LADIES' BAZAAR Closed All Day To-morrow, Wednesday, on Account of Religions Holiday. 10-12 S. 4th Street Country Club Golfers to Play For Tener Cup Golfers of the Country Club of Har rlsburg will play this week for the Tener cup, offered by Governor John K. Tener. who Is one of the active golfers at the club. The cup was offered for handicap medal play and owing to the fact that the men's ten nis tournament will be held on Sat urday and members have other en gagements for that day the golf com mittee has arranged that the golfing event shall extend over Friday and Saturday. An eighteen-hole score, made on either day. can be entered in the competition. Members entering are requested to give their names to the golf profes sional on starting if they play on Fri day. The Saturday playing can be at any time on that day, morning or afternoon. UNION CIW STOMACH VICTIM TELLS HOW HE REGAINED HEALTH QUICKLY Mr. Martinran Finds (iood Healtli After Usinsr Mayr's Wonder ful Itemed y C. Martinran, of 42 Graves street, Union City, Pa., after long suffering Trom ailments of the stomach and the digestive tract .took Mayr's Wonder ful Stomach Remedy with the most remarkable results. The suffering of years was ended with the lirst dose. Mr. Martinran's experience is told in a letter —written a year after tak .ng the remedy, thus proving the per manent nature of the benefits. He wrote: "It has been a year since I took your treatment, which I am sure did me a great amount of good. My health at present is good, thanks to your won derful remedy. I will always recom mend it to my friends." This letter is typical of those written by the thousands of users of Mayr's I MRS. E.WALZER 27 South Second Street Will display both Dress and Tailored Hats October 1 and 2, after her return from New York City with Fashion's Latest Novelties. M. V. MILLER, Announces That She Is Now Ready With a Complete Line of |i Fall and Winter Millinery jj AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS \v show the newest first Palace Theater, 333 Market St. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 J* Lay Down Your Arms r « u A war atory baaed on the novel by the name name by Raroneu Von Snttncr. T«o arnilea employed In making the film. *howlnK cavalry ihnrgei, buttles, exploding aliella, and real Mar accnca. ALSO MONSIEUR LECOQ The adventnrea of flic fanioua French detective. Three-reel Eclair of great photoitrrnphy and action. Vivian Preacott nnd Charles de Forreat In Cryatal Comedy. "CURING A LAZY WIFE" COMING—FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WM. A. BRADY'S PRODUCTION IN 5 ACTS TUB DOLLAR MARK ADMISSION 10c CHILDREN 5c " _ "~*N Newest 'and'iica" Acta Tuesday and Wednesday fL C * X D J Three Bis Acta and the Society buds T , I# . With the Harrlaburic Favorite* lIICLIOD Ol V CIIICC Clark and Bergman a Mannmcem scemc Phot«pi, y A Bl|f Show Bealdes. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ■ 'THE LIFE OF SHAKESPEARE" NEXT WEEK—IRENE FRANKLIN In « llccla. L ___ | I "THE QOLDEN HEART" ■ A Story of Man'a Supreme Sacrlflce In 3 parta. "HER AWAKENING," a powerful aa well aa thrilling drama la I two parta. «ICVBR I.UCK," a Kcyatone Comedy. VICTORIA THEATER TO-DAY ADMISSION in.' CHILDREN 8c I TUESDAY EVENING, HXRRISBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 29. 1914. | WALK OVER MOUNTAINS Several girls of the West End took a walk Saturday nfternoon over the mountains, going to Uockvllle by trol ley first. In the party were the Misses Dorothy Gibbons, Esther Ix)l'an, Bea trix Bnrger, Sara Bankus, Rhea Miller, Isabella Loban and John Loban. ATTEND EDITORIAL MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thomas, Jr., Meohanicsburg, are in Pittsburgh at tending the State editorial meeting, which Is being held at the Hotel Schenley. Mr. Thomas is first vice president of the association. MOTOR TO QVARRYVII.I.E Mr. and Mrs. Harry GraybiU, Mrs. Mary A. Miller and daughter Llllle, and Miss Mary OConnell, all of Mar ket street, motored to Quarryville on Sundav, where they visited Mrs. Mil ler's brother, A. L. Stovely, at his home, "Maple View." (Other Personals on I'age 12.) Wonderful Stomach Remedy in all parts of the country. It is known everywhere. The first dose convinces —no long treatment. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy clears the digestive tract of mucoid accretions and poisonous matter. It brings swift relief to sufferers from ailments of the stomach, liver and bowels. Many declare it has saved them from dangerous operations; many are sure it has saved their lives. We want all people who have chronic stomach trouble or constipa tion, no matter of how long standing, to try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy—one dose will con vince you. This is the medicine so many of our people have been taking with surprising 'results. The most thorough system cleanser ever sold. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy is now sold here by Gorgas' Drug Store and druggists everywhere.—Ad vertisement. KEPT HER MARRIAGE S ' ' ' ' v -" j A j \ • SrlAI WH Blfl ■ Wis v ■ B -**'/ ' "'■ : W^'' MRS. CLARENCE MADER STKNOTYI'K DEMONSTRATION Given by a representative of The Stenotype Company during day from 9 to II a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.; even ings from 7 to 9 o'clock, until October 2. at School of Commerce, 16 South Market Square. Call and see demon stration on the Stenotype, without obligation to you.—Advertisement. ' Seasonable Offerings IN — Women's and Misses' Wear At Unusual Prices The New College Coat The most popular coat for the younger set in plaids and mixtures with comfy $5.98 pockets ™ New Models in Fall Skirts Specially Priced Flare Tunic Skirt Made of all-wool Serge and check materials with the newest flare tunic effect, cut long at the side; extra sizes for stout fig- ® O QQ ures & * Silk and Poplin Skirts Deep yoke effect with long tunic sherred on yoke and button trim ■ mine navy and black $5,981 Maternity Skirts Newest model fine all-wool Serges; easily adjusted; straight front effect; black $5.98 Silk Petticoats Of pure silk messallne, stunning model with novelty pleating effects; all the wanted shades; QQ black iptfiJO Silkataff Petticoats Of a beautiful lusterous material, looks Just like silk weave; guaran teed close fltt.lnK style; OC all colors and black Silk Waists In a variety of styles, made of good quality crepe de chine and messallne, in all the leading colors, black and white in- Itl QQ eluded ipI.IJO Children's Coats Complete showing of charming styles, new medium and heavy weight coat; sizes 2 to 14 years. In a range of popular prices from $1.98 to $9.98 New Serge Dresses Pretty model of fine all-wool crepe poplin with wide girdle and long tunic all colors and QQ sizes. Special at *P *•>'o ASTRICH'S AMUSEMENTS ma irCTIP wilmer, vincent! IVIAJLO 11V, a Ari'KLL, Mgrs. AM, THIS WEEK MATINEES DAILY, l»c AND 20c K wn NIGHT PUICES—IOc. 20c Hi 30c | Few lit nOc. Sat. Mat., fevr at 80c. PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY THE MOONSHINERS 2-Reel Kalcm Fcatarc. THE AOELESS SEX Yltagraph Comedy. Theater cloned at 8 p. m„ oa ac count nf holiday. Reopen Wednes day at B p. m„ with a I-reel feature. KEEP BHIDAL SECRET FOR THREE WEEKS Leave For Grangers' Picnic, but Marry at Hagerstown on the Way After keeping her marriage a sec red for three weeks, Mrs. Clarence Mailer, formerly Miss Mary Hamilton, of this city, told her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hamilton, of Cameron and Maclay streets of it yesterday. Clarence Mader. a young farmer of the upper end, called for Miss Hamil ton early on the morning of Thurs day, September 3, to go to the Grang ers' picnic at Williams Grove. The pair went directly to Hagers town, Md., where they were married, leaving for Williams Grove later, and returning home on the picnic train. No one even suspected that a wedding had taken place until the bride told It. The c6uple will occupy a farm □ear Coxestown In the Spring. Mrs. Maurice Gormley Given Wedding Shower Miss Ruth Bardy and Miss Helen Hote arranged a surprise shower lust evening In honor of Mrs. Maurice Gormley, who was recently married. The fete was held at the bride's home, 63 5 Harris street, and Rifts of linen, out glass and clilna were presented to her. There were musical numbers by Ira Arthur and a supper was served with appointments of pink and white. The guests included Mrs. Bardy, the i Misses Ruth and Hazel