: % GLOVES CALL 1991-AW'PHONE. Miidin WMr : Specials For Saturday FOUNDED 18 71 9M UOXJ.II NC<U ►: Elbow length Silk Gloves. Saturday, pair 75* GM MM* il M A s( * Crepe Gowns—white ground with pink and lavender fig- < ► 16-button length Lisle Gloves. Pair 50* M JW ures; low neck and short sleeves; trimmed with lace and < ; ; 16-button Glovea. Pair 50, JTJ £ < LCtltllCr GOOQS flounces of shadow lace and embroidery njffles, lace and 4 \ Party Boxes-Something new, comb, mirror, file, change purse, HARRISBURS'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORK embroidery insertions, wide ribbon run beading. Special, , BOTT,E ' A " IN PRETTY ' "VSO E. r\ N A JL * Children', Drawers — made of cambric and fine nainsook " Patent leather belts 25* and I Store Opens 9 A.M.; Closes ne cluster of tucks and L J I<R;H k«.HO IN* Lj «I NN 7 hemstitched hem. Sizes 2to 14 years. Special 25* < I Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. ' 1 ~~ • I ■ ■ Children's Drawers — made of fine cambric with cluster of tiny < I =================================== —=—==== ——— ' tucks and hemstitched hem. Sizes 2to 14 years. Special, 4 * ART GOODS Women Are Beginning to Buy """"**♦< Y 65c to SI.OO Package Goods— stamped for embroidery— ® O «7 TN"FFLTLI"Q' Rr F*Tl 11 (\ T ATI' Q f 4 1 consisting of infants' long and short dresses, waists and bureau XHlftlltO VJ It vlllXUi Cll O W CDL 4 scarfs, with enough D. M. C. to finish needlework. Special, 49* - Infants' short dresses of soft, fine nainsook, round yokes 4 * 50c Linen crash Library Table Scarfs, stamped for em- TT" embroidery; lace trimmed at neck and sleeves. Sizes 6 4 ► broidery, at 25* 111 I months, 1 and 2 years. Special 59* ► _____ SECOND Finor- -nowMAN's. Children's rompers of percales and chambrays ; long and ► ~ " ~~ . 1 short sleeves, high and low necks. Sizes 2to 6 years. Special. O 111 1 f* SECOND FIoor —BOWMAN'S 4 J/V/LIIVWUVO % Not the great army of women that will be out in T ______ < ► 18c, 15c and Feather Ticking, yard ........9340 » two or three weeks— just the advance guard. COOL, COMFORTABLE 4 In fancy colors or plain blue and white striped. •, FTYJ YW|JP& / Now is good time to buy for some very desirable • A • 4 ►7c to 10c F ine bleached Muslin, remnants, yard 4%* \. \\ LIPS materials will be hard to find before long—and this is Hl&IT JDRCSSLILFF ACCCSSOITIGS i ► 15c and 12J ?c 36-inch Outing Flannel, yard MM WFC?T/ not a wolf fable. . 7 & "VVVVJOVLLTO 15C CLON FIEL'' YARD ,ERNS ' TL,SSE ARE LO ° M ENDS ' We're showing some very natty styles. Coats from At LIBERAL REDUCTIONS - * in A . \ \LL U Broadcloths are nnnnbr— AND ALREAHV CRARRP r,K AR formations that we are offering, you can dress your A 10 yards to a customer. T \ Up- LUDULIUINS dre popular ana aireaay scarce. hair in a most becoming style and have plenty of ■ 75c Mohawk Sheets, double bed size I dines and poplins and ripple cloths are all in demand. comfort. THEY are made of an unusually ONE quai ► c- 1 11-1 I-IF •« A 1 natural wavy hair, and WHEN they are dressed 4 subject to small Oil spot — slightly soiled. I \ ON your head they will match your hair as to shade * 55c Sheets, size 72x90 inches, center seam ' ► Main FIoor —BOWMAN'S. / /, \ V\ ~ XD V_! (HP IJ~ £\ £\ * A Here are two values that are really wonderful. C WF 4 \ T\R> A DRDTRO // / wUltS Switches of fine hair, 34 inches long $2.45 « DRAPERIES J/ / m —; ; tZE2£: f : J Many housewives will take advantage of these prices for / \J FR[ 1 \ As USUaI we will specialize suits at $25.00 aild i W E F, U ' AR J Y '«!,° >1 AND D s V°' „ , JK J* 4 Fall rleanincr 'II » ILL J ( Mail orders filled. Send full length strands. * ► J" B , , HR we re told they compare well with suits shown elsewhere I SECOND FLOOR—BOWMAN S v* 4 . Remnants of Sunfast drapery materials in lencths from \R \(XF\/V I A, 0 . flf ....... 1 . === . 