Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 12, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Games, Races and Baseball Fea
tures of Outing of Mechan
icsburg Folks
Many Students Leave Homes For
Winter Term at Schools
and Colleges
Mechanics burg, Pa-. Sept. 12.—A
picnic at Boiling Springs Park was
held to-day by the members and ,
friends of the Men's Bible class of]
the Church of God. Games, races and ;
baseball added to the interest of the ,
outing. Music was furnished by the I
orchestra. A basket luncheon was en- I
Joyed and ice cream served. —A corn- |
roast was enjoyed by the members j
of I. S. H. Club of ladies and friends,
on Monday evening at the home of
Henry Heisey, near Williams Grove,
where they went on the large auto
truck of H. R. Gelwicks. —Mrs. Geo.
B. Lloyd, Miss Kathryn Kough, Miss j
Catharine Keefer, Miss Ruth Lloyd, 1
M lss Anna Lloyd, Mfcss Dorothy Zach-j
arias and Miss Mary Clark are spend- I
ing some time in the mountains at Pen i
.Mar on an outing which is an annual |
event. —Mrs. Frank B. Sellers, of Car
lisle, was the guest of her daughter,
.Mrs. J. Elder Williams. South Market (
street. —Dr. Zatae L. Straw, of Man-j
cheater, N. H.; Mrs. Lydia Longsdorf, |
of Dauphin; Mrs. Jessica Bozorth and |
daughter, Miss Esther, of Philadel
phia, were automobile visitors here!
on Wednesday.—During the. week, j
these young men left their homes in j
this place for school duties in various
institutions: William H. Dougherty,
son of Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Dougherty,
to State College for scientific farming;
I'harles Shriver and Henry Shriver, to
Franklin and Marshall College, in j
Lancaster, and Harold Wrightstone, j
to Lebanon Valley College.—Dr. and (
Mrs. S. K. Mowery left on Tuesday for
a visit to Missouri.
Millerstown Party on Auto
Trip to Niagara Falls
.Millerstown, Pa., Sept. 12. Mr. and
Mrs. Isaiah Mitchell, of Newport, and
daughter, Miss Carrie Mitchell, of Du-
Hith. Minn., were entertained by Wil
liam Kipp.—Mr. and Mrs. Edwiird
Rumple. of Mifflin, and W. F. Rouns-
Uey, of Penbrook, were guests of their
">arents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rouns
ley Sunday. Raymond Wagner, of
l.cmoyne, spent Sunday with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner.—
William S. Snyder was the guest of
William Bollinger Sunday. Aubrey
Patterson, of New Yor,k, visited his
aunt. Miss Llbble Patterson. —Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Pike, of Washington. D. C.,
are visiting at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Rinehart. —Banks Lalir,
principal of the Fox Chase school, left
on Monday to resume his work at that
place for the winter. Harry and
Jrvin Rubin, of Harrisburg, visited
their parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Rubin,
over Sunday.—Miss Helen Fisher, of
lowa, spent the week end with James
Brandt. Dr. Edgar Everhart and
family, of Lemoyne, automobiled to
this place Sunday and were enter
tained at the home of James Rouns
ley. Jr. —Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dinin
and son Calvin, of Harrisburg. and
and Mrs. J. C. Kipp and Mrs. J
Brinton, of this place, automobiled to
Niagara Falls this week, leaving here
early Saturday morning and returning
Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Heffner, of Pittsburgh, visited
Miss Nan Hough on Wednesday.—
Miss Blanche Fitzgerald, of Philadel
phia, is visiting at the home of D. M.
Rickabaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
l,ukens, of Lewistown, were the guests
tit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
l.ukens. Mrs. Alice Decker and
daughter Myra, of Philadelphia, were
entertained at the homo ol' George
Fry over Sunday.— Miss Earnestine
Troutman visited friends in Harris
burg this week. —Walter Allen and son
John, of Altoona. visited his mother,
Mrs. William Spangler, Sunday.—Miss
Margaret Bollinger left Wednesday for
lthrrisburg, where she will attend the
Harrisburg high school this winter. —
Mrs. S. C. Alexander and daughter
Alice were visitors in Harrisburg on
Wormleysburg, Pa., Sept. 12.—Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Sliraek and Mr. and
Mrs. Borhman, of Enola, are taking a
trip to Duluth and the Great Lakes.—
The Rev. G. B. Renshaw spent Sunday
at Lancaster. —J. D. Hippie had the
misfortune to have one of his best
horses break a. leg this week. He had
the animal killed.—The Rev. and Mrs.
G. B. Renshaw and Mr. and Mrs. J.
J. Hemmer visited Mrs. Hemmer's sis
ters at New Kingston on Thursday.—
Miss Edna Eckert is spending a week
fit Carlisle. —The Rev. R. R. Rodes, of
York, visited his daughter, Mrs. Rus
sel Hummel, this week.—Mrs. Hem
mer's Sunday school class and W.
Baker's class went on a hike on Mon
day evening, chaperoned by Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Baker, winding up with
H corn roast at the home of Mrs. J. J.
Shepherdstown, Pa., Sept. 12. —Mrs.
William Shaffner, of Harrisburg, spent
Sunday among friends.—Mrs. Emma
Mohler, of Mechanicsburg, was the
guest of her brother, Harrison W.
Knouse.—Miss Nellie Bressler, of Steel
ton, spent several days with her
mother, Mrs. Alice Bressler. Mrs.
, John Sutton and daughter Helen, after
Spending two weeks with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Melvin Woods, of Pinetown,
have returned home.—A. Glenn Mower
nnd Norman Bucher left on Tuesday
for Annville, Pa., where they have
rntered Lebanon Valley College.—Sep
tember 20 will be observed as rally
day In the United Brethren Church.
