Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 10, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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    lie lai Best Fitted to Fill tic Position Yon lafc Reads llesc "Help Waited" Ads
Useless-to You
Articles Can Be Sold
to Others Now
About time to go over the things stored in
the attic.
And there arc so many things there—usc
less-to-vou articles which would be useful to
Why not sort these out and sell them
through a Telegraph Want Ad?
You might better have the money than to
longer store the useless-to-you articles.
Call Bell 2040, Cumberland 203, the Tele
graph Want Ads.
L '
TRAFFORD ON Wednesday evening,
September 9. 1914, at 9:10 o'clock, Mr.
William Trafford, at his residence,
1920 Wood street, aged 53 years.
Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at -
o'clock, from his late residence. The
relatives and friends are invited to at
tend without further notice. Burial
East Harrisburg Cemetery, the Rev. A.
>l. Stamets officiating.
KUNKEL Died September 8, 1914,
Mrs. Samuel Ivunkel.
Funeral H©rvlces at the home, No.
fOl North Second street. Friday, Sep
tember 11. 1911. at 3 P. M. Relatives
and friends arc invited to attend.
JiOST Brindle Boston Bull; white
stripe around neck and between eyes;
screw tail, and answers t<> " am ® °/
••Pills." Reward if returned to Dr. J. 11.
Jtahter, 324 North Second street.
I/OST License Tag X 617 on road to
Vaxtonla; will llnder please inform or
return to Abbott Motor Car Co., 106
South Second street.
FOUND The home of cleanliness at
Kggert's Steam Dyeing and French
Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street.
Either phone ends your worry. Try us.
We deliver and call.
pa per and magazine men write. $4.00
t>. JK.OA per day. Country canvass
everywhere. Kxperience unnecessary.
Cash daily. Pleasant Permanent. Ad
dress, giving age and previous occupa
tion. Business, care of Telegraph.
WANTED A man for all around
work. Willing to shine shoes. S4O per
month. Must be clean, honest and re
liable Not afraid of work. Address
Box K, Hersliey. Pa.
WANTED A third hand baker, at
once. No night work. N. R. Criswell,
York Springs. Pa.
WANTED Wood lathers, also on
Fteel corner beads. Apply to-day be
tween 4 and 7, School House, Steelton,
Jtailey and Adams streets.
WANTED Blacksmith, all around
work In quarry. Address E. B. Cas
»-ady, Derry Church, Pa. •
WANTED Man with business ex
perience to represent corporation in
Western Pennsylvania. Furnish refer
ence with application. Salary. Ad
idrcss J., 1147, care of Telegraph.
WANTED. Ablebodled, unmarried men
between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of
United States, of good character and
temperate habits, who can speak, read
and write the English
Information applv to Recruiting Officer,
Bergner Building, 3d & Market Sts..
Jlarrisburg; 48 N. Queen St.. Lancaster;
£53 Pine St. Wllllamsport, or 37 W.
Market St.. York. Pa.
WANTED —Four men to learn
to sell tobacco for American To
bacco Co. Excellent, permanent
opportunity for young men of
pood habits. 'Apply by letter.
Ftating age. Address, Box 1163,
rare of Telegraph.
GOOD OPPORTUNITY for two flrst
class men. thoroughly experienced In
laving out and in working to drawings.
Paughborn Corporation, Hagerstown,
Tour neat appearing men (ages
over 24) to travel with manager
in Pennsylvania. Chance for pro
motion to right party. See Ker-
Fey at Dauphin T lotcl.
I WANTED Cook and second girl
'for familv of two; wages, $5.00 and
$4.00, respectively; must furnish refer
ence. Address 0., 1162, care of Tele
WANTED An alto singer for choir
work. Must be good reader. Lessons
exchanged for services. Address H.,
j1156, care of Telegraph.
024 Cnrtln St. 3-story brick
house 8 rooms, bath and furnace.
Rented at sl7. Price
25f> to 2<tT» Delaware St. 3-sthry
brick houses 8 rooms, bath and
furnace. Rented at sls. Price.
each #IBSO
J.-.45 Fulton St. 3-story brick
house 8 rooms, both and furnace.
Rented at $lO. Price *1(1.10
2122 .Moore St. 3-Story brick
house s rooms, bath and furnace.
Rented at sl6. Price *15.%0
2112 and 234 Muenrh St. 3-story
brick houses 8 rooms, bath and
furnace. Rented at $18.50.. Price,
each *2700
Miller Bros. & Neefe
Fire Insurance Surety ftynds
l.oruit and Court Streets
WANTED Saleswomen for perma
nent positions. Largest corset concern I
in the world. Income not less than j
$30.00 per week. We teach free of >
charge. Apply Spirella Corset Shop, 815 1
North Sixth street, City. I
■ft'ANTED Reliable girl for general
housework and to do plain cooking; ;
small family; no washing. Apply 1613
North Second street.
