Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 12, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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"Dar! ings" Who Are Spoiled
may cultivate in
growing measure, if one is ambitious, j
But It is not to these that girls refer
when they envy a "spoiled darling" |
who "has everything."
Beauty, wealth, position, popularity'
and charm are the things to which I
girls refer when they tell you that :
another has everything.
And the spoiled darlings who pos-!
Bess these five gifts of the good fairies I .•
have nothing if they fail lo appre-'i
elate or to he satisfied with what for- 1 ,
tune has given them. il
A girl who has never gone without j
her lunches for a week in order top
own a pair of silk stockings has no 1
means of measuring (lie delightful)]
"feel" of a first pair of silken hose. <
\\ ill sell Whittall Rugs at the following reductions:
r >.\l2 Anglo-Persian, now $
36x63 Anglo-Persian, $9.00, now $7.50
9x12 Anglo-Indian, $50.00, now $-10.00
Will also sell the following rugs:
9x1.3.6 Axminster Rugs $22.50
8.3x12.0 Axminster Rugs $20.00
8.3x8.10 Axminster Rugs $16.00
6x9.8 Axminster Rugs SIO.OO
6x15.2 Body Brussels Rugs $22.50
8.3x13 Body Brussels Rugs $25.00
8.3xf2 Wilton Rugs $25.00
6x13.2 Tapestry Rugs SIO.OO
3x6 ft. ready-mady shades
A large line of rugs and carpets, all at correct
For Girls' and Boys' Styles
Pictorial Review Patterns
are justly famous
TV/ "DUTCH SUIT" y&yy.
f° r boys is the
/i/J V -I \ l atest novelty. ( V
All the little fel- [ /1! fjl//
1 \ lows are wearing \V, *''"
I j, jw This with many other
iJ !' j' I of the very newest || \r 111
w tt styles for girls and J/j jlj
Mm boys will be found in
Dutch Suit, 5574—15 cents of the Celebrated Drei», 5727—tS cent*
August Patterns Now on Sale
Dives Pomeroy CH Stewart
How About That Vacation?
We are ready to furnish you with Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks
and other travelers' accessories, sell 'em to you at call again
prices. Your careful inspection invited. Same old stand,
South Second, corner Chestnut.
Harrisburg Harness fe? Supply
Just Think a Minute
V' M r; | ST™" Of the risk that you run In keeping
I KV NJS your monev In a safe or other recep-
I ' tocle at your place of huslness, besides
/ T / robbing yourself of the convenience and
*d v *ntnsr»s that a good commercial
'i hank River, you. Paying; your bills by
~( >\ checks Is the safest way of doing
.. business, and you have a friend always
First National Bank
. 22) MAHRirr STRKKT
3rd Annual Farmers' Industrial Picnic
At Boiling Springs Park
August 12th and 13th, 1914
l.nr.ie F*lill>l<« of Fruit, Forming Produrtu, Implement*
On ThHi'Mluy afternoon, Augukt 13, nddre»*i-N will lip marie by
I, h. Senator lrom I'enna. Collector o( I'ort of I'hlln.
Diiiii'lok Tltiirsduy Afternoon and Evening
Furmem are Incited to make exhibit*.
A girl who has never walked to and
from work for a month to give her
mother a lace collar for her birthday
does not know the warmth of satisfac
tion of true giving.
Life has two sorts o£ joy—passing
pleasures and "durable satisfactions."
And few of the "spoiled darlings" of
I fortune have the happiness of the
I spirit that wears well,
j Contrasts make for appreciation.
We all know how bright the sunshine
seems alter gray days. The girl who,
! has everything takes everything for
granted and has no rare and sudden
; delights when pleasures come to her.
j.Nnd when the pendulum of life swings
I back, as it must do, and in order to
j balance life the darling of fortune is
j deprived of something precious to her,
'she has no disciplined strength with
j which to meet disappointment.
