Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 09, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    lie lai Best Fitted t® Fill tie Position ¥«i Have leads These-" Help Waited" Ms
Useless-to -You
Articles Can Be Sold
to Others Now
About time to go over the things stored in
the attic.
And there are so many things there—use
less-to-you articles which would be useful to
Why not sort these out and sell them
through a Telegraph Want Ad?
You might better have the money than to
longer store the useless-to-you articles.
Call Bell 2040, Cumberland 203, the Tele
graph Want Ads.
KUNKEL Died September 8, 1914,
Mrs. Samuel Kunkel.
Funeral services at the home, No.
POl North Second street, Friday. Sep
tember .5 J. 1914. at 3 P. M. Relatives
nnd frlfends are Invited to attend.
IT License Tag Xfil7 on road to
nia; will finder please inform or
i to Abbott Motor Car Co., 106
Second street.
IX On North Third street, be
-5 and 6 o'clock, Tuesday evening,
eather fancies, one black and one
r. Reward if returned to 233 Em
JND The homo of cleanliness at
■t's Steam Dyeing and French
Ing Works, 1215 Market street.
: phone ends your worry. Try us.
sliver and call.
WANTED A third hand baker, at
once. No night work. N. R. Criswell,
York Springs, Pa.
WANTED Blacksmith, all around
work in quarry. Address E. B. Cas
eady. Derry Church. Pa.
WANTED ■— Man with business ex
perience to represent corporation in
Western Pennsylvania. Furnish refer
ence with application. Salary. Ad
dress J., 1147, care of Telegraph.
to get. My free booklet Y-372, tells
how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop
kins, Washington, D. C.
WANTED First hand on bread and
cakes; night work; wages, $20.00 a
■week; steady work in good shop. Ad
dress Bon-Ton Bakery, Punxsutawney,
YOUNG MEN Become Railway
Mall Clerks— Harrisburg Mail Carriers.
Commence $65.00 to $75.00 month. Pull
unnecessary. Sample examination
Questions —free. Franklin Institute,
Dept. 362-R, Rochester. N. Y.
GOOD OPPORTUNITY for two first
class men, thoroughly experienced in
laving out and in working to drawings.
Paughborn Corporation, Hagerstown,
WANTED A boy to work in drug
store; one who has had about two
years' experience. Address D„ 1143,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED An active, educated man
of business ability for special work in
Harrisburg. Best references required.
Dodd, Mead & Co.. Perry Building,
WANTED First-class edge-trim
mer on ladies', misses' and children's
shoes. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Manu
facturing Company.
Four neat appearing men (ages
over 24) to travel with manager
in Pennsylvania. Chance for pro
motion to right party. See Ker
sey at Dauphin Hotel.
man cook. Nurses' Home, Mont Alto,
Pa. Apply Room 184. Capitol Build
WANTED Woman for cooking and
a little housework; no washing good
wages. Call corner Front and Lewis,
at end of Riverside car line.
WANTED Saleswomen for perma
nent positions. Largest corset concern
in the world. Income not less than
$30.00 per week. We teach free of
charge. Apply Spirella Corset Shop, 815
North Sixth street. City.
WANTED Reliable girl for general
housework and to do plain cooking;
small family; no washing. Apply 1613
North Second street.
WANTED An alto singer for choir
work. Must be good reader. Lessons
exchanged for services. Address H.,
1156, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Experienced saleswo
men for laces and embroideries; must
have good experience. Apply Mr
Green, care Astrlch's, Fourth and Mar
ket streets.
«24 Curtln St. 3-story brick
house 8 rooms, bath and furnace.
Rented at sl7. Price 91950
2.111 to 205 Ilelnware St. 3-story
brick houses 8 rooms, bath and
furnace. Rented at sls. Price,
each SIBSO
IMB Fulton St. 3-story brick
house > — 8 rooms, both and furnace.
Rented at sls. Price *l<lso
2122 Moore St. 3-story brick
house* — 8 rooms, bath and furnace.
Rented at SIB. Price SIB3O
232 and 234 Munich St. 3-storv
brick houses 8 rooms, bath and
furnace. -Rented at $18.50.. Price,
each .»••» $2700
Miller Bros. & Neefe
Fire Insurance Surety Bonds
Locus* and Court Street*
WANTED Refined, white woman
for housework; good home to right
party. Address Box 3, New Cumber
land, Pa.
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Applv 1833 North Second street.
WANTED . Toung woman to learn
cooking; steady work. Apply at once,
211 Walnut street.
WANTED Lady clerk, not less
than 25 years of age; must be a good
stenographer, accurate at figures and
some knowledge of bookkeeping; per
manent position. Address R., 1145, care
of Telegraph.