Business Locals
Whether It's breakfast, luncheon or
dinner, you will always find Menger's
Restaurant an ideal place in which to
dine. Refined, quiet surroundings,
with the best the market affords, pre-'
pared under the personal supervision
of Mrs. Menger, is an assurance that
every bite Is a relish. The place that
serves the best 36-cent dinner In the
city. 110 North Second street.
September will soon be here and
the ideal weather for exterior paint
ing. And then you will want to get
the inside of the house touched up so
is to be presentable for the social I
season of the long winter months. Use !
Ft. & B. Wayne paints, the best for all
purposes. In small cans ready to use
or in paste form for those who need
arge quantities. William W. Zelders
fc Son, 1436 Derry street.
Impressive Ceremonies at
Consecration of Beautiful
New Edifice Tomorrow
fly Sprcial Correspond*
Dillsburg, Pa., Sept. 12.—Above is
a picture of the Rev. G. H. Eveler. pas
tor. and th« new Lutheran Church of
Dillsburg. which, will be dedicated to
morrow morning with appropriate ex
ercises. There will be three services,
morning, afternoon and evening. The
morning services will be in charge of
the Rev. H. H. Weber, D. D„ of York,
secretary of the board of chuch exten
sion. At 2.30 a platform meeting will
be held, led by the ministers of the
various churches of the town, and at
7.30 p. m. the Rev. G. M. Diffenderfer
of Carlisle, president of the West
Pennsylvania Synod, will deliver a ser
At 9.15 a. m. the Sunday school will
"Soap Bubble and Slumber '
• Party For W. H. S. Class
Novel Entertainment When Guests Had Jolly Time All
Night and Then Cooked Breakfast in Meadow
By Special Correspondence
Waynesboro, Pa., Sept. 12.—-Miss
Cornelia Clayton, of Clayton avenue,
and Miss Agnes Newman, Third street,
entertained a number of the members
of the Waynesboro High School class
of 1914 at a "Soap Bubble and Slum
ber Party" at the home of Miss Clay
ton Tuesday evening. The party was
a very novel one and an interesting
feature of the evening was the secur
ing of prize packages by blowing soap
bubbles, so as to touch a certain pack
age suspended In the air. The girls
of the party spent the entire night at
the,home of Miss Clayton and early in
the morning went to Welty's meadow,
south of and there cooked their
breakfast. There were eighteen
guests.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ware
hime and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. New
comer left for Baltimore this morn
ing, where they will spend the re
mainder of the week.—Dr. Elmer Far
ney and mother, Mrs. Susan Farney,
Hagerstown, were guests this week of
Mr and Mrs. E. B. Farney.—A de
lightful birthday party was tendered
Miss Ida Ashway, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Ashway, Tuesday evening.
Those present were Misses Margaret
Shearer, Martha Hixon, Florence
Barn hart, Ethel Grove, Florence Bil
low. Blanche Stoops, Ellen Conner,
Anna Ashway, Mabel Stoops, Flor
ence Stoops and Ida Ashway; Frank
Smith, Walter Stansbury, Sherman
Barn hart, Charles Bloom, Preston
Kriney, Ralph Cordell, Clarence Barn
hart, Arthur Billow, Cronise Koontz,
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stansbaugh, Mr.
and Airs. George Black and Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Ashway. A party was
Contract For State Road
Near Union Deposit Awarded
I'nion Deposit, Pa., Sept. 12.—Mr.
and M»s. Edward Stover, of Stover
dale, spent Sunday with Mrs. Stover's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Landis.—
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bowman and family,
of ("leona, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Bowman's grandmother. Mrs. D.
Smith.—The contract for making the
State road from Swatara station
through town to near Hanoverdale,
a distance of three and one-half
miles, has been awarded to M. Ben
nett and Son, of Indiana, for $51,-
943.82.—0n Sunday morning the Rev.
O. G. Romig, pastor of the United
Brethren Church, will hold preaching
services and will also elect officers for
the Sunday School.—H. P. Peiffer and
family entertained as guests on Sun
day and Monday Emler Loy and fam
ily, of Annville, and Frank Zimmer
man and family, of PPhtladelphia.—
Mrs. Elias Ebersole is spending some
time at Bachmansville with her aunt,
Mrs. V. Balshaugh.—Miss Mary Kauf
man spent the week in York county.
—Master Landis Curry Is spending the
winter with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Landis. —Mrs. Abraham
Fackler and Mrs. George Hoeker are
very ill.
Big House Snake Killed
in Perry County Kitchen
New (.crmantown, Pa., Sept. 12.
While eating breakfast on Wednesday
morning T. A. Morrow saw a large
house snake crawl under the cupboard.
The cupboard was moved and the
snako which was soon killed.—Miss
Lydia Watts is ill. She has had sev
eral hemorrhages.—Mrs. David Hol
lenbaugh, of this place, and daughter,
Mrs. E. M. College, of Philadelphia,
visited friends in East Waterford.—
Mr. and Mrs. John Shearer and daugh
ter, Catharine, of Ickesburg, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Shearer's mother,
Mrs. Jacob Clouser. —The Rev.
Thomas It. Gibson held communion
services at Fair view on Sunday at 3
p. m. and in this place at 7:30 p. m.
He was assisted in the services by
District Superintendent A. S. Pasick,
D. D.—George D. Martin, a progres
sive farmer living at Mt. Pleasant,
has corn thirteen feet tail and Foster
T. Seager. another farmer, has some
stalks of corn thirteen and a half feet
in height.—Professor and Mrs. F. S.