WANTED A young glli to assist |
with housework; family of two. Apply i
2202 North Fifth street. j
WANTED, AT ONCE White wo- ,
man cook. Nurses' Home, Mont Alto,
Pa. Apply Room 184, Capitol Build
ing. j
WANTED Refined, white woman .
for housework; good home to right,
party. Address Box 3, New Cumber- |
land, Pa. I
WANTED Girl for general house- I
work. Applv 1833 North Second street.
WANTED Lady clerk, not less
than 25 years of age; must be a good
stenographer, accurate at figures and
some knowledge of bookkeeping; per
manent position. Address R., 1145, care
of Telegraph.
GIRLS WANTED to learn the
trade of cigar making, packing
and in the shipping dept. Apply
Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500
Race St.
HELP WANTED—MnIo and Female
WANTED Husband and wife, col
ored, for general housework. Call, with
reference, in the forenoon at Harrisburg
WANTED Position as driver for
delivery team of any kind, in or around
Harrisburg; well acquainted in sur
rounding towns. J. W. Diehl, 1223 North
WANTED Young, married man de
sires permanent position, where ability
and integrity is required; will accept
any reasonable offer. Address C. N.,
108 Tuscarora street, City.
WANTED By young man, 19 years
old. position as chauffeur In private
family, or general delivery; can also do
general repairing. Address M. L. Bream,
Penbrook. Pa.
WANTED Experienced young man
wishes position in grocery store; Tech
High scholar. Address 338 South Six
teenth street,
WANTED Woman, middle-aged,
wants position as housekeeper for
widower; no objection to children. Call,
or address, 339 Relly street.
WANTED Colored woman de
sires day's work of any kind. Call, or
address, 524 Brown avenue.
WANTED Young white woman de
sires day's work or general housework.
Address 8., 1157, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young colored woman
wishes position as cook; has Ave years
experience; can give reference. Address
1088 South Ninth street.
WANTED Very capable woman,
experienced in cooking, nursing, sew
ing or general housework, would like
work from 9:30 to 5:30, or from 10:30
to 6:30. Address Box 1161, care of Tele
WANTED Colored girl wishes po- '
sition In private family, work of any
kind; fully experienced; can give ref
erence. Apply 1613 Apricot avenue.
WANTED Washing and plain sew
ing to do at homo, or day's work. Call,
or address, 2021 Wallace street.
WANTED Lady wishes any kind
of plain sewing and light washing to
do at home. Call 421 State street, sec
ond floor.
WANTED Experienced stenog
rapher and typist wishes position; can
give reference. Address Box R., 1155,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young lady wishes work
by the day; no washing. Call at 421
State street, second floor.
WANTED—Respectable, middle-aged
woman desires to keep house for
| widower; can furnish reference. In
] quire 232 Charles avenue, City.
New brick houses on North Nlne
| teentli and Prospject streets, one square
from Market street and adjoining Res
ervoir Park.
These houses are ideal In location,
design and construction, and the prices
are reasonable.
For further particulars see
1261 Market Street.
FOR SALE A fruit farm lO
I acres 5 miles frofn station over 600
; bearing trees. Box A, 1159, care of
i Telegraph.
' FOR SALE Lot fronting 20 fe«t on
[Sixteenth street and 100 feet deep on
Hunter street. Corner lot. Four-root
slie.- in rear Apply Geo. F. Fayman,
436 South sixteenth street. ,
FOR SALE 42 North Eighteenth
street 3-story brick dwelling 8
rooms, hath and furnace—lot, I!>xß2
corner property possession at once.
Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal
nut streets.
FOR SALE 1524 Boas street; new
two-story lirlck house: never occupied;
six rooms, hall and bath; all Improve
ments; concrete walks and steps: side
entrance. Price, $2,200, on easy terms.
Charles Barnhart, 1821 Whitehall street,
FOR SALE Brick corner house
uptown cottage style front and
back porch four rooms first floor
building on rear 12x20 for automobile
—all Improvements will sell cheap.
Address R., 1138, care of Telegraph
PENN STREET property for sale
Three-story brick house gas and
electric light ■ — steam heat near
Maclay street. Price and particulars
at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE No. 809 North Six
teenth street cottage construction—
-9 roomS bath gas and electric
light furnace porch price is
right and little cash needed. Bell
Realty Co., Bersrner Building.
FOR SALE Farm 10 miles east ot
Harrlsburg, containing 90 acres, in good
state of cultivation; buildings in
good condition; 6 acres of heavy oak
timber. For further information call
on. or address. C. S. Cassel, R. F. D.,
No. 2. Penbrook, or J. C. Cassel, 29
South Thirteenth street. Harrlsburg.