GIRLS WANTED to learn the
trade of cigar making, packing
and in the shipping dept. Apply
Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. "500
Race St.
WANTED Position as driver for
delivery team of any kind, In or around
Harrisburg; well acquainted In sur
rounding towns. J. W. Diehl, 1223 North
WANTED Cost clerk, stores clerk
and timekeeper desires connection with
reliable manufacturer; seven years'
broad experience. Address M., 1141,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young, married man de
sires permanent position, where ability
and Integrity Is required; will accept
any reasonable offer. Address C. N.,
108 Tuscarora street, City.
WANTED By young man, 19 years
old, position as chauffeur In private
family, or general delivery; can also do
general repalrlng#Address M. L. Bream,
Penbrook. Pa.
WANTED Experienced young man
wishes position in grocery store; Tech
High scholar. Address 338 South Six
teenth street.
WANTED Young white woman de
sires day's work or general housework.
Address 8., 1157, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young colored woman
wishes position as cook; has five years
experience; can give reference. Address
1088 South Ninth street.
WANTED Very capable woman,
experienced In cooking, nursing, sew
ing or general housework, would like
work from 9:30 to 5:30, or from 10:30
to 6:30. Address Box 1151, care of Tele
WANTED Lady wishes any kind
of plain sewing and light washing to
do ut home. Call 421 State street, sec
ond tloor.
WANTED Experienced stenog
rapher and typist wishes position; can
give reference. Address Box R., 1155,
• are of Telegraph.
WANTED— Young lady wishes work
by the day; no washing. Call at 421
btate street, second floor.
WANTED - By middle-aged white
woman, position at general house
work. or work In private family. Ad
dress M.. 1139, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Colored woman desires
general housework; no washing. Call
or address, Mamie Carr, 1428 Fulton
WANTED By white girl, 16 years
of age. position as child's nurse, cham
bermaid or dlningroom girl, in private
family. Address 8., 1140, care of Tele
WANTED—-Respectable, middle-aged
woman desires to keep house for
widower; can furnish reference. In
quire 232 Charles avenue, City.
WANTED Experienced waitress
wants position. Address C. S., Box 148
New Cumberland, Pa.-
Situations Wanted Male and Female
WANTED Man and wife, 1712 Wal
nut street, wish positions together.
9 PER CENT, net investment, after
paying taxes, water rent ana Insur
ance; brick houses; 7 rooms, bath;
gas, electric light, furnace, porch. Get
particulars. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
HOUSES FOR SALE on easy pay
ments, you pay rent and you can pay
on your property monthly. Get our
revised list and consider purchasing.
Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building.
$1,300 8 rooms gas light porch
front lot, 18V&X110 frame house at
a bargain price. No. 2032 Berryhlll St.
Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building.
New brick houses on North Nine
teenth and Prospject streets, one square
from Market street and adjoining Res
ervolr Park.
These houses are Ideal in location,
design and construction, and the prices
are reasonable.
For further particulars see
1261 Market Street
FOR SALE 42 North Eighteenth
street - 3-story brick dwelling 8
rooms, bath and furnace—lot, 15xK?
corner property possession at once.
Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal
nut streets.
FOR SALE 1824 Boas street; new
two-story brick house; never occupied;
six rooms, hall and bath; all Improve
ments; concrete walks and Rteps; side
entrance. Price, $2,200, on easy terms.
Charles Barnhart, 1821 Whitehall street,
FOR SALE Brick corner house
uptown cottage style front and
back porch four rooms first floor
building on rear 12x20 for automobile
—all Improvements will sell cheap.
I Address R., 1138, care of fe'egraph
i FOR SALE 1230 and 1232 Cowden
I street 2%-story frames « rooms
! and attic each 2hi -story frasne on
; rear of 1232 lot. 26x90. Price f»f all.
| 13.150 00. Rental Income, {27.00 per
month. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and
Walnut streets.
1 FOR SALE Three-story building
lat Enhaut along trolley line; cost to
build, $3,000.00. Can be changed Into
I three dwelling houses at little expense.
| Price, $2,200.00. Very easy terms. In
quire at East End Bank.
FOR SALE Lot fronting 20 feet on
Sixteenth street and 100 feet deep on
Hunter street. Corner lot. Four-foot
| alley In rear. Apply Geo. F. Fayman,
436 South Sixteenth street.
— 4
FOR SALE Penbrook property; lot,
180 ft. deep; 7 rooms and finished at-
I tic; excellent location; four doors from
I trolley Just off Main street on Boas.
Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at
SI,BOO. M. J. Sheafter. 2635 Penn
street. Penbrook.
FOR RENT One side of a 24-
story frame house, located on North
Bowman avenue. Camp Hill. Rent,
$16.00 and pay water rent. Apply John
C. Orr, 222 Market street.
FOR RENT lll9 North Sixth
street; 3-story brick; improvements. In
quire at 1117 North Sixth street.
No. 2232 Penn street, 3-story brick,
side entrance, front and back porches,
balcony; liardwood floors on first floor;
gas and electric lights; steam heat;
rent, $23.00. Sell, $3,200.00 on easy
terms to suit purchaser. Inquire at
2234 Penn street, or address E. W.
Crammer, 921 Somerset street, Glouces
ter. N. J.
glna street; new. 9 rooms and hath;
brick, brownstone front; steam tyeat;
porches; front and back lawns; all im
provements; near Reservoir Park en
trance. Apply on premises.
OWING to removal from city WILL
SELL OR LEASE the desirable prop
erty, 2236 North Second street. Apply
at 2101 North Front street.
FOR RENT Second floor front
room; bar windows, gas, electric lights
and telephone; suitable for one or two
people; rent reasonable. Apply 271
Briggs street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished
rooms In one of the best locations of
the city; use of bath and telephone. '
Apply 203 State street. j
FOR RENT Rooms and apart
ments, in private family ; private btith
and phone; all home comforts; centrally
located. Apply 236 North Second street,
corner Pine street.
FOR RENT Large' furnished
room, with private family; one or two
respectable gentlemen for third floor
front room; steam heat; terms moder
ate; on corner. Apply 1524 Walnut
FOR RENT Two communicating
rooms, second floor front, with bay win
dow, furnished or unfurnished; also a
room on third floor; all conveniences;
very desirable location. 1943 North
Sixth street.
FOR RENT Three unfurnished
rooms on second floor, suitable for liaht
housekeeping. Reference required.
1408 Market street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished third
floor front room; also second floor back;
bath, gas and electric light. 258 North
FOR RENT—Two nicely fur
nished nooms, with use of bath
and phone—near Capital street,
and one square from Capital
Park. Apply 402 Briggs street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with
or without board, including use of bath
and phone; corner location. Applv 660
Emerald street, or Bell 2511 R.
FOR RENT Two large, airy, un
furnished rooms and one furnished;
centrally located; possession October 1.
Apply 1012 North Third street.
FOR RENT One newly furnished
room, fronting on Capitol Park; elec
tric lights; hot and cold running water
in room; use of phone and large bath.
Apply 410 North street.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms,
with running water; boarding by meal,
day or week. Apply 1001 North Second
street, corner Boas and Second streets.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
siivrle or en-suite; all conveniences, in
cluding phone; reference required. Ap
ply 1015 North Front street.
FOR RENT Three rooms, desirable
for business or apartments: all Improve
ments Apply No. 9 North Fourth street
WANTED One or two nicely fur
ntshel rooms, for light housekeeping;
good location, near center of city; rent
reasonable: references exchanged.. Ad
dress E., 1154, care of Telegraph.
board; steam heat, bath and telephone;
food location; $5.00 and $5.50 weekly,
nqulre 517 North Second street.
FOR RENT ln the Telegraph
Building, a suite of well located offices.
Inquire for Superintendent In Business
Offlco of Telegraph.
secured at the Telegraph Business
FOR RENT Store room, 1200 North
Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling;
one of the best rooms In the city. Ap
ply J. S. Slblo, 256 Horr street.
FOR RENT Desirable offices In
Franklin Building, No. 212 Locust
street. Janitor service. Electric ele
vator. Rent reasonable. Apply Union
Real Estate Investment Company, on
FOR RENT Apartment on second
floor, three rooms, kitchenette and bath;
electric snd gas light; heat furnished;
front room nice bay window. Rent,
$25.00 per month. Apply at No. 270
North street, near Third.
FOR RENT Apartments, four
rooms, nicely papered and painted; all 1
improvements; good location; reason
able rent ('small family) Bell 2423. Ap- ■
ply 1745 North Sixth street. United
JI72W i
FOR RENT Apartment No. 1208
North Sixth street, four rooms anil bath.
Including steam heat, rent, $20.00.
Charles Adler, 1002 North Third street.
Desirable apartments at Nos.
2510. 2514 and 2518 N. Sixth
street for rent as follows: Third
floors, $30.00 per month; first and
second floors, $35.00 per month.
