Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 26, 1914, Page 9, Image 9
"Wly Is tic Wise Man Wise? Iccanse le leads aid Uses Telegrapti Want Ais" l I Where. September first spells "moving day" to many Harrisburg- families. Is yours one of them? Where will you move to? It's time right now to be looking about for the new place if you are to be nicely settled before school opens. The best way to go about it is to sit right down now and carefully go over the FOR RENT ads in this issue of the Telegraph. Whether it's to be a flat, terrace, duplex, a single or double house is for you to determine. The choicest list of vacancies appears on the classified page to-night. Make up your list by localities, so that you save both time and street car fare. If you don't find just what you want to-morrow go over the FOR RENTS in to-morrow night's Telegraph and make up another list for the next day. And when it comes to moving, remember the reliable, careful movers advertise in Telegraph WANT ADS. • « DIED FEESF.R Celma Oleva Feeser died August sr., U. 30 A. M.. aged four months, itsughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Feeser, 15 South Chestnut street. Penl>rook Private servi.es Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock, at Snoop's Church. Baby can be seen this evening between the hours of 7 and 9. Harry Musser died this at the home of his son, C. E. Musser. 17io Hunter street, aged 91 rears. He is survived by two sons. B. F* an.l Charles E. Musser, of this city. Member of Post 58. Burial Friday, at - P M. Services will he in charge of the Rev. \\ . N. Yates. Burial In Harrishurg Cemetery. flil'X 1) FOUND Floating down the river, steel boat. No. 24. Owner can have same by calling at 1920 Fulton street and paying for this ad. FOUND Satisfaction without extra «.targe at Egbert's Steam Dyeing & French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street Try us for your clothes sake. Both phones. A prompt delivery ser vice. . LOST LOST A Shrine pin, with ten or twelve rubles, between Nineteenth ana Market streets and Reading Station, or in Reading Station. Reward offered II returned to 21 North Nineteenth street. LOST Bunch of keys in the 1800 block, on Susquehanna » ,reet , If returned to Department of Publ'c Grounds and Buildings. UK.. I' WANTKTD —Hale WANTED —A bright and industrious bov to learn the drug business. Apply at" Boher's Drug Store, 209 Market street. WANTED At Pennsylvania Industrial Re formatory, Huntingdon, Pa. A VACANCY exists on force of officers of the Pennsylvania in dustrial Reformatory requiring the services of a practical shoe maker. who thoroughly under stands the manufacture of shoes of different grades as used in the Reformatory, and repairing of same, to take charge of shoe shop and to instruct inmates In the trade of shoe making. A perma nent position to the right man. Working hours eight hours daily. Apply to T. B. PATTON. General Superintendent, Huntingdon, Pa. Wanted—General Agent. For Harrisburg and vicinity to handle a new invention; sells in every house and store for 50 cents; exclusive terri torv; vou can make 160 weekly; 8.000 sold in week's time: small capital need ed . a real opportunity. Address Box 1811, care of Telegraph, and firm's rep resentative will call at your home. WANTED Experienced Suburban Lot Salesman. Preference to on© with some knowledge in advertising—who a live, hustling, ambitious worker for Auction L«ot Sales. Apply to A. C. Yourtg. 26 North Third street, Harris burg. Pa. DAUPHIN] 8 Miles From Harrisburf V 0 Train* South 7 Train* North 10 to 20 Minutes' Ride Dauphin la a good place for your home If you want to live In a *ut>- urhin town. FOR SAI.E Juniata Street—A 2 H -story frame house with eeven rooms. Lot 27x106 ft. Prompt possession. Price. VOOO Erie and Schuylkill St*. Two frame houses; one has six rooms, the other three rooms; stable on I rear of lot. Lot is 50x90 ft. Price. entire $-',OOO Sh atara, Juniata and Canal St*.— A 2 H-story frame house with eleven rooms cemented cellar. Stable, woodshed and ice house. Lot 102 x 75x77 ft. Price 92.000 Erie and Church Sta.—A 2%-story frame house with nine rooms and basement kitchen—front and back porches. A variety of bearing fruit trees. Property Is In good condi tion. Lot 100x120 ft. A bargain at 93.20p Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonds Locust ud Court Streets V_—_ WEDNESDAY EVENING HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 26, 1914 HELP WANTED —Male i WANTED Young man, about 18, to • assist in house-to-house soliciting; sal ary, $8 per week; increase monthly; ex perience not necessary, willingness is. Address Q„ 1777, care of Telegraph. WANTED First-class, general , blacksmith. Apply at once, 6 North Tenth street, B. C. Murray. , LIFE INSURANCE Assistant su perintendent to take charge of six men; straight salary. Address A., 1786, care I of Telegraph. • WANTED Four first-class brick layers. Wages. 