iLike a Jm ■ SHADOW JheyFollowYou! Everywhere and always Telegraph WANT ADS are with you. No matter what you want or when you want it there's always a copy of the Telegraph in reach if you really mean business. This is the reason Telegraph WANT ADS always bring such good results. The Telegraph covers the city and surroundings like a blanket and is al ways available to the man or woman who want. DIED NISSLEY J. Paul Nlssley, aged 45 years, died Saturday, August li>. 1314, at Park View Hotel, Bethlehem, New Hampshire. . Funeral Wednesday, August 19, 1914, at 2 o'clock P. M., from his late resi dence, Main street, Hummelstown, Pa. Burial Hummelstown Cemetery. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend without further notice. FRICKMAN On Sunday iporning, August 16, 1914, at 10:30, Henry Frlckman, 1725 Susquehanna street, aged 71 years, 1 month and 15 days. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the Augsburg Lutheran Church. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend without further no FOUND FOUND Satisfaction without extra c.large at Eggert's Steam Dyeing & French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street. Try us for your clothes sake. Both phones. A prompt delivery ser wmmmaa._. LOST LOST Small, black purse with s4l In, on Pefter street, between busque hanna avenue and Third street car. Ke pvard if left at Telegraph Oftlce. LOST Saturday evening, Paxtang or Victoria movies, memorandum boon, containing addressee, etc. Of n ° X"'"® except to owner. Finder please address M. E., care of Telegraph. LOST —Friday evening at Paxtang Park. H. H. S. 1914 class pin. R. H. A. on back. Reward if returned to this oftlce. _____ LOST Between Second and Walnut and Short and Walnut, or Fourth and Walnut to Boas, on Saturday evening, three dozen of white aigrettes; Reward If returned to Telegraph Oflice. LOST At Mt. Gretna, on Thursday, « small open-faced R°ld watch. Reward if returned to 1421 Berryhill ■————— —— W AN TISP —Male " WANTED, AT ONCE A good barn builder to butld barn near Dauphin. Addresß 8.. 1743, care of Telegraph. WANTED ■— Two neat, young men for counter work; reference required. Apply Rustic Dairy Lunch, 5-7-9 bouth Third street. WANTED lO,OOO men. You will be the loser if you lay this paper aside without reading the Advertisement — Millions In Oil—Appearing on another page. WANTED Men to add to their income by selling during their spare time* experience not necessary. Address P. O. Box 335, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Two neat-appearing young men under 22 years of-age, to travel. Those willing to work for $lB per week call beforo 8:30 A. M. and after 6 P. M. R G- Chichester, Central Hotel. _____ WANTED A registered drug clerk by the Hull Drug Co. 28 North King street. Lancaster, Pa. WANTED lnsurance agents for or dinary department; two good producers; salary and commission paid. Answer by letter only, giving reference, experi ence and amount written. Scranton Life Insurance Co., Kunkel Building. WANTED Four good carpenters. Apply on Maclay street, between Third HiXP WANTED —Female WANTED Four young ladles, neat, under 23 years of age, to travel on high class proposition—those willing to work for $lB per week. See A. Fordon, Metropolitan Hotel. WANTED —A neat, reliable girl for housework. Apply at c:-.ce at 212 Fors ter street. • GIRLS WANTED to learn the trade of cigar making, packing and in the shipping dept. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500 Face St. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Middle-aged white wo man for general housework: must un derstand plain cooking. Apply 613 Herr street. WANTED Woman for general ,housework In family of three. No chil dren. Apply to Mrs. F. B. Snavely, Hershey. Pa. WANTED Competent white cook; middle-aged woman preferred. Call 2006 North Third street, afternoons and evenings. LEARN DRESSMAKING JOIN our summer class. Learn fit ting by measurement. The art cannot be taught right any other Make all your summer while learn ing. Works Dressmaking School. 