FOR SALE 1230 and 1232 Cowden
street 2'4-story frames 8 rooms
and attic each 2'^ -story frame on
rear of 1 232 lot, 26x90. Price of ail.
$3,150.00. Rental income, $27.00 per
month. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and
Walnut streets.
FOR RENT . 2221 Atlas avenue,
brick house, Improvements, sl6. Desk
room In centrally located office. Both
phones. D. E. Brightbill, 2 North Court
FOR RENT One side of a 2hi
story frame house, located on North
Bowman avenue. Camp Hill. Rent.
$16.00 and pay water rent. Apply John
C. Orr. 222 Market street.
FOR RENT 1623 Briggs street; 3-
story brick house; 9 rooms and bath;
gas and electric lights; side entrance;
rental. $2.1.00. Apply H. G, Pedlow, 110
South Thirteenth street.
8 rooms bath gas electric
light steam heat—porch front, ltont,
S3O per month. Possession October 1.
Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building.
No. 1 r.2fi Catherine St sl6 00
No. 2210 Atlas St 14 00 |
No. JSU Zarker St 18 00 |
From October Ist.
No. 18R0 Market St 35 00 |
No. 1843 Whitehall St 35 00
No. 1423 North St 18 00 I
1251 Market St.
WANTED To buy property In the
upper end of town. Must be above
Woodbine—single or . corner property.
Will pay $22 to $25 per month. Ad
dress U, 1161. care of Telegraph.
glnti street; new, 9 rooms and bath;
brick, brownstone front; steam heat;
porches; front and back lawns; all im
provements; near Reservoir rark en
trance. Apply on premises.
OWING to removal from city WILL
SELL. OR LEASE the desirablo prop
erty, 2236 North Second street. Apply
at 2101 North Front street.
FOR RENT Second floor front
room; bay windows, gas, electric lights
and telephone; suitable for one or two
people; rent reasonable. Apply 271
Briggs street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, well
lignted. bath and other conveniences,
with private family, on corner. Apply
427 Boas street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished
rooms in one of the bost locations of
the city; use of hath and telephone.
Apply 203 State street.
FOR RENT Rooms and apart
ments, in private family ; private bath
and phone; all home comforts; centrally
located. Apply 236 North Second street,
corner Pine street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished
rooms on second and third floors; all
conveniences; light housekeeping if
preferred; also stable suitable for. horse
and carriage or automobile. Apply 1631
Park street.
FOR RENT I»arge furnished
room, with private family; one or two
respectable gentlemen for third floor
front room; steam heat; terms moder
ate; on corner. Apply 1521 Walnut
FOR RENT Two communlcating
rooms, second floor front, with bay win
dow, furnished or unfurnished; also a
room on third floor; all conveniences;
very desirable location. 1943 North
Sixth street.
FOR RENT Three unfurnished
rooms on second floor, suitable for light
housekeeping. Reference required.
1408 Market street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished third
floor front room; also second floor back;
bath, gas and electric light. 258 North
FOR RENT—Two nicely fur
nished nooms, with use of bath
and phone—near Capital street,
and one square from Capital
Park. Apply 402 Briggs street.
FOR RENT One newly furnished
room, fronting on Capitol Park; elec
tric lights; hot and cold running water
in room; use of phone and large bath.
| Apply 410 North street.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms,
with running water; boarding by meal,
day or week. Apply 1001 North Second
street, corner Boas and Second streets.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
single or en-sulte; all conveniences, in
cluding phone; reference required. Ap
ply 1016 North Front street.
FOR RENT Three rooms, desirable
for business or apartments; all Improve
■ menta. Apply No. 9 North Fourth street.
board; steam heat, bath and telephone;
good location; $5.00 and $5.50 weekly.
Inquire 517 North Second street.
I FOR RENT ln the Telegraph
Building, a suite of well located offices.
Inquire for Superintendent in Business
I Office of Telegraph.
secured at the Telegraph Business
FOR RENT Store room. 1200 North
Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling;
one of the best rooms in the city. \p
i ply J. S. Sible, 266 Herr street.
! FOR RENT Desirable offices In
' Franklin Building, No. 212 Locust
street Janitor service. Electric ele
ivator. Rent reasonable. Apply Union
Real Estate Investment Comnany. on
FOR RENT Apartment No. 1208
North Sixth street, four rooms anil bath.
Including steam heat, rent, $20.00.
Charles Adler. 1002 North Third street.
Desirable apartments at Nos.
2510, 2514 and 2518 N. Sixth
street for rent as follows: Third
•floors, $30.00 per month; first and
second floors, $35.00 per month.
These apartments are new and
most complete. Apply to Harry
M. Bretz, 222 Market street.
WANTED A second-hand roll-top
desk, In good condition. D., 1153, care
of Telegraph.