These apartments are new and
most complete. Apply to Harry
M. Bretz, 222 Market street.
WANTED—Teams and dump wagons
wanted tor work at Tenth and Market
streets. Apply Mr. Butcher.
WANTED A second-hand roll-top
desk. In good condition. D., 1153, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED Uso of automobile for
suburban soliciting; will provide stor
age, repairs, tires, general upkeep; your
use Saturday and Sunday; my use bal
ance of week. Address Salesman, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED—Six to Ten
Power Motor. Must be good and
reasonable for cash. State price.
P. O. Box 34, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE 1914 Excelsior motor
cycle; short time in use. To a quick
buyer, 1170.00,. Owner leaving town on
account of 111 health. Apply 1007 North
Third street.
FOR SALE An English style baby
carriage. Apply 1909 Derry street, Room
300, third floor.
South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash,
SxlO 12 L., primed and glased, at $1.15
per set. Also all other sizes.
and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gal
lons New Era ready-mixed paint, Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
range. Terms right, H sold at once.
Address 428 South Fifteenth street.
. FOR SALE Five-passenger, high
class, four-cylinder, 40-H.-P. touring
car; has power and speed; demountable
rims, good tires, extra tire and rim,
top and windshield, tools and jack;
must sell quick; part cash, balance In
monthly ' payments. Call at 1745 North
Sixth street.
FOR SALE 5-passenger 1913 Oak
land, 35-H.-P., fully equipped and elec
tric lighting; will consider part cash
and diamonds or Victrola. Address Box
1158, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE An up-to-date Moving
Picture Theater for sale. Address
Blain & Blain (owners). New Bloom
fisld, Pa.
FOR SALE. — Household goods and
unclaimed freight, on Thursday, Sep
tember 10, at 9 A. M. Harrisburg Stor
age Co., South street and Pennsylvania
FOR SALE One 60-gallon oil tank,
suitable for grocery store. Will sell
cheap to quick buyer. Address Box
1134, care of Telegraph. .
FOR SALE Magic Beaver cook
stove; excellent condition; price reason
able. Inquire 233 Emerald street.
FOR SALE Seven-passenger Stod
dard-Day ton; newly overhauled; make
good delivery truck; can be seen at
Fair's Auto Oarage, East End Mulberry
Street Bridge.
WANTED A young colored boy,
about 18 years old, would like to have
a job in private family or washing
dishes. Address Buirel Barht, 1314
Marlon street. City.
BUYER National . cash register,
totul adder, registers from lc to $6.00,
in good condition; 5-rb. coffee mill, bal
ancing scales, meat cutter. Apply at 324
Strawberry avenue.
FOR SALE Pair A 1 horses, three
ton ice wagon, with established Ice
route; also furniture wagon. Make me
an offer any time after 6 P. M. Apply
1418 Derry street.
BUY your traveling and leather goods
from the wholesale and retail leather
merchants. A large consignment on
display. Specialties made to order and
repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup
ply Co.. Second and Chestnut.
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 2cc each. One
of these signs will be given with each
slxt-tlme order for a classified ad. if
paid in advance. Inquire at OfTlce of
FOR SALE CARDS «n sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
FOR SALE A good grocery team.
Felling on account of buying delivery
car. Apply H. Sherman. Enliaut, Pa.
FOR SALE 1914 Overland touring
car. practically new; electric lights;
generator; fully equipped; price reason
able. Address H., 1146, care of Harris
burg Telegraph. •
FOR SALE, CHEAP l6x'/j wood
hull motor boat, fully equipped, with
3-H.-P. Gray engine: brand-new. Has
automobile top. Apply W. H. Zimmer
man, 120 Catherine street. Middletown,
this ad. and get a pair of Keystone
Heavy Service, fully guaranteed tires at
$5.50 per pair. Good only until Septem
ber 10, 1914. Keystone Cycle Co., 814
North Third street.
FOR SALE Drug store. Old, estab
lished business. Closliv- out estate and
must sell at once. Sell at inventory,
ontv-hnlf cash, balance proved securi
ties. Address 284 Main street, Steelton,
Pa. . (
FOR SALE Moving Pic
ture Theater, one of the best equip
ped theaters in this part of State,
doing big bu%iness; profit $4,000
per year. Apply S. W. Fitzger
ald, 317 Walnut Street.
FOR SALE Retail cigar store for
sale at a sacrifice; good location. Ad
dress M„ 1152, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE General store, doing
good business; must sell out on ac
count of ill health. Address Box S, 1142,
care of Telegraph.
ANY Intelligent person can earn good
income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798. Lock
port. N. Y.