Stokes and son, Harold, visited Mt.
Joy and Marietta.—Levi J. Burkett, of
Harrlsburg. spent Saturday with his
brother. George M. Burkett, who has
been helpless since February with
meet at the opera house, where the
congregation has been holding services
sine June 18, 1913, when the church
was burned, and then march to the
new church to participate in tne
services ,
The new church is located on the
corner of Baltimore and Hanover
streets, replacing the old church de
stroyed by tire, and is the largest
church building in Dillsburg. It is
constructed of red brick, trimmed with
graystone. The main auditorium has
a seating capacity of about 400. The
pews are arranged in a semicircle on
an inclined floor. Adjoining this is
the Sunday school room, which can be
thrown open into the auditorium by
folding doors. Beneath this room is
a large basement, suitable for meet
ings. The entire building is equipped
with electric lights and steam heat and
cost over $20,000. On the building
committee are the Rev. G. H. Eveler,
J. S. Kapp. H. L. Miller. W. P. Dear
dorff, William Selbert, Allen Kline, J.
K. Evans and Samuel Wagner.
given In honor of Paul Zimmerman.
* i of Frederick, at the home of Mr. and
, Mrs. Cletus Snodderly, Wayne avenue.
, j Those present were Walter Zimmer
i man, Paul Zimmerman, Paul Ingels,
11 Robert Ingels, Eber Williams. William
j Frank, John Grumbine, Raymond
I Meyers, Floyd Harbaugh, Yens
| Schodt, Walter. Fogel, Misses Ruth
I Rentzel, Thelma Harbaugh, Irene
| Shrader, Helen Staley, Mary, Fogel,
I Leah Benchoff, Elsie Kugler, Mr. and
I Mrs. Carson.—Miss Mildred Kneper,
I Falrview avenue, entertained a few
j friends at her home Tuesday evening.
I —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin gave a
| surprise party last evening in honor
|of their son, William. Those present
(were Misses Elsie Keagy, Elsie Potter,
Gladys Sease, Mary Reachard, Pearl
Heffner, Edna Miller, Edith Oiler,
Ethel Grove, Lula Keagy, Myrtle Cur
rens, Helen Heffner, May Smith, Ma
bel Burns, Margaret Prout, Bessie
I Martin, Alma Stoncr, Virgie Kepner,
• Rella Oiler and Florence Fasick; Ed-
I gar McFerren, William Martin, Robert
I Shockey, George Keagy, Norman
I Hess. David Creps, Percy Naugel,
Charles Hartman, William Helfrlck,
Harry Martin. I.ester Hartman, Omar
i Hovis, Normal Irown, Clemens Bend
roff, Maurice i.ipe, Herbert Florence,
Paxton Currens, Mr. and Mrs. P. A.
Currens, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin.
—U. V. Gift and Miss Beulah Gift
spent to-day in Harrisburg Miss
Margaret Grove and Miss Edith Koff
man visited friends In Harrisburg this
week. —Mrs. J. R. Hutchinson. Jr.,
and son. Joseph, of Harrisburg, who
have been spending some time with
friends here, have returned home.
Brigadier General Hoyt
Visiting Dillsburg Relatives
Dlllftburß. Pa., Sept. 12. Harvest
Home offering by the Lutheran congre
gation of the Barren's Church amount
ed to $92.75. Brigadier General and
Mrs. R. W. Hoyt, of Pen Yan, N. Y., vis
ited the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Har
bold. of South Baltimore street. Pro
fessor and Mrs. \V. C. Heikes, who spent
the summer with the former's mother,
Airs Clara Heikes. returned to Harris
burg on Sunday, where Professor
Heikes Is principal of the Hamilton
school. Harvest Home services will
be held in Filey's Church, conducted by
the Rev. H. T. Bowers, on Sunday morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mvors and
Mr. and Mrs. William Bollinger were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Miller,
on Sunday. Miss Esther Bentz spent
this week at Philadelphia William
I). Menear is ill at his home, in North
Baltimore street. Miss Beatrice Le
rew has gone to Egg Harbor, Md..
where she will teach school. The
opening of the Dillsburg borough
schools will be delayed until Mondav.
September 21, on account of the slate
blackboards not arriving J. S. Kapp
spent several days in Baltimore. Mrs
C. O. Seidel and Mrs. Peter Sidle visited
friends in Camden and Atlantic City,
this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. East
wick. who spent some time at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Butcher, return
ed to their home, at Philadelphia, on
Tuesday. Mrs. T. B. Smith visited In
Philadelphia several days this week.
Big Party in Honor of
Roscoe Raker's Birthday
HcrryMburg. Pa., S*;pt. 12. The
Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Hoover, of Hub
lersburg, autoed to this place and will
spend several weeks with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Btngaman.
Raymond L,ebo, of Philadelphia, is vis
iting his parents. Mrs. Daniel Weav
er and daughter, Mildred, are spend
ing sometime at Steelton. The band
furnished music for the Stone Valley
picnic and festival on Saturday. To
day they will furnish music for Hoff
man's picnic east of town. Mrs
Metzgar and daughters, Bertha and
Galen, of Harrlsburg, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Witmer for a few days.—•
James Weaver and two children, and
sister, Hannah, of Philadelphia, are
spending sometime with Mrs. Martin
Weaver. On Saturday evening the
young folks of town gathered at the
home of Mrs. Kate Kaker and gave a
birthday party for her grandson, Ros
coe, who celebrated his seventeenth
birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roup
are visiting In Wllliamstown. Mrs.
