ww TWVf V?T T T TTT TT▼tT TTV T T ' w "» m » u '— |"l I I I I I |"~~j |~> '?~T"~T~T'~-r ■*■ "' : Friday Specials in Women's Wearl Store Closes Friday Metl'S Slllts li Pretty Silk Dresses of excellent quality that were vM|||| WmIImB |i||||lHi|j|H||lk * W-A l#W ; $12.50 to $20.00. Friday special at $5.98 NoOIl | fwfilMk HaSf Hnli/iav About 50 Men's Suits that were (!»/» A A < Pretty Wool Dresses that were SIO.OO, $12.00, " UU 1 ijffipflf fitJlLfl !wl4 MOHday SIO.OO and $12.50 fur quick clearance \h 111 l < $15.00 and $17.50. Friday Special at $5.98 at *P"« W A ; Both the silk and wool dresses are of excellent If PPirFQ A CML TTTTT These are all-wcxil casshnere arid homesnun < . workmanship and fine mater.als-but they are mod- ,™ CES j OUNDED 16.71 91 LOOK suits in gray. tan. blue and mixtures. Sizes 33 to 44. < .els that arrivel this.spring. They are suitable for OF THE _ Ftf+Wf9+9* j* J** A FOR THE AJcn ' s *»!•>«*«». double texture, strapped < . Fall wear, but the styles are not the newest. How- . WVW*V//£4JSTMi DFRM Cirkl* seams, military collars. Regular $4.50 and $5.00 « , ever there are really no old styles among them. 1 HARRisTirnGsiPOPULAR SIGNS values. Fridav . .. $2.10 < : $5.00, $6.50 and d*l AO white c r .ch.t 35c M,atw^s!l^cS ra) i;Sr:'T n . < *7 >!0 SHrl. at «M."5 BedSpreads fflMffllHr »—* ™" _< p/.ou OKirts at. ,vw -mwstjsw «rfrwwirtwsKT; siTmu 3oTiwd ": Not the newest styles hut of excellent mate- Main «„«. bowman's ' ' lard T kl c . ' rials: medium and dark colors. For the women who . Ualn "t-bowmax's Tumblers Scrims 1 . - , . ————— IIIIIMIHI engraved blown fflass tahl« 36 inches wide- hoizt* nnlv I want a skirt for constant wear and are not particular 191 9 JIC U , _ tumblers. Friday, dozen . Friday Bargain price, yard, |(J<* I as to style these skirts are a great bargain. 1-Zc and 15c WomeD s 10c 15c Cotton BOWMAN'S— Basement. Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S Socond Moor—BOWMAN'S Wall Paper Bleached Vests Voiles • L————— Fruit tapestry for dining Sleeveless, tape neck and Satin stripes in lilar roar Friiif lore CO AA C «. * _ _. . _ rooms; satin and floral stripe for sleeves. Friday. 4 for nlle. light blue navy and brown rrUltJarS LurtaiOS * Room Lot of Friday Bargain de% 8 ro rWe°r S d S&.ln's 70 *"«'•"« : cross stripe curtain,, ktim < :Wall Paper Sale of Notions „Ji* " "" ANa now,™—« 10 rolls of sldewall and 20 „ . „ . „ p ——- ' iSSSr "irnoWlkpS'fn.S;" s • Children's 25c 50c Suiting 9ft e . 1 10c Towels Underwear Smyrna Rugs { ; FOUrth Main Floor-BOWMAN ST'ftiSSr'Vfc — BOWMAN'S-Basement. ecru; light weight. Maln FIoor—BOWMAN'S iourth Floor—BOW MAN S Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S 4 GRAY HAIR GOODS sl . $ i uul socCi^T - 5 For Fridav Forenoon Soccials Roaster Women's 39c to Crepe Poplins Friday 1 °Barga?n 3 pr'ice.' le yat^i,' tie ' 16-button length lisle gloves, lIIUa J f * WICUUUU UJJCliaia Janet Enamel double roaster. C(l, u„. a Frklay ""nHce^'V^^o" . hI -, 9 tan only. Friday, pair ... 1J)( * , S? on nr * c- 1 on- i i Oil ~i\ BOWMAN'S—Basement. Broken lines and samples: plain Ma,n loor BOM MAN S $2.93 gray Switches, 20 inches long qvl.oU aiik boots Friday 0 P s aiT e °°tL eaee Kdges. Friday Made of selected lumber, «-ft. "" Pair IOC One lot of *ilk Remi, a «». Bargain price, yard size. Friday Bargain price, { Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S BOWMAN'S—Basement. JUperiOr s'J'le assortments. I'Viday. yard, rubbers , . Longcloth Women's 25c Ma,n Kloor - BOWMANS * Men's Slippers, Children's Slippers, Women's 4 Fridav Bargains For I&SZWSZ MS."