Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 12, 1914, Page 5, Image 5
ffl BE ON HMDS ASP FACE Hands Chapped and Cracked, Pained So Could Not Wash Them. Face Scaly and Disfigured. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. 2320 South 3rd St., Philadelphia, Pa.— "I havn been troubled very much In the Wlnt«r with my hands and face. Lbts of _____ times in the cracks where ' my hands were chapped they would bleed so and r pain that I would not know f) what to get to cure them. /SJWR My ljands and face were • ';/ very rough, my hands the M/ worst,. My face was scaly V is, and dlsfl«urod and I never ~ could wash my hands tbey pained so. At night my hands and arms burned. "I have used glycerine and rose water. a nd and they all were a failure. Then I saw an advertise ment in the paper about Cuticura Soap and Ointment and finally I sent for a sample. I washed my face and hands before going to bed and in the morning with Cuticura Soap. On going to bed I put Cuticura Ointment on my face and hands. I had only been using it for a month and a half when I found relief and my face and arms were healed." (Signed) Miss Margaret E. Jennings, Feb. 6, 1914. Samples Free by Mail Cuticura Soap and Ointment do so much for pimples, blackheads, red. rough skins. Itching, scaly scalps, dandruff and falling hair that it is #lmost criminal not to use them. Sold by druggists and dealers throughout the world. Liberal sample of rach mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Hook. Ad ,»«« rwwr-c.ird "Cuticura. Dept.. T. Boston " / Bathing Caps GORGEOUS NEAT WELL MADE Choice assortments of styles and colors. 15c to 75c We also have a few bathing suit bags at HALF PRICE. Forney's Drus Store 42<i MARKET STREET Cumberland Valley Railroad 'TIMETABLE In Effect May 24. 1914. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburg at 6:03. *7:60 a. m., *3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chamber-burg, Car lisle, Mechanicsburg and intermediate stations at 6:03, *7:50, *11:63 a. m„ •3:40, 6:32. *7:40, *11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at »;48 a. m.. 2:18, 3:27. 6:30, 9:30 a. m. For Dillsburg at 6:03, "7:60 and •11:53 a. m„ 2:18, *3:40, 6:32 and 8:30 p. m. •Dally. All other trains daily except Sunday. H- A RIDDLE, J H TONGE. O. P. A. EDUCATIONAL FALL TERM ' Begins Tuesday. September 1 Write for Illustrated Catalogue. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. MARKET SQUARE. HARRISBURG, PA. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night. Business, Shorthand and Civil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. Merchant* A Mlnem Trans. Co. VACATION TOUR Personally Conducted to BOSTON. PItOVIHENCE. NARBAGAXSETT PIER, NEWPORT ETC. $52.00 Including necessary expenses. Ten day trip, leaving Baltimore Wednesday August 19, 1914. A most delightful and interesting trip. Send for itinerary. W. P. Turner, P. T. M.. Ilnldmorr. Mrt. Business Locals THE NEXT PAY DAY may mean the selection of another piece of furniture or the furnishing of a room according to plans cherished for some time. If so, ,ve would sug gest that you compare our automatic price methods with so-called "spe cials" found elsewhere during the month of August. Goldsmith's, ZOZ Walnut and 209 Locust street. A PERSONAL APPEAL There Is nothing better for pro ducing business results than a direct appeal to the Individual. The cost Is prohibitive to do this in person for most kinds of business but a Multi graph facsimile letter will reach as many as you like by mail. Phone the Weaver Typewriting Company, 25 North Third street. DAINTY FOOTWEAR Every woman is as proud of her shoes as she Is of her dress because she realizes that a neatly attired foot is essential to make the costume look complete. Attractive are the ladies' Colonial pumps we arc polling, special at *2.45. Others in gun metal and patent with steel cut buckles, $1.98. Deichler, 13th and Market streets. THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING is In the eating. Apply this test to the 26-cent noonday luncheons at the Court Dairy Lunch. Then you w!