22 NorthFGourtl^treet^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Which C«rner? Southeast corner of Swatara and Twenty-first streets. Plot 40x100 ft. Northeast corner of Swatara and Twenty-first streets. Plot 80x100 ft. Both plots are on the market at quite reasonable selling figures. Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL ESTATE Plre Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets MONDAY EVENING, TELEGRAPH WANT ADS BRING RESULTS AGENTS WANTED WANTED lnsurance agents for ordinary department; good producers; salary and commission paid. Answer by letter only, giving reference, experi ence and amount written. Scranton Life Insurance Co., 710 Kunkel Build ing. WANTED, AGENTS Good, hustling men to sell Paints, Oils and Special ties. Good money to be made by good, live hustlers. Pullman Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. SITUATION WANTED—MaIe WANTED—Chauffeur, colored, sober, honest, reliable, licensed, good mechanic and repairman, wants steady position where real work is appreciated. Refer ences furnished. Address G.. 1738, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Young girl desires po sition as telephone operator or clerk in confectionery store; nave had some ex perience. Call, or address, 1606 Wal lace street. WANTED White woman Wants general housework in small family. Ad dress Mrs. Ida Hare, Third and Market streets. New Cumberland. WANTED Young girl desires po sition in diningroom or in confectionery store. Call, or address, 1621 Wallace street. WANTED Young widow (with child two years old} wishes position as housekeeper; for widower preferred. Address, or call, 608 Brlggs street, City. WANTED Colored woman wants position as cook. Apply 511 North ave nue. WANTED Colored woman wants day's work. Apply 618 Walnut, Rob inson. WANTED A position as a working housekeeper, or upstairs girl at hotel. Address S. C., 1751, care of Telegraph. WANTED by colored girl, general housework or second work. Can fur nish reference. 207 Nectarine Ave. WANTED A lady would like to go to the seashore with a respectable fam ily as child's nurse or mother's helper. Address P., 1752, care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman wants work of any kind. 1110 North Eleventh street, Harrisburg. WANTED Woman, with child fif teen months old, desires housework; good home in preference to high wages. Call, or address, 112 South Second street. WANTED Colored girl wants po sition as child's nurse or light house work. Call, or address, 303 South Tenth street. WANTED • Middle-aged white wo man desires day's work or offices to clean; can furnish best of reference. Address P. O. Box 345, Lemoyne. Pa. HEAL Eai.Vl E FOK SALE FOR SALE—Corner plot 60x125, at Camp Hill. Price $550. $2300 will buy a brick house on Catharine street, all Improvements. Rented at $lB. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. S3OOO will buy a single property lo cated in the suburbs, 7 rooms, bath, gas and electric lights, steam heat, large porches. Bell Realtv Co., Berg ner Building. FOR SALE Two Calder street houses, near Sixth street, offered at $3900 for both. No. 1315 Derry street can be bought at a most reasonable price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. HOUSES FOR SALE on easy pay ments; you pay rent and you can pay on your property monthly. Get our revised list and consider purchasing. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOK SALE BVi acres good lime stone land with Improvements, at Lutz town, along Carlisle-Harrisburg trol ley. For particulars call at Lutztown. or address Mrs. G. B. Lutz, R. D. No. 1. Allen, Pa. Bell phone 902-4. FOR SALE Three-story building at Enhaut along trolley Una; cost to build, $3,000.00. Can be changed Into three dwelling houses at little expense. Price, $2,200.00, Very easy terms. In quire at East End Bank. FOK SALE Penbrook property; lot, 180 ft deep; 7 rooms and finished at tic; excellent location; four doors from trolley Just off Main street on Boas Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at SI,BOO. M. J. Sheaffer, 2636 Penn street. Penbrook. FOR SALE Just completing four brick houses, in good section of hill % block from trolley. These properties are well built, equipped with gas and electric light, gas and coal range hardwood finish and are offered tor $2600. Apply H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Uptown corner prop erty: lot, 24x130 ft. to drive allay. Death reason for selling I will consider quickly any reasonable offer. Address Real Estate, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE—Three-story brick house on Chestnut street, near Seventeenth all Improvements. Price $2850. S2OOO will buy a suburban house, 6 rooms and bath. Bell Healty Co., Bergner Bldg. I'OR SALE—Why pay rent when $l5O cash and monthly payments of $20.00 each will buy a 7-rooni brick house. Bath, pantry, gas and electric lights, steam heat. 8-ft. front porch, side entrance and lot 150 ft. deep. Price $2400. Apply H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Three lots In Edge mont; 135 fruit trees on lots. Terms, S7OO cash. Good spring water. Frank Goodment, Twenty-third street, Edge mont REAL ESTATE—FOR SAT/F FOR RENT 1642 North Third street; 3-story brick; house formerly occupied by Dr. E; Z. Shoop, now occu pied by Dr. Russell; 11 rooms and bath; possession at once. Inquire John C_Gledr, 1729 Green street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE GOOD paying general store, close to Harrisburg, for sale or exchange for good real estate. Address G„ 2075, care REAL. ESTATE FOK KENT FOR RENT Cottage, by week, fur nished, along Conoaoguinet creek. Ready to occupy. Use of two boats. Twenty minutes' walk from car line. Good fishing. Apply to W. H. Myers, St. James Hotel. APARTMENTS FOK RENT FOR RENT—Furnished apartment centrally located. Price reasonable; all conveniences. Address 81754, or call Bell Phone 3251 J. FOR RENT—Apartment consisting of 4 rooms and bath, all improvements. Immediate possession. Apply 1542 N. Sixth street. 1.. Silbert. ROOMS FOK KENT FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, with private bath and board, for couple In private family; desirable location; reference required and given. Bell phone 1021 J. FOR RENT Two large unfurnish ed rooms, all improvements, on the Hill; middle-aged couple preterrsd; use of phone. Call 128 Balm street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Apply 35 North Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences; rent reason able. Apply 710 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished, second lloor front room, near Capitol Park; use of phone. - Apply 209 State street, or call 1543 L. FOR RtlNT—Two nicely unfurnished rooms, with large balcony attached; third floor; all conveniences; between Capitol Park and Front streets. Rent reasonable. Address Box 1753, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with running waier; boarding by meal, day or week. Apply 100 l North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. FOR RENT burnished rooms, single or en-suit;; all conveniences, In cluding phone; reierence required. Ap ply 1016 North Front street. FOK KENT FOR RENT—Dwelling 1323 Wallace street, to siuall lamily, 6 rooms and attic, water in kitchen, paved street, good locality. Inquire 10V Boas street, oetween 6 and ti p. m., or Boom 6, 429 Broad street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Utiles. FOR RENT Flat, four rooms and bath, second floor front. Apply 8. iueitzer, 613 Walnut street. FOR RENT ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located oitlces. inquire for Superintendent in Business Ultiue of Telegraph. FOR RENT Store room, 1200 North Third street; 33xluu; 14-toot celling; one of the best rooms In the city. Ap ply J. S. Slblo Herr street. VYA.Vi.EiJ WANTED Private family on Alli son Hill desires two men to room and board with them. Rales are