WAR ONLY MATTER A VERY FE [Continued From First Page] Imperial Chancellor Addresses Big Crowds By Associated Press Berlin. Aug. I.—The German Impe rial Chancellor to-day addressed a huge procession of demonstrators at the windows of his official residence. He said: "At this serious hour, in order to give expression to your feelings for vojy fatherland you have come to the house of Bismarck who with Emperor William the Great and Field Marshal Von Moltke wielded the German em pire for us. "We wished to go on living in peace in the empire which we have de veloped in fortv-four years of peace ful labor. "The whole work of Emperor Wil liam has been devoted to the main tenance of peace. To the last hour he has worked for peace in Europe and should the sword be . reed into our hands we will take th> field with a clear conscience in the ki wledge that we did not seek war. We shall then wage war for our existence and for the national honor to the last drop of blood. "In the gravity of this hour I re mind you of the words of Prince Frederick Charles to men to Branden burg: 'Let your hearts beat for God and your fists on the enemy.' " Enthusiastic cheers and the singing of the national anthem greeted the close of the Imperial Chancellor's speech. Trans-Atlantic Liners Cancel Their Sailings Because of Situation By Associated Press New York, Aug. I.—The North Ger man Lloyd line steamers Friedrich Der tirosse, which sailed from Baltimore on July 29, and the Neckat" which sail ed from Galveston the same day, were recalled to-day by wireless. The line also instructed the steamer Willehad to leave Montreal where she is now docking, go to Boston and remain there. The steamer Grosser Kurfuerst, which sailed from this port on Thurs day, was instructed by wireless to re turn. The Friedrich Der Grosse and the Neckar were given the option of put ting into either New York or Balti more which ever happened to be the nearer, upon their return. The Gros ser Kurfuerst was ordered back to New York. With the issuance of these orders to-day the tieup of the North German Lloyd fleet plying between American ports and Europe was prac tically completed. In addition to the mlir vessels affected by to-day's wire less messages the sailing of Hamburg- American line vessels has been sus pended on both sides of the water and trans-Atlantic service has been heavily Impaired. The Vaterland, which was to have sailed to-day with 3,000 pas sengers, the Kron Prinz Wilhelm to sail next Tuesday; the day, and the Barbarossa scheduled to sail August 6, all have cancelled their sailings and will remain here. Other Sailings Cancelled The Russian-American announced to-day that all sailings pf its ships between America and Russia have 1 een cancelled. Two of the ships, the Russia and the Kurska, the line an nounced, had been requisitioned by the Russian navy. Both vessels are now at Libau. The Hamburg-American lines ser vice between American ports and West Indies and Panama had been suspend ed. Seven vessels are affected by the order which was Issued to-day. The steamer Allemania which sailed from here yesterday was recalled by wire less. The trans-Atlantic service between New York and Continental Europe was suspended to-day by the Cunard line and the International Mercantile Marine Company which controls the White Star, Red Star, American Le land. Dominion and Atlantic Transport lines. Sailing for British ports via these lines was not interrupted. Suspension of the service was upon orders received from the home office of the Cunard line and the Interna tional Mercantile Marine in England. Hundreds of persons had engaged pas sage via these lines for Med'.terianeon and Scandinavian ports and to these I th