Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 08, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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A Dole of Morrrl'a Salt* Will Plx You
lip (tulrkl
Go out and have the man flx you up
a dose right awav Get it working. It
will clean out your aystcm and make
a new mm) of you In short order. And
there won't be any bad after-effect
either. It leaves you aa fresh aa a
Far better than any other "dav
after" remedy, because it does the
business without the use of harmlul
•Irugrs. Cleans out the whole system
in a prompt, mild and thorough man
ner and keeps the bowels open instead
of tying them up the next day.
Beware of dangerous drugs that kill
pain by the use of "dope."' Here's your
tip that you can get the Fame results
in a natural manner without harming
your stomach and nerves. Try ftlor
rel's Salts just once and you will never
use any substitute.
Just concentrated Manitou Mineral
Water from the famous spring in Sas
katchewan. Canada. Put up In a
pleasant, effervescent form that is de
lightful to take and prompt in its ro
Take one dose the morning after.
If you need It—or, better still, take it
the night before. Morrel's Salts is the
great "come-back" remedy. A perma
nent corrective for all ordinary de
rangements of the nerves and digestive
organs. Positively guaranteed to be
free from all harmful drugs and nar
cotics. Complete analysis on every
bottle. DM It for headache, bad
breath, nervousness, constipation and
all liver and kidney difticultics. Ask
yotir doctor about it.
At your drnc'ist's. Morrel's' Manitou
Mineral Co., Chicago, 111.—Advertise
To-night—"Uncle Tom's Cabin."
Wednesday evening Kelkin Yiddish
Thursday evening—"High Jinks."
Friday afternoon and evening Bur
Saturday afternoon and evening—"Pot-
ash and Perlmutter."
Monday afternoon and evening—"A Pair
of Sixes."
Every afternoon and evening,— High
Class Vaudeville.
Dally—Continous Vaudeville and Pic
Before the Civil War there was
hardly a plantation in the South but
boasted a whipping post to which the
owner's slaves were fastened while be
ing punished with the cruel whip. To
faithfully depict the actual scenes in
that part of the South with which the
story deals. Manager Washburn uses in
his production of Stetson's "Uncle Tom's
i'abin." which will bo shown again to
day at the Majestic Theater, a whipping
post which was in service on a Red
River plantation for many years prior
to the Rebellion. Its genuineness can
not he disputed when one reads the af
fldavity from ine rarm-owner, which
Manager Washburn always carries, and
n copy of which is on tile in a Louisiana
court of record.—Advertisement.
How to crowd Ave acts full of clothes
into a twenty minutes' sketch! How
to compress a Winter Garden of cos
tume and un-costume with a com
plete dekkletay back thrown in as
good measure! You may say that it
can't be done. Well, it is done at the
Orplieum Theater by the satorlally
learncd and intensely decorative musi
cal comedy star. Valeska Suratt. There
is no gainsaying one sure fait, and it
is this, that our precious Valeska can
give points to any clothes-wearing
■ •reature in the world. "Black Crepe and
Diamonds" is the title of her vehicle,
and It is easily the best thing 011 the
bill—just by sheer eccentricity. Tt
Pleases the jadeil and unjaded. It has
:in odd scenic effect—a sort of tent all
in white satin, spangled with silver, a
white staircase and a white carpet.
When not engaged in decoration, re
decoration and un-decoration, Miss
->uratt trips it nimbly on the light fan
tastic slipper. She does a tango with
t,ove. Then she is Carmen. "The Wo
man Loves Dance," says the program.
"The Woman Loves Txivc," also remarks
the program. "The Woman Eats
I'lothes." The program doesn't say it.
but it's true. Miss Suratt also sings in
a still, small voice, that somehow or
other finds its way through her gorge
ous raiment. There are many other
good things on the bill, but it is cer
talnlv a Suratt bill. Incidentally one
wonder what Miss Suratt wears to "re
•ire" in. It Is doubtful If she could cure
herself of spangles even at bedtime.—
What Causes Wrinkles ?
What's The Remedy ?