FOR SALE 1914 Excelsior motor
cycle; short time in use. To a quick
buyer, $170.00. Owner leaving town on
account of ill health. Apply 1007 North
Third street.
South Second street, 5,000 sets now sash,
Bxlo 12 L., primed and glazed, at $1.15
per set. Also all other sizes.
and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gal
lons New Era ready-mixed paint, Acme
i quality. All the full line of the Acme
I make.
FOR SALE 5-passenger 1913 Oak
land, 35-H.-P., fully equipped and elec
tric fighting; will consider part cash
and diamonds or Victrola. Address Box
1158, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE One 60-gallon oil tank,
suitable for grocery store. Will sell
cheap to quick buyer. Address Box
1134, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Seven-passenger Stod-
I dard-Dayton; newly overhauled; make
good delivery truck; can be seen at
Fair's Auto Garage, East End Mulberry
Street Bridge.
FOR SALE Pair A 1 horses, three
ton ice wagon, with established Ice
route; also furniture wagon. Make me
;an offer any time after 6 P. M. Apply
j 1418 Derry street. v
I FOR SALE Horses, wagons and
] harness, all in good condition; reason
! able prices to quick buyers. Inquire at
Bowman & Co.
36xt 5 /s brand new tires; never used. 225
Crescent street.
FOR SALE Beagles and Rabbit
j Hounds for sale on two weeks' trial.
These dogs can bo seen any time. Also
! thoroughbred Beagle and Fox Hound
i puppies. Evans and Smith, Dillsburg,
FOR SALE One white Toy Poodle
I and one Maltese Terrier, with long,
I white hair. Will sell cheap if sold be
! fore Saturday. Call 413 Broad street.
I FOR SALE Seven-year-old work
horse; was driven in ice cream wagou
and season is over. Will sell cheap.
Can be seen at Geo. A. Detinbaugh's
Pool Room. Camp Hill.
FOR SALE At a bargain, second
hand parts for two-cylinder Reo cars
fronv 1908 to 1910. Apply 1118 James,
j street.
FOR SALE Modern kitchen range;
very little used; price reasonable. No.
2240 Penn street, or telephone 2345 W.
FOR SALE Maxwell delivery truck
in good running order. Price, SIOO. Call
882J, Bell phone. . (
FOR SAL.E Dockash range, as good
as new; one of the best makes on mar
ket. Also gas range, almost new. Ap
ply 1507 State street.-
1912 Studebaker. ftve-pasenger tour
ing car. newly painted, overhauled, new
1913 jeffry five-passenger touring
car, overhauled; new tire*; run abolit
3,000 miles; car good as new. JSoO.oo
1911 Cadillac touring; fore doors; ex
tra tires; in splendid condition.s6l s.oo
The above cars have been traded in
on Buick cars and are in fine condition.
City Auto Garage.
BUY your traveling and leather goods
from the wholesale and retail leather
merchants. A large consignment on
display. Specialties made to order and
repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup
ply Co., Second and Chestnut.
GLASS window signs, Furnished
Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 25c each. One
of these signs will be given with each
sixt-time order for a classified ad. if
paid in advance. Inquire at Office of
FOR SALE CARDS an sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
FOR SALE —• A good grocery team.
Selling on account of buying delivery
car. Apply H. Sherman, Knhaut, Pa.
FOR SALE 1914 Overland touring
car, practically new; . electric lights;
generator; fully equipped; price reason
able. Vddress H.. 114ti, care of Harris
burg Telegraph. .
! FOR SALE. CHEAP l6x% wood
hull motor boat, fully equipped, with
! 3-H-P Gray engine: brand-new: Has
: automobile top. Apply W. H. Zlmmer-
Iman, 129 Catherine street, Middletown,
I Pa.
I this ad. and get a pair of Keystone
Heavy Service, fully guaranteed tires at
lss 50 "per pair. Good only until Septem
ber 10. 1914. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814
North Third street.
amount of Ford Automobiles either
on Real Estate or personal property.
Inquire of James J. Lynch, Contractor,
1311 Fulton street, City.
—All cash business stock at inven
tory and fixtures at S2OO about SBOO
needed s6O business done last Satur
day Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build
FOR SALE Drug store. Old, estab
lished business. Closln" out estate and
imust sell at once. Sell at Inventory,
one-half cash, balance proved securi
ties. Address 284 Main street, Stcelton,
FOR SALE Retail cigar store for
. ..ale at a sacrifice; good location. Ad-
I dress M„ 1162. care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE General store, doing
good business; must sell out on ac
count of 111 health. Address Box S. 1142,
care of Telegraph.
ANY Intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798 Lock
port, N. Y.
! WANTED A partner in a well es
tablished gun business; one who can
| give his time and attention. This busi
ness has a good run of trade, and a
man with sn\all capital can make a
good thing out of It. For information
I call, or address, Harry A. Dill, Harris
burg Hardware Company, Harrisburg.
