SIMS BUND >1 PB TOMORROW March King Will Have Many Fa mous Cornetis/s With Him; Announce* Program JHH B SOUSA Wif enough that is new and thor- appetizing in the realm of musi" that applies to the hour and the tew ahead, new things from the everproliiic storehouse of Sousa crea tion, and an abundance from the best Ihit/s of all tho past, John Philip Sovfi will come with his band and spr/ial soloists and Herbert L. Clark, co»etist, to-morrow and appear at prftang Park. As always, the pro- Krrtn for this presentment is to be replete with the latest and best things frfm Sousa's own creation and such i/iers as are worthy to go with them i rounding out a rich and all-satisf}'- ig music feast. The program for to- i jororw afternoon will be as follows: Overture, "Carnival Ttomain," B«r --itoz: cornet solo, "The Debutant 1 ," /' larke. Herbert I>. Clarke; suite, /'People Who T>ive in Glass Houses," '/Sousa, (a) "Th« Champagnes," (b) /"The Rhine Wines." (c) "The "VThls / keys: Scotch. Irish and Kentucky," 'd> I "The Cordials;" soprano solo, "Romeo and Juliette," Gounod. Miss Grace Hoffmon: Prelude in G Minor. Ttach tuaninoff; Intermission; "I a llhuntcd Forest." from suite "Forest Spirits," McDowell, (a) "Handel on theStrnnd" (new). Grainger, (b) marcX "The Lambs" (new), Sousa: vio/in solo, "Rondo Capriccioso." St. SaMis, Miss Susan Tompkins; Twelfth Jlhapsody, Liszt. ORPHEI'M OPENS TP-DAT This is the big da»v in L«cust street, for tt brings the annual sfason open ing of the Orpheum Theater. Harris burg's home of high-cla# vaudeville. Wilmer & Vincent have sent to Har risburg a neat arrangeiijfcnt of enter tainment for the openifg week, con taining at least four ronedy acts out of the usual complemen of seven, and laughs always go a loifc way toward making a show take tt hot weather. "Hiram on the Farm'7ls the big fea ture of the week. a real laugh ing number in whichjpeven people, to say nothing of the pig. present a rube skit abounding in mejriment. Grouped around this is an njray of acts that will measure well ill to the standard long ago in this cityfor vaudeville by Wilmer & Vincent. The policy pur sued in seasons go/e by will he con tinued. with two/shows daily and prices popular.—^vertlsement. BOY'S \ lt>l/\ M Pt'TATi:F> Special to hit 'J elegraplt Sunbury, Pa., Aig- 17.—Surgeons at the Mary M. Bfcker Hospital, Sun bury, amputate save his life, the doc tors said. FARMER/ HAND CRUSHED Sped t0 The Telegraph Marietta. • 11 • Aug. 17.—Isaac S. Landls. a tfmer, residing near Lan dis Valley,/as badly injured Saturday by having/ s hand caught in the cogs of a corn Acting machine. Suits IRRITATED, ITCHING SI islam quickly masters stubborn Ec- z Ja. Clears complexions overnight If'es away Rashes, Pimples and all Optional troubles. There is nothing yPoslam that can pjsslbly harm. It is it the right antiseptic treatment for /rns, cuts, scalds, abrasions. Relieves inburn. Takes soreness out of Mos /lito-Bites, Ivy-Poisoning. Rapid and /spendable in action. After every ap plication you can feel that It is doing rood. I Your druggist sells Pcslam. For free Sample write to Emergency Labora tories, 32 West 25th Street, New York Poslam Soap used daily for toilet and bath, renders the skin soft, clear and healthy. Soothes if tender. 25 cents and 15 cents.—Advertisement. Credit at all Department and Cash Stores I AT CASH PIUCKS Buy where you please. We pay the bill. Pay us a little each week. Call, write or phone. ORDER SYSTIM> BELL PHONE 3748 R. MONDAY EVENING, AllSummer Merchandise | Sale Starts To-morrow (Tuesday) and Continues Until Saturday, August 29th jll DAYS the BIGGEST VALUE GIVING EVER ATTEMPTED. UNMATCHABLE BARGAINS EVERY DAY iWhen the Store Opens Tuesday Morning, You Will Want to Be Among the First to Get In j f Ce WOMEN'S AND MISSES' m WOMEN'S AND MISSES' [See f I g Oh! What a Bargain Feast Sirs £°£ *9C « { / A Made of Pure Tan IJnen; very desirable • _ £a n pongee and pure linen coats, % and " # I (I styles; sizes 16 to 38. f* VV7 n T* iff* pi 11 f* O full length, handsomely trimmed and emhrotd- f\ % , Every Woman & Every Miss Should Secure Some sl/osto : " s - j{ I 1 S WOMEN'S AND MISSES' of these STUNNING SUMMER DRESSES at Less I WOMEN'S AND MISSES' nr 1§ J I Wash Dress Skirts than the Price you would Pay for a Good House Dress Cloth Coat Suits |== ) ON Formerly Sold Up to $1.50 . , Formerly sold up t* $18.60 "*■ ON ? Tliis season's styles. Materials of IJnen and r , , <4| 4V f wi® a,l .",I!! 001 n ' at " ia,s ' p " , «y styles. % Rep in plain white and colors. I Mm ~ . .. . IkJ B fl K| H rr„ L? pe ?" df, „ p *Sno and can be C j) . lp Only this season's I 111 I ' f< "' f ""' "»-««« «q J) 1 I styles, mostly long wll V v "7 „ J J WOMEN'S AND MISSES' va D ' . . ' 5 T Small Women s tJ on c S S Whi't»r na t For Women's and Misses' Russlan tunl ". ln thc For Women's and Misses' PI 11 T I - UU S Pr I Sale f value. Sale o o Russian tunics, tier and plain tailored models. to $ 2 - 00 - to $3.50. f|C*. t Price | p r i ce JJC II 1_ price.. ? VC Sale price... 5,30 ) OWNERS HERE ENTER HORSES AT LEBANON Best Horses in Central Pennsyl vania Will Be Run at the Big Fair Races at the Lebanon County Fair August 18, 19, 20 and 21 this year are attracting a large number of owners fro this city. The following have en tered horses: G. S. Peters, of Pal myra will run Palmyra Nig in the County novice which carries a purse of S2OO and will be run Tuesday, O. F. Green of Highspire will run Tomr my Thorne and Silver Mine also in this race and the first horse is enter ed in the 2.50 pace Wednesday which carries a purse of S4OO, B. F. Ober of Penbrook will run Nancy Hale in the novice race and also has entered Jun ior Baronagle in the 8.16 trot which will be run Friday for a purse of $4 00. Among others in this region who have entered horses are G. W. Snyder of this city whose Uneeda Patchen will go in the 2.50 pace, and later will run in the 2.50 pace, J. M. Witmer, Car lisle who has entered Kid Harvey in the 2.19 pace for Wednesday, are W. H. Spangler of York, whose Eddie G. will enter the 2.15 class for Thurs day's race. HOW TO CLEAR AWAY PIMPLES Bathe your face for several minutes with Resinol Soap and hot water, then apply a little Resinol Ointment very gently. Let this stay on ten minutes, and jWash off with Resinol Soap and more hot water, finishing with a dash of cold water to close the pores. Do this once or twice a day, and you will be astonished to find how quickly the healing, antiseptic Resinol medication soothes and cleanses the pores, removes pimples and blackheads, and leaves the complexion clear and velvety. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap stop itching Instantly and speedily heal skin humors, heat rash, sunburn and chafing. Sold by all druggists. For free trial size, write Dept. 30-R, Resi nol, Baltimore, Md.—Advertisement. Places That Figure in Daily War News ANTWERP —A city of Belgium re garded as its principal fortified strong hold. Although sixty miles from the sea it is still one of the greatest sea ports of Europe, because the broad and deep Schelde river gives it an excellent outlet. Its population is almost entire ly Flemish. Under Emperor Charles V It is said to have been the most popu lous city of continental Europe. At the middle of the sixteenth century it had a population estimated at 125,000. The great fairs held then attracted the merchants of the civilized world. Under the Spanish regime it declined, and in twenty years fell to a population of 55,- 000. The treaty of Westphalia closed the Schelde to seagoing vessels, and it was not reopened until the French did so In 17H4. Napoleon undertook a re vivify the city, but It was surrendered to the English in 1814. It began to grow again, but was almost ruined in the military operations of 1830. rid thereafter. Netherlands retained the right to levy navigation dues on the Schelde, which laid a heavy hand on Antwerp until 1863, when it was com muted by the payment of about $7,000,- 000. The city and river are defended by a number of advanced fortresses and by ramparts eight miles long. Part of the environs can be placed under water. The fortifications were built to serve as the rallying ground for the Gelgian army in case it was overpowered in the