WANTED A partner In a well es
tablished gun business; one who can
give his time and attention. This busi
ness has a good run of trade, and a
man with small capital can make a
good thing out of it. For information
call, or address, Harry A. Dill, Harris
burg Hardware Company. Harrisburg,
or York Gun and Inventing Company,
York. Pa.
FOR SALE Grocery and meat busi
ness for sale at n bargain; will sacrifice
to quick buyer; other business. Address
Or. 1144. care of Telegraph.
T MADTS $80,090 In five veari in th«
m»U or<Jer business, began with $5.
fend for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock. 265 Lockport, N. Y, (
S. HALDEMAN & CO.. Carpenters and
Builders. Job work promptly attended
to In any part of the city. Estimates
cheerfully furnished. Also Homes for
sale with all conveniences at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Call Bell phone
3622 M.
Hartfsburg Paste Works
120 M. Cameron Street
PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book
binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt
shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell
phone 1186 L.
FAIRS °lans and estimates furnish
ed. Work promptly attended to. Call
D. F. Lesley, Contractor and Builder,
1217 Derry street. Bell phone 3215 J.
R. H. PEFFEII Local Express and
Delivery. Piano and furniture moving
a specialty. Storage of household
goods. Good, Dry Wood for sale, stove
"length. 1119 Montgomery. Phone
1684 J.
gold, silver watches and Jewelry; or
taken In exchange for new jewelry.
Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler, 803 North
Third street. Bell 626 L.
S. KLEIN New and second-hand
furniture bought and sold. Highest
cash prices paid. Big stock of second
hand furniture for sale. Drop postal
to 1026 Market street.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, "perpared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
Protect your dogs. Let us stamp your
name and address on a heavy brass
plate and attach It to your dog collar.
It costs only 25 cents Manufactured
by Harrisburg Stencil Works. 130
Locust street, Harrisburg, Pa.
with best material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N.
Gluck. 320 Woodbine street.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents
§er month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411
road street. Both phones.
IN 3-story brick building. rear 408
Market street.
Household goods In clean private
rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to
P. G. Dlener, Jeweler. 40N Market St.
largo brick warehouses. built ex
pressly for storage. Private rooms
for household goods and unexcelled fa
cilities for storing all kinds of mer
candise. Low storage rates. South
St. and Penna. R. R.
MONEY- TO LOAN on .Real Estate
security in any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Address P o
Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa.
LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work
ing people without bank credit at less
than legal rates, payable in instal. .ents
to suit borrowers' convenience.
Loan and Investment Co„
204 Chestr- t street.
WANTED—A few students In ele
-1 mentary or advanced mathematics or
mechanics. J. W. Miller, Prof at Le
high. Call 306 Chestnut street.
DREN wish to thank their many
friends und neighbors for their sym
pathy and kindness during their be
reavement of husband and father, John
T. Tilghman.
IN sad but loving remembrance of
Lydla Forney, who entered into eternal
rest September 9, 1913, one year ago
Heaven retaineth now our treasure
Larth the lonely casket keeps,
And the sunlight loves to linger.
Where our sainted mother sleeps.
IN loving memory of Sarah B. Beck,
who departed this life September 9.
NOTICE to property owners along
the lines of Howard Alley, from Cur
tin Street to Seneca Street. Ordinance
No. 109. File of City Council, Session of
191 1-1915;
In accordance with the terms of Or
dinance No. 833. File of Common Coun
cil. j'ou aro hereby notified to make all
the necessary house connections con
templated my you "with the inaln
sewer, gas pipes, steam heating pipes,
water pipes or other mains," within
sixty days from the date of this notice
and conduct the said service pipes or
sewers from the mains in tlio street to
within the curb lines of said street
City Engineer.
NOTICE to property owners along
the lines of Seventh Street, from Wood
bine Street to the north side of Emer
ald Street:
You are hereby notified that the as
sessment to pay the cost and expense
of paving and curbing the above named
highway under Ordinance No. 28. File
of City Council, Session of 1914-1915,
will be made by me, at my office, in the
Commonwealth Trust Compnnv Rulld
-1- No. 222 Market Street. Harrisburg,
Pa., on Friday, the 18tli da'- of Septem
ber. 1914. between the hoyrs of 9
o'clock A. M. and 12 o'clock noon, when
and where all parties Interested shall
be heard.
City P^nglneer.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Au
ditors'appointed by the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Dauphin County, to audit
the accounts of the School District of
the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,
have filed their report, which contains
the following:
Receipts from all sources
for fiscal year $648,668 10
Balance on hand at close of
last fiscal year 163,093 47 !
