S©MLLDN DOLLAR MYS»« SIO,OOO FOR ONE HUNDRED WORDS. "The Million Dollar Mystery" itory will run for twenty-two co**ecutive weeks in this paper. By an ai with the Thanhouser Film company it has been mode possible not only to read the story in this paper but also to see it each week in the various moving picture theaters. For the solution of this mystery story SIO,OOO will be given by the Thanhouser Film corporation. CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE 1 CONTEST. T\« prise of SIO,OOO will be won by the man, woman, or child who writes the most acceptable solution of the mystery, from wkioh the last two reels of motion picture drama wiU be made and the last two chapters of tht story written by Harold MaoGrath^ Solutions *n«y be sent to the Thanhouser Film corporation, either at Ckioapo or New York, any time up to midnight, Jan. 14. {This allows several weeks after the last chapter hat been published. A board of three judge* toill determine which of the many solutions received it the most acceptable. The judges are to be Harold MacQrath, Lloyd Lonergan, and Hiss Mae Tinee, The judgment of thit board uill be absolute and final. Nothing SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS CHAPTERS. Stanley HaT*reave, millionaire, alter • the water front and succeeds la drop. Miraculous eacape from the den of tko plnf the box Into the sea. ■an* of brilliant thtevea known aa the Black Hundred, Uvea the life of t re triune for eighteen yea re. HargrenTe ac- Irldentally meeta Bralne, leader of the tDlark Hundred. Knowing Bralne will fltry to aret htm, he eacapes from hla own itme by a balloon. Before escaping he * letter to the girls' achool where Vlghteen yeara before he mysteriously (eft en the doorstep hla baby daughter, Florence Gray. That day Hargreave Li.n (raw* *1.000.000 from the bank, bnt kt la reported that thla dropped Into the £iea when the balloon he esraped la was Florence arrlTea from the atria' achool. iCounteaa Olga. Bralne'a companion, Ita her and clalma her ae a relative. Two k'n> deteetlves rail, bnt their plot la foiled by Norton, a newspaper maa. j By bribing the captala of the Orient, Norton lnya a trap for Bralne and hla gaag. Countess Olga also visits the Orl. eat's captain, and ahe easily falls Into the reporter'a anare. The plan proves abortive through Bratne's good lurk and only hirelings fall Into the hands of the police. After falling In their flrut attempt, the Black Hundred trap Florence. They ask her for money, bnt she escapes, again foiling them. Norton and the countess call on Flor ence the next day. once more ssfe st home. The visitors having gone. Jones removes a section of flooring and from a cavity takes a bo*. Pursued by mem bers of the Black Hundred, he rnsfcen to fOoryrlffht: 1P14: By RaroM MficGrath.} PHAPTFR XIV. NORTON MAKES A DISCOVERY. PERHAPS the most amusing phase of the secret agent's discomfiture was the fact that neither Jones nor Florence had the least Idea what had happened in the mmmer house nor that anything had hap pened. Florence regretted a hundred times during the evening that she had not gone out to the summer house. It might really have been her father. Her regret grew so deep in her that just before going to bed she con fessed to Jones. " Ton received a letter of that sort and did not show it to me?" said Jones, astonished. " Tou warned me never to pay any atten tion to them." "No; I warned you never *o act upon tliem •without first consulting me. And we might tave made a enpture! My child, always show ■me these things. I will advise you whether to tear them up or not." " Jones, I believe you are going a little too Yar," Mid Florence haughtily. "It might have been from my father." "Never in this wide world, Miss Florence. Still, I beg your pardon for raising my voice. What I Jo and have done is only for your own sake. There are two things I wish to Impress upon your mind before I go. This ca.n be made a comedy o~ a terrible tragedy. Tou have already had a taste of the latter; and each time you escaped because God was good to us. But He is rarely kind to thought less people. They have to look out for them selves. I am acting under orders; always re member that." "Forgive me; I acted wrongly. But I'm so weary and tired of this eternal suspicion of everybody and everything. Can't I go some where, some place where I can have rest?" "If I thought for a single moment it was possible to take you thousands of miles from this spot, it would be done this very night. But this is our fortress. So far it has been Impregnable. The police are watching it; and that prevents a general assault by the scoun drels. If we tried to leave we would be fol lowed ; and they