I or York Gun and Inventing Company,
i York. Pa.
I FOR SALE Grocery and meht busl
! ness for sale at a bargain; will sacrifice
: to quick buyer; other business. Address
j 0.. 1144, care of Telegraph.
I MADE $50,000 In five years In th«
fnall order business, began with $5.
I Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
icock, 885 LoeHport, ,N. Y.
S. HAIJJEMAN & CO., Carpenters and
Builders. Job work promptly attended
to In 'any part of the city. Estimates
cheerfully furnished. Also Homes for
sale with all conveniences at reasonable
prices and easy terms. . Call Bell phone
3622 M.
PAIRS D lans and estimates furnish
ed. Work promptly attended to.. Call
D. F. Lesley. Contractor and Builder.
1217 Derry street. Bell phone 3215 J.
R. 11. PEFFER Local Express and j
Delivery. Piano and furniture moving i
a specialty. Storage of household
goods. Good, Dry Wood for sale, stove
length. 1119 Montgomery. Phone
1684 J.
gold, silver watches and Jewelry; or
taken in exchange for. new Jewelry.
Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler, 803 North
Third street. Bell 626 L.
S. KLEIN" New and second-hand
furniture bought and sold. Highest
cash prices paid. Big stock of second
hand furniture for sale. Drop postal
to 1026 Market street.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, perpared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, lis Market
street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
with best material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts Insure your satisfaction. 3. N.
Gluck, 320 Woodbine street.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411
Broad street. Both phones. ■
large brick warehouses. built ex
?ressly for storage. Private rooms ■
or household goods and unexcelled fa- I
cilities for storing all kinds of mer
candlse. Low storage rates. South
St. and Penna. R. R.
MOST MONEY loaned on diamonds,
watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers. I
musical Instruments, etc. Bargain in !
unredeemed pledges. City Loan Office, i
411 Market street, next to United Cigar 1
Store. |
LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work- I
Ing people without bank credit at less
than legal rates, payable In instal. .ents i
to suit borrowers' convenience.
Loan and Investment Co..
204 Chesti" t street.
WANTED—A few students In ele
mentary or advanced mathematics or
mechanics. J. W Miller, Prof, at Le
hlgh. Call 306 Chestnut street.
NOTICE to property owners along
the lines of Howard Alley, from Cur
tin Street to Seneca Street, Ordinance
No. 109, File of City Council, Session of
In accordance with the terms of Or
dinance No. 883, File of Common Coun
cil, you are hereby notified to make all
the necessary house connections con
templated my you "with the main
sewer, gas pipes, steam heating pipes,
water pipes or other mains." within
sixty days from the date of this notice,
and conduct the said service pipes or
sewers from the mains in the street to
within the curb lines of said street.
City Engineer.
NOTICE to property owners along
the lines of Seventh Street, from Wood
bine Street to the north side of Emer
ald Street:
You are hereby notified that the as
sessment to pay the cost and expense
of paving and curbintr the above named
highway under Ordinance No. 2R. File
of City Council, Session of 1914-1915,
will be made by me. at my office, in the
Commonwealth Trust Company Bulld
|r.~ No. 222 Market Street. Harrisburg.
Pa., on Friday, the 18th dav rf Septem
ber, 1914, between the hours of 9
o'clock A. M. and 12 o'clock noon, when
and where all parties Interested shall
he heard.
City Engineer.
MY wife, K. J. McAllister, having left
my bed and board without just cause,
I hereby notify all persons not to har
bor nor trust her on my account, as I
will not be responsible for debts con
tracted by her.
(Signed) J. T. McALLISTER.
I WHEREAS, The Hon. George Kunkel,
I President Judge, and Hon. Samuel J. M.
I McCarrell, Additional Law Judge, of
Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Ses
| sions of the Peace of the Twelfth Ju
dicial District, composed of the County
of Dauphin, having Issued their pre
cept, bearing date the 13th day of Au
gust, A. D. 1914, to me directed for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery and Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace of Harrisburg
I for the County of Dauphin, and to com
mence the fourth Monday of September,
1914, being the 28th day of September,
1914, and to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given to
the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Al
dermen and Constables of said County
of Dauphin that they maj- be then and
there in their proper persons at 10
o'clock In the forenoon of said day,
with their records, inquisitions, exami
nations anil their own remembrances,
to do those things which to their of
fice appertain to he done, and those
who are bound in recognizances to
prosecute against the prisoners that
are or shall he in the jail of Dauphin
County b© then and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just.
Given under my hand at Harrisburg,
the 13th day of August, A. D. 1914,
being the one hundred and thirty
eighth year of Independence of the
United States.
