Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 27, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    PRE-INVENTORY SALE CALLI99I-ahythone.*#"^^-
■" X WX.%. J. FOUNDED 1871 f|
JULY 28th, 29th and 30th.
Regular half-yearly clearance before stock taking and you will find bargains in every HABRISBURG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE
department. Unusual prices mark our preparations for inventory. Real values-even cost has not been considered in this clean-up of
summer stock. The REDUCED prices spell opportunity. what you want you can pick up bargains in every department.
Charming styles, fine quality lawns and ginghams; also a PF O"LLLVONTOLFV OF OLLLPTL S AULOIILOBJLC8""2«) TO SO PdTCCIlt* Off
lot of lingerie hats at Pre-inventory Sale Prices. J . N Extraordinary Prices tb Save Inventory
$1.50 to $2.98 children's white lawn dresses, low neck, short JUSt A WOrd about the Imported Katme Skirts : 1914 Cole touring car, regular price $1,925
sleeves, long waist, tucked and trimmed with lace and insertion; DFO TN "D O -F-I -R* D CL,* I „ 'I <FR-« RVO 1913 Ford touring car, regular price ,\\\\\\\\\\\\. #550
skirt of wide embroidery ; sizes 2to 5 years ; special .75* XvCtLlllC OKLLLS IL.YO 1912 Crawford delivery car. regular price $1,750
$1.98 to $3.98 children's lingerie hats of tucked and shirred WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE SLLCCEE ded in OHR.ININP a—X* BOWMAN'S Garu BE -Rear of store
swiss, allover embroidery and lace, ribbon trimmed ; special gkirts like we sold last week. We sold seven dozen
C N .. RNLORE H before the store closed. They are made of exactly the same material as before— material that W 111X6 VJOOQS
bindings and bands and all white; special . 75* AND HIGHEST-PRICED S J £ ! RTS - J HESE BAVE TUNICS AND Bl £ detachable pearl buttons On account of crowded quarters to make room for large
$1.25 to $1.50 children's wash' hats in pique and ratine with LJK " ofThe'se KIRF 80 '' 1 H THE SAM . E P. RICE AS BCF ° RE ' W l -® 8 - LT IS NEW elevators—and tb reduce stock for inventory we are offer
ribbon and ribbon velvet bands; special «0* * * WLH J'l ' ° AS TILC MATENAL ,S P RACT,CALL Y exhausted. ing the best values of the season.
$1.98 to $4.50 children's white pique and white serge coats, $2.50 RATINE SKIRTS FTL 40 . ° N TABLE NO ' 1 YOU WLII NOT ONLY FIND BE AUTIFUL materials
SIZES 2to 4 years • soecial SI.OO c * a ~ . . , > NP J -*~ Y that were up to 19c yard at s*; but broken lines of towels and
$2.98 to $4.50 girls' white lawn and batiste dresses, skirt and FINE RATINE, long Russian tunics "buttons 3 All' , "L^TTT 8 SELLIN G- Mside of spreads in lots too small to advertise,
waist lace and embroidery trimmed; sizes Bto 14 years; spe- " UA,S JAM. Mercerized Batiste 45 inches wide.. Ihe 59c quality at
cial SI.OO $3.00 Oyster White Linen Skirts. $1.98 FR <T Y!IR I'' THE 490 quality at 19* yard; and the 39c quality at
Second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Made of heavy white linen. Stylish models, with long tunics and big detachable buttons I?T/r R™ \*\ *• . • 9- 1 1 a ii/a.