play that game exceedingly well. Now, good-night. We'll have ynu out of all this doubt and suspicion one of these days. There will not be any past; that will b» lopped off as you'd lop a limb from a tree." " Please let it be quick. I want to see my father." i Jones'* eyes sparkled. " And you have my word that he wants to see you. But more I daro not tell you." " Do you think he would object to Mr. Nor ton?" she asked, studying the rug. "In what capacity?" he countered, forcing her hand. '• As—us a husband?" bravely. Jones in his turn studied the patterns In the rujr. "It is only natural for a father to look high for his daughter's husband. Rut, after all, an honest man is worth a* much as any thtnr I know of. And Norton is honest and loyal and brave." 'Thank you. Junes. 1 intend to marry him when the time com«s : so you may as well pre pare father for this eventuality." "There is an old a.lase —" But she. interrupted him. "If rou hare a of a literary nature will be considered in the decisiou, nor fiven any preference in the selection of the winner of the SIO,OOO prise. The last two reels, which will give the most acceptable solution to the mys tery, will be presented in the theaters having this feature as soon as it is pos sible to produce the same. The story corre sponding to these motion pictures will ap pear »* the newspapers coinoidentally, or as soon after the appearance of the pic tures as practicable. With the last two reels will be shown the pictures of the win- ner, his or her home, and other interesting features. It is understood that the news papers, so far as practicable, in printing the last two chapters of the story by Har old MacGrath, will also show a picture of the successful contestant. Solutions to the mystery must not be more than 100 words long. Here are some questions to be kept in mind in connection with the mystery as an aid to a solution: No.l—What becomes of the millionairet No. 2—Wh and fall in love with a bundle of aaaes like myself? Ashes and bitter a&hes, too. Some times I regret. But the regretting only seems to make me all the more savage. What opium and dope are to other men, danger and excitement are to me. It i* not writ ten that I shall die in bed. I have told you that already. There is no other woman— now. And I do love you after a farfnion, «a a man loves a comrade. Wait till this dan cing bout is over and I may talk otherwise. And now I am going to a reception. I am going to shake hands and hobnob with the 01ite —beautiful word! And while X bow and smirk and crack witticisms, I and the devil will be chuckling in our sleeves. But this I'll tell you, while there's a drop of blood in my veins, a breat'n in my body. 111 stick to this fight if only to prove that I'm not a quitter." He caught her suddenly In hla arms, ktased her, ran lightly to the door, and w»s gone before she could recover from her astonlih ment. The affair went smoothly, without a hitch. Norton and his men gained the bouse through the tunnel without attracting the least at tention. The Blnck Hundred, watching the front and rear of the nouse, never dreamed that there existed another mode of entrance or that there was a secret cabinet room. Half an hour later the head of the secret service, accompanied by his men, together with "Sp'der" Begga, who was !n high feather over his success, arrived, demanded admittance, and went at the fount of the business at once. "Tour name is .Tones," began the chief. The butler nodded, thongh his face evinced no little bewilderment at the appearance of these men. "What Is it you wish, sir?" " I am from the secret service and I have It from a pretty good source that there ia counterfeit money hidden in this house. More than that. T can put my hand on the very place it is hidden." " That is impossible, air," declared Jonea indignantly. "T'm an old hand, Mr. Jones. It will not do you a bit of good to put on that bold ! front." Be-ggs smiled. How was he tx> know that this was a comedy set especially for hla benefit. " I should like to see that money," said Jones, not quite so bravely. "Come with me," said the secret service man. "Where's the library?" " Beyond that door, air." The c'nief, beckoning to his men, entered the library, went directly to a certain shelf, extracted three volumes, and there lay th« money in three neat packages. "Good heavens!" gasped Jones. " I shall have to request you and the fam ily to accompany me to the station." " But it is all utterly impossible, sir! I know nothing of fnat money, nor how it got there. It's a plot I declare on my oath, sir, that I am innocent, that Miss Florence and her companion know nothing about It." " You will have to tell all that to the fe