Stop to consider what produces
wrinkles and sagginess of skin. Pre
mature aging, mai-nutrition, etc., cause
the flesh to shrink, lose its youthful
plumpness and firmness. The skin then
is too large for the flesh underneath;
doesn't tit tightly and snugly as it used
to —it wrinkles or sags.
ft must be plain that to tighten the
skin, make it tit the face perfectly in
■■very place, will effectually remove the
hateful wrinkles and bagginess. This
is easily arid harmlessly accomplished
by dissolving an ounce of powdereo
saxolite In a half pint of witch hazel
and using the solution as a face lotion.
The ingredients you can get at any
drug store. The results are surprising.
'J'lie skin immediately tightens up. be
coming firm and fresh as in youth.
Kvery wrinkle and sag is affected at
once. —Advertisement.
Beauty Editor Advises
on Superfluous Hair
A well known beauty editor writes:
"Avoid painful electric operations and
evil-smelling, skin-burning depilatories
for removing superfluous hair. Mrs. Os
good's Wonder will speedily clear the
face, neck, arms or any other part of
the body of all unwelcome hair. This
harmless prescription is being univer
sally used and endorsed by leading so
■ ietv and professional women every
Every woman should know that Mrs.
•sgood's Wonder Is the finest and surest
remedy for hair blemishes." You can
try it without risk by depositing its
small purchase price with Kennedy's
Drug Store, or at any leading druggist
or toilet counter. If It falls, return the
'•mpty package anil get your money
back, as agreed In signed guarantee
which comes In every package.- Ad
Business uocats
Whether It's breakfast, luncheon or
dinner, yon will always find Menger's
Restaurant an ideal place in which to
dine. Refined, quiet surroundings,
with the best the market affords, pre
pared under the personal supervision
of Mrs Menger. is nn assurance tout
very bite is a relish. Tile place that
serves the best SB-cent dinner In the
cltj. 110 North Second street.
"Black Crepe and Diamonds" Is
, Not Vaudeville; It It
If You're Married, See "Fifty
fifty"; Say! the Whole
Bill's a Corker
Valeska Suratt!
Parden me till T get my breath;
Valeska has taken the wind right out
ol my sails.
"Black Crepe and Diamonds" Is
not vaudeville; it is poetry. When
you see it you are glimpsing eternity
and searching the recesses of a
woman's heart!
And Suratt—her gowns, her art, her
Love's prologue* begins it; .Love's
victory ends it. And the interval —ah,
thet-e are the diamonds! First, you
see Suratt against a background of
crepe, her hands chained, her soul
held tight by Woe. But Love comes!
the woman awakes; and then—the
diamonds of happiness. Here are
some of the diamonds:
Dance: Minaret.
Fox Trot.
Tango in the Skies.
Whirlwind Dunce.
"The Moth and the. Flame."
love's Victory.
And the press agent tales about
Suratt's gowns and drops costing close
on to fifty thousand dollars aren't
much exaggerated. Ask the ladles!
There are six players: Danosel, Love,
Woe, Dance, Light, Gaiety. Melvin
Stokes, the baritone. Is Love.
But enough! If you love poetry,
song and the dance and would know
the joy of living, you must see Suratt.
Wliore Von Have to Laugh
It is doubtful whether an Orpheum
audience ever laughed quite so much
at anybody as the first-nighters did at
Billy McDermott, hobo comedian. His
act is a side-splitter from start to
finish and his jokes are new, which in
itself is something new for a mono
loguist. Billy combines • his hobo
makeup with a millionaire Harvard
student voice that makes you laugh in
spite of yourself. Probably the high
spot of his act is a burlesque on the
hand leading of Sousa and Creatore.
The orchestra plays "Stars and Stripes
Forever" and McDermott, the nut,
shews how the march king does it,
and again how Creatore. whom he
calls the "evil spirit of Italy," directs
tho famous selection. He gives a
one-man rendition of the opera "Car
men" with the scenes transferred to
Mexico that is a travesty masterpiece.
Old Favorites Here, Too
The old favorites, Harry Richards
and Bessie Klye, are back this week in
a new song skit. "Flty-flfty," in which
a lot of clever repartee and song sing
ing points the moral that married
folk.s should live on the "half-and
half" basis if they would get along.
Alice De Garmo, a rather pretty little
lad> with a beautiful head of hair,
makes an aerial act interesting by un
dressing in the air while she hangs by
her teeth. For those who love good
music the bill offers Vera Berliner, a
girl with a violin. The way Vera plays
"The l.ast Rose of Summer" makes
you feel that "the melancholy days
are come" indeed. But she nearly
crimps her act at the end by trying
to sing. Please. Vera, don't!