Regular and extra sizes. K 12GC Crepe with ratine stnpe 25 mches w,de; yard. .7/ 2 «
HI livrh I TL*S *> a rt\ r» Ttr IN -■ White Flaxon —4o inches wide; launders and wears just
Values and prices that will clear them out before stock taking. CC AA CK L JTL I CI • 1 ' * * * * * * * " Mercerized Batiste— 4o inches wide; torn along the sel-
The quantities are small and early shopping is necessary. <PD.UU DNEPNERD LLIECK oklFlS, 52. 8 vage ; regular 15c quality ; yard 9%f
36-inch tubing remnants, yard 10* (J CA D IIF .- WNFTL CL,"-*.„'IL OJ. * IT J J FRO no 25C Mercerized Voile— 4o inches wide; makes fine cool
42-inch tubing remnants, yard l2%s * .OW LULC TT OOL UCFG6 UKLUS With KOHIIIN OTNPC summer dresses; yard '. 12%$
45-inch tubing remnants, yard 14* \ ery unusual values. The serge skirts have straight, long tunics. The shepherd check Mercerized Damask— 64 inches wide ; a fine range of pat
15c pillow cases, dreamland, size 45x36 inches 0* skirts nave pointed tunics and trimmed with rows of buttons of check. , terns to select "from; regular 50c quality; yard 29*
1 8c striped seersucker gingham..— J 5&1 00 4-QF* TABLE Covers — Size 56x80 inches; five different pat
19c light and dark outing flannel. .... Daintv WHIT* , 1 ? terns to select fr<sM ; regular 69c quality ; special 42$
" 7%c 40-inch unbleached sheeting.-. Every yard „ cuffs <\ll Mzes " C ANC OR £ AIK > waists, ow necks, short sleeves; roll collars, turn-back Old English Longcloth —in 10-yard lengths ; one of the best
10c to draperies, for covering furniture cost more to .... . . _ qualities made; regular 75C quality; special 590
. 10c 36-inch yellow cheese cloth. ... manufacture $2.50 Tub Silk Waists, $1.49 $1.50 English Longcloth— in 10-yard lengths; special $1.1!)
25c awning stripes, fast colors, yard 12%$ Genuine Tub Silk of the best grade in neat stripes. Low necks and short sieves TLL „ 001 NA P Blankets— would sell for $3.00 in season ; just
20c Pequot pillow cases, Diamond No. 4, each 12y 2 $ f O *X thing for cool summer evenings; special SI.OB
8c apron gingham, any pattern and color, yard W OIHOII S utlltS " . Huck Towels — with red border; were made for hotel use.
All remnants of gingham, calico, etc., in our remnant box Perhaps you would like to buy a new suit TO take with you on your vacation ' JUT WE SECURED a small lot and offer them to you at, each. .
at 25 per cent, off their marked price. WE have just twenty-eight suits, misses' and women's sizes. Fancy models but most of them ~ , R , . TABLE NO. 1
90-inch Sheeting, Half Price in dark colors; prices were $25.00 to $35.00. UNE IOT " F WH,TE goods, former values were
Lockwood sheeting that sells for 32c a V'ard, in remnants TL/T „ „ \R RS \ • A C " N 'Y AEW hundred yards in the lot, so be early; yard, !i$
suitable for sheets and pillow cases; yard I<* IOU MAY TAKE YOUR CIlOlCe AT $5,98 Ma.n Kioor-BowMAN's.
Main Floor ROWMAN'S. The materials are poplins, crepes and serges. They are beautifully tailored. Even if you onlv CIIAAC DVA TUTRATI + RTMR COIA
WT Y ~ J .«J .. WEAR THEM A F EW times you're more than repaid for the small outlay of money. But they can be OILUEB LU LLLC JRIE-MVENTOIY ODIE
Women S and WNLL&REN S Jvmt worn all through the Fall — and the skirt alone is worth much more than you pay for the suit. Every pair of "Buster Brown" shoes for children must go.