Kate Deibler attended the funeral of
a relative at Sunburg, on Monday,
Miss Helen Miller/ of Philadelphia, is
spending her vacation with tier par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Miller.
.Mr. and Mrs. George Peffel and son,
■ Philadelphia nre visiting at the
home of Harry Deibler.
Commends Harrisburg Fire Depart
ment and Local Firemen For
Valiant Services at Fire
Calls on Young Men of Town to
Join Volunteer Fire Organi
zation at Once
* |
By Spectal Correspondence
Ponhrook, Pa.. Sept. 12. R. Frank
Ober. of Main street, has returned
from a trip to the state fair at Wheel
ing. w. v i.. where his hone, Junior
Barnagle: won llrst money in the 2.17
trot.—Elaborate ceremonies have been
arranged for the harvest home services
of the Zion Lutheran Church, which
will be held In the church auditorium
to-morrow morning. The services will
start at 10.30 o'clock with the Rev.
Luther Henry, pastor of the church,
in charge.—The local lodge of the
Junior Order United American Me-
I chanics initiated a large class of can
didates into the order at Shellsvllle
this week. M. H. Hartman, the
grocer, whose place of business in the
Wolf apartment building was gutted
by fire last week, has opened his store
I at 2573 Main street.—The following
| voung people of town have returned
i from a week's house party at Marble
1 Lodge cottage. Mlllersburg: Miss
Myrna Speas, Miss Rae Hoofnagle,
Miss Mary Speas, Miss Erina Wilson,
Miss Year Speas, Miss Rachel Schlos
ser, Mrs. Harry Hicks. Charles Kline
and George Heinly./ Mrs. Harry Hicks
chaperoned the party.—J. W. McGar
vey, chief of the Penbrook fire depart
ment. has made a public expression
of thanks for the aid rendered by the
Harrlsburg and local firemen for their
work In the fire here a week ago. He
also thanked the women of the town
who supplied the firemen with coffee
and sandwiches. In thanking the
townspeople he Issued a public call for
the enlistment of young men of the
town in the fire company.
Personal News Items
From Nearby Towns in
Central Pennsylvania
By Special Correspondence
SJew Cumberland. Go-to-Church
Day" will be observed in Baughman
Memorial Church to-morrow. Mrs.
Lawrence Black, of Cleveland, Ohio, and
Mrs. Peffley, of Harrisburg, spent
Tuesday with Mrs. Marianna Sponsler
and Miss Millie Wickersham, at New
Market. Miss Marie Myers, of Water
loo, la., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Cable.
Miss Anna Witmyer, of York, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Blxler.
—Mrs. Ross Sweeney, of Buffalo, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweeney..
William Neff, of New Castle, visited
relatives here this week. Mr. anu
Mrs. R. S. Hoover and Miss Catherine
Hoover, of Hagerstown. spent the
week with Michael Baker's family.
Mrs. John Donavan, of Steelton, and
Marguerite Young, of Philadelphia,
were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Bamberger. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Zim
merman, daughter, Edyth, son Harry,
and Mrs. and Mrs. William Cookerley
attended the "Star-Spangled Banner
celebration at Baltimore, this week.
Mrs. Clarissa Sterritt, of Decatur, 111., is
visiting Mrs. Jesse Sipe and Chester
Cllne's family. Mrs. Rachel Mathias
Is visiting her brother, William Billet,
in Philadelphia. Mrs. Frank Knaub
and son, of York, are visiting the form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kern.
Maryavllle. L C. Lightner and Al
ton Lick left on Wednesday for Lan
caster. where they will attend Frank
lin and Marshall College. H. R. Geib,
of Bordentown, N. J., spent Sunday with
his brother, F. W. Geib. Mrs. Charles
Whittle and Mrs. George ICelss, of Bal
timore, Md., are spending some time
with Mrs. Mary Bonneson. of Dahllan
street. J. A. Seidel is spending sev
eral weeks at Atlantic City. Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Mottola are spending the
week at Buffalo. Niagara Falls and To
ronto, Can. Miss Lyla Sheaffer, of
Lewistown, is visiting Mrs. W. H. Leon
ard. A. A. White and William File,
of Ringtown, Pa., are spending a few
days with the former's father, S. T.
White. Charles R. Myers, a student
of the Baltimore Medical College, Is
spending his vacation with his father,
G. R. Myers. Miss Katharine Hess, of
Mechanlcsburg, spent several days with
her uncle, A. R. White. After spend
ing the summer at a large summer re
sort north of Quebec, Verne T. Dls
slnger has returned to his home.
Mlddleburs. Miss Ruth Mutohler,
of Sunbupy, was tho guest of friends In
town on Labor Day. ll. H. McClure,
of Lewisburg, transacted business at
Middleburg, recently. H. I. Potter's
Sunday school class held a picnic at
Renninger's Grove. Mrs. I»aura
Keiter attended the funeral of a rela
tive at Allentown, this week. Mrs. J.
C. Fowler and son, William, enjoyed an
automobile trip to Pittsburgh, during
the past week Mr. and Mrs. Uarrv
Harter, of Sunbury, visited Mr. and
Mrs. C. \V. Wageuseller, over Sunday.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. George Roush,
on Friday mornings a son. Mrs.
George Motz and Miss Maude Motz call
ed on friends at Mtffllnburg. on Tues
Dnlraatla. G. J. Bingaman. of Ly
kens. spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Emma Bettylow. Miss Ellen Messner.
of Tower City, spent several days with
her mother, Mrs. Anna Messner.