One of the cleverest acts that has
been here for a day is produced by
the Westmans, a family of six. Typi
cal American home life is portrayed
in a way that is truly delightful. The
smallest of three little girls makes you
want to hug her about every two min
utes. Gordon and Ricca, who do the
new dances and show some new aerial
bicycle riding stunts, close the show.
The plot of "High Jinks," which Ar
thur Hammerstein will present at the
Majestic Theater, Thursday evening,
concerns a lot of people and their wives
tangled up in a maze of mistaken iden
tities. Paris and a French bathing re
sort furnish the background. A marvel
ous invention in the form of a per
fume. a mere whiff of which makes
everybody hilarious, keeps the plot
moving gaily along by getting the peo
ple concerned into trouble and out of
it again. When troubles get too threat
ening. somebody only has to wave a
handkerchief saturated with the magic
perfume, and everybody breaks instant
-1) into sung and dance and laughter. A
richly-gowned and pretty chorus add
to the festivities.—Advertisement.
The new show that opened at the
Colonial yesterday contains three acts
of vaudeville, each of which possesses
sufficient merit to hold the place In a
much and costlier show than the
Colonial show. The Kalian Musketeers
are a quintet of musich
them a virtuoso on a variety of instru
ments. and in a Veneclan setting and
In the half light of the stage, they
offer an act that will please more than
music lovers. There is also a dut of
very clever comedians and a monologlst
who has clever patter and good songs.
Embraced in this same entertainment
is the extensively advertised Jesse 1,.
I.asky ft-:iturc film entitled "The Man
On the Box.'' The feature Is splendid
ly played and the detail 111 the scene
equipment is a delight. Patrons yes
terday declared it to he the best big
moving picture feature the Colonial has
yet presented. "The Chimney Sweeps."
in multiple reels, will be a feature in
moving pictures for the last half of the
To-day the Victoria offers another de
tective story with thrilling scenes, en
titled "Detective Hayes and the Dutch
ess' Diamonds." See the exciting ra>-e
in an automobile to eatch the Conti
nental Express. "Through the Dark,"
a two-reel picture of a deep dramatle
quality that will nlease Victoria
patrons, "Her T.ast Chance" is n com
edy by the Keystone players. If you
Ilk-- a story dealing with the bravery
of those pioneers who bla/.ed the trails
across our Western nlains and fought
l.ack the Indians that we might build
homes from coast to coast, then come
and see "Children of the West." in three
parts—to-»~orrow. Wednesday, at the
l.ubin's famous stars, Harry Myers
and Rosemary Theby, will be seen to
day In "The Attorney's Decision." The
girl gives up her sweetheart to marry
a broker who is the creditor of her
father. Me neglects her and her life
is anything but hapnv. Five years
later her old sweetheart Is elected dis
trict attorney. An investigation against
crooked brokers is inaugurated and the
husband heads the list. This Is pro
ductive of intense scenes which in the
end develops into tragedy. "The
Kaisct"s Challenge," a drama of the
present war. showing a French aviator
destroy a Zeppelin and killing twenty
five German soldiers.—Advertisement.
11 ershey, Pa., Sept. B.—A very .suc
cessful harvest home service was held
in Fishburn's United Brethren Church
near here on Sunday morning. The
church was handsomely decorated
with different kinds of fruits and
vegetables. Overtopping it all there
were placed two stalks of corn nearly
fifteen feet high. An appropriate
sermon was preached by tlie pastor,
the Rev. O. (J. Romig. of this place.
His theme was "Apples From the Or
chard." basing his remarks on the
words as found in Songs of Solomon.