Sheriff. |
Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, Pa.. August
27, 1914.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa. No. 219 Common
wealth Docket, 1911—Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania ex rel. John C. Bell,
Attorney General, vs. Tradesmen's
Trust Company ln the Matter of
the Fourth Account of Percy M. Chan
dler, Receiver.
THE Auditors appointed by the Court
to audit, settle and adjust the Fourth
Account of Percy M. Chandler, Receiver
of the Tradesmen's Trust Company, and
to make distribution of the balance in
the hands of the Accountant, will meet
the parties Interested for the purposes
of their appointment on Monday, Sep
tember 28, 1914, at 11 o'clock A. M., at
No. 2128 Land Title Building In the city
of Philadelphia, when and where all
parties interested are required to make
and prove their claims or be debarred
from coming in upon said fund.
September 8, 1914.
1 -«
Central Apartment
a rooms, bath and kitchen, city
■team heat and water supplied.
Newly renovated. Convenient la
every way.
Now ready for occupancy.
Located at No. 32 N. snd St
Apply to
Commonwealth Trust
Real Exalf Department
and others upon their own n»m««L
! Cheap ratea. easy payments. eonQdna
i Mini • Co. R. (04. I H. Market
SEPTEMBER 10. 1914.
They Will Come With the An
nouncement of New Tariffs
in Very Near Future
With the announcement of the new
tariffs for railroad carriers of the
United States, will also come new rules
governing the weighing and reweigh
ing of carload freight.
Word has been received in Har
rlshurg that the American Railway
Association has promulgated new
rules, covering the entire United
Among the provisions is the dis
continuance of the reweighing of
freight in carloads en route or at
destination, weighing having been
done under supervision at the initial
point of shipment. The new rules are
the result of an exhaustive Inquiry
conducted by tho Interstate Commerce
Commission and a committee of the
American Railway Association with
the weighing committee of the Na
tional Industrial Traffic League.
They are to be embodied in new
tariffs being compiled by the carriers
and are expected to minimize claims
for overcharge,. due to weighing of
freight en route by inspection and
weighing bureaus.
It Is provided that when errors in
weight and description are shown in
the original bill of lading tho charges
shall be adjusted to the proper basis,
and forms of weight agreement suit
able to the character of the business
tendered for transportation shall em
brace certain specifications and copies
of same shall be filed with the Com
merce Commission.
Agreements stipulate that the ship
per must report and verify correct
gross weights, except where estimated
weights are permitted by tariffs or
classifications and correct description
of commodities and correct gross fare
and net weight.
Decrease in Immigration. lmm
igration in July was the smallest tn
that month and in fact for any month
in a number of years, being 34,637, as
compared with 138.244 in July. 1913,
and 78,101 in July, 1912. There has
been a steady decline in immigration
this year since April. In that month
the influx was 119,885; in May It was
107.796, and in June, 71,728. Because
of the outbreak of the war on Auguat
1 the immigration in the month just
closed will be almost nil.
Train Performance. —Figures com
piled in the office of the general su
perintendent of the Western Pennsyl
vania division of the Pennsylvania
Railroad on passenger train perform
ance show that 9,302 trains were op
erated. Of these 8,292, or 89 per
cent., were on time. Schedule tune
was made by 94 per cent, of 8,719
trains. In the Pittsburgh division, 94
per cent, made schedule time, in the
Monongahela division, 92 per cent.,
and in the Coneniaugh division, 94 per
cent. Of the through trains operating
between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia,
the division rankings <jn trains mak
ing schedule time were as follows:
Pittsburgh, 96 per cent.; Middle, 95
per cent., and Philadelphia. 92 per
Brakentan Hurt. George Buller.
aged 36, 936 North Second street, a
brakeman nn the Middle division of
the Pennsylvania Railroad, was ad
mitted to the Harrisburg Hospital at
11.30 this morning suffering with body
bruises received In a fall from a
freight car.
Foreman's Order Brought Answer.
—That employes of Roundhouse No. 1
of the Pennsylvania Railroad have
confidence in their foreman. Isaiah
Reese, Jr., was proved yesterday when
he received a letter containing $17:50.
Recently Foreman Reese was on his
vacation. During his absence a locker
used by engineers was broken open
and $17.50 In cash stolen. The rob
bery was made known to Foreman
Reese on Monday. Notice was im
mediately posted that unless the cash
was returned immediately the person
who took the money would lose his
job. The money came back yesterday.
Standing of the Crews
Phllndelphln Division— l2l crew first
to go after 2;20 a. m.: 1 16, 128, 306, 113,
127, 118, 107, 101, 114, 112, 102, 120, 119,
123, 122, 105, 104, HI.
Engineers for 106, 122, 1-8
Firemen for 101, 102. 107, 11-, 116, 1--.
Conductors for 101, 118.
Flagman for 102.