Elias Baohman, Miss Polly Heckert and
Miss Arta Reitzel visited Sunbury.
Mr. and Mrs. Glace and daughter and
Mrs. Hamler and daughter, of Lewis
burg, spent several days at the home of
E. J. Kllngman. Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Bachman, of Sunbury, spent Wednes
day here. Miss Mary Kllnger, of
Tower City, spent several days at the
home of her grandmother, Mrs. Anna
Fetter. Mrs. Lutz and Winifred
Watts, of Harrisburg. spent several
days with relatives here.
Illnln. Miss Anna B. Trostle went
to Rldgeileld Park, N. J., to teach.
Professor I. E. Kline, professor of
mathematics in Atlantic City high
school, returned to resume his' duties
after spending the summer with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kline.
Professor W. F. Hall left to take charge
of the Christiana, Pa., high school, as
principal. Miss Edythe Martin left
for Pocatelo, Idaho, where she will
teach. W. H. Flickinger, a senior of
the I'niversit.v of Maryland, Baltimore,
went to resume his studies. Miss
Margaret Spotts returned to Philadel
phia high school, where she If a senior
student. C. J. Kell, who spent the
summer months at Asbury Park, came
home to visit his father, R. H. Kell, for
a week, before returning to State Col
lege. He Is a Junior student taking
the agriculture course. Miss Mary J
Kistler, a deaconess of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, returned to New
York City, to take up her work, after
spending a vacation with rer mother
Mrs. Caroline Kistler. William Rife
of Harrisburg, visited the family of F
W. Dimm. The Indies' Aid Societv
of the Methodißt Church, will hold a
noodle sunner on September 19. Dr.
H. T. Etlne, of Harrisburg, visited here.
Thompnontnwn. Mrs. Charles Rob
erts and daughter, Miss Marie Roberts,
of Steeiton. are guests of relatives in
town. Miss Marguerite Vanormer re
turned to her home. In Buffalo, N. Y.
after spending several months with Mr'
and Mrs. W. Tl Rrubaker. Mrs G R
M. Arnold, of Hyattsville. Md„ Is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Mary Gross
—Misses Marguerite snd Klgarda Ten
nis. of Philadelphia. snent the nnst
week with Mrs. Israel Tennis. -- Mrs
Thomas Tlaldeman, of Washington. fi
J., is visiting lier mother. Mi*. X.
But Is Chased Out With Big Stick
in the Hands of Irate
John J. Missemer Named by Presi
dent For Receivership at
Colorado Land Office
Mount Joy, Pa., Sept. 12.—John J.
Missener, of Limon. Colo., editor and
publisher of the Llmon Express, has
hf-cn appointed to office of receiver
ship of the United States land office
at Hugo, Colorado, by President Wil
son. at a salary of $3,000 a year. Mr.
Missemer is a former Mount Joy boy
and a son of J. R. Missemer, publisher
of the Mount Joy Star and News.—
A steer that was taken to Krall's
slaughter house evidently took the
parlor of Louisa Hershey for the
butcher shop as It entered there and
attempted to get on the table. Louisa
resented such discourtesies and with
a stick drove out the uncouth visitor
in a vigorous manner.—The Rev. Levi
O. Musser, of Mount Joy. has been
elected a bishop of the Brethren In
Christ denomination to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Bishop Aaron
Martin. He will be ordained on Sun
day morning at the Cross Roads
Church, one mile west of town. The
Rev. Mr. Musser has been in the min
istry for eight years.—Scoutmaster
Harry J. Williams will march the Boy
Scouts to the Tonegal Presbyterian
Snhbath School on Sunday afternoon,
where Dr. W. D. Chandler will make
an address. —J. A. MacNlchol, of Mer
chantvllle, N. J., spent several days in
town with the family of John H. Stoll.
—Miss Belle Brady and nephew, Fran
cis Hord, of Chicago, are spending two
weeks with the former's mother, Mrs.
Sarah Brady.—Mrs. Omar Buck, of
York, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
John Wharvell. —John and Mason
Long, of Wildwood, are guests of the
Rev. D. E. Long at the United Breth
ren parsonage.—William W. Cassel,
the local freight agent of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company, left on
Monday for Chicago, where he will
be joined by his son, Charles, and to
gether they will go to Payette, Idaho,
to Inspect apple orchards.—Misses
Sophie and Margaret Rahm spent a
few days at Atlantic City.—Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin F. Missemer and son,
George, of Harrlsburg, after spending
tlve days in town with the family of
J. R. Missemer, returned to their
home on Monday.
Newport Visitor Has Just
Returned From European Trip
Newport, Pa., Sept. 12.—Frank
Montgomery Milllgan, of West Med
ford, Mass., visited his family *iere
over Sunday.—A. Edgar Fawcett, of
Wilkinsburg, has joined Mrs. Fawcett
who has been visiting her mother,
Mrs. J. C. Frank. —Mrs. William Q.
Wilson is visiting her relatives at Im
wood, L. X.—Mrs. Samuel Adams
Sharon spent Monday In Philadelphia.
—Arthur Scott visited friends here
this week. Mr. and Mrs. Scott were
touring the continent when war was
declared and had great difficulty In
securing passage.—Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Stewart Smith are entertain
ing Mr. and Mrs. John L. Carpentier
and children of Wilmington, Del. —
Ralph Sweger, of Harrisburg, visited
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam M. Horting on Sunday.—Mrs. W.