reason able and include use ot Bell pnone. v\ rite, or call, 1031 negma street. WANTED lOO second-hand bi cycles and motorcycles we have great demand ror tnuiii hlgnest cash prices paid. Eeysione Supply CO., 1114 iMorth_'iliird street, united. phone If »V. STUDENTS WANTED WANTED —A few students In ele mentary or advanced matnematics or mechanics. J. W. Miller, Prof, at Le high. Call 303 Chestnut street. FOK SALE FOR SALE One 1913 Hupmobile Touring Car, In tine condition; snap lor quick buyer. Apply JNoignuors Motor Co., 120 Market street. FOR SALE Wardrobe trunk. In perfect conuition. Call, or address, 1403 ±\urth Front street. FOR SALE Stylish, open, rubber tire buggy. Inquire seventh and Clin ton streets. ji'Oß SALE, AT BARGAIN PRiCKS— New and second-hand house seating steam boilers. Inquire H. F. Quickei, iso. 123 Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Good Jenny Lind buggy, $75.00. Address 171 North Fif teentn street, City. FOR SALE National cash register, total adder; 5-pound cottee mill, scales, counter and counter cases. Apply. 324 Strawberry avenue. FOR SALE At Gable's, 111-117 S. Second street, 6,00u sets New Sash, »x 10X12 L, primed and glazed, at »1.10 per set. Also other sizes. SAVINGS SALE —Butter selling for 3»c We sell best butterlne 5 pounds tor" 88c. Special for two weeks. Deliv ered to all Parts of city. 1006 North 'fhlrd street. Bell iSoW. FOR SALE At Gable't, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street. 6,000 gallons New Era ready mixed paint. Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. CHEAP Pleasure and business auto, newly painted and In running con dition. Apply to C. A. Fair, East End Mulberry Street Bridge. AT BARGAINS 1 rubber-tire 6 to 8-passenger bus, 1 Dayton, 4 business wagons, 2 buggies, 1 milk wagon, 1 bread wagon. Apply to C. A. Fair, East End Mulberry Street Bridge. FOR SALE A number of jeweler's tools, including one "Rivet" lathe, all In good condition. Prices reasonable. Address H., 1750, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One Henderson; elec tric lights; equipments; tandem; tires good as new; machine in excelent con dition; cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1317 Derry street. FOR SALE —English Bull Terrier pup, price $5.00. Inquire 220 Brlggs St., or Peliter line stable, 31 North Tenth street. Jjl.n. AUTOMOBIEL OWNKK, If you have an auto you want to sell, let us get a buyer. No sale, no pay, la our way. If interested consult us. Key stone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at th* Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE —Five-passenger touring car in good condition, lately overhaul ed, worn parts replaced by new; will sell cheap or exchange for light road ster. Bell phone 9, P. O. Box 166, Dills burg, Pa. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished liooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. On* of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid In advauc«. Inquire at Office of Tele graph. FOR SALE One IDI2 Regal Road ster, first-class condition, $425700. Ad dress Box 1748, care of Telegraph. FOR BALE lce Cream Garden, Quick Lunch and Restaurant "doing fine business," will be sold to quick purchaser at a sacrifice. Reason for selling, other Interests to look after that takes all of ray attention and time. Address P. O. Box 104, Lewia burg, Pa. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOR SALE BUY your traveling and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Co.. Second ana Chestnut. FOR SALE Bed couch, two iron beds, chairs, kitchen cabinet, invalid's reclining chair, washstand, book shelves, refrigerator, library table, rug 9x12. Call evenings or Saturday after noon, 916 North Second street. FOR SALE Reo automobile; twoi cylinder, 1909 model; top, windsheld, speedometer, two extra tubes, two Woolworth tread, almost new, tires; car In excellent condition. First $76.00 takes it. Apply Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Well-established (mo torcycle, bicycle, etc.,) business. In very good location, doing good business. Reason for selling. For particulars ad dress Box R,, 1747, care of Telegraph. WANT to meet gentleman with capi tal to finance the manufacture of a Patent Top for Milk Bottles. Address Inventor, care of Telegraph. I MADE $60,000 In Ave years in th« mall order business, began with $6. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. ANY intelligent person can earri good income corresponding for newspapers: I experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 7(8. Lock port N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERINO with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. 8. N. Gluck. 220 Woodbine street. HAULING H. W. LATHE, Sourdine Stable and National Transfer Co, Movers Of F ilanos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phons No. 2603 R. 5. HALDEMAN A CO., Carpenters and Builders Job work promptly at tended to in any part of the city. Es timates cheerfully furnished by call ing Bell phone 3622 M. $7,600.00 ACCIDENTAL DEATH—S2O to SSO WEEKLY Accident and Sick ness—Men and Women accepted. All occupations. Premium, $lO a year. Half Benefits, $5.00. Large commissions to agents. National Accident Society, 320 Broadway, New York. (Established 1885). FOR falling hair try Gross Qulnins Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 110 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg. Pa LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co., 204 Chestnut street. STOKAIxE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street Both phones. STORAGE IN Si-story brick building, rear 408 Slerket street. Household goods In clean private rooms. Heaaonable rates. Apply to P. G. Olener, Jeweler. 408 Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. It. R. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Geo. W. Barnes, late of Harrisburg, Pa. (Second and State streets), Dauphin county. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersign ed residing in Harrisburg, Pa., all per sons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement, CLEMENT STUDEBAKER, Executor. AUGSBURGCHURCH SEXTON IS DEAD For Many Years He Drove Horse Cars of City; Sewed in Civil War Henry Frlckman. aged 71 years, 1726 Susquehanna street, For many yeara a driver on the old City Passenger Rail way Company lines, for some time sex ton of Augsburg Lutheran Church, died at his home yesterday. Mr. Frlck man had been ill only a short time. The survivors are his wife, one daughter. Mrs. C. Hauseman, and three sons, John and Edward, of this city, and Howard, of Lancaster. The funeral wil be held Wednesday afternoon Services will be conducted by the Rev. A. M. Stamets, pastor of Augsburg Xjutheran" Church, assisted by the Rev. Peter H. Bals baugh, pastor of the Sixth Street Unit ed Brethren Church. Burial will be made in the East Harrlsburg Cemetery. Henry Frickman was born in Dover, York county, July 1. 1843. He came to Harrlsburg when n young man, and was employed by the City Passenger Railway Company. When the electric lines supplanted the horse cars Mr. Frlckman remained in the employ of the Harrlsburg Traction Company and later the Central Pennsylvania Trac tion. For five years he has been sexton at Augsburg Church. Ho served dur ing the Civil War In the First Penn sylvania Volunteer Artillery. He was a member of Post 68. Grand Army of the Republic. MRS. KAUTZ DI'RIKI) Funeral services of Mrs. Laura E. Kautz, aged 58 years, 1103 Cowden street, were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the lecture room of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church. The Rev. J. W. Moore, assistant pastor of Pine Street Church, Third and Pine streets, officiated. Burial was made In the East Harrlsburg Cemetery. FUNERAL OF MRS. HOOPBS Funeral services for Mrs. Ida V. Hoooes, aged sfi years, of 1021 North Third street, were held from the funeral parlors of F. C. Neely, 908 North Second street, this afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Burial was made In the East Harris burg Cemetery. HIIRY MRS. KBMtEDY Funeral services of Mrs. Ellen Ken nedy, aged 75 years, widow of Robert J. Kennedy, who died Friday afternoon, at her home, 170!) Fulton street, were held from St. Mary's Catholic Church, Fifth and Maclay streets, this mornlnr, at 9 o'clock. Burial was made In Mt. Calvary Cemetery. GALLEY SLAVES WIN Galley Slavee, 4; Ink Slingeirs. 