60 cents per hour. Ap ply at once to Mifflin Creamery, Mifflin, HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Salesladies for the Millinery Department. Wm. B. Schleisner. WANTEI Widower wants house keeper middle-aged woman with ex perience. For Particulars address C. D. E., care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED, AT ONCE Lady house to-house demonstrators, on the 20-Mule Team Borax. Good salary will be paid to those who can qualify. None but ex perienced need apply to 708 Capital street, between 4 and 5 o'clock daily. WANTED Middle-aged (white) , lady can find good home in small fam ily of two; no children; no washing; must be good cook and ironer. Address Box 179U>, care of Telegraph. WANTED Millinery apprentices. 1306 Market street. M. C. Glass. WANTED A capable, steady white rirl for child's nurse, between 18 and n. Wages. $5. Apply 1727 North Sec ond street. BRIGHT WOMEN WANTED to take orders steady employment; sls weekly easily made; samples loaned without! expense. For full information address Nutley Handkerchief Works. Nutley, New Jersey. WANTED <— Experienced stenog rapher and bookkeeper; references re quired; none but experienced need ap ply. Apply Neighbors Motor Co.. 120 Market street. GIRLS WANTED to learn the trade of cigar making, packing and in the shipping dept. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500 Race St. LEARN DRESSMAKING JOIN our summer class. L#arn fit ting by measurement. Tha art cannot be taught right any other w; y. Make all your summer dres~.es while learn ing. Works Dressmaking School. 22 North FGourth street. WANTED A white girl for house work, in suburbs, on car line, twenty minutes' from city; give reference. Call 1218 North Third street. City. WANTED An experienced sales lady for Millinery Department. Apply Astrich's. Fourth and Market streets. HELP WAN TED—Male and Female WANTED An experienced solici tor, lady or gentleman Roshon's Studio, 8 North Market Square. . RANTED Boys, girls, men l2 to 30 to learn telegraphy in spare U.T? position guaranteed s6O to | 1200 per month. Apply 230 North Fif teenth street, Harrisburg. AGENTS WANTED ALL AMERICA EAGER for greatest selling book of generation. "Modern Europe, Causes and Issues of the Great War." Thrilling illustrations. Low price. Best terms. Extraordinary op portunity. Splendid sample book free. Universal House, Philadelphia. SITUATION WANTED—MALE WANTED Work; man 35; obliged to accept anything, own business slack. | Address A. Z., 1785. care of Telegraph. WANTED Young, married man de sires work of any kind; can furnish good reference. Call, or address. 226 Chestnut street. Room 17. a WANTED A young, married man wishes position of any kind. Address H. D. L, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored man, married, 29 years old. wishes work of any kind; sober and Intelligent; four years' ex perience in grocery business. Call, or address. 232 South Fifteenth street. Harrisburg. WANTED Chauffeur wants posi tion; experienced; can do own repair ing Apply 335 Kelker street. WANTEU By colored man, house i work of any kind, or waiter. Call, or 1 address, 405 Bailey street. City. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Middle-aged woman de sires practical nursing, or care of el derly woman; can give physician's ref erences; moderate prices. Address 80S North Sixteenth. WANTED Position as house keeper for refined gentleman In city; no objection to one or two children. Ad dress H„ 1780, care of Telegraph. WANTED By High School student, work for evenings; has had experience in Ice cream parlor. Address H.. 1788, care of Telegraph. WANTED By colored girl, light housework, or nurse. Address Martha Jones. 388 South Fourth street. Steel ton. Pa. WANTED By reliable white wo man. washing to do at home. Call 1327 I North Sixth street. j SITUATION WANTED FEMALE |> WANTED Situation at general housework by a colored woman, in the city or in the country. Address C., 1783, | care of Telegraph. I WANTED By'two girls, positions ias ticket seller and piano player in I theater. Address 8., 1779, care of Tele graph. I WANTED By a woman, general | housework, cooking or chahmbermaid. ' Call, or address. 