1% yards TO 2/ 2 yards. Regular prices were 65c to $1.25 yard. ' Saturday, the piece «5<T to $1.75 ' N" P" o6 ® AN " « 11 GNE»* priced suits, sls, S2O and up to SSO A"C XR TITL F\ 1 OIL TTI C ► SC °tch Madras-3 6 inches to 45 inches wide, in cream and A=\ We had a well-known tailor make extra size suits VX Xs/lllUlC tilliO < ► beize. Saturday, yard 250 to 40<! / \ I \ , F TJ J * -I J A , 1 W 4 ► 25c colored border Scrims, 36 and 40 inches wide. All • FO . R US OF OUR OWN ER SE. Hand tailored throughout— HARTFORD AXMINSTER RUGS 4 ► colors to select from. Yard \ I / with hand tinned EDGES and lapels. Nav\ A Another lot of Hartford best Axminster Rugs. Perfect 4 Y 50c Silk Fringe, 3 inches deep, dark blue and brown. Yd., \ / / and black only. WE saved a full in the weave, but slightly mismatched on the seams. Regu- 4 K - /» QQ ► LON 5-inch cluny lace and Battenberg trimmjngs. Pair, _ / |>. Remember that when our assortments are complete A Y AT *P 1 o*l/0 * ► Fourth Fioor-BOWMAN'S. $ • 5 AND |TTTI II ill | that there will be thirty or forty very LINOLEUMS , >. M UMUULJ attractive models here A special lot of new process Linoleums— not affected by ► Mens rurnishings s ..«nu y . t&c < : NEW" Faffi Footwear Only 2 Ihnlta* olExtraordinary Values in : ; merecerized madras; all new patterns. Special FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN A , C •. CI F—l ' I: MTN ; S UFF D RIP!C, I IR FIN£,UALITY OF PERCALC ' COAT A,,A ««„•. VID KID, GU „ M«,.. P..™. C„I, AND TAN s 3>o o August T uriiitiire dale : I ! ► 2°SLHT 1 S BUTTON R ,Z- . ***** OP . F<R there J 1 ; spHced PAI? ! .^..... . " YL ~ «*"" F "' A " D WI "'" $3.00 J I ) L Mens 50c Underwear — medium weight, cotton, fine ribbed, AI I T'" J ' 1' 1* IV L C Hundreds of homes have benefited by the beautiful lines I '< \ 0 \ ► long sleeves ; strap back drawers. Special :?9<& . . C . H ' DREN s plump gun metal and patent colt button shoes AND VA , UES WE HAYE OFFERED SA]E ; , >• Men's Athletic Union Suit-fine quality of nainsook. Spe- with dull kid tops and stout serviceable soles for Pall wear. Impossible to give list of each item, but you will find among < | C ' A ' C' ZES 0,/°. "IV cji O! them the following here to-morrow morning: \ I R | 4 Men s 50c Underwear — shirts only,' balbriggan and white ; nain- ZES , { 2 }° ' \ <TI4O? R *u C -a d i asa O- I h I . sook, athletic style. Special SIZES 11 /to I" j I F-M rr I X?° N I- U & C FIRESIDE Rocker ' M/- Boys' Blouse Waists— percales and madras, plain colors and B °Y S S"" metal button and blucher lace shoes for Fall and $7.00 Early English Settee «4.90 J / neat stripes, attached and separate soft collars. Special. 500 IN^. CR WEAR ' , R J IE,R excellent wear guaranteed. $- 00 Turned Oak Settee *O.XY Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Sizes 9to JPL.49 SIB.OO Mahogany Chiffonier SIO.OO |T 4 Sizes Ito 5'4 $1.69 $19.98 Mahogany Dresser $12.95 ( 1 I'P I % „ # * THIRD FIoor —BOWMAN'S. $15.50 Quartered Oak Dresser ; SIO.OO ° °II ° ° J |«/\TTC* ' II $13.98 Mahogany Chiffonier SB.OO 1 P " f DUVO OOIJLUUI UUIIS TT M « « ™ $21.00 Bird's-eye Maple Chiffonier $13.75 o ® |*J 1 TL 1 N ARE S ' LOVV ' N g A brand new — 4 complete line of Boys' School 29c anil 39c imported fruit or shopping basket — made of F~U *( lothing in fine worsteds and cas- willow and mesh. Saturday special 230 JV '// wff/// I 4 ERES ; All THE newest colors; 98c triangular bathroom mirror- white frame with glass 1 / /"''(P \> S VPTML TI IW ° "T R °" SERS J TQ wel bar attached. Special 490 / / Chiffoniers and D» 1 Q I-A « \ R - \F I patch pockets ;-sewed on belts and $1.50 imported square clothes hamper — made of white wil- I 1 D . N N I X "^ll I i RT# /fj MADE up for good, honest wear.. low, 21 inches high. Quantity limited, to sell at .980 Jl ,\ PNNCESS Dressers, FP 1 O.UTF « >• >■' / j A Prices are 98 c Wearever aluminum saucepan, 2J4-QT. capacity, with // U _ DJDJ JL? I .rv L " j Wearever aluminum cover. Special 490 FJ \\ DFDSS OOQS I\.6UUC€(I IOF L3SF IJSIV I "Visf $2.85, $3.50, 53.88 .Crepe toilet paper, 10 rnUs for .. ......... 