Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 17, 1914, Page 3, Image 3
n™* orxA nunrit** CALL 1991 -ANY ( Pies, Cakes, Buns and Biscuits FOUNDED i©7l All Mail and Thone Orders baked fresh every day. All orders given prompt attention by Expert • fme4prM fXaSfI^!sfsAXSEKSL sho PP «r S . ' Store Opens Saturday at 9A. M.; Closes at 9P. M. _ STORE NEWS JPfel The re of QQ Arrival of goods from the Receivers' Sale of H. B. Claflin Company are coming in daily. ' AvjL6H S * G*t ® Some wonderful bargains secured while on this trip for different departments. U—.-y. Still COntinUCS* u Neckwear and Beautiful Sheer \ S We have added a great many other $9.90, Rl^bo^?n p f Itment 1tment Underwear j $12.50 and $13.50 Suite to this lot to make YOU Will bee 39c Nainsook Drawers, embroidery ruffle, i 7 iy" r/4'V fk. ».L «. «. - ] . 25c Organdie Colla" whTte and colored 250 j Jffif Ik M assortment more Complete. edges; also plain white at 180 $1.50 combinations, drawers and cover of 75c 27-inch ruffled Baby Flouncing at all ! over cmbroidery 980 W/ W KCgUiarS tearasrf ** -<• ™ ings ' ™, in n, M .pAAila m 1 )IMSm Cassimeres Youths Roman Stripe, Fancies; also black and length? suitable for pillow cases and bols- l/ICSSViOOUS HOmeSpUnS SllOrtS white. Yard 450 ters. Yard ... - TXTVm+o Prinilc Toile Du Nord and Red Seal, 1,464 yards. Embroidered Voiles and j'M\ C |M W OrSLcQ.S OLOUto . „ 00(18 Best quality. Never sold under Spe- all flowered materials so fl/fl T all at $&00 B M U ooVhke Si^ iP ßatinT C yard "500 cial, yard popular • for summer J XT 4, "O A A 59<fstriped yard*!! !7! 390 gowns, <J StraW HatS RedUCed s . i 59c Embroidered Voiles, j\T $ 1.50 and $2.00 Straw Hats, .... 95c TTT two-toned, colored em- If 1 1 1/ / $5 & $5.50 Panamas and Bangkoks, $3.75 W 0111011 S OKlltS • w ill XS e ba?gl!n'. gn ve? y W spe-' / All Trousers at Reduced Prices ' j Iff ;/ $5.00 White Serge and Striped Trousers and Dresses —=== 111 / are now $3.50 AT- /? *• Qfc- , Q1 QR J«9W _ 3uy Your 111 / Vacation Luggage I\eu) Ratine Skirts, <p 1.(7 O and tp&.QU Refrigerator Special prices on Trunks, Suit Cases and New Extra Size Ratine Skirts, $2.98 At Bowman's (D Hand Bags. Fresh from the makers, with long tunics, big pearl; buttons. And they fit. = ~ : ~ ~ ~ Every waist measure from 22 to 36. Famous (t 1 f\ A ®°y s ' Clothing at Reduced Prices 100 Summer Dresses That Were o-u~ « dh_L*vJU Summer Weight and Wash $5.00 and $6.00 at $2.98 Shoes at Jgg) Sui * J§ Materials are crepes, crepe tissues, voiles, French Men's sample oxfords in sizes 6 and 6]/i only, finest ma- J\nL—— All of our $5.00 Norfolk Linen and Ratine. terialS and workmanship, value $3.00 and $3.50. Saturday's V Suits in cassimeres, worsteds Pure Wool Serge Skirts With Deep | f Wfe a„d homespuns, Tlinir 08 Endicott-Johnson Co., to represent their $2.50 and $3.00 shoes, A \ _ ' j * i vu r> sample sizes only .. " SI.OO [I $5.00 Boys'blue serge Nor _ Plain black and navy and navy tops with Roman Any paJr Qf iißuster Brown> , shoes jn Qur entjre Mock of \ folks; to 17 years, at stripe underskirts. children's, misses' and big girls' shoes, values $1.75 to $2.50 per / Dozens of New Styles of Waists at p air at sl>oo ( 1 f[ Rnv<; . Wa , h c lliK in oiiver a 1 Arv j /*.. Men's fine house slippers in black, tan kidskin, high or low \ (\ _ s . e ., . SI«UU ana cuts, turned soles, values up to $2.50 for #I.OO /' | J Twist, Russian Sailor and Arrived to-day—fiftv dozen of new waists in or- > Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S >> — < - / X Blouse models; former values gandy aitd corded ratine tissues. Sizes from 34 to 46. „ aTTJ were 98c, $1.25, $1.50 and $3.50 Crepe De Chine Waists, $1.98 Summer Corsets & Gowns In colors and white. Dainty, new models. A new ventilated summer net corset * Third FIoor— BOWMAN S. $12.50, sls, $25 & S3O Suits at $5 & $8.98 M . . There are thirty-five suits here and the woman afford it. TVTptl'Q TTIIfTII qTiITICQ who buys one gets it for less than she would for I'i.Cll OI: 111iiiOlilll^o the skirt of the same suit. Most of them are black it AA rv i L Weather Bargains or navy —and in models that will be wearable for Fall. jb -L •V/ \/ V/Iliy /\\ v ® Men's $2.50 and $3.00 Silk Shirts, SI.OB Serges and poplins—fabrics that will be used all t ijV. , Coat style; soft French cuffs; all new patterns, winter. Second Fioor-BOWMANS. Henderson summer net, No 351 low [l V Men's $1.50" Shirts, sl.lO White Voiles— A Gray Switch or Transformation ing to keep the corsetihilpely; otherwise Men .Me s rceL S ed lr madra?; cuat style; French cuffs. oFrg 0 F rga s ndieS FOr WOmeil WhoSe Hair 18 Thill M f ""XLZII2 style; elastic seam. Just the Thing For Summer yisit our Ha{r Goods Shop to . morrow . You'll find partment and make your selection early U U Men . g Union . ()^ Dresses Shadow Voiles > - - Com ort f<jr $ . Iwm Open mesh union suits, short sleevei, three-quarter length. The newest materials for switches and transformations from the purest white to • _ gam. IMf Men's Balbriggan Underwear, 25^ pretty evening dresses. the kind that matches a woman's hair just beginning to (jOWIIS IflJ | M Long and short sleeves; double seated drawers regular 59c quality. Spe- » 5 5 . , , , Men's Union Suits, SI.OO cial ,yard...290 and 390 gray. Unusual price reductions. M Gray mixed union suits, short sleeves, three-quarter length. Checked Crepes . Saturday, special at TQE*Hlife®i.SO\T er ° 6 ' ,•, , , ,■ .. . , , , Makes up beautifully Note the Savings: || second Floor bowman'S. tl^lg##s j e ' double soles ' hlgh sphced heels: with the long Russian *__ . _. , . * * Monito Half Hose, and tunic. Special prices for Naturally Wavy Gray Hair Switches 9 . .10^ Saturday only, yard, i Regularly $2.00 to »2.50. To-morrow at $1.15 Q Aril 1 111 H IT Rlack and colors, double 390 and •)0<? Regularly $2.50 to $3.00. To-morrow at $1.55 I AAJL%J JI £ X soles high spliced heels. Tmnnrt , nr „ on t. C j nP". V/ Re S ul *rly $3.00 to $3.50. To-morrow at $2.25 W W Jl ?nk p i ated pair 2 5<t importea wrganaies I . -—/ Regularly $3.50 to $4.00. To-morrow at $2.65 98c Premier vacuum washer, easiest washer to operate. Hi II Thrcld Silk nair 50A 32 inches wide. f Special 39£ 11. JU. Mon ! ''' 'J ' V Regular 50c value, yd.,250 Wavy Gray Hair Transformations • Belts, Ss* and W Regular 29c value ,yd., I t* y Regularly $2.00 to $3.00. To -morrow at $1.45 I y m £i q Regular 39c value A r d j .. *<l Regularly $6.00 to SB.OO. To-morrow at $4.95 S AyCrttlt uCdIV6S Regular 25c value! e Q rs , Perfect match |J Stylish New Neckwear Main FIoor—BOWMAN S. Second FIoor—BOWMAN S. jg If Special purchase of men's # ■n flv/ ,v ___ j r _ the lot. Wide 4-in-hand ties; T|y« a am xOrCII alia. LdWIl IB 'n ; season's newest patterns. See XCL|J vX JLCw FurnitlirG Window Display. Saturday, 4 p i p , 75c oak seats, for enamel bath tubs; special 490 each 250 ore l Koc^r^ a Floor shine oil of cedar mop, regulation size, and one pint Ma,n FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Pretty Cool Draperies for Doors p or ch swings'. t can oil of »i.oo _ and windows Gat es , |t*.69 s 11.98 Sale of wheels 39c white and cream Scrim $5.48 Lawn w ith marquisette border and Lawn Benches, waterpnoof, /-W , 45c and 50c Sheets—Double bed size. Your choice of either ' dow or door curtains Yard, Camp Stools, 100, 250; 50c and 59c Sheets—Bleached Meadowbrook.sheets. Size jS Curtains, with braid and cluny Baby SulS* >0 ** 2 AS 85c and SI.OO Sheets—Second quality; tiny oil spots, size 'nsertion and edges, 2 1 / 2 yards $1.09 to $4.50 $4-98 three-burner low anchor oil stove, bltie frame, wick- 81 * oe'c?' *" ' v u'• irnV '' v 1"' i\M long. Pair . .$1.25 to $5.00 Doll Baby Carts, collapsible, less. Special $3.98 , , $!l -° 1 ° t ,° f 1 - 35 choice of Utica Pequot or M^ ;SThit jU" 1 * on A- f , QQa, . L> O- no t I -1 . . t hawk; slightly soiled by machinery, size 81x90,90x90 and 81x99 i —M'mpll 0c Cretonnes in useful 980 to $2.20 98c oven, for one burner oil stove, quantity twelve ovens. inches Special .. 150 1 lengths; for cushion, box and Croquet Sets, 890 to $4.98 Special __ _ chair coverings. Yard... 150 Matting covered Shirtwaist Velocipedes $1.98 to sls 10 cakes Ivory soap 380 15c Pillow Cases —Plain or Pillow Case Special " r ~ Boxes, with bamboo trim- Nurserv Chairs ca^es •^ ,a phtha soap 380 hemstitched. Special mings, feet, handles and cas- 500 to $1 49 cakes Fels Naphtha soap 380 17c Pillow Cases —Dream- low cases, size 40x36, 45x36, 25c colored border Scrims, tors'. Pricfes are $2.25, $3.19, Tennis Racquets 500 to $3 I JJJ cakes Svvift ' s Pride soa P 290 land; size 45x36 inches, 3-inch 50x36 and 54x36. Special 150 white and ecru grounds. Yard, $3.95, $4.75 to $5.50. Tennis Balls 250 and e P e to '' et P a P er 250 hems. Special 90 Limit, one dozen to a cus- Fourth Fioor-BOWMAN S Third Floor-BOWMAN S No phone or C. O. D. orders taken for soap. Pillow Cases ... 100 tomer. BOWMAN'S—Basement. Main Floor--BOWMAN'S. FRIDAY EVENING, &ARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 17, 1914. 3