Bralcemen for 101 (two), 10-, 107,
112 (two), 113. 114, 118.
Engineers up; Streeper. Henneeke,
Tennant. Madenford, Blssinger. Grass.
Speas. Layman. Long, Kelley, beltz,
Smeltzer, Wolfe, Snow. First. Earhart,
Gallagher, Buck
Firemen up: Mulholm. Hartz, Lib
hart. I. L. Wagner. Weaver, Shtve.
BaUbaugh, Achey. Copeland, Kochen
our, L E. Wagner, Swaifk, Farmer.
Reno. Manning, Cover. Grove. Miller.
Yentzer, Whlchello, Gelslnger, Gilberg,
Huston, Behman, Arnsberger, Collier,
Duvall, Wilson. Winters, Packer, W. B.
Myers, McCurdy. Martin. Robinson, Pen-
W Conductors up: Mehaffie, Ford, Wal
tbn. Houdeshell, Rapp.
Flagmen up: Brueljl, Sullivan. Koch
enour, Clark, Wlttenmyer, Melllnger.
Brakemen up: Burke, McNaughton,
Jackson. Kope, Shultzberger, Cox, Mc-
Tntyre. Gouse, Htvner, Hippie, Busser,
Hubbard, Collins, Dengler, Bogner, Wl
- Division—234 crew first to go
after 2:30 p. m.: 6.
Front end, Harrisburg side: 18. 16,
24. 17.
Seven Altoona crews to come In.
Fireman for 24.
Conductor for 18.
Engineers up: Webster, Garman,
Wissler, Hertzler, Kugler, Simonton,
Firemen up: Sheesley. Beacham, Pot
teiger, Fletcher. Zeiders, Wright. Ar
nold. Richards, Seagrtst. Cox, Davis,
Karstetter, Simmons, Fritr.
Conductors up: Frallck, Byrnes,
Gant. ,
Flagman up: Frank.
Brakemen up: Reese, Stahl, Kilgor,
Boyle. Kleffer, Fleck, Bell, Kohli, Wen
rick. Roller.
Yard Crown —To go after 4 p. m.:
Engineers for 1758, 1270.
Firemen for 1831, 90, 2393.
Engineers up: Crist, Saltsman, Kuhn,
Pelton. Shaver, Landis, Hoyler, Beck,
Harter, Blever, Blosser, Thomas, Rudy,
Houser, Meals, Stahl. Swab.
Firemen up: Schleffer, Raueh,
Cookerlev, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Bar
tolett, Gettvs, Hart. Barkey. Sheets,
Bair. Eyde, Myers. Boyle, Shipley. Crow,
Philadelphia Dlvlalon—22l crew first
to go after 11:45 a. in.: 214. 242, 203,
•>3* 216 248, 286, 237, 241. 218, 211. 207,
22d[ 239. 202, 215, 201, 208, 217, 2133, 246,
""Engineers for 208. 241. 291 .
Firemen for 20J, 221. 239, 241, 291.
Conductors for 213, 215.
Flagman for 238. 241
BrVkemen for 208, 213, 214. 215, 2!R.
254. 236. 23T
Conductor up: Gundle _ ,
Flagmen up: Simpson S-hlndlt
Brakemen up: Albright, Malseed.
[nice, Campbell, Dangling. P«nw«U,
No One Injured; Thousands Wit
ness the Head-on Collision
Near Altoona
Altoona, Pa., Sept. 10.—With whis
tles shrieking, throttles wide open
and steam hissing from noisy cylin
ders, two locomotives hauling trains
on the Pittsburgh and Susquehanna
Railroad, rushed toward a point where
they met in a terrific head-on col
lision, before the eyes of thousands of
spectators at 5 o'clock Tuesday after
noon one mile east of Philipsburg.
Breathlessly the witnesses of the
smash-up awaited the destruction of
the engines. A minute previous to tho
collision the englnemen leaped from
the cabs to safety. Both iron horses
wore rent and torn Into many sec
tions, while the cars were badly dam
aged. Despite the force of the wreck
not a single passenger was killed or
injured, since the cars hadn't any
human freight. Every feature of the
"accident" premeditated and, as
usual, the movie man was busy on
the job.
Nearly 500 Altoonans witnessed the
most prominent feature of Philips
burg's big celobratlon. while nearly
30,000 visitors from other points oc
cupied the huge amphitheater.
At 5' o'clock the collision between
the passenger train, consisting of an
engine and three coaches, and a
freight engine and seven gondolas, oc
curred. Both engines leaped high in
the air and were totally wrecked.
Camera men were active. Spectators
were but 100 yards away from the
crash, and thousands surged forward
to carry away souvenirs of the "made
to-order" train wreck.
Charles Rowland, superintendent of
the Pittsburgh and Susquehanna
road, was chiefly responsible for the
celebration. People from many
points along the Middle division at
tended the affair and the Pennsy had
a, busy day on Its Tyrone division.