Power DeLancey has gone to Lans
ing, Mich, to visit her son, lieutenant
John DeLancey.—Lieutenant Charles
McHenry Eby and family, who have
spent the summer with Mrs. Eby's
father, J. Holmes Irwin, have return
ed to Columbia, Mo., where Lieuten
ant Eby is the commandant at the
University of Missouri.—Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Mingle and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank R. Horting visited their par
ents here on Sunday.—The Rev. Leroy
F. Baker, general missionary of the
diocese of Harrisburg, and rector of
All Saints' Church at Selinsgrove, offi
ciated at the Church of the Nativity
on Sunday evening.—Mrs. Russell C.
Shelley Is entertaining her friend,
Miss Genevieve Brown, of Youngs
town, Ohio.—Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Maginnls had for guests the past
week Mr. and Mrs. 1,. W. Springer, of
Philadelphia.—Mrs. Charles A. Sefton
is entertaining Mrs. Augustus Koster
of Harrisburg.
Krenmcr, Pa.. Sept. 12. —Mrs. F. H.
Seaman Is visiting relatives at Wil
linmsport. Mr. and Mrs. Selin Hor
ner, of Kratzville, visited S. Meekly
•:nd family Professor Roy Seaman
transacted business at Lykens on Wed
nesday. Miss Sadie Turner was at
Sunbury on Tuesday. Selln Meekly
and Ray Seaman went to Sellnsgrove.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Heintzleman
visited relatives at Lewlstown. Mrs.
Lizzie Hummel was surprised by a
number of friends calling at her home.
Games and refreshments were served to
(he following: Misses Helen Hummel,
Olive Rowe, Tessle Haekenberg, Tama
Aurand. Carrie Walter, Emma Mitchell,
Katie Malter, Hilda Mitchell. Hattie
Hummel, Ellen Walter. May Wolf,
Marie Mitchell, Lizzie Hummel, Nettie
Walter, Charles Mitchell, Guy Dlehl,
Joseph Benfer, Wilson Walter, Bird
Gamberling, Charles Rowe, Charles
Kuster, Oscar Hummel, Glen Fisher.
Carl Gamberling, Harold Fisher, Ollie
Hummel, Selln Meekly, John Rennlng
er, Ralph Rowe and George Milt.
Thompson. Mrs. E. A. Tennis, of
Philadelphia, was a guest of Mrs. A.
G. Haldeman, Sunday and Monday.
Elsenhower Brothers gave a musical
treat to their friends last Thursday
evening. Guy and George Moyer, of
Akron and Freeburg, furnished the
music. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Knight, of
Harrisburg, spent Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Knight. Mrs. Sarah
Haddock, of Philadelphia, is the guest
of Mrs. Irvln Lantz, on the Pinnacle.—
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kurtz, of Mill
Creek, are visiting Mr. Kurtz's mother,
Mrs. A. H. Kurtz.
Jnneatowii Arthur O. Kline, of
East Orange. N. J„ spent Labor Day
with his father. Milton Kline. Mrs.
Emma J. Mease, of Sellnsgrove, Pa.,
now employed at Hershey, visited rel
atives In this section over Sunday.
Mr. and Mis. John Raber and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Rernheisel, of Myerstown,
spent Sunday with their sister-in-law,
Mrs. Jacob L. Shumaker. Mr. and
Mrs. George \V. Ellis, of North Wales,
Pa., spent Sunday with Mr. Ellis' sis
ter. Mrs. John A. Wenger. They came
hero to attend the 160 th anniversary
of Zion's Evangelical Lutheran
Church. - Wayne E. Fasnacht, of
Philadelphia, spent I-abor Day with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Fas
nacht. Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Moyer,
of Schuylkill Haven, motored here on
Sunday and visited Mrs. Moyer's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Blouch. Mr
and Mrs. James O. McGill, of West
line. McKeau county, Pa., and Mark 55.
McGill, of Washington, D. C., visited
their father. Professor Andrew J. Mc-
Gill. and family. Miss Cora Gerharl
of East Orange, N. J., is visiting her'
parents, Ex-Sheriff and Mrs. Ella* Oer
hnrt. Roin to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
F. WaUeuaeyer, a son.
York Springs Postmaster
Takes Office on Monday
v - '
I 11^
By Special Correspondence
York Springs, Pa.. Sept. 12.—John
L. Glbb has been appointed postmaster
of York Springs and will take charge
of the office next Monday. Mr. Gibb
Is a Mount Holy Springs boy and came
to York Springs eight years ago. He
is 35 years ohl .
Will Retire From Ice Cream
Business After 30 Years
By Special Correspondence
Newvllle, Pa., Sept. 12.—D. C. Kep
ler, of Altoona, spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Over. —Mrs.
Martz and son, Charley, of Hagers
town, Md., spent Sunday with Mr.
j and Mrs. Christlieb.—Alex. Lehman,
| of Payne, Ohio, is visiting among rela
j tlves here. —Mrs. Jane Grey, of New
York City, is visiting her mother. Mrs.
Carrte Myers.—The Misses Sowers, of
Harrisburg, spent the week-end with
their sister, Mrs. George Troup.—Mrs.
H. A. Hoover has gone to Baltimore
to visit relatives. —Miss M. E. Ed
wards, who spent the summer with
Mrs. Annie McCoy, has returned to
Philadelphia.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Zeigler, son and daughter,, of Carl
stadt, N. J., autoed to Newville and
spent the week-end at the Dunfee
home. Miss Belle Dunfee accom
panied them on their return trip.—
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Getter and Mrs.
Laura Vanasdlen are visiting the lat
ter's son in Baltimore. —Miss Emma
Murphy, who has coijducted an ice
cream and confectionery business In
Big Spring avenue for almost thirty
years, will retire from business this
week.—The regular monthly, meeting
of the Civic Club will be held at the
home of Mrs. Lydia Duncan, Big
Spring avenue, on Monday evening.—
A meeting of the No-License League
will be held in the Zion Lutheran
Church on Sunday evening at 7:30.