TT_ J.„ „„ • 1.1 T„_____X„„„ p„I suit section, second FIoor— BOVVMAN'S. ' " Values up to $2.50. Sizes up to 2, but incomplete ; pair . .SI.OO
underwear mthe Pre-Inventory Sale Q P - F ... ~ . Women's shopworn low shoes in white, tan and black;
Children's 25c Underwear, 150 I R€"LLLV©DTORV OASE OL Mtisllll WF»AR 21VIH 1 OFSPFS sizes 2% to 5; values $2.00 to $3.00; pair
Vests, pants and union suits, white and Peeler color. RRNLF .. , FC _ . .* . .. . , . J VWI Woman's white nubuck and canvas button shoes with
Women's SI.OO Underwear, BEST CHOI ®" samples not all sizes, but priced so low that you will have to be early for welted oak soles ; slightly soiled ; regular $3.00 and $3.50 values;
Vests, pants and union suits; fine quality of cotton and lisle ii OC <TI en I N , , _ ... ! pair $1.35
. 1 I Q>1.25 and $1.50 Camisole Cover made of SI.OO W. B Corsets - low bust lono- hin>? *V » J V • JV ~ . , • , '
thread. I T . all-over laCE TRIMNIFH WITH ......1ir,,,,. I rI- • I ' ' Men s and boys low shoes and boys high shoes, sizes Ito
Women's 50C Union Sui. S 39« LACE INSERTIO „ A Specl, .'! ?IIV TAT S rtnfa " '"'S W ?«• ' 1 ; VALUES $2.00 «. SJ.OO; spceial pair. .98,
Low neck, sleeveless, lace knees $3 .2 5 Crepe de Chine Camisoles - trim- 98c to $1.25 White Petticoats-wide 'ruffle F ENS AND B °Y S T H ° USE SHPPERS_A CLEAN " U P OF SHORT
Women s 25c and 29c Underwear, 1T $ mings of lace, ribbon and chiffon floral trim- of embroidery lace trimmings embroidery in mostly every size in the lot ; pair T
Vests are low neck, sleeveless; pants have tight and lace .nings, lace yokes. Special $1.50 scrtion and beading. Special 59* BLANC ° IN ZINC 10^
W CE? ' >CNTT • ' . $ , 2 -0° TO $ 3 - 00 Corsets low, medium and $1.25 to $1.75 White Petticoats— made of >R •
Women S 50c HOSIERY, high bust, long hips and back, made of coutil nainsook , trimmed with fyie lace insertion TDT?"M"IVR A TVTTQ
Pam black and colors, double soles, wide garter top, plain and batiste; broken sizes; front and back lace. and beading, and embroidery. Special 75$ JttJSJXLII ALL 1 O
and sjlk lisle. Warners C. 8., Henderson and La Camillc. $1.25 to $1.50 Combinations made of NIR • J T»
Women's 25c Hosiery, 15* All sizes in the lot, but not all sizes in each nainsopk .lace and embroidery trimmings M&ttmgS ATLD RIXgS
Fifteen dozen pairs M the lot; plain black and colors, dou- style. Special $1.29 Cover and drawers of all-over embroidery Ends and lots that were left from seasons selling and at
ble soles, wide garter tops, silk lisle. Second F.oor-BQWMAN S. Special <;{)>' prices that will take them out early.
Children s 25c Sox, 1 ~%s f\JJ D* £C •. ■ F\* I c - i I> I _ Matting Remnants
RU'U "" A "T U CY i°n S ' UDD rieces OI rurmture to D 0 Disposed Ol in the Pre-Inventorv Sdle About 300 yards leftover from a busy season; short lengths
ChUdrens 15c Hose, 10* $2.75 Golden Oak Bedroom Suit Chair, $1 .T5 A N » A N I,_ _I: -17 _ of 30c and 35c, matting, for a quick clean-up at, yard 1$
Plain black, fine knit, and toes; seconds. $3.50 Golden Oak Bedroom Suit Chair. $1.75 UNC 01 TILE Japanese Grass Rugs
N » 0 , - Rocker $1.50 __ 4 A YIAUWLLLG border ; regular $6.98 quality ; special $1.98
rre-inventory oale Ol $2.98 Golden Oak Bedroom Suit Rocker. I F;' (,OIDCN Oak Chiffonier $12.50 Table Oilcloth Remnants
. . Odd Dining Chairs .«* PW«D O». AI ; M
9L /» to 3'A vards in leneth' vard 1 1tf Genuine leather and imitation leather scats, «I7O« m,i i-i -RT• • 'T.'o'/W! Size 30x30 inches, regular $1.65 quality ; special $1.39
" " 35c voiles, cream and white grounds," oriental and fioral bor- . regular prices $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. Lim- $15 ' 50 Dresser SIZE 24X36 INCHES ' RE S ULAR QUALITY; special. .