|l be convinced* that they are the best in town at the pr'ce without a doubt. E-erythtng first class since John Mon ger assumed the management, corner Strawberry and Court streets. WEDNESDAY EVENING fURRISBURG & TELEGRAPH r AUGUST 12, 1914. NAME COMMITTEES I FOR TIiLEY REVIVAL Colored Churches of Harrisburg Planning Evangelistic Cam paign of Great Scope Committees in charge of the Tindley evan gelistic campaign in this city by the col ored churches of Har .. risburg simultane .' .j.j j ously with the Stough /, MRM campaign next No • .. vemberwerean ' ..'i/MjW' nounced this morning by the Revs. J. F. L«ee I * "nd I. H. Carpenter,! vice-president and secretaitt', respective- NHjESSUVtR ly, of the campaign Ifcjty . _ executive committee. V > rr-*^ 7 « * The general com mittee on finances consists of the Revs. J. Francis Lee and Irving H. Carpen ter and Laymen C. B. White, James Postal and A. S. Jackson. Bethel; C. G. Henderson. S. Bradey and G. Jen kins, t. Paul; George Braxton, Charles Johnson and J. Martin, Asburv; E. A. Barbour, J. P. Scott and S. F. Hall, Wesley, and H. Burrs, M. Fickiln and Baer, Harris. The committee on music is com posed of the Rev's. IT. G. Leeper, E. L. Cunningham and A. H. Hill and Lay men W. Gullius. W. T. Shields, W. O. Jelly, M. Ficklin and Mrs. Annie Car penter. On the committee on publicity are the Revs. J. F. Lee. T. H. Amos and I. H. Carpenter. The following churches are taking an active part in the evangelistic effort: St. Paul Baptist. Wesley and Harris African Methodist Episcopal Zion. Bethel African Methodist Epis copal and ♦ksbury Methodist Episcopal Churches. The meetings will be held in Bethel Church. Oisctiss SundaV Closing:.— The Civic Council of Churches at a meeting last night once more discussed Sunday closing and heard a letter from Mayor Royal in which he wrote he did not want to assume the responsibility of deciding what should be sold on Sun day, as the blue laws prohibit abso lutely every activity except going to church. A final report is expected at the September meeting. WEAK WOMAN Made Strong by Vinol Plant City, Fla. "I was so run-down, ! weak and nervous I could notdo my house work or even bear to have my children ; come near me and could not sleep. I tried j all kinds of medicine and was under the ! doctors' care for years without benefit. I But Vinol has restored my strength. 11 sleep well and have gained 20 pounds." | —Mrs. C. H. MILLER, Plant City, Fla. If Vinol fails to create strength for 1 pale, weak, nervous, run-down men or women we return your money. I Geo. A. Gorgas, Druggist, Harris burg, Pa.—Advertisement Business Locals SHOES AND SHOULDERS Not very closely associated but in timately related. The stooped should ers is frequently due to ill-fitting shoes that prevents the wearer from enjoy ing the foot comfort that unconscious ly makes you step with a firm tread and shoulders erect. Our semiannual clearance sale makes it possible for you to select the better gr de shoes at a nominal price. Jerauld Shoe Co., 310 Market street. FROM SOX TO HAT Everything in haberdashery and hats is a specialty with us. We aim to please men most critical in their requirement as well as those of modest taste. Serviceable hosiery. Cool and comfortable underwear. Distinctive patterns in shirts. Attractive neck wear. Hats that give the finishing touch to your attire. Kinnard, 1116- 1118 North Third street. ONLY ONE DOLLAR This will open an account and start you on the road that leads to a suc cessful financial career or a comfort able savings fund for the proverbial rainy day. We pay three per cent, in terest. Open market morning: at 8, and Saturday evenings 6 to 8. East End Bank, 13th and Howard streets. TOYS FOR OUT-OF-DOORS Kites, grace hoops, target games, skipping ropes, hoops, reins and whips, sand toys, garden tools, flying tops, jack stones, marbles, tennis racquets and scores of novel play things that appeal to children and promote healthful exercises as well as jolly good sport. Marianne Kinder Markt, 218 Locust street. DOLLS OF ALL KINDS No matter how many dolls a little girl has, a new one is always