?» SJSTILSSL. m?d® m an, Over-gaiters. Men's rubbers: values 75c to $3.50. < CPmr m a r« ® SI.OO Messaline , T On sale 9a. m No telephone or C. O. D. orders. , Oh, W IJN VT W JSjfe/K Main Floor BOWMAN'S A ° ch a n gCS. T JJ^ C h , . 25c Awning ticking, yard Unbleached ei PA Mam FIOOF-BOWMAN-S ——— 15c Feather ticking, yard Turkish Towels n Ck : i CIOPTTT Men's 15c Japanese , 35c Embroidered and scalloped pillow cases, win sen seconds that we are UiCSS dhlftS f 1.25 Silk Crepe Half Hn«P Matting RIIPS J .> only able to secure once a year. Fine quality of madras, coat J r"L* nail nOSe " f ,» itt the 10t - M »" hc slfght,y°countcr C so„ed.' ra i r r ,da7. e H M« S d cst« i'oTeV 1 SllM»t Fnr FriHaV Fnrpnnnn SSilJt? Is •' upPCI3IS for rilusy f ISc Ja ISe Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S Ma(n FIoor—BOWMAN'S Maln FIoor—BOWMAN'S fourth !• Ioor—B(m MAN S 75c Arcadia double bed sheets 550 12^Main ttl Ff ' ' ——— —— _ sl.lO Utica, sizeßlx9o and 81x99 sheets .. .750 ""' Men's and Boys' 25c Anrom 25c Curtain Men's SI.OO < 85c Mohawk Sheets, size 72x90 inches 530 $2.50 Coat Sweaters „ ««■• »' EL...- Lace Union Suits : cases dreamland Oe Fruit Baskets /a , a , IOC piIIOW C3.SCS, areamiana ... •• • •.v *• ••• *UIL DauKclS day Bargain price ei in Second Floor BOWMAN'S inchts wide. Friday, yard. day \i\r FJoop BOWMAN'S * Fourth Main willow. Friday 19£ —^ s!uare S ltenberß 49c Androck " lAl< Boys' 25c Wifte Petticoats $1.25 to $3.00 25c and 50c squares Uven Children's 2";f Blouse Waists Made or nainsook and cambric. Curtains e ' ts < Fr?Lv nC^/in b nH^f red For use on eras stove or Kas n L Also shirts. Plain black and nM„ r l d 3, r fJ wf " d U i "" ,lin * Suede belts, all colors. Friday' ri lay ttdiKain price hut plate. Friday Bargain price, RnmnPT* colors; not all sizes. Friday, insertion. Irida>, fn voile, not, cretonne, mar- Bargain price Ill# l * f < T , to 6 years. Special v Fourth $ .LO lub |g c GafJeu Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S Men's 50c $1.50 C. B. Corsets R ubb " J nc Hose Underwear nSfTok™ h .K, b "3M ne 25' Collar and Door ats BOWMAN'S—Hnsement BOWMAN s -Basement. BOWMAN'S-Basement. Made of gingham and cham- Main Floor-BOWMAN'S Bargain price, set { Friday only §3 . * ______ 2-clasp Silk Gloves, In all col- day Bargain price l of v H 1*103.V S"DGCI3.IS 111 i $22.50 Bicycle, Friday Bargain price sl7 48 ors. pair BOWMAN s_Basement. xlUQ»jr WjJCUXO.XO All $21.50 Bicycle, Friday Bargain price " i.'!.' 516.48 Women's 50c F '° or ~ BOVVMANS D Airc ) rinfhinry < XT T> t- Union Suits $1.25 to $1.69 JSOyS V/lOtlimg , ■Heavy J. liro length. Friday, kn " 25c and 50c Trays Covert cloth spring top coats for boys ;sizcs 6, 9 l ?o v *? mmiiif ij i (in i r- •, . a Main t Sandwich and roii trays—made and 10 years. Former prices were $2.98 and $3.50. •* -OXO regular s4.vß value. I 1 ndav -is BOWMAN S Enameled belts for women. Fri- of imported fancy willow with C,I ' 4il fi X 4 uOC in 1 r- -"l dR y Bargain price )Aa chink center. Friday «Q/». special \s d r