28 Linden street. Situations Warned Male and Female ' WANTED —By man and wife, posi tion as chauffeur and cook. Address X.. 1773, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOH SALE ! FOR SALE A very attractive lot fronting 50 ft. on Oyster Point Ave., | Camp Hill, with a depth of 160 ft. Price ] attractive. Brinton-Packer Co., Second j and Walnut streets. I FOR SALE New bungalow, within Isc carfare of city. This property was built by the owner for a home, but now : must sell, and is offering it for $1.650.00. See H. G. 110 South Thirteenth Btreet. | FOR SALE —At Washington Heights ! —2 -story frame dwelling all mod ern improvements large lot stable \ —shade and fruit trees. Trice reason able. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and I Walnut streets. j CRESCENT STREET PROPERTY I FOR SALE No. 340; 3-story brick : dwelling; 8 rooms; all Improvements; side entrance; excellent condition; ten ! minutes' walk from Fourth and Mar i ket. F. E. Crist, 340 Crescent street. FOR SALE B% acres good lima ; stone land with improvements, at Luts town, along Carlisle-Harrlsburg trol ! ley. For particulars call at Lutztown, or address Mrs. G. B. Lutz, R_ D. No. 1, Allen, Pa- Bell phone 802-4. FOR SALE Penbrook property; lot, 180 ft deep; 7 rooms and finished at tic; excellent location; four doors from trolley Just off Main street on Boas. Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at SI,BOO. M- J. Sheaffer, 263# Penn street. Penbrook. FOR SALE A plot of ground 45x 64 ft., on the corner of two paved streets; will consider an exchange for new improved property. Address M. J. 1 Early, 221 Woodbine street. FOR SALE Three-story brick house, with all improvements. Call, or address, 219 Reily street. City. DON'T BUY A LOT 20x100 FT. You can purchase one acre at Peachorchard for 1150. Easy terms. Fifteen minutes' walk from L trolley, Harrisburg. Beau tiful, healthy location. Seeing is know ing. C. B. Care and Sons. Care s Grocery, Linglestown, Pa. FOR SALE Three-story building at Enhaut along trolley line; cost to build, $3,000.00. Can be changed into three dwelling houses at little expense. Price. $2,200.00. Very easy terms. In quire at East End Bank. FOR SALE 8 per cent net invest ment offered In two brick houses—all modern Improvements. Prices, $2,100 and $2,200, respectively. Invest money where It is safe. Bell Realty Company, Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 809 North Six teenth street cottage construction—• 9 rooms bath gas and electric light furnace porch price is right and little cash needed. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. $ $ $ $ WILL BUY the property at No. 44 North Thirteenth street lO rooms— bath gas furnace—porch. Possibly Just what you want. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building FOR SALE 1844 Derry street—2 story brick 7 rooms and bath steam heat front and side porches. Lot, 30x150 ft 1217-1219-1231 Mulberry street—2V4- story frames 6 rooms each. Lot, 45 * x 74 ft. . BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. THREE NORTH STREET HOUSES FOR SALE Two are corner proper ties —» 8 rooms bath gas—furnace —porch. Lots, 21x96. Price for each. $2,400. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing THIS IS NEW BUY one acre or two at Grand View, "overlooking" this city and "Jacob's Plains," one of the most beautiful, de lightful plots on God's Earth. See and be convinced. Ten to 15 minutes' walk from Harrisburg Railway Company's L car from Square. Prices .from SIOO to $lB5 per acre. Monthly payments. A better description at 409 Market street, Harrisburg. C. B. Care and Sons. Care's Grocery. Linglestown. Bell 5325, United 37Y. HEAL ESI'ATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Seven-room house. Address Box 206, West Fairview, Pa. FOR RENT. AT PERDIX Wayne Cottage, furnished. Attractive price for remainder of season. Apply to A. C. Young, 26 North Third street. Bell phone 713 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy a building lot of not less than 50 ft. front, along any trolley line entering this city for a 5- cent fare. Address K., 1791, care of ITeiegraph. WANTED To buy a house up town, between Broad and Woodbine streets, direct from owner. State price. Address all communications to Box J, 1787, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT THREE unfurnished rooms for rent for light housekeeping to man and wife. Inquire at 1423 Derry street. ROOM FOR RENT All conveni ences and use of phone. Address A. E. 8., care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, or a well-aired and lighted cor , ner four-room flat, with all Improve ments; rent reasonable. 