Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 02, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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For twelve months theso firemen t
have been working night and day for t
the success of the his celebration i
which starts with the. arrival of visit
ors on Sunday. It has been a hard
War Bulletins
London. Oct. I*. 11:30 \. M. The
Tclejgraph Company Ims
Kivcu out >i dispjrtrli from Its Vienna
The Greatest Jewelry Sale of the Highest Grade
Jewelry We Have Ever Held
6 We purchased the stock of Jewelry from the Yankhauer, Newitter &
Piatt of Nos. 71 and 73 Nassau St., N. Y.y who are retiring from the Jewelry
This is one of the best purchases that we have ever made and em
braces the finest Jewelry in a wonderful assortment.
The Yankhauer, Newitter & Piatt catered to the best trade and carried
a stock that could not be excelled by any other Wholesale House. THOUS
Here are some of the items as follows:
$4 .75 Rings, solid gold—any hirthstone $2.25 | 35c Emblem Buttons —Masonic, .Moose, B. of
$1.25 Knives, pie or bread—the Christy steel 59<- „„ „„ J}- T --
$2.50 Desk Set—French ivory; seven pieces 98<> $ll.OO Sitver Rogers & Sons, 26 pieces
$6.00 Fern Dish —cut glass, daisy design S:S. 18 —mahogany ease 90.05
$2.00 Scarf Pins, solid gold »8c $1.50 Smoking Stand, solid brans— 20 inches high, «!><•
SI.OO Napkin Holders, new—Uristol silver S9e $ll.OO Watches—Elgin or Waltham—2o-year
$4.00 Cult Links, solid gold—engcaved or plain, $1.98 gold-filled case S7 98
SI.OO Baby Bracelets, (chain), Sterling 3»c $5.00 Vest Chains—high grade, gold filled ....$2.48
$3.50 Knives and Forks—6 of each in set—silver SIO.OO Bracelets, gold filled—extra wide $5.(15
plated $1.(19 $2.50 Party Cases—mirror, pencil, powder, etc., $1.29
$2.00 Pickle Forks, Gravy Ladles, etc., Sterling . ,98c $4.00 LaValliere Gold-lUled Cameo $1.98
The P. H. Caplan Company
task because of the dull business sea
son and funds have been coming in
Every member of the Harrisburgr
Firemen's Union has been a factor in
correspondent sent by «ny of Home, .
Milinix that (icnoriil Von lUndeuherK;.
who lins been nctUe iiKiiinst the Itus
slans on tli«» KiiMt Prussian frontier,
list* lieen appointed to take eommaiul
of the defeaae of Cracow*
getting ready for what promises to
be the largest and most successful
gathering in the history of the Penn
sylvania State Firemen's Association.
There is still work to do. Howard
Home, Ocf. 2. via Pari*, 4:15 A. M.
Astory has reached Home from \ lenna
describing a vlntt palil by Kmperor
Francis Joseph to u loeal hospital In
the course of uhleli Ills Majesty spoke
Ito everybody in the Institution. The
O. llolstein, the big chief who has
been in charge of the finance commit
tee, will be the chief marshay of the
parade next Thursday, says his forces
will continue at work until the last
visitor leaves for home.
KmperorTi doctors are now ursine Iili»»
to spare himself and not to visit the
, hospitals lllh il uitli uoiiiiiled, iin they
tenr the effect of emotion on a man of
1 Much ad van ceil j eiint.
Bordeaux, Oct. 2, 11:35 A. M. The
American hospital ship, lied Ctohh, ar
rived al I *ii ii ill ii m thlM morniiiK from
Fa lino ii tli, lOiiKhtiid. She comeM to
France lo bring; the Ited Oohh iinltN
wh icli 111 Nerve with the French
arinicM. In Filmland mlic disembarked
the iiiiNn for Hervlee anions the Hnn
llsh wounded ns well iin thone which
are In ko to Itussiii.
Home, Oct* -, via Pari* 7:45 M.
Kl/10, the lliilKiirlan Minister to Italy,
ItiiN lieen Instructeil l>y his Ciovernmeiil
lo order all llulKuriiiii army officers In '
Waly and Switzerland to return home !
immediately and also to provide them |
with money for the journey.
Home, Oct. 1. 8:50 I*. M., via Paris, ]
Oct, '2, 8:15 A. M. The Idea Naslon
nlc, the orKan of the Xationallst party,
which was published for the first time
to-day, says tliiri the rumored
tloa of the Marquis 1)1 San Cahillano,
Minister of Foreign AfTnlrs, is confirm
ed and that It will lead perhaps to a
larftur ekiagc in the Cabinet.