ders, 38 and 40 inches wide ; yard 15* »ted number M the lot, special $1.50 !|>l -" U M ,V F \„ FFO, R -MWMAN-A '' * * SIZE 36x36 inches, regular $2.25 quality ; 5pecia1 ....51.69
$1.25 white and ecru lace curtains, 2% and 3 vards long; TT,,... • Rl.' 'N T . T Size 30x60 inches, regular $3.75 quality; special ... $^.4H
only one pair of a kind; pair «9* DRESS GOOUS IN THE PRE-INVENTORY Sale Size 36x72 inches, regular $5.50 quality ; special $3.98
18c and 19c scrim, white ground with colored border, 36 ~_^ C AJK ' *^ C C °tton ratine suitings, yard , 1y 2 $ Fourth Moor KOWMAX s.
and 40 inches wide; yard 12*%$ and SI.OO silk and cotton ratine suitings, yard 19* T AIO RV4- O
$6.50 Sunfast curtains, in a pretty shade of green, for door dress ginghams, checks, stripes and bars, yard V/CLCL OX V^XLLILCL
or archway drapery; pair $3.15 SATIN STR 'Pe cotton voile, pink, nile, lilac, navy, tango and brown, yard 10* A t great savings, to avoid stock taking.
$2.98 striped summer curtains, full widths; pair ... $1.25 f^. COTTON corded crepes, rose, cadet, lilac and pink, yard 12%5 25 c imported china salt boxes, blue decorated with hinged
25c white lace, 44 inches wide; yard 1 2]/ 2 $ percales, ginghams, lawns and crepes, in remnant lengths, yard 5* wood cover; special 10*
25c, 35c and 39c decorated porcelain milk pitchers, assorted
NECKWEAR AND RIBBONS 39C and 50c silk and cotton crepes and tussahs in a good line of shades ; yard 15* ' 98c °a"id' decorated' china," assorted' P'IEC^T
25c venise, organdie and net collars 17* Main Moor BOWMAN K special 40*
Loom ends of ribbons, 5* and 10* a bunch; each bunch SIITTITTIftT' CODLFORT IN UNDERWEAR ATLD SHIRTS FOR MPTL One-quart economy fruit jars, dozen 50*
contains from 3to 5 yards of ribbon in assorted colors, fine for D . , , 7 UUUCIWCDL CTLLU. OIIIILo IUL IVlcll „„ H flower baskets 50*
fancy work Main Fioor-BOWMAN'a Best makes go in the pre-mventory sale at ed cuffs. brass T low er
- ridiculously low prices. Men's and 15c Half Hose, 10* SI.JO and $2.30 imported German china, Schlagelmikh qual-
Tlnilon-flirr»icTlitin-c MEN ' S sl - 00 UNION SUITS > P,AI " B,ACK AN(I DOUL)LE ,ICEIS AND 'ty, salad dishes, jugs, cake plates, chop plates, sugar and cream
HOUSetUrniSningS LEN?TIRAND E SLEE\EL T E R S EEQUARTER LENGTH ' KNCC> J^ CS ', IR . SL\C?L C 39, R $I A .50, $1.75 ands2.'69 fancy willow' trays, with
Housekeepers will find a harvest in these pre-inventory sale length and sleeveless. _ Mens 25c Neckwear, 15* IMMRTPH .-liim . FNTPT- 89«^
coffee cannisters 19, No, all Men's TOE SSL *>■""
15c fruit and potato press .'.'ILO* >LZES " MADE OF percales, coat style with at- White hemstitched handkerchiefs, slightly BOWMAN 1 * HASEMENT.