114 Washing ton street. FOR RENT Two furnished, com- I municatlng front rooms; all conveni ences, also use of phone. Call Bell phone 1424W, or apply 203 Pine street. FOR RENT. — Two rooms for light housekeeping; one furnished, the other unfurnished; also one furnished bed room; gentleman preferred. 1402 Mar ket street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with all conveniences; private family; quiet and refined neighborhood; excellent location; rent reasonable. Ap ply 721 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two communicating rooms to bath, second floor front, fur nished for light housekeeping; all con veniences; use of phone; gas for cook ing 925 North Sixth street. Call Bell phone 610 W. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Five rooms and bath; modern flat; all conveniences; strictly up-to-date. Apply 1609 Murket street. FOR RENT Unfurnished (front) room on third floor, In desirable location; rent reasonable. Apply 1644 Market street. FOR RENT l>urnlsl.ed rooms, single or en-suit.; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reterence required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Three rooms, desirable for business or apartments; all improve ments. Apply No. 9 North Fourth street. FOR RENT Six young women, or men, can have comfortably furnished or unfurnished rooms at moderate prices, with reflned, private family. Address 8., 1789, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two furnished or un furnished rooms, for light housekeep ing, near trolley line; use of bath. Call Bell phone 926 R. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with running wuier; boarding by meal, Jay or week. Apply 1001 North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with all conveniences, including use of bath, with private family. Ap ply 1620 Market street. FOR RENT Furnished room, with large bay window; all conveniences. Apply second apartment of Hoffman j Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; com fortably furnished rooms near center of city for rent. Apply Menger's Restau rant, 110 North Second street. FOK KENT FOR RENT ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located offices. Inquire for Superintendent in Business Office of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS, can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT Desirable offices, in Franklin Building, No. 212 Locust street. Janitor service. Electric ele vator. Rent reasonable. Apply Union i Real Estate Investment Company, on premises. FOR RENT Two office rooms; rent reasonable. Apply at Room 204, Trus tee Building, No. 8 North Market Square. FOR RENT Store room at 1010 j North Third street; possession Septem- I ber 1; $35.00 per month, including steam heat. Apply Norman B. Kurzenknabe, I 1010 North Third street. FOR RENT Store room. 1200 North Third street; 32x100; 14-foot ceiling; one of the best rooms In the city. Ap ply J. S. Sibla 256 Herr street. AFAKTMENTb FOK KENT FOR RENT ONE unfurnished Housekeeping Apartment, three rooms and bath, in cluding kitcuen; also two rooms and bath. Apply Penna. Realty 6c Improve ment Co., 1«2 Locust street. FOK KENT ONE unfurnished apartment of five rooms, including batn and kitchen; window shades lurnished; garbage ele vators, storage locker; fronting on Lo cust street! immediate possession. Ap ply Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. : FOR RENT Second and third story housekeeping apartments, 268 North street. Bell phone 46J. WANTED WANTED~"— Loan of $6,000.00 at 5 per cent, on first mortgage. Address Box 1782, care of Telegraph. WANTED To buy, a milk route. Address R. H.. Box 77, Camp Hill, Pa. WANTED lOO second-iiand bi cycles and motorcycles we have great demand for tnern highest cash prices paid. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North 'ihird street. United phone 19 W. BOARDERS WANTED WANTED Boarders by the week or month, gentlemen preierred; rail road men, au conveniences. Caii 1626 Wainut street. STUDENTS WANTED WANTED —A few students in ele mentary or advanced mathematics or mechanics. J. W. Miller, Prot. at Le uigh. call 303 Chestnut street. FOK SALE FOR SALE Counters, cases, shelves, tables, desks, cabinetmaker s tools, account system, pianos, piayer pianos, violins and other musical merchandise, before September 1. Kur zenknabe. 