25« J\ $45.00 3-ineh poat Brass Bed ► J. Saturday Soap Soscials / s37 '°° BED #27.75 ► A AND *PH*ML! No Phone or C. O. D. Orders Filled on Soap V" — $29.00 Brass Bed $22.75 ► Y \)S HFI '"•* ' ANTS 1" KHAKI 10 cakes P. &G. Naphtha Soap .380 ® I $24.00 Brass Bed '. sl9 95 ► V M AI WO °LCN materials. I.OC'O pairs JO cakes Pels Naphtha Soap 380 =- ■« nil _ S2OOO Brass Bed M to select from, at 500, 750, 850, 10 cakes Ivory Soap 380 0 ® T7M R R1 < |V SI.OO and up to $1.75. ' _ V - $17.00 Brass Bed $10.75 < lr THIRD. FLOOR — BOWMAN'S. Preserving Jars jj ==__— —- wry $12.00 BRASS BED $7.75 , |: Sale of Blark QILLRC 'K. % Extra Reductions on Mattresses < ' w" ff I , , OLLKS S!NAN"\%^DOUBL/SAFETY Z JARS clear* glass with glass top— ""W"" C>RESST "- *>«> ™ SMS < RRI I°L. ! SATURDA Y O °" E THE LAR G ES T collections of Pmt'dozen 750 Ouarts dozen 850 Chiffoniers and QJ- $9.00 Roll Edge Felt Mattresses $5.45 . , Black Silks EV- shown in our Silk Department. Su"e Seal 2-auart' Urs. doz£ SUOO P " NCESS dressers, » 1 1 .SFD $12.00 White Felt Mattresses 4 F \ard-wide Black Satin Messaline, yard 890 Tin Top Jelly Tumblers, dozen 160 < K I ard-wide Mack Satin Messaline, yard SI.OO BOWMAN S BASEMENT .... . N . TTT iT T Ti A TVT>T* Yard-wide Black Taffeta, yard. = WLn If Raint W ALL JtAFER J Y Yard-wide Black Peau de Soie, vard .. $1.09 and $1.19 AN/ JL.LLO CXOOQLS CLIXCX XM/1116113 • TRA '?' IT thinking is the first step toward right action, and ' K Yard-wide Black Heiv-aline VARD .... • L • Yard-wide Black Satil, < -ti'oman. Vard '" s{*so WH WCANNG C ° M « T0 DOWMAN S mates given for paper hanging in city or country. I ► 40-inch Black Pussy Willow Taffeta, vard $1.95 white Batiste I NCHES wide'-" torn ' 'selv'aee'' Ree'ular N M 'LU U T A I,NE OF WALI P A P ERS AT 3C U Yard-Wide Black Charmcuse .yard ...' 950 Yard Regular 39c You will find Rainy Day ROLL - S °! D W,T H borders to match. 40-inch Black Sintalate vard «-> ML I : T a ........150 J J A line of metallic wall papers at roll — former values 4 ► I* • pi I Table Damask, 64 inches wide ; a good assortment of patterns _ were 60c ► TIZCU Black SUCICS vird £J*2? ***« FRO "\ I i C « ULA J R 59C quality Yard ... ..37*0 Bargains in CVery depart- A large and varied assortment of new papers that arrived '► 40-inch Black L'annc \ Clva <ilk vird LO Crochet Bed Spreads, full size, hemmed ready for .use. this week for living rooms, halls and bedrooms. Prices range INCH I>LDCK vain N„cr $ IAN . V D '»ERENT patterns to select from. Special ...SI.OO ment. from 60 to 250 roll. R < Main FIoor —BOWMAN S. BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor. 4 % A Jk Ai A Us, A A /*- a A A .A . . 8 "5 Crawls Under r. Eos Car in the Course o: h's Gv.inj Around t!:c yrr'rl Circle Special to The Telrgrcph Pittsburgh. Pa.. Aug. 28.- —Dr. Mar tin G. Brumbaugh, the Republican nominee for governor, followed up his opening of the fall campaign with FRIDAY EVENING EEKRRJSBURG £&&& TELEGRAPH AUGUST 28, 1914. • a rush yesterday and came back to this city after a swing around ] the circle in which he demon strated that he Is a campaigner from away back. Senator Pen i ere spent the day In Greene county, going to the Waynesburg fair i where he met hundreds of peole in a j Democratic stronghold. Dr. Brum i baugh remained in Allegheny county. , To-day the Senator started for Har rlsburg. Dr. Brumbaugh in rapid succession, as fast as speeding automobiles could carry him, visited the Allegheny County Teachers' Institute in Car negie Music Hall, the Pltcalrn shops, the Westinghouse Electric and Manu factoring Company's In East Pitts burgh and the