Grand total $811,761 57
Expenditures $553,258 52
Cash in hands of Treasurer, 258,503 05
Assets 1,761,103 05
tie- 1.212,000 00
Excess of assets over lia
bilities 549,103 05
That the aforesaid Auditors' Report
was presented 'o the Court of Common
Pleas of Dauphin County on August 24,
1914, and by the said Court ordered to
be filed; that the said Auditors' Report
was filed on August 24, 1914, to No. 186,
September Term, 1914; that the same
will be confirmed absolutely unless an
appeal Is taken therefrom within thirty
days after the filing thereof.
MY wife, K. J. McAllister, having left
my bed and board without Just cause,
I hereby notify all persons not, to bar- '
bor nor trust her on my account, as I i
will not be responsible for debts con
tracted by her.
(Signed) J. T. MCALLISTER.
THE following Ordinances were read
in place In the City Council at its
meeting held Tuesday Afternoon, Sep
tember 1. 1914, and are published as re
quired by the Act of Assembly, ap- !
proved June 27, 1913:
AuthorUing certain highways to be va- j
oated and stricken from the City Of- I
flclal Plot.
Section 1. Be it ordained by the
Council of the City of H«rri»burst, and <
It Is hereby ordained by authority of i
SEPTEMBER 9, 1914.
the Ha me. That .Woodiawn Street,
from Twenty-third Street to a point
2.228 feet ea.st of Twenty-third Street;
Twenty-fourth Street. from Derry
Street to the Philadelphia and Reading
Railway: Twenty-fifth Street, from a
point 640 feet north of Derry Street,
measured at rig lit angles to said Derry
Street to the Philadelphia and Read
ing Railway, and Twenty-sixth Street,
from Derry Street to the Philadelphia
and Reading Railway, he and the same
are authorised to he vacated and
stricken from the City Official Plot.
Section 2. That all ordinances or
parts of ordinances in conflict with this
ordinance, be and the same are hereby
To authorize the Tavl&g of Wengert
Alley, from Fourteenth Street to
Brady Street, and providing for .the
payment of the cost thereof.
Section 1. Re It ordained by the
Council of the City of Harrlsburg, and
it is hereby ordained by authority of
the same, That Wengert Alley, from
Fourteenth Street to Brady Street, be
and the same Is hereby authorized to be
payed with sheet asphalt, on a concrete
base, the cost and expense thereof to be
assessed according to the foot front
rule, said cost not to exceed two dol
lars per square yard for paving.
Section 2. That all proceeding!! and
work Incident to the Improvement
herein authorized shall be taken and
done, and the cost and expense thereof
shall be paid for. and the assessment
levied on the abutting properties shall
be collected as provided by Ordinance
No. 10, Session of 1911-1915, and Ordi
nance No. 24, Session of 1914-1915.
Clerk of the City Council.
Office of the Clerk of the City Council,
Harrlsburg, Pa., September 1, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the Governor
of Pennsylvania, on the 24th day of
i September, 1914, under the Act of As
j senibl.v entitled "An Act to provide
i for the Incorporation and regulation of
certain corporations," approved April
29, 1874, and the supplements thereto,
for the charter of an intended corpora
tion to be called Davenport Lunch, the
I character and object of which is for
the establishment and maintenance of
a restaurant or restaurants, and for
these purpose to have, possess and en
joy all the rights, benefits and privi
leges of the said Act of Assembly.
THE Board of Commissioners of Pub
| lie Grounds and Buildings will offer at
public sale In front of State Capitol
Building at entrance Fourth and State
Streets, Harrlsburg, Pa., at 10 o'clock
I A. M., September 12, 1914, the following
buildings and structures upon the
! premises within the boundaries of the
; proposed extension of Capitol Park, in
i Eighth Ward, City of Harrlsburg:
I Cowden Street. 509.
Filbert Street, 516, 518.
South Street. 414.
South Alley, 505.
Tanners Street, 127 (Brick Boiler
The purchaser shall pay to the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, through
the office of the Superintendent of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, by certified check or
United States currency, the amount at
which the said building or buildings
and structures are awarded to them, as
follows: A cash payment of 25 per
cent, shall be made on day of sale and
the balance before entering upon the
property to remove the material pur
In all cases where the premises are
unoccupied, possession will be given
the purchaser immediately. Where the
premises are tenanted, possession will
be given immediately after the prem
ises are vacated. The Commonwealth
will not be responsible for any damage
to property after possession is given.
Purchasers shall state at time of their
offer the time required to remove the
buildings and material after being
given possession by the Commonwealth,
which In no case shall be longer than
60 days. All building refuse shall be
carted away from the premises by the
purchaser. All foundation walls must
he taken down and removed at least
three feet below level of street.