: STORE HOURS CALL 1991-AJSY "PHONE. Your Umbrella Recovered "
DAILY FOUNDED 13 "71 J With a good cotton Gloria
8 a. m. to 5J30 p. m . Jf imyVjfj J] Cloth, fast color and water
dvßpNßv J Higher
► a- m. to 9p. m. HARRISBURS'S POPULAR DIPARTMINT STORK Ma,n Fl ° or - b °wman s. <
:The Ladies of Harrisburg and Vicinity Are Specially:
Invited to Attend Sewing Week at Bowman s
\ SEWING WEEK bids fair to be one of the most interesting of the year. Home dressmakers will find all the new materials and accessories to ]
► make up latest style gowns and suits. Models on display made of materials from oar yard goods departments can't fail to interest those who want <
► up*io-dati garments at reasonable prices. See this splendid showing. <
: SEWINCf WEEK New Millinery Display 1 N ' w F aii Ribbon,:
Ir ~ | . v. . 1/ • / AS aA ni Specials For Sewing Week
►cj .!v 1 • IX7l*l. r 2 T\ l N ew Velvet Hats, a Variety of About 250 Shapes
►sed Display in White (jOOdS Dept. Wc have a most wonderful Buy your ribbons here and <
" Towel* Tdfeleeloths and Napkins hemmed free during assortment of these correct *ve an « ma , e J
► dewing Wefek Beautiful materials for all cinds of wear. Gar- I' i f* S | nest quality . 'T-l
► ments made fcf Sewing Week on display. black velvets, bought direct Taffeta and satin nbbcm* <
► All linett bleached Table Damast, in spot and stripe pat- fro !" b * 8 1 t ma . nu < actu ™ rs L'n "| la X s ' va rd 4
► terttS) M indie* wide J 85c quality, at, per yard . !. iSf f » nd , '»°< !cratd y priced. Now ity, all shades, >ard <
L T&itidl Imported Linen Finish Damask, bleached: spc- « the time to test the Bowman Roman stripe ribbon, yard
NiaUt = .HH -y Millinery Department. it o9*tosl.oO
► Turkish Towels, large sire, bleached, hemmed, rcadv for \ / stands unique in Harrisburg sheer Organdie Vestees and
►list, Mill Siding, worth 29c, at *. 20f AW " P for style supremacy and high- Collars for the new Fall <
► The IU quality at. each 11* VVV J; > f ,3SS M,,hner - V 1 , thal . - vo " , can gowns 25* and 50? <
► Colored Bothers, each ................... 2i)f \ /), v V rc a-' n abl c P'ices. I here Laundered Collars and Cuff l
v fintrft heavy, individual towels, used especially for mas- V 'J/p ls j 1 \ a ° V casc <XCI > anc > Sets for the new Fall Suits *
.sage, at, each \ h \ \-A SU,t CVC [ y f ? U r S T" and Gowns, set.. 25* and 50? <
Face Cloths, in light blue, per dozen 48? / \'Af 5 I assortment of stylish Mn)n FIoor _ BOWMAN . B
" Individual Htick Tnwcls. nbin w l,itr ~r red border t sn,- C J / and Russian 1
► cial, per dozen 39* ' t! Colon,als ' 1
► Flaxon Remnants. inches wide, torn selvage, but will f J >ac•\e \t (i ess s iapes. no\ - W«,. r Pli ..LI j.l j„lI„ 1
► not hurt the wear, regular price 25c: Sewing Week vard, 11 f d l t - v fanc - v fca hers ' S old a,ld thamOllCtte \
v 36-inch Corduroy, just the thing f<»r summer skirts, vard. sepon.i !■ i»i.r—row max s sl r r . r „
». m • ttt i Cilovcs ror tjirly ra.ll i
White Crochet lied Spread, full size. $2.00 value, at #J.34> Dra"DerieS FOt" SfiWltlP' WfrGK 1
" Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 1 U1 UC W "CCA. Full and Complete Stocks
► ■ - - - y ou mus t see the rich Oriental effects in draping materials re . i
► '1?1 A A O 1 so
► JLlflrCugC OpOOl for cushions and curtains. Experts will help you plan your Fall Kayser's 16-hutton Chamo- 4
k ° * decorations. isette Gloves, J
K ATOITV Vftliriw rr IVI cushion coverings, boxes, tilling screens, making comforts, ,__
► IVULaf V UCWIOg IflaCnine kimonos, over drapery for cur- GIRDLES 1
*■ tains, for doors, windows and j j! Aj IMlfll fal- liff.-fif* r- ~ „ 1
► A Revelation in Sewing arch ways from to 55? j • j 1 e a " cy Il sln - a H
Machines A - J™"- , . JB I t'eii »t^
► Tit„ 1/1 uj * Sunfast drapery for curtains, |i , NXS/si 'f n < c J ~ 2^l
This wonderful machine tapestry for covering furniture. [ ' . | Suede Vestees ...,o^l
marks without qUGStlon ( boxes and making curtains, yard, J| J® Main i iooi bow mans 1
the preatest advance In f \ :59f to 92.25 j j ■- 1
y sewing perfection made ill j Plain and fancy scrims, voiles; i IK U/UCM IT daimc
scores of years St —"*■ colors white, ecru and cream, col- la fTtIUPI II KAINS
; k «7 " hou-wifc .ml X , SSJ M # 1 }\ COME TO BOWMAN'S
-every dressmaker ohouM y FIB | 14* to 53* per yard. 1 i \ v •» j D • n
see this machine in oper- l White and ecru English laces j 1 !! \ \ lou will hnd Kainy Llay
ation let our demons! ra- with and without finished edges i«i Bargains in every depart
y tor introduce it TO YOU. w'" -•' curtains sash or sill lengths y w
*■ We erivc FEE a full set ~cr - vard to ment.