H. H. Chenoweth and party of promi
nent women of this city visited Phi
ipsburg in the private car of General
Superintendent O. W. Creighton to
witness the collision.
Gluek, Wolfe, Long. Lutz, Krone, Baker,
Harris, Minnow.
Middle Division —lo crew first to go
after 2 p. nr.: 245, 223, 250, 239.
Front enrl, Harrlshurg side: 108, 118,
115. 112. 105. 111.
Five crews laid off at Altoona.
Seven crew to come in.
Engineer for 108.
Firemen for 108, 118, 112.
Conductor for 108.
Flagmen for 108, 115.
Brakeman for 114.
. Philadelphia. Sept. 10. - Wheat —-
Lower; No. 2, red, spot, export, $1.13
#1.18; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export,
l $1.29®1.34.
Corn —• Lower; No. 2, yellow, local,
89'4 (fti 90c.
Oats Lower; No. 2, white, 56(0'
5 6 c.
B~ian Steady; winter, per ton,
$28.00@28.50; spring, per ton, $27.00®
Refined Sugars Market firm;
powdered, 7.35®7.60c; fine granulated,
7.25®7.50; confectioners' A, 7.15@7.40c.
Butter The market is firm;
western, creamery, extras, 32c; nearby
prints, fancy, 35c.
Eggs The market Is firm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases. SB.IO per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $7.60®7.80 per case;
western, extras, firsts, free cases, $8.40
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $7.50®
7.80 per case.
Live Poultry Steady; fowls, IB®
18c; young chickens. ll®20c:
spring chickens, 15@18c; broiling chick
ens, 17W'27c; old roasters, ll@12c;
ducks, old, 13®14c; ducks, young. 14®
15c; geese. 15©17 c; turkeys, 19®20c.
Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy, 20®21c; do.,
fair to good, heavy. 17® 18c;
average receipts. l7iftlßV4c; small, 14®
16c; old roosters, 13c; roasting chick
ens, fancy, 16® 18c; broiling
chickens, nearby, 16®20c; western, 15
®18c; capons, large, 23®25c; do.,
j small, 18(®20c; turkeys, fancy, 24®26c;
I do., fair, 20®23c; ducks. ll®18c; geese.
11 @l6c.
Flour The market is weak; winter,
clear, $3.85®4.10: straights. Pennsyl
vania, new. $5.00®5.60; spring straights,
$5.75®6.25; do., patents, $6.25®6.75;
western, $4.2604.40; patents, $4.60®
4.76; Kansas straight, jute sacks, $4.16
®4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.20;
strlghts, $4.20@4.30; patents. $4.35®
Hay The market Is firm; tim
othy., No. 1, large bales, $20.00®2..60;
No. 1, medium bales. $19.50® 20.00; No.
I 2, slß.oo® 19.00; No. 3. $14.50 ® 15.50.
•New clover mixed. Light mixed,
$18.50® 19.50; No. 1. do., $17.50® 18.00;
No. 2, do., $16.00® 16.00.
Potatoes Steady; Pennsylvania, per
bushel. 66@63c; Jersey, per basket, 33
® 40c.
Chicago. 111., Sept. 10. Hogs Re
ceipts. 13,000; strong. Bulk of sales.
$8.80©9.25; light, $9.00®9.55; mixed,
$8.60®9.65; heavy. $8.45®9.40; rough,
I $8.45 @ 8.60; pigs, $4.75@8.40.
Cattle Receipts. 7,000; slow.
Beeves, $6.90® 11.00; steers, $9.300 9.65;
stockers and feeders, $5.40®8.26; cows
and heifers, $3.75@9.35; calves, $7.60®
11.50. I
Sheep Receipts, 33,000; steady.
Sheep. $5.00®5.90; yearlings, $5.75®6.60;
lambs, $6.40@8.00.
THE fiarrlsburc Potycnnlo Dlitun
iary will be open dally except Sunday
at I P. M.. at Its new location, mi
North Second street, for the free treat-
I ment of the worthy poor.
Two Farms For Sale
7 Miles From Harrlaburg
Two farms belonging to the
Estate of W. K. Alrlcks, de
ceased; situate In Lower Pax-
I ton Township. Dauphin
1 County being the farms deed
! Ed to him by the heirs of John
Rudy, deceased; and by the
lSxecutorß of Joseph Rudy,
deceased; will be sold at auc-
I tlon, Thursday. Sept. 17, by
the Dauphin Deposit Trust
Co., 213 Market street, execu
tor of the estate. Sale will be
conducted at the farms.
The Lower Farm tenanted by
John Ljlle, containing 14T
acres, more or less.
The Upper Farm taaaated by
W. H. Lenker, containing
ISO acres, more or less.