The Board of Commissioners of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the
right to accept or reject any or all bids.
The work of removal shall be perform
ed under the direction of and to the
satisfaction of the Superintendent of
Public Grounds and Buildings.
NOTE —The sidewalks afid street
pavements are not to be removed by
purchaser of buildings or structures
under this schedule.
By order of the Board.
SEALED PROPOSAIjS will be receiv
ed by the undersigned, at his office, in
the Calder Building, Harrlsburg, Pa.,
until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday. Septem
ber 19. 1914, for hauling eartli from Sec
ond and Mulberrv streets to the river
front between Hamilton and Division
streets, in accordance with specifica
tions on file In his office, a copy of
which may be had upon application.
Each proposal shall be accompanied
by a certified check, or bond, approved
by the City Solicitor, for the sum of
two hundred dollars, and the successful
bidder or bidders will be required to tilo
a final bond for 25 per cent, of the con
tract price.
The right is rpserved to reject any or
all bids.
Superintendent, of Parks and Public
In the District Court' of the United
ftates for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No.
2786 ln the Matter of Andrew
Szeim. Bankrupt.
To the creditors of Andrew Szeim. of
Harrisburg, in the County of Dauphin,
and District aforesaid, a bankrupt.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the said
bankrupt was duly adjudicated as such
on September 8, 1914, and that the first
meeting of the creditors will be held at
the office of the Referee, No. 7 North
Third street. Harrlsburg, Pa., at 2 P. M.
o'clock, on September 21, 1914, at which
time the said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, appoint a Trustee,
examine the bankrupt and transact
such other business as may properly
come before said meeting.
P.eferee in Bankruptcy.
September 9. 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that appli
cation will he made to the Governor of
Pennsylvania on the Ist day of Oc
tober, 1914, under the provisions of an
Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to
Provide for the Incorporation and
Regulation of Certain Corporations,"
approved April 29. 1874, and Its supple
ments, for a charter for an Intended
corporation to be called C. M. SIGLER,
INCORPORATED, the character and ob
ject of which Is the purchase, sale, ex
change, lease and repair of pianos,
organs, player pianos, talking machines
and musical instruments, and for these
purposes to have, possess and enjoy all
the rights, benefits and privileges by
said Act of Assembly and its supple
ments conferred.
Miller Bros. 101 Ranch .T,*' tures pre
sent the charming Rlsle Albert and the
talented Baby Early in a powerful
three-part picture play of frontier life
at the Victoria to-day. The drama
deals with .the bravery of the early
pioneers, who fought back the Indians
a.nd blazed the trail across our West
ern plains, making it possible for us to
build homes from coast to coast and
live In peace and quietness. Real In
(dlans take part in this gripping and ex
citing picture. Pathe Dally News to
day shows I,OQO feet of the world news
happenings and Includes pictures of
the European war.
"Our Mutual Girl is here to-day in
picture No. 33 of that popular series.
"The Aftermath." In two parts, com
plete* to-dey's offering of strong fea
ture*.— Advertisement.
««t» vou nothing while TELEGRAPH I
WANT ADS will get you almost any
thing you might wish for. j
By Associated Press
Philadelphia. Sept. 0. Wheat
Steady; No. 2, red. spot, export, $1.14
(fr 1.19; No. 2, Northern, Duluth, export,
Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow,
local. 91%#92c.
Oats Steady; No. 2, white. 57
'7 He.
Bran Steady; winter, per ton.
$28.00®'28.50; spring, per ton. $27.00®
Refined Sugars Market firm;
powdered, 7.35(fi 7.60 c; fine granulated,
7.25jr .50; confectioners' A. 7.15@7.40c.
Butter The market is firm;
western, creamery, extras, 32e; nearby
prints, fancy. 35c.
Eggs The market Is firm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
tree eases, $8.40 per case; do., current
receipts, free eases, $7.50<tf7.80 per rase;
western, extras, firsts, free'eases, $8.40
ease; do., firsts, free cases, $7.50
i.SO per case.
Live Poultry Steadv; fowls. 17@
18c- young chickens, lHi>2oc:
spring chickens. 15®18c; broiling chick
ens. 17(fr)27c; old roosters, ll@12c;
ducks, old, 12® 13c; ducks, young, 13®
14c; geese, 15®17c; turkeys. 19®20c.
Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy, 20® 21c; do.,
fair to good, heavy. 17@l8c;
average receipts, 17(ft'l8c; small, 14®
16c; old roosters, 13c; roasting chick
ens. fancy, lti®lßc; broiling
chickens, nearby, 16®20c: western, 15
©lB c; capons. large. 23®25e; do.,
small. 18®20c: turkeys, fancy. 24®26c;
do., fair, 20®23c; ducks, ll@18c; geese,
11 © 16c.
Flour—The market Is steady: winter,
clear, $3.85('fr4.10; straights. Pennsyl
vania, new. $5.00 r 'i 5.60; spring straights,
$'.i5ff;6.25; do., patents. $6.25® 6.75}
western, $4.25®4.40; patents. $4.50®
ti . i Kansas straight, jute sacks, s4.ls
{£4.30; spring, firsts, clear. $4.00®4.20]
Btrights. $4.20®4.30: patents, $4.35®
Hay The market is firm; tim.
othy„ No. 1, large bales, $20.00®2..50}
No. 1, medium bales, sl9 5u@20.00; No.
2. slß.oo® 19.00; No. 3, $14.50@15.50.
New clover mixed. Light mixed,
i $18.50® 19.50; No. 1, do., $17.50@18.00}
No. 2, do., $15.00® 16.00.
Potatoes Steady; Pennsylvania, per
bushel, 55®63c; Jersey, per basket, 31
® 40c.
By Associated Press
Chicago, ill., Sept. 9. Hogs Re
ceipts, 12,000; strong. Bulk of sales,
sß.Bo® 9.20; light. $5.95@9.50; mixed.
$8.60®9.f>0; heavy $8.40fi>9.35; rough,
: $8.408.60; pigs, $ 175® 8.50.
I Cattle Receipts, 15,000; firm.
I Beeves, $6.80® 10.75; steers, s6.3o<r 9.35;
stockers and feeders. $5.40®8.20: .ows
land heifers, $3.75® 9.30; calves, $7.50®
Sheep Receipts, 38,000; slow.
'Sheep, $4.85®5.80; yearlings, $5.65®
6.60; lambs, $6.25@7.90.
Open Shop Goes Into
Effect in Butte, Mont.
By Associated Press
Butte, Mont., Sept. 9.—Open shop
went into effect to-day In Butte, the
home for thlrty-slx years of the largest
union "local" in the Far West. Some
ten thousand miners, until recently all
members of the Western Federation of
Miners, but now divided between that
organization and the newly forniod
Butte Mine Workers' Union, were
notified that, l'rom the viewpoint of
their employers, it made no difference
whether they belonged to either or
ganization or none.
Tablet on House Where
First Banner Was Made
Baltimore, Md., Sept. 9.—ln connec
tion with the "Star-Spangled Banner"
centennial celebration a tablet was
unveiled to-day on the house where
the original star-spangled banner was
made by airs. Mary Young Pickersgill.
A memorial to the American priva
teersmen of the War of 1812 also was
unveiled at Fort McHenry. It was
erected by the Daughters of America.
Frederick, Md., where Francis Scott
! Key was born, and where his body
i was buried, to-day began a live-day
celebration in his honor.
and othera upon their own name*.
Cheap rules, easy payments, confident
At!itnia A Cn„ It. 804. 8 N. Market
Public Sale of Valuable
Real Estate
I Thursday, September 10, 1914.
All that valuable farm, known as
I the Michael B. Moyer farm, situ
ate 1 mile east of the famous Her
! shey Chocolate plant, on the road
i leading from Derry Church to Pal
myra, will be sold by the undersign
ed on the day and date above
i named.
The farm contains about 140 acres
I of good limestone soil In a high
' state of cultivation, good buildings
j and good fences; good apple or
! chard and plenty of well and cla
i tern water.
i The buildings are a large 8-room
I brick dwelling with a large brick
i summer house adjoining, large bank
barn 50x90 feet, stone gables, a
large frame wagon shed with cribs
and Implement shed attached, and a
1 large frame pig sty.
The farm is In the heart of the
Hershey milk market and for other
markets Hershey and Palmyra are
not excelled by tile cities. There is
market for everything raised on the
farm. The macadam roads make
marketing a pleasure.
For schools, churches, recreation
and pleasure Hershey offers the best
that can be had outside of large
I cities.
Any one desiring a farm with ad
vantages of good soil, fine location,
good roads, convenience to churirti,
school and markets can find no bet
ter place in Dauphin or Lebanon
Call on the undersigned, Derry
Church. Pa.
Agent for Heirs,
t -J
Will Lend You Money
To Hoii*ckccper* f Work
iitiriiicn ami Salaried Km*
No red tape, bother or
worry. You may have it to
day if you wish.
Room 21 4i h Floor