s a i . . W M i BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. I
of attachments with every " == ■
* $2.00 sends a machine" to fJP
lOS Wash Dress Goods For Sewing Week ;
your home, and SI.OO u week You must see the splendid showing to ap- l 1,500 yards 12j/>c Bates' Dress Ginghams—
pays for it. | preciate the wonderful variety of weaves and checks, stripes, plaids and seersucker stripes.
SPECIAL, DEMONSTRATION materiaK wanteri Yard 9'/,&
i Main Floor— bowman'p. materials wanted. 1 aui • '/-"•
ATT 'DAATTTfI? A"D new S oo<^s <ii rec t from the mill. Fifty new Yard 12'/$$
j ► J* Alv I > V/n/ X JuikJK 1914 stj'les very beautiful for kimonos, 25c I'lain and Check Dress Ginghams fine
► dresses and waists. Special, yard for children's school dresses Yard .... \2
Smart styles for women and misses.. Boys' and Girls' 2.000 yards 10c yard-wide Percales light 25c Similar Silks checks and plaids.
School Shoes. stripes, checks and figures. Yard Yard 15}^^
Women's fine patent colt and gun metal button shoes = == r- _ =
► vr cl0 "' or kid ™Si3grw» , nJ *..< m Beautiful Silk and Wool Dress Goods For Sewing Week
► Women's black calf lace shoes with guaranteed soles, Sec the Splendid display of all the season's best styles and colorings.
y made on the low heeled English last. Blind evelcts .. . 50c yard-wide storm serRC, navy," Copenhagen, Human stripe and plaid skirtings, yard
► Women's gun metal calf and patent colt foxed button Karnot and hlark ' yard 3:tc , , * 2 ;, w " a " d s ?®°
lioots cr#»miiiir» Url l,„ l r ii • i . SI.OO ■l4-Inch French serge, navy and black, yard, SI.OO silk and wool crepes and poplins, 2 and 3-
ooots, genuine kia tops, medium low heels, new rail weights, 75c yar( ] lengths, yard ROc
specially priced at Roman stripe suitings, all the latest color eombi- 36 to 54-inch shepherd check suitings, all siz*
R \t ' a /I r' 1 ' C V, l ou nations, yard 30c ami 50c checks, yard 25c to 92.00
uoys ana IjirlS acnool Shoes $1.25 50-Inch navy storm serge, yard Sl.oo $1.25 gabardine suitings, navy, tete de Negre,
► Boys' gun metal blucher lace shoes with stout soles that flnlTor' d vlrd 0 !" 8 ". " triPe h ' a,k ' RU,S ' an ' CopenhaK " n and French b,ue "
Will wear well— S<»p all-wool storm serge. navy, biack. garnet. SI.OO 4 4-inch crepe woo! suitings, all shades,
C|,.„ in till id brown, Copenhagen and green. Yard toe I Vf! 1 .'.'!.; ■; •, 7Bt "
.>izes 1U to 1 o/2 1h1.151 Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Sizes Ito sy 2 $1 .:«> " 1 ' n-m-, tttTTj- U.II ■II L I ll"
► G j P lu mp gun metal calf and patent colt button shoes BLACK SILKS FOR WEDNESDAY
with durable oak soles— w
Sizes 6to 8 Your wardrobe will not be complete without one of the beautiful Black
Sizes 8/ 2 to 11 Silk (iowns, Fashion's dictate for Fall and Winter.
