Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 07, 1914, Image 9

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| &he Great DOUTRICH II
I Sale Has Come I
I Every sl2 \ HERE is but one Doutrich Mid-Summer Sale, and that is at Doutrichs. I
Imitators may appropriate its name—they may even try to copy our methods, but
C there is one thing they can never copy, and that is the wide variety of styles, the un
uUll s. approachable quality which is ever a feature of DOUTRICH merchandise.
Anyone, With a Blue Pencil and an Imagination Can Write Low Price Tags. But to
*LO / C i" 1 Air take such clothes as ours fresh from such makers as
I D Every sls \ TL JH • I
■ V Suit M I
<J To Take Clothes Such as These, Incontestably First in Fabric, Finish and
4\ TP - n . Fit, and reduce them to about the cost of making as we have
I >v •Sfll / m FvPlfV ill ft done, is an achievement of which only DOUTRICHS is capable.
I n. 11/ i It/ J*r v q /\ n( j N ow |y e i nv jf e the People of Harrisburg and Vicinity I
q • to s^arc * n S reatest Mid-Summer Clearance
, . ulllt & (pfi* event ever staged in this community.
Kuppenheimer fl Prices on our entire stock except Arrow Brand
Clothes at About $lO TC i\ Collars are cut to the bone.
I and pat- X. f1) /i III Sdk StdrfS Sdtwdd l
terns, offering the widest select- X i Jlgjani-Wfaf \ . _ .
ion. Men with an eye of economy X J \ AugUSt
summer and early fall wear \ VJ- IP \ v
CJ Other Good Clothes at Clearance Prices. >w \JL 1 Mfi 7|\n | N. ck€\ i
The Doutrich reputation and the Doutrich guarantee \ \Y I\ 11 fIOA 22f1C10
is back of every one of these suits. Great bargains at (Ox\i 111 li \ |j| fciVCFV
the original price, they're double bargains now. Ij 'M ll\ |j \\\ 4
I CUIDTG Take advantage of this final clearance I |Hf\ IHI Suit \ ||
Dli 111 I<3 of Shirts. All our high grade popular LUj I MM ,♦> w
shirts will be sold at the mark down prices. O Qptp tB \1 A / _ Aftp( \
All 50c Shirts 39c All $2.00 Shirts $1.59 Us, *P It. f J LVCrV $25 1 \
All SI.OO Shirts 79c All $2.50 Shirts $1.89
Cwyiigfu l9)4TheHouieofKupDealielm« I l
I All $1.50 Shirts $1.19 All $3.00 Shirts $2.29 N. o u I
jy C (* l( \AI F HP P eo P^ e Harrisburg and vicinity have learned to think of
■ tfw Doutrichs when thinking of new neckwear. All reduced Q *7 Cl S
50c Neckwear 39c SI.OO Neckwear 79c 25c Neckwear 19c \ vlO. ID Every S3O I
Boys' Clothing I Men's Trousers Suit I
most popular fabrics and patterns. Good values at stock of work and dress trousers in Harrisburg.
our regular prices. Worsteds All $1.50 Trousers, $1.19 All $3.50 Trousers, *7 Cf
All $3.-50 Suits, $2.69 All $7.50 Suits, $5.75 Serges All $2.00 Trousers, $1.59 All $4.00 Trousers, $2.90 \/\ I /
Ail $5.00 Suits, $3.69 All SB-»>0 Suits, $6.25 Cassimeres All $2.50 Trousers, $1.89 All $5.00 Trousers, $3.69 JvV #
All 56.50 Suits, $4.95 All SIO.OO Suits, $7.75 £t c . All $3.00 Trousers. $2.29 All $6.50 Trousers, $4.95
N. B.—Goods can be exchanged or money refunded Ti\li It/! I i Cl
either during or after the sale if for any reason H 9| Hgß J| jUH
• I any I |H K H
I Satisfaction guaranteed just the same during the
Vaudeville House to Begin Season
Monday, Aug. 17; Act Ma
rooned in Europe?
According to an announcement
made to-day by Manager Hopkins,
the box office for the eighth season
of the Orpheum Theater will open
next Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock.
/The season itself will open on Mon
day, August 17, with the matinee and
clvening performances, and the the
ater will continue with its twelve-
Ahows-a-week schedule until next
Spring. The staff of employes of the
lOrpheum will be the same as last
A bill of the high standard estab
lished by the Orpheum has been as
sembled for the opening week of the
eighth esason, and few, If any, play
goers will find anything to be desired
In the shape of vaudeville entertain
ment, according to Manager Hopkins.