Bardy, Mrs. Rote, the Misses Ruth and Mary Rote, [Mrs. Ed Miller, Miss Ethel Miller, Mrs. Joseph Ha,U. Robert Hall, Mrs. Del | bier, Miss Jane Delbler, Mrs. H. H. Gazell, Mrs. Shaner, Mrs. Herman. Mrs. Kleffer, Miss Jean Kieffer, Miss Edna Wanbaugh, Miss Elizabeth Al bert, Miss Maraguerlte Grauft, Miss Norma Crownshield, Miss Mildred Hartzell, Frank Harris, Harold Yaple, Gordon Ford. Norman Ford, Joseph Alcorn, Dewitt Grady, James Mc- Carthy, M. and Mrs. A. A. Yaple. Mrs. R. C. Hunt, of 141! Sylvan Ter race. has returned home from vllle, where she attended the Old Home week festivities. Miss Jane Hlckok. of 119 West State street, is spending a week with i Miss Gertrude Olmsted at Cedar Cliff | farms. Mrs. George Dismukes Munroe and Miss Abble Munroe. of Qulncy, Fla., are guests of Mrs. Walter F. Randall, 104 West State streat. Miss Mae Btose Mcllhenny, of 1217 I Chestnut street, will attend the Beach i wood School at Jenkintown this I winter. | Miss Serena Knabe, 1413 North I Sixth street, entertained at a week-end I house party at her summer home at Hummelstown. Miss Marian Hean. of 722 North Sixth street, will attend Miss Say ward's school at Overbrook. this win ter. > Miss Martha Fletcher, Pine street, has entered All Saints' school In New York city, for a course of study. Miss Katherlne Smith. 1514 North Sixth street, will leave to-morrow for Luthervllle, where Bhe will attend the Maryland School for Women. Mrs. James I. Chamberlin and Miss Jean Bosler Chamberlin have gone to Washington, D. C., where Miss Cham berlin has resumed her studies at Miss Maderla'e school. Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Byler, of 512 South Sixteenth street, announce the birth of a daughter, Dorothy Louis* Byler, Friday. September 25, 1914. Mrs. B.vler was Miss Mary Hoy ler prior to her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Laoma W. Trimmer, of 1726 Elm street, announce the birth of a daughter, Anna May Trimmer, Sunday, September 27, 1914. Mrs. Trimmer was formerly Miss Mary Keefer, of Mechanlcsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Schiefer, of 1917 Fulton street, announce the birth of a son. Donald Vernon Schief er. Sunday, September 27, 1914. Mrs. Schiefer was formerly Miss Emma G. Da um, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray, of 414 Hamilton street, announce the birth of a son, Wayne Merle Murray. Fri day. September 25, 1915. Mrs. Mur ray was formerly Miss Irene Moreland. of this city. CAIX 1991-AjWPHONE.^ he in operation—running jT% FOUNDED 1871 m i from the basement to the / insure quick and jotC^7il^J&4 satisfactory service. HARRISBURO'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE I n -±r SALE OF HIGH GRADE Muslins, Sheets, Blankets, Towels \d3 1N TIME FOR FIREMEN ' S CONVENTION I.inen and domestic materials for various parts of the house. " oto ' aru ' hoarding house keepers will find ♦liese prices so low it will pay to take advantage of this opportunity to get an extra ttLltffiiiimll Salem. Utica. Pequot and Mohawk Sheets at VJ to even \i their usual values—cause by a thick thread, or oil from the loom. 1,200 Sheets in This Lot 90x90 f 7t ' ca ,ieets > square, can be used lengthwise or crosswise, and 1 "* J sell the world over for sl.lO to $1.35 I C 0x36 y Pequot Pillow Cases to match. I<>f; always 25c before. j L,niU —«to a J ' Cuatomer. [ l ' Ca M°' iaw k Sheets, including the square size that can be -i sp«-«u«i at x J used lengthwise or crosswise. \\ c sell these sheets regularly 7^o 90x90 Pillow Cases to match, 13*; regularly 24c. J Mn t*," 86x90 Sheets in Dreamland, unbleached, and Mohawk, bleached; 3- ] special at 72x90 ' nc ' l ' lcms - laundered ready for use. Some are square and I p can be used lengthwise or crosswise; value 69c to 85c I 63x90 Dreamland Pillow Cases to match, 10*; instead of 15c. ' Lln cu*toinrr*° * 72x90 ■[ eSt Sheets—these are the only sheets in the sale that 1 A Q \ has a center seam and will be sold at j T"ts C 1,000 Blankets & Comforts October's "Bright Blue Weather" is here and with it cool nights and you will need extra bed Having placed our orders early we are splendidly prepared to supply your needs at attractive prices. •— Blankets from the inexpensive cotton to the all-wool. From .