Edgar Thompson works of the Carnegie Steel Company, in Braddock. The candidate, occupying the first of two autos. left the Fort Pitt Hotel at 9 o'clock in the morning, grabbed a 25-cent lunch in a Pitcairn restau rant—wherein the proprietor said he would work his hands calloused striving for the Philadelphlan's elec- I tlon— and continued on his way until time to get back to the hotel and catch a train for Huntington. The Brumbaugh party left shortly before 8 o'clock last evening for Hun tingdon, where the .candidate to dress a "home-folks" meeting. On his Pittsburgh tour, Dr. Brum baugh was a guest of J. E. Hindman and J. R. Wylie. both of Wilkensburg, | the latter being a candidate for the legislature In the Tenth district. In I the party also were J. Kurtz, of Al | toona, former District Attorney; .1. IW. Leach, of Ebensburg, Cambria . . county, and for part of the time D. | E. Hunehan, of Bast Pittsburgh. The addresses to the county teach ers, which was full of human Interest, was, however, devoted absolutely of politics. At Pitcairn the candidate showed j his qualities as a "mixer" in a way I that first took the breath of those traveling with him. Crawling under a box car, which was being repaired, the candidate started in on a discussion of wearing qualities of different kinds of lumber with the carpenter nailing some planks into position. "You know," he excused himself to his high-collared party, after he finished a talking with the overalled carpenter, "I spent some years in a lumber camp." Some of those following the candi date said they detected an insight in- i to what Dr. Brumbaugh as Governor' Brumbaugh might be when he would climb down into a pit to shake hajids with a man turning down flat car wheels. "I know some flat wheels," he volunteered, "I know right well where they ar» —I can learn something from you." Arriving at the plant of the West lnghouse Electric and Manufactoriog Company, In Eeast Pittsburgh, Dr. Brumbaugh met President E. M. Herr, j Alexander Taylor, manager of works, but he displayed liveliest interest in J. S. Brumbaugh, superintendent of buildings and equipment, a cousin. "Just worked his way up—self made. You've got to take off y»ur hat to that kind," the candidate con fided to those about him. At the Westinghouse works but a few minutes, the partv movtd to I Braddock, where superintendent C. E. Dinkey, of the Edgar Thompson works, of« the Carnegie Steel Com pany, and others connected with the plant, ploleted the party through, a trip In which they witnessed the pour ing and mixing of many hundred tons of steel to be rolled Into steel rails, and inspected the plant's marvelous sanitary arrangements for employes. Dr. Brumbaugh met a number of the employes. At the end Dr. Brumbaugh announced he had enjoyed the day's experience Immensely. "I want to meet the voters, as many as possible, personally. I want them to see what sort of a man they are asked to vote for Governor, and then have them Judge for themselves. "JOSBPH IN BOYP" More than lovers"of BlblicaJ stores will admire "Joseph In the Land of Egypt," the new feature film that came to the Coolnlal yesterday, and which wUI remain the rest of the week The story of Joseph Is one of the most ln trestlng In the Bible, and with a splen did cast of players and gorgeous scenes, the story Is as fascinating as any tale of fiction. It is enacted by James Cruse and Marguerite Snow and a notable Thanhouser cast. For the flrst half of next weelt the management is announc ing the widely discussed George Klelne feature entitled "Spartacus," wnlch they say Is the most beautiful and most cost ly feature they have yet presented at wie Busy Corner.—Advertisement. "Thar's a heap o' comfort in looking on the dark side o' life cheerfully."—Charles Clark Munn 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers