2 BIG FAMILY PICNIC AT SHERMAN S PARK Speeches, Music and Baseball Will Be Attractions at Great Gath ering Next Saturday Special to The Telegraph Blain, Pa., Aug. 3.—Arrangements have been fully completed by the committee In charge of the Blain an nual union picnic and reunion of for mer Perry c.ountians on Saturday, Au gust 8, in Sherman's Park, along the line of the Newport and Sherman's Valley railroad. Visitors from many states are already arriving to attend this annual home-coming event. Exercises will take place in the morning, when the Rev. J. C. Reig hard, Lutheran minister of Blain, will preside. The progrum will Include: Prayer, the Rev. Thomas R. Gibson. Methodist minister, Blain; address of welcome Sor Blain and vicinity, the Rev. John W. Keener. Reformed min ister, Blain; welcome ' address for Perry county. Attorney W. S. Seibert, New Bloomfield; response, Benjamin K. Focht, Lewisburg; address, Vance C. McCormick, Harrisburg, and F. L. Dcrshem, L ew ' shur K- The Blain cor- Rids Feet of Corns. Removes Foot Lumps. Sure and Painless. What any corn needs is the soothing Influence of Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor, which in twenty four hours lifts out every root, branch and stem of corns and warts. Just clean riddance to the old offenders — that's the way Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor acts. Refuse a substitute preparation for Putnam's Extractor, 25c, druggists everywhere. Sold by C. M. Forney.—Advertisement. — * AMUSEMENTS Paxtana > Park Theatre To-Night KUMA JAPS Magic and Mystery Mrs/Dougherty's Dogs POUCHERE Bicycle Novelty RAY DOOLEY TRIO A Little Bit of Vau deville KrSTINO Accordionist FIREWORKS, Friday Evening PALACE THEATER 333 Market Street Not a nlindow of doubt need hamper you In reaching a verdict that we nhow flrnt-run fllma only. Our Program To-morrow ..7V Grace Cunnrd und Francis Ford In I llli tnHtalment* / \ "Lucille Love, the Girl of I | jMmJ Mystery." j Alexander anil Horn. I thy Phillips In Imp 2-rerl \ drama. "THE LADY OF THE \ ISLAND." \ Admission, All Seats, 50 Grace Cunnrd Coming, Wednesday, Mary Francis Ford Plekford, pnwnled by Daniel (UNIVERSAL) »hman In "THE EAGLE'S (UNIVERSAL! I MATE," complete In 5 reel*. iwwi mum I'M—m MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 3, 1914 net band will furnißh music through out the day and a game of ball will be played in the afternoon between the Harrisburg Telegraph and Blain clubs. There will, be a suspension of busi ness In town on that day, as the stores will be closed. , Special train leaves Newport at 7 a. m. for the park, returning for the accommodation of all passengers go ing east at 5 o'clock. USEFUIi INVENTION Special to The Telegraph Mifflinburg, Pa., Aug. 3.—8. Frank Mohr, of Mifflinburg. who h*s a num ber of modern inventions on/ the mar ket, has completed an attacluttfent for a hydraulic ram. It stops when water gets low and automatically starts again when the the This is dpAcrf Mr. Mohr's m(»c&ta TRUE MUSICALLY Whether you strike a chord or a single key on the Lester, the response in mellow tone satisfies in quality and quantity. The instrument has won and it retains the confidence of the musi cian, because its tone is true musically, and because it never disappoints In volume. It lasts a lifetime. H. G. Day, 1319 Derry street. A PERSONAL APPEAL There Is nothing better for pro ducing business results than a direct appeal to the individual. The cost la prohiblt've to do this in person for most kinds of business but a Multi graph facsimile letter will reach as many as you like by mail. Phone the Weaver Typewriting Company, 25 North Third street.