25c egg poacher, with tin cover, poaches 5 eggs at one time LADIRD CU ' TS - , counter soiled, 4 for 25*. AT?T FROODS
17<* Mens SI.OO Dress Shirts, 09* Men's and Boys' 25c Suspenders, 15* ILLVX VLV/UJ-FO
15c Japanned tin sugar cannister. hold 5 lbs. sugar. ... F, " E QUAHTY ° F PERCALE ' COAT ST - VLE - AT I TAC H; I J^. A WEBBI "B S , LEATH( ' R ends. at unheard of prices to clear before stock taking
35c jellv strainer, a fruit and jelly season necessity. .. .25* M,'" a $2.50 linen scarfs, size 18x:>4 inches, trimmed with cluny
$1.39 aluminum BERLIN ke«ie, WITH COVER, 5-qt. OPACITY Pre-Inventory Sale of Wall Paper-- Big Reduction of Wall Paper Slock IC£ *-*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.'.!*.*. * I*T
25c 10-cit GALVANIZED nail extra M.alitv I?* 7L/ ' 2 ° AILD 10C WA!L PA P ER# 3C • \2%c cluny doilies. 6-inch size 8*
49c fextra heavy tin dairy pail. 10-qt. size 20* __ ° R K,TCHEN P A PERS; sold with match borders. 50c cluny doilies, 12-inch size 35*
15c watering pot, red painted, tin 10* Papers, 12c 75c cluny doilies, 18-inch size »* $
10c fly swatters, corduroy bound edge : 5* TRE E effects, grass cloths and two-tone effects'. 39C I,NEN CRASH CUSHLONS A,,D TABLE runners, stamped for
75c oak bath tub seats, will fit any enamel tub 30<F PLAIN OAT MEAL PAPERS, roll 11( * embroidery *>>s
sl.69"extra quality enamel double roaster 08* TERI patterns of floral and satin stripe papers; sold with cut out borders, roll (i* .? GC NA ! NSOOK C ,° O RSET , C^ ERS ' R ® A F Y M STAM I ,EFJ FO / em
-39c galvanized tub We give estimates for paper hanging Fourth FIoor— BOWMANS broidery; sizes 6b. and 4U; special I6 L / 2$
$1.98 aluminum dinner' pail', oval' shape', limited quantity to L JPI - . • -J 5 ° STANI P E<I VOILE WAISTS ' KIMON ° STYLE ' STAM P ED FOR £P"
SC " 59c Sherwood me'tai window Greens.' size' 3ox43 inches, 39* PRC-INVEILTORY SALE OF GLOVCS ready waists of fine batiste, low necks with col
15c extension window screens, walnut stained frame. . 10* yard 7$ 12 and 16-button double tipped silk gloves, black and white • stamped foi embroide.
69c American Girl cedar oil mops 396 10c and \2%c colored em- ( , ■
M _ ER Y ALU ES were up to 75C; pair. 59* | I PFLFFLCNLE I
- ~ - —— ; 25c and 39c all-linen em- 2-clasp milanese, double tipped silk gloves, black, white and JR DRASOLS I I IT ARTTSOLS !
I JTTF 1 _ INVPTI FFIRV SHIP fir IMntinnC broidered insertions in ecru colors; values up to 75c ; pair 39* parasols ranging in price from to at 25 per
fo HL l"7 fan ,7 HOUONS ONLY YARD 12K> * 16 . BUTTON S ; IEDE AND Unetian lisle gloves, tan and pongee T F = »L UST THC F» CK BCFWE
0c and fancy glass buttons. 2 dozen <»* Embroidery odds, consisting colors - regular 50c value - nair SOLS - LLKE All « OODS 111 OUR STORE - ARE NIARKED AT A CLOSE margin.
Q?'R!^VS,?^,^ t Ti r .fir '"" ton S' dOZe " i' a "'°.V cl '? , . l,r " idcr )- 2 ?: ind ! 16-button milanese silk Rloves.'piain i,iack and white, ''L, lack THIS MEANS savings and in time for vacation
1 A FI J - T wiss Mouncing, embroidered with white embroidery and white with black embroidery; reg- WEAI ATI 1 a m *h' ' a TI,
IUC. _L)c, 25c and 39c fancy belting, yard >* insertions and galloons. Val- ..1,. «I .. NF) ALL new styles and patterns — all this seasons goods. The
5c allover hair nets, each ; 2* ues from 25c to 39c. Yard, 10* ' On the Main FIoor— BOWMAN-S new prices range from $1.31 to $3.75.
Main L.Ioor—BOWMAN S. - Main FIoor —BOWMAN'S. Main BOWMAN B. Main Floor —BOWMAN'S.