T I' 1 UC 'r' > rl< l y Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S BOWMAN'S-Basement. BoyS* $5.00 all-Wool Norfolk SllitS, SO.me with 2 i ? J, V ■ *. f 3 ' 48 Women's 25c Knit pair of knickers-in gray and brown. Special, $3.50 < ?5c Bu^eve l C^an"r'^ ar^) - Underwear 20c and 25c 59c Railroaders' Boys'ss.so and $6.50 all-wool blue serge double- ' Third Floor bowma^s vesff 8 - Shadow Laces Grub Box breasted suits; sizes 9, 10 and 11 only. Special BOM MAN b. Pants -knee ,e n gth. Friday. All good styles and patterns. Made of Aood quality tin Fri $4.00 < ____________ 150 i-riday Bargain price, yard. || r day Bargain price .„. !! •«»« Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 4 a. . t t . rt - A -, CToor—BOWMAN'S II FIREMEN'S PARADEON "HILL" my Prizes Will Be Offered; Twenty Companies in Drill Contests Competition In the various prize ents to be part of the firemen's ebratlon promises much interest, least twenty companies will be en ed for the drill contests. There is here I* more Catarrh In fh la section of the Dtrj tban all othiT diseases put together, and II tt» laat few years was supposed to be liable. For a great many yeara doctors xninced it a local diaeaae snd prescribed local edles, and by constantly tailing to cure with 1 treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sclenoe pro Ten Catarrh to be a constitutional diseaae, therefore requires constitutional treatment, l'a Catarrh Car*, manufactured by F. J. ney ft Co.. Toledo, Ohio, la the only Coostltu " a Family Pills for constipation. i THTfRSDAY EVENING, always special interest manifested in the contest for prizes for the largest w.T Pany ' nest uniform and best looking apparatus. riu?«n of . the Union - h eld at from th. v US ? laSt niKht - reports '"J„ th . e v arious committees were Til m„ . number of minor details after withfn"VP e ' but Wlll be lookcd after within the next few days. The m- n Tf C^ ent of A ' U p atton. chair i committee on parade and wHh Vt r nt ' ' hat he h ad arranged with the Joseph Ferrari Exposition Company to come here during fire lnl4. [ CHICKEN COOI'S RAIDED I Special to TRc Telegraph Millersburg, Pa., Sept. 10.—Chicken thieves raided the roosts of Howard Cummings, north of town on Saturday night and took sixteen birds. Fur ther developments are expected in this case as it is said that several of the party of thieves are known. THIEVES HOB EAGLES Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., Sept. 10.—Thieves entered the home of Sunbury Aerie, No. 503, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and looted It of |6O in cash. The act UNION SUIT^i! II \ Only one thiclcneas of material any- / llHf Vv I where. Coat cut, closed crotch and I \\ 1 back. All cooling fabrica, SI.OO to J ;,IBJ ■RJ 1 >3 00 Remember, — if it isn't coat I /. ■ ■ IVi 1 cut it isn't OLUS. Ask your dealer. I J JRr fTUy GIRARD CO. S.U.VV wLr== took place while the members were having a good time at a clambake on Labor Day. REPAIR OLD ORGAN Because of repairs to the interior of Reformed Salem Church and of the church organ the chances are that the auditorium will not be reopened in time for next Sunday's service. The old pipes In the organ must he used because the Instrument cannot be equipped with new ones. The organ Is more than fifty years old. 3