1010 North 'ihlrd street. FOR SALE 2OO good comforts, slightly soifisd, at any reasonable price. Address Wilson College, Chamoers burg, Pa. FOR SALE I have a yftung cow which I will sell cheap to quick buyer. Address Mrs. W. Haney, Aqueduct Sta tion. Pa. FOR SALE Cash grocery store at 610 Maclay street, two squares from P. R. R. station. BUY your traveling ana leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A large consignment on display. Specialties made tu order ana repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Co.. Second and Chestnut. FOR BALE Harley-Davidson mo torcycle; 2-speed; twin cylinder; elght horse-powei , fully equipped with tan dem. Good a-> new. Bargain If sold at once. Address P. O. Box 143, Hershey, Pa. FOR SALE Stylish, open, rubber tire buggy. Inquire Seventh and Clin ton streets. FOR SALE Shoe repairing* place doing good business. Good reason for selling. Apply 244 Hummel street. FOR SALE—Six full-bred Scotch Col lie pup. G. A. Mowrey, Fifteenth street. New Cumberland, or call Bell phone 3449 R. FOR SALE One Cadillac Touring Car—in good condition— at a very low price. Call Bell phone 2978 J. FOR SALE Michigan Cash Regis ter Keys from lc to $20.00 used one month in good condition; also computing scales in good condition— cheap to quick buyer. Apply 312 Cherry street. FOR fiALE At Gable s. 111-llv A Second street, 5,00u Sets New Sash, 8x 10x12 L, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE lOO solid wooden chairs at reasonable prices. Apply C. Fry, 1114 Market street. GLASS window 4igna. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Boaid and Table Board at 25c each, one of these signs will be given with each six-tune order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at OiUcu of Teie grapn. FOR SALE One good wagon. Ap ply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. FOR SALE National Cash Register, total adder; coffee miii, meat cutter and balancing scales, counter and counter cases. 324 Strawberry street. FOR SALE, CHEAP Two aood work horses; can be seen at stable of Ensminger Lumber Co. Twenty-sixth snd Derry streets. FOR SALE 1913 Indian motorcycle; fully equipped; first-class condition Will sell cheap. Crescent Garage 919 Uvrtle avenue. FOR SALE FOR SALE CARDS on sal* at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Oak mantle, with mir ror. May be had cheap by quick pur chaser. Inquire at office of C. L Long, Green and Woodbine streets. FOR SALE A whole lot of racing pigeons and a loft of breeders. High class, imported pigeons. 500-mile win ners. Also the fastest 600-miler that ever Hew In Harrisburg. Pedigrees and diplomas go with the birds. Apply 443 Broad street. FOR SALE One of the best Restau rant stands in the city. Will sell cheap if sold before September 1. This stand is well known and a good opportunity for some one, married man preferred. Apply to Box 1784, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE At Gable':, 113. 115 and 117 South Second street, s,Uuu gallons New Era ready mixed paint. Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROCERY AND MEAT BUSINESS in Harrisburg, doing a nice business. A good bargain if sold at once. Reason lor selling, other business. Address J., 1781, care of Telegraph. I MADE $50,000 in hve years in the mall order business, began with $&. Send for free booklet. Tolls how. Uea cock. 355 Lockport, N. Y. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798. Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn lurniture. our beat efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Giuck. 32U Woodbine street. hauling B. W. LATIIU, Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine an eels. Bell phone No. 2503 R. Harrisburg Paste Works 1211 N. Cuiueron Street PAPERHANGKRS', billposters' book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L. S. HALDEMAN & CO., Carpenters and Builders Job work promptly at tended to in any part of the city. Es timates cheerfully furnished by call ing Bell phone 3622 M. BUILDING ALTERATIONS AND RE PAIRS Plans and estimates furnish ed. Work promptly attended to. Call D. F. Lesley, Contractor and Builder, 1217 Derry street. Bell phone 3215 J. $7,600.00 ACCIDENTAL DEATH—S2O to SSO WEEKLY Accident and Sick ness—Men and Women accepted. All occupations Premium, $lO a year. Half Benefits, $5.00. Large commissions to agents. National Accident Society, 320 Broadway. New York. (Established 1885). FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1860. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. LOANS —SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in lnstal. .ents to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co., 204 Chestr' t street. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cenla per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. STORAGE IN 8-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G, Dlrner, Jeweler, 408 Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private room* for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage ratea South St. and Penna. R. R IN MEMORIAM IN sad and loving remembrance of Anna May Fritz, who departed this life August 24, 1912. Her mother, MRS. KATE HECKENPORN. LEGAL NOTICES THE following ordinances were read In the City Council at its meeting held Tuesday afternoon, August 11. 1914, and are published as required by Article V, Section 111, Clause X. of the Act ot Assembly, approved June 27, A. D. 1914; AN ORDINANCE To authorize the paving and curbing of Marketletreet from he west side of Nineteenth street to the east side of Twenty-first street, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained I by the Council of the City of Harrisburg and It is hereby ordained by authority of the same, That Market street from the west side of Nineteenth street to the east side of Twenty-first street, be and the same is hereby authorized to be paved with sheet asphalt, on a con crete base and curbed with granite, granolithic or steel-bound granolithic curbing, the cost and expense thereof to be assessed acccrding to the foot front rule, said cost not to exceed two j dollars per square yard for paving and j one dollar per linear foot for curbing. | Section 2. That all proceedings and | work incident to the Improvement | herein authorized shall be taken and done, and the cost and expense thereof shall be paid for and the assessment levied on the abutting properties shall be collected as provided by Ordinance No. 19, Session of 1914-1915 and Ordi nance No. 24, Session of 1914-1915. Section 3. That the sum of Twenty seven Hundred ($2,700) dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the fund known as "Paving Street Intersections," Ordinance No. 111, Session of 1914-1915, to pay the costs of paving Intersections of any highways with Market street, as here inbefore provided. AN ORDINANCE To authorize the paving and curbing of Nineteenth street from Market street to Chestnut street, and provid ing for the payment of the cost thereof. Section 1. Be It ordained by the Council of the Cltv of Harrisburg and It In hereby ordianed by authority of the same, That Nineteenth street from Market street to Chestnut street, be and the same is hereby authorized to be paved with sheet asphalt on a con crete base, and curbed with granite, granolithic or steel-bound granolithic curbing, the cost and expense thereof to be assessed acording to the foot front rule, said cost not to exceed two dollars per square yard for paving and one dollar per linear foot for curbing. Section 2. That all proceeding? and work incident to the improvement herein authorized shall be taken and done, and the assessment levied on the abutting properties shall be collected as provided by Ordinance No, 19, ses sion of 1914-1915 and Ordinance No. 24, session of 1914-1915. Section 3. That the sum of Eight Hundred ($800) dollars, or so much thereof at may be necessary, be and the tame is hereby appropriated out of the fund known as ''Paving Street Intersections" Ordinance No. 111, ses sion of 1914-1915, to pay the costs of paving intersections of any highways LEGAL NOTICES with Nineteenth street, as hereinbefore provided. AN ORDINANCE To authorize the grading of Brook wood street from Seventeenth street to Sixteenth streets, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same. That Brookwood street from Seventeenth street to Sixteenth street, as marked upon the City Official Plot, be and the same Is hereby authorized to be graded; the cost and expense thereof to be assessed upon the abut ting property owners according to ben efits, aprovlded by law. Section 2. That all proceedings and work incident to the improvement here in authorized shall be taken and done, and the cost and expense thereof shall be paid for. and the assessments levied on the abutting properties shall be collected as provided by City Coun cil Ordinance No. 19, sessions of 1914- 1916. Section 3. That the assessments for the grading of said highway be and the same are hereby appropriated to the contractor for the payment of the cost and expense of the said grading. CHARLES A. MILLER, Clerk of the City Council. Office of the Clerk of the City Council, Harrisburg, Aug. 12, 1914. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the Au ditors appointed by the Court of Com mon Pleas of Dauphin County, to audit the accounts of the School District of the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, have filed their report, which contains the following: Receipts from all sources for fiscal year $648,668 10 Balance on hand at close of last fiscal year 163,093 47 Grand total $811,761 67 Expenditures $553,258 52 Cash in hands of Treasurer, 258,503 05 Assets 1,761.103 05 ■ i.ities 1,212,000 00 Excess of assets over lia bilities 649.103 05 That the aforesaid Auditors' Report was presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County on August 24, 191-* and by the said Court ordered to be filed; that the said Auditors' Report was filed on August 24. 1914, to No. 186, September Term. 1914; that the same will be confirmed absolutely unless an appeal is taken therefrom within thirty days after the filing thereof. HENRY F. HOLLER, Prothonotary. DEPARTMENT OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, CITY OF HARRISBURG, PA. August 23, 1914. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements up to 12 o'clock nOon of Friday, September 4, 1914, for the reconstruction of the SEWER in CUMBERLAND STREET and also for construction of SEWERS in CAMERON, MONROE and MACLAY STREETS. Blank bids and specifica tions may be had on application. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. W. H. LYNCH, Superintendent NOTICE PETER QORBITT, who enlisted as a private In Tompany K, 64th Pa. Vol. Infty., at Harrisburg, Pa., in August, 1864, and was discharged at Camp Pa role, Maryland, May 31, 1865. Anyone knowing himself to be his heir will find it to his advantage to write to JESSE C. WILEY, Attorney, Del Norte, Colo. Physical Culture Talk at Orpheum Tomorrow Physical culture as a profession and a pleasure, instead of a fad, will be the theme of a talk for ladies only to be given at the Orpheum Theater, : to-morrow afternoon after the regu-' lar matinee, when Miss Roehm, of I the Roehm Athletic Girls, will address ! them. The girls are really skillful and the glow of health they possess shows they are not of the hothouse variety. Miss Roehm, who will talk to the ladies, is the pretty blonde, who at leach performance goes through a rou tine of exercises that can be done with advantage by beginners. Aside ifrom this little routine, the quintet of girls do more skillful and advanced athletics,'such as fencing, boxing, wrestling and bag punching. Miss Roehm says the at this special per formance she will give the inhermost secrets of physical development, which to her mind should be interesting to every woman. _ . | Camp Hill Property FOR SALE 8 room liou.se, all Improvements; \ situated on tlie trolley at the corner J of Moore and Market streets. Gar- ' age, chicken house, shade and fruit trees, one-half to two acres of ground. W. F. KENDALL 228 North Third Street, Harrisburg, I'a. FOR SALE OR FOR RENT New two-and-a-half story brick dwelling, slate roof, electric light, Menm heat, stationary tubs, and all modern Improvement*. Roomy 20 * ft. porch. Montour and Elm streets, I'a* tang. Apply to A. 11. Halley, | 814-01H North street, llarrisburg, or at X. H. Loser's Store, I'axtang. PUBLIC SALE OF LOCAL STOCKS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1914, 10.30 A. M. IN FRONT OF COURTHOUSE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, HARRISBURG COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY Opportunity will ho given to purchase above stocks in odd lots. Right 1* reserved to reject any bid, and to withdraw any of said securities from sale. Terms, cash: but, where desired by purchasers, the vendor will ar range for loans upon securities purchased to the extent of 75 per cent, of the purchase money; or. If preferred, for the entire purchase money, upon approved additional security. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY EXECUTOR AND ADMINISTRATOR. THE MARKETS PHILADELPHIA PRODVCn By Associated Press • Philadelphia, Aug. 26. Wheat —» Higher; No. 2, red, spot, export, $1.04® I.08; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, 11.25 @1.30. Corn Lower; No. 2, yellow, local, 92093 c. Oats Higher; No. 2, white, 51H® 62c. .Bran Steady; winter, per ton, *28j00@28.50; spring, per ton, $26.50® Refined Sugars—Market unchanged; powdered. 7.10@8.35c; line granulated, i.00@7.25c; confectioners' A, 6.90® 7.15 c. Butter The market Is firm; western, creamery, extras, 32c; nearby prints, fancy, 35c. Eggs The market Is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. SB.IO per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $7.20@7.50; west ern, extras, firsts,. free cases, $8.10; per case; do., firsts, free cases, $7.2007.50 per case. 6 Poultry Steady; fowls IT ®l'Hc; young chickens. 