field by a superior force. CHAHIiEROI (Char-Iyeh-Rwa) A town of Southern Belgium on the Samhre river, some twenty miles above Namur as the crow flies, and about twice as far by the river. It is the cen ter of the Iron district of Belgium, and enjoys water communication into France as well as across Belgium. It was ceded to France soon after it was founded, and was fortified by Vauban strongly that it twice held out against the attacks of William of Orange. The fortifications later were razed, but It was refortified In 1816 by the order of Wellington. These fortifications were finally dismantled in 1859. HASSRLT The capital of Belgian Limburg, at the junction of several im portant railroads. It hiiß many brew eries and distilleries. It Is famous for its great septennial celebration of the Day of the Assumption, ir. honor of the Virgin—under the name of Vlrga Jesse. On these occasions, the date of which is August 15, the town Is converted in to a forest of firs, by the collection and planting of trees and branches from the neighboring forests. Hasselt is on the main road from Masstricht to Ant werpt. DEATH FROM DIPHTHERIA Special to The Telegraph Pellnsgrove, Pa., Aug. 17.—Robert Charles, 7 years old. died here last night from diphtheria. Antitoxin was administered without avail. Measures are beine taken to prevent a spread of the disease. HXRRISBURG TELEGRAPH AT PAXTANG PARK The bill at the PaxtanK Park theater for the comins week will have as its feature attraction George Fredo and Annita Primrose, two musical comedy stars, who present some live wire mu sical comedy stuff together with a series of character studies of well known stage personages. This is one of those bright, snappy acts that is real bigtime material. Ed Winchester, monologist. will be heard with a new bunch of funny stories and up-to-dat«. parodies. Fields and Brown present a novelty singing stunt Interspersed with Your complexion nttdf DAGGETT & RAMSDELL'S ■ PERFECT COLD CREAM Used by the slit* of New York Society for twenty-tluree years end still thei* favorite Imparts health and beauty to the skin, smoothes away tho marks of Time, brings Nature's bloom to sallow cheeks, discourages unweleome lines and wrinkles. Improve your looks the best cold cream la tho store. * Atlantic City, Cape May, Wild wood, Ocean City Anglesea THURSDAY Avalon Sea Isle City 5-DAY TRIPS Stone Harbor August 20 EXCimSIOV TICKETS Rood on all regular trains to seashore destination on date of excursion. #54.25 ROUND TRIP $4.00 ROUND TRIP Via Delaware River Bridge Via Market Street Wharf KHOM HAHltlSHtilKi STOP-OVER ALLOWED AT t'HII.ADEI.I'HIA ATLAN TIC CITY SUNDAY EXCURSIONS August 23 and 30 Round $3 00 Trip BY 61 ECIAL THROUGH TRAIN I.raving Harrlsburg «.00 A. M. Returning, leave* Atlantic City (So. Carolina Ave. Station), 7.05 P. M. TICKETS GOOD ONLY ON SPECIAL TRAIN For full Information eonault handbills or nrareat Ticket Agent. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD a smart line of comedy conversation. "Annitta and Her Jesting Juggler Wil lish" is the title of a combination talk ing and juggling act that will appear on this week's bill' as a guaranteed laugh producer, while the Three Keloes will be seen in one of those comedy knockabout stunts that never fails to please at any stage of the game. Sousa and his famous band will occupy the big pavilion on Tues day afternoon and evening. The vau deville performances will start again on Wednesday afternoon for the bal ance of the week. AUGUST 17, 1914. ' How About That Vacation? We are ready to furnish you with Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks and other travelers' accessories, sell 'em to you at call again prices. Your careful inspection invited. Same old stand, South Second, corner Chestnut. Harrisburg Harness fe? Supply Company k ) Why have so many men been reg ular smokers of KING OSCAR 5c CIGARS For 23 Years? Why have so many men's wives used this brand of soap or that make of cocoa? KNOWLEDGE OF QUALITY REGULARITY IS THE REASON The standard nickel smoke for 23 years „.... .1-wrm* Try Telegraph Want Ads. Try Telegraph Want Ads« 5