Life is based on "compensation." It
I makes up to us in one way we
j miss in another. The girl who is sated
i by gifts of fortune has no keen power
|of appreciation., no enthusiasm, no
'sweet longings left to give her delight
in new gifts. And she has no fortifi
| rations of pain endured and stings
suffered to guard and strengthen her
against agony when it conies.
Don't envy spoiled darlings. Their
lives generally are "spoiled."
Bu the girl who has nothing—ah!
for her life is full of possibilities when
her pendulum swings back. And she
has undulled appetite with which to
enjoy her banquet of blessings! i
' I CI '
Scallops Edge the Sleeves and
the Broad Flared
8334 Dreas with Guimpe Effect for
Misses and Small Women,
16 and 18 years.
Everything that gives the effect of a
guimpe is fashionable. The feature un
questionably will remain an important
one during the coming season. Illustrated
is a charming frock adapted to small
woman as well as to young fiirls and sug
gests the idea although the bodice is all :r,.
one. It includes also the new flared
flounce at the lower edge and, as it can be
made with 6hort or long sleeves and with
half low or round neck, it is adapted both
to evening and to afternoon war. College
and school girls preparing for their return
to "Alma Mater ' will be especially inter
ested in the design for it is exceedingly
good for their use. As shown here, the
materials are taffeta and net in one view,
flowered crfpe and plain in the other.
For the 16 year size, the dress will re
quire 5 yds. of material 27 in. wide, 3
yds. 36, 2*4 yds. 4.1 in. wide, with 2%
yds. 27, 2 yds! 36, I % vds. 44 for sleeves
and full chemisette. The width of the
skirt at the lower edge is 2 yds. and 10 in.
The pattern 8334 ft cut in sires for 16
and 18 years. It will be mailed to any
address by'the Fashion Department of
this paper, on receipt of tea ccnu.
Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns.
National Insurance Co.
Shows Steady Increase
Walter H. Cummings, general agent
for the National Life Insurance Com
pany, of Vermont, has received a let
ter from the home office showing that
the July business of the National ex
ceeded that of any corresponding
month for nine years.
"The new buslnMs figures of all the
leading companies for the first six*
months have been received and the Na
tional ranks fifth in amount of increase
made over 1913. This is a fine achieve
ment," said r. Cummings.
"The recent unpreeedent break in the
stock market affecting the best known
and standard listed securities and the
grave situation in Europe strikingly
emphasize the wisdom of the company's
management in confining its invest
ment to the T'nited States (continental
United States) and selecting only non
speculative trust fund securities."
Firemen's Parade Marshal
to Be Elected August 31
Secen candidates for chief marshal
of the parade -which will feature the
firemen's convention in October wero
nominated at the Firemen's Union
meeting last night. One will be, elected
at the next meeting, August 31, at the
Good Will house.
The candidates are Howard O. llol
stein, John C. Kindler. Colonel H. C. •
Demming, A. ("arson Stamm, William 1
S. Tunis. George Anderson and l.evl [
Tittle. The union accepted the offer j
of Heading firemen of a large electric j
"Welcome" sign to be erected in the
Square. It was reported that s2o!>.!>s
was the union's share from the car
nival last week, out of which several
bills must he met.
My, that's good!
is what everybody says
and what you will
say, as you reach for
some more
The chocolate treat for
kids, kidlets and you.
Over thirty years expe
rience make them so.
Imitated, but never
Fancy boxes, forty and eighty cents.
Pocket packages, ten and twenty
five cents. ">
At all confectioners, druggists
and department stores.
H. O. Wilbur & Sons, Inc.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Sale of Our m n Sale of Our
Sale of Our Pittsburgh Stock
We have rented out our Pittsburgh branch and brought our Pittsburgh stock here to be put on sale beginning
Thursday, August 13th
Be On Hand When the Sale Starts
And Get the
At ¥3 to V 2 of the Regular Prices
$5,000 worth of new millinery goods consisting bf Hats, Flowers, Fancy Feathers, Wings, Ribbons, Ma
lines, V elvets, Silks, Ornaments, etc.