appre ciated. Our selection of dolls will appeal to all tastes. Character dolls, jointed dolls, bisque dqlls, old fashioned rag dolls, doll house fami lies, celluloid dolls, dolls dressed and undressed. Mending of dolls a specialty. Marianne Kinder Markt, 218 Locust street. HAND OVER YOUR WATCH To us for repairs and you are assured of the most careful attention by the most expert watchmakers. Skilled in the adjustment of the most delicate mechanism of the highest grade watches, we are competent to give excellent service on your watch or clock repairs or cleaning. W. R. At kinson, 1423 % North Third street. IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR and want your prescriptions put up right, bring them tp the Gross .Drug Store. This store has specialized on the compounding of prescriptions for leading physicians, and we assure you that the highest class pharmacists ob tainable are empl< yed and the best drugs are the only kind tolerated. E. Z. Gross, 119 Market street. S2OO REWARD For the recovery of stolen automo bilo. Marmon Six 1014 model. Fac tory number 314,004. Yellow wheels, black body No side lights, tw elec tric dimmer headlights. Four passeng er. One-half of double tire iron car rier in rear broken off. Stolen in St. Louis, Mo., July 28, 1914. Notify Aetna Accident and Liability Com pany, William S. Essick, general agent and adjuster, Harrisburg, Pa. MADE STRONG—LAST LONG That Is the Miller method of build ing tires. Things cannot last long unless they are first built strong. The live steam cure Is the only rational method of preserving the life of the rubber. Tvliller One-Cure Wrapped Tires are uted by many of the most famous race track drivers. They, are particular iti selecting the beßt; why shouldn't you profit by their experi ence? Phone Sterling Auto Tire Co., [1451 Zarker street. J Human Side of Europe's "War Lord" & •> ' *'■£ • ■>?, ■ T -3 \ : . Despite the fierceness of the "War Lord," who is now trying to devas tate Europe, he has a human side. He has many recreations besides mak ing plans for war. This photograph shows him in one of these moments. A favorite pastime has been sailing about the Baltic and the North Sea in his magnificent steam yacht, the Hohenzollern. In fact, the Kaiser is an enthusiastic yachtsman. Several times It has been reported he might challenge for the Amer ica's cup, but he has been too busy for that. His yacht the Meteor has sailed against many smaller American and British yachts in the waters about Germany and Great Britain. ' BIG BATTLES OF HISTORY Men engaged. Casualties. MARATHON, 490 B. C. Athenians 10,000 192 fell. Persians 100,000 6,400 fell. PHABSALIA, Aug. 9, 48 B. C. Caesar 23,000 Trifling. Pompeius 54,000 15,000 fell. CRECY, Aug. 26, 1346. English 25,000 Trifling. French 75,000 30,000 fell. AGINCOURT, Oct. 25, 1415. English 14.000 1,000 fell. French 50,000 10,000 fell. WATERLOO, June 18, 1815. Allies 67,fifil 22,428 killed and wounded French . 71,947 31,000 killed and wounded GRAVEI,OTTE, Aug. 18, 1870. Germans 205,000 20,000 killed and wounded French 180,000 19,000 killed and wounded SEDAN, Sept. 1, 1870. Germans 178,000 8,970 killed and wounded French 89.000 17,000 killed and wounded GETTYSBURG, Jul - 1-3, 1863. Union 82,000 3,072 killed. Confederates 73,000 2,592 kyied. Union 14,497 wounded. Confederates 12,709 wounded ——————i—— HOW EUROPE'S MAP MAY BE CHANGED IF TIIE TRIPLE ENTENTE WIN'S The annexation of German and Austria Poland and Galicla, to the Carpathian Mountains, to the Russian Empire, thereby restoring to Russia in its entirety the old Polish Kingdom. The surrender of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Servia, with the pos sible creation of a great Slav empire in the Balkans. The return of the provinces ol Alsace-Lorraine to France. IF THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE WINS The surrender of the Finland provinces and Russian Poland to Germany. The annexation of Servia to Austria-Hungary. The surrender of the eastern provinces of France to Germany. "Yellow Peril," in Japan' Special to The Telegraph Phlla., Aug. 12.