8 wan the official score at the flrat an nual picnic of employee of the State printing office at Herahey Park on Saturday. RIILRIUD INCOMES SHOW DECREASE Loss in Gross Income Was Very Small; Expenses Were Not Reduced Special to The Telegraph Washington, I>. C.,' Aug. 17.—Un official but accurate figures show a decrease of 12 per cent, in railroad income during the year ending June 30. The fiscal year ending 30, 1913, was the most prosperous one the railroads ever had. At the time they filed their application for 6 per cent, advances there had been no dimtnuation in the volume of business. Since that time there has been some falling off from the high water marks achieved during the most prosperous year. In a general way the figures, which will be completed in about ten days, it is believed, will show that the re cently ended fiscal year was about the same as that which closed on June 30, 1912, notwithstanding the losses caused by the unequaled floods of 1913. There were big floods in 1912, but the losses caused by them fell chiefly on South ern property. Almost infinitestimal was the loss in the gross income. It was 2.32 per cent., or about $54,946,880. The total operating revenue of the railroads for the eleven full months and the part of the twelfth covered by the partial reports amounted to $2,366,606,909 in the year ending June 30, 1913. During the year ending last June their total operating revenue amounted to $2,311,660,029, showing the loss before Indicated. Loss In Net Revenue The loss in net revenue amounted to $85,746,614. The net revenue for the year ending June 30, 1913, was $729,361,979. For the part of the re cently expired liscal year for which there are returns the net revenue amounts to $643,616,365. Inability to reduce expenses in the ratio that gross operating revenue fell off was one of the main factors lead ing to the reduction in net revenue. Expenses increased nearly 1 % per cent. That ran the expense account up from $1,637,244,930 to $1,668,- 064,664, or $30,819,714. The tendency of expenses to keep on climbing while the income is going i down was checked during the month of June. 1914. During June, 1913, expenses amounted to $138,755,236, but in the corresponding month of this calendar year they fell to $133,819,886, a reduction of 3.56 percent, in ex penses. While the expenses were fall ing 3.66 per cent, the operating reve nues were falling 4.7 per cent. Standing of the Crews HA Kit IK IIUII ti SIDE Philadelphia Division— 101 ejrev first to go after 4 p. m.: 106. 107, 109, 125, 124, 103, 123, 116, 118, 108, 113, 117, 104, 111. 115. Engineers for 103, 17, 124, 125. Firemen for 101. 102, 103, 107, 118. Conductors for 106,. 108, 114. Brakemen for 101, 107, 114, 115, 117, 124. Engineers lip: Tenant, Streeper, Ley man, Sober, Brubaker, Statler. Buck, Madenford, Gallagher, Goodwin, Mc- Cauley, Wolfe, Long. Newcomer. Firemen up: Yentzer, Myers, Lantz, Cover. Achey, Harts, Mahoney. Miller, Harner, Whichello, Wilson, Wagner, Grove, Spring. Myers. McCurdy. Conductors up: Mehaffie Ford. Flagmen up: Harvey, Witmyer. Brakemen up: Bogner. Brown. Mc- Intyre, Boltzore, Shultzberger, Wiland, Knu Stehman, Collins. McNaughton, Coleman, Buchanan, Dengler,- Frock, McGlnnis, Ferguson, Moore. Gouse, Riley. Alien. Middle Division —24B crew first to go after 1:30 p. m.: 215. Preference: 3. 9, 7, 8, 5, 2, 1, 10, 6, 1. Firemen for 2. 6. Coinductor for 9. Flagmen for 3, 2, 10. Brakemen for 2. 