Home, Oct. 1, 8:15 P. M., via Paris,
Oct. 1!. 8110 \. M. Fmperor William,
sn.vs ii telegram from Hcrlln, Is koluk
from one front to nuo'ther. lie travels In
a special train of ten Pullman ears,
which formerly were painted white and
blue, but which now have been re
painted like the ordinary ears In order
to protect the train from the bombs
of French aviators.
liondoti. Of/. 1!, 2:15 A. M. One of
the Daily Telegraph's correspondents
In ffelurlum, writing under date of
Wednesday, has sent the following t
♦•Before the Germans can press home an
attack iißalnst Antwerp, they have a
formidable obstacle to overcome they
must eross Ihe Scheldt river.. Agala
and attain they have made the attempt
but every effort has been repulsed."
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., Oct. 2. Board of Trade
Wheat December, 1.05%; May,
.Corn —December, 66%; May, 68%.
Oats—December. 47 ; May, 50 *4.
Pork —October, 16.50; January, 19.02,
Lard —October, 9.42;; January, 9.77.
Ribs —October, 10.60; January, 9.95.
Special Sale With Many Bargains
and Attractive Features Will
Start Tomorrow
In celebration of the ninth anni
versary oC the business, Kaufman's
Underselling Store to-morrow will be
gin a special anniversary sale, full par
ticulars regarding which will be found
in this paper.
The work incidental to the prepa- I
ration for this big event was begun ,
months ago. Department buyers were |
instructed to put forth their best ef- i
forts in anticipation of the event, and 1
to provide on this occasion the most i
important features;
ever presented by i..e store. The re- :
suit of their efforts is to be found in t
the thousands of attractions that are
now ready for the Inspection of the
public. Every department contributes
its share of seasonable merchandise,
on which special prices will prevail.
Extraordinary featyres will be pro
vided during the sale, including among
other things free, souvenirs commem
orating the ninth anniversary of the j
store, and the sale at a few cents of;
large alarm clocks to customers pur
chasing certain amounts.
In conjunction witli the firemen's |
convention the store has been put in ;
gala attire. An electrical display
which completely covers the front of
the store in the likeness of a huge
sunburst will convert the front of the
building into a blaze of lights. In all
about 1,500 incandescent lights will be
The Kaufman Stores are numbered
among the city's leading business in
stitutions. During the nine years they
have been operating in Harrisburg
[their growth has been most gratify
ing, Increasing patronage from time
fto time requiring the addition of many
'thousands of l'eet of tioor space to the
quarters first utilized in the business.
David Kaufman, proprietor of the
business, has from the time of his
coining to Harrisburg, taken an active
part in all matters pertaining to Har
rlsburg's civic and commercial wel
fare, and it is to his untiring per
sonal efforts which he puts into his
business that must be credited its
successful growth from the time of its
Inauguration nine years ago.
"Marriage is a Great
Washington, Oct. 2.—"lf you get
Ithe right wife, marriage is a great in
istitution and in that respect, I was
ia tool for luck," declared Vice-pres
tidcnt Marshall to-day, commenting on
phis nineteenth wedding anniversary.
"I would not dare give advice to
young men of this great subject, how
ever, because if they were not so
lucky as I have been they might
blame me."
The Vice-President and Mrs. Mar
shall gave an anniversary luncheon at
the Capitol.
Deaths and Funerals
Funeral services for James W.
Grant, aged »>!» years, who died at his
home, 303 South Fourteenth street,
Tuesday, were held this afternoon.
Burial was made in the Lincoln Ceme
tery. Members of Chosen Friends,
Lodge Xo. 43, Colored Masons, attend
ed the funeral in a body. '
Mrs. Margaret E. Baughman, aged
80 years, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Ida M. Parthemore,
1923 Derry street, last night. She is
survived by nine children. Funeral
services will be held Monday evening
at S o'clock. The body will be taken
to Hayes Grove, Cumberland county,
Pa., where final services will be heid
in the United Brethren Church Tues
day morning at 10 o'clock. Burial
will be made at that place.
People Used to
Call Me "Skinny"
But Now My Name Has Changed
Gained 15 Pounds and
Look Like a New Man
"Before I took Sargol people used to
call me 'skinny' but now my name is
changed. My whole body is stout.
Have gained lo pounds and am gain
ing yet. 1 look like a new man," de
clared a man who had just finished the
Sargol treatment.
"I was all run down to the very bot
tom," writes F. Gagnon. "I had to quit
work. I was so weak. Now, thanks to
Sargol, 1 look like a new man. I
gained 22 pounds in 23 days."
"Sargol has put 10 pounds on me In
14 days," states \V. O. Roberts. "It
has made me sleep well, enjoy what 1
ate and enabled me to work with In
terest and pleasure."
Would you too, like to quickly put
from 10 to 30 pounds of good, solid
"stay-there" flesh, fat and muscular
tissue between your skin and bones?
Don't say It can't be done. Try it.
Let us send you free a 50c package of
Sargol and prove what it can do for
More than half a million thin men and
women have gladly made this test, and
that Sargol does succeed, does make
thin folks fat even where all else has
failed, Is best proved by the tremendous
business we have done. No drastic
diet, flesh creams, massage, oils or
emulsions, but a simple, harmless home
treatment. Cut out the coupon and
send for tills free package to-day. In
closing only 10 cents In silver to help
pay postage, packing, etc.