—Close obser vers of the international situation here see in the notice of Japan yesterday of her intention to declare war on Germany in 24 hours the future en croachment of the "Yellow Peril" on the west coast. It was asserted if this country failed to interfere now it would eventually have to defend it self against a Japanese invasion. Japan throwing herself into the Euro pean conflict meant, it was declared, the immediate destruction of the com erce of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. And it was strongly intimated that Japan had her eye on tho Dutch pos sessions in the Indian ocean. When Dr. C. J. Hexamer, president of the National German-American Alliance, heard the report yesterday that Japan had given notice to de clare war on Germany in 24 hours, he replied: "Will the United States allow it?" It makes me shudder to contemplate the result of Japanese supremancy. It will change the PPaciflc Ocean into the Yellow Sea. And the United States eventually will be forced to de fend the Pacific coast against Japan ese encroachment. Dr. Albert Mudra, the German con sul here, who has spent ten years in Japan and China in the consular ser vice of his country, In commenting on the same report, said: "If Japan intends to make war on Germany then England, by helping Japan, stands to disturb the trade of the world and also to destrpy the com mmerce of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The next question in order is: Will the United States allow it?" AT PAXTANG In an effort to make his present en gagement at Paxtang Park tho most successful one he has ever had, King Kelly is working night and day on the big balloon he will use for his new aeronautical sensation on Friday. The new balloon will be the largest hot air craft ever seen In Harrisburgr and will have great carrying power. All this, Kelly sa.va, is necessary for his new multiple parachute jump. Kelly claims this new ariel feat is the most difficult as well as the most dangerous stunt he has ever attempted but the real workings of his latest thriller he refuses to divulge to anyone. A great i many people are taking this opportun ity of visiting the aeronaut in his workshop under th 6 park theater to see just how a balloon is made. These visitors keep Kelly busy answering questions of all Rorts. One chap ed the air king what he would do if the parachute failed to open for him when he was making a drop and Kelly replied that he would come right down and get another one.—Advertisement. It is Just Natural To Admire Babies Our altrustlc nature Impels love for the cooing Infant. And at the same time the subject of motherhood Is ever before us. To know what to do that will add to the physical comfort of expectant motherhood is a subject that has Inter ested most women of all times. One of the real helpful things is an external abdominal application sold In most drug stores under the name of "Mother's Friend." We have known so many grand mothers, who In their younger days relied upon this remedy, and who recom mend It to their own daughters that It certainly must be what Its name Indi cates. They have used It for Its direct Influence upon the muscles, cords, liga ments and tendons as It alms to afford relief from tne strain and pain so often unnecessarily severe during the period of expectancy. Every woman should mention "Mother's Friend" when the stork Is the subject of conversation. An Interesting little book Is mailed free upon application to Brad flcld Regulator Co.. 405 I.amnr Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. It refers to many things that women like to read about Get or recommend a bottle of "Mother's Friend" to-day write for the book. BUSY AS WE WERE TO-DAY We Will Be Busier To-morrow, (Thursday.) READ THESE ADVERTISED ITEMS CAREFULLY ITEM MERE IS UNUSUALLY Women** tin<l Misses* Women's jiihl Mlhnpn' Wonifn'/ nud Mlnincs' MW 1 Linen Suits nt Summer fonts nt Suiiimrr DreHNCK nt I 35c 35c 50c J|^ #l.«W> #1.50 #--011 • #N.SO Wonifn'ni Jllmm' \Wmrn'* .V Ml«*e*' Women'* «X llls*e*' Wompn'ii A >ll**c* - W r omen's A Ml**eV Wash l)rf«» Wtish l)rr»a Wimh l)rc«« Summer dresses SmnniiT Drmwi Skirts, at Skirt*. lit Skirt*. it I slt a( 35c 50c 75c $1.75 $2.75 * 4 .