110 20c; spring chickens, 16019 c; broiling chick ens, 17 @27 c; old roosters, 11012 c; ducks, old, 12013 c; ducks, young, 13® 14c; geese. 15@17c; turkeys. 19@20c. I Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 9<4@>2oHc: do., fair to good, heavy, 17 018 c; average receipts, 17018 c; small, 13® 15c; old roosters, 13u: roasting chick ens, fancy, 16@18c; broiling chickens, nearby, 16020 c; -western, 15 ® 178 c; capons, large, 23® 25c; do., small, I8(0i 20c; turkeys, fancy, 24@26c; f? lr . 20@23C; ducks, U@18o; geese, 11 @ 16c. Potatoes Easier; new, per barrel* • 1.60(fr)3.50; do., Southern. per barrel* 75c®$i.60; Jersey, per basket, Ss@4oc. Flour—The market Is firm; winter, clear, $3.8504.10: straights. Pennsyl vania, new, $1.60 @4.90; spring straights, $5.2505.50; do., patents, $5.6006.75; western. $4.2504.40; patents, $4.50® 4.75- Kansas straight. Jute sacks, $4.15 @4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00@4.20; stHghts. $4.2004.30; patents. $4.35® Hay—The market Is steady; tim othy, new. No. 1, large bales, sl9.f>Uirf 20.00; No. 1, medium bales, $19,000 19.50; No. 2, $17.50018.50; No. 3, $14.50® 15.50. New clover mixed. Light mixed, $17.50018.50; No. 1, $16.00@17.00; No. 2, $14.50015.50. CHICAGO CATTLE V I By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Aug. 26. —Hogs—Slow\ Bulk of sales, SS.9O 09.25; light, $8.95 09.40; mixed, $8.7009.40; heavy $8.50 @9.30; rough, $8.5009.30; pigs, $6.50® 8.50. Cattle Flow. Beeves, $6.60@10.50; steers. $6.2509.30; stockers and feed ers, $5.3508.00; cows and heifers, $3.70 @9.10; calves, $7.50010.60. Sheep Dull. Sheep, $4.8005.75; yearlings, $5.7006.70; lambs, $6.25® 8.10. Public Sale of Real Estate The undersigned executor of the last will and testament of Martha Plum, late of the borough of Chambersburg, County of Franklin, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, by virtue of a power contained In the last will and testament of said decedent .will offer for sale In front of the Courthouse, in the City of Harrisburg, and State of Penn sylvania, on Wednesday, the 16th day of September, 1914, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the real estate of the de cedent. situate at No. 155 South Eighteenth street. Harrisburg, Pa., bounded on the north by lot of Ben jamin T. Allen, on the east by an alley; on the south by lot of Joseph Revie, on the west by Eigh teenth street, having a frontage on said street of 17 feet 6 inches, and running back an equal width a dis tance of 80 feet to center of said alley; and having thereon erected a 3-story brick house, containing 8 rooms, kitchen and bath. This prop erty Is in good repair and Is a fine home. Terms will be made known on day of sale, by W. O. MCKI.AS, Executor, Chmiiberaburs, Pa. Auctioneer, John T. r.nmtilnger, Harrlaburtc, Pa. 1 J Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate Thursday, September 10, 1914. All that valuable farm, known as the Michael B. Moyer farm, situ ate 1 mile east of the famous Her shey Chocolate plant, on the road leading from ITerry Church to Pal myra. will be sold by the undersign ed on the day and date above named. The farm contains about 140 acres of good limestone soil In a high state of cultivation, good buildings and good fences; good apple or chard and plenty of well and cis tern water. The buildings are a large 8-room brick dwelling with a large brick summer house adjoining, large bank barn 50x90 feet, stone gables, a large frame wagon shed with cribs and Implement shed attached, and a large frame pig sty. The farm is In the heart of the Hershey milk market and for other markets Hershey and Palmyra are not excelled by the cities. There la market for everything raised on the farm. The macadam roada make marketing a pleasure. For schools. churcheß, recreation and pleasure Hershey offers the best that can be had outside of large cities. Any one desiring a farm with ad vantages of good soil, fine location, good roads, convenience to church, school and markets can find no bet ter place In Dauphin or Lebanon counties. Call on the undersigned. Derry Church, Pa. HARRY S. MOYER,, Agent for Heirs. ' MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLB and others upon their own names Cheap rate*, easy payments, confident tlal. Adams A Co. R. 804. I H. Market l(| THE Harrisburg Poiycnnlo Dlspen* sary will be open dally except Sundai at t P. M.. at its new location, ml North Second street, for the free treat" ment of the worthy Door. 9