO. $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50. A (\Q "day special <P*J.UU
- Friday special, price $4.98 98c Linen Third rieor-BowMAN-a.
None on approval; none C. O. D.; none charged. Dark striped; so inches wide;
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. for couch covers, cushions and
furniture covering. Yard .. (Jflf. J < •
Men's SI.OO Children's F our KOVS CloLlllllP r
Underwear 25c Underwear 7 j c . ®
mostly shirts. Friday, each, and pants; seconds. Each ?! \ , ,__ Specials You Can't Afford to Miss
Main Fioor_BowMAN's b9 * M " ln f ">"- bo wman's Bleached Muslin Boys . 50c Russian Sailor Wash Suits _ blue cham _
iir T~Z- inches r T.d a e n Vridfy hß vard white and red trimmed. Sizes 3to 8 years. o|-
,e duu Women s 25c Mam * Fr,d ?y •v:,i"'r:\'''vr r \ £OC
ZDC KlDDOns Boys 50c Khaki Knickerbockers, sizes 6 to 17 Orv
Persian and fancy ribbons. 3 uamF ,e I1U»C ———— vears Fridav »J iv C*
to 6 Inches wide. F*riday. yard, t Plain black, heavy weight cot- . ~ , . ■ „ , ;* * * '' '' \ **
mere Pair Yr* Unbleached Boys and $3.98 Norfolk Suits, in tan, brown,
Main Floor BOWMAN'S Mam Fioor-BowMAN s Muslin and gray mixtures. All good models. $2 69
—————— lneheß wlde Friday Bar- Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S.'
25c Vestees Women's 25c g *T'J \
Organdie vestees with lace II loor BOWMAN S
trimmings. Fridav 17<! »ose i _ _ " ~ i
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S Plain black, silk lisle, double C„!J«„ PLllJ——T\
garter Seconds. Vatr, so c Wool rnday Lnildrens Uay
Women's 25c Maln Klonr BOWMAN,a Flannel Only Two More Days For You and the
es * B fct Children's 15c inches wide. Friday, yard, Children to See the Lions, Czar and Nero
Bleached, high neck, long .. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S „ ~ , , ,
.® ec 2 n J ß - Hose Be sure to see these noble beasts. It is said that Czar
r w\ SJ tJI!. Black cotton, ribbed, double — — enjoys the distinction of having several gold filline-s in his
Main Floor BOWMAN 8
Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S s < l° es no * ee P him from eating all the beef and horse-
Women's 25c rreezer {lcsh he can get
.. Acme Ice cream freezer 3-qt. Pome and see them fed.
Vests SI.OO Corduroy " PrlCe ; BOWMAN'S —Third Floor, near new Elevators.
Bleached, cotton. sleeveless, 27 Inches wide, gray only. Frl- BOWMAJJ S Basement,
lace yokes. Friday, each .. J -,<* day, yard ——_____
Main Floor BOWMAN'S Main Floor-B. »WMAN'S _ 2 5c Belts 79c Crochet
LOC Lurtam Women's and children's suede D_J c J
Wall Paper at Special Friday Bargain Prices Strips day . Patent . ." Rth ", . beUB - 100 Hemmed ready for use. Frl-
An opportunity to secure Wall Paper at prices that ion^g hlt FrMa y ? c .7rip % , an^ B i Main FIOOT-BOWMAN s da > Barg,^J^owman's 69o
will meet with your instant approval. Fourth Fioor-BOWMAN S ———
20 different patterns in excellent quality of paper at ——Ladies' 50c
2to roll. Floral stripes, allover effects and block p. i. 75c Single
designs. Sold only with straight or cut-out borders to $1.25 Lace Fa „cy -ilk girdles; colors are Blankets
mat • Curtains green, white, blue and black. Spe- j n gray on] Friday Bargain
Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. x ' u * lau,a clal ,i\tf price, each f.. /j i
onb' h one pair 'o" a Main Floor BOWMAN'S Main Floor-BOWMAN'S
10c Cluny 25c Silk •
, r>' 1 Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S ... . _
Laces Ginghams Women s 25c Scrims
White and ecru suitable for Checks and plaids. Extra fine ———. f| Colored border scrim* PVIH.,,
curtains, dollies and center- quality. Friday, yard J (>£ U/LI. Bargain price, yard
pieces. Tard Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S White UOOd 2-clasp kid gloves in wlhUe. Fourth Floor BOWMAN'S
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S ' Da * black, tan and gray. Pr.. .00 ourtn Floor BOWMAN S
__________ ——— Kemnants Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S —— —_
or. Short ends of Voiles, Crepes. —— Oft n L
r _ |__ _ _ 6JC LireSS Ratines and fancy materials for • /-11 JiiC DSDY
DC LaCeS «« | shirts, waists and separate Women S vjIOVCS ....
Torchon laces and Insertions. VjMlgliamS n'j"Voc yard'^FrFdav^vard 1 2-clasp chamoisette gloves In [IIIOWS
Friday, yard JJA Scotch Zephyr dress ginghams, *• ' M<p all the wanted shades. Pair, Stamped for embroiders psi
Main Floor-BOWMAN'S plaids and bars. Yard .... J Main Floor-BOWMAN'S and 500 BariSln prl?? „. .