<M> . $7.50 HH.no yio and m VJ 93.50 Wnmrn'R & Mllfler Womcn'HA Ml««rr \\ omen m A *1 inses' Women's A Misses* \\ nmi*n'* «V >1 lss«*s» Ser*e DrcMf* Silk Dresses Cloth Coat* Cloth t onts Summer Dresses nt at at ,i t nt $1.95 $3.50 $3.95 $5.00 SI.OO 9-0 nnil $25 $3.50 nnd $4.00 $ t.CVO s'oo KS "Ml Women** Mtanei.' Womrn-N * Ml«e»' nr«H»c» Ser B e skirt* \Va*h Cloth Coal. tnpe < out* at nt Skirts nt a( H l $9 75 $2.45 SI.OO $1.95 $3.95 SI.OO SI.OO $1.25 , %0 «. "to<* Children's Wash Seeo Silk Petti- UomenN Women's !\1 iim 11 n «.„ m ' , . Dresses, sixes 2 to font*, enlnrs only. Reversible House IV#H<>nn*M "u ..Vl^ 11 14 yearn, nt nt Dresses nt nt *nirt^\\umt» 29c 39c 59c 29c 23c • " ■ ■ 50c "Or 12 Vi»e 50e ►.<»., iiuHimr Wotnrn'H Hlhheil Womcn'n Children'* Women'* ' ~*? Union Suit* Glnnrliiim Aprons Muslin Drnwerii Neckwear Tniv'llnK Bag, nt nt nt at ||( 29c 9c r.Or lOr Men'* Wen'* #5.00 ~ . ... ... Men's I'erenle Men'* Sucks, Khnki PnntH. Suits, Ave soils ... Ore** Slilrt* Hit color*, large *l,e*, In tl..- lot thU, lot a< ' or "< nt . „ t * 29c 5c 39c $1.95 90c Men'* #I.OO no,*- 75c Wn*h Hoy*' $3,00 llor*' #IOO .. Slimmer Crash Suit*, an suit* In Norfolk Suit*. Oliver Twist s ,!'" V,",!.' Contn «He lot. On., .5 suit*. SulU ®e«"" h 39c 25c SL39 49C 25C —— 1— — . , FACTS FOR SKEPTICS TO DIGEST How often the question has been asked, "Is Sousa himself really going to be here when Sousa's Band eomeS?" Or some will wonder if the entire Sousa Band will appear and not a part of it. As a matter of fact, wWen Sousa and his band are announced as coming to town, it means that the only Sousa Band in existence will ap pear, and it will be conducted by John Philip Sousa, Riving the same stand ard performances in large cities and smaller places alike. For there is but one Sousr's Band, and John Philip Sousa is its only conductor. When Sousa and his band are here on Au gust 18 at Paxtanß Par)', accompanied by Aiiss Grace Hoffman, soprano, Miss Susan Tompkins, violiniste, and Her bert L. Clarke, cornetlst, it will be the same as is heard in New York, London or Paris. —Advertisement. AMUSEMENTS PAXTANG PARK THEATER THE MELODY TRIO BEN FRANKLYN TOTS Rice Elmer and Tom ROSALIE ROSE THE SCHILLER BROS. KING KELLY Aeronautical Sensation See the Multiple Parachute Drop on Friday mm* Orpheum Act Stranded in Europe as Feared A telegram received to-day from Frank O'Brien, of New York, by Manager C. Floyd Hopkins", says that the Bison City Four, the quartet of VICTORIA THEATER TO-DAY Marion Leonard in Mother Love 6 Parts. The greatest mother «tory of modern times. The Mutual Girl Pathe Daily News Admission 10c - Children 5c Coming To-morrow The Opium Smoker PHOTOPLAY Another Rig "/IIIRO" VENTURE WAR IIN THE CLOUDS In which /JINGO Taken to the Cloud* A Bit of Human Driftwood Human sympathy nn<l strength anil lienrt Interest nre Khonn in thin two-act lllograph drama. A GREATER MOTIVE Vltaftraph drama with .fame* MorrlMon and Dorothy Kelly In the lead- Ins; rolen. A MARY PICKFORD SUBJECT rOJIUiti Monday and Tuesday, August 17th and IHth In (I acta, "THE DRUG TKHHOH." !Vo children under fourteen admitted. linx OFFICE OPEN. I,A ST DAY TO SEE TICKETS SELLING FAST. HOUSE OPENS NEXT MONDAY. f f. 1 f f> | |, V,™ SHOW OK BEST VAC UE- Q f BethUlia LOOKS LIKE GREAT SEASON. DON'T MISS ____ __ _ New bill of Vaudeville and new The First Week p '^"'^ Y - c »» n<ry s,orr - IF YOU I,OOK OUT FON THAT, Moaday •—Tueiday—-Wednesday WE WILL SEE THAT YOU DON'T r utin u-K nintn-mw MISS ANY THAT FOLLOW. CHARLES DICKENS START THE SEASON WITH US CODDERFIEM LAUCH3NC .. til Vest Week, 3 FOUNTAIN PRICES, Evening, t.">e, 2fte, 3V, IMk'i M 'll'HS. Fancy Dives In a He- Matlnee, tile, J.V| Sat., 15e, 25c, 35e. freshing Pool. vocalists, scheduled to appear next week at the Orpheum, is stranded in Europe as was feared. Home other act will he substituted but no an nouncement has yet been made as to what the substitute act will be. Mr. O'Brien's telegram merely says that the Bison City Four has been strand ed. 5