The Rev. Frank Fry, of Shlppens
burg, will make an address.
Halifax U. B. Church
Raises SIOO For Debt
By Special Correspondence
Halifax, Pa., Sept 12.—Frank Mea
der, of Altoona. spent Sunday in town
with his mother, Mrs. Mattie Meader.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Keiter, of Cherry
dale, Va., spent several days this week
guests of Mrs. Keiter's sister, Mrs. H.
S. Potter.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alle
man spent Sunday with his parents
at Mahantonga.—Mrs. C. H. Clark and
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Folter, of Oneida,
N. Y., and Dr. Walter H. Clark, of
Greenfield, Mass., are visiting rela
tives, the Loomis family, in town. —
At the Harvest Home services in the
United Brethren Church on Sunday
SIOO was raised toward liquidating the
church debt and sl3 was realized
from the sale of vegetables.—Harry
Hammaker and two sons, of Holldays
burg, spent Sunday at the home of his
sister, Mrs. William Hilbert.—District
Attorney Michael E. Stroup. of Harrls
bu.rg, was In town on business Thurs
day.—Mrs. John Coulter and son
John, of West Philadelphia, are visit
ing her niece, Mrs. Frederick C.
Smith. —Mrs. C. C. Bender yislted rela
tives at Newport this week. —MSss
Margaret Kelly and Hugh Hassan, of
Philadelphia, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Etter.—Ralph
Zimmerman, of Lynn, Mass., is spend
ing a few days with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Zimmerman. Upon his
return home he will be accompanied
by his mother, who will try a
change of climate tn the hope of
benefiting her health.—Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Kuhn, of Newport, visited at
the home of the Rev. J. C. Pease and
Mrs. Mattie Meader on Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Reisch itnd daughter, of
Pittsburgh, are guests of Mr. Reisch's
sister, Mrs. J. 11. Klingman.—Mrs. Sue
llcisler and Miss Ella Helsler have re
turned to their home In Reading, after
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
B. P. Helsler.—Mrs. Bertha Rohrbach
is spending the week at Philadelphia
and Atlantic City.
Shirey Home at Greencastle
Sold After Eighty Years
By Special Correspondence
Greencastle, Pa., Sept. 12.—A. E.
Shirey, of Harrisburg, a former Green
castle resident, has sold his property
in East Baltimore street, to Petrie &
Morganthall. The property has been
in the Shirey name for over eighty
years.—Miss Sarah Gordon, daughter
of Ross W. Gordon, has enrolled as a
student at the Shippensburg Normal
School. —Miss Clara Sollenberger,
daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Sollenber
ger, has gone to Columbia, S. C.,
where she has been elected superin
tendent of a large hospital.—Miss Mar
garet Fletcher has returned from an
extended visit in Amenia, N. Y. Her
sister, Mrs. Valentine Thompson, ac
companied her home.—Miss Elizabeth
Bert spent the week-end in Harris
burg.—Ms. J. Funk Martin is spending
two weeks In Harrlsburg.—Eldrldge
Stumbaugh has entered Lebanon Val
ley College.—Miss Gladys Fleming has
returned from an extended visit with
her sister at Middleboro, Mass.—Mrs.
Samuel Wllhelm and sons returned to
Harrisburg this week after spending a
month with Mrs. Wilhelm's parents.—
William Kreps has returned to Pitts
burgh after a weeks' visit with his
mother.—Bishop Dulabaum has been
taken to the Chambersburg Hospital
suffering with an attack of typhoid
fever. —Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hade Joe
and John Springer, of Philadelphia,
were guests in the family of Mrs. A. E.
Clippinger the past week.—Miss Re
becca Crall, of Mlddletown, was a
week-end visitor with Mrs. John P.
Stover.—The Rev. Robert McClaln, of
Mechanlcsburg, will occupy the pulpit
of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday.
—Tht' r v. Wm. 11. Copley will sever
lils relations with Grace Reformed
Church Sunday, and will return
to Lancaster to complete his theologi
cal cours'. The Rev.. Mr. Cogley has.
Ms n«s!xu»ut to the Rev". Dr.
Peifihiel this summer, J
York Springs Businessmen Contem
plate Acquiring East Berlin
Rolling Stock and Rails
Farmer Falls From Barn Loft and
His Arms and Ribs Are
By Special ( orre.tpondence
York Springs. Fa., Sept. 12.—Busl
ness .men of York Springs and large
fruit growers in this section are con
templating a project to raise monev
to purchase the rails, ties and rolling
stock of the East Berlin railroad,
which ceased operations on Tuesdav
evening. The owner. William G. Lens.
Is having the tracks torn up and will
sell the rails as junk. The East Berlin
railroad is seven miles long, almost
thi- distance from here to Dillsburg,
which lias a grade of roadbed nearlv
its entire length, but on which no
tracks have ever been laid. It is esti
mated that the rails, ties and rolling
stock of the East Berlin road could
he purchased and placed in position
here tor s2,ooo.—Jesse Beitman broke
his right arm at the wrist while crank
ing his automobile on Monday even
—While helping in the freshing
operations at his barn on Tuesday
David Hikes fell from the barn loft
to the floor below and received in
juries of a serious nature. He had his
left arm fractured and three ribs
Young People Give Surprise
Party For Miss Bittner
By Special Correspondence
Northumberland. Pa., Sept. 12.