Must Be Turned Into Cash Before September Ist
As we only had the Pittsburgh department a very short time there are no old or shopworn goods in this sale.
This is the most unusual opportunity to buy fine millinery trimming at practically your own price.
Newestlmported Flowers -
Including hats worth $4.00, at if 011(16Fl111 All kinds black, navy,
burnt, etc. Choice,
C* F* Flowers, worth 50c, at 100 f
/iHJT® Beautiful flowers, Mautures, Wreaths and Stick-up effects; If| _
values up to $1.25 A vC
.in ti i ' Values worth up to $3.00.
Fancy Feathers New ostr,ch Fanc y Feathers „ Imitation Black
J \ou will want them for your tall hat and you will pay three
Beautiful New Designs and four times as much later. AiirrfllfpC
, _ , Ostrich Fancies, worth SI.OO, Ostrich Fancies, worth $2.00, r\lgl CIICS
Fancies, worth SI.OO, at at 2 at 980 75c to $1.25 value 250
Fancies, worth $1.50, at .»O0 Ostrich Fancies, worth $1.50, Ostrich Fancies, worth $4.00, $1.50 value 500
Fancies, worth $2.50, at 080 at 500 at $1.66 $2.00 to $2.50 values .... 980
Mourning Hats Lace Hats Newest Black Children's Handmade Braid
Handmade aii the Worth up to SIO.OO, Hemp Sailors Trimmed Hats ats
leading shapes; values . £° oc l c °lors and
, and small shapes, worth ..r <*, - n . . good styles; values up to
up to $6.00, at at ?LOO and S2Q J > at Worth $1.50 and $2, at
$2.88 SI.BB 48c 25c SI.OO
° striC Fans Plumes Ribbon f 9c
White, Black and Colored Save Fully One-Half On These
I 25c fancy Dresden Rib- 1
$2.00 values ......... 'JQQ Colored Plumes, value $3.00, at $1.48 bon, yard
$3.00 values $ 1 A A Fancy Plumes, $5.00 to $6.00 values, at $2.88
*?_ * White and Black Plumes, value $1.98, at 690 75 C and 98c fancy Rib- O n
$.i.00 values $2.44 White and Black Plumbs, valued at $3.98, at SI.BB bon, yard
Many Other Valuable Bargains Will Be Sold
at Ridiculously Low Prices
New Playground Likely to
Be Named "Sycamore"
M. Harvey Taylor, superintendent of
parks, said to-day that he would begin
work toward equipping the now play
ground as soon as the ordinance pro
viding for its purchase passes Council.
It is not known definitely what
name the new playground will hear,
but Mr. Taylor said he thought it
would probably he called by the same
name as the abandoned Sycamore
The town is talking about the splen
did show at the Colonial this week.
Not onlv is the moving picture feature,
".Tudtth of Bethulia." making a hit, but
the acts of vaudeville that are given
on the same bill serve to round out a
pleasant entertainment that is well
worth the small price of admission ro
morrow there will be a complete
charts;*- of program. John Pelmore &
Co. will offer n novelty in comedy acta;
1 Madden and Clark will do the lHtrst
dances, and Arthur, the harmonica
player, will surprise bis audiences.
! Monday, Tuesday -and , Wednesday of
I next week the Colonial will offer a cllv-
I ing act wltii three girls all the week.
1 "David Coppcrlleld" in seven reels of
movies, and on Thursday and I' rlday,
! Ihc nroadway success, "The <.rey
| bound," will lie given In moving pic
lure with Hlita Proctor Otis in tho
I leading role.—Advertisement.
Special lo The Telegraph
Columbia. Pa.. Aug. 12.— Thirty mem
hers of the Union Fir© of
York, were entertrlned by the Key
stone Truck and Ch« mieal Engine Com
pany on Sunday, tn the evening they
'partook of a .-hlcken cornsoup dinner
and lunch at the rooms of Royal Fife
and Drump Corps.