The headliner of the show will be
Fred Ardath & Co. in a roaring rough
comedy, "Hiram on the Farm." The
company consists of four men and
three women, uses its own special
scenery and presents a horse-play act
which is reported to be of a high
Another feature of the bill is the
Bison City Four—perhaps. The Bison
City Four is a quartet which has been
at the Orpheum before and which
made a hit, and it will be here if it
can get across the Atlantic ocean. The
company went to Europe in the
Spring for a dozen weeks and its ap
pearance at the Orpheum in Harris
burg was to be Its first after its re
turn. The company, like thousands
of other Americans, probably Is ma
rooned in Europe; at any rate, Wilmer
& Vincent just now are uncertain of
the whereabouts of this number.
Orpheum Singers Are
Across the Atlantic
Among the Harrisburg people who
have some especial reason for being
disturbed over the situation that now
exists In Europe is Manager Hopkins,
of the Orpheum Theater, for it became
known to the local manager of the
Wtlmer and Vincent theaters that one
of the really attractive features an
nounced for the opening bill at the
Orpheum a week from Monday, is on
the other side of the Atlantic and may
be prevented from getting here for
the season's start.
The Bison City Four, one of the popu
lar quartets that Harrisburg always
holds out a welcome for, was last
heard from in Paris, and Wilmer and
Vincent have been busy during the
past few days trying to ascertain
whether the four singers would be able
to get back to America to All their
Harrisburg date. Since early In the
present week no word at all has come
across the waters from the singers,
»nd the booking agents In New York
who have mapped out a full season's
work for them in this country are
The Bison City Four went to Europe
early in the Spring to fill a twelve
week engagement for an European
hooking firm in the best and biggest
vaudeville houses 011 the Continent and
in England. They had completed their
engagement and engaged passage to
return to America to begin their Fall
and winter's work by a week at the
Harrisburg Orpheum when the news
of their inability to sail on the. ship
they had booked pasage on reached
New York.
"Of course, this will not delay the
opening of the Orpheum," said Man
ager Hopkins, last night. "The house
will be open a week from Monday, and
if the Hison City Four do not arrive in
[ time to go on there will be another
1 good act here to take their places. But
we are hoping they are on the water
now in some sort of a boat, for we
can't get any further word from them,
and they are either on their way or
lost. Some other act will be sent in to
replace them If they don't come in
This Is the big night of the week at
Paxtang Park. The Friday evening
fireworks display at the park have be
come very popular and enormous
crowds turn out for the exhibition. The I
displays are excellent. About every de
vice known to the pyrotechnical art Is
shown and some new feature is usually
aranged for each display. Three or four
new pieces are to be shown this even
ing that it Is said will be well worth
seeing. Some aerial stuff is also prom
ised that will exceed in beauty any
thing that has heretofore been shown
at Paxtang. The display will start at
8:10 sharp.
The show at the park theater this
week is an entertainment that you
can't afford to miss, if »OU like good
Next week King Kelly will be the big
attraction at the park. This is the aero
naut's second visit to Paxtang this
season. Bad weather prevented Mr.
Kelly from doing a great deal In the
way of ballooning on his last visit to
■ the park, but with a little better luck
, this time he expects to be able to hand
out a few thrills in the way of mul-
tiple parachute leaps and daring bal
, loon ascensions.—Advertisement.
A new line of vaudeville opened at
the Colonial Theater, yesterday for a
1 three days' run. and Is winning a great
: ileal of approval at the hands of the au
. dlence. The acts include Nina Esphey,
i a pretty little girl, who plays some
I very fine music on a banjo. The Har
rison-West Trio Is a man, woman and
boy in a singing, talking and dancing
act. The boy is quite a comedian, and
keeps the audience in almost continual
laughter with his funny Jokes. "Whose
Husband Is He?' is a good act with
singing, talking and some dancing In
troduced. It snows the troubles of a
newly-married couple who stop at a
hotel on their honeymoon. This act
takes well with the audience and pro
duces much laughter. Altogether, the
show is very good, and people are as
sured of being well entertained while
spending their time at the Colonial. To
night the main feature will be the
usual Country Store, where plenty of
enjoyment can be had. Next week
"Judith of Bothulia" will he played in
this theater for three days. This is a
> great photoplay masterpiece by Thomas
' Bailey Aldrlch in four reels.—Adver
| tlsement.
The answers to this question, put to
twenty-five car owners, were used in
a novel way by George Relm, presl
t dent af the Cadillac company, of
1 Omaha, In closing a recent sale.
t Mr. Relm's prospect was a well
' known Omaha physician. While dis
> cussing the merits of the Cadillac, Mr.
Relm suggested to the doctor that he
look out the window and take the
license number of each of the first
twenty-five cars that passed. Out of
the twenty-flve it happened that twelve
were Cadillacs. The doctor was then
told to write each of the twenty-five
owners and ask them what car they
would buy next.
The doctor did so, securing the
names and addresses from the regis
tration clerk. Eighteen out of the
twenty-five replied that a Cadillac
would be the next car. Seven were
divided among other ca.ru.
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