Miss Katharine Walter, of Catawlssa.
is spending several weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. George Long.— Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Reed, of Scranton, spent Sun
-1 day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Boust.—Chief Burgess and Mrs. T. H.
Freeburn and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Conrad made an automobile trip on
Labor Day to Philadelphia, Valley
Forge and other Interesting: points in
the eastern section of the State.—Miss
Cora Zellers spent Sunday and Mon
day at the home of her uncle, John
Martin, In Wllllamsport.—Mrs. Mar
garet Hendershot and daughter, lone,
are visiting in Perth Amboy, N. J.—
C. W. Rhoads spent the forepart of
this week In New York city.—Mr. and
Mrs. Bolton and daughter, Thelma, of
Newport News, Va.. are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Aunkst.— Seth C. Bow
er, of Milton, who inspected the local
G. A. R. post last Sunday afternoon,
was entertained at the home of hip
granddaughter, Mrs. Cameron Snyder,
while In town.—A surprise party was
given by a number of young people on
Monday evening to Miss Katlierir •
Bittner at her home in Queen strt
; Miss Bittner is one of the 1911 ;;ry -
nates from the local high schoo. a I
will leave in a few days for \\ i i
Chester, where she will atten I norn I
school.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert I■■
how, who were guests at the Lehrh
home in West King street, for i !
weeks, have returned to their home . t
Pittsburgh.—Miss Edwards, of Mum .
has returned home after visiting Mi i
Kthel Geiger In King street.—Mrs. K.
G. Van Allen spent Monday in \\ il
Services For Linglestown
Congregations Tomorrow
I.lnglcstomn, Pa.,. Sept.. 12.—Church
services will be held at the Church
of God to-morrow morning; at the
United Brethren Church In the even
ing, and at Wenrich's Church In the
morning, by the Reformed pastor, the
Rev. Eewls Relter. Mr. and Mrs.
Silas Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Baker, of Reading, were week
end guests of relatives here. Miss
Emma Stuckey, of Highspire, visited
relatives here, Sunday. Miss Mar
guerite Eichner, Miss Estella Luti, Miss
Mamie Schrlner and Raymond Eichner,
of Reading, are spending some time
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seltzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barfoot and Mr.
and Mrs. William Glenn, of Philadel
phia, spent several days with C. B.
Care. Mr. and Mrs. William Tangle
and daughter Mollie, Mrs. Ella Failey
and daughter Carrie. Mrs. Jones anrf
daughter Mabel, Mr. Pie, Eugene Strlte,
Miss Anna Mehrlng, Miss Mlna Craw
ford, Miss Ethel Lutz, of Harrlsburg:
Mrs. Helen Frantz and daughter Em
ma, Mrs. William Koons, Miss Mary
Sherk and Miss Hulda Ixmgeneclcer,
on Sunday, were the guests of G. W
Shreiner and family. MJsg WUhel
mlna Ball left on Friday for Atlantia
Highlands, N. J., where she was elect
ed teacher In the public schools.
Word was received by Mr. and Mrs.
John Shuey tills week, of the serious
Illness of their son, the Rev. Arthur
Sliuey, who Is preaching In Leonard.
111. -r- Mrs. Annie Smith and daughter.
Marlon, spent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Llngle, at Hershey. Mel
vln Dare returned home after spending
several days at Atlantic City. Mr
and Mrs Earl Myers and son, Earl, of
Lancaster, were week-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Duncan. Mrs.
Elizabeth Totteiger and grandchildren,
of Summerdale, are spending weeks
w-|th Mr. nnd Mrs. George Unger.
Mr. and Mrs. George Leonard returned
to their home In Lancaster after
spending some time with Mr. and Mrs.
M. W. Shreiner. Miss Mabel Feeser,
of Hershey, was the week-end guest
of her mother. Mrs. Carrie Feeser.
German Sermon at Penbrook
by the Rev. 0. G. Romig
By Special Correspondence
Hershey, Pa., Sept. 12.—Mr. and Mrs.
R. L. Hlldebrand, of Tyrone, spent
Labor Day as the guests of the Rev.
O. G. Romig and family. Mr Hllde
brand Is employed In the office of the
Pennsylvania Ilallroad Company, Is an
expert trombone player, and a member
of the famous Tyrone band. Mrs.
Frances Moyer Is visiting friends at
Scotland, Pa. The Rev. O. G. Romig '
pastor of Union Circuit, will preach
at Union Deposit on Sunday morning,
and at Stoverdale In the evening. He
will also preach a german sermon In
the Penbrook United Brethren Church
on Sunday afternoon at 2.30. A
membership campaign has been or-
Kanlzed by the Y. W. C. A. of this
place. The captains to lead in the mat
tor arc Misses Alberta Grove and
Elizabeth GUck. H. W. Stlne Is ex
hibiting a large Summer Rambo apple
at the Hershey drug store that weighs
seventeen ounces. Ezra Hershey and
George Copenhaver spent Labor Day
at Duncannon. They caught several'
tine bass In the Susquehanna river.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Imhodon, of
Philadelphia, are spending two weeks
here with the former's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. R. Murrle and children*,
accompanied by George Shearer, spent
a few days at Pittsburgh. Mrs. .1
R. Reffner, of Altoona, Is th® ffuest of
Mr. and Mrs. Allison Ghrman. Misses
Grace Mumma and Ruth Millers of
Waynesboro, were visitors at the home
of Dr. H. G. Mumma, "Jack" Machenj
who has been playing short stop on
the Hershey baseball team the past
season, left on Friday for Ills home at
Waynesboro. Next week he wjll re
sume his studies at Lebanon Valley