Main Floor-BOWMAN'S Main Floor-BOWMAN'S Second FIOOJ--BOWMAI?S
50c Suitin^s Kettle Ik Women's Gloves 25c Centers
russe Roman stripe suitings. Friday ".chic 16-button length chamoisetts I.inen crash r-.nf.r.
1.000 yards set figures, rose- Bargain price, yard 250 Aluminum milk kettle pint gloves. Pair .. 750 to $1.25 for embroidery. Friday Bar
buds and floral designs. Yard, Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S slze - I 1 "day Bargain price, Ma)n FIoor—BOWMAN'S B aln Price 170
7J/2 0 —— BOWMAN'S—Basement Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S f — — ___
15c Poplins s3°™nd $3.50 . 69c Jce Cream fslHu*" 7 *< L ™ h J
QIIV „ nri |i„, i ShoeS freezer Corduroy and mixed materials. LlOtilS *♦** '
Silk nillhh poplins good line I. r u. v Rarca In nrlce on* . r , .
of shades to select from. Yard, Women's tan Russia calfskin . Acme ice cream freezer —2-qt. y 8 p .IWO 45-lnch size, scalloped edge,
button boots. Friday. Pr„ size. Friday Bargain price, 43* Second Floor-BOWMAN'S embroidered. Friday Bargain
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S Third Floor-BOWMAN'S BOWMAN'S—Basement.
pr,ee - 490
————— Second Floor-BOWMAN'S
Special For Friday Selling 29c,„d3<fc BabyC™ Friday Bargain
WINDOW SHADES Shopping Basket, Sale of Notion"
Another lot of Window Shades, odds and ends— I w & ort 'FriT.™torwia m ?lsU nd Secon " P' oor - B °WMAN's "c Finlshing Ut Braid. 2 2 K
mostly light colors. Regular 50c value. Fridav only, 15<fc i ———— 10c Hose Supporters, for chn-
Fourth Floor-BOWMAN'S. ' v BOWMAN'S-Basement. spooY 'linen flnlsh Thread,^
—— •' ————— lUc Decorated spools iw.
W T»*! » 3 . 12 l-2c and 15c $2.49 Triplicate Salads S
and S3 50 Tirlfinor 9-Inch size. Friday Bargain 10c, and 15c Washable
d"U llCKing P iw>oiinn price 74. Dress Shields, 3 pair 25c
fft nn.a « short 'engths; blue and whlto OaUCepall howmawb Maln Floor-BOWMAN'S
lOlOniaiS and fancy stripes. Yard .... , BOWMAN S—Basement.
Pfltont colt Cnloniiiln HiiitA.hln .. -Aluminum tripliciite sh ucopsnn
for Fa"l wear Fridav Dalr Maln Floor-BOWMAN'S with adjustable handle. Will ———— "
in. 'aa cook three kinds of food over ona •
Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S" _ e c , "bowman's* *r' Imported Children s
117 > ft FA P .• Inch'hem*— t l he h krnd b 'thi'» SaU boxes ' hinged wood cover. Made of cambric, tucked yokes
Women s $2.50 Satin w Mw , "ggj 79c Bathtub """I.f! is * ?£.rtSttVSX?!?:
Evening Slippers Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S « a emen Second Floor-BOWMAN'S
Various colors. Friday Bargain » UCal ————
price, pair SI.OO 1Q D'll ' ° ak ' wln fit any Blz * enamei | r ,_J In_
Third Floor-BOWMAN'S TlilOW tub - Frida y Bargain price,
Cases BOWMAN'S-Basement. Imported Porcelain Olngham belt aprons with
o »C L I size 45x36 Inches, hemstitched „ M' ,k pitchers, blue banded. pocket. Friday special ...
Boys School ends Friday, each .... i 2y 2 + # Frldft y B« r galn price ..... Second Floor-BOWMAN'S
Shoes Maln F,oor—BOWMAN ' s $1.98 Dinner BOWMAN'S—Basement. ——■
That will withstand hard Pail i j- » ti nn
k, s)zes 9t013 H, pair fi.is 10c Shake! f, m E? rte l aluminum dinner pall fiOc Dozen
sizes 1 to 5% 91.39 —. . —light weight and durable. Lim- . . Hanrlhaffl
Sizes 6 to 9, pair f1.75 Flannel ,ted Quantity to sell at .. oQa Tlimklor* lianUlidg*
Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S l loillici 1 UmDierS Silk poplin lined; small" coin
Tn remnant lengths. Friday BOWMAN 8 Basement. Blown glass table tumblers purse enclosed. Special .. (!Oa
Bargain price, yard engraved ITand. Friday, Maln *
Kit » 117 1 • K " in Floor-BOWMAN'S 400
mens Working _______ 11c Turkish BOWMAN-s— Bas»ment ———
Heavy brown or black, doublo
10c Potash Towels 98c Jardineres 19c Caoibric
Si'sS «z^v^tsvtsz i % - Misrusa•ssss? ..•»«»
Third Floor-BOWMAN'S BOWMAN'S-Basement Floor-BOWMAN'S ' BOWMAN'S-Basement. Main Floor-BOWMAN'S