6. Engineers up: Moore, Webster, Gar man. Mumma. Clouscr. Free. Firemen up: Bornman, Drewett, Gross. Zelders, Karstetter, Llebau, Cox, Seagrtst. Conductors up: Huber, Bogner. Brakemen up: Spahr, Henderson. Pipp, Plack. Werner, Bickert, Wenrtck. Kerwin. Fleck, McHenry, Schoffstall. Kane, iefter. Bolan. Martz. Yard Crew*—To go at't-er 4 p m.: Engineers for 707, 1171, 1831, 1758, 14. 1276, 118, 1368, 954 Firemen for 1869, 707, 90. 1468. Engineers up: Rudy. Meals. Stahl, Swab, Crist. Harvey, Saltsman, Kuhn, Pelton. Shover, Landis, Hoyler, Brenne man. Thomas Firemen up: Hart, Barkey. Sheets. Bair, Eyde. Myers, Boyle, Ulsh, Bost dorf, Scheiffer, Rauch, Weigle, Lackey, Cookerley. Maeyer. ENOY.A SIDE Philadelphia Division— 2o7 crew first to go after 4:15 p. m.: 201. 228, 239, 246. 219, 230, 243, 202. 215. 218, 223, 204. 205. 233, 226, 224. 235, 225, 245, 251, 205, 210, 231, 242, 244, 232. 262, 229, 209, 216, 249. 220. Engineers for 201. 207. 209, 226. 31, 32. 246. Firemen for 225, 226. Conductors for 4. 16. 51. Flagmen for 1, 39. 52. Brakemen for 5, 9. 15, 17, 19, 35, 41, 44, 45, 49. Conductor up: Furner. Flagman up: Peck. Brakemen up: Deets. Fair, Rice,, Stlmeling. Kone. Vandling, Taylor, Lutz, Harris, Kochenouer, Shuler,, Schaffner, Goudy, Decker. Carroll. Welst, Baker, Musser. Hutton, Wertz. Wolfe, Boyd. Campbell. Waltman. Middle Division —246 crew first to go after 1:80 p. m.: 451, 233, 229, 225. THK HEADING Hnrrlolmrir Division —2o crew first to go after 3:15 p. m.: 15, 14.. 12, 1, 18. 5. East-bound, after 12 o'clock: 60, 56, 62. 58. 65, 52, 51, 71. Engineers up: Lipton, Wlreman, Mas slmore, Fortney, Wyre. Pletz, Kettner, Wood. Rlehwine. Crawford. Firemen up: Fulton, Zukoswky, Corl, Kelly. Palm, Bowers. Brakemen up: Heckman, Kapp. Steph ens, Shader, Straub, Warren, Eppley, Miles, Ayres, Hoover, Painter, Nic, Henry. John E. Williams Drops Dead in Williamstown Street Special to The Telegraph Williamstown, Pa., Aug. 17.—While on his way home from church serv ices at noon yesterday, John E. Wil liams, a well-known citizen of this place and for years an engineer at the Summit Branch Coal Company's colliery, was suddenly seized with a fatal attack of the heart and fell over on the pavement. He died shortly afterward. Mr. Williams, who was In hit six tieth year, had lived In this borough for many years, much of which time he .was employed by the mining com pany. The engineer was a regular attendant at the Methodlet Church and was on his way to hie home In £road street from the morning serv ices when he wa* ttricken Funeral arrangement# have not been eonl-! pleted. J AUGUST 17, 1914. THE MARKETS PHILADELPHIA PRODUCK Philadelphia, Aug. 17. Wheat Unsettled; No. 2, red, spot, new, ex port, 90©96 c; No. 1, Northern. Duluth. export, |1.12® 1.17. Corn Lower; No. 2, yellow, local. 93 V* @B4^c. Oats Higher; No. 2, white, 46® 46 \ic. Firm; winter, per „ 27 60 s P''lnf?. l ,er ton. $27.00® Sugars Market 78(| : 11 granulated «.&0. confectioners' A. 7.40; Keystone A. 7.30- „,JlV tter T,le market . I s "1' western, creamery, extras, 35c; near ly Prints, fancy. 34c. Eggs The market is higher; and other nearby nrsts. Tree cases, $7.80 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $G.U0®7.20 per case; western, extras, Ilrsts, free cases, $7.80 '? e J^? se - e *tras, (irsts, free cases, $6.90 ® 7.20 per case. «,Hy. e Poultry Steady; fowls, 17 Wi7V4c; young chickens, ll®20c; ln K chickenu. (ironing chick sns, 15®19c; old roosters. ll@12c; ducks, old, 12® 13c; ducks, young, 13® J4c; geese, 15® 17c; turkeys, 19®S0c. Pressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 17®20c; do., tair to good, heavy. 17® 18c; average receiptß, 13®15c; small, 13® loc; old roosters, 13c; roasting chick ens, fancy, 16®18c; broiling chickens, neary, 18®22c; western, lo 5L .„ c apon, large, 23®25c; do., small, 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, 24@26c; ;air. 20®23c; ducks, U#lßc; geese, H® l«c. «, r?.W°. es Steady; new, per barrel, tl.bUffiM.6o; do.. Southern, per barrel. '°c®s2.oo; Jersey, per basket, 35®40c. JTlour— Market unsettled; winter, clear, $3.86®4.10; straights, Pennsyl- Yfh'a, new, $4.60®4.75; spring straight, $4.75®4,90; do., patent, $5.40®5.86; «/i« Kl " saa straight, Jute sacks, $4.15 @430; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00@4.20; 460 14-20@4.30; patents, $4.35® market 1b firm; tim othy No. I, large bales. $20.50®21.00; No 1, medium bales. $20.00@20.50; No. 17 00" ' lB 00 ® 19 - 00 : No - 3' 3o„ »16.00® io9n OVe r, mlxe in Honor of House Guestq Dauphin, Pa.. Aug. 17. —Miss Sabra, Clark entertained on Saturday mort>- ing in honor of her house guests, Misa Marian Bresee Whittaker and Misa Mary Elizabeth Midclleton, of Harris burg, at a sewing party on the lawn. Those invited were Miss Carrie Eliza beth Gerberich, Miss Mary Stees Pof femberger, Miss Ruth Shaffer, Miss Helen I.oulse Wallis, Miss Ora Rlckle* Miss Marian Smith and Miss Esther Shaffer. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE! and others upon their own namei. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adams A Co, K. 304. 8 It. Market 8% Central Apartment FOR RENT S rooms, bath and kitchen, city steam heat and water supplied. Newly renovated. Convenient 111 every way. Now ready for occupancy. Located at No. 32 N. 2nd St. Apply to Commonwealth Trust Company Real Ewtatf Department 222 MARKET STRUCT i ——— THE— EQUITABLE Will Lend Yeu Money To Hon*e!«eepem Work lnjrvnen and Salaried I£ue ployea. i No red tape, bother or worry. You may have it to-day if you wish. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 1) N. MARKET SQUARE) Room 21 4th Floor * MILLIONS IN OIL Thousands of men bare made large for tunes to oil. Alberta, Canada, now offer* you the opportunity. The field la prorea but it la new. The working man hae A chance before the capitalist geta It all. A Calgary Alberta man told me peraon ally that he "-as eating only two meala a day before the oil Ktrike. He Invested every cent he had in oil. To-day this man la worth easily $500.000, baa aeveral floe automobiles und la living a life of ease. Every working man has "the same chance to day. But you mast act to day. $lO $2,250 In the Dingman oil shares, and theee aha res coat $1 per ahare. Head below how many shares you can have in your own Dame in the Excelalor Development Cor poration, Ltd., fcr your money, then buy some, no matter how few, each week before the price rises. SI buy a 10 ahs. sls buya 150 aha. 92 buys 20 abs. S2O buys 200 aha. $4 buya 40 bha. s2.*. buya 250 aba. $5 buya 50 aha. SSO buya 500 shs. $lO buya 100 ahs. SIOO buya 1,000 abs. If you could get America's great oil King's personal advice on this and he lcneio the tract situation in the Alberta Oil Field, he would tell i ton to invest tn this com pany. This opportunity will not last long. I Take It to-day. The Excelalor Develop ment Corporation, Ltd., otTera you share* ut 10c. The par value of these sharea la 25c. The company is backed by most re liable business men. and ofTera you a bet ter proposition than any company operat ing in this field. Thla company owns the Oil Rights on 2,140 ncres of picked oil lands In the Alberta oil field. Send In ell the money you can spare to-day—send In more next week and keep it up until yea are notified of the rise in price. For tunes were never made by hard daily labor. po become an inveator to-day end let part of your earnings work for you. Thla notice may never appear again and in case you do not art now. your opportun* | ity will be lost—lost forever. Use the coupon below and send it in now. If you have net the money to-day. cut thla Adv. out and save it until pay day. then aend in ail the money you can spare. It may he the foundation of a fortune fsr you. Excelsior Development Corporation, Ltd. Lougheed building. Calgary Alberta, Canada Gentlemen :—Encloaed please find 5...... for which please aend me fmvie out In my own name) shares In your company, at the price of 10c. each, making a total of ahares Also send me your prospectus free. Youra very truly, Name Address Town fitats • • Oompou '2B Occupation 11