Special to The Telegraph
Columbia. Pa., Aug. 12.—The Chris
t'an and Missionary Alliance opened
their nineteenth annual encampment at
Tiocky Springs Park, Lancaster, and
on Sunday 5,000 people visited the
grounds The encampment will coa
ttnue ten days.
Special lo The Telegraph
Wayneßboro, Pa., Aug. 12.—1n the
line of fruits or vegetables, whichever
classification tomatoes come unfler,
Mrs, Benjamin Frantz, this place, has
a specimen which she raised In her
garden that equals about a half-dozen
of the ordinary size. It is really a
row of tomatoes Brown together into
one lone unit measuring about a foot
in length and is colled into an "8"
shape. It has been placed on exhi
bition in the office of the Evening
Special tn The Telegraph
Waynesboro. Pa., Aug. \2. The
handsomely designed and furnished
rooms of the Waynesboro Trust Com
pany in the Dr. Enniss buildling have
been thrown open to the public and
4.0(10 went to the new building, where
they were tendered a reception by the
directors of.the trust company.
Special In The Telegraph
Columbia, Pa., Aug. 12. A frame
•lwcllinKhousp belonging to Miss Lil
lian Evans, locatpd In St. Charles ave
nue. was destroyed by tire of unknown
origin and adjacent buildings wore
saved by the prompt service of the
Special In The Telegraph
Columbia, Pa..-Aug. 12.—Miss Mary
K. Carter, one of the best known teach
ers In West Hempfleld township, has
been unanimously chosen as an assist
ant teacher in the Elizabethtown High
Special lo The Telegraph
' Columbia. Pa. Aug. 12.—Mrs Jacob
' Wolha fe was seriously injured in a fell
j down the cellar steps at her home In
I Twelfth street, having injured her left
I leg, lacerated her arms and badly
I bruised her nose.
Special to The Telegraph
Columbia, Pa., Aug. 11.—The Lan
caster, Oxford and Southern Railroad,
a narrow gauge line which runs
through the southern section of 1-ian
caster county to Oxford, Chester coun
ty, and which suspended operations a
month ago, and was offered for sale,
has heen acquired by a combination of
framers and local capitalists and will
again he put In operation. It is pro
posed to improve the road and extend
its business.
A New Home Our* I'hnt Anyone Can
I »<■ Without Dltieomfort or
Loas of Time
We have a New Method that cures
Asthma, and we want you to try It at
our expense. No matter whether your
case is of longstanding or recent de
velopment, whether it is present as Hay
Fever or chronic Asthma, you should
send for a free trial of our method. No
matter In what climate you live, no
matter what your age or occupation, if
you are troubled with asthma, our
method should relieve you promptly.
Wo especially want to send It to those
apparently hopeless cases, where all
forms of inhalers, douches, opium
preparations, fumes, "patent smokes,
etc., have failed. We want to show
everyone at our own expense, that this
new method is designed to end all dif
ficult breathing, all wheezing, and ail
those terrible paroxysms at once and
for all time.
This free offer In too Important to
neglect a single day. Write to-day and
begin the method at once. Send no
money. Pimply mall coupon below. Do
It To-day.
432J, Niagara and Hudson Sts.,Buf
falo, N. Y.
Send free trial of your method to:
Bi ■ 3Eli JHESSS]CHSj.maiggSBS
I Harrisburg Academy
I To educate and develop young
UJ men along the line of sound
q scholarship and genuine man
ji Uness Is our business. Our sys
tem provides: A full day ses-
I slon; small classes with atten
-3 tlon to the Individual pupil;
[7l experienced masters; super
vised study periods; wholesome
U associates; Ideal environment
q and good athletic facilities.
For Information about the
Day School, Boarding School,
School for Small Boys and
jj Summer Coaching School, com
n munlcate with Headmaster,
Arthur E. Brown, Post Office
I Box 617, Bell Phone 1371 J.
n Summer Tutoring School
August 3rd to September 11th.
B(ssi!3B(====>l3 £==390(2393) BSHBB
i |J OiU