y Sizes 11 y 2 to 2 $1.49 SI.OO yard-wide black messallne .yard 7»c $2.00 40-inch black satin meteor, yard $1.6»
► Third Floor BOWMAN'S SI.OO yard-wide black taffeta, yard 70c $1.75 36-inch black faille, yard $1.50
► ——— . _ 25 y ard _ wide bla ,, k S (tin Messallne, yard, SI.OO $2.50 36-Inch black satin de luxe, yard $1.98
. « mmw. m t/« m $1.19 vard-wlde black satin messallne, yard. 80c 40-inch black satin panne velvet, yard $1.59
I II I IVI H vl ll X 11.5(1 vard-wide black satin messaline, yard.. 51.19 40-inch black crepe de la paix, yard $1.59
l. i/ X XVW $1.50 yard-wide black satin peau de sole, yd., $1.19 40-inch black slntllate, yard $2.50
_ t $1.25 yard-wide black salin ducliesse, yard, SI.OO 44-inch black faille, yard $2.98 and $3.50
► sewing Week ill our Domestic department will be of great $1.75 yard-wide black sutin duchesse, yard, $1.50 $2.50 40-inch black satin meteor, yard $1.98
► benefit to those who purchase their bedwear here. This week _52.25 40-inch black satm duchesse, Main Fioor-BOWMAN S.
► x y e will make, without charge, all kinds of bed clothes such ar. tt t ATT T) A
Sheets, Bolsters and Pillow C ases, except special priced goods. lAf "
► 10 Dry Goods Items at Half Price— Estimates For Paper Hanging ,
l?rinii rrVi ITsvt- T\ _„„ > For the Fall season out. Wall Paper Department is show
► U/IlOUgn i? or une l/ays oelJing ing an up-to-date line of goods at values that will suit every
► They are all perfect goods, but some are remnants. purchaser. »
► f 7x/2c/ 2c Wall Paper fur kitchen, hall and dining room, some
y I 36-inch Outing Flannel, quality. Yard 6'/ nice florals for bed rooms, borders to match, roll
y J 10c and 12 c Wall Papers, satin stripes and floral ef- | I.lt S BS >
~ " ~ ~ fects for bed room. Fruit designs for dining room, with cut- MffQ ■SlaFkjl
► 27-inch Shaker Flannel, 10c quality. Yard u„t border to (Match, roll 5f
* Special for Wednesday—-We are the only store that car
► 50c 36-inch Wool Flannel, white. Yard 25f ries theße g°° ds - Metallic Wall Paper, in green and gold, for
► living rooms, parlor and halls; regular price <ioc. Wednesday
► TVrnTTmtfQ Gown Depends on the
y 15c Ticking, all patterns. Yard Tfu,f Xr V/ X ivll O »
—— —■ Sewing Week Specials ay 1 s run
► 30c Pride of the West Tubing. Yard Dress Furnishings of all Kinds For Home Dressmakers. Have your dress mate
► zzz? Buttonhole strips, bv vard lOtf . , , , , ,
► ]
_ _________ Pearl Buckles, white and smoked i 15<r Ij here, by our new perfect 1
► (191/r u inrk rr P tnnn, Va rr ~ 1 liuckle l'orins ••••••• to shrinker and finisher. We
12/ 2 c 36-mch Cretonne. Yara ' Darning cotton, all colors, 2 spools . , . , .
Celluloid and stee! thimbles to ."»<• S lve y°U this high-class
J f3sc 86-inch Bed Sheeting. Yard U'/.ci Hon°. Steel and Pear! Bobkins If to JOf service at a nominal low
" - </jf j Elastic, all widths, yard to 18* nHr „ fr<r thek wnrlr
► / Colored Silk Elastic yard 25< *
y 30c White Wool Flannei. Yard isf j ' Aunt f.ydia's 100-yard spool linen finish thread; spool .. 5? L>ress Goods Department—Main
l. —- —— 1 I Initials for marking linen, pack ."if Floor
Main Floor BOWMAN'S, j| Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S S .
SEPTEMBER 8. 1014.