Address The Sargol Co., 244-Y, Herald
Bldg.. Blnghamton. N. Y.. Take Sargol
with your meals and watch It work.
T)ils test will tell the story.
This coupon, with 10c in silver to
help pay postage, packing, etc., and
to show good faith, entitles holder
to one 60c package of Sargol Free.
Address the Sargol Co.. 244-Y, Her
ald Bldg., Bingliamton, N. Y
"United Hat"
For Your Boys, and You
«■ *
$5.00 Styles $ 1 k A All Styles
$3.00 Values *r * One Price
v „/
START out the gflßf
season right by T&JS. \^l
wearing a iUj
"UNITED HAT" J([ l^fi
—all of the classy
saving a DOLLAR
Caps, the swagger j&s' J&K
new kinds 50c, $1 y'Jf
Drop in Tomorrow
Anil wee tlie hmajtuor wfl t$
new Ilerble* and *oft V%>§ Ja 1/ / j
ImtM In i» IeII t y of j\SfflfL* PjW f ' /
blueM, screen*!, lirnuiiN, iSf st\ \<\ SM /
ete., with the eoutrnnt- wf l J \j f /
111 K *llk hnmlN you'll j| //
li ml t lie in right! f / / A
From Factory to You Stores in Principal Cities
3RD AND MARKE x sts . H arrisburg Pa.
Woman Makes Grave Charge
Against Aaron B. Klugh; He
Enters SI,OOO Bail
Ex-Jury Commissioner Aaron D.
Klugh, burgess of Highspire, appeared
before Mayor John K. Royal this aft
ernoon and gave bond in the sum of
SI,OOO to appear at January quarter
sessions on a charge of criminally at
tacking .Mrs. Emma Hand, vife of
William Hand, of Highspire.
The warrant for Squire Klugh's ar
rest was sworn out last evening before
Squire Thomas V. Gardner, Steelton,
by the husband of the alleged victim.
The papers were given Constable Gibb
for service. Klugh. it is understood,
knew of the fact that there was a
warrant against him, however, before
it had been served, and late this after
noon he strolled over to the police sta
tion with his bondsman, E. Bodmer,
proprietor of the Bodmer House, High
spire. The law under which Klugh
was charged provides that only the.
court or a mayor may take the bail.
Had Klugh surrendered last evening
he risked a chance of spending the
night it, jail provided he could not
have obtained release under bond
from the mayor or the court. Accord
ing to Squire Gardner, Mrs. Hand de
clared Klugh drugged her.
10,480 Pupils Enrolled
in Harrisburg Schools
Advisability of establishing a free
dental i linic for Harrisburg public
school children will be discussed finally
at a meeting of the School Board to
If the director." decide to establish
the clinic a complete dental establish
ment will be built in the Stevens build
ing. Chestnut street, near Second.
Just :565 more pupils i itered the Har-
20 North Fourth Street
. $4 and $5 VALUES,
S2A9 m
Over 300 beautiful Trimmed Hats v
of good velvet, turban or sailor . /K
shapes, mostly black. Sold else- n /
where at $4.00 and $5.00. V /
Not a chcnp velvetino hat. bH N^ w "hapes, finest quality
jet lilack Silk Mats, n rare oppor- "}*! :l ®- «S!l »A JA
tunity to buy hats of this quality at ' y and $2.49
such a small price. This price is - lontla - v ™
good for Saturday and Monday. $1.98 Ostrich Plumes. QQ
Special at in Wack and white only
$3.00 Ostrich Plumes, black,
98C * ,e,v .? 0,0r ":.. $1.49
Don't Forget to Visit Our New Shoe Department
1 Ladies'
Original Prices, $3, $4 and $5
$1.95, $2,45, $2.95
We Have AH the Latest Models
risburg public schools this Fall than
last, according to statistics furnished
by the School Board clerks this morn
ing. Altogether there are 10,480 pupils
enrolled this year. In the two high
schools there is a total enrollment of
students, an Increase of "J. Of
this number .",30 are at Tech, and 937
at Central High.
We eat too much meat which
clogs Kidneys, then the
Back harts
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish ami clog
wed and need a Hushing occasionally!
else we have backache and dull mis
ery in the kidney region, severe head
aches)* rheumatic twinges, torpid liver,
acid stomach, sleeplessness and ail
sorts of bladder disorders.
You simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
region, get about four ounces of Jaii
Salts from any good drug store hero,
take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa
ter before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from
acid of grapes and lemon juice,
bined with lithla. and is harmless 't:.
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity. It also neu
tralizes the acids in the urine so it
no longer irritates, thus ending blad
der disorders.
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent llthia
water drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean, thus avoiding serious com
plications. ,
A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be
